Open a bookmaker's office from scratch. How to open a bookmaker's office in Russia: step-by-step instructions

Bookmakers are widespread throughout the world and are among the leaders in terms of turnover Money. According to average data, the profit of such a business is not very significant and amounts to only 10% of turnover.

Not everyone decides to open a bookmaker; this matter is not as simple as it might initially seem. The most important thing that is required from a leader is to delve into the process of conducting gambling business, because in this matter, experience is important, first of all.

Operating principles of a bookmaker's office

All bookmakers can be divided into two categories:

  • standard type (rates are calculated for masses and amount to a minimum of 20 rubles);
  • elite type (rates from 500 rubles).

In some establishments, maximum bets can reach one hundred thousand rubles.

If your experience in this business is not great, then it is better to start with the very minimum. Let's take a closer look at how this works.

This business has its own seasonality. Of course, this has little to do with the current time of year, but you will be entirely dependent on the holding of large sporting events.

The more significant the tournament or competition, the more attention it will receive from those wishing to place a bet. In our country, interest is mainly shown in the following activities:

  • FIFA World Cups;
  • European Football Championships;
  • club football competitions;
  • tennis tournaments;
  • basketball matches;
  • hockey competitions.

Interest in golf, boxing and other sports is much lower and amounts to no more than 10% of all of the above.

Bets are accepted on so-called lines, which are quotes. The amount of the final winnings is determined by the coefficient. That, in turn, is calculated as follows:

  1. Initially, the percentage of win, loss or draw is determined.
  2. Then the coefficient is calculated using the formula 1:% of the outcome.
  3. The margin is set, that is, the difference that will go to the bookmaker.

All this seems complicated only at first glance, but in fact the calculations are quite simple.

How to open a bookmaker's office?

As stated above, this business is highly specialized. It will not be possible to open a bookmaker’s office on your own without special knowledge in this area. You need to have experience and a large number of funds for initial investments.

Today, this business is absolutely legal, the activities of all offices, without exception, are carried out under a license. Let's understand the nuances of starting a business.


The requirements for an applicant wishing to obtain a license are very strict in terms of financial support.
Today you will need:

  • authorized capital not less than 100 million rubles;
  • availability of a bank guarantee for a period of five years with the possibility of its extension for a total amount of 500 million rubles and more;
  • the minimum amount of net assets in the account of the future owner is one billion rubles, not counting the previously described funds;
  • a signed agreement with a security agency;
  • equipment for accepting bets must be available, in addition, registered with the tax authority with the function of transferring data to the center for recording bet transfers (TSUPIS).

Please note that you will also need a certificate of no criminal record.

Thus, a person with such significant assets is a very difficult citizen with a wealth of experience. What should those who want to work in this business, but do not have such large sums in their accounts, do?

As a rule, choose one of the following methods:

  1. They buy out an affiliate program (from 150,000 rubles and above) and open something like a branch.
  2. Become a co-founder of the company by investing part of the funds.

Both methods are acceptable, you just need to interest your partner. Often, interest may be due to the availability of a certain type of premises for running your business. Let's consider this moment more details.

Search for premises

When starting a search, it is important to understand that the place must be passable. However, this alone is not enough.
Following the logic, women have little interest in betting, so you need to focus only on men.

When choosing a room, pay attention to:

  1. Space. It can be minimal (space for the manager to work and placement of a computer and other equipment).
  2. Location. Hospitals, kindergartens and schools, sanatoriums and rest homes cannot be located nearby.
  3. Room type. You will not be allowed to open such an office in temporary premises, or in a residential building.

When looking for a place for a bookmaker's office, you should pay attention to sports bars and clubs. Where people are interested in sports, you can find appropriate place for doing business.


Starting from scratch, as a rule, they hire two people whose competence will only be to accept bets. The longer your office exists, the more seriously it will be taken. This means that you will have to rely on analysts.

It is best to immediately use the services of analysts, since building the correct line for accepting bets is not so easy.

