Vakarchuk Svyatoslav young. Vakarchuk about his wife and future children: exclusive interview with Viva

Born on May 14, 1975 in Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region, in the family of a physicist, future rector of Lviv University and Minister of Education of Ukraine Ivan Vakarchuk.

He graduated from Lviv school No. 4 with in-depth study of the English language with a silver medal. I studied violin at a music school for two years, while simultaneously studying the accordion.

Little Slava’s musical education was carried out by his grandmother and uncle, who instilled in the boy a love of folk Ukrainian and Western music. (The Beatles, interspersed with folk motifs, did their job - truly Ukrainian music with a Western gloss emerges from under Slava’s hands)

During his school years, he took part in KVN, the creation of a school theater, and was actively involved in basketball.

1991-1996 - studied at the Faculty of Physics of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University (specialization - theoretical physics). Second higher education - international economist.

1996 - entered graduate school at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the same university. The topic of the candidate's dissertation is “Supersymmetry of electrons in a magnetic field” (later S. Vakarchuk called one of the albums “Supersymmetry”, and one of the songs - “Susy” (an abbreviation for SUperSYmmetry).


Lyalya Fonareva

*Father - Ivan Aleksandrovich Vakarchuk (born 1947), former Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Private bussiness

Behind me is a music school in accordion class. There are still legends about how Slavko let his classmates copy dictations in solfeggio. Svyatoslav graduated from secondary school with a silver medal. The only B was a B in math. Surprisingly, Vakarchuk Jr., who loved humanitarian subjects at school, followed in his father’s footsteps by entering Lviv University. I. Franko, to the Faculty of Theoretical Physics. At the same educational institution, Slava entered graduate school and received a Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. In 2003, at the same university, Svyatoslav received a second higher education diploma in the specialty “economist - international affairs”. In 2009, Svyatoslav defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Supersymmetry of electrons in an electromagnetic field.”

Slava had a group, the name of which history has not conveyed to us. The guys tried to play, but the very fact that they were “trying” and not playing did not satisfy the ambitious and talented young man. And he began to look... At a party with his girlfriend, Svyatoslav found what he was looking for - he met Pasha, who at that time was the guitarist of the not unknown "Clan of Silence"... Subsequently, the acquaintance grew into close cooperation and resulted in what we know as called "Ocean Elzy").

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk currently continues to lead Okean Elzy, collaborates with other musicians, writes songs for commercials, and music for films.

The group “Okean Elzy”, thanks to whose work S. Vakarchuk became famous (he is the author of most of the lyrics and music, vocalist, leader of the group), was created in 1994. After graduating from university, Vakarchuk could continue his studies abroad, but still chose a career as a musician. The group successfully performed at several festivals, and Svyatoslav, together with O. E., went to Kyiv to record their debut disc “There, where we are silent” (1998).

During the 1999 elections, he performed with some other artists on a tour to support presidential candidate Kuchma. In the 2004 elections, he actively supported the then opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was an active participant in the Orange Revolution, performing at concerts in support of Viktor Yushchenko on Maidan Nezalezhnosti along with Ruslana, Oleg Skripka and other musicians and singers. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, as a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Youth Development Program in Ukraine, takes part in many social and cultural projects.

Since November 2007, he was elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine on the lists of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense bloc.

On September 11, 2008, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk announced that he had submitted an application to resign as a people’s deputy of Ukraine. On December 16, 2008, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine prematurely terminated his parliamentary powers.

He took part in many social and cultural projects. Separately, it should be noted that all the money received from the sales of the single “Merry, brothers, times have come...” was sent to an orphanage in the city of Makeevka.


In 1998, the Okean Elzy group began working with Vitaly Klimov. Having not yet stopped collaborating with Tabula Rasa, in 1997 Vitaly Klimov took up the “promotion” of Okean Elzy, a young group from Lvov. The idea of ​​cooperation with the new group came from one of the marketers of the Smak (juice) brand, Andrei Avramenko, which was part of Anatoly Yurkevich’s large holding Milkiland. Avramenko was inspired by Klimov’s successes in working with Oleg Laponogov’s team. It was Yurkevich’s holding that became the investor of the new musical project.

