Excursion to the museum of the Russian Izba kindergarten. Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba”

It is necessary to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture from childhood. We often forget about our roots, do not know the customs and national holidays. For this purpose, a mini-museum “Russian Izba” was created in the kindergarten and a system of working with children in this area was created.

Children are very interested in excursions to the mini-museum, because they learn a lot of new and interesting things there. They enjoy looking at clay dishes and listening to stories about how they lived before people. They ask a lot of questions: why children sleep in cradles, why a spinning wheel is needed and how to handle it, why a samovar and an iron do not have a wire, etc. It is impossible to explain to children on a verbal level the meaning of words that have long since fallen into disuse, such as spinning wheel, tub , grip, poker, mortar, rocker, etc. Only seen with one’s own eyes, played out in the process of a game-activity, do these things become familiar and recognizable.

Target: the formation of personal culture in children based on familiarization with the features of the material and spiritual culture of the Russian people.

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with the way of life of the Russian people, pdevelop children's interest in national culture Russian people.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, epics, memorization of proverbs, sayings, consideration museum exhibits. Manufacturing various decorations in art classes.

Vocabulary work: hut, stove, crucible, bench, oven, grip, cradle, poker, cast iron, spindle, bast shoes, tow, samovar, red corner,

Equipment:“Russian hut”, equipped with Russian household items, glomerulus, Russian folk costumes, samovar.

Playing with tape (in a group)

Vanya went out for a walk

I started choosing a girlfriend,

I started choosing a girlfriend,

Who should I give the ribbon to?

Bow down, bow down

Yes, hold on to the ribbon!

Educator: guys, did you like playing Russian? folk game“Vanya went out for a walk”? And in the old days there was a lot of interesting things. Do you want to take a trip back in time? The little ball will help us with this, let’s say the magic words to it together:

You roll, roll a ball,

Show me the path

From the ravine to the bridge

Just don't rush too much

And we will go after him! (follow the ball from the group).

Here we are! Guys, guess where we ended up? (to the Russian hut)

Children enter the Russian Izba museum and are greeted by the hostess.

Hostess: Hello, dear guests! You are welcome to my hut! My room is small, but it’s so beautiful! Come on in, come on in, take a good look at everything. And to find out what we will talk about today. Guess the zag adku:

"Our fat Fedora
It doesn't take long to get enough
But when I’m full
Fedora gives warmth..." (stove)

Hostess: That's right, dear guests! The most important thing in a village hut is the stove.

Stove – a house is not a house without a stove. The stove was an integral part of the home. It served as a source of heat and light. Occupied most Houses. There is even a riddle about the stove: “What can’t you get out of the hut?” You could sleep on the stove or lie down to warm yourself. The place where people slept on the stove was called polati. They built the stove out of brick and coated it with clay, and the stove maker laid the stove. But not only could one sleep on the stove and warm up near it, but they also baked bread and cooked food in it. This horned grip was needed so that the hot cast iron with soup or porridge you drag, and this shovel is for getting bread out of the oven.

Popular wisdom says: “The hut is not red in its corners, but the hut is red in its pies.” The family was judged by how skilled the housewife was. And this whole farm was called a woman’s corner. Here was everything she needed to cook dinner and feed the cattle. And we had to cook a lot; at that time families were large. See what it costs? These are utensils that people used. It is made of wood and clay. Food was stored in them. And here is a jug for milk, it’s called a jug.

Hostess: And in every hut there was a “red corner”. In this corner hung an icon, covered with an embroidered towel.

In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important undertaking began. The red corner is the most honorable place in the house. A person who came to the hut could only go there at the special invitation of the owners. They tried to keep the red corner clean and elegantly decorated. The very name of the angle “red” means “beautiful”, “good”, “light”. In the corner there was a table and benches where the whole family sat.

Hostess: Oh, guys! Someone is crying in the cradle. How can you figure out who is there? (child)

Previously, in the old days, there were no cribs, strollers and babies were rocked in cradles. The cradle was hung from the ceiling, near the stove, where it was warmer. The cradle was covered with a canopy. This is not just a barrier from light and flies, but also an obstacle from evil spirits. It was strictly forbidden to rock an empty cradle, as the child would sleep restlessly.

In the Russian hut, almost everything was made by the hands of the peasants themselves. The furniture was homemade, wooden, very simple. Everything was made with love, passed down from generation to generation.

Hostess: Where did Russian housewives keep their clothes?