There are not many bookmakers operating in our country. Therefore, if you open a new one, customers will come immediately and in quite a large volume. But don't delude yourself. Players are guided only by the desire to make money on an inexperienced newcomer.

To avoid this, it is better to invest in personnel:

  • managers (work in shifts and receive an average of 40,000 rubles per month)
  • analysts (payment is discussed individually).

Necessary equipment

Any bookmaker office requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • computers (1-2 pieces);
  • printer and copy machine or MFP;
  • monitors (for broadcasting);
  • TV (if there is only one point, limit yourself to one screen);
  • equipment for accepting bets.

The software must be licensed. This important point, which means you will have to spend a sufficient amount of money. Providing uninterrupted access to the Internet is also a necessity.

Opening a bookmaker's office as a franchise

One of the easiest ways to open this business, eliminating many risks, is a franchise agreement.

The owner of the contract will initially present a number of requirements to the candidate:

  • a certain area of ​​the room;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • Availability of the amount of the authorized capital.

However, in return, you will get the opportunity to work under a certain brand, which has already earned itself worldwide fame, and also has technical support.

The amount that will be needed will be approximately 2 million rubles. In this case, you should not count on less money. Everyone who is ready to cooperate under a franchise is interested in the opponent’s experience and financial viability.

Opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet

Some entrepreneurs prefer to open betting offices on the Internet.
They are guided by the following arguments:

  • casinos were banned at one time, this can happen with bookmakers;
  • investments and guarantees for opening real business too high;
  • To work on the Internet there is no need for premises, hiring managers and paying for security services.

In part, these arguments are quite valid. The most enterprising citizens open offices on the Internet on sites with foreign jurisdiction. This relieves them of the lion's share of responsibility.

So, in order to organize a bookmaker’s office on the Internet, you will need to develop a website, as well as purchase a program that accepts bets through various operators. The wider the network of operators, the higher the chances of receiving bets from different corners planets. Some business owners also work with cryptocurrencies.

In addition to betting on the Internet, you can trade forecasts. This business is currently gaining momentum. With this type of business, all you need is a computer, the development of a program script, Internet access, a small amount in your account and a talented analyst on staff.

In total, the amount of initial investment will decrease to approximately 150,000 rubles. You will also have to bear the risks here yourself. When calculating rates, do not forget about the percentage that any payment system takes for itself. Otherwise everything is quite simple.

Financial component of business

As mentioned above, opening a bookmaker’s office is quite an expensive business. However, it is important to clearly understand what amounts we're talking about, and how quickly you can make a profit.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To open your own office and be its founder, you will need huge amount funds. Of course, not all of them will actually be spent, but as a guarantee for obtaining a license you cannot do without it. The bank providing the guarantee will also be interested in this amount.

The amount of the down payment will consist of:

  • guarantees - 1 billion rubles;
  • authorized capital - 100 million rubles;
  • license cost - from $3,000;
  • purchases of equipment and furniture - from 25,000 rubles;
  • rental or purchase of premises - from 20,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries - from 80,000 rubles.

If you follow the path of least resistance, you can reduce these amounts, but for this you will need to attract a partner.

How can you do this:

  • own one or more premises of a certain type;
  • have at least an amount of 500,000 rubles (expecting that you will be taken on as a partner with a smaller investment amount is, to say the least, stupid);
  • have experience in the gambling business and understand the specifics of games.

If all three points are fulfilled, then you can count on partnership under a certain set of circumstances.

Amount of future income

Judging by the estimates of the bookmakers themselves, their income is not so great. The minimum is 8%, and the maximum is 20%. In fact, these amounts seem underestimated to many.

If you look into the matter more seriously and take into account the risks that bookmakers bear, it becomes clear that in this business everything depends on luck, the work of a team of analysts and experience.

The longer you are on the market, the more you earn. Most likely, bookmakers' incomes slightly exceed 10-15%. So, with a turnover of 2 million rubles, the income will be 200,000.

