Quiz for high school students on the topic of saving the world. Intellectual game for high school students “Science Experts”

Target: development of cognitive interest, expansion of knowledge of history and bonistics, development of the ability to work in a team.

Rules of the game:

  • the game consists of 5 rounds;
  • questions in each round correspond to a specific topic;
  • the game host himself determines how he will receive answers - either separately for each question, or after the questions of the round; the exception is the last round, in which the teams are given the task of filling out the table;
  • You are given 30 seconds to think, with the exception of the last round, which is given no more than 5 minutes to complete.


People wished happiness
And in new Age and old times.
They dreamed of being in power
There was a good king.

To rule fairly
He did not sow evil and darkness.
So that people live happily...
But it didn't happen that way.

Princes climbed to the throne
God knows what blood.
But more often they are crooks
All brands and suits.

And everyone who rules
Neither this one nor that one
No one bet a penny
“Beloved” your people.

They were all so similar
And again, and again, and again
It's like they poured water
A river of human blood.

He spared the people, but who is there?
And all their generosity -
Tears, blood, sweat
Treat the people

Yes, drive the youths to the slaughterhouse...
And it's time for everyone to understand
From those who sat on the throne
Don't expect good things.
"About Rulers"
Sergei Eroshenko

Good afternoon, dear high school students. Today we are holding the “Great Rulers” quiz. It depends on the person in power how its citizens will live - whether they will be free and independent, or vice versa - under the control of the state. Until now, in our country we look with hope at the person who heads our state. History is rich different examples. We will not evaluate the activities of kings, kings, emperors, presidents, let us once again recall some interesting events from the biographies of rulers of different times and peoples, and whoever can do it best will receive a well-deserved reward.
(Announcement of the rules of the game)

1st round “Rulers of Antiquity”

1 . Octavian reigned in Rome for 43 years. Initially, the soldiers proclaimed him emperor, and from 29 BC. senators made this title for life. During his reign, he received several more titles and names. Thanks to one of them – “Doer of good” – another month appeared on the calendar. Which?

Answer: August.

2 . The gods of Greece were considered immortal. Dionysus ascended to Olympus, and Zeus' messengers carried Hercules to heaven from the funeral pyre. But fate did not prepare immortality for Alexander the Great. June 13, 323 BC he died in Babylon. They said that on the night before his death he managed to rise from his deathbed. The king wanted to throw himself into the river so that no one would find his body. But Roxanne saw and held him. Alexander complained that his wife did not allow him to fulfill his greatest dream - to become an IM. By whom?

Answer: by god.

3. Famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra was a fishing enthusiast. One day, Mark Antony, wanting to impress his beloved, hired a diver to bait a fish on his hook. However, Cleopatra figured out her lover’s plan and decided to teach him a lesson. Mark Antony realized that his plan had been revealed when he pulled it out of the water... What fish?

Answer: Already processed (namely salted).

4 . A special breed of horses was bred in Thessaly. The ancient Greeks believed that the heads of these horses were similar to the heads of bulls. Name the most famous owner of a Thessalian horse.

Answer: Alexander the Great. (Bucephalus - “bull-headed”).

5 . Julius Caesar crossed the English Channel from Gaul and landed on the territory of modern England. What did he do so that his warriors could only advance and win?

Answer: ordered the ships to be burned.

2nd round “Rulers of the Middle Ages”

1 . His name translated from Hebrew means “peaceful.” During all the years of his reign he did not lead a single major war. But he enriched the country with successful trade. Most of all, he became famous for his wise decisions. Name this ruler.

Answer: Solomon.

A comment: Solomon's solution.

2 . The first ruler of a unified China, Qin Shi Huang, carried out many reforms related to strengthening his power. By his order, more than 700 palaces were built. The construction of the emperor's tomb was a grandiose project. The pinnacle of Chinese construction technology of this period was a structure visible from space. Name this building.

Answer: The great Wall of China.

3 . King Richard Plantagenet received his nickname during his lifetime. According to one legend, the king of England won beast of prey, set on him by enemies, and snatched from this predator internal organ, having eaten which acquired strength and courage. What is the nickname of the King of England?

Answer: Lion Heart.

4 . When Tamerlane's fame thundered throughout Asia, a legend appeared according to which he was born already gray-haired, with a piece of congealed blood in his fist and metal teeth. Because of these teeth, his parents gave him the name Timur, which means...

Answer: "iron".

5 . Only towards the end of the conquests of Genghis Khan and Batu did ordinary Mongols “in practice” become acquainted with the geography of China, Central Asia And of Eastern Europe. However, already when the young Temujin was elected supreme ruler, he received the name Genghis Khan, i.e. "Khan, great as the ocean." Like what ocean?

Answer: Baikal.

3rd round “England, France, USA”

1 . In August 1776, Washington's army intelligence intercepted a letter sent to the British by Washington's personal chef, J. Bailey, who turned out to be an English agent. He wrote: “General Washington is in the habit of dining alone, partly due to his introverted nature, and partly due to bad teeth. Moreover, for several days now he has been sick with a severe cold and complains of loss of taste. Taking advantage of this circumstance, I put in a roast , intended for the general, several red fleshy fruits of a poisonous plant, related to our belladonna... In a few hours the general will not be alive - he will die in the arms of his orderly." The cook, without waiting for exposure, committed suicide. And Washington lived quietly for another 23 years. What didn't work in the British plan?

Answer: Washington was fed only tomatoes.

2 . Finish Margaret Thatcher’s sentence with one word: “If those who criticize me saw me walking on the waves of the Thames, they would say: it’s only because she doesn’t know how...”.

