How to teach a child to draw with a pencil. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations

Calendar of our Ancestors

Calls of Spring - 3, 9 and 25 berezozol

The first call of Spring is usually carried out on 3 Berezenya (death).

And although not all the frosts have faded yet, not all the blizzards have faded away, but the days are becoming noticeably longer, and there is already a smell of spring in the air. On holiday they go out into nature, to the hill. The dress code and mood are festive. They take buzzers and nozzles, pipes and whistles with them - to hum in the spring; different cereals - feed the hill. For the meal they stock bread, pies, pancakes, complex porridge, eggs, dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk), and beer-kvass.

Children are the first to call for Spring. They run up the hill, ring bells, and knock on bells. Turning to the Sun, they lament:

"Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
with great mercy:
With large flax,
with deep roots,
with great bread."

After that, they make snow women, slide down the hills on sleds - who's next?

Ritual actions for the first call of spring.

Drive out winter: they drive winter out with a poker, from under benches, stoves, sweep it out of the house, out of the yard with a broom, knock on fences and gates with brooms and sticks, throw out (burn) old brooms, bast shoes, things. “Winter, out of the hut, and summer into the hut,” “I’ll spend the winter in the forest, and I’ll return home.”

Ritual tree. A small Christmas tree is decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, vegetables and bells. The tree is carried around the village, carried on a sleigh, then brought to where they call spring and stuck into a loaf. They have a meal near the Christmas tree. Previously, no tree was cut down; a living tree was used as a ritual tree.

They dig a small hole into which they pour pennies, millet and poppy seeds, porridge from many grains - for a rich harvest. The hole is buried.

A fire made of straw warms the spring.

IN traditional culture singing is perceived as an action that has enormous power- both creative and destructive - depending on what it is aimed at, whether it was produced in compliance with the rules, etc. The power and energy of the singing voice has always been an effective tool of Slavic magic and was widely used in spring rituals.

Round dances and other games.

We can sing about Spring,
Seeing off the winter
With songs, flowers,
With showers, cranes

Ay leli-leli, say goodbye to winter!

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great joy,
With rich mercy.
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread.
Summer, summer, come here!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas!
We're tired of it, we're bored of it,
Eh, I froze my little hands,
All the joints were chilled,
The snowstorm whipped my eyes.

Spring, spring, what have you brought us?
- I brought you four lands, oh, my goodness!
The first land - flood waters, oh my goodness!
The second land is a ploughman's field, oh my goodness!
The third area is a cattle in the field, oh my goodness!
The fourth area is for the people good health oh my goodness!

The first site -
There is flood in the meadows
Second site -
The sun is in the courtyard!
Third site -
Green expanse!

Second calls of Spring.

Usually on 9 Berezenya (But in the vastness of our country, in places, it is possible different variants, up to 22 Berezenya)

Ice icicles still sparkle in the sun with golden tints, the snow blanket crunches underfoot, and the trees are still in a sleepy slumber, but spring calls are already heard through the forest with thin, drawn-out sounds. Uuuuu...” - women’s voices sing in every way, calling for the speedy arrival of Spring. Strong, inviting sounds rush among the trees and ascend to the sky. These are not songs, these are special phrases pronounced in recitative, filled with a special rhythm and power of words.

Our ancestors believed that for Spring to come, it was necessary to call her, for this they baked special cookies - Larks, played spring games and invited Spring, clicked, that is, shouted calls.
There were many calls, each of them had its own rhythm and ended with special high-pitched sounds “auuu..,” “guuu,” “gu-gu,” “guli-gulii.”

Larks arrive
Drive away the white winter
Ghouls - ghouls
Drive away the white winter
Bring on the red spring
Ghouls - ghouls
Bring on the red spring
Dress our land
Ghouls - ghouls
Dress our land
Warm all the glades
Ghouls - ghouls
Warm all the glades
Kindly invite the sun
Ghouls - ghouls

You're a little bird, you're a vagrant!
Fly to the blue sea
Take the spring keys,
Close the winter, open the summer!

We can sing about Spring,
Seeing off the winter
With songs, flowers,
With showers, cranes

Sunshine, sunshine,
Red bucket!
Look out from behind the mountain
Yes, until spring!