Russian history of Vakarchuk

In 1998, the group began working with Vitaly Klimov, signed a contract with the Nova Records label and recorded their debut album, which was released in September of the same year, entitled “There, Where We Are Mute.” The group's songs took first place in various charts. Thanks to their lyricism and the unusual vocals of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, the group gained fans throughout Ukraine. In 1999, “Okean Elzy” performed in Paris, at the MSM Café (the performance was broadcast by the MSM International TV channel). The general producer of the Nashe Radio radio station, Mikhail Kozyrev, having heard the song “Sosni”, contacted the group to thank them for such a soulful lyrical composition and to personally notify the team that they had now taken the song into rotation. As a result, the group “Okean Elzy” took part in the Russian rock festival “Invasion”. According to Vakarchuk: “This was my first visit to Russia, after which I didn’t have to leave for a long time.” At the Tavria Games festival, the musicians won in the categories “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Song” (for the composition “There, Where We Are Mute”). In the same year, a re-release of the album was released in Russia. However, the group gained wide popularity in Russia after the release of Alexey Balabanov’s film “Brother-2” (banned in Ukraine), the soundtrack of which included two songs: “If You Are Mute” and “Kavachai”. After the film, 2 videos appeared on the MTV channel for the songs “There, Where We Are Mute” and “Sosni”. At the beginning of 2000, the group completed work on the second album “I'm in the sky”, which was released on two labels at once - Ukrainian Nova Records and Russian Real Records.

Vakarchuk and Soros

American financier and philanthropist George Soros and his people want to see the leader of the Okean Elzy group Svyatoslav Vakarchuk president, although the musician himself has not yet decided. If he announces participation in the presidential race, he will turn from a spokesman for the thoughts of the generation into “one of them.” This opinion was expressed by the famous journalist Dmitry Gordon on the air of the 112 Ukraine TV channel.

Reference: In 2018, a number of Ukrainian media reported the start of a new information campaign in Western media directed against the current Kyiv government. Journalist Nadezhda Sass reported on Facebook that the famous billionaire and philanthropist George Soros is behind this center.

“There are many iconic names among the ECFR members. But perhaps the most curious thing is that among the club members from Hungary are multi-billionaire George Soros and his son Alexander. ECFR is largely funded by the elder Soros and often acts as his mouthpiece,” Sass writes. She considers this evidence that the billionaire is waging a campaign against the government of Petro Poroshenko.

It is noted that in political circles of post-Maidan Ukraine, the version that George Soros is behind the wave of critical publications about the Kiev regime in foreign media has recently been often discussed.

According to rumors, Soros may also be behind the beginning political campaign of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Ukrainian media are beginning to notice that the West has sharply escalated pressure on Poroshenko in the run-up to the elections.


Interested in different cultures. Favorite pastime is traveling. Favorite writers: Ivan Franko, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Lina Kostenko. Among modern Ukrainian prose writers, the style of Kharkov resident Sergei Zhadan and the early prose of Yuri Andrukhovych stand out. He considers The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd and Queen to be his musical idols.

Okean Elzy, song "Obiymi", video

A popular rock performer from Ukraine, leader of the musical group “Okean Elzy”, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk (full name Vakarchuk Svyatoslav Ivanovich), was born in the city of Mukachevo. The date of birth of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is May fourteenth, 1975 (05/14/1975).

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk’s father is a physicist, rector of Lviv University and Minister of Education Ivan Vakarchuk.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk studied at the “English” special school number four in Lvov. Svyatoslav studied well, graduating from school with a silver medal. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk began studying music from childhood; he simultaneously studied the button accordion and violin. In addition, he played in the theater and KVN, and went to the basketball sports section.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk has two higher educations – international economist and physicist. He studied at Lviv University from ninety-one to ninety-six.

After graduation, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk entered graduate school at his native university at the department of theoretical physics. There he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk created the now popular rock band “Okean Elzy” during his student days, in 1994. He writes music lyrics for most of his group's songs, in addition, he is a vocalist.

After graduation, the question arose: should I go further into science or pursue a musical career? Svyatoslav Vakarchuk chose the second. And not in vain - the group “Okean Elzy” began to quickly gain popularity, successfully performing at music rock festivals. In 1998, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and the group “Okean Elzy” recorded their debut music album in the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv, entitled “There, Where We Are Mute.”

