Making changes to the staffing table. Order to change the staffing table

The structure of the organization, its staffing and number are fixed in a regulatory document, namely, staffing table. If amendments are necessary, an order must be issued to change the number of employees.

Grounds and preparation for making changes

The staffing schedule is formed based on the company’s goals, the availability of labor, fixed assets and other indicators that make it possible to determine the required number of employees and a salary system that complies with legal standards.

In the course of an organization's activities, its structure may undergo some changes:

  • accelerated development;
  • reorganization;
  • emergence of new types of activities;
  • increase or decrease in the scope of work;
  • shortage or surplus of specialists.

The country's economy is making its own adjustments to the accounting documentation of enterprises, including amendments to federal legislation and the minimum wage.

Reasons for making changes to the state schedule with the corresponding action procedure:

ReasonsPreparationEmployee familiarization
Introduction of new positionsAn order containing new information:

Date of amendments;

Job title;

Number of staff units

Not provided
Elimination of vacant positionsOrder on the exclusion of staff positions containing new data:

Effective date of changes;

Job title;

Number of state units excluded

Not provided
Staff reductionnotification of employees about the layoff procedure;

Creating an order to exclude the number of employees;

Approval of a new staffing table

Written notification to employees two months before the new staffing table comes into force, offering vacant positions to dismissed employees
Salary increaseDrawing up an order to change the staffing table indicating new working conditions and salarynotifying employees two months before changes are introduced;

Offer another job if the employee does not agree;

Termination of the contract if the employee disagrees with the proposed options for working conditions

New job title and departmentCreating an order indicating the date and new nameTwo months' notice in writing, proposal of alternative terms or termination of the contract

The staff schedule may undergo changes for other reasons if the head of the organization found objective reasons for this.

Are taken into account some features:

  • Only those positions that are not occupied by a person, that is, considered vacant, can be excluded from the staff;
  • when the name of a position or department changes, employees must be informed about this and a corresponding entry must be made in the work book;
  • changes in wages are duplicated in the employment contract and personal T-2 card.

The manager has the right to contribute during the year unlimited number of changes. It is important to comply with the law and promptly notify the workforce of any amendments.

The order to change the staffing table allows make minor adjustments to the document due to the emergence of various production situations. If it is necessary to make significant amendments, a completely new staffing table is approved.

The need to create a regulatory document includes:

  • determination of the organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • establishing a remuneration system based on the position of employees and their qualifications;
  • control over the number of staff units.

After carrying out activities to analyze the wage fund, the presence of vacant positions is identified economic justification the need to make changes to the staffing table of a particular department.

If the manager approves of making adjustments, then he gives a verbal order to the secretary, accountant or personnel specialist to prepare the order. After its detailed study, the document is approved by the head, signed and sealed.

The legislative framework

The employer is obliged to submit monthly information to the employment service authorities about the availability of vacant positions.

Compliance with other norms of the law, as well as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is provided:

  • it is allowed to use the established form (T-3);
  • labor relations arise on the basis of regulations, including staffing;
  • the employee's job title must correspond to his responsibilities as specified in the relevant annex to the employment contract.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation obliges managers to create a staffing table and make changes to the document in compliance with the ETKS, tariff rates, allowances and the minimum wage level.

When an order is issued to change the staffing table, the previous document does not lose its force, and the amendments are only an addition to it.

In organizations where the number of employees is small, the function of drawing up and changing the staffing table is assigned to specialists from the accounting department or personnel department. In larger organizations it is created department of labor and wages.

An individual entrepreneur can independently create orders to adjust the staffing table. In any case, the decision to make changes rests with the heads of organizations.

Composition and structure of the document

The regulatory document on the basis of which amendments to the staffing table are made can be drawn up in free form with mandatory content in it specific details:

  • full name of the organization or branch;
  • Date of preparation;
  • The title of the document “Order” must be indicated;
  • assigned serial number;
  • reasons for making amendments with their listing;
  • date of entry into force of the amendments;
  • Full name of those responsible, including the mailing list;
  • Employee's name, position and salary.

You can take the T-3 form as a basis. It is allowed to make adjustments. The order bears the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

Types of changes

All orders have identical wording. The only difference lies in the type of changes that served as the reason for its preparation.

