Women's inner thigh workouts. The best home exercises for the inner thighs

In ordinary life, the inner thighs are practically not used. Therefore, even for super skinny people, this part of the legs can be the most problematic area. You can tighten your inner thighs and get rid of excess fat accumulation with regular sports exercises.

They must be performed three times a week, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. You also need to remember that it is undesirable to constantly perform the same exercises, since this may also not give good results.

You can pump up your legs well in the gym using special leg trainers, which we will talk about in more detail later. If you wish, you can also pump up and tighten your inner thighs well at home.

Reducing the legs on the simulator: nuances and description

Most likely, many people have noticed in the gym that girls (just like guys) have their own favorite machines and exercises that they like best.

One of these machines is a simulator for leg extensions/reductions, which is designed to work out the outer/inner thighs.

This leg area is the most problematic many girls, and therefore, at every convenient opportunity, women use the appropriate simulator. Whether this is good or not, we will try to consider below.

Anatomical atlas

The main reason for the popularity of the leg curl machine among women is that its main purpose is pump up the adductor muscles(the area between the legs), make them tougher, more elastic and, as a result, rid the girl of various “jelly” in this area.

In other words, the inner surface of the thighs (which is called the adductors) is an aesthetically important area of ​​the legs for any girl, while men are not indifferent to this area, and they want to see her pumped up and not hanging in their chosen ones.

Primarily an adductor machine (a machine for bringing the legs together) designed to strengthen three adductor muscles – adductor magnus, adductor longus and adductor brevis. In this case, the sartorius, pectineus and gracilis muscles are activated (the first runs along the entire length of the thigh), thus tightening the muscles of the iliotibial tract.

By and large, it should be noted that the adductor muscles are considered one of the most relatively extended and large leg muscles - this is a huge complex of muscles located deep in the groin and inner thigh.

They are difficult to feel because they are “buried” under other muscles, for example, the quadriceps. But rest assured, you use these muscles when standing up, climbing hills, and climbing stairs.

Due to the fact that the adductor muscles are almost not involved in everyday life, they are underdeveloped and therefore great attention must be paid to pumping them.

Benefits of bringing your legs together on a machine

When doing leg curls on the simulator, you can count on the following:

Exercise technique

Technique for bringing the legs together. This is one of the simplest exercises and it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Direct adduction means moving a part (in our case, the legs) of the body towards its center.

When you sit down on the machine, the movement of the legs consists of overcoming resistance while bringing together the hips, which were initially diverged from each other.

First stage. Go to the machine and place the required weight on the weight. Next, adjust the size of the saddle so that you feel a slight stretch in the adductor muscles when your hips are positioned on the soft pads (roller pads that are located on the side).

Keep your back straight and well pressed against the back of the machine. With your hands, grab the handrails from below, and bend your legs at a right angle at the knee (a little more). Open your hips, abducting them to the level of the specified width of the machine. This is the original position.

Second phase. Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to squeeze your legs under control. Keep them straight by keeping your knees above your feet. At the final point of the trajectory, squeeze your thighs together as much as possible and hold for a few seconds.

Third stage. Slowly, while inhaling, begin to spread the rollers and stop them in a position slightly short of their original position in order to maintain tension in the trained area of ​​the hips all the time. Repeat the exercise a certain number of times.

In order to get the maximum effect from the exercise, follow the recommendations below:

  • slowly spread your hips, slightly short of bringing them to the starting position;
  • do not “plop” the weight when returning it to its original position;
  • when performing the exercise, do not slide your buttocks on the seat of the exercise machine and do not move your body;
  • in between exercises, stretch the adductor muscles, using, for example, sitting in the Lotus position, pressing your knees with your palms;
  • if you feel that on the last approach you can no longer do the exercise with maximum amplitude, then you can use a quick series of short repetitions;
  • do the exercise as an additional exercise (finishing) during adductor muscle training and leave it at the end of the workout after the main volume has been done.