Answer: "... swim".

3 . On this day, the French king Louis XIV wrote in his diary: “Tuesday 14th – nothing.” This day also passed without results for the hero of the film “Love and Doves”. What actually happened on this day in 18th century France?

Answer: The Bastille was taken.

4 . In the mornings, while shaving, Napoleon was read, on his orders, the latest English and German newspapers. Imagine yourself for a moment as Napoleon and answer those who once asked the emperor why he was not interested in French publications.

Answer: Napoleon responded like this: “Our press only writes what I myself order.”

5 . In 1887, five-year-old Franklin Roosevelt and his parents visited The White house, where he caught the eye of then-President Cleveland and even received a few words from him. What did Cleveland wish little Roosevelt at the end of the meeting?

Answer: Never becoming president is such hard work!

4th round “Ours”

1 . Like Peter I and Catherine II, Ivan III received the nickname the Great from his contemporaries. It was under him that the word Russia and the non-existent bird appeared. Which?

Answer: double-headed eagle.

2 . From the 16th century, news came about learned foreigners to whom the king proudly showed the book treasury. The richness of this library amazed the imagination of foreigners. But this one of the most important secrets of Russian history has not yet been revealed. Many people searched for this mysterious book collection, but never found it. Who owned this library?

Answer: Ivan IV the Terrible.

3. In the dining hall of the palace of Catherine II in Tsarskoe Selo, an automated serving of dishes was installed. Each diner could request any dish by writing its name on a slate plate stand and sending it to the ground floor where the kitchen was located, and from there the dish was raised in a special elevator. The list of dishes in the kitchen was so large that it could satisfy any most demanding guest. And only once the cooks were unable to serve the required dish ordered by someone who was dining with Ekaterina Suvorov. What did he demand?

Answer: Soldier's cabbage soup and porridge.

4 . In 1857, a monument to Nicholas the First was laid. The commission for the construction of the monument received many proposals regarding the inscription on the pedestal. One anonymous proposal suggested posting words of gratitude to Nikolai for February 18... I won’t even say the year, will you just name what happened on that day?

Answer: Nicholas the First died.

5 . In the "Pushkin Encyclopedia" the author of the question came across a strange contradiction: in the section "Pushkin and his entourage" the article about Alexander the First appears after the article about Alexander the Second. Answer, what guided the compilers of the encyclopedia when they arranged the namesake kings in this way?

Answer: their patronymic.

6 . Anecdote from Borev's collection. Projects for a monument to Pushkin for the centenary of his death: Third Prize - Pushkin reads the works of Stalin. Second prize – Stalin reads Pushkin’s works. What is the first prize?

Answer: Stalin reads Stalin's works.

7. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - father of the revolution, V.I. Lenin - organizer of the revolution, V.I. Lenin - organizer of the labor movement, V.I. Lenin is the liberator of workers and peasants, Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland, Vladimir Ilyich will never die, Lenin is a friend of children, Lenin is the genius of the world, Lenin is our weapon, Lenin died, but his work lives on. What did all these and some other phrases turn into in the 20-30s of the last century?

Answer: In names.

8. This film is from the early 1970s. For a long time they were not allowed to be shown widely. One day the film caught the eye of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He laughed so much that he sometimes drowned out the characters’ remarks, and then recommended this film to Brezhnev himself. Regarding the not entirely standard vocabulary used in the film, Brezhnev remarked: “Don’t even try to cut it! Every boy in our country already knows half of these words.” And, returning the tape, the Secretary General said to the filmmakers: “Well, …”. Then he mentioned the title of the film, although he said it as a wish. Name this movie.

Answer: "Gentlemen of Fortune".

9. The watchmakers of the Chistopol factory "Vostok", paying attention to one feature of the new President of Russia V.V. Putin, released a batch of unusual wristwatch"Kremlin" What is unusual about this watch, and what feature of the President attracted their attention?

Answer: Putin wears a watch right hand, and watchmakers released watches with the winding button on the left side, and not on the right, like regular ones. That is, a watch for left-handed people.

5th round “Rulers and money”

Fill the table: who is depicted on the banknote, and in which country the banknotes on which this or that ruler is depicted were issued (are issued).



  1. Great rulers. - M.: World of encyclopedias, 2005.
  2. http://db.chgk.info/ question database

Application . A ready-made presentation is offered as an appendix.

Literature quiz with answers for schoolchildren

1. Who was the first woman writer to receive Nobel Prize? (Selma Lagerlöf, in 1909)

2. What does the title of the book of short stories by Giovanni Boccaccio “The Decameron” mean? (In Greek - "Ten Day Diary")

3. Literary pseudonym American writer Samuel Clemens? (Mark Twain, years of life - 1835-1910)

4. Which English writer died on an island in the Pacific Ocean in 1849? (Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894)

5. The names of the detectives most often found in Agatha Christie's novels? (Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Tommy and Tapence, Parker Payne)

6. Which two great writers of the seventeenth century died on the same year and day? (William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra died on April 25, 1616)

7. Literary pseudonym of which famous writer matches the name of the big one European city? (Jack London, 1987-1916)

8. Which two great Russian writers of the nineteenth century were born on the same year and day? (Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov and Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev were born on October 3, 1873)

9. What is the real name of the French writer Stendhal? (Henri-Marie Bayle, 1783-1842)

10. What was the name of the woman whom Sherlock Holmes called only “that woman”? (Iren Adler)

11. What epigraph does the story begin with? Captain's daughter"Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? ("Take care of your honor from a young age")