Bless, mother, ring in spring!
Ay leli-leli, ring in spring!
Call for spring, bid farewell to winter,
Ay leli-leli, say goodbye to winter!
Winter in a cart, Fly in a shuttle,
Ay leli-leli, Fly into the shuttle!

To invoke Spring, our ancestors climbed onto the roofs of houses, barns, hilltops, trees and other natural heights, filling the air with continuous hooting and chants. The vibrations created by such popular creations of chants synchronized with the rhythms of nature, beneficially affecting people's health. Having shouted and called out calls (they had to be pronounced loudly so that the sounds could be heard far away), and played with the larks’ cookies, which were also baked to invite Spring. The baked birds were eaten, given to livestock, and left on trees for the birds that arrived in the spring. Thus, through food, sounds, rhythms and vibrations, the power of awakening nature touched everyone, not only people, but also animals.

Burn, Sun, brighter -
Summer will be hotter!
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer.
Mushrooms will grow in the forest,
There are beans in the garden,
Rye and barley in the field,
The hops are green in the garden.

Birds fly from overseas, from Ireland, and winter also goes there:
Summer, summer, come here! And you, winter, go beyond the seas!...

Spring, come, bring three lands!
The first site -
There is flood in the meadows
Second site -
The sun is in the courtyard!
Third site -
Green expanse!

Larks - larks
Fly from the far side
Bring Spring Red
Take away the cold winter!

You're a little birdie
You're a vagrant!
You fly away
On the blue sea
You take it
spring keys,
Lock out the winter
Unlock summer!

Lark on the waist
Singing, singing,
He calls himself, he calls himself
Spring is red, spring is red.
Don't let snowballs lie in an open field
Melt, melt,
In the blue sea, in the blue sea
Roll away, roll away.

Lark, lark!
It's winter for you, but it's summer for us!
You have a sleigh, and we have a cart!

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
Us Cold winter got bored
My hands and feet were frozen.

Flying larks,
Come and visit us
Bring it to us
Red spring
Warm summer!
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
I killed all the cattle.

My mothers,
Fly to me
Bring it to me
Red spring
Summer is warm,
With a plow, with a harrow
And with a black mare,
With a foal - Little Crow!

On a straw
Come and visit us
Bring it to us
Summer is warm,
Plow, harrow,
Take it away from us
Cold winter
Cold winter -
Bottom with comb.
We're tired of winter
I ate all the bread.

Oh, spring, oh, red!
When did spring come!
When old crones
They sat on the rubble,
They sat on the rubble,
They beat the ground with their fists,
They beat the ground with their fists,
They said about daughters-in-law:
“I had a disorderly daughter-in-law:
She founded the crown -
They are in their ninth spring.
On her way
The grass has grown wheatgrass,
Under her steps
Klushka brought the children out.”

Summer, red summer, come here,
And you, winter, go to the sea,
We are already bored with you, winter,
My hands and feet were frostbitten,
The snowstorm whipped my eyes,
We ate a lot of bread and salt.
You are swallows, you are killers,
Come and visit us
Bring it to us
Summer is warm, spring is red
Under the wing, under the bottle.
Plow with harrow, go to the field,
Attack, recruit
Native bread, threshed,
Grainy, spicate.

You are a little bee
Ardent bee!
Fly overseas
Take out the keys
The keys are gold.
You close the winter,
Cold winter!
Unlock your fly,
Letechko is warm,
Letechko is warm,
Summer is grainy!

Larks, larks!
Fly to us, bring us
summer is warm.

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with great mercy:
With large flax,
With deep roots,
With great bread.

Spring, spring, how has it arrived?
What did you drive up to?
What did you drive up to?
- On a bipod, on a harrow,
on a broom.

The larks will arrive,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring:
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
And I picked up the straw,
And she picked up the chaff.
You little Easter cakes are larks,
Come together, come together.

Lark, lark!
Take winter for yourself
Give us spring.
Get yourself a sleigh
Give us the cart.

Larks, larks,
Give us summer
And we will winter for you,
We don't have any food!

Larks, larks,
Come and visit us
Bring us Spring-Red,
I'm red to the sun,
Warm the nest!