Salary increase

Legislation doesn't approve lowering the level of monetary incentives for workers. The only exception is staff reduction. It is allowed to make adjustments to increase the amount of earnings for several employees at once.

The effective date does not have to coincide with the date of approval of the order. The first part of the document substantiates the purpose of making additions, and the second describes all orders.

Renaming a position

When changing the title of a position, a written justification. This rule does not apply to vacant positions.

Elimination or introduction of a position

If staff positions remain vacant for a long time, then it is advisable to exclude them from the staff schedule. The formulation of the justification may begin with the phrase: “due to production necessity.”

When introducing a position into the staffing table, the document is drawn up identical to the previous one. If the positions are the same among several departments, it is necessary to indicate each of their names separately.

Staff reduction

In this case, the vacant units of the enterprise are removed. It is important to warn your employees about this event. no later than two months. An order is drawn up to adjust the staffing table with the corresponding number. The reason for the reduction in numbers is indicated.

The document lists the members of the commission who monitor the correctness of documentation, publication and delivery of notices to employees who have been laid off.

Approval of the new schedule

The new staffing table can be approved only company management. An order is created with the need to put a new document into effect on a specific date. A person responsible for preparing the necessary documentation and monitoring the execution of the order is appointed. The “old” staffing table completely loses its validity.

The new schedule is relevant when a structural unit is liquidated or many employees are fired. If several positions are subject to changes, then this option is no longer suitable, and it is more advisable to approve an additional agreement.

Another method of calculating income

If it is necessary to change the method of calculating wages for one or more employees by replacing the salary with a tariff schedule or vice versa, it is issued corresponding order.

This may be due to the emergence of frequent overtime, an increase in the length of the working day, and a change from easier work to difficult conditions. To optimize the recording of hours worked, we enter appropriate adjustments to the staff schedule.

If the employee is for and if against

When deciding to make any changes relating to the work activities of employees, they must be notified and appropriate consent must be obtained.

If the employee does not object, then the following actions:

  • the agreement for the contract is being prepared;
  • an order is issued to rename the position or make another change;
  • a corresponding entry is made in the work book.

The employee does not agree, then the manager acts within the framework of Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • alternative vacancy and working conditions;
  • if these options are not suitable, then the contract terminates and becomes invalid;
  • If a threat of mass layoffs is detected, the employer has the right to introduce a part-time working regime for up to six months.

Upon termination of an employment contract, employees have the right to receive monetary compensation.

Storage Features

All orders issued within one organization are general. They may be registered and assigned a serial number.

Storage conditions:

  • a separate folder is created for storing orders in order to maintain confidentiality;
  • management should always have access to the folders.

Storage periods are determined by law and the period of existence of the enterprise. As soon as the organization ceases to exist, the document also loses its legal force.

The procedure for changing the staffing table in 1C is presented in this manual.

Any company has a certain official composition, fixed by a special document, which, as is known, is called the staffing table. By making adjustments to it, management manages the company, debugging the remuneration system and optimizing the organizational structure. Let's figure out how best to issue an order to change the staffing table so that it does not contradict the law and contains all the necessary positions.

Reason for changes

So, what is the basis for updating the document? From whom should the signal come, what is needed? Of course, this is the prerogative of the head of the enterprise. And although a variety of specialists can participate in the work on preparing a change project, analyzing the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure, the system of subordination and remuneration, the key initiative comes directly from management.

The director gives an oral order to prepare an order to change the staffing table to the specialists responsible for this, gets acquainted with its contents and approves it with a personal signature.

Orders regarding staffing are general across the enterprise, but it is possible to assign a special index to them, for example “ШР”, and store them in a separate file to limit access to personal information of employees (salaries).

Options for changing the staffing table

As a rule, the nature of the adjustments made to this document is determined by several possible reasons, namely:

  • the need to change the salary or tariff rate for one or more positions;
  • due to staff reduction;
  • the need to rename a position or department;
  • the need to remove a position from the staffing table;
  • the need to replace salary with tariff rate or vice versa.