12. The hero of which book fights with windmills? (Don Quixote in the novel by Miguel Cervantes de Saaverdra)

14. What is "blank verse"? (Unrhymed verse; often in drama - iambic pentameter)

15. What was the name of Don Quixote’s lady love? (Dulsinea Tobosskaya)

16. In Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo's last name is Montague. What is Juliet's last name? (Capulets)

17. From what writer did the term “sadism” come from? (Marquis de Sade, Donascen Alphonse Francois, 1740-1814)

18. What is the name of the book that became the continuation of "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll? ("Alice in the Wonderland ")

19. What book does the novel “The Name of the Rose” revolve around? (Around the book "Aristotle")

20. Who created the character Father Brown? (Gilbert Chesterton, 1874-1936)

21. What books can be called time-tested biggest bestsellers? (Bible; Charles Marlowe Seldon "In the Footsteps" (1897); Margaret Mitchell " gone With the Wind"(1936); Dale Carnegie "How to Win and Influence People" (1937))

22. For which work did Ivan Alekseevich Bunin receive the Nobel Prize? ("Mr. from San Francisco" (1933))

23. Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. In 1982 he received the Nobel Prize. What country is this author from? (From Colombia)

26. To whom does Hamlet say the following phrase: “There is not a scoundrel in the kingdom of Denmark who is not an inveterate rogue”? (Horatio)

27. Three cards that have a magical effect in the Queen of Spades? (Three, seven, ace)

28. Which poet’s poem formed the basis of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov’s opera “Aleko”? (Poem "Gypsies" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

30. Who served as the prototype main character Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina"? (Maria Alexandrovna Hartung - daughter of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

31. “She loved me for my torments, and I loved her for my compassion for them.” What play is this quote from? (From the play "Othello" by William Shakespeare)

32. What was the name of the Russian writer who wrote the play "The Seagull"? (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, years of life - 1860-1904)

33. Who created the image of Commissioner Maigret? (Georges Simenon, years of life - 1903-1989)

34. When is International Children's Book Day celebrated? Whose birthday is it? (April 2, birthday of Hans Christian Andersen, years of life - 1805-1875)

35. Which novel by a Russian writer has the same title as the famous piece of music? ("The Kreutzer Sonata" by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

36. Who was called the “Swan of Avon”? (William Shakespeare)

37. What works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are united under the title “Little Tragedies”? (" Stingy Knight", "Feast in Time of Plague", "The Stone Guest", "Mozart and Salieri")

38. The name of “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne? (Lincoln Island)

39. The title of "Treasure Island" by Lewis Stevenson? (Pinos Island, Cuba)

40. The most famous figure in world literature is the “Knight of the Sad Image.” Who is this? (Don Quixote of La Mancha)

41. Aurora Dupin was the most famous French writer, was friends with Fryderyk Chopin. What pseudonym did she write under? (George Sand, years of life - 1804-1876)

42. Under which tsar did printing begin in Russia? (Under Ivan IV, nicknamed the Terrible)

43. The hero of the novel is a young man who retains his youth, while his portrait ages. What is the name of this work? ("The Picture of Dorian Gray", author - Oscar Wilde, years of life - 1854-1900)

44. Under what general title are the main novels of Honore de Balzac united? (" Human Comedy" - this cycle united forty volumes)

45. Which Spanish poet was killed during the Spanish Civil War? (Federico Garcia Lorca, years of life - 1898-1936)

46. ​​What Russian writer is Yuri Nikolaevich Tynyanov’s novel “The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar” about? (About Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov)

47. To whom did Alexander Blok dedicated the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”? (To his wife - Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva)

48. Ten days ten young people tell each other various stories. What kind of work is this? ("Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio)

49. When was the first book published in Russia? What was it called? (In 1564, "Apostle")

50. Who created the image of James Bond? ("Agent 007" Ian Lancaster Fleming, years of life - 1908-1964)

51. What was the name of the keymaster of Notre Dame Cathedral in the novel by Victor Hugo? (Quasimodo)

52. Which English writer created the image of “Peter Pan”? (James Matthew Barry, years of life - 1860-1937)

53. When does Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind take place? (The struggle between the North and the slave-owning South in the USA turned into civil war- 1861-1865)

54. What are the names of the three great ancient Greek tragedians? (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides)

55. What is the name of Jules Verne's first novel, which brought him fame? ("Five weeks on hot-air balloon ")

56. Which book of the New Testament predicts the destruction of the world? ("Revelation of John the Evangelist: Apocalypse")

57. How many comedies did Lope de Bega write? (One and a half thousand comedies)

58. After the publication of which novel by Jules Verne, the French Geographical Society took the initiative to accept unified system time measurements? ("Around the World in Eighty Days")

59. Which work by Victor Hugo is based on Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Rigoletto”? ("The King Amuses himself")

60. Who called Dante Alighieri’s comedy “Divine”? (Giovanni Boccaccio)

61. Which English writer considered the founder of periodicals? (Daniel Defoe)

62. What is the name of Jerome Klapka's story Jerome - a continuation of the book "Three in a Boat, Not Counting a Dog"? ("Three on Bicycles")

63. Name the historical poem of Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin? ("Pugachev")

64. What were the names of the heroines of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s play “Three Sisters”? (Olga, Masha and Irina Prozorov)

65. What stories were included in the trilogy of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar? ("Timur and his team", "Commandant of the Snow Fortress", "Timur's Oath")