Leg abduction machine to remove fat from the inner thighs

If you ask girls who constantly exercise on a leg adduction machine: what do you want to achieve with the help of an adduction machine, many of them will tell you - I want my inner thighs to lose weight.

But you need to understand that this will never happen, since this machine is used to strengthen the adductor muscles, and not to remove fat layers - these are two different types of tissue, and strengthening the muscles will in no way lead to burning the fat that covers them.

Even when you burn calories doing exercise, you you can't remove fat in a local (separate) zone.

Exercises on simulators are effective because they make it possible to concentrate on the load directly on the necessary areas of the body, since in this case there is no need, in addition to performing the movement, to also monitor balance and coordination of movements.

This is convenient not only for beginners, but also for more experienced people, since this way you can increase the load. The most popular exercise machine for the inner thigh is Hackenschmidt simulator. You can do several exercises with it.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks and thighs

You can also tighten your inner thighs by doing the following exercises:

Therefore, when for some reason you do not have the opportunity to exercise with weights or there are some doctor’s contraindications, then a fitball can effectively replace them.

How to squat correctly

Squats are the simplest, but also the main element of exercises for the buttocks and thighs. Both regular squats and weighted squats - with a barbell or dumbbells - are effective.

It is advisable to do exercises with a barbell on a power machine for slimming your thighs, this will give you the opportunity to work on the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles concentrated load without being distracted by maintaining balance.

If you squat with free weights, then carefully monitor the correct execution of the exercises. But, one way or another, there are certain recommendations guidelines to follow for more effective squat training:

  • The barbell must be taken with an overhand grip.
  • You need to squat as deeply as possible, practically sitting down on your heels, and your thighs should touch your calves.
  • Control your breathing - exercises must be done “inhale-exhale”.
  • Secure your back position while performing squats.
  • The number of repetitions will depend on the athlete's physical condition, but make sure not to overload the muscles - feelings of pain will not contribute to regular training.

As with any sport, exercises to correct the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles will only be effective with proper balanced nutrition and compliance with the principle of regularity. By following these rules, in a very short time you will be able to achieve results that attract outside attention.

Toned and slender legs are the envy and dream of many women. And they are also a subject of delight and attractiveness for men. But it takes a lot of work to win a guy over with just a hip swing.

Everything is clear with the back and front muscles of the thighs; they tense under normal loads: squats on a chair or walking.

And the inner surface, like the outer one, is very “lazy”. To make it work, you need to try hard. It so happens that all the calories accumulated during the day stick to this part of the body.

To slim your legs, it is not enough just to eat right. If you can’t go to the gym, then you need to do inner thigh workouts and weight loss exercises at home. They will be discussed in more detail below. The inner surface requires special attention. To work it out, you need to combine strength and cardio exercises.

Cardio focuses its power on burning fat in hard-to-reach areas. A set of strength training tones the skin on the inner thigh and can help avoid the accumulation of excess fat. When performing exercises to reduce the inner thigh, you need to use dumbbells, a fitball, weights, a gymnastic tape or an expander.

Warm-up is the basis of an effective workout. You need to start warming up with light cardio. This includes jumping rope and running in place. Don't neglect warm-up training. It is necessary to rotate with your toes, pelvis or knees. They are mandatory points for elaboration. Usually the warm-up lasts no more than 10 minutes.

The most effective exercises for weight loss

After a good warm-up, you need to start the workout itself. Selected exercises for the inner thigh will be described below. In one workout you need to perform no more than three or four exercises. The number of required approaches and repetitions is indicated in each method separately.

Lying leg extensions:

  1. The work is done in the desired area, while the thigh muscles become toned.
  2. And also the lower part of the press is involved.
  3. This exercise helps remove excess fat from the thigh.
  4. The workout is of average difficulty; if necessary, the workout can be supplemented with weights.

When performing the exercise, stretching also develops. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, creating blood flow to the groin area. How to do the exercise correctly:

When performing the exercise, you must be slow and careful. Excessive zeal can lead to sprained ligaments.