Payback period

However, do not forget that this business involves long-term work in the market. And this is stability that some entrepreneurs can only dream of. If the work is successful, the license will be renewed, which means the work will continue at the same pace.

A bookmaker's office is a specific type of business. It is necessary to understand that it is important for the founder to be a player himself with vast experience and capabilities. Today, betting is not limited only to sporting events. People began to willingly invest in winning music tournaments and film awards.

For example, bets on the winner of the Oscar, Eurovision, music award“Grammy”, etc. If you include them in the lines, you can additionally attract customers. The main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and intelligently.

Here you will learn about how to open a bookmaker's office, what you need for this.

According to bookmakers, the income from their business is about 10%, but whether this is actually true can only be found out by starting your own business. But the fact remains: the bookmaking business is the most widespread and profitable in the world. The turnover of funds increases every year, and the demand for bookmakers is only growing.

If we compare the income of various small wholesale outlets and public catering establishments, then a bookmaker with an income level of 10% clearly loses. When starting any business, it is worth calculating the risks and possible losses, so you should not have rosy illusions. With an approximate turnover of 100,000 rubles, the income will be only 10,000. Everything is calculated in proportion to the money invested.

How to open a bookmaker's office?

Let's look at information on how to open a bookmaker's office and what you need for this, point by point.


Every day, various sports or near-sports competitions take place in the world. The list of these events is updated daily at the bookmaker's office. It's called a line. The winning amount is calculated based on a certain coefficient, which depends on the rating or significance of the competition.

All bookmakers are divided into two types: mass and elite. It all depends on the size minimum bets that can be done. Naturally, starting a business with large sums is very difficult, so it is natural to focus on simple bookmakers. Bets in mass bookmaker establishments usually range from 20 rubles to 5 thousand, in elite ones - from 500 rubles to infinity. If we take the average price range, then usually it varies from 100 rubles to 100 thousand.

It is natural that Special attention all over the world is devoted to football, most often they bet on this sport. But all championships are seasonal, and this causes instability in profits from bookmakers.

An example of the functioning of a bookmaker's office abroad

Every day, when posting the lines, the bookmaker evaluates its risks and displays the overall odds for a specific game. There cannot be a general opinion on such matters, so the percentage ratio in different institutions may differ radically.

Take the fictional match between Hawks and Meerkats. The bookmaker estimates the odds as a percentage of 50-30-20. That is, 50% that the Hawks will win, 30% that there will be a draw, 20% that the Meerkats will win. If we start from European traditions, then the line will look like 2 - 3.33 - 5. Everything is calculated simply, divide 1 by the approximate percentage of winnings. The result is a real amount, but it does not provide any profit to the bookmaker itself. Therefore, a margin of 15% can cover the bookmaker’s organizational costs. Thus, the percentage arrangement will look like this: 57.5% - 34.5% - 23% = 115%. Here is a European example of how it will be reflected in the line 1.74 - 2.90 - 4.35, which will be officially posted.

Now let's look at an example with specific numbers. So, in general, people bet money in this ratio: 9000 – 6000 – 3000.

If the Hawks win, the bookmaker pays $9000*0.74=$6660, and will receive 6000+3000=9000 from the players, so the profit will be $2400.

If there is a draw, then the calculation looks like this: 1.90*6000=11400, and the players will receive 9000+3000=12000. Here the profit is significantly reduced to $600.

If the meerkats win, then 3000 * 3.35 = 10050, this is the amount to be issued. And the bookmaker received 15,000. Profit was 4,950 dollars.

That's pretty simple circuit used in almost all bookmakers.

What is needed to open this business?

The first thing you need to do to open a bookmaker’s office is to obtain a license. This is not so simple because it may be owned by a person who has already worked in the gambling business. If you don’t have such experience, you will have to look for a director or offer part of the business to a knowledgeable person.

