What do you need to make your own bookmaker's office? How to open a bookmaker's office: the pitfalls of the gambling business

The question: “How to open a bookmaker’s office?” are asked most often after reading world and Russian statistics: 650 billion dollars in annual turnover, more than half of which comes from the USA and Japan. The Japanese spend more than 200 billion dollars on racing alone. In Russia, the annual turnover is, according to various estimates, from 350 to 500 million dollars.

At first glance, this suggests that our bookmaking business is not yet developed and, perhaps, it is worth getting into it. But already a comparison of statistics for the Russian Federation and the CIS is alarming: throughout the CIS, official sources give the same from 350 to 500 million dollars. Meanwhile, anyone who vacationed at Ukrainian or Kazakh resorts simply saw with their own eyes that there are more bookmakers there than in the Russian Federation. It turns out that, at least in the fraternal republics, the bookmaking business is largely shadowy.

Hence the conclusion follows that those same 350-500 million dollars are the tip of the iceberg, but in fact the bookmaker niche has already been developed.

Start conditions

The state of affairs in bookmaking today, according to open sources, looks something like this:

  • Profitability – 5-10%.
  • The legislative framework is vague and questions about its improvement are not raised in the legislative bodies.
  • The start is either difficult to the point of impossibility, or you need a strong shadow “roof” with everything that entails.
  • The initial investment is huge compared to the profitability.
  • The competition is extremely tough.
  • Prospects for the future are disappointing. Requirements for the size of the authorized capital and taxes are constantly increasing.

However, sport and excitement are organically connected, and someone, having sufficient experience as a player, can decide for himself: “I want to open a bookmaker’s office!” Let's see where you need to start, how to register, what to expect and what you need to be prepared for. And in order to better understand the essence of the matter, we will first have to briefly turn to history, right up to the present time.

Excerpts from the history of bookmaking

In the originator of sports - Ancient Greece– the sport was not professional, but it was mass. The ancient Greeks did not know bookmaking and betting; in any case, historians know nothing about it.

The Romans had professional athletes: gladiators, charioteers, fist fighters, wrestlers. The Romans were gambling people and willingly bet on the outcome. Bets were accepted by ancient Roman bankers - Argentarii, first according to the principle of an arbitrator: they took their percentage - a margin - from the entire amount of bets, and the remainder was distributed to clients who guessed the outcome in proportion to the amount of the bet.

The same Argentarians then began to make forecasts of the results of competitions (in today's terms - “lines”) and came up with the idea of ​​​​imposing a margin on the probability of one or another outcome, thereby providing themselves with a stable income regardless of the result.

In the Middle Ages, bets were actively made during knightly tournaments, but most of all in private. The ancient Roman betting system was practically forgotten.

The first racing betting modern type was opened by Parisian shopkeeper Pierre Oller in 1865. By 1875, bookmaking was completely established. Computerization has made it possible for small shops to calculate lines and payout odds and made it possible to place bets online.

How to open a bookmaker: stumbling blocks

Let’s say right away: if you reformulate the original question as follows: “How to open a branch of a bookmaker’s office?”, then you can omit this section, except for the paragraph on initial investments. All you have to do is get copies of the charter documents of the parent company, register with the tax office, rent premises, buy for 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. office equipment, audiovisual devices for broadcasting matches, and start working.

But such work, in bookmaker’s terms, “under an umbrella” is not an independent business. You will have to do what they say and take what they give for it. And first save up a significant amount to start and establish yourself as trustworthy in the eyes of local gambling bosses.


Humanity is going through difficult times, and mass consciousness changes before our eyes. Among the positive changes is the unwillingness to put up with bad habits and the unproductive expenses associated with them. Who could have imagined just 10 years ago that in Russia, famous for “Prima” and “Belomor” no less than vodka, today the anti-tobacco law would pass without a hitch? Even heavy smokers understand: this is how it should be.

Bookmaking has long become a type of gambling where money is made out of thin air. It can be assumed that as soon as the treasury’s revenues from bookmaking become lower than its shortfalls from the income lost by players, the days of bookmaking as a relatively legal business will be numbered.


Bookmaking is rightfully considered a gambling game, and it first of all requires a license from Roskomsport (Federal Agency for physical culture, sports and tourism). An indispensable condition for obtaining a license is “Sufficient experience of the applicant.”

But bookmakers are not taught or trained anywhere! Officially, there is no such profession at all - bookmaker. In bookmakers' offices staffing table there are administrators, managers, etc., but there are no bookmakers - they are not in the classifier of professions.

That is, how will you prove your experience in this matter by applying for a license? There is no and cannot be a diploma, nor is there a record of employment. There are no legal ways to prove your experience as a bookmaker. The rest is up to your understanding and discretion. And corresponding amounts of money.


