Scenario for the New Year for the first junior group of the kindergarten “Zayushkina Hut. Hare hut XXI century


(Russian folktale)

A small script (sketch) for a kindergarten where the children themselves will play.




STORYTELLER: Once upon a time there lived a Fox and a Hare. The Fox had an ice hut, and the Hare had a bast hut. The red spring has come - the Fox’s hut has melted, but the Hare’s hut is still standing. So the Fox asked the Hare to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. Dear Bunny walks and cries. A Dog meets him.

(Music. The curtain opens. The backdrop is a forest. On the stage is the Hare's hut (the hut can be drawn and fixed to something, or you can put a screen, and the drawn hut can be attached to its walls) The Hare walks along the stage, he is crying. From behind the stage The Dog appears).

DOG: Aw-aw! Why are you crying, Bunny?

DOG: Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief!

STORYTELLER: They went to Zaika’s hut...

(The Dog and the Hare approach the hut.)

DOG: Aw-aw! Get out, Lisa!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The dog got scared and ran away...

(The dog runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: Dear Bunny comes again, crying. Wolf meets him.

(The Bunny walks across the stage, crying. The Wolf comes out from behind the stage.)

WOLF: What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. That-
when she asked me to spend the night, she kicked me out.

WOLF: Don't cry, I will help your grief!

HARE: No, you can’t help!
The dog chased him, but he didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out!

WOLF: No, I'll kick you out!

STORYTELLER: They went to the hut. The wolf will cry...

(The Wolf and the Hare approach the hut.)

WOLF: Go, Fox, get out!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The wolf got scared and ran away...

(The wolf runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: The Bunny comes again, crying. A Bear meets him.

(The Hare walks across the stage, crying. The Bear appears from behind the stage.)

BEAR: Why are you crying, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. That-
when she asked me to spend the night, she kicked me out.

BEAR: Let's go to the Fox, I will help your grief!

HARE: No, Bear, you can’t help!
The dog chased but didn’t drive him out, the Wolf chased him but didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out!

BEAR: And I'll kick you out!

STORYTELLER: They approached the hut. The bear howls...

(The Bear and the Hare approach the hut.)

BEAR: Get out, Fox!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The bear got scared and ran away...

(The bear runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: The dear Bunny comes again, crying more than ever. A Rooster with a scythe meets him.

(The Hare walks across the stage, crying. A Rooster appears from behind the stage with a braid on his shoulders (a braid can be made).)

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. That-
when she asked me to spend the night, she kicked me out.

ROOSTER: Let's go, I'll help your grief!

HARE: No, Rooster, you can’t help!
The dog chased but didn’t kick out, the Wolf chased but didn’t kick out, the Bear chased but didn’t kick out, and you won’t be kicked out.

ROOSTER: No, I'll kick you out! Let's go to Lisa!

STORYTELLER: They went to the hut. The rooster stomped his paws and flapped his wings...

(The Hare and the Rooster approach the hut. The Rooster stomps his feet and flaps his wings and arms.)

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

STORYTELLER: The Fox heard it, got scared and said...

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

(The rooster stomps his feet, flaps his wing arms and waves his scythe.)

STORYTELLER: The rooster stomps its paws, flaps its wings, waves its scythe... The Fox got scared, jumped out of the hut and ran away.

(The Fox leaves the hut (you can leave from behind the hut) and runs off stage. The Hare and the Rooster enter the hut.)

STORYTELLER: Then the Rooster and the Hare went into the hut and began to live and live there ever since, and the Fox never appeared in those places again.

(Music. The curtain closes.)


Basic work with children:

1. Theater game.

Teach children to navigate in space; develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. Basic theatrical culture - this is work with the goal of introducing children to elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and developing a culture of behavior in the theater.

Working on a performance includes getting to know the fairy tale. Learn to write sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states.



Scenario for the fairy tale dramatization “Zayushkina’s Hut” (an old fairy tale in a new way)

Stage director: teacher Ivanova I.S.