The second thing to think about is how you will calculate your bets. Usually invited to permanent job an experienced analyst or enter into an agreement with a large bookmaker. Only after this can you enter the market with daily quotes. Typically, a monthly partnership agreement with a major bookmaker ranges from $300 to $500 and includes the provision of the necessary programs.

Third, the mandatory presence of a reserve fund and restrictions on maximum rates. Experienced players waiting for the opening of new bookmakers to make money on their inexperience. Make sure that your line is not radically different from the lines of your competitors. This gives a large influx of customers, but at the same time increases the chances of losing profits.

The size of the reserve fund must be clearly calculated; it usually depends on the size of the rates and cash flow.

The real clients of bookmakers are men (according to statistics, 95%) who are fond of sports. Accordingly, the location of the bookmaker's establishment should be within their visibility range. A large room is not at all necessary; everything you need can fit in 5 square meters. meters. They are often located in other gambling establishments, this helps increase the influx of customers.

List of necessary things to open a bookmaker's office: computer, printer, photocopier, Internet. The only staff member is a cashier who will issue checks, print lines, and hand over proceeds.

The first requirement of a good bookmaker is quality software, purchased from existing ones or developed to order.

Internet betting

Don't forget that the Internet can become your main or additional place of work. Those. you can open the website of your bookmaker, through which you will accept bets. You can download ready-made scripts online.

Prepared based on the material , by Elnara Petrova.

Bookmakers have been around for a long time. Many people have bet on their favorite team at least once, and then sit in front of the TV in the hope that it will win. But few people have thought about starting their own betting company.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 27 companies that have licenses to carry out bookmaking activities and conduct sweepstakes. For comparison, five years ago there were only five such companies. This market began to actively develop after the closure of casinos in the country. If you want to make high profits and have enough funds to open your own bookmaking company, then this article is intended just for you.


Everyone knows that when you bet on a team with a high odds, you get a large amount of winnings. And for the player everything is simple.

But how does a bookmaker work?

To be successful, each bookmaker must determine its line, the chances of a particular team winning.

For example, two play football teams CSK and Dynamo. After the analysis, the bookmaker assumes that the teams’ chances are as follows: 50% – CSK will win, 30% – a draw, 20% – Dynamo will win. Therefore, the line looks like 2-3,3-5 (calculated by dividing one by the chance of winning).

The bookmaker, having offered this line to players, will not be able to make a penny of profit. When forming a line for a player, you need to take into account a margin of, for example, fifteen percent. Then the odds for the player will look like: 1.74-2.9-4.35.

Let’s assume that the total amount of bets for each category was 6000 – 3000 – 1000 USD.

What will the bookmaker receive in each case:

  • If CSK win, the bookmaker must pay 4,400 USD. (6000* 0.74), and get 3000+1000 USD In this case, the bookmaker will incur losses in the amount of 440 USD.
  • If there is a draw, the bookmaker must give away 5,700 USD. (1.9*3000 cu), and get 7000 cu. The loss is 1300 USD.
  • If Dynamo wins, the bookmaker must give 3350 USD. (1000 cu * 3.35), and receive 9000 cu from players who made a mistake in choosing the account. The bookmaker's profit will be 5600 USD.

As can be seen from the example, it is not always possible to make a profit from such activities, but over time, you will learn to determine the optimal coefficients, and then you will not go into the red.

License and other necessary documents

At the moment, bookmaking is a legal activity, and to start working in this area you will need to come to the Federal Tax Service and obtain a license.

However, to obtain permission, you need to go through a series of checks, present a document confirming that you have net assets in the amount of one billion rubles, and also obtain a guarantee from the bank in the amount of five hundred million rubles.

The amount of authorized capital must be one hundred million rubles. Of course it is large amounts. However, after one year of work you can easily get your money back. If you do not have the financial ability to open such an enterprise on your own, you can negotiate a kind of franchise and enter into an agreement with a more well-known bookmaker to open a representative office in your city.