Children: In the chest (we look at the chest)

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 16 “Sun” of compensatory type

Shchelkovsky municipal district MO


excursions to the mini-museum

"Russian hut"

(by activity)

with pre-school children

with general speech underdevelopment.

Compiled and conducted:

Stepankova G.G.

teacher of MBDOU No. 16


Abstract: “Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba”.

Educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Integration educational areas : “Speech development”; “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive Development"

Target: Continue to introduce children to handicrafts.



Continue to introduce children to types of folk applied art (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya toy, Pavlovo Posad shawl) and with their characteristic features.

Encourage the desire to compose stories, express judgments, and their own understanding of the artistic image.

Improve children's artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems.

Initiate decorative design paper figures - decoration with elements decorative painting based on the Dymkovo toy.

Developmental :

Develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, interest in folk art.


Arouse children's interest in Russian national culture.

Foster a culture of listening and visual perception.

Cultivate an interest in art native land, instill love and careful attitude to the works of Russian masters.

Instill interest in visiting the museum.

Vocabulary work : folk crafts, applied arts, elements of painting.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with museum exhibits, memorizing poems; conversations with children about folk arts and crafts;

modeling toys, painting silhouettes; viewing illustrations with decorative painting patterns; repetition of the rules of conduct in the museum.

Expected result:

1. The horizons and imagination will expand, artistic taste, Creative skills.

2. Children will get acquainted with ancient and modern products of folk craftsmen.

3. The vocabulary will be enriched with the names of cities and villages - the birthplace of folk crafts.

Materials and equipment: objects of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo painting and other objects folk arts, visual and illustrative material of elements of Dymkovo painting, figures cut out of paper based on the Dymkovo toy, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, audio recording “Russian tunes”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! I invite you on a tour of our museum. We will remember and again admire those folk crafts that are collected in our museum, and get acquainted with new ones. Russian masters created a lot of beautiful things. They cannot even be called things. These are real works of art!

Let's take a look at these antiques.

They will tell us beauty secrets,

They will lead us into world of Russia,

Giving and goodness.

They will talk about folk

Miracle - masters!

Educator: Today we have guests, and we are always happy to have guests. I invite them to join our excursion to look and listen about our exhibits, and you will help me with this.

-Well, guys, come over -

Look at the toys.

(children approach the exhibition of Dymkovo toys, they are greeted by the Dymkovo turkey)

And here is our first guest. What can you tell him about these toys?

(children talk about the Dymkovo toy)

Educator: Guys, toys used to be painted with dry paints mixed with eggs and kvass, using sticks and feathers instead of brushes. The painted toy was again covered with beaten egg, which gave the faded colors shine and brightness. And there weren’t that many colors, but now what colors do craftsmen use to paint toys? (children's answers)

Turkey : Well done boys! How much do you know about the Dymkovo toy?

And I am a noble toy,

Folding, oh well.

I'm famous everywhere

Maybe you'll like me.

Educator: Can you guess what kind of toy this is? (children's answers, the turkey spreads its tail)


Yes! This is a Dymkovo turkey!

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

Surprised everyone with the outfit

He spread his wings importantly.

Look: bushy tail

He is not at all simple -

Like a sunny flower;

And the tall comb

The red paint of grief, -

Like a king's crown!

The turkey's plumage was made more and more skillfully from time to time, which is why the figurine ceased to be suitable for play. From now on, she began to take pride of place on chests of drawers and decorate any other furniture. The Dymkovo toy is made by hand and painted every time in a new way, therefore, no two figures are identical, each is a unique copy, each haze is unique, each toy is warmed by a craftswoman with her own hands.

Turkey: I want to give your museum a toy as a souvenir! (Kovrov lady)

Educator: Look how beautiful the lady is. What kind of toy do you think this is? (children's answers) In fact, this toy is our fellow countryman. It was made by craftsmen from the city of Kovrov, on the Klyazma River. It is very similar to the Dymkovo one, just as bright and painted, but still different. Look, her painting elements are completely different...... Thank you, dear guest, for your gift!

Here's our next guest.

Matryoshka : Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers,

Hand rests

On wooden sides

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

I got a little flushed.

This is Russian.... (matryoshka) (children's answers)

Matryoshka : Well done guys! You recognize me, and if you also tell me where I’m from. (children’s answers)

Saint Sergiev Posad -

For the nesting doll, a home!