The squat is your "best friend" for toning your lower body. Plie squats are suitable for working the hips. In addition to the inner thigh, the gluteal muscles and calves will be strengthened. The exercise is of a high level of difficulty. Squats with dumbbells, barbells or other weights are considered especially effective. How to do the exercise:

Please note:

  1. This squat is multifunctional and effective if you rise onto your toes at the bottom.
  2. The effort to maintain coordination increases, and there is also an excellent load on the calves.

This activity perfectly stretches the ligaments and works the inner thigh. It is not complicated, so you need to take extra dumbbell in hand. This exercise targets the desired area of ​​the thigh, in addition, Lunges are good for tightening the buttock muscles. How to do the exercise:

Lunges are applied 15 times in each direction for three approaches. Before performing the exercise, you need to warm up the ligaments of the pelvic area well. If this is not done, you can get a sprain, and in the worst case, a ligament tear can occur.

Ball pinching

This training is static. Its basis is considered to be muscle contraction and retention in the starting position. In addition to the load on the thigh, muscle tension in the buttocks. Exercise refers to simple, it is aimed at endurance and concentration. It is an excellent static exercise for the legs, which is inferior in effectiveness to the “chair”. Technique:

Exercise in progress 15 times in four sets. This exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair, armchair or sofa. The rules for performing the exercise remain the same. Only if you perform the workout while sitting, you need to monitor the curve of your lower back. The back should be straight and the lower back should be slightly tucked inward.

There are several types of training. Below we will discuss 3 methods. Each exercise has a unique amplitude and strength complexity. Workout is great works the inner thighs, wherein buttocks, back and outer thighs are developed. And also training will help a woman get rid of riding breeches. Technique for performing exercises on the inner thigh at home in the first version:

Second option:

  1. The initial position is the same, only the fixation is above the forearm, the lower leg is along the body, the upper one is bent at the knee and lies on the lower one.
  2. As you inhale, you need to push the knee of the bent leg forward.
  3. As you exhale, you need to return to the starting position.
  4. At the end of the workout on one leg, you need to turn over and do the same exercises for the other leg.

Third option:

  1. The starting position is lying on your side, the lower leg is straightened, the upper leg is bent at the knee and located in front of the body, the feet are pressed tightly to the mat.
  2. As you inhale, you need to lift your straightened leg off the floor.
  3. As you exhale, lower your leg to the floor.
  4. The same must be repeated on the opposite leg.
  5. If necessary, you can include several swing methods in your training or choose the one you like best.
  6. In one workout you need to do 15 swings on one side in four approaches.
  7. If desired, the exercise can be complicated by attaching weights to your legs.
  8. In the first version of the workout, you can use a gymnastic tape, securing it around your feet.

Effective exercises for the inner thigh: Support may be needed to perform the workout. Need to approach a chair, the back of a sofa, armchair, door or wall. And also this exercise can be done without support. The swing is directed in two directions - sideways or forwards and backwards. When swinging back and forth, the front and back surfaces of the lower body are loaded, and straight - the outer surface. The rules for performing both swings are the same.

How to do the exercise correctly:


This exercise works not only your hips, but also your abs. The difficulty is average, but the training requires endurance. The most effective exercise for the inner thigh:

  1. You need to lie on your back, legs straight and extended.
  2. Place your hands along the body.
  3. As you inhale, you need to raise your legs 45 degrees from the mat and make swings, imitating the action of scissors.
  4. After 35 seconds, exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

When performing an exercise on the floor, be sure to use a sports mat, blanket or towel to avoid bruises. We must not forget about warm-up and cool-down. Stretching after exercise reduces muscle pain and helps a woman relax. When training one muscle group, you need to take a break. During this time, the muscles should rest and recover. Only in this case can you hope to improve muscle tone and muscle growth.

To quickly get rid of excess fat, you need to monitor proper nutrition. The diet should include plenty of water, cottage cheese, chicken, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables and turkey. This will have a positive effect not only on the figure, but on the entire body as a whole. To get rid of sagging skin and cellulite, you must definitely use cosmetics. Before applying them, you need to thoroughly steam the lower body and treat the skin with any scrub, then you need to treat the body with a washcloth or brush, then wipe and apply a warm or cool commercial anti-cellulite cream. You need to wrap yourself in film and wrap yourself up.