When obtaining a license, they may ask not only for documents of the founder, but also for several employees of the future bookmaker’s office. It is possible that the list of documents may change slightly.

Working via the Internet, how profitable is it?

Don't forget, we live in an age high technology. And many companies are actively working via the Internet.

Keep up with trends! Open your own website through which you will accept bets and make profits without even leaving your home.

When you compare working from home online versus working in an office, you can save money on rent, renovations, and purchases. necessary equipment and furniture.

This type of business will help save your time and also make you feel comfortable in the workplace.

Open an online bookmaker office yourself or get a franchise?

Many people want to be an independent entrepreneur who has achieved success. But there is not always enough money and experience to prevent mistakes and not become bankrupt over time.

Many people think that opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet is easy and does not require large capital investments.

But an entrepreneur will still need a reserve fund for unforeseen situations, and a novice bookmaker will also need to register his enterprise and obtain a license.

The most in a simple way To start your business is to obtain a franchise. In this case, you will not need to spend money on software, on an advertising company and develop your own strategy. You will already receive ready business, which you just need to maintain.

For newbies the best way A franchise can be the starting point for your online business.

Opening a hookah bar involves some nuances. This concerns the law passed in 2014 banning smoking in in public places. In fact, you can open a business absolutely legally. and necessary calculations.

You may find it useful: types of simplified tax system for LLCs.

The derivatives market is an attractive investment opportunity. In this article we will get acquainted with the concept of variation margin: the accrual algorithm and calculation formula.

Equipment and everything necessary for work

The operation of a bookmaker's office on the Internet is impossible without a computer, computer software ( special program) and Internet access.

The operation of the office is impossible without specialized bookmaker programs for placing bets and calculating winnings. You can purchase or rent such software.

Since your business will be based on the Internet, you will not have the expense of purchasing chairs, a table, etc. You can work from home, and your expenses will consist of Internet and electricity charges.

Features and benefits of earning money

Opening a bookmaker's office is a very profitable business.

It is believed that the provision of bookmaker services is one of the largest areas in the world in terms of funds turnover.

Representatives of this industry claim that the profitability of bookmaking activities is 8-10%. However, real figures significantly exceed these data.

After the closure of all casinos and the ban gambling, sweepstakes are becoming quite popular. Every year there are more and more bookmaker companies on the market, but the number of players does not decrease.

To the benefits this kind earnings can be attributed to:

  • Rapid increase in initial capital.
  • A wide selection of betting systems, which allows you to attract more people and bets.
  • Legal ways to earn high income.

There is virtually no deception in this activity. Everyone who bet their money on a team will be able to immediately view their income.

This system greatly influences the number of people placing bets. Transparency and quick receipt of your winnings makes the bookmaker very popular.

How soon will I become a millionaire?

Of course, the issue of profitability haunts entrepreneurs.

Why open your own business if it will not bring the desired amount of profit?

Bookmakers receive about 40% profitability from turnover, if we take into account the most popular small bets of up to 200 rubles.

According to statistics, more than 50% of the population place such bets regularly, and cannot deny themselves such weakness.

To attract new customers, you can follow the strategy of increasing the odds, which allows you to increase the number of bets on matches in different sports categories.

Initial costs and approximate financial plan

Your costs will depend not only on the type of activity (whether you open your own exchange or use a franchise), but also on your development strategy. Perhaps over time you will not be able to cope with the work, so you will prefer to hire several people as assistants.

You can see the approximate financial plan, if you decide to open a bookmaker’s office yourself:

  • Registration of a company and preparation of documentation – 10,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license – 200,000 rubles.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign – 50,000 rubles.
  • Labor costs (one employee) – 10,000 rubles.

The costs shown are approximate; do not forget also about a certain amount of reserve that you should have in your account. It is also worth clarifying that the payback period for the initial investment can be one year.

If you have taken advantage of the opportunity to conclude a franchise agreement, then in this case more costs will be borne by the company that provides the franchise.