Dolls over a hundred years old

make everyone happy White light!

Educator : Look how many nesting dolls are collected in our museum. They are all so different. In what parts of Russia is this toy not made? The matryoshka is considered an original Russian souvenir, which foreign guests try to bring from Russia.

But you know, the prototype of the Russian nesting doll was the figurine of a Japanese god, which, like the matryoshka, moved apart, representing a container for a smaller figurine. Russian craftsmen decided to make their own toy. Master Zvezdochkin V.P. carved the first figurines of dolls (three- and six-seater), which were nested one inside the other. These nesting dolls have not survived. Therefore, the first nesting doll is considered to be an eight-seater doll depicting a peasant girl with a rooster, soon christened by the people with the common name Matryoshka (Matryona) at that time. The toy consisted of eight figures - girls and boys. The latter depicted a swaddled baby. Masters tirelessly competed with each other, increasing the number of figurines invested. Today in the funds Historical Museum A 100-seat nesting doll is also kept in Moscow. It is made in a single copy.

Guys, what other nesting dolls do you know? (children's answers) What are they made of? (children's answers)

Educator: There is a belief that if you put a note with a wish inside a nesting doll, it will certainly come true, and moreover, than more work enclosed in a matryoshka doll, i.e. the more places it has and the better the quality of the matryoshka’s painting, the faster desire will come true.

Matryoshka: Well done! Here's a gift for your museum. (Gives a matryoshka doll)

Educator: Thank you Matryoshka! Guys, what other wooden products of folk craftsmen do you know? (children’s answers: (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Bogorodskaya toy)

That's right, Golden Khokhloma!

Khokhloma painting-

A scattering of scarlet berries,

Admire how hard the master tried to please us with his work. Wooden utensils are beautiful and convenient.

Guys, you know, if you eat cabbage soup or porridge with such a spoon, it won’t burn your mouth.

Why is it called Golden Khokhloma? (children's answers)

(The teacher leads the children to the exhibition of Bogorodsk toys)

Who can tell me what kind of magical toys these are?

(children's answers)

Bogorodskaya toy –

wooden animal.

Teddy bear, bunny, cockerel -

Have a look, my friend!

The masters got down to business -

cut from white linden

or a blacksmith bear,

or in a daredevil's dance!

Yes, this is a Bogorodsk toy. Why is it called that? (children's answers)

And this village is located in the Moscow region.

These toys have a trick that Bogorodsk craftsmen came up with; they know how to come to life. Pick them up and play with them. (children look at toys)

All toys are made from linden, which is dried for about four years. The wood is soft and easy to work with.

Educator: Go to the next exhibition (children approach Gzhel)

We have one more guest.


Porcelain teapots,

Candlesticks, clocks,

Animals and birds

Unprecedented beauty.

Village in the Moscow region

She became famous. Now

Everyone knows

Her name is(Gzhel)

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, how did you guess that it was Gzhel? (children's answers)

It is interesting that even in ancient times, when the Gzhel craft was just beginning, Gzhel was multi-colored. Dishes, figures of people and animals were painted bright colors: green, yellow, red. And these days, Gzhel is known for its blue and light blue patterns painted on a white background. The blue and white Gzhel, which has become traditional, is not originally Russian - Russian craftsmen picked up these colors from the Dutch.

What patterns do Gzhel craftsmen like to paint their dishes with? (children's answers)

Gzhel is also our fellow countrywoman; it is located in the Moscow region.

Gzhel : Well done, here’s a gift for your museum. (Gzhel gives a Gzhel mug)

Educator: Thank you! Oh, what kind of beauty is this? (throws a scarf over his shoulders) Who can tell me?

(children's answer)

Multi-colored scarves,

Printed Shawls

How many women are there in Rus'?

They decorated for the holiday.

Masters have learned

Pavlova Posada

Draw a pattern of herbs

Forests, meadows, gardens.

Educator: Pavlovsky Posad is another city on the banks of the Klyazma River. Painted scarves and shawls brought fame to the whole world to Pavlovsky Posad. They were worn and simple people, and notable persons. Previously, many women wore bright scarves on their heads, shoulders, and sometimes even simply folded on their arms, as a decoration (demonstration). In many rich families, young ladies had forty scarves at their disposal. The scarf was one of the most desired gifts. And also, in the Pavlovo-Posad region today they create magic. After all, it is here, in the village of Danilovo, that there is a Christmas tree decorations factory “Iney”. Glass Christmas decorations- a real miracle. After all, each such ball, cone, and figurine is created manually. This means they are unique and inimitable. The factory conducts excursions for children and adults, so everyone has the opportunity to see the entire process of creating toys with their own eyes.