Larks, come,
Bring the red Spring.
Bring Spring on your tail,
On the plow, harrow,
On a sheaf of oats.

The lark is alive
Flying across the field
Collects grains
Spring is calling!

A sandpiper was flying
From across the sea
Brought a sandpiper
Nine Castles
- Sandpiper, sandpiper
Close the winter
Unlock spring
Warm summer!

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy!
With tall flax,
With deep roots!
With abundant bread!
With viburnum-raspberry!
With black currants
With pears and apples!
With azure flowers,
With grass-ant!

Spring, beautiful spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy:
Ugly flax is tall,
Rye and oats are good!

Chu, ville-ville
Spring came
In wheelchairs
Winter is gone
On a sled!

Spring is red, what did it come with?
On a bipod, on a harrow,
On a horse's head
On a sheaf of oatmeal,
On a rye ear,
On a grain of wheat.

That's enough, little white snowball,
Lie on the thawed ground!
Time, little white snowball,
Time to melt and disappear
Flow into the valley
And cheese to feed the earth!
Spring, Spring,
What did you come with?
What did you arrive on?
On a white horse,
On the plow harrow
On a black mare
In the Chariot of gold

Quails, larks,
Come on!
Get ready for your native lands!
It's a bitter winter, and take away the cold!
And bring us Spring, Red Spring!
Come Spring To Our Lands Dear Ones
Bring warmth and grain-bearing life
Give us golden, spiked wheat
The life is good, thick, vigorous!

Spring is Red!
Alive young!
Come to us!
To the forests and fields!
To our Niva,
Reject Mara!
Bring it to us
The bread is plentiful
The grass is tall
The roots are deep
Warmth and strength
Love and sweetness!

The second call of Spring has the second name Magpies or the call of larks.

Bless me, mother,
Oh, Lada mother,
Call for spring!
Say goodbye to winter!

Cleaning is done, all the trash that has accumulated over the winter is taken out.

Women fumigate the corners of the house with heather or juniper. The house is decorated with coniferous branches.

Housewives bake pichugs from rye or any other dough: larks and rooks; they put hemp or flax-seed, coated with honey on top.

According to Slavic beliefs, on this day the Calls of Spring are performed from the tops of the hills from which the snow has already begun to melt, popularly called Yarilin Pleshy.

So, on this day, housewives baked “larks” from unleavened dough, with which the Zaklichek ritual was performed. At the same time, it was believed that in full force spring warmth will appear only after 40 days. In some houses they baked forty “nuts” from rye and oat flour, and then for forty days they threw them one at a time onto the street, thus “buying off” Frost.

Craftswomen sculpt birds in the image and likeness, but they also do it schematically: they roll out the dough, cut triangles out of it, stick two seed-eyes on the top, cut the base into several strips: the outer ones are folded up, these are the wings, and in the middle is the tail. Baked birds are sent to family and friends. Children run through the streets with baked birds, throw them up, scatter crumbs and shout: “The larks will fly in, bring red summer, I’m tired of winter, I’ve eaten all the bread.”

Usually the ceremony of invoking Spring is carried out on an elevated place (Krasnaya Gorka) at sunrise. They come early to see the sun play at dawn.
Sunshine, sunshine,
Red bucket!
Look out from behind the mountain
Yes, until spring!

Based on the play of the Sun, they judge what the harvest will be like or make their fortunes for the coming year. When the Sun appears, women wash themselves with gold and silver to become richer and more beautiful. (put gold or silver jewelry in a cup of water for washing)

For the holiday they bring colored eggs (dyed eggs). This custom is not Christian, but ancient, natural, caused by life itself. The egg, a symbol of the universe, is painted in all the colors of the Sun and Spring - red, yellow, red, green. Eggs are tossed up - whoever throws them higher, they roll them down a hill - whoever rolls the farthest. Standing nearby They arrange a competition: they hold an egg in their hand and hit it against their neighbor’s egg. Then the winners, whose egg does not break, compete with each other until only one remains with an unbroken egg. (By breaking an egg, a person ritually helps to give birth to a new world, new Spring.) The winners are given a prize or rocked in their arms.

The third call, usually 25 Berezenya. Willow Whip.