66. Who was the education of the writer who created the character of Sherlock Holmes? (Conan Doyle was a doctor)

67. What did the writer Emile Zola die from? (From stove fumes)

68. The work of which outstanding Norwegian playwright served as the beginning International movement in defense of women's rights? What is this movement called? (Henrich Ibsen, "Ibsenism")

69. Which Russian writer is the founder of sentimentalism in Russian literature? (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, years of life - 1766-1826)

70. The name of the Belgian writer who created the book “The Legend of Uleshpiegel and Lamm Gudzak”? (Charles de Coster, years of life -1827-1879)

72. What was Francois Rabelais's profession? (Doctor)

73. What was the profession of Erich Maria Remarque? (Teacher)

74. What was the profession of Thomas Mayne Reid? (Journalist)

75. What was Edmond Rostand's profession? (Lawyer)

76. What was Jonathan Swift's profession? (Priest)

77. What was Antoine de Saint-Exupery's profession? (Military pilot)

78. What was the profession of Savignen Cyrano de Bergerac? (Military)

79. What was the profession of Georges Simenon? (Journalist)

80. What was Walter Scott's profession? (Advocate)

81. What was your profession? Abe Kobo? (Medic)

82. What was Isaac Asimov's profession? (Scientist - biochemist)

83. What was Louis Aragon's profession? (Medic)

84. What was Honore de Balzac's profession? (Lawyer)

85. The manuscript "Rubaiyat" of Omar Khayyam was tragically lost in 1912 during biggest disaster this year. What happened to her? (The manuscript sank with the Titanic)

86. About what heroine did Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin write the following lines:

"When it happened somewhere

She should meet a black monk

Or a quick hare between the fields

Crossed her path

Not knowing what to start with fear,

Full of sorrowful forebodings,

Was she already expecting misfortune?

(About Tatyana Larina)

87. French poet and playwright Edmond Rostand wrote a wonderful play in verse "Cyrano de Bergerac". The prototype of the main character was for Rostand, who actually lived in the seventeenth century French writer, philosopher, essayist, scientist and warrior named Cyrano de Bergerac. However, Rostand in his play came up with such a detail of his hero’s appearance that he real person did not have. What is this distinctive detail? (Very long nose)

88. Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok wrote:

"In taverns, in alleys, in twists and turns,

In an electric dream in reality... "

What did Blok mean by “electric waking dream”? (Cinema)

89. In the nineteenth century, there lived on the island of Samoa, located in the Pacific Ocean, a man whom local residents called Tusitala Stevoni. "Tusitala" means "story teller" in the local dialect. What is this strange word"Stevony"? (This is a distorted English surname Stevenson)

90. In the novel by the Yugoslav writer Milorad Pavic "The Khazar Dictionary" one of the heroes, Satan, embodied on earth, says that all the inhabitants of this region of Romania are born poets, live as thieves, and die... By whom? (Vampires)

91. In the 1980s, teachers at Italian universities noticed a sharp increase in the number of students enrolling in specializations in medieval history. The survey showed that the reason for this was the book. Which? ("The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco)

92. As you know, Griboyedov's comedy“Woe from Wit” has become a rich source of sayings and proverbs. To surpass this play in the number of aphorisms, a duology was required. Which? ("Twelve Chairs" and "Golden Calf", authors - Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov)

93. In Umberto Eco's novel "The Name of the Rose", dedicated to life medieval monastery, it is said about the painful “monastic spasm”. It does not affect all monks, but only those who work in the library. What part of their body was cramping? (Fingers of the hand with which they copied books)

94. Name the most verbose character of William Shakespeare? (Hamlet)

95. For which book was James Clavel paid the most? high fee- five million dollars? ("Hurricane ")

96. Which museum houses the oldest bible known to us, written in Greek? (IN Vatican Museum, Italy)

97. The plot of which novel did Alexandre Dumas find in “Notes from the Archives of the Parisian Police”? ("The Count of Monte Cristo")

98. Alexandre Dumas committed, as his contemporaries wrote, “one of the most charming madnesses he ever did.” What did he do? (Ordered the construction of the Castle of Monte Cristo, which remains to this day)

99. In which city in France are there the streets of the Count of Monte Cristo, Abbot Faria and Edmond Dantes? (In Marseille, where the events of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" took place)

100. By the will of fate, the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne began from the Ipatiev Monastery (city of Kostroma, in 1613) and ended in the Ipatiev House (city of Yekaterinburg, in 1918). This is written in the book Russian writer Evgenia Biryukova. What is the name of this book? ("Ipatiev House". Ekaterinbug. Publishing house "SV-96", 2003)

Educational quiz for schoolchildren “Do you believe that...”

Quiz for school children with answers

1. ... the cloud around the comet's nucleus, observed in 1811, had a diameter of two million kilometers? (Yes)

2. ... on Venus a day is shorter than a year? (Yes. A Venetian day is equal to 343.16 Earth days - during this time it rotates around its axis; and it rotates around the Sun in 224.7 Earth days)

3. ... is the interplanetary medium empty? (No. It contains gas molecules, rays, radio waves)

4. ... The moon is a dark luminary and has no light of its own? (Yes. It reflects the sun's rays)

5. ... did scientists discover iron, cobalt, sodium, calcium in the body of the comet? (Yes)

6. ... did the tail of the 1811 comet exceed the distance from the Earth to the Sun? (Yes)

7. ... Does Lee Redmond (resident of the USA), with nails with a total length of 7 meters 51 centimeters, dress herself? (Yes. Only she puts all her clothes on through her legs)

8. ... height of the tallest modern man is three meters? (No. The height of the tallest man, Radhun Harbib from Tunisia, is two meters thirty-five centimeters)