These are the wonderful products of folk craftsmen that our beloved Moscow region is rich in! Guys, did you like our tour? And how many more interesting things can I tell you about the Filimonov toy, and about the Golden Khokhloma, and about the painted Zhostovo trays! And you and I will definitely meet another time in our Russian hut and continue getting acquainted with folk craftsmen and their wonderful products.

And now, I invite you to imagine yourself as folk craftsmen and paint a sketch of the future Dymkovo toy. Go to the hall, choose workplace. But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

About the left and right hand

Look, two hands:

Right and left! (we stretch our arms forward, showing)

They can clap their hands -

Both right and left! (clap our hands)

They can hold my nose -

Both right and left! (we alternately pinch our nose with our right and left hands)

They can cover their mouth with their palm -

Both right and left! (cover the mouth of both)

They can show the way -

Both right and left! (we show the direction with either the right or the left hand)

I am always friends with my hands -

Both right and left! (friendly handshake)

And they can be affectionate

Both right and left!

They will hug you, they will press you to me -

Both right and left! (we wrap our arms around ourselves - “hug”)

(children together with their parents paint the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys)

Educator: You made some wonderful toys.

In conclusion, I want to say one thing: folk art does not become a thing of the past as long as it is interesting to someone, that every generation likes it in some way. Which means that folk art will live for many more years, and folk craftsmen will glorify their country.

List of used literature:

Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. – M.: “KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS”, 2006.

Ermolaeva N.V. Aesthetic education of preschool children through arts and crafts art. Partial program. – St. Petersburg. LLC Publishing House "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" 2011

Perehvatova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Pleshanovsky kindergarten No. 1"
Locality: With. Donskoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Orenburg region
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Excursion to the mini-museum "Russian Izba"
Publication date: 03.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba” for older children


"Cognitive Development"
Formation of a holistic picture of the world.
Familiarization with the social environment.


“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative”. “Speech”, “Artistic - aesthetic”, “Physical”.
Continue to introduce children to the life of the Russian people.

1. Educational:
- Give your child access to the culture of his people, introducing him to the peculiarities of everyday life, customs, traditions, Russian folk music, and games. - Introduce children to the hut - home peasant family, Russian stove. - Enrich children's vocabulary with folk proverbs, sayings, new words (grasp, cast iron, poker, etc.).
2. Developmental:
- Develop children’s cognitive interests, monologue speech, and communication skills by involving preschoolers in the role of tour guides; folk games. - Develop curiosity and develop the ability to interact with each other in game situations.
3. Educational:
- Cultivate a caring attitude towards antiques, folk traditions, customs of hospitality, interest in Russian folklore
Gaming, perception fiction, motor, cognitive-research, communicative.
Methods - playful, verbal, visual. Techniques - conversation, explanation, asking riddles, reading poems, proverbs, viewing exhibits.

acquaintance with museum exhibits, memorizing texts of riddles, poems about ancient utensils, household items, Russian hut. Review of the rules of conduct in the museum.

Hut, icons, stove, shirt, ports, sundress, poker, cast iron, bast shoes, felt boots.

Children will receive extensive knowledge about the history of the peasant dwelling - the hut, and its structure. - Get to know antique items household items. - The vocabulary will be enriched with the names of Russian everyday objects.