This industry is actively developing and can generate high incomes. Therefore, if you have the financial ability to open a bookmaker’s office, do not waste time, earn your first million!


Since ancient times, gambling people have been attracted by the opportunity to earn money by betting on a variety of public sports competitions. Modern technologies today they make it possible to make such a procedure accessible and streamlined.

Is it possible to build your own bookmaking business?

Is it possible to open a bookmaker's office? Such an activity can become quite profitable. On the territory of our state, this type of activity began to gain momentum in 2009, when it was banned slot machines, casino. This type The gaming business is now legalized and brings high tax contributions to regional budgets. Therefore, not only investors and clients, but also government authorities are interested in the prosperity of this type of activity. According to Russian legislation, this office is a gambling establishment where bets are made between participants and a bookmaker organization.

Open your own office – good chance quickly increase the existing state, but also the risk of encountering great difficulties.

To open a bookmaking business on your own, you need to have considerable investment, experience in gambling, and the ability to think analytically.

The main advantages of online bookmaking business

Thanks to modern computer technologies this type things become much more functional and informative. This gives customers the opportunity to place bets from home, anywhere in the world.

An online bookmaker has quite significant advantages over a similar “terrestrial” organization:

  • the presence of a sufficiently large client base, which consists of clients various countries, cities;
  • significant savings on rent, arrangement of premises, and certain technical equipment;
  • savings on the salaries of staff serving the establishment;
  • you can use a ready-made script.

Activities required to create an online bookmaking business from scratch

How to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet?

Obtaining a license

To open a bookmaker office on the Internet, the first thing you need to do is obtain a license. This is a mandatory document that can only be obtained by an entrepreneur who has certain experience of the applicant in this field of activity. A given business is considered an art of its kind, the skill of which is passed on by professionals from generation to generation, but such a profession is not officially taught. If you have no experience in the gambling business, then you need to take on a specialist in this matter as a partner. As an option in in this case- franchise.

The license is issued by the representative office tax authority for 5 years, with the potential for its extension in the future. It takes approximately 1.5 months to review the application:

  • a thorough check of the business plan is carried out;
  • an analysis of the future profitability of the organization is carried out, overall rating business.

The main difficulty of this procedure is the compliance of the applicant’s financial capabilities with the licensing conditions. The authorized capital must be 100 million rubles. + 500 million rub. bank guarantee + 1 billion rubles. assets. Accordingly, such registration of an organization’s license is not suitable for every entrepreneur.

If all the required conditions are met, in order to license an office on the Internet, a package of documentation is required:

  • application for licensing of bookmaker business;
  • characteristics of technical support;
  • extended information about the office’s employees (photocopies of work books and passports are attached);
  • information about sources, amount of authorized capital;
  • confirmation of the availability of a bank guarantee;
  • calculation of prices for new assets.

The price for licensing a bookmaker business is 150 thousand rubles. and higher.

Collection of registration documents

Having obtained a license to carry out bookmaking activities, the business must be registered and obtain its own taxpayer number. In our country, gambling can only be registered by legal entities. Persons with a criminal record are prohibited from engaging in bookmaking activities. Organizer gambling office represented by an LLC is registered on a general basis. The cost of registration in this case will be from 30 thousand rubles.


To open and run a virtual bookmaker’s office, you just need to download, create a script, purchase hosting, and a domain name. Next, our own website is being formed on which bets will be made, with the possibility of financial transactions using electronic payment systems.

You can develop a gambling website yourself, but it is best to seek help from professionals. You can also purchase ready-made virtual offices, but this option is unsafe.

You definitely need to purchase licensed software, which will cost approximately 2.5 million rubles. You can buy it from competitors, but then there are risks. The best option is to order software from an independent company. The bookmaker's software is selected depending on the type of competition for which bets are accepted by the online bookmaker.

Software for an online office must have the following properties:

  • ability to work offline, in real time;
  • increased degree of software stability;
  • high-quality website security;
  • the presence of an analytical function of the office;
  • convenient interface, etc.