9. ... the highest modern woman taller than the tallest modern man? (No. Sandy Ellen from the USA is two meters thirty-one centimeters tall)

10. ... a Charing Cross (Great Britain) doctor in 1952 removed a stone weighing six kilograms, two hundred and ninety grams from the gall bladder of an eighty-year-old patient? (Yes)

11. ... Michel Lotito (France) has been eating glass and iron since 1959, and can digest nine hundred grams of metal daily? (Yes)

12. ... the heart of fisherman Jan Egil Refsdal (Norway), who fell overboard at sea, stopped for four hours, after which he survived? (Yes)

13. ... Roy Sullivan (USA) survived after being hit by twenty lightning strikes at different intervals? (No. But he survived seven lightning strikes and this despite the fact that the average power of a lightning strike is one hundred million volts)

14. ... did the oldest woman who lived on Earth live longer than the oldest man who lived on Earth? (Yes. Jeanne-Louise Calment from France lived one hundred and twenty-two years, and Shingisio Itsumi from Japan lived one hundred and twenty years two hundred and thirty-seven days)

15 ... in 1997, Justin Miller (USA), at the age of seven, published a cookbook, Cooking with Justin? (Yes)

16 ... Jackie Barbee (USA) held twenty rattlesnakes in his mouth for twelve and a half seconds? (No. There were “only” eight snakes)

17. ...donor Maurice Creswick (South Africa) donated 188.9 liters of blood over the course of fifty-nine years from the age of eighteen? (Yes)

18. ... Mary Mohan, at ninety-one years old, rappelled from a thirty-eight meter cliff? (Yes)

19. ... Eduardo Armallo Lagaza (Spain), while lying down, supported concrete blocks weighing five tons? (No. The weight of the blocks was one ton, three hundred ninety-nine kilograms and eight hundred grams)

20. ... Prakash Singh (India) stood motionless, allowing himself only to blink, for three days? (No. He dedicated his record - twenty hours, ten minutes and six seconds - to the freedom fighters of India)

21. ... two-year-old Michelle Frank (USA) survived after sixty-six minutes of being submerged in a stream? (Yes)

22. ... On April 3-4, 1974, in just one day, one hundred and forty-eight tornadoes swept across the southern and midwestern United States? (Yes)

23. ... Was Mary Magdalene included by the Church among the saints equal to the apostles? (Yes)

24. ... the combined population of India and China exceeds a third of the population of our planet? (Yes)

25. ... Shieto Izumi (Japan) worked for ninety-eight years. (Yes. In 1872 he began working as a draft cattle driver at a sugar mill. He retired in 1970 at the age of one hundred and five)

26. ... the most visited amusement park is Disneyland in Paris? (No. This is Tokyo Disneyland)

27. ... the biggest Imperial Palace located in Japan? (No. In China. It covers an area of ​​seventy-two hectares)

28. ... the most great pyramid- Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt? (Yes. Its height is one hundred and forty-six meters and sixty centimeters)

29. ... the highest clock above the ground is on the tower of Westmina Abbey in London? (No. They are installed on the Morton International building in Chicago (USA), located at an altitude of one hundred and seventy-seven meters above the ground)

30. ... the tallest buildings in modern world were the twin towers of a shopping complex in Manhattan, New York, destroyed on September 11, 2001? (No. The tallest building is the Taipei One Hundred and One building (Taiwan). Its height is five hundred eight meters. And the tallest of the twin towers, the North Tower, was four hundred seventeen meters)

31. ...most Internet users are in Japan? (No. In the USA)

32. ... have twelve people been on the moon? (Yes)

33. ... the most a large number of two Russian cosmonauts made space flights (seven)? (No, these are American astronauts Jerry Ross and Franklin Chang-Diaz)

34. ... did Svetlana Savitskaya stay in space the longest among women? (No. This is an American Shannon Lucid. She spent one hundred and eighty-eight days in space)

35. ... American astronaut John Glenn Jr. went into space at the age of seventy-seven? (Yes. In 1998, he went into space as part of the Discovery crew.)

36. ... the fastest humanoid robot created in the USA? (No. In Japan. It was created in 2003 by Sony)

37. ...the first computer virus was demonstrated by Bill Gates? (No. This was done by MIT student Fred Cohen in 1983)

38. ... the largest animal armor was made for knightly horses? (No. For Indian elephants)

39. ... Katie Jung (USA), with a height of one hundred and seventy-two centimeters, has a waist measuring thirty-eight centimeters and one millimeter? (Yes)

40. ... the height of British stuntman Kiran Shah is one meter twenty-six centimeters and four millimeters? (Yes)

41. ... Greg M. Cox (USA) can write and read sixty-four languages? (Yes)

42. ...will the plane take off faster if it accelerates with the wind? (No. It will take off faster by accelerating against the wind)

43. ... do chickens swallow pebbles because that's how they get minerals? (No. Pebbles serve as a kind of millstone, helping to grind food in the stomach)

44. ... do ultraviolet rays pass through window glass well? (No. Window glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays. Such rays pass through quartz glass)

45. ... sticking sewing needle, is it possible to develop a pressure of one thousand atmospheres? (Yes)

46. ​​... does every oscillating body sound? (No. Body vibrations may not reach the frequency of sound vibrations)

47. ... in birds of prey, females are larger and stronger than males? (Yes)

48. ... do woodpeckers die from concussions? (Yes)

49. ...are there birds that collect supplies for the winter? (Yes. Owls collect killed mice in their hollows, and jays collect acorns and nuts)