If there is no cream, you need to mix cosmetic clay with water and add a few drops of clove, mint or cinnamon essential oil to the mixture. You don't need to expect instant results from training. The first visible results will appear only after a month of systematic training and proper nutrition. To look good, you need to get enough sleep, walk more and enjoy life. In addition to the above exercises, to train the surface of the thighs you need to use other exercises:

  1. Bike.
  2. Stepping onto the platform.
  3. Downward and upward facing dog.
  4. Walking on your buttocks.
  5. Deadlift and hyperextension from Anita Lutsenko.

By following simple rules at home, you can change your figure beyond recognition and remove excess fat. You need to start with the first gymnastics, and then it will be easier to practice. To find the figure of your dreams, you just need to try a little, and then everything will work out! To look great, you need to drink more water, walk in the fresh air and exercise at least three times a week.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ecology of health. Fitness and sports: The inner thigh is a problem area for many people, especially women. The skin on the inner thigh is much thinner than on the outer thigh. The thinness of the skin makes this area less elastic. In addition, more fat is deposited in this area. Fat and thin skin lead to the fact that the inner surface of the thighs becomes flabby, begins to sag, and often becomes like jellied meat. This problem worries many women, even very young ones.

The inner thigh is a problem area for many people, especially women. The skin on the inner thigh is much thinner than on the outer thigh. The thinness of the skin makes this area less elastic. In addition, more fat is deposited in this area. Fat and thin skin lead to the fact that the inner surface of the thighs becomes flabby, begins to sag, and often becomes like jellied meat. This problem worries many women, even very young ones.

What to do? Reduce fat and strengthen inner thigh muscles.

For thin representatives of the fair sex, this area can also cause distress if the gap between the thighs forms the letter O. If this is not a skeletal feature, then a large gap is the norm.

It’s just that thin people have little fat, and this zone, as already mentioned, is a “storage” of fat. That is, nature prudently left room for the fat layer.

Little fat - a lot of space. Hence the gap.

What to do to reduce the gap? Get better or try to increase the muscles of the inner thigh with the help of special targeted exercises.

Weakness of the inner thigh muscles can provoke injuries in this area, which many amateur and professional athletes face.

Stretching these muscles happens very often and causes a lot of discomfort. Pain in the groin can unsettle the training process for a long time.

What to do? To protect the muscles of the inner thigh from injury, you need to strengthen them with the help of special development and stretching exercises. And don’t forget to do a 10-minute warm-up before any sports activity!

Muscles of the inner thigh

The muscles of the inner thigh make up the group of adductor muscles. The adductors include five muscles: pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and adductor magnus. The main function of these muscles is to adduct the hip. In other words, bring your legs together. When we bring our legs together, these muscles work. The function tells us how to train them. You need to bring your legs together, but with effort. This is what exercises for the inner thigh are based on.

Reducing fat in the inner thigh area

Many women are concerned about the question of how to remove fat from the inner thighs. The only way to remove fat locally, that is, only in one specific place, is liposuction. There are no other ways to lose weight locally!

A simple example: right-handers from an early age use their right hand, and left-handers use their left. If you believe in local weight loss, the dominant arm, which experiences higher loads, should be thinner than the other. Look at your hands. Don't see much difference? That's it. Losing weight in one specific area of ​​the body is unrealistic.

To remove fat from your inner thighs, you need to reduce the overall amount of fat in your body. That is, eat less and move more.

If the weight is normal, then the sagging of the inner thigh is not due to excess fat, but to weakness and looseness of the adductor muscles. To eliminate the problem, you need to do special exercises for the inner thigh.

So, in order for the inner thigh to cease to be a problem area, you need to get rid of excess weight, if any, and train the adductor muscles.

Exercises for the inner thigh


Swings for the inner thigh should be done slowly, with effort, concentrating on the adductor muscles. If desired, you can wear leg weights. We offer three options for the exercise.