Characters: Hare, squirrel, fox, bear cub, top, presenter.

Basic work with children:

1. Theater game.

Teach children to navigate in space; develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. Basic theatrical culture - this is work with the goal of introducing children to elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and developing a culture of behavior in the theater.

Working on a performance includes getting to know the fairy tale. Learn to write sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states.

A fairy tale in a new way “Zayushkina’s hut”


Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

“Zayushkina’s Hut” in a new way, our children will show us

On opposite corners there are “bast” and “ice” huts opposite each other, winter decorations.

The Hare and Squirrel run out.


There is silence in the clearing,

The yellow moon is shining

All the trees are silver

Hares are dancing on the mountain!


We all live happily

We play happily.

And we dance and we sing,

We don't offend anyone!(bunny dance)

(FOX EXIT) Fox appears


I'm a red fox

Master of all dirty tricks.

I don't love anyone

I only praise myself! Here!

Look, guys, what a beautiful hut I have: everything glitters and sparkles, but the hare’s hut is simple, it doesn’t sparkle in the sun. Ha-Ha-Ha, why are you making so much noise here, come on!

He drives out the animals and goes into the hut.


The fox tried all winter

Rebuilt the house

Decorated, cleaned

She felt good in it.

But spring has come (sounds of nature.)

There is no trace left of the house,

And the foxes' mansions

Was washed away by melt water.

a bear cub and a squirrel run out.


We got up early today

We can't sleep today

They say the starlings are back

They say spring has come.

Teddy bear:

Spring has finally come

Spruce, birch and pine

Throwing off my white pajamas,
We woke up from sleep.


Well, little fox, what should I do?

How to help your trouble

Feel free to their neighbor the hare

Ran at full speed.


Who's there?


It's me, godfox,

I want to apologize, Bunny.

I want to live in peace with everyone.

I will be friends with you,

Help me - I have nowhere to live!

The hare comes out already in a gray suit and feels sorry for the Fox.


Everyone needs friendship

Friendship is strong in loyalty,

If a friend is in trouble,

I'll come to him!

Hey, friends, take all your tools and help the fox!(hammer sound)

Animals imitate working with a hammer, saw, or ax (the sound of tools being used. A painted house appears)


At the edge of the forest

A painted house is visible.

He is not Mishkin, not Sinichkin

This house is the Chanterelle's house.

Teddy bear:

Chanterelle has a housewarming party,

There will be dancing and food!

On the porch by the door

The fox is waiting for her guests.

Teddy bear:

Housewarming. Lizaveta!

I brought yours to my new home

Fragrant golden honey.

Very tasty and thick

Fox: Thank you, I'm very glad

You sit down by the samovar

Squirrel: Hello Lisa,

Look how beautiful this is!

All mushrooms are good

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Fox : Here, thank you, and I invite you to my house, lovingly!

Top : Lizaveta, hello!

Fox : How are you, toothy?

Top: For you and for friends

I caught crucian carp!

Fox: Come into the house quickly

Hare: Carrots are just a miracle

Cabbage is a sight for sore eyes.

Please accept my congratulations.

Little fox, happy housewarming!

Fox : Bunny, you brought a whole garden,

There are enough vegetables here for the whole year!

Leading : The hostess is glad, the guests are glad!

The forest people are having fun!

Everyone needs to sing and dance together,

Let's start the round dance!(dance Good Beetle)

The animals sing in a round dance and dance.

All the heroes of the fairy tale: We sang and danced, we showed you a fairy tale

But maybe in reality everything was not like that!

But if you liked it, then give us a clap,

Or maybe you’ll stomp and do something like this!

(Everyone blows a kiss)

A fairy tale in a new way:

"Zayushkina's hut"

Program content.

    Continue to work on the intonation expressiveness of speech - tempo, rhythm.

    Continue to improve dialogic and monologue forms of coherent speech.

    Continue to teach children to express their thoughts in grammatically correct form.

    Continue to teach children to understand and use different types of figurative speech.