50. ... do a tadpole's front legs grow earlier than its hind legs? (No. On the contrary)

51. ... do heavier drops fall from the samovar tap when the water is hot? (No. The size of the drop, and therefore its weight, depends on the force of surface tension. hot water surface tension is less than that of cold)

52. ... the speed and acceleration of a vertically thrown ball at its highest point of rise are equal to zero? (No. The speed is zero and the acceleration is 9.8 meters per second)

53. ... does an elephant's pregnancy last almost a year? (No. Twenty to twenty-two months)

54. ... in southern countries Do cockroaches reach the size of a mouse? (Yes)

55. ...are there butterflies with a wingspan of fifty centimeters on Earth? (No. The largest Atlas butterfly, living in India, has a wingspan of twenty-five centimeters, almost like a blackbird)

56. ... are there worms on Earth that reach a length of thirty meters? (Yes)

57. ... in equestrian dressage competitions, do men and women compete on equal terms? (Yes)

58. ... height Eiffel Tower more than three hundred and fifty meters? (No)

59. ... Egyptian Sphinx- one of the Wonders of the World? (No)

60. ... the homeland of the secretary bird is Australia? (No. Africa)

61. ... Are the Pleiades and Stozhary the same astronomical object? (Yes)

62. ...are there poisonous boas? (No)

63. ...doha has fur inside and outside? (Yes)

64. ... the highest recorded wave - a tsunami - was more than five hundred meters high? (Yes)

65. ...do some birds have teeth? (No)

66. ...is “angina pectoris” the same disease as asthma? (No. Angina pectoris is angina)

67. ... spanish artist Was El Greco really Greek? (Yes)

68. ...are the eggs that iguanas lay edible? (Yes)

69. ... some types of bamboo can grow ninety centimeters a day? (Yes)

70. ... did the ancient Romans use mouse brain powder instead of toothpaste? (Yes)

71. ... in the Tower of London prison, did prisoners have to pay for food, accommodation and shackles? (Yes)

72. ... in 1970, a hailstone the size of a watermelon fell on Kansas? (Yes)

Question 1 Octavian reigned in Rome for 43 years. Initially, the soldiers proclaimed him emperor, and from 29 BC. senators made this title for life. During his reign, he received several more titles and names. Thanks to one of them – “Doer of good” – another month appeared on the calendar. Which?

Question 2 The gods of Greece were considered immortal. Dionysus ascended to Olympus, and Zeus' messengers carried Hercules to heaven from the funeral pyre. But fate did not prepare immortality for Alexander the Great. June 13, 323 BC he died in Babylon. They said that on the night before his death he managed to rise from his deathbed. The king wanted to throw himself into the river so that no one would find his body. But Roxanne saw and held him. Alexander complained that his wife did not allow him to fulfill his greatest dream - to become an IM. By whom?

Question 3 The famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra was a lover of fishing. One day, Mark Antony, wanting to impress his beloved, hired a diver to bait a fish on his hook. However, Cleopatra figured out her lover’s plan and decided to teach him a lesson. Mark Antony realized that his plan had been revealed when he pulled it out of the water... What fish?

Question 2 The first ruler of a unified China, Qin Shi Huang, carried out many reforms related to strengthening his power. By his order, more than 700 palaces were built. The construction of the emperor's tomb was a grandiose project. The pinnacle of Chinese construction technology of this period was a structure visible from space. Name this building.

Question 3 King Richard Plantagenet received his nickname during his lifetime. According to one of the legends, the king of England defeated a predatory beast set on him by his enemies, and tore out an internal organ from this predator, after eating which he acquired strength and courage. What is the nickname of the King of England?

Question 5 Ordinary Mongols “in practice” became acquainted with the geography of China, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. However, already when the young Temujin was elected supreme ruler, he received the name Genghis Khan, i.e. "Khan, great as the ocean." Like what ocean? Only towards the end of the conquests of Genghis Khan and Batu

Question 1 In August 1776, Washington's army intelligence intercepted a letter sent to the British by Washington's personal chef, J. Bailey, who turned out to be an English agent. He wrote: “General Washington is in the habit of dining alone, partly due to his introverted nature, and partly due to bad teeth. Moreover, for several days now he has been sick with a severe cold and complains of loss of taste. Taking advantage of this circumstance, I put in a roast , intended for the general, several red fleshy fruits of a poisonous plant, related to our belladonna... In a few hours the general will not be alive - he will die in the arms of his orderly." The cook, without waiting for exposure, committed suicide. And Washington lived quietly for another 23 years. What didn't work in the British plan?

Question 2 Complete Margaret Thatcher’s sentence in one word: “If those who criticize me saw me walking along the waves of the Thames, they would say: it’s only because she doesn’t know how...”.

Answer 2 "...swim"

Question 3 On this day, the French king Louis XIV wrote in his diary: “Tuesday 14th – nothing.” This day also passed without results for the hero of the film “Love and Doves”. What actually happened on this day in 18th century France?

Answer 4 Napoleon responded like this: “Our press only writes what I myself order.”

Question 5 In 1887, five-year-old Franklin Roosevelt and his parents visited the White House, where he caught the eye of then-President Cleveland and even received a few words from him. What did Cleveland wish little Roosevelt at the end of the meeting? Stephen Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States.

Answer 5 Never becoming president is such hard work! Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States.

Question 2 From the 16th century, news came about learned foreigners to whom the king proudly showed the book treasury. The richness of this library amazed the imagination of foreigners. But this one of the most important secrets of Russian history has not yet been revealed. Many people searched for this mysterious book collection, but never found it. Who owned this library?