First exercise.

This is the most popular exercise for the inner thigh. Starting position: lie on your side, leaning your elbows or resting your head on your outstretched arm; bend the leg on top at the knee and place it in front of you behind the knee of the lower leg. Pull the toe of your lower leg towards you.

Performance: slowly raise and lower your lower leg. You need to lift it as high as possible, and when lowering it, do not put it on the floor. Placing your foot flat on the floor will release tension from the muscles and reduce efficiency.

Do as many repetitions as necessary to feel the adductor muscles “burning.” If you feel a strong burning sensation in these muscles, you can lower your leg and relax, and then lie on the other side and do the exercise for the second leg.

Second exercise.

To perform this effective exercise, you will need a stable chair. Starting position: lie on your side so that your feet are under the chair. Support your head with your hand placed on your elbow. Place the top foot of the leg on the chair seat. The lower leg is under the seat. Pull the toe of your lower leg towards you and fix it in this position.

Performing the exercise: at the count of times, slowly raise your lower leg to the seat of the chair; on the count of two - just as slowly lower it to the floor. You should repeat raising and lowering your leg until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the inner thigh. After this, you need to lie on the other side and do the exercise for the second leg.

Third exercise.

In terms of impact, it is not very different from the first exercise, but this option is effective in its own way. This inner thigh exercise allows you to work different muscles in your legs. At the same time, it is effective for the abs and back muscles, because... they have to strain to maintain balance.

Initial position: lie on your side with your head on your outstretched arm. Raise your upper leg above the floor to a height of approximately 50 cm. Pull the toes of both feet towards you.

Performance: At the count of times, simultaneously raise the lower leg and lower the upper leg slightly. That is, bring your legs together. On the count of two, lower your lower leg to the floor and lift your upper leg. That is, spread your legs. You need to perform the exercise slowly, concentrating on the sensations in the leg muscles and maintaining balance. Do 30 leg folds, then lie on the other side and do another 30 leg folds.


This seemingly quite simple exercise is very effective for the muscles of the inner thigh. At the same time, while performing “scissors”, we simultaneously work the abdominal muscles. We offer two options for this exercise.

Exercise “Scissors”: option one.

Starting position: lie on the mat, place your hands under your buttocks with your palms on the floor. You can lift your shoulders off the floor, while reaching your chin toward your chest, not toward the sky. This option works to strengthen the neck muscles. But if this is difficult for you, lay your head on the floor.

Raise both legs about 20-30 centimeters above the floor. Pull out your socks.

Performance: vigorously (but not “loosely,” but with force) spread and cross your legs. You need to spread your legs 20-30 cm. Your legs are tense, your hips are strong, your stomach is pulled in. Do at least 20 leg crossings, rest for a few seconds and repeat again.

Exercise “Scissors”: option two.

Starting position: lie on the mat, head on the floor, arms extended along the body. Raise both legs so that they make an angle of slightly more than 90 degrees with your torso.

Performance: spread your legs quite wide, but not to the point of feeling discomfort in the muscles. Pull your socks towards you. Slowly bring your legs together, but do not close or cross them, but leave a distance of about 20 cm between them. Having brought them together, spread them again, etc. Make 30 dilutions, then go directly to the scissors. Spread your legs as wide as possible, point your toes out and slowly bring your legs in and out. When mixing, cross. Make 30 details.


You will need an elastic rubber gymnastic ball.

Exercise 1.

Starting position: lie on the mat, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hold the ball between your knees. Stretch your arms along your body.

Performance: On the count of times, press your feet on the ball, trying to squeeze it. Hold the tension for several seconds. On the count of two, relax your legs. Repeat compression and relaxation 30 times.

Exercise 2.

The essence of this exercise: by trying to hold the ball between our legs while performing a passing exercise, we will keep the muscles of the inner thigh in constant tension. A related exercise we will have is squats.

Starting position: stand straight, hold a gymnastic ball between your legs just above your knees.