Hostess (teacher):
Hello dear guests! You are welcome to my hut! My room is small. It’s so beautiful! Come in and take a good look at everything. I invite you to our museum. Do you know what a museum is? (Children's answers)
A museum is a place where ancient objects are collected, stored and displayed: paintings, books, dishes, toys and much more. Museums are created by people: they collect various items, study them and organize exhibitions. This is needed for
in order to preserve valuable and rare items. Our group has collected a corner of Russian antiquity. Glory to our side, Glory to Russian antiquity! And about this antiquity, I will begin to talk, So that children can know About the affairs of their native land! - The first room in the house is the entryway. The canopy, first of all, separated heat from cold. The door from the warm hut did not open directly onto the street, but into the hallway. On the farm, the canopy was used as utility rooms. In the summer it was comfortable to sleep “in the cool” in the hallway. And in the large entryway, girls' get-togethers and winter meetings of young people were held.
With stew, porridge, pies, you are red, Russian hut Yes, you always greet guests with woven rugs.
When entering a hut, everyone, willy-nilly, must bow to the owners, otherwise you might get a bump on your forehead: the door to the hut is low, but the threshold, on the contrary, is high, so that there is less wind. Entering the hut, you will immediately notice the stove: the stove occupied the main space of the hut. People used to say: Without a stove, a house is not a house.
What do you think the stove is for?
To cook food, to keep the house warm, to sleep on it.
Yes, the stove was heated with wood to keep the hut warm. They also cooked cabbage soup and porridge very tasty in the Russian oven, baked bread and pies.
Here's the oven! It takes up half the house! Where can you find one like this now? They take out the cast iron with the cabbage soup - You really can’t tear it off by the ears! And there’s also a bed on the stove: If you’re sick, warm your sides.
The stove was multifunctional: food was cooked in it, it warmed and even illuminated the house. Children and old people slept on the stove, people washed in the stove, that is, an adult could easily crawl inside the stove. They also dried food and clothes in it. By heating the body inside a stove, diseases, such as colds, were banished in Rus'.
Which one of you more proverbs does he know about the stove and Russian hospitality? - Roosters sit on the roost, and old people lie on the stove. - If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove! - Whatever is in the oven, everything is on the table - swords. - The guests are looking at the stove, apparently they want porridge. - You can’t help but get hot near the stove. - It’s like I fell out of an oven.
The stove divided the hut into three parts: “Red Corner”, “Babi Kut” ( female part huts) and "Horseman" (men's corner). In the corner to the right of the stove, the hostess was in command. Here everything was adapted for cooking, there was a spinning wheel. The other corner to the left of the stove was called
i.e. beautiful. There was a table, benches, and icons hanging here. This was a special place for guests. The Russian people have always been famous for their hospitality. Here's how Russian proverbs say it:
- Whatever is in the oven is all on the table - swords. - The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies. - Know how to invite people for a visit, know how to treat them. When seating guests in the red corner, they said: Greet them not with flattery, but with honor. The back corner has been masculine since ancient times. A konik, a short, wide bench, was placed here. This was a man's workplace. Here they wove bast shoes, baskets, repaired harnesses, knitted nets, etc. Tools were stored under the bunk or in the box itself.
Guys, in our museum you can touch any exhibits and even play with them. Guess the riddles about the museum exhibits: Our fat Fedora does not get full soon, but when she is full, Fedora gives off warmth (stove). It’s narrow at the bottom, wide at the top. Not a saucepan, but... (a cast iron pot). Not a bull, but with horns, It doesn’t eat, but there’s enough food, And what it grabs, it gives away? (grasp).
Near the stove, a shovel, a broom, and a grab handle stand side by side. The bread was “planted” into the oven using a shovel, and the cast iron was taken out of the oven using a grabber. Who wants to try? (Children, if desired, remove the cast iron from the stove)
I have another riddle for you: A wooden friend, Without her we are like without hands, At leisure she is a merry fellow, And she feeds everyone around. He puts the porridge directly into his mouth and doesn’t let you get burned.
And here are the painted spoons. Look how different they all are in both shape and coloring. What material are they made of? (children's answers)
And these are cups, bowls. What are they made of? How were they different from modern dishes?
Yes, before, dishes were made of wood or clay.
And these are old clothes. Let's consider it. What are the items of clothing called, what fabric were they made from, what were they used to decorate them with, how did everyday clothes differ from festive ones? Who made these clothes? (children answer).
Well, once you are dressed in a shirt and ports, you need to put on your shoes and hurry to the holiday!
Look, what is this? (draws the children’s attention to ancient shoes - bast shoes, felt boots). Name these shoes.
Felt boots and bast shoes.
What do you think, which shoes are for the cold season and which for the warm season?
In winter they wore felt boots, and in summer they wore bast shoes.
Previously, in the old days, people had to work a lot; they did almost everything with their own hands. Women and girls spun yarn on such spinning wheels. They laid a tow (wool, flax) and spun it using a spindle. There were also combs for carding wool fibers. The women were spinning yarn and saying:
You are my helper, my dear spinning wheel, spin the yarn for me so that I can’t see the edge.
What was the yarn needed for?
To knit socks, clothes.
Women and girls wove rugs, sewed and embroidered clothes. They even made the toys themselves. People in the old days worked a lot, but they also loved to have fun, dance in circles, and sing songs. Do you want to play?
Game (folk) “Strap”.
Children squat in a circle. A driver walks around with a strap (ribbon) and says: I hide, hide the strap, under a reed bush, And whoever sleeps through the dawn, beat him, beat him! With these words, he places the strap behind one of the players, who must pick up the strap and run after the leader. The presenter, having run around the circle, sits in the place of the player. If they catch up with him, they change roles.
Today, children, you came to the hut for the first time, and I see that you can’t wait to see everything closer. Don’t be shy, come in and take a closer look at everything.
What items of the Russian upper room did we talk about today? What parts is a Russian hut divided into? What's in the red corner? What was the name of the women's part of the hut? What was the name of the men's part of the hut?