For those wishing to open a bookmaker's office, real advice, not obviously of an advertising nature, boils down to approximately the following: “You can count on income if you find a fake clientele that is not used by competitors.” In Russian it should be read like this: “You can make a good profit if you see an open suitcase of money right on the sidewalk, which no one needs and which no one pays attention to.”

Income-generating players are a closed community; They see the rest of their life as if through a cloudy glass. Sociologists call such people marginal (self-limiting), and their communities - subcultures.

A subculture can expand and degrade. This depends on the coefficient of involvement of new members in it, whether it is greater or less than one. Currently, the coefficient of involvement in the community of betting players is slightly more than one and is slowly but steadily falling.


An acute shortage of a source of income - players - causes fierce competition, literally for survival. As soon as an independent bookmaker’s office opens, supposedly random visitors immediately appear, placing large bets.

In fact, they are representatives of major competitors, and each has a well-developed “line” (a number of probabilities for the outcome of a duel or match) based on correct mathematical calculations, taking into account unspoken factors from the depths of the sports business. In bookmaker terms, they know “fair odds” - fair odds, and you yourself are obliged to offer them your line.

So, competitors immediately know how to bet against you. One of these can deprive you of income for a long time (this is if they are just testing out a newbie, but then they still give you a job), and five of them will immediately ruin you completely if you are not in the right place.

Initial Investment

The tax authorities will not register a gambling business without a large authorized capital. Its required minimum size is constantly increasing and may be set by local tax authorities above standard. So, without having at least 5 million rubles. free, non-credit, you don’t have to go to the tax office.

Next, software – “software”. Without your own website with online betting, there will be no income. There are more than enough offers for the sale of ready-made software or custom development, but the average price is 40-50 thousand dollars. This is another million and a half initial investments. Against this background, some 200 thousand for equipment are completely lost.

And finally, an insurance fund to pay players when they win massively. You must have it. This is at least 3.5 million rubles. with a monthly turnover of 1 million. Calculation is based on the average line issue ratio in the Russian Federation of 3.35.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to shell out 8-12 million rubles for the start, then it is better not to raise the question “how much does it cost to open a bookmaker’s office.” And keep in mind that with such initial investments, the monthly turnover will hardly be more than 1 million rubles, and the monthly income after promotion will be about 100,000-200,000 rubles.

Taxes, personnel, salary and line

From the current costs of a bookmaker's office, we exclude rent (a room of 4 sq. m. is enough, or 12-15 sq. m. if you install a TV for clients, on a sublease basis) and payment for utilities, because they are tiny. Taxes, too, compared to the rest, don’t really “bite”, although they are constantly being increased.

But it’s worth talking about salary. You will need at least three (for voting by the principle of exclusion) experienced analysts - athletes who can correctly assess the real strength of opponents, intuitively, according to rumors and information from undisclosed sources, take into account the accompanying factors of the upcoming fight and give your line.

These people must be willing and able to work hard - after all, for every event you are obliged to give clients a line. True, they can relax in the winter, when football players do not play - at least 3/4 of the bets are placed on football. But they won’t see any vacation in the summer.

Under such conditions, the salary is 50,000 rubles. with a full social package it will not be excessive. And you can count on no more than 200,000 rubles. income in the “feeding” place. You cannot take one or two analysts, otherwise the line will sooner or later turn out to be in favor of the players and you will go broke.

You can, as is often suggested, enter into an agreement with a large bookmaker network for 12,000-50,000 rubles. receive lines from them monthly. But there is also a danger in this: if you suddenly become undesirable, you can simply be set up.

Then, no less than the same 50,000 rubles. with a full social package you will have to give it to an accountant. Accounting firms most often refuse to serve bookmakers. The reason here is not so much that the gambling business is largely shady, but the absence of a solid legislative framework for him, because of which accounting entries become overly complicated and often conflict with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Experienced players

In addition, they themselves perform and can personally, in their favor, bring an unpleasant surprise to the bookmakers. A case of this kind with full knowledge The case is described by Ernest Hemingway in the story “Fifty Thousand” (Ernest Hamingway, “Fifty Grands”).

They are useful for large bookmaker networks: it is precisely such players who write reviews without any pretense, especially if they are also paid: “I’m buying an Audi Q7. Thanks to the bookmakers!”

But if one of these starts up in your neighborhood, you’re lost. I wish I could take him in, he’s an ideal analyst... But he, while ruining you and others like you, has 3-5 times more than you can offer him.

Internet option

Now let’s think: since everything is so complicated, isn’t it worth opening a bookmaker’s office on the Internet? Look, online commerce is thriving and expanding.