Execution: squat for a count of one, and return to the starting position for a count of two. Repeat in two sets of 10-15 times each.


Plie squat.

This squat is more effective for the inner thighs the wider your legs are. Starting position: stand straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, toes pointing to the sides.

Performance: at the count of times, squat down as low as possible, trying to lower yourself to a line parallel to the floor. In this case, you need to imagine that your back is leaning against the wall, that is, you need to squat with your back as straight and level as possible. Rise up on the count of two. Do 10-30 squats, dividing this number into two approaches. Once prepared, you can perform a plie squat with dumbbells in your hands.

Side lunges.

Stand up straight, hands on your belt. On the count of times, lunge to the right side. The right leg bends at the knee. Make sure that your knee does not go beyond the toe of your right foot. The left leg is straight and extended. The lower you go in the lunge, the more effective the exercise will be. Having made a lunge, you need to fixate for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Do the same lunge to the left side. In total you need to do 15-20 lunges in each direction.

Include these exercises in your gymnastics routine or perform them separately, devoting 15-20 minutes to them every day. After doing exercises for the inner thighs, be sure to do stretching exercises for these muscles. published

This might interest you:

On the inside of the thigh there are the adductor magnus, longus and brevis, pectineus and gracilis muscles. They adduct and flex the hip and also externally rotate it. It is these muscles that we will pump.

Bodyweight exercises

Press your lower back to the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Squash and spread your legs 20 times, rest and do two more sets.

The exercise will be even more effective if you hang weights on your legs.

Hip adduction from side position

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. The leg that is located below is straightened, the second is bent at the knee. Lift your straight leg off the floor, hold for one or two seconds and lower.

Deep lunges to the side give a good load on the inner thigh. Keep your hands on your waist or in front of you, try not to round your back.

Perform three sets of 15 lunges in each direction.

Plie or sumo squat

In order for squats to pump up the inner thighs, you need to put your feet wider, turn your toes to the sides and squat deeply, trying to keep your knees pointing to the sides.

Perform three to four sets of 20 squats.

Exercises with additional equipment

Mixing with Pilates ring

A Pilates ring can be found at the gym or purchased at a sports equipment store.

Lie on your side, place the ring between your legs at ankle level or slightly above and lower your leg against resistance.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

For this exercise, you can use a resistance band, a short resistance band, or a figure-of-eight resistance band folded in half.

Place the resistance band on your legs, lie on your side and push your knees apart against resistance. Perform three sets of 10–12 reps on each leg.

For this exercise you will need a long one. Hook it onto the post, place the loop around the leg that is closest to the post, and turn sideways.

Extend your working leg beyond the supporting leg: forward and to the side. To make the exercise more challenging, move further away while pulling on the resistance band.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

Exercises with free weights and machines

Sumo squats with kettlebell or dumbbells

Squat with dumbbells

Take a kettlebell or dumbbell and perform deep squats with your feet wide and knees out to the sides.

Three sets of 10 reps will be enough to give the inner thigh a good workout. Of course, if you...

Exercise on a simulator to bring your legs together. bodybuilding.com

Almost any gym has such a machine. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the weight used. Choose a weight so that the last reps of the set are difficult. This way your progress will be much faster.

Crossover exercises with leg abduction


This exercise is similar to leg abduction with an expander, but it is more convenient to perform it on a machine. Set the working weight, fasten the fastening on your leg and turn sideways so that the leg with the fastening is closer to the machine.

Step back and raise your working leg about 30 degrees - this is the starting position. Place your working leg behind your supporting leg in front, overcoming the resistance of the machine. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the working weight.

Incorporate these exercises into your workout, increasing the weight or number of repetitions if you are working out without weights, and your thighs will become more toned and attractive.

After training, be sure to stretch your adductor muscles. You can see exactly how to do this.

The condition of the inner thighs is a pressing problem for most women. The skin there is much thinner, which makes this area less elastic. And the area on the inner thighs is the most favorite place for fat accumulation. Over time, this causes the skin on the inner thigh to become loose and begin to sag. How to avoid this? First of all, you need to reduce the amount of fat you consume, and secondly, start doing exercises for the inner thigh.