Exhibits of the mini-museum “Russian Izba” The excursion is conducted by the Hostess (teacher) of the “Russian Izba”.

Maisheva Tatyana Vasilievna

Educator, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6 "Lukomorye", Nefteyugansk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Maisheva T.V. Gatherings at the mini-museum of the Russian Izba group// Owl. 2018. N3(13)..02.2019).

Order No. 114796

Target: familiarizing preschoolers with the history of Russian life, the structure village hut, folk traditions and art.


  1. Expand children's knowledge about antiques and their purpose.
  2. Activate words in speech: spinning wheel, spindle , wool, tow.
  3. Induce a joyful mood from communicating with peers and adults.
  4. To instill in children a love for the Motherland, its traditions and folk culture.

Integration of areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development , artistic and aesthetic.

Preliminary work: h familiarization with household items, customs, and traditions in other classes at the “Russian Izba” mini-museum; reading Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, solving riddles; listening to Russian folk music; organization and holding of Russian folk games.

Materials and equipment: household items in the mini-museum of the Russian Izba group, laptop, projector

  1. Introductory part

Hostess of the hut (teacher): Guys, we are with you again in our mini-museum “Russian Izba”. How many of you remember the Russians? folk proverbs, sayings?

Children:“To live at home is not to sew a basket”, “The hostess in the house is like pancakes in honey”, “To live at home is to worry about everything”, “Many guests - a lot of news”, “What is in the oven - swords on the table”

Mistress asks the children to explain what some proverbs say, then she sums it up herself.

  1. Main part

Hostess: What subject am I going to tell you a riddle about now?

I feed everyone with pleasure, but I myself am mouthless (spoon)

Children guess the riddle. One of the children (prepared in advance) talks about a wooden spoon: “If you eat with a wooden spoon, the food becomes more aromatic and tastier. You will never get burned when eating with a wooden spoon. The shape of wooden spoons is deep, because in Rus' the main dish was soup or thin porridge. A pot was placed on the table, each family member drew from it and brought it to his mouth with the help of bread. The masters made spoons from aspen, birch and maple.”

The hostess and children thank the child for the story.

Wooden spoons were also a musical instrument in Rus'.

The hostess invites the children to play on wooden spoons.

But not only in Rus' did they dance and sing, but they also knew how to work.

Mistress invites children to guess the riddle:

The more I spin, the fatter I get (spindle)

Children guess the riddle (most likely they won’t guess).

Mistress: And this, guys, is a spindle! Has anyone heard anything about it or knows what it is used for?

Mistress invites you to watch a video about the spindle and how yarn was spun in Rus'.

  1. Final part

Mistress: What new did you learn today? How many of you have seen a spindle or a spinning wheel? What will you tell your parents about?

Mistress praises children.

Dark in the old days winter evenings people gathered in a large hut, where they sang, danced in circles, and told fairy tales. Such evenings were called gatherings.

The hostess invites the children to play the round dance game “Arina”. The players stand in a circle, with Arina leading in the middle. She is blindfolded.

Everyone sings: Dear Arina, rise above the barn,

Fold your hands and indicate whose name!

Arina walks around, singing: I walk, I walk along the loaf of bread,

Along the loaf, I’ll find out who I find!

Then, touching one of the players, he tries to guess his name. Whose name he guesses will be Arina.

Mistress: In such a situation, our ancestors sat in one of the huts and spun wool, knitted, wove bast shoes, and sang.


  1. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. St. Petersburg Childhood-Press, 2000.
  2. Lunina G.V. Raising children according to the traditions of Russian culture. St. Petersburg, 2005.