Question 3 In the dining hall of the palace of Catherine II in Tsarskoe Selo, an automated serving of dishes was installed. Each diner could request any dish by writing its name on a slate plate stand and sending it to the ground floor where the kitchen was located, and from there the dish was raised in a special elevator. The list of dishes in the kitchen was so large that it could satisfy any most demanding guest. And only once the cooks were unable to serve the required dish ordered by someone who was dining with Ekaterina Suvorov. What did he demand?

Question 4 In 1857, a monument to Nicholas the First was laid. The commission for the construction of the monument received many proposals regarding the inscription on the pedestal. One anonymous proposal suggested posting words of gratitude to Nikolai for February 18... I won’t even say the year, will you just name what happened on that day?

Question 6 There is a strange contradiction in the Pushkin Encyclopedia: in the section “Pushkin and his entourage” the article about Alexander the First appears after the article about Alexander the Second. Answer, what guided the compilers of the encyclopedia in arranging the namesake kings in this way?

Question 7 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - father of the revolution, V.I. Lenin - organizer of the revolution, V.I. Lenin - organizer of the labor movement, V.I. Lenin is the liberator of workers and peasants, Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland, Vladimir Ilyich will never die, Lenin is a friend of children, Lenin is the genius of the world, Lenin is our weapon, Lenin died, but his work lives on. What did all these and some other phrases turn into in the 1920s? Question 8 This film is from the early 1970s. For a long time they were not allowed to be shown widely. One day the film caught the eye of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He laughed so much that he sometimes drowned out the characters’ remarks, and then recommended this film to Brezhnev himself. Regarding the not entirely standard vocabulary used in the film, Brezhnev remarked: “Don’t even try to cut it! Every boy in our country already knows half of these words.” And, returning the tape, the Secretary General said to the filmmakers: “Well,...”. Then he mentioned the title of the film, although he said it as a wish. Name this movie.

Answer 8 "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Question 9 The watchmakers of the Chistopol Vostok factory, paying attention to one feature of the new President of Russia V.V. Putin, released a batch of unusual “Kremlin” wristwatches. What is unusual about this watch, and what feature of the President attracted their attention?

6th round “Rulers and money” Fill out the table: who is depicted on the banknote, and in which country the banknotes on which this or that ruler is depicted were issued (are being issued). Ruler Country

Name: Quiz summary for high school students
Nomination: School, Quizzes, grades 9-11

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature first qualification category
Place of work: MBOU "VSSh"
Location: Kulebaki city, Nizhny Novgorod region

Literary quiz for high school students.

Goals: consolidation of knowledge in literature;

development of the ability to select literary material;

nurturing a love for native literature.

“Reading a book on time is a huge success. She can change life, but she won't change it best friend or mentor." (Pavlenko P.A).

1. Organizational moment.

2.Equipment and materials: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector;


A.S. Pushkina, S.A. Yesenina, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov;

illustrations for fairy tales:

Swan Princess. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, …") ;

items: slippers, violin, garnet bracelet, red beads;

chest; tokens that will be awarded for the correct answer (whoever has the most of them will be the winner of the game).

Jury: representatives from the teaching staff.

3.Welcome to the quiz participants.

Positive attitude towards the game.

4. Start of the game.

The first "Four from the Casket" competition.

Portraits of four writers are presented to the students in turn (this can be done through an interactive whiteboard using a computer and a projector) - A.S. Pushkina, S.A. Yesenina, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov.

- Name the person depicted in the portrait.

(Answer: A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov)

Second competition “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

Four illustrations are presented for famous fairy tales Pushkin in the following order:

Pop and Balda. “The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda.”

Princess. "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes."

Old man. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Swan Princess. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan…"

Name a literary character.

Remember the title of the fairy tale.

(Answer: Pop and Balda. “The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda.”

Princess. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

Old man. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Swan Princess. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, …")

Third competition “Mysterious Landscape”.

Students are read four passages from famous works Russian writers.

- After listening to the passage, you will have to name the work:

“There was a humid blow from the sea, cold wind, spreading across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splash of a wave running onto the shore and the rustling of coastal bushes. Occasionally, his gusts brought with them wrinkled, yellow leaves and threw them into the fire, fanning the flames; the darkness of the autumn night that surrounded us trembled and, timidly moving away, revealed for a moment on the left - the boundless steppe, on the right - the endless sea and directly opposite me - the figure of Makar Chudra, an old gypsy ... "

“...I walked further and further. The forest thinned out little by little, the soil sank and became hummocky. The footprint made in the snow by my foot quickly darkened and filled with water. I've already fallen to my knees several times. I had to jump from bump to bump; in the thick brown moss that covered them, their feet sank as if into a soft carpet.

The bush was soon completely gone. In front of me was a large round swamp, covered with snow, from under the white veil of which rare hummocks stuck out. At the opposite end of the swamp, between the trees, the white walls of some kind of hut peeked out.”

“There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, above the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain and the river was sparkling gold... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that flowed in a hot stream from Danko's torn chest."

I was traveling by train from Tiflis. The entire load of my cart consisted of one small suitcase, which was half filled with travel notes about Georgia. Most of Of these, fortunately for you, was lost, but the suitcase with the rest of the things, fortunately for me, remained intact.

The sun was already beginning to hide behind the snowy ridge when I entered the Koishauri Valley. The Ossetian cab driver tirelessly drove his horses in order to climb Mount Koishauri before nightfall, and sang songs at the top of his lungs.