    Continue to teach how to write fairy tales in a new way, based on Russian folk tales.

    Strengthen the ability to identify an animal using a reference diagram.

    Fix the names of Russian folk tales.

    Develop initiative and independence in inventing fairy tales in a new way.

    Develop communication skills.

    To cultivate interest and love for Russian oral folk art - fairy tales.

    Foster friendly relationships between children and the habit of studying together.

Preliminary work.

    Reading Russian folk tales.

    Memorizing poems and proverbs.

    Essay, sketch of fairy tales.

A fairy tale in a new way “Zayushkina’s hut”


Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

“Zayushkin’s hut” in a new way

The fourth grade will show you!

On opposite corners there are “bast” and “ice” huts opposite each other, winter decorations.

The Hare and Squirrel run out.


There is silence in the clearing,

The yellow moon is shining

All the trees are silver

Hares are dancing on the mountain!


We all live happily

We play happily.

And we dance and we sing,

We don't offend anyone! (bunny dance)

(FOX EXIT) Fox appears


I'm a red fox

Master of all dirty tricks.

I don't love anyone

I only praise myself! Here!

Look, guys, what a beautiful hut I have: everything glitters and sparkles, but the hare’s hut is simple, it doesn’t sparkle in the sun. Ha-Ha-Ha, why are you making so much noise here, come on!

He kicks out the animals and goes into the hut.


The fox tried all winter

Rebuilt the house

Decorated, cleaned

She felt good in it.

But spring has come . (sounds of nature.)

There is no trace left of the house,

And the foxes' mansions

Was washed away by melt water .

a bear cub and a squirrel run out.


We got up early today

We can't sleep today

They say the starlings are back

They say spring has come.

Teddy bear:

Spring has finally come

Spruce, birch and pine

Throwing off my white pajamas
We woke up from sleep.


Well, little fox, what should I do?

How to help your trouble

Ik your neighbor hare boldly

Ran at full speed .



It's me, godfox,

I want to apologize, Bunny.

I want to live in peace with everyone.

I will be friends with you,

Help me - I have nowhere to live!

The hare comes out already in a gray suit and feels sorry for the Fox.


Everyone needs friendship

Friendship is strong in loyalty,

If a friend is in trouble,

I'll come to him!

Hey, friends, take all your tools and help the fox! (hammer sound)

Animals imitate working with a hammer, saw, or ax (the sound of tools being used. A painted house appears)


At the edge of the forest

A painted house is visible.

He is not Mishkin, not Sinichkin

This house is the Chanterelle's house.

Teddy bear:

Chanterelle has a housewarming party,

There will be dancing and food!

On the porch by the door

The fox is waiting for her guests.

Teddy bear:

Happy housewarming, Lisaveta!

I brought yours to my new home

Fragrant golden honey.

Very tasty and thick

Fox: Thank you, I'm very glad

You sit down by the samovar

Squirrel: Hello Lisa,

Look how beautiful this is!

All mushrooms are good

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Fox: Here, thank you, and I invite you to my house, lovingly!

Top: Lisaveta, hello!

Fox: How are you, toothy?

Top: For you and for friends

I caught crucian carp!

Fox: Come into the house quickly

Hare: Carrots are just a miracle

Cabbage is a sight for sore eyes.

Please accept my congratulations.

Little fox, happy housewarming!

Fox: Bunny, you brought a whole garden,

There are enough vegetables here for the whole year!

Leading: The hostess is glad, the guests are glad!

The forest people are having fun!

Everyone needs to sing and dance together,

Let's start the round dance! (dance Good Beetle)

The animals sing in a round dance and dance.

All the heroes of the fairy tale: We sang and danced, we showed you a fairy tale

But maybe in reality everything was not like that!

But if you liked it, then give us a clap,

Or maybe you’ll stomp and do something like this!