Basic equipment for running a gambling business

  • server;
  • PC (laptop);
  • scanner;
  • Printer;
  • Internet with constant access;
  • Anti-virus program (necessarily licensed).

The total cost of all equipment is 200 thousand rubles.

To ensure reliable operation, you will need a good provider, a high-speed Internet connection with a line of protection. It is not recommended to skimp on database protection, since hacking a server can lead to huge financial losses.

Features of the operating activities of an online gambling establishment

  • To determine the correct line and coefficients, it is necessary to involve experienced experts. Accordingly, they will need to pay a salary of 50 thousand rubles. But you need to understand that these are trifles when compared with the allowable losses due to improper organization of the work of a bookmaker company.
  • There is the highest competition in the online gambling business today. To win your own small platform for doing business, you will need to make every effort and use the most effective advertising and marketing techniques.
  • Formation of a reserve fund for big wins(about 500 thousand rubles), restrictions on the size of bets.
  • Effective protection against disinformation and professional players.

Purchasing a franchise

The highest quality model of an online gambling establishment today is the purchase of a franchise. The initial capital in this case is from 350 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

If you open a bookmaker's office using a franchise, you can immediately begin work activity. The case will already meet all the necessary modern standards. This method of organizing your own bookmaking business makes it possible to eliminate a lot of unnecessary hassle. The case will already have the necessary protection, numerous client base, positive reputation. And the saved time and resources can be used to advertising campaign, promoting your own Internet business.


Opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet is a 100% profitable business, with a profitability of twenty percent, because today a large percentage of bets are carried out through online platforms.

The recent FIFA World Cup in Russia gave impetus to the development of the gambling industry. All more people place bets on the results of sports competitions. Read our article about how to open a bookmaker’s office: what restrictions the legislation imposes, what is the profitability, how much money is needed.

Who are bookmakers?

Bookmaker (from English bookmaker) is a professional who accepts financial bets on upcoming events, mainly sports. This business is based on predicting the outcome of the game.

The operating principle of bookmakers is to calculate mathematical probability the outcome of this or that event. It is believed that out of 10 players who entered into a bet, only one of them will guess the result. But the excitement is strong and thousands of people bring their hard-earned money to bookmakers with the hope of getting big win. Beginners and amateurs bring profit to sweepstakes. And here professional players can ruin a novice entrepreneur for one high bet.

The bookmaker is an intermediary between players, and he takes a commission for his work (10 - 15%). This margin is included in the winnings. As a result, the lucky winner receives the amount multiplied by the coefficient. Each company determines its own lines of behavior and rates: profitable for them and attractive for players.

Example! Two players each bet 2,000 rubles on their athlete. One of them won, and as a result the winner received a winnings of 3,600, and the totalizer earned 400 rubles. The more bets, the higher the company's income.

How to open a bookmaker's office in Russia

The bookmaking business is a relatively young industry in Russia. The World Cup last summer spurred the development of the betting market. According to analysts, during the World Cup the volume of accepted bets from players amounted to 250 billion rubles. By the end of the year, the market is predicted to grow to 1 trillion. However, the bookmaker market is very underdeveloped. Only 31 companies are registered in Russia. At the same time, the top ten own 80 percent of betting points (BPPs).

Features of legislative regulation in Russia

In our country, as well as in a number of other countries (USA, Japan, China), strict restrictions have been introduced on gambling. The activities of bookmakers are regulated by Law N 244-FZ and Art. 29 of the Tax Code, violations entail fines and criminal liability.

While casinos and slot machines were limited to special territorial zones, bookmakers are allowed to operate throughout Russia. But with strict financial and organizational restrictions. Every year the authorities are tightening the screws more and more in this direction: increasing taxes, raising fines.