Not worth it. Gambling is not trading. Without your own website with online betting and the possibility of payments through electronic payment systems, you will not be able to work anyway. All that an online office will save you from is rent. And it is already insignificant compared to other expenses.

On the Internet you can find offers for the sale of ready-made online bookmakers on a turnkey basis. When considering this, you need to remember: large bookmaker networks do not sell franchises.

To summarize, we can say: opening a bookmaker’s office is not the best choice for beginners, even those who are truly passionate about sports.

We decided to do playful look business? Do you want to open your own bookmaker? Then you're on the right way aspiring businessman. Today, gambling is the most promising way to get rich. In a situation where casino owners and gaming machines, bookmakers turned out to be the only legitimate ones in the gaming business.

Therefore, we want to tell you in this article about all the delights and pitfalls of opening and further promoting your own bookmaker’s office. If you do everything right, you will soon become fabulously rich.

History of the bookmaker business, its relevance today

Let's first try to talk about where this very attractive type of activity came from today. To do this, you will have to delve a little into the history of human evolution.

Yes Yes. It's in history!

Since the ancient Romans suffered from such a vice as gambling.

They organized various sports competitions and placed bets on them. The principle was the same as today.

The famous banker took gold from everyone who wanted to take part in this action, and whoever correctly calculated the future winner, he gave the winnings to him. Naturally, before delivery cash prize he received his percentage of the transaction.

Basically, such monetary transactions were carried out at gladiator competitions and knightly fights. Not everyone could afford such pleasure. The stakes were quite high.

But the progenitor of modern bookmaking was Pierre Oller. He mainly carried out such monetary transactions at horse racing.

And by 1875, this type of business was already firmly on its feet. Then they began to rightfully call it a business that made the owners of such offices very rich people.

What you need to open a bookmaker's office: starting conditions

Today two questions are quite relevant: “What is needed to open and organize a successful bookmaker’s office?” and “Is the game worth the candle?” If you really think about it, our article will dispel all your fears.

He will also tell you what to do correctly so as not to remain on the bench.

The main path to success in any form entrepreneurial activity- a well-thought-out business plan.
We bring to your attention a sample of such a document, which will help you easily understand the basics of this business.
Detailed consideration of the bookmaker business:

  1. Be sure to study this path.
  2. Calculate how competitive your company will become.
  3. Find out what residents are interested in settlement where your office will be located. Start from this.

Registration process of legal activities:

  1. Find out in detail about all the nuances of obtaining the coveted license.
  2. Gather all the necessary documentation for this case.

Find a good space for your office:

  1. Your office should be located in a place with high traffic.
  2. It is advisable to make designer renovations in it so that everything speaks about the direction of your organization.
  1. Purchase of necessary furniture and good equipment.
  2. Selection of qualified staff.
    Preferably with at least 1 year of existing experience in this field.
  3. Good publicity. Qualified PR will not hurt you.

If you still doubt own strength, then it is better to use the help of an experienced specialist.

He will design a good business plan.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office in Russia?

Of course, this idea will cost you a tidy sum of money. Which is very problematic for a beginner.

But, if you think carefully, you can take one or more partners. Together it is much easier to collect the required amount and achieve good success.

The total starting capital of future owners should be about $9,000. But in the process of organizing and establishing your business, additional financial investments will be required. It all depends on the niche of the bookmaker.

There are two main types of bookmaking offices:

  1. Massive.
    Anyone can visit your office and bet from 50 to 10,000 rubles on any sporting event;
  2. Elite.
    The principle of operation here is the same as in the first ones, but rates start from 1,000 rubles.

So decide which office to open and how many partners you need to attract for this. But in any case, the “game” is worth your effort.

How to open a bookmaker: licensing

To avoid being overtaken by the “punishment” of justice, be sure to register your business activity. Licensing of this business is carried out federal agency on physical culture, sports and tourism "RosKomSport".

If at least one owner of your office has experience in this business, then you can easily obtain all permits.

Find such a person, and your dream of being in the bottom business will come true.

Premises and equipment, personnel

When choosing a room for a future office, take a good look at where it is located. If you don’t have enough experience and your own clientele, there’s not even a hint of your competing neighbors.

A great place would be to have bars nearby, gyms and many other establishments. The terrain must have increased cross-country ability.

For the normal functioning of your bookmaker's office, a room of 15 m² will be sufficient. Organize your workspace so that computer data is not accessible to visitors.

Limit their access to technical and financial manipulations on this device. Build a transparent screen with a window in front of the employee’s workplace.

Buy the necessary furniture and equipment for your office.