Department of Education of the City of Moscow North-Western District Department of Education State Budgetary educational institution Moscow cities "School No. 1747" preschool department "Star" Moscow, 3rd Mitinsky lane, 6, bldg. 2, tel.: 8 (495) 753-32-02

Prepared and carried out

GBOU educators "School No. 1747" before "Star"

  • Nasrtdinova Elena Alexandrovna,
  • Koroteeva Marina Aleksandrovna.


Educational area "Cognitive Development"

  • Expand children's understanding of Russian folk culture. To form children’s primary ideas about Russian life, Russian family utensils, toys.
  • Educational area "Speech development"
  • Enrich lexicon children, introduce them to the names of parts of the hut, Russian utensils: grip, shovel for bread, cradle, cast iron, red corner, tuesa. Develop children's dialogical speech and continue to develop the ability to answer questions.
  • Develop memory, logical thinking, children's imagination.

Educational area "Socio-moral development"

  • Instill interest in Russian culture, the history of our people, and introduce children to preschool age to Russian folk art (proverbs, nursery rhymes, lullabies).
  • Develop the ability to work together, listen carefully to the teacher, and engage in dialogue.
  • To develop labor skills and abilities in the manufacture of fabric crafts.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

  • Develop creative possibilities in the process of integrating various types of activities: verbal, artistic, musical, gaming.
  • To develop children's ability to make a simple rag doll.
  • To develop the ability to recognize the character of music.

Educational area "Physical development"

  • Develop the ability to move to the beat of music. Introduce a new Russian outdoor game "Carousel" .

Equipment: mini-museum exhibits "Russian hut" : antique household utensils, pictures depicting modern household items and furniture, a tambourine, ribbons according to the number of children, fabric and threads for making amulets dolls.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, looking at illustrations, getting acquainted with Russian folk toy, Russian folk games.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks in the group:

Educator: - Guys, what is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia) In the old days, our country was called Rus'.

Guys, do you want to know how our ancestors lived in the old days? (Yes) Today we will visit a very interesting place- a Russian hut, very similar to the one in which Russian people lived many years ago. We will see items that were used in the old days.

Children come to the museum.

Educator: - So we came to our hut!

In a sundress, with bread and salt, the children are met by the second teacher - Grandma-Zabavushka, who later conducts the lesson.

Grandma-Funny: - Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls. You are welcome to visit us in the hut. Come on in, welcome!

Children sit on a bench.

Grandma-Funny: - We ask you to come to our hut,

A red guest gets a red seat.

In crowded but not mad,

Where it's more crowded, it's more fun.

Grandma-Funny: - Guys, how did you greet guests before? In the old days, guests were greeted with jokes, jokes and games. Let's say hello to each other too.

Held finger game "Guests" .

Grandma-Funny: - Guys, do you know how people built their huts? And they built them like this: there was a rule in Rus': the owner went to his neighbor: “Come,” he said, “kind people, help me build a hut.” . “We will definitely come!” - answered the neighbor. The owner went to another neighbor, and he did not refuse to help him.

The next morning many men gathered, and together with the owner they began "cutting a hut" . And they built such a hut from wooden logs. "Cutting down a hut" means to build, and they built it with axes. In Rus' there were such craftsmen that they could build a hut without a single nail, so the logs were trimmed and adjusted so that the hut was strong and not subject to any wind.

What does it mean "cutting a hut" ? (Build it with an axe).

Grandmother-Funny: - To make the house happy, it was necessary to follow the traditions of the ancestors. A hole was made in the wall or roof of a new house so that all troubles and misfortunes would fly out through it. When everything was ready, a cat or a hen and a rooster were first allowed into the dwelling, which determined whether it was possible to live here.

But in Rus' people knew how to not only work well, but also have fun. Listen to what a cheerful melody the Russian people came up with. The legs dance on their own. Come on, come out honest people, to the Russian dance.

Together with the teacher, children perform voluntary movements to Russian folk dance "Lady" .

Grandma-Funny: The stove occupied an important place in the hut. The stove was an integral part of the home. What did it serve? (It was a source of heat and light.) It occupied most of the house. There is even a riddle about the stove: “What can’t you get out of the hut?” . What else could you do on the stove? (One could sleep on the stove, or lie down and warm up.) They built the stove out of brick and coated it with clay, and the stove maker laid the stove. But you could not only sleep on the stove and warm yourself near it. What else could she do? (Bake bread, cook food.)