At the same time, depending on the situation that influenced the choice of the reason option, the preamble of the document may change (follows the title and precedes the stating part, it is the basis for drawing up the order). The preamble most often begins with the words “in pursuance”, “in connection with”, “for the purpose of”, etc.

Who draws up the order?

After the decision is made to change the staffing table, the positions affected by the adjustment are determined, a specialist gets down to business and brings the plan to life. The legislation does not limit the circle of people who are allowed to carry out such activities.

But, as a rule, this is done by an official appointed by a general order for the enterprise when drawing up the staffing table, who is responsible for its formation and editing. These responsibilities may also be specified in the employment agreement and job description of a particular employee.

In small organizations, the functions of processing such orders are most often assigned to the personnel department or accounting department, and less often to a lawyer. At large enterprises, the order is prepared by the economic planning department or the labor and wages department. Well, for an individual entrepreneur, this work is performed by a personnel officer, an accountant (if there are any on staff), or directly by the entrepreneur himself.

Changing the staffing table, increasing salaries

As is known, the Labor Code does not allow changes in workers' wages downwards (except for the situations specified in Article 74 of the Labor Code), unless it is associated with a reduction in the size of the regular rate. Therefore, adjustments affecting staffing, changes in salaries and tariff rates in particular, most often only imply their increase.

Limited Liability Company


On amendments to the content of the staffing table No. ШР-1, approved by Order No. 1 of 04/01/2014.

Due to changes in the volume of work performed


Make the following changes to the content of staffing table No. ШР-2:

1.1. To process engineer Ivan Petrovich Smirnov in the amount of 55,000 (fifty-five thousand) rubles.

2. HR specialist L.V. Solovyova prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract.

3. Appoint economist L. I. Nezhnaya as responsible for the execution of the order.

Prepared by: economist Nezhnaya L.I.

Changes to the staffing table, a sample of which is shown above, can be made for one or several positions and employees at the same time in one document. In this case, the date of approval of the order does not necessarily have to coincide with the day it enters into force.

Change of position in the staff list

If you need to change the name of a position or an entire department, then the preamble of the order may, for example, read as follows: “Due to the need to give the name of the department (employee position)” or “In accordance with its functional load (All-Russian Classifier of Employee Positions).”

Staff reduction

Staff reduction is the removal from the staffing table of units that are not vacant. In this situation, the Labor Code requires employers to warn employees about layoffs 2 months in advance. This is a complex process that includes many nuances provided by the state to protect the rights of workers.

The order to change the staffing table in this case must be general throughout the enterprise, with appropriate numbering and index. As a rule, most of these documents are justified with approximately the following reason: “Due to the difficult financial situation of the organization, as a measure to optimize labor costs.”

Let's take a closer look at the contents of the administrative part of the order to reduce staff:

“Make the following changes to the content of the staffing table No. ШР-1 dated 04/01/2011:

1.1. Senior engineer – 1 pc. unit.

1.2. Cashier – 1 pc. unit.

2.1. Senior engineer – 0.5 staff positions.

Responsible – economist Nezhnaya L.I.

3. To HR specialist L.V. Solovyeva in the manner established by current labor legislation:

Bring to the attention of employees information about the upcoming dismissal due to staff reduction;

Offer vacant positions to people facing layoffs;

Bring to the attention of the employment service authorities information about the release of employees.

4. Appoint a staff reduction commission consisting of the following:

Chairman of the commission - director A. A. Chugunov.

Members of the commission are human resources specialist L.V. Solovyova, legal adviser Yu.M. Kryuchkova, economist L.I. Nezhnaya, chief accountant M.S. Popova.”

Let us note that the creation of a staff reduction commission is very important; its members are most often present when delivering notices to employees, and are also responsible for ensuring that the documents relating to the reduction are correctly drawn up.

Change of salary to hourly rate

There are situations when you need to change the way wages are calculated for one or more employees. In other words, in the staffing table, replace the amount of the salary or tariff rate with the amount of the hourly tariff rate. This can happen, for example, due to the regular occurrence of overtime, as well as an increase in the length of the working day, for the convenience of calculating wages and keeping records of hours worked.