Here you can save money:

  1. Tables and chairs.
    You can also buy used ones. The main thing is that they look attractive.
  2. Soft sofas and armchairs for visitors can also be bought used.
  3. Good computer equipment.
  4. High-speed Internet, with uninterrupted local network connection.
  5. You can buy a large plasma TV that is not new.
  6. Good computer office equipment.
  7. Install licensed software on all computers.
  8. A cooler with clean drinking water won't hurt either.

We have listed the basic equipment that you will need for the smooth functioning of your bookmaker's office.

The rest depends on your starting capital and the number of employees in your headquarters.

The selection of personnel should be approached very carefully. After all, the fate of your business depends on his experience and level of qualifications.

Organize some kind of casting in which you select applicants based on the following parameters:

  1. Computer knowledge at the highest level.
  2. Availability of higher education.
  3. Minimum 1 year of experience in the bookmaking industry.
  4. Good performance with former place work.
  5. Communication skills.
  6. Responsibility.

You can also add a few of your wishes to the requirements. Check the accuracy of all information provided to you by an applicant for a future position.

Don't make spontaneous decisions. Start from appearance female applicants are strictly prohibited.

Make a quality selection!

Find out how the bookmaker's office works in the video.

Clientele, competitor analysis

In the case when your goal is income, then the bookmaker’s resource is the target audience. Who exactly is this society?

In general, these are male people from 18 to 60 years old (older men are also found). These are ardent sports fans who consider themselves experienced analysts.

But in reality, everything is much simpler: these are just passionate men who want to try their luck, thereby adding variety to their leisure time.

Remember: in order to attract good clients, you should provide them with guaranteed and instant payments of the funds they win. The better you configure the payout speed, the more people will love your establishment.

Also be sure to smooth out all controversial situations in their favor. Your slogan should be the phrase: “The customer is always right!”

Also very important aspect there are competitors in this business. Be sure to take this factor into account when opening your office.

Look for a place where this obstacle is completely absent. It's better to open in a small city.

Before competing organizations appear, you will already have gained the necessary experience, and you will also have your own client base.

Operating principles of bookmakers

It's time to talk about the most exciting topic This article is about how the work of any bookmaker’s office works.

The whole point lies in a kind of dispute between two or more participants. Your organization is just an intermediary in this bet.

For the most part, these bets take place on the basis of some kind of sporting event. But there are also types of disputes such as music or television shows.

Gambling people are found in all types of art. You are only fulfilling their whims.

Let's take a closer look at the principle of your further activities:

  • a potential client comes to your office;
  • you tell him about all the possible this moment rates;
  • he chooses a congenial outcome of this event and places a monetary bet;
  • if he was right, then he takes his money +%;
  • You must pay out your winnings immediately.

That's the whole trick of your work.

Risks and promotion of a bookmaker

In this entrepreneurial field, the risk of failure is very significant. But if you tackle it competently, then the negative outcome is reduced to zero.

But even if you do not have such experience, good staff will do all the work for you.

Also, without good PR it won’t work here.

  • on TV;
  • in the Internet;
  • distribute leaflets with information about your organization;
  • Hire a car with a loudspeaker.

Also very important role the sign above the entrance to your office plays. It should be bright and catchy.

Come up with a good, attractive name for your company. From time to time, offer various promotions for regular customers.

How to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet online

Thanks to technological innovations, bookmaker firms have become more multifunctional than before. They help visitors place bets even from mobile phones.

Moreover, all actions can be carried out in home environment without even leaving its borders. Even the geography of location has no special significance, since all the action is carried out over the local Internet network.

If you still doubt whether it is profitable to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet, which will always be available online mode, then we will tell you about all the delights of this kind of organization. We'll tell you what you need to open it.

First, let's look at what is the attractiveness of such a bookmaker company on the Internet:

  1. A decent amount of money is saved due to the absence of rental fees.
  2. You don’t have to buy furniture and some technical equipment for your office.
  3. There is no payment for the work of employees. You are your own cashier, cleaner, and security guard.
  4. No need to worry about good place with high traffic of the male part of the population.
  5. No costs for a new script.
  6. On the Internet, a huge base of clients who are passionate about betting has already been created.
    There are even foreign players.

We hope you understand that such an organization is quite beneficial for a beginner. But how to do this? What do you need?

  1. Create your own website for bookmaking services. If you do not have these skills, purchase a ready-made website.
  2. On the Internet, find a similar bookmaking portal.
  3. Download the ready-made online betting script from it.
  4. Place plugins for various payment systems on your Internet portal.
  5. Design your website thematically.

It is best to hire several experienced employees for your online resource. They will do all the work for you.

Bookmaker organization at the right approach to organizational processes is a very profitable business.

Due to the closure of various gaming establishments, your company will not be left without attention.

But it’s always easier to start small. Try your luck first on the Internet.