In the mid-2000s, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk actively supported the so-called “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine. Svyatoslav performed at concerts in support of Viktor Yushchenko, who was later elected president of Ukraine. He took an active part as a UN Goodwill Ambassador in the implementation of cultural and public programs. Vakarchuk is no stranger to charity. For example, the musicians of the group “Okean Elzy” sent their income from the song “Merry, brothers, times have come” to one of the Ukrainian orphanages.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk loves to travel. Vakarchuk calls his musical idols the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd and Red Hot Chilly Peppers.
Favorite writers include Gogol and Chekhov.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is one of the most popular and famous people in Ukraine.
Five years ago (2008) Svyatoslav Vakarchuk recorded his first solo music album, which was called “Nights”.

Three years ago (2010), the rock band “Okean Elzy” released its new album “Dolce Vita” (the seventh in a row), with which the musicians traveled not only to Ukraine, but also to Asia, America and Europe.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is a musician, leader of the group “Okean Elzy”.
Born on May 14, 1975 in Mukachevo, in the family of Ivan Vakarchuk, a physics professor and future rector of Lviv University.
He graduated from Lviv school No. 4 (with in-depth study of the English language) with a silver medal. I studied violin at a music school for two years, while simultaneously studying the accordion.
During his school years, he took part in KVN, the creation of a school theater, and was actively involved in basketball.
1991-1996 - studied at the Faculty of Physics of Lviv University (specialization - theoretical physics). Second higher education - international economist.
1996 - entered graduate school at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the same university. The topic of the candidate's thesis is “Supersymmetry of electrons in a magnetic field” (later S. Vakarchuk called one of the albums “Supersymmetry”, and one of the songs - “Susy” (an abbreviation for SUperSYmmetry).
The group “Okean Elzy”, thanks to whose work S. Vakarchuk became famous (he is the author of most of the lyrics and music), was created in 1994. After graduating from university, Vakarchuk could continue his studies abroad, but still chose a career as a musician. The group, which successfully performed at several festivals, and Svyatoslav went to Kyiv to record their debut disc (“There, where we are silent”, 1998).
He is interested in Japanese culture. Favorite writers are Yukio Mishima and Haruki Murakami. Among Ukrainian prose writers, the style of Kharkov resident Sergei Zhadan stands out. He considers, first of all, the legendary “Beatles”, as well as the rock groups “Rolling Stones”, “Pink Floyd” and “Queen” to be his musical idols.
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, as a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Development Program for Youth in Ukraine, takes part in many social and cultural projects. Separately, it should be noted that all the money received from the sales of the single “Merry, brother, times have come...” was sent to an orphanage in the city of Makeevka.
According to the Korrespondent weekly magazine, S. Vakarchuk is among the top hundred most influential and famous people in Ukraine.
civil position
During the 1999 elections, he performed with some other artists on a tour to support Kuchma as a presidential candidate. In the 2004 elections, he actively supported the then opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was an active participant in the Orange Revolution, performing at concerts in support of Viktor Yushchenko on Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) together with Ruslana, Oleg Skripka and other musicians and singers.
Since November 2007, elected on the lists of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense Bloc. On September 11, 2008, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk announced that he had submitted an application to resign as a people's deputy of Ukraine.
Interesting facts
* At one time, in one of the chats on the M1 TV channel, he said that he is ambidextrous, that is, a person is equally good with his right and left hands.
*His height is 1 meter 76 cm.
Internet resources
- Fan club of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk
- group "Ocean Elzy"
- "Nights"

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk can be called not just a legendary musician-performer for modern Ukraine, but also a real people's leader. Often his heartfelt lyrical songs touch not only our feelings, but also make us think about social activism, the morality of our actions and the political path of our country. Being a real “guiding star” for many Ukrainians, he confirms his brilliant ideas with an impeccable biography. He is truly worth listening to and understanding - he is truly worth emulating!

Height, weight, figure parameters, age

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is naturally fit and slim. With a height of 176 centimeters, he consistently weighs about 75 kilograms. But men are not used to “bragging” about their figure parameters, so the press knows nothing about them.

At the moment, Svyatoslav (2018) is 43 years old.

Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Nationality: Ukrainian.


Svyatoslav Ivanovich Vakarchuk was born on May 14, 1975 in the city of Mukachevo (in the Transcarpathian region). The parents of the future star were simple teachers. At the time of Svyatoslav’s birth (by the way, the artist does not really welcome other variations of his name), his mother, Svetlana Aleksandrovna, taught mathematics, and his father taught physics at an ordinary Mukachevo secondary school.