This is already true spring holiday. People are glad that Spring has come. It is held near a living tree, which is dressed up and decorated.
Pillars are dug in ahead of time, ropes are hung, boards are attached - a swing is erected. Not a single spring holiday is complete without swing rides, round dances, games of agricultural and marriage rituals, and dousing with water.
Traditional spring pechevo is baked for the holiday. The holiday begins with a loaf of bread. Everyone breaks off a piece of bread, which is divided into three parts: one is given to the Fertile Earth, the other to Fire, the giver of life. Everyone eats the last piece themselves.
Spring is red, warm summer,
Oh, love, love, warm summer!
Summer is warm, winter is cold,
Oh, leli, leli, winter is cold!
Begin, summer, thick life,
Oh, loli, loli, thick rye!
The grain is thick, spicuous,
Oh, leli, leli, spiky!

Lada the round dancer brings palm branches into the circle.
It's not spring without willow.
The willow brings the mud, drives away the last ice from the river.
If the willow blooms well, the arable land will be successful.

Since ancient times, people have seen the willow as a powerful life force and, at the moment the willow blossomed, they used it to lash children, the sick, and anyone else to whom they wanted to impart this force.
Be healthy for the whole year!
Be as cheerful as spring!
Be as strong as winter!
Be healthy like water
Be rich as the earth
And grow like a willow!

When they whip each other on the back and shoulders with willow twigs, they say: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits,” “Illness is in the forest, but health is in the bones,” “As the willow grows, so do you grow,” “Whip willow, beat me to tears, be healthy!”

Spring has come
Spring is red,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
Spring is red.
Spring has brought
golden keys,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
Golden keys.

You close it, Spring,
The winter is fierce.
Open up, Spring,
Warmth fly,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
It's warm.

Red Spring is coming
Melt the cold snow
Dress the trees with greenery
May the day be warmer

Calls Spring is red!

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy.
With joy, joy,
With great mercy:
Ugly flax is tall,
Rye and oats are good.

Spring! Spring is red!
Warm sunshine!
Come quickly
Keep the children warm!
Come and join us with joy!
With great mercy!
With tall flax!
With deep roots!
With rich bread!

It's getting warmer and warmer!
Rise, steam, from the fields!
Snow tai, veil!
Come soon, spring!

You come, Spring - spring fly,
Come out to our clearing!
Together, together, with all the people,
We'll do a round dance.
Let's start songs and dances,
Let's start different games...
Let's not let Spring get bored,
Let's celebrate the holiday!

Spring is red!
Come, spring, with joy, joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread!

Aw, aw, aw,
Let's hear about spring:
March, March
I'm glad to see the sun;
April, April -
Will open the door;
May, May-
Walk as much as you want!
Ay, ay, let's go!

Spring, where was it?
- I spent the winter in the forest,
Fenced the vegetable garden,
The colors turned on.
Zorya called
Met the sun.

Spring, come, bring three lands!
The first site -
There is flood in the meadows
Second site -
The sun is in the courtyard!
Third site -
Green expanse!

Come to us, spring,
With joy!
With a great one to us
With mercy!
With grainy rye,
With golden wheat,
With curly oats,
With mustachioed barley,
With millet, with buckwheat,
With viburnum-raspberry,
With pears, with apples,
With every garden,
With azure flowers,
With grass-ant.

Spring is lucky,
Lucky, lucky Krasna,
Clear days
Frequent rains
Green herbs,
Red flowers,
Warm days!

From the sea - ocean,
From Buyan Island
Spring is coming red,
Warm summer is coming.
And in the forests there is a noise,
It's crackling in the bushes,
The dew is rattling in the grass,
The water in the spring is ringing,
The sun's rays are lashing,
What a belt whip
And everything is blooming in the garden,
The nightingale sings.

Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With abundant bread,
With high sheaves,
With raspberries, currants,
With every garden.

Red spring has come,
Spring has come clear:
With the sun, with the showers,
With wonderful songs.
The geese have arrived
From the eaves - drops.

Mother spring is coming,
Open the gates
The first of March has arrived -
Seen all the children;
And behind it is April -
Open the window and the door;
And just as May came -
Walk as much as you want

Oh, spring is red,
What did you bring us?
- I brought it to you, kids,
Green potion,
Green Zelyushka
And a warm fly!