It should be noted that this area often causes problems not only for women who are overweight, but also for thin representatives of the fair sex. Often in thin women this area between the thighs forms the letter “O”, which is aesthetically unattractive. Inner thigh exercises can also help reduce this gap between your thighs.

Muscles of the inner thigh

The muscles on the inner thigh consist of a group of adductor muscles. The adductor muscles are the adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus, adductor magnus and adductor brevis muscles. The main function of these muscles is to bring the legs together. It turns out that these muscles work precisely when we bring our legs together. Therefore, all exercises for the inner thigh are based specifically on strengthened contraction of the legs.

How to reduce fat in the inner thigh area?

Many women are concerned about how to remove fat from the inner thighs. It should be noted here that it is possible to remove fat in this particular area of ​​the body, without affecting others, only with the help of liposuction.

But in order to simply lose weight and make your figure more beautiful, it is important to choose the right set of exercises aimed at certain areas of the body.

If the weight is normal, and the sagging of the inner thighs is caused not by an excessive amount of fat, but by weakness of the adductor muscles, then this is quite easy to correct. It is enough just to do exercises for the inner thigh. The most effective ones are listed below.

Exercises for the inner thigh

All the exercises described below can be performed by both women and men with equal success. Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to do a warm-up warm-up.

1. Swing your legs in a horizontal position. Leg swings for the inner thigh must be performed slowly and with effort. A greater effect from the exercise can be obtained if you use special leg weights. So, you need to lie on your side, leaning on your arm or resting your head on your outstretched arm. Bend the leg on top at the knee and place it in front of you behind the knee of the lower leg. Pull the toe of your lower leg towards you. Raise your lower leg slowly, then slowly lower it. Don't put your foot on the floor! If you place your lower leg on the floor, you will reduce the load on the muscles and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Then roll over to the other side, take the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do the exercise for the inner thigh until you feel that the leg muscles are “burning”.

2. Exercise “scissors”. This exercise, despite its apparent simplicity, is very effective for the inner thighs. In addition, in the process of performing this exercise, the abdominal muscles are also stressed. So, lie down on the floor, place your hands under your buttocks so that your palms face down. It is also advisable to lift your shoulders off the floor and reach your chin towards your chest. But if this is difficult for you, you can simply lay your head on the floor. Raise both legs 30 cm from the floor and extend your toes. Vigorously spread and cross your legs. Spread your legs by about 20-30 cm. Your legs should be tense, and your stomach should be pulled in and also tense. It is necessary to make at least twenty crossings, then rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again.

3. Exercises for the inner thigh with a ball. To perform these exercises you will need an elastic rubber ball.

  • Lie down on the mat and bend your knees. Feet should be on the floor. Hold the ball between your knees and extend your arms along your body. On the count of times, squeeze the ball with your feet, trying to squeeze it as tightly as possible. And on the count of two, relax your legs. Do this exercise 30 times.
  • Stand up straight and hold the ball with your feet, just above your knees. On the count of one, squat down, trying to hold the ball with your feet, and on the count of two, rise up. Do this exercise 15 times.

4. Squats and lunges.

  • Plie squat. You need to stand up straight, with your legs spread as wide as possible. The toes should point to the sides. Squat down for a count of one, trying to lower yourself to a line parallel to the floor. The back should be straight. On the count of two, slowly rise up. It is necessary to do up to 30 such squats. The exercise will be much more effective if you perform it with dumbbells for your arms.
  • Side lunges. Stand up straight, put your hands on your waist. On the count of times, lunge to the left side, while bending your left leg at the knee. The knee should not extend beyond the toe of the left foot. The right leg is straight and extended. The exercise is more effective the lower you go when lunging. This exercise must be done 20 times for each leg.

Include these exercises for the inner thighs in your daily exercise routine and try to spend at least 15-20 minutes a day on them. After doing these exercises, be sure to do some stretching exercises for your inner thighs.