You will spend less money, gain the necessary experience and you will have good start-up capital to open something more serious.

Then start making your dreams come true!

Good luck to all!

You can learn how to open a bookmaker's office from the video.

In contact with

This niche has one of the largest financial turnovers. Bookmakers have high demand for their services, especially after the closure of other types of gaming business.

The main advantages of this type of activity are the ability to quickly increase capital with minimal investments, as well as obtaining legal income, security, and minimal financial risks.

However, there are many pitfalls in this area; you should carefully study all the subtleties and nuances. This activity subject to mandatory licensing. Only a person with extensive experience in the gambling business and large capital can receive it.

Key Success Factors:

  • reliable team;
  • availability of a competent and experienced analyst;
  • new and proven equipment;
  • qualified personnel;
  • good location.

The initial investment amount is 1 345 000 rubles

The break-even point is reached at 1 month of work.

Payback period approx. 10 months.

Average net monthly profit 164 000 rubles

Return on sales 35% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

A bookmaker's office is an organization with the status legal entity, which conducts bets with players (individuals) with subsequent payment of funds. That is, a person makes a bet on the outcome of an event, usually a sporting event. If his prediction is correct, then he receives a win. Otherwise, the bet remains with the office.

Bookmakers constantly monitor and analyze sport events and, based on this, set certain coefficients. They are based on probability theory, statistics and expert assessments.

The predecessors of bookmakers were sweepstakes. Since ancient times, people have been betting on horse races. Over time, the scope of activity began to expand. Today the most popular types Sports for betting are football, tennis, hockey, basketball, volleyball. It is obvious that during these sports, there is a significant increase in profits.

When opening this type of business, you should take into account that the time frame for obtaining a license is up to six months.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

3. Description of the sales market

After the law banning gambling business Russian Federation, bookmakers have received great potential for growth. And since that time, this business has been constantly developing.

The Russian betting industry has the potential for threefold growth in the next five years, experts estimate. The Confederations Cup and the FIFA World Cup held in Russia will play a key role in this. By 2023, the projected turnover of this industry is 1.2 trillion rubles.

The total income of bookmakers in Russia, in particular guaranteed commission fees, amounts to 47 billion rubles. ($0.7 billion) per year, or 1.2% of the global market. (RBC)

The target audience.

About 90% of bookmaker clients are men aged 18 to 50 with secondary/higher education. Social status: middle managers, workers and middle-income workers.

These are, as a rule, fans of sports analytics and statistics. And also just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The main factor influencing the success of an organization is the right team. The main employees of the company are analysts who can calculate the possible results of the game and correctly set the odds.

List of service personnel:

  • director (manager) - 1 person;
  • cashier-administrator - 4 people;
  • analyst - 2 people;

The total number of personnel is 7 people.

At first, the role of manager can be taken by the business owner himself in order to clearly establish all processes in the organization.

Basic requirements for personnel:

  • high computer skills,
  • having higher education,
  • Experience in the bookmaker industry from 1 year,
  • honesty,
  • decency,
  • communication skills, responsibility.

Payroll fund, rub.

Amount of workers






Insurance premiums (30% payroll)


7. Financial plan

The bookmaker in question will accept bets on the following sports: football, tennis, hockey, basketball, volleyball. The average sales plan for a city with a million population is based on average statistical data for bookmakers of the same format for 2017, adjusted for inflation. Depending on the season, the most significant games Sales levels may vary. The average rate on the market is 500-1000 rubles. On average, 20-30 people place bets per day at the bookmaker's office. In 95% of cases, the bookmaker wins. As rbc.ru writes, significant growth is planned in this niche (3 times). Thus, with a successful entry into the market, the project has the potential to increase average revenue.

Sales structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Football betting

Tennis betting

Hockey betting

Basketball betting

Volleyball betting

Total revenue (income):

Sales structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Football betting

Tennis betting

Hockey betting

Basketball betting

Volleyball betting

Total revenue (income):

The financial result for the first year of operation is presented in the following table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 164 000 rub.

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month


(-) Monthly costs

(=) Gross income

(-) Taxes, fixed

(-) Personal income tax on client winnings, 13%

(=) Net profit

(=) Net profit on an accrual basis

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month


? ABOUTThe relatively high profitability of this type of business activity is of great interest to many, but it is difficult to imagine a more costly startup than organizing a business accepting bets. What you need to become a bookmaker, how much it will cost and what requirements the law puts forward, you will learn from this article.

I want to open a bookmaker’s office: what is needed for this and how much does it cost?

A bookmaker's office is one of the types of gambling establishments where the organizer and the participant make a bet between themselves, backed by a monetary bet. Since the gambling business in Russia is under special attention state, legislation establishes clear conditions for its implementation. First of all, strict restrictions apply to the founders of bookmaker firms.