Svyatoslav grew up together with his older brother Oleg. He became a successful bank employee, has now made a good career in Kyiv and is raising a daughter with his wife.

Even in Svyatoslav’s childhood, the family moved to Lviv to give their children the opportunity to receive a good education. This was also connected with his father’s career advancement. Soon, Ivan Aleksandrovich began scientific activities at the I. Frank Lviv National University in the field of physics, and ultimately became its rector. It should be noted that the development of Ivan Vakarchuk’s scientific career led him to the post of Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, which he held in 2007-2010.


Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was already a comprehensively developed personality in his childhood. The future frontman of Okean Elzy was interested not only in music, but also in science, sports, foreign languages, and playing KVN. Svyatoslav enjoys studying English and physics in depth, plays basketball and graduates from music school in violin and accordion.

But after graduating from school (with a silver medal, by the way), young Vakarchuk saw no other way for himself but to follow his parents. He successfully entered his “native” Lviv University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. But even that was not enough for him: after receiving a diploma of higher education, Svyatoslav took him to graduate school. True, not without hesitation. The fact is that at that time he could continue his education abroad. But he gave preference to domestic graduate school only because it gave him the opportunity to study music. By that time, Svyatoslav had already joined one of the local Lviv groups...

During his student years, Svyatoslav became friends with the musicians of the Clan of Silence group. They performed in local bars, pubs and restaurants. Actually, this is where his stunning career began. After some time, the “Clan of Silence” disbanded. Therefore, Vakarchuk suggested to his musicians (and by that time already his faithful friends) to found a new group - it was this that received the already legendary name for us “Ocean Elzy”. Her birthday is considered to be October 12, 1994.

For the development and formation of this group, Svyatoslav did almost everything: wrote songs and music, negotiated concerts, inspired his comrades. Already in winter, the team recorded a demo of 4 songs. And soon the first (nowadays little known) clip of “OE” - “Long Time Ago” was broadcast on TV screens. The group gives its first big concert on the square near the Lviv Opera House. In 1996, “Oceans” went on an international (!) tour, visiting not only Ukraine, but also Poland, Germany, and France. And after 2 years, the group moved to Kyiv and presented to the public their first album “There, Where We Are Mute.” Well, that’s all: from now on, fame and people’s love do not leave Okean Elzy. Although the composition of the group changes several times, it maintains stable popularity and Svyatoslav Ivanovich remains its permanent leader.

Surprisingly for Ukrainian performers (and even more so for those who fundamentally write songs only in Ukrainian and never in Russian), but “Ocean” was extremely popular in the Russian Federation in the 2000s. The first step towards this was his participation in the Moscow rock festival “Invasion”. Further, their songs are used in Bodrov’s cult film “Brother-2” - this is how the group gains nationwide popularity in Russia.

The year 2000 was marked by the release of the album “Yananebibuv”.

In 2001, the album “Model” was released. Many critics and fans of the group believe that this is the best creation in the entire history of Oceans.

In 2003 - “Supersymmetry”. Named after Vakarchuk's dissertation, it received two platinum record status.

2005 - release of the album “Gloria”. Its 100,000th circulation was instantly sold out on the first day it went on sale.

In 2007, “Okean” released the album “Mira” and posthumously dedicated it to its producer Sergei Tovstoluzhsky, who suddenly committed suicide. In the history of the group, this album stands out as the most “rocky” and dynamic musically.

After 3 years, the album “Dolce Vita” is released.

In 2013, “OE” pleased with the release of “Earth”. The most famous tracks from it are “Strilyay” and “Obіymi”.

The group’s latest compositions are combined in the 2016 album entitled “Without Between”.

At the same time, Svyatoslav is also engaged in his own solo projects. In 2008, he released the album “Vnochi”. His most iconic songs were “Don’t Lower Your Eyes” and “So, Like You.” And in 2011 - Brussels. It should be noted that it is not a solo album, but belongs to the project of the same name, which Vakarchuk created by involving already famous independent musicians in the work (including those with whom he started in “Oceans”) - Sergei Babkin, Maxim Malyshev, Peter Chernyavsky and Dmitry Shurov. This album was recorded live. He became known to a wide audience thanks to two videos - “Adrenaline” and “Airplane”.