So, from the beginning of 2018, you will have to pay taxes from 10 to 14 thousand rubles for opening one teaching staff. For an offline processing center, the bookmaker will contribute from 50 to 250 thousand rubles, for an online center - up to 3 million rubles. Players will also have to fork out money - pay 13 percent personal income tax on winnings.

Bookmakers are required to make contributions to federations or sports leagues organizing events in the amount of at least 15 million rubles or 5% of income.

Licensing of bookmaker business

To open a bookmaker's office from scratch, serious investments are required, and 60-70% of them go towards obtaining permission for services, registration and obtaining the necessary documents.

By law, bookmakers must have a license to operate for a period of 5 years. But it's not so easy to get.

Requirements for the licensee:

  • 100 million rub. own funds in the authorized capital
  • 1 billion rub. net assets,
  • 500 million rub. bank guarantee.
  • The minimum contribution to the compensation fund of a self-regulatory organization (SRO) is 30 million rubles.
  • experience in the gambling business.

The list of licensed companies can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service or SRO.

Premises and equipment for opening a bookmaker's office

On initial stage you will need a room with an area of ​​5 to 15 square meters. meters. It is most profitable to rent an office near sports bars, pubs, or locate an office in an entertainment venue.

It is prohibited for bet acceptance points to be located in residential buildings and extensions to them, in medical, educational, municipal institutions. Otherwise, they will not give permission to open a bookmaker's office.

A beginner will need a minimum set of office equipment: a computer with Internet access, several monitors, a printer, a copier, and a cash register. A minimum of furniture is needed - tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas for employees and visitors, a safe. You cannot do without special software for accepting money bets. The program can be purchased ready-made or created specifically for your company.

Bookmaker staff

To begin with, you need 4-5 employees: a manager with experience in the gambling business (if the bookmaker owner himself does not have it), a cashier, an accountant, and analysts. The latter play a key role in business: they are the ones who set winning odds. This must be done in such a way as to interest potential players and ensure the profit of the bookmaker. It’s better not to skimp on such professionals.

Reserve fund

A bookmaker needs a reserve fund. Its size depends on the turnover that the owner plans. The reserve must be constantly replenished. At the beginning of work, the fund helps newcomers not to burn out.

How to open a branch of a bookmaker's office

Licensing conditions for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are prohibitive. It’s cheaper to sign up for the bookmaker’s network license and open their branch as a franchise. Investments in this case will range from 150 thousand to 2 million rubles.

Franchise partnerships offered large companies, such as: "F.O.N." (brand "FonBet"), First international bookmaker company ("Betting League"), "Bookmaker Pub" (1xbet), "Santorin" ("BaltBet"), "Star Bet" ( Bingo Boom) and etc.

Each of them has its own conditions for cooperation, but they are much more profitable than obtaining a separate license yourself. And the time frame for receiving documents is reduced by half - to one and a half months.

Is it possible to open a bookmaker online?

Online betting is popular in Russia. Many gambling companies open sites on the Internet. The benefit of an online bookmaker is that there are no costs for renting premises, purchasing equipment, or staff salaries.

In addition, at online offices for accepting bets on sporting events There are no geographical restrictions. Any resident of the country or a foreigner can come to the site. Investments are used to create and maintain a website and a program for accepting payments and paying out winnings.

To register an online point, you also need to undergo licensing.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

The tables provide an approximate calculation of the costs of opening a bookmaker

The costs of starting a full-fledged gambling business in Russia and opening betting points cannot be compared.

Responsibility for accepting bets without a license

Due to the high cost and difficulty of entering a business, there are many shadow bookmakers operating in Russia. They are mainly located online.

Responsibility for organizing gambling without a license (offline or online) can be both administrative and criminal. According to Article 171.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles, corrective labor or prison term up to 5 years (according to Article 171.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) depending on the severity of the crime.

The authorities are fighting against illegal companies and those registered in offshore companies. Roskomnadzor is blocking their websites.

Thus, a bookmaker’s office is a profitable, but not cheap, enterprise. To operate legally will require significant investment.

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