(Everyone blows a kiss)

Target: Create a good mood, a desire to communicate freely,
cultivate interest in fairy tales. Creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities, forming positive relationships between children through theater.
Training tasks: Create conditions for enriching singing and performing
children's experience, expanding their musical horizons. Continue to work on the expressiveness of your speech. Create an emotionally uplifted mood, a feeling of joy from the expected holiday. Captivate children with a fairy tale story.

Developmental tasks: Develop attention and thinking. Consolidating knowledge of the content of fairy tales.

Educational tasks: Foster love and interest in the animal world.

Hello guys! I am Grandmother Fun,

Speech therapist, Grandmother Fun: Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist (grandmother). Then I invite you to go to one amazing country, the land of fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist. Well, then let's go. (in a mysterious voice):

One, and two, and five, and eight, we transport everyone into a fairy tale!

(children spin around to the music)

So we found ourselves in a magical land. Here is a magical clearing. (Children sit on chairs).

Speech therapist. There is a chest here. Look how interesting he is. I wonder what's in it? For some reason it doesn’t open, perhaps this chest is magical and you need to say the magic word. And, which one, you tell me.
(The children say “please”, the chest opens, the teacher takes out the letter and reads it).

Speech therapist. Guys, it says here that the chest is from a fairy tale, and there are enchanted animals in it. To disenchant them, you need to solve riddles:

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
And her name is .... (Fox)

Jumps deftly
Loves carrots
In summer, a gray fur coat
And in winter it’s white
Wears a jumper
Timid... (bunny)

He lives in the thicket of the forest,
He is reputed to have a sweet tooth.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
He sucks his paw all winter.
Can roar loudly
And his name is... (bear)

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. ( Wolf)

Crow! Sun is up!
Starting the day over again
It claps, dropping fluff,
Wings in the morning... (rooster)

Speech therapist. These are not just pictures of animals, these are characters from different fairy tales. Guys, let’s remember together in which fairy tales we meet our heroes (children say the name of the fairy tale)

Speech therapist. And we will check this now! Let's play a game with you, I will sing songs, and you must guess which fairy tale this song is from. Game “Listen and name the fairy tale.”

(grandmother hums songs from the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Wolf and the 7 Little Goats”, “The Forest Kolobok”). Grandma: Well done! Do you want me to tell you a new, interesting fairy tale?

Physical education lesson: “Zayushkina's hut."
In the bast hut
A hare lived at the edge of the forest.
And in the ice hut -
Fox on the hill.
(twirled tail)
Melted in the spring
Hut on the hill
(show the roof with your hands)
The fox ran
To the hare's edge.
(running with tail wagging)
Kicked out the bunny
From the bast hut
(fist on fist)
Yes, I began to live myself
In a hut on the edge of the forest
(claps hands)
And not a wolf (hands showed “mouth”)
And not a bear (show).
Couldn't help.
Brave cockerel
Chased the fox away
So the cockerel remained
At the bunny's hut.
In a bast hut,
A hut on the edge.
(show the roof with your hands)

Ball game “Tell me which hero?”:

hare - eared

wolf - toothy

bear - clubfoot

  • fox - cunning
  • what kind of house?
  • What kind of rooster?

We played and relaxed. Let's take a walk.

I wonder what fairy tale lives here? (approach the house)

Speech therapist. There are many fairy tales in the world,

Children love these fairy tales

Now I’ll find out what else they know.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut in a new way”

For children of senior preschool age.

In the foreground to the left and right there are several snow-covered trees. In the background is a winter forest.


Like from our village
The path freezes along the edge,
Ruffled by the blizzard,
Covered with snow.
The blizzard has been blowing all day long,
Weaves good stories.
The blizzard is braided into a braid -
The tale will be about the Fox.

About the Fox and the Bunny,

A running bunny.

A hare comes out to cheerful music.

Hare. Hello guys!

I am a jumping bunny.

The cold has set in, and winter itself has come to the forest. Only I don’t get discouraged, I sing songs loudly.

Song of the hare.

Oh guys, I'm cold

My nose became like an icicle.

But I am dexterous and skillful,

I will take on the matter boldly.