Basic requirements for organizing a bookmaker's office

  • Only a legal entity can become a founder. Individual entrepreneurs, partnerships and other business entities are not allowed to carry out bookmaking activities.
  • You must have a license to conduct gambling in bookmakers and betting shops.
  • You need to join a self-regulatory organization of organizers of gambling in bookmakers.

Basic requirements for founders

  1. No criminal record - the founder of a bookmaker’s office cannot be a person convicted of an economic crime, as well as for serious and especially serious crimes. serious crimes of any direction - until the criminal record is expunged or removed.
  2. Having experience in the gambling business - before you are puzzled by the question of whether, you need to work in this field for some time. However, the legislator does not establish length of service.
  3. Reaching adulthood (18 years old).

How much money will you need?

Those who wonder about how to open a bookmaker's office, must be prepared for huge investments. The Law “On State Regulation of Gambling Activities” dated December 29, 2006 No. 244-FZ calls specific amounts, which must be available already at the stage of business registration.

In particular, the size of the authorized capital of such a company cannot be less than 100 million rubles. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to use borrowed funds for this - the origin of the money will have to be confirmed when obtaining a license, so any attempts to deceive the state are doomed to failure in advance.

IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Procedure for determining the value of net assets (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated August 28, 2014 No. 84n), this is the difference between the total assets of the organization and its liabilities. In other words, this is how much the entire business will be worth, taking into account all the property and cash in the company's accounts, minus any kind of debt.

Compared to these amounts, the costs of opening a company, obtaining a license, etc. do not look so global, but you will still have to bear them:

  • state duty for registering a legal entity - 4,000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license for bookmaking activities - 100,000 rubles;
  • joining an SRO - 30 million rubles plus entrance fees, and subsequently monthly fees.

Another fairly large expense item for future bookmakers is the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee. According to the law, its size must be at least 500 million rubles, and only a bank can act as a guarantor. The size of the commission depends on the specific rate credit organization. On average, this is about 10% of the guarantee amount - such a high rate is due to high commercial risks in this area of ​​business.

In addition, you should take into account the costs of purchasing or renting premises, opening a current account, producing an organization seal, purchasing equipment, software, hiring staff, etc.

Is it possible to reduce costs?

How to open a bookmaker's office at lower cost? You can reduce costs by organizing a franchise business, that is, in fact, becoming a division of an already existing bookmaker's office. In this case, the costs of licensing, joining an SRO, recruiting and training personnel, as well as purchasing expensive software are eliminated or significantly reduced.

But you will have to register a legal entity and form an authorized capital in any case.

How to open a bookmaker's office: instructions

The start-up process in the bookmaking business is very lengthy and extremely energy-intensive - you will have to visit many authorities, collect a lot of documents, etc.

Stage 1: company registration

Registration of a legal entity - the future organizer of a bookmaker's office - is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. The period for consideration of an application for entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 3 business days.

Stage 2: search for premises

The premises can be rented, purchased as property, or used as an existing one. The main thing is that it should not be placed in:

  • educational, religious, medical, sanatorium and resort organizations;
  • transport infrastructure buildings;
  • state and municipal institutions;
  • residential buildings.

IMPORTANT: the organization of bookmakers is allowed only in capital construction projects, that is, various non-stationary premises - kiosks, pavilions, etc. are not suitable for this.

In addition, the room must be zoned - the service and client areas are separated from each other in such a way as to exclude the possibility free access from the second to the first.

Stage 3: technical and personnel support

In addition to the standard office set, the bookmaker's office equipment must contain the hardware and technical base for accepting and recording bets, including the appropriate software.

In addition, it will be necessary to ensure proper storage of cash and its collection - for this purpose, premises are equipped with safes, agreements are concluded for the security of the facility, etc.

The personnel composition also differs from the standard - the presence of specialists such as:

  • programmers (system administrators);
  • cashiers;
  • software and financial analyst;
  • accountant.

Stage 4: Licensing

In the case of bookmakers, the licensing authority is the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation - you should contact the inspectorate at the place where the company is registered. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • company registration certificate;
  • certificates of no criminal record for the founders;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership of the premises in which the office is located (certificate of registration of rights, lease agreement, etc.);
  • certificates confirming the availability of sufficient hardware and technical equipment;
  • information about the size of the authorized capital and the sources of its formation;
  • calculation of net asset value;
  • business plan;
  • an agreement with a private security company or private police department (confirmation of the presence of employees responsible for the safety of visitors and staff is also allowed);
  • information about office employees with copies of their passports and work books.