Also, from 2013 to 2016 (4 seasons), Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was a judge-mentor of the “Voice of the Country” show. The result was its production by Christina Soloviy and Leo Mantis.

Album "Gloria"

Vakarchuk burrs slightly. And this seemingly defect became one of the attractive trademarks of his songs.

In the first years of Viktor Yushchenko's presidency in 2005, Svyatoslav received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. If people often have many questions with the presentation of such “medals,” then no one even thinks of arguing with the granting of this status to Vakarchuk: his significance for the modern culture of Ukraine is obvious.

Vakarchuk has an academic degree - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, which he acquired after defending his dissertation “Electron Supersymmetry in a Magnetic Field.” He wrote it for no less than 13 years, although he entered graduate school immediately after graduating from university. Active musical activity, songs, videos, tours - it’s all to blame.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk consistently occupies leading positions in various ratings of the most influential people in Ukraine.

Svyatoslav supports revolutionary movements in the country, taking an active social and civic position, including through his creativity. For example, his speech in support of Euromaidan in 2013 attracted more than two hundred thousand people. Everyone was so eager to listen to the songs live that they were even ready to climb onto the roofs of nearby shopping centers when space in the square “ran out.” Vakarchuk also does not hide his political views from the general public in Ukraine and beyond its borders: he repeatedly shows a negative attitude towards the war in Donbass and helps ATO soldiers.

In one of the interviews, Svyatoslav admitted that he is ambidextrous. That is, he is just as right-handed as he is left-handed - he can perform all actions with both hands absolutely equally.

On September 30, 2007, during early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, Svyatoslav Ivanovich became a people's deputy. The party “Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense” accepted him into its lava. But a year later (in December 2008) he renounced his parliamentary powers.

Among Vakarchuk’s broad interests is an active passion for Buddhism and Japanese culture.

The musician's favorite writers (in order of priority) are Ivan Franko, Anton Chekhov, Lina Kostenko, Nikolai Gogol.

Musical idols - The Beatles, Red Hot Chilly Peppers, Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd. He also admits that he loves listening to Mumiy Troll, Zemfira and Nikolai Noskov.

Rumors: Vakarchuk wants to become President

The most striking rumor associated with Svyatoslav Vakarchuk appeared recently. Now at different levels (from social networks to international conferences) it is being actively discussed that he may be running for President and running for the next elections.

Svyatoslav does not say “I want to become President,” thereby confirming the rumors, but he also does not unequivocally refute them. However, he recently made a fiery speech addressed to the Ukrainian people at the European YES Forum. Many have already managed to call him a true and honest leader of the nation. And ill-wishers compared her with the young Yulia Tymoshenko, who knew how to instill ephemeral ideas in the people with glowing eyes. But no one will be able to find criminal incriminating evidence on Vakarchuk like Lady Yu...

Personal life: married, divorced, why no children?

The personal life of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is practically a secret. He prefers not to talk about women in public and not to talk about the details of his love in interviews. But fans still have to give some answers, because they need to be respected, and it’s almost impossible to completely hide the obvious.

So what is known about Vakarchuk’s personal life? Everyone knows that he has been married for a long time and you will not find a single news on the topic of “Vakarchuk’s new novel.”

Back in those same student years, when he met his comrades and founded the group, Svyatoslav also met the lady of his heart - Lyalya Fonareva. The love between them arose instantly and immediately grew into creative collaboration and a serious love relationship for life. Initially, Lyalya participated in every possible way in developing the group’s style - she selected looks for them for performances, took photographs, and then took on the stylistic image of the team. Over time, she became the art director of Ocean Elsa and remains so to this day. As for personal relationships with Svyatoslav, he has been living in a civil marriage with Lyalya for 15 years. And just recently (in 2015), the lovers finally decided to legalize their relationship. The star couple played a modest wedding in their homeland in Lviv, without inviting a single journalist and forbidding anyone from publishing photographs from this event. Obviously, only the closest people were at the wedding of Vakarchuk and Fonareva.