This valley is a wonderful place! On all sides there are inaccessible mountains, reddish rocks, hung with green ivy and crowned with clumps of plane trees, yellow cliffs, streaked with gullies, and there, high, high, a golden fringe of snow, and below Aragva, embracing another nameless river, noisily bursting out of a black gorge full of darkness , stretches silver thread and sparkles like a snake with its scales.

(Answer: A.M. Gorky’s story “Makar Chudra”, A.I. Kuprin’s story “Olesya”, A.M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”, M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”).

The fourth Lost and Found competition

Students are presented with four objects (shoes, violin, bracelet, red beads) that belong to literary characters.

— The found item must be returned to the owner.

- Who should we give the found items to?

(Answer: Oksana (N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”), Loiko Zobar (A.M. Gorky “Makar Chudra”), Vera Sheina (A.I. Kuprin “ Garnet bracelet"), Olesya (A. I. Kuprin "Olesya"))

Fifth competition “Help the performance take place.”

The guys are offered two lists famous plays(via the interactive whiteboard) in which one of the roles is missing.

— Become a director for a while.

— Check the correct distribution of roles.

Are all characters listed?


Mikhail Ivanov Kostylev, 54 years old, hostel owner.

Vasilisa Karpovna, his wife, 26 years old.

Natasha, her sister, 20 years old.

Medvedev, their uncle, policeman, 50 years old.

Vaska Pepel, 28 years old.

Klesch Andrey Mitrich, mechanic, 40 years old.

Anna, his wife, 30 years old.

Nastya, girl, 24 years old.

Kvashnya, dumpling seller, about 40 years old.

Bubnov, cap maker, 45 years old.

Baron, 33 years old.

The actor is approximately the same age: about 40 years old.

Alyoshka, shoemaker, 20 years old.

Crooked goiter

Tatar hookers

A few tramps without names or speeches.

Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, is a young man, decently educated.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), wealthy merchant, widow.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son.

Katerina, his wife.

Varvara, Tikhon's sister.

Kuligin, a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile.

Vanya Kudryash, a young man, Dikov’s clerk.

Shapkin, tradesman.

Feklusha, wanderer.

Glasha, a girl in Kabanova's house.

A lady with two footmen, an old woman of 70 years old, half crazy.

City dwellers of both sexes.

The action takes place in the city of Kalinovo, on the banks of the Volga, in the summer. 10 days pass between actions 3 and 4.

(Answer: the first list does not include the role of Luke, the 60-year-old wanderer from A.M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”;

in the second list there is no role of Savel Prokofievich the Wild merchant, significant person in the city from A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm.”)

Sixth competition “Whose monologue is this?”

Students are read two monologues out of two different plays.

- Name the character who speaks this monologue.

1 monologue.

“When I'm drunk... I like everything. N-yes... Is he praying? Wonderful! A person can believe or not believe... that's his business! Man is free... he pays for everything himself: for faith, for disbelief, for love, for intelligence - man pays for everything himself, and therefore he is free!.. Man is the truth! What is a person?.. It’s not you, not me, not them... no! - it’s you, me, them, the old man, Napoleon, Mohammed... in one! (He traces the figure of a man in the air with his finger.) Do you understand? This is huge! This is where all the beginnings and ends are... Everything is in man, everything is for man! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds... proud! Human! We must respect the person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you must respect him! Let's drink to the man, Baron! (Gets up.) It’s good... to feel like a human being!.. I am a prisoner, a murderer, a cheater... well, yes! When I walk down the street, people look at me like I’m a swindler... and they move away and look back... and often tell me - “You bastard! Charlatan! Work!" Work? For what? To be full? (Laughs.) I have always despised people who care too much about being well-fed... That’s not the point, Baron! Not in this case! The man is higher! Man is above satiety!..”

2 monologue.

"I speak: why people don't fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. Something to try now? (He wants to run.)"

(Answer: Satin’s monologue from the play “At the Lower Depths” by A. M. Gorky, Katerina’s monologue from A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”)

Seventh competition “Literary Chest”.

The teacher takes out sheets of paper with quotes from the chest. Students call figurative means, which they will find in the quote.

What figurative means are stored in this chest?

1. “What does the coming day have in store for me? »

2. “In a hundred and forty suns the sunset glowed”

3. “In the distance I saw through the fog,

In the snow, burning like a diamond,

The gray-haired, unshakable Caucasus..."

4. “Clear month, beautiful maiden, cold look.”

5. “The drops sang…”

(Answer: A rhetorical question, hyperbole, comparison, epithet, personification)

Eighth competition "Motherland".

Students are presented with three photographs. famous places Russia (via interactive whiteboard):

Moscow city,

With. Konstantinovo,

Saint Petersburg.

- Whose homeland is this?

(Answer: Moscow - the birthplace of M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin, A.N. Ostrovsky; the village of Konstantinovo - the birthplace of S.A. Yesenin; St. Petersburg - the birthplace of A.A. Blok)

5. End of the game.

Counting tokens. Determination of the winners. Speech by a representative from the jury.

List of used literature:

1. Kuprin A.I. Novels and stories. – Kirov: Volgo-Vyatka book. Publishing house, Kirov department, 1991.

2. Russian dramaturgy of the early twentieth century / Compiled, author of notes. S.K. Nikulin. – M.: Sovremennik, 1089.

3. Kasatkin L.L. Modern Russian language: words and reference books: a manual for teachers / L. L. Kasatkin, E. V. Klobukov, P. A. Lecant; edited by P.A. Lekanta. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Education, 2005.