Stage 5: joining an SRO

The choice of a specific bookmaker SRO depends on personal preferences and entry conditions. If the contribution to the compensation fund is fixed and amounts to 30 million rubles, then the amounts of entrance and monthly contributions vary from 1,000 and 7,500 to 15,000 and 1,200,000 rubles, respectively.

Online betting business: how to open a bookmaker on the Internet

Russian legislation does not allow the opening of an exclusively online version of a bookmaker's office. In any case, you will need to register a company, have an office, licensing, membership in an SRO, etc. That is, you will have to go through the entire above procedure regardless of the place and method of accepting bets.

But accepting interactive bets via the global network is quite possible - this will require your own Internet resource (website), as well as renting or purchasing a virtual server.

IMPORTANT: bookmakers have the right to accept bets in any way, with the exception of postal and bank transfers. In other words, it can be cash or electronic money.

In addition, the formula “one office - one site” applies. The use of two or more domain names to accept interactive bets is prohibited by law.

Bookmakers (BC) are known to almost everyone today. It is necessary to clearly understand that this is a unique industry that has deep roots; it has its own rules of the game and “undercurrents” that you need to know about before plunging into this type activities. Since ancient times, sporting events have attracted crowds of fans, some of whom bet on one or another participant. Since then, gambling fans have also been trying to make a profit from their hobby.

What is the bookmaking business?

Just recently, the bookmaking business was not very popular in our country. We can safely say that there were simply no skills in this area in Russia until the 90s. A predisposition to development was the ban on gambling. When gambling establishments began to close, they simply changed their qualifications and signage.

The bookmaker business - the bookmaker's office - rests mainly on the ability to soberly assess the situation associated with a certain event on which bets will be accepted. In these bureaus, the main operating unit is the analyst department. There are not many good, competent specialists who can calculate and set the coefficients correctly. Therefore, they are valued and their opinions are worth listening to. The job of these people is to collect information, build a clear strategy and formulate a sports line.

The main principle that employees of the establishment always face is making a profit. If the analytical department works correctly, the bookmaker will receive good dividends.

Bookmaking is not just betting on football matches and other sports competitions, but also for political and musical events. There are establishments that accept sums of money for completely unique events. It all depends on the boundless imagination of analysts and their ability to attract clients.

The popularity of this type of business can be judged by the increasingly frequent opening of bookmakers.

Relevance of the bookmaker business

The relevance of the development of bookmaker companies is obvious. The gaming business industry around the world has acquired a huge scale in terms of cash turnover. Government Russian Federation all issues related to this type of activity have been settled and clear rules have been established by which this business should be conducted.

Today, opening a bookmaker's office is a profitable business. You can invest capital profitably with great prospects for the future. There are no legal alternatives to this, so for those who want to make a profit in this way, this is good opportunity For further development. Various sporting competitions are held every day, and bookmakers give the population the opportunity to earn good money from this - so this option was, is and will always be relevant and practically safe.

Pros of making money Thus:

  • opportunity fast increase your initial capital;
  • earnings in a short period of time;
  • you earn money in an honest way;
  • available wide choose bookmaker systems.

The attractiveness of this business also lies in the fact that deception is practically excluded. There are many systems that work successfully. By using some of them you can increase your investments. Who to bet on and how much is up to you to decide.

Premises and personnel for opening a bookmaker's office

To open a company where you can accept bets, any premises with an area of ​​20 sq.m. or more are suitable. The area must be selected in such a way that it can accommodate at least one workplace with a table and a computer.

The Government of the Russian Federation has provided a number of conditions for choosing the appropriate premises:

  • it must be located in permanent buildings and structures;
  • it cannot be located in temporary buildings, in children's, medical and cultural institutions, at train stations and in buildings of state or municipal property, in places of worship and religious premises and structures.
  • first floor, first line, not a residential building;
  • passage place.

In order to try yourself in this work and make sure that you do not “burn out”, you can start with a room of no more than 10 sq.m. The only bookmaker equipment you will need is a table, a chair, a computer, a printer, cash machine and Internet access.

From the staff: a cashier and a person working with those who place bets. The optimal number of employees is 2 – 5 people.

One of best options is considered to be renting a room near the place where potential players gather. It could be a bar or a bathhouse.

We should not forget that the bookmaking business is not highly profitable, so you need to rent premises with a not very high fee, otherwise you can go bankrupt.

Many office owners are looking for partnerships and enter into rental agreements with the owners of bowling alleys, clubs, nightclubs, halls with slot machines and sports bars are places where male potential players like to hang out free time. In this case, the bookmaker's office is designed in the same style as the partner company.

For the establishment to operate smoothly, it is necessary to have at least two cashiers on staff and pay them a salary of at least 7 thousand rubles.