There is a loving and beloved wife - this is the short answer to all questions about his personal life from Svyatoslav Ivanovich. What about the children? Despite the fact that he turned 43 this year, Vakarchuk never acquired a “full-fledged family.” He answers questions on this topic: as God willing. And yet, he somehow already experienced the joy of fatherhood. Lyalya has a daughter from her first marriage, Diana, whom they are raising together.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is a popular rock musician from Ukraine, the author of his own songs, famous. He is both the leader and founder of the sensational group “Okean Elzy”. Svyatoslav is not only an excellent singer and musician, he is also a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk: biography

The future stage star, one of the most popular artists in Ukraine, was born on May 14, 1975 in Mukachevo. His father (Ivan Vakarchuk) is a physicist, rector of Lviv University, and served as Minister of Education. Svyatoslav successfully graduated from one of the Lviv schools with in-depth study of English. For two years he studied at a music school, played the violin, and studied the accordion. Since childhood, little Slava led a very eventful life: the boy was one of the organizers of the school theater, played in the KVN team, and played sports, in particular basketball. Having received and left school behind, Svyatoslav entered the Lviv National University. Frank, studied at the Department of Theoretical Physics. It seemed to Vokarchuk that higher education alone was not enough; he re-entered the university and received a new specialty - international economist. In general, a simple guy Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, whose biography, it would seem, is not remarkable, soon became a real rock star and a favorite of the public.


Of course, Svyatoslav’s childhood passion for music did not pass without a trace. In 1994, he debuted with his group “Okean Elzy” and quickly rose to the rock Olympus of Ukraine. Already from the first performances, the group fell in love with the people, a wave of success carried the group to several rock festivals, after which the guys went to Kiev, where they recorded their first album “There, where we are dumb” (1998). When the debut album was released, the number of fans of the group increased sharply, and people in Russia began to actively take an interest in Vakarchuk. The leader of the group is undoubtedly an excellent vocalist with an unusually recognizable voice that cannot be confused with anyone else. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk writes songs and music for his group himself, at least most of them. In 2008, his career took on a new turn, Svyatoslav recorded his solo album, in the writing of which his comrades from the group gladly helped him. Even after starting a solo career, the singer does not leave his activities in the group; in 2010, their seventh album “Dolce Vita” was released, with which the musicians went on tour abroad. Today the group is known in many countries, their songs are on the lips of many people.

Social activity

Despite the fact that most people associate this name specifically with the music of “Okean Elzy,” the career of a singer and artist is not limited to Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. His biography is closely connected with social activities. He is the organizer of many cultural projects, intended mainly for young people, is involved in charity work, and is also Svyatoslav, who has always been concerned about the problems of orphans. For example, he sent all the proceeds from the sale of the song “Merry Brothers, the Times have Come...” to one of the Ukrainian orphanages.

civil position

In addition to the continuous one in which Svyatoslav Vakarchuk certainly succeeded, his biography is also connected with politics. In 2004, the singer actively supported the then opposition Viktor Yushchenko, took part in the sensational concerts on the Maidan, together with other musicians, expressing his civic position regarding the authorities in Ukraine. In November 2007, Svyatoslav was elected people's deputy. However, despite all this, Vakarchuk did not stay in politics for long, explaining his departure by saying that he did not want to participate in the struggle for the sake of struggle. In his own opinion, the main feature of a good politician is honesty, but, as it turned out, no one needs an honest policy.


It is to the family that Svyatoslav himself gives the leading role in his own life, never tired of repeating that the family is all he needs. Both of Vokarchuk’s parents are in one way or another connected with physics: his father is a physicist by training, a former Minister of Education of Ukraine, his mother is the daughter of another outstanding physicist, and is related to veterinary medicine. Svyatoslav is not the only child in the family; he has a younger brother Oleg, a successful bank employee. Many fans, of course, are interested in whether Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is married? The singer’s personal life always remains outside the gaze of television cameras. Officially, the artist is not married, but for many years he has been living in a civil marriage with Lyalya Fonareva. The performer does not like to talk about his personal life and prefers tactfully not to answer all questions regarding a possible wedding. No matter how mysterious a figure in the world of show business Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is, children are a completely separate issue for him. Lyalya has a 20-year-old daughter from her first marriage; the couple has no children together. Despite the fact that the singer does not yet have his own offspring, he has repeatedly told reporters that he would certainly like to have children.

According to Svyatoslav himself, he belongs to a rare group of ambidextrous people, that is, he can use both his left and right hands equally. The performer clarifies that this feature of his concerns only the ability to write with both hands.

In 2005, Vakarchuk became the winner of a special New Year’s edition of the Ukrainian version of the popular TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”