I'll build myself a house.

Oh, I'll feel warm in it

Song "Building a house".

The bunny “builds” a house to the song.

How beautiful is my house,

It's not simple - it's bast.

I won't freeze now

My little house, you are simply a miracle.

There will be fun here,

I invite everyone to the housewarming party.

Clap, friends,

The holiday will be more fun.

The music is playing, the hare is dancing

What a nice hut!

Paws and ears don't get cold here.

I'll be there all year round

Live without sorrows and worries.

Song of the Fox.

Fox. I am a beautiful fox.

I'm dressed like a queen.

Let everyone in the world know

Lizavetin's snow house.

Oh, how nice my house is!

You won't find a better home.

Not a little house, but a palace.

I am a fox, well done.

Phew, the hare has a bast house,

Ugly, not shiny.

And the chanterelle's is ice-cold.

He is beautiful, real. Guys, whose house is more beautiful? The hare's or mine?

(listens) Well, good.

Song of the Fox.

Oh, how hot the sun is.

My house is about to melt.

Sun, go away quickly

Don't warm my snow house!

The sun is coming out.

Dance is the song of the sun......

Fox. My house is melting, that's the problem.

Melt water everywhere.

There are big puddles around here,

I don't need a house like this.

What to do?

How to be?

Where will I live now?

Ha! I know who will help me

To the cunning little fox. (knock)

Bunny, open the door quickly

To his neighbor's fox.

I'm about to catch a cold. (cough)

If you don't open it, it will be bad.

Hare. Oh. I would be glad to open it, sister,

Yes, I can’t hang out with you.

You are a cunning cheat.

You will trick me cleverly.

Fox. Oh, my dear, help me,

There are circles in my eyes.

I can barely stand on my feet,

Neither alive nor dead.

I'm dying, you know that

Brother hare, open up. Oh.

Hare. Oh, what's wrong with you, fox-sister.

Come quickly to my little room( The fox enters the house.)

The music changes to menacing.

Fox. You should get out of here, sideways.

Otherwise it will be bad

It's cramped in the house together.

Look, live under that bush.

The hare leaves.

Song of the hare.

Hare. Oh, Fox is in my hut

He sings ditties on the stove. (crying)

The fox dances to ditties.

Hare. Here I am sitting by the birch tree and silently shedding tears.

During the “Dog Waltz” a dog appears.

Dog. Woof! Who's crying under the birch tree here? Woof! Who silently sheds tears?

Woof! Bah! Yes, it's a scythe!

What happened, brother, to you?

Hare. I'm walking around hungry now

Because I'm homeless.

The fox kicked me out

I haven't eaten for three days.

Dog. Come on, bunny friend,

Eat the pie soon.

Guys, can you bark like dogs? (children answer)

Then bark louder so that the fox gets scared. Bow-wow. Hey, Fox, leave the hut.

Fox. Hmmm. What kind of animals are these?

They disturb my sleep and prevent the fox from sleeping.

Just a minute, when I get up from the stove,

I'll drown you in the river.

Dog. Woof! Why are my paws shaking so much?

I wish I could return to the forest as soon as possible. Leaves.

Hare. Oh, the dog has its tail between its legs.

So that there is no trouble.

Well, thanks for that.

Apparently I live under a bush. (crying)

Bear's music sounds

Bear. Ehe-he, who's here? Oblique?

What happened, brother, to you?

Al who offended you?

Hare. The fox kicked me out.

I'm walking around hungry now

Because I'm homeless.

Bear. Stop shedding tears, my friend,

Eat it, better yet, the root.

I'm ready to drive the fox away.

The cheat will know us!

Hey! Fox, get off the stove,

Give the hare a house!

Fox. Ha ha ha! Who's making noise here under the window? Better put your feet up

Otherwise I’ll scream and trample my feet,

And I’ll scratch your face with my claws and paws.

Bear. Oh, a very feisty fox.

It's better not to hang out with her.

I'll quickly run into the forest,

I'll save the skin. Ugh.