What is this long stick for, and even with horns? This is a grip. It was needed in order to pull the hot cast iron with soup or porridge out of the oven. And this spatula? (Listen to the children’s answers.) A shovel was needed to get bread out of the oven. But he ripened the bread.

The teacher offers to smell the aroma of a fresh loaf. I

Granny-Funny: - What kind of bread? (fragrant, fragrant, fresh...)

Guys, who knows the proverbs about bread? (If there was bread, but there would be porridge... Without salt, without bread, that’s half the lunch. Bread is father, water is mother. As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem. Lunch is bad if there is no bread.) And here's another one: “A well-fed man thinks about business, but a hungry man thinks about bread.”

Grandma-Funny: - The most important place in the hut - "red corner" . "Red Corner" - the most honorable place in the house. The very name of the angle "red" means "Beautiful" . It was cleaned with embroidered towels. "Red Corner" They tried to keep it clean and elegantly decorated. Low doors with thresholds were cut into the house. When a guest entered the house, he had to bow to "red corner" , and only then he greeted the owners. A person who came to the hut could go into "red corner" only by invitation of the hosts.

IN "red corner" the main place was occupied by the table. “Not a piece of bread - table - board” - that's what the peasants said. In the Russian hut, almost everything was made by the hands of the peasants themselves. The furniture was homemade, wooden, very simple. Benches where people slept, a chest for things, benches for sitting at the table, shelves for utensils.

Grandma-Funny: - Guys, look what’s on the shelf? Yes, this is the utensils that people in the villages used. It is made of wood and clay. Tuesa (the teacher shows and lets the children touch) made from tree bark. Food was stored in them. And these are different jugs for liquid: for milk, for honey. All these are called kitchen utensils. And here are the buckets and the rocker. Why was the rocker needed? Yes, it’s inconvenient to carry heavy buckets in your hands, so they came up with a rocker.

Summarizing part: the game is being played "Old is new" . The teacher shows pictures with modern items, and children find ancient analogues.

Grandmother-Fun: - In the old days, children also loved to play with toys, just like you. Toys were made from different materials They made whatever was at hand: sculpted from clay, planed from wood, knitted from thread, from rags, carved from bone. Then the toys were gradually improved. Admire the beautiful nesting dolls. Matryoshka figurine carved from wooden block. It splits into two parts, and there is another figurine in it. And so several dolls. Matryoshka is a symbol of which country? (Russia.) Ancient traditions are still preserved, although everything has changed in the world of toys. What material are the most toys made of now? (Made of plastic.) The girls loved to play with dolls and rock the cradle. Do you remember when we learned a lullaby?

Grandma-Funny invites the girls to rock the cradle and sing a lullaby:

Sleep, my dear, bye-bye-bye.
Dear doll, close your eyes.
I'll undress you and put you to bed.
Tomorrow we will get up together and play again.

After this, the teacher shows the rag doll.

Grandma-Funny: - Such dolls were made for their children by their loved ones: mothers, grandmothers, older sisters and brothers. These were not simple dolls, they were called amulets. What do you think this means?

Guys, do you want to make such a doll? (Yes). Who will you give it to? (Mom, grandmother, sister.)

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, make a seamless rag doll.

Grandma-Funny: - Today we traveled to the past and learned how to make a rag doll-amulet.

When people were on vacation, what did they like to play? (In outdoor games.) Do you want to play an active game? (Yes.) Who will we start the game with? Who will tell the counting rhyme?

(Vanya is riding, in a red hat,
On a silver horse.
The golden bridle rings,
Looks in all directions.

He waves his whip,
The horse is dancing under him.)

An outdoor game is played to the accompaniment of music. "Carousel" .

An adult stands in the center of the hall. In his raised hands he holds a hoop with ribbons tied to it. Children (by number of ribbons) They stand in a circle, sideways to the center, each holding the end of a ribbon. On the bench next to the circle there is a child with a tambourine.

Part I. Children walk in a circle, raising their legs high. The musician beats the tambourine rhythmically. Then he places the tambourine on the bench and stands in the general circle.

Part II. Children run in circles to the music. When it ends, everyone quickly tries to take the ribbon. The one left without a ribbon becomes a musician. The game is played several times.

Grandma-Funny: - Did you like it with us? What new did you learn today? (Children answer questions).

Educator: - Thank you, hostess! We really liked everything.

Grandma-Funny: - You are welcome, come again! We will be glad to see you!

The children say goodbye to the hostess and return to the group.