Again, such changes require justification, are made only in agreement with the employee, and should not reduce the amount of payments. In this case, the administrative part of the order will look something like this:

1.1. Driver of the 4th category with a tariff rate of 9082.50 rubles. - 1 PC. unit.

2.1. Driver of the 4th category with an hourly tariff rate of 55.04 rubles. - 1 PC. unit.

3. HR specialist L.V. Solovyova notify the 4th category driver I.I. Ivanov about the change and prepare the appropriate personnel documents.”

Order storage order

As already mentioned, an order to change the staffing table relates to orders for core activities, but it is allowed to be issued under a special index and stored in a separate folder to ensure the confidentiality of employees’ personal data. It is important that documents can be promptly provided in the event of any authorized inspection or at the first request of management.

As for their storage period, according to current legislation, orders for the main activities are retained throughout the existence of the enterprise.

The staffing table allows you to formalize the structure, staffing, and staffing levels of the organization. It contains a list of all structural divisions, specialties, positions, professions, qualifications, number of staff units, and wages are also indicated. Sometimes it becomes necessary to make certain changes to the schedule.

At an enterprise, personnel changes may occur from time to time: a new position (department) is introduced, staff is reduced, tariff rates and salaries change, positions are renamed. Any changes are reflected in the staffing table. This can be done in the following ways:
  • make changes by issuing an appropriate order (applies if the changes are minor);
  • approve a new schedule with a different registration number (next in order).
If it is necessary to change the current staffing table, the head of a structural unit writes a memo to the head of the enterprise, in which he indicates the need to make changes with their economic justification. The head of the company issues an order to make changes to the schedule (it is drawn up on the company’s letterhead). All changes are listed in one document. The text of the order is conditionally divided into two parts: stating and administrative. In the first of them, it is advisable to indicate the relevant reasons (for example, improving the structure of the enterprise, reorganizing the company, etc.). The new staffing table is put into effect based on the order of the manager.

If the enterprise has a complex organizational structure (different departments have positions with identical titles), it is recommended that the order indicate the position and structural unit. All changes are communicated to employees, and they are also entered into the work books. Reducing the size of an organization is the exclusion of individual staff units from the schedule; staff reduction – elimination of positions. In any case, employees being laid off should be notified of dismissal two months in advance, i.e. the new staffing table will be able to come into force after this period. If the essential terms of the contract change (wage, job title), employees are also notified 2 months in advance. If the employee does not want to work under the specified conditions, the employment contract is terminated.

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And, accordingly, an order for its approval. This does not depend on the form of its ownership. If necessary, an order to change the staffing table is also added to the total number of mandatory documents. Why is it needed and why is it compiled? We need to figure this out.

Reasons for making changes

To begin with, it is worth noting that the basic labor law (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) does not require the presence of a staffing table as such. But the Russian Statistics Committee included this document in the list of mandatory forms required to record labor and pay at any enterprise in the country.

Due to various factors, the staffing table may be adjusted. All changes of this kind must necessarily be accompanied by the issuance of a corresponding order. From a fairly large number, several general reasons can be identified for which it is necessary to carry out such events:

  1. Changes in existing salaries, as well as additional payments and various allowances. This occurs mainly after changes in legislation or as a result of improvements in the operation of the enterprise.
  2. Changing the names of existing positions or introducing new ones. This often happens during a company reorganization.
  3. Carrying out staff reduction procedures.
  4. Creation of new structural divisions at the enterprise.

In any of the above cases, an order must be issued to change the staffing table, which clearly explains the reasons for carrying out this event.

How to register correctly

The order to change the staffing table is, in fact, an intermediate stage of the entire procedure. For example, consider a situation involving employees. In this case, the company’s specialists first conduct a study to study the operation of the enterprise. This is done in order to determine possible ways of its reorganization to improve the activities of the enterprise as a whole or its individual divisions. Research is documented in the form addressed to the director. Based on the results, a decision is made to carry out specific activities. Then a list of positions to be eliminated is determined. After this, employees receive notice of the upcoming layoff 2 months in advance. Then an order is issued to change the staffing table, and on the basis of it, an order for the upcoming reduction is already being prepared. Next, a commission is created, which already carries out the final stages of the procedure on the basis of current legislation.