Hare.(crying) And the bear quickly left.

The evil fox got scared.

Rooster song. The rooster comes out.

Rooster. Co-co-co. Who is it here on the stump, quietly crying alone?

Are you the pigtailed bunny?

What happened, brother, to you?

Hare. I'm walking around hungry now

Because I'm homeless.

Rooster. Co-co-co. I can help you,
I'll chase the fox away.

Crow, crow, go, fox, across the river,

Quickly take your feet away from this threshold.

Fox. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. I got scared rooster

Himself from this threshold

get off your feet quickly.

Rooster. Crow, crow,

Go, Fox, across the river.

How can I take my braid?

you will lose your beauty.

Fox. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha,

I'm not afraid of the rooster.

Get out of here yourself

Don't get noticed.

Rooster. Co-co-co, what to do? Does not exceed.

Hare. Who will drive the fox away now?

Rooster. Wait a minute, bunny friend,

A thought appeared here.

We can't take the fox by force.

You have to play a joke on her.

Hey fox, get up from the stove,

There are river hunters there.

Fox. Go away, you Rooster, go away!

Rooster. I want to help you!

There they are walking across the bridge,

Your skin will be skinned.

They will shoot exactly at the target.

Fox. Oh-oh-oh, there are no hunters in sight.

Rooster. Well, guys, help me out,

How do you shoot guns?

Repeat after me:

“Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh.

Go away, Fox, away!” (repeat 3 times)

Fox. Oh, save me, help me,

Don't ruin my fur coat.

I still want to live

I run, I fly, I jump. Oh-oh-oh ( Fox runs away.)

Rooster. Runs away! Will know,

How to offend a bunny.

Hare. Thank you, friends,

They saved me from the fox.

Rooster. Cuckoo.

We won't let the bunny get into trouble anymore,

We all really want to be friends with the bunny.

A song about friendship. Hare and Rooster(sing and dance).

Red ran away

The redhead is shameless!

Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Scared of the Rooster!

To return to the garden, you need to work hard. We will close our eyes once, we will close our eyes twice. One, two, three, return the kids to kindergarten (the speech therapist waves his magic wand).

Guys! Did you enjoy traveling through the land of fairy tales?

Zaykin's hut. Scenario for a fairy tale for preschoolers

A theatrical production based on a Russian folk tale. Author Korobeynikova Lyubov Grigorievna

For production with children 5-8 years old.

Music is playing.
The curtain opens. On the left is a fox’s house (made of white fabric on a fishing line), on the right is a hare’s house, next to it there are beds with carrots and cabbage.
The sun dance is performed.
During the dance of the sun, the fox's house “melts” (the fabric falls down). Behind him is a fox sleeping on a bench. Pantomime: the fox wakes up, stretches, looks around and notices that there is no house. She rushes about, “What happened?”, walks around her “house,” grieves, collects her belongings in a bundle, and looks for where to go. He sees the hare's house and heads towards it.

Oh, neighbor, trouble:
I was left homeless.
I'll spend the night with you,
And then I will go to my relatives.

Oh, poor thing, come in,
Rest and don't be sad.

The fox enters the house.

The bunny comes out of the house with a watering can, waters the beds and sings verse 1 songs “Hare House”, music by A. Lepin:
The hare had a house like a home,
Under a spreading bush.
And I was pleased with the scythe,
There is a roof over your head.

Hey fox, open the door!

Fox (out the window).
Why are you knocking, oblique?

I want to go home!

Where do you see your home?
You, little bunny, have become bolder.
Leave while you're still alive! (throws a bundle out the window for the hare, closes the window).

The music for the song “Hare House” plays.
The bunny is crying under a bush.

Voices are heard behind the scenes: “Zhuchka, Zhuchka!” Village children run out and play with the dog, dance in a circle, at the end of the song they run backstage, and the dog runs after them:
"Playing with a dog":
We'll call the dog
Let's sing together happily.
Play with us
Just don't scare the bunny!