The number of hired workers directly depends on what you plan to open. You can select the staff yourself, or you can trust the person from whom you purchase the franchise. If you want to create gaming club or a sports bar, then you will need significantly more staff than a regular office. And the costs in this case will be much more substantial.

Concerning wages– you shouldn’t save on this, otherwise you won’t see any return from your subordinates.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

As in any other business, here you cannot completely protect yourself from possible failures. Problems may arise that make it difficult for the establishment to operate efficiently.

A potential danger may be experienced competitors who, with their “attack,” will interfere with the successful conduct of business.

All players are conditionally divided into 2 categories: professionals and amateurs. It is the latter that are the source of income for bookmakers. This happens for a simple reason: non-professionals make bets “at random”, do not adhere to a clear line, they do not have a developed plan of action, so the winnings are quite small.

Professionals act very competently and confidently. Their tactics may not even be entirely legal. You should be wary of such clients. Having the necessary information, they can place huge sums and thereby harm your business. Dealing with such people is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

In this case, it is very important to have an experienced bookmaker on staff who can “probe” and identify the ruiners. In addition, a reserve fund is required. In case of failures, you will be able to replenish the company’s balance sheet, and negative aspects will not significantly affect your economic condition.

Bookmaker registration

Despite all the innovations, bookmakers are legal, but to open the above business you will need to obtain a license from the Federal Tax Service. In order to keep your costs to a minimum, it is best to obtain an affiliate license. Its price ranges from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. The licensing procedure is specified in federal law dated December 29, 2006 No. 244-FZ (as amended on October 16, 2012).

They will also require an impressive package of documents from you and put forward serious financial requirements, namely:

  • bank guarantee in the amount of 450 - 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital – 100 million rubles;
  • asset value – at least 1 billion rubles.

As you understand, these requirements are practically impossible for many entrepreneurs to meet. Therefore, the easiest way out of this situation would be to join the license of an already existing large bookmaker company and open a branch of the bookmaker’s office. By becoming a partner of a reputable organization, you will protect yourself from all sorts of problems associated with starting your own business.

By opening a bookmaker's office in , you significantly save your finances and time on paperwork. Working as a franchise, you can avoid many mistakes while still making a significant profit. You don’t have to develop your own quote line and strategy; you can use the money you save to support a competent analyst.

Bookmaker profits

In order to get maximum profit from a company, you need to try to find an already “promoted” market with minimal competition. If this is not possible, then you need to be prepared for the fact that in order to achieve profitability you will have to open at least 5 - 6 points for accepting bets.

If we evaluate the profitability of this business according to the most conservative estimates of the players themselves, then this amount can be 12-15%. In fact, bookmakers have up to 40% of turnover - this is in the case of small bets with a price of 150 rubles. This business cannot but be profitable. Since 50% of the country's population (this is statistical data) place bets of 150 - 200 rubles. regularly and are not going to give up this innocent weakness. Therefore, draw conclusions about how soon you can return the invested money and start earning money.

There are two strategies you can rely on:

  1. the higher the ratio, the lower the profit of the office;
  2. the higher the odds, the more people will bet on football matches, etc. right at your establishment.

In order to open a bookmaker's office you will need from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars. This includes rent for the premises, expenses for repairs and the purchase of necessary office equipment and Internet connection. At the same time, you can count on receiving a profit of 50 - 100 thousand rubles. per month with a turnover of 1,000,000 rubles.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you will not immediately make a profit. The payback period for this project is approximately 1 year. You may be able to get your money back much faster because Lately demand for bets increased by 10–15%.

In order to protect your business from bankruptcy, at first you need to use the services of analytical agents. They will monitor the entire process and provide tips to increase the likelihood of successful bidding.

Beginning entrepreneurs in this area may not be able to do without qualified assistance, as crowds may flock to inexperienced competitors professional players to extract maximum profit.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

Average numbers to guide your opening own business, can range from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. It all depends on the scope of your imagination and the availability of capital. The minimum amount includes expenses for premises, equipment, advertising of the bookmaker's office and staff salaries.

Approximate financial plan

  • Registration of an enterprise, collection and preparation of all necessary documents- about 10,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises with an area of ​​25 sq.m. – 15,000 rubles. The price may vary depending on its location in one direction or another.
  • Repair and finishing work, decoration - from 45,000 - 50,000 rubles.
  • Necessary equipment - from 60,000 - 70,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license – from 200,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – from 20 thousand rubles.

Many people consider this type of business to be seasonal, and there is some truth in this. When world championships take place, bookmakers have highest probability making a profit. But if the company has its own permanent customer base, then it is not threatened by any seasonality.

If you can find the strength and means to open a bookmaker’s office, then in the near future you can count on good dividends.

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