Options for changing staffing levels

In the course of production activities at an enterprise, various changes may occur that need to be formalized by order. It’s the same with staffing. Any change made must be documented accordingly. Depending on the global nature of the reason, there are two options for changing the staffing table:

Both options are formalized by order for the main activity. In the second case, the changes made usually affect one or a group of employees. In this situation, there is no need to develop a new document, which is why an order is drawn up to change the staffing table. It can be titled differently: “On making changes...”, or “On changing...”, or simply “On partial changes...”. Any of the proposed names will be correct. It all depends on the reason for the changes being made.

Sample order

It is easy to make any changes to the staff schedule. There are no standard forms or mandatory conditions here. In principle, there is no example of changing the staffing table. A regular order is issued, which must certainly contain the following points:

The approximate structure of such an order is as follows:

  1. Business name.
  2. Date and serial number of the order issued.
  3. ORDER.
  4. Place of publication of this order.
  5. Name of the order (heading).
  6. The stating part, which begins with the words “In connection with...”. It indicates what actions or events led to the changes being made.
  7. The word "I ORDER".
  8. Administrative part. It usually begins with the words “Make the following changes to the staffing table.” The following is a list of changes being made, and the date of their introduction is indicated.
  9. The order ends with the signature of the director (manager) of the enterprise.

Changing the name (renaming) of a position

As an example, we can consider a situation related to a change in the name of an employee’s position. If it provides for a change in functional responsibilities, and this issue is one of the essential terms of the contract with the employee (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then first you need to notify him of the upcoming changes. This is done no later than two months before the change comes into force. In case of refusal, the (employment) contract will be terminated under Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, subject to all payments and guarantees. If the employee agrees with the proposed conditions, then an order is created to change the current staffing table. After this, it is drawn up with the employee. The next step will be an order to transfer the employee to a new position. This procedure ends with the appropriate entry for each employee in the work book. If the employee’s duties remain the same, then no prior approval is required. Changing a position in the staffing table is carried out as follows:

  1. An employee of the personnel department draws up a memo addressed to the head of the enterprise.
  2. Based on it, a corresponding order is drawn up.
  3. Changes are being made to the staffing table itself.
  4. An additional agreement is drawn up to the concluded employment contract with the employee indicating the changes being made.
  5. Immediately after this, an entry is made in the employee’s work book.
  6. From the date specified in the order, the employee is considered transferred to another position.

The structure of any organization that has two or more employees is determined by its staffing schedule. This document is drawn up in the personnel department or by the company employee responsible for personnel.

If it is necessary to make changes to the structure of the enterprise, for example, to introduce or reduce existing positions, a new staffing table is required.

Rules for drawing up an order

Such a document is developed and put into legal force through the adoption of an appropriate order by the company. Such an administrative document is signed by the head of the company or another official of the enterprise authorized to do so.

Must be accepted at least three months before the new staffing structure comes into force. This time interval is necessary for HR employees to carry out the necessary measures to notify employees whose rights and interests are affected by this document.
The proposed order is brought to the attention of the company's employees against signature.

If necessary, the company's employees are additionally given written notices of job reductions and offers of vacant positions for replacement.

Notification of an employee who is absent from work

If the employee is absent from the workplace for good reasons, notification of the upcoming job reduction can be made later or sent by mail with a certified letter with acknowledgment of receipt, as well as a telegram with notification of receipt and a certified text of the document by a telegraph employee.

This order can be changed or canceled at any convenient time. In this case, the additionally issued order must undergo a similar procedure for approval and communication to all interested employees of the enterprise.

public corporation
Research Institute of Film Design of the Order of Lenin"


Order No. 316/890 - OK dated December 30, 2014

"About changes in staffing"

In order to improve the organizational and legal structure of the enterprise

I order:

Make the following changes to the staffing table effective March 1, 2015:

Reduce vacant positions:

1. In the planning and contractual group - a specialist in contractual activities

1 staff unit.

2. In the installation sector - senior researcher - 1 staff position,

Leading engineer - 1 full-time position, 6th category radio mechanic - 1 full-time position.

3. In the HR department - senior inspector - 1 staff unit.

4. In the accounting and financial department - accountant - 1 staff unit.

5. In the laboratory of electroacoustics - leading engineer - 2 staff units, engineer - 1 staff unit.