Dog (hearing a sob, he approaches the hare).
Woof woof woof! What are you crying about?

How, how can I not cry?
I'm in trouble, dog!
Bunny performs 1 verse of the song “Hare's House” by A. Lepin

I felt sorry for the fox
Sheltered and warmed.
And now I'm left
Without shelter or shelter! (crying)

Don't worry, let's go quickly
Let's deal with your trouble! (go to the house)
Woof, woof, woof, evil fox,
Leave while you're alive!

The fox looks out of the window, sings and waves his arms):
“Song of the Fox” music by L. Korobeynikova:
How will I jump out, how will I jump out -

Pieces will go down the alleys!

The dog backs away, expressing fear with all its appearance.

Hey, where are you going, Barbos?

I barely carried my legs away!
Please, bunny, be patient.
Come visit me.
You can rest in the kennel,
You'll chew the bone. (runs away)

Apparently, I'll have to live here.
(cries and falls asleep)

To “The Little Bear’s Song,” music by A. Abramov, words by M. Savelyev from the musical fairy tale “Where does summer winter?” The Bear comes out into the clearing, looks for berries, sings, looking under the bushes. At the end of the song he notices Bunny. The bunny runs out from under the bush in fear.

Oh, bear! What a great!
And probably very angry...

I don't hate hares
If necessary, I will help.
What's the problem, tell me!
Yes, don't be afraid, don't tremble!

I felt sorry for the fox
Sheltered and warmed.
And now I'm left
Without shelter or shelter! (crying)

Don't worry, let's go quickly
Let's deal with your trouble! (go to the house)

Barbos wanted to help me -
He barely carried off his legs!

I am a heavy bear
Famous throughout the forest! (shows biceps)
I'm doing wrestling
I'm not afraid of any beast!
(makes several boxing punches, the bunnies approach the house)
Come out, evil fox,
Leave while you're alive!

The fox leaves the house with a broom, steps on the bear, sings “Song of the Fox”, music by L. Korobeynikova.

The bear runs backstage in fear.

Hey Bear, where are you going?

Bear (looks out from behind a bush).
I'd rather hide in the bushes.
Go away too, scythe,
Look for another house!

Bunny (puts a bundle under a bush, lies down on it, sobbing).
Apparently, I'll have to live here.
What should I do? What do i do? (cries and falls asleep)

Night falls. The lights go out. A mirror ball rotates in the light of a spotlight.
The dance of fireflies with glowing lanterns is performed.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Why are you crying?
You're sitting under a bush, aren't you jumping?

I felt sorry for the fox
Sheltered and warmed.
And now I'm left
Without shelter or shelter! (crying)
The door to the house is firmly closed...

But we are not born with bastard! (addresses his friends)
We need to help the bunny
We will drive the fox away!

The dog and the bear were not driven away
They quickly ran away
Very cunning fox!

But I have a braid!
And friends will help us.
Let's make a mess for the fox!

(the rooster sharpens his braid).

I carry the scythe on my shoulder.
I want to whip the fox.
Get off the stove quickly, fox!
Get out, fox!

Fox(from the window).
Putting on my shoes...

Poultry and animals perform together with the Roosterthe beginning of the song “The Roosters Crew” by A. Varlamov:
The roosters started crowing, crowing early,
Woke up everyone, every sheep (the rooster mows the grass).

I carry the scythe on my shoulder.
I want to whip the fox.
Get off the stove quickly, fox!
Get out, fox!

Getting dressed...

I won't wait long:
My braid is sharpened!

Fox (leaves the house with a knapsack).
Ah, it's time for me to take a walk.
Happy Stay Everyone!

The rooster shouts after her “kook-ka-re-ku!”, All animals cry in their own way. The fox runs away.

Animals (one by one).
- The bunny is in big trouble.
- But the fox will not return here again.
- Now we won’t give the bunny offense,
- We all really want to be friends with the bunny!

General dance of poultry, animals, Rooster and Bunny to the music “The Roosters Crew” by A. Varlamov.