Spring calls of larks

The larks will arrive,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring:
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
And I picked up the straw,
And she picked up the chaff.
You little Easter cakes are larks,
Come together, come together.

Larks, larks,
Come and visit us
Bring us Spring-Red,
I'm red to the sun,
Warm the nest!
Larks, come,
Bring the red Spring.
Bring Spring on your tail,
On the plow, harrow,
On a sheaf of oats.

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
We're tired of the cold winter,
My hands and feet were frozen.

Spring calls for Maslenitsa

Like on Shrovetide
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for parties:
They sang and danced songs,
We happily welcomed spring!
We greeted spring joyfully,
They bid farewell to winter for a year.
We stood together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

Wide Maslenitsa
We won't praise you enough
Come visit us
To the wide yard
Play with the children
Ride the roller coaster!

Have fun, people:
Maslenka is coming to visit
With pies and pancakes, -
Spring is at your fingertips!

We will sing, walk, -
Welcome Mother Spring!
Ride on a sleigh
indulge in pancakes!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
Behind white birch catch on!
They said: Maslenitsa is seven years old,
And our Maslenitsa is seven days old!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
Seven years old
And everything about Maslenitsa
Seven days.

Oh, Maslenitsa is a deceiver!
Deceived, deceived,
She didn’t let me go for a walk!

How early I got up,
I washed my face white.
I was looking forward to Maslenitsa cheerfully,
Saying quickly:
Come, come, Maslenitsa,
Bring pancakes, butter!
Feed me, feed me to my heart's content,
I'll get a short oil in a week.

Spring songs calls

Spring-Red walked along Zarechye,
Oh, oh, oh, Lyuli, she was walking along Zarechye!
Yes, I was walking along Zarechye, what did you bring to us?
Oh, oh, oh, Lyuli, what did you bring us?
And I brought you three pieces of news,
Oh, oh, oh, Lyuli, and three messages:
The first message - Clear Sun,
Oh, oh, oh, lyuli, Clear Sun;
Another introduction is a warm little fly,
Oh, oh, oh, Lyuli, it’s warm;
The third message - the nightingale sings,
Oh, oh, oh, Lyuli, with a quail!

Larks arrive
Drive away the white winter
Ghouls - ghouls
Drive away the white winter
Bring on the red spring
Ghouls - ghouls
Bring on the red spring
Dress our land
Ghouls - ghouls
Dress our land
Warm all the glades
Ghouls - ghouls
Warm all the glades
Kindly invite the sun
Ghouls - ghouls

It became clear that the sun was baking, baking,
It’s as if the earth is being filled with gold, filled with gold.
The pigeons began to coo and coo louder,
The cranes returned to us again, to us again.
And in the forest the snowdrops blossomed, blossomed.
There are many spring flowers near the earth, near the earth.
Oh, bright sunshine, shine it, shine it!
Bread, mother earth, freak out, freak out!

Good people gathered
Say goodbye to the snowy winter!
(Get ready, good people....)
Oh yes Lyuli, Lyuli, Lyuli,
Say goodbye to the snowy winter.

Gathered here today
Welcome Red Spring!
(Get ready quickly)
Welcome Red Spring!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
Meet the Red Spring.

Winter-Winter dear!
We are grateful to you!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
We come to you with gratitude.

I gave Nature a rest,
people all have fun!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
people all have fun.

Sledding down the hills,
and roll around in the snow!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
Yes, lie in a snowball.

We praise you, Winter is snowy,
We wish you rest.
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
We wish you rest.

May it be Spring, followed by Summer
They will show you their strength.
Autumn will come after them,
will generously bring gifts.

To have fun, great,
We lived a satisfying winter.
Rest, Winter is frosty,
until its new hour.

And when the time comes,
We will meet you again with affection.
You will cover Mother Earth
warm snow blanket.

That's how okay everything is going
in our Mother Nature.
We greet guests with affection
and we see you off with a bow.

- I was traveling along fast rivers.
- Spring, little spring, what did you give to the rivers?
- She gave me a big white fish.
- Spring, spring, where were you going?
- By dark forests was driving.
- Spring, little spring, what did you give the forests with?
- I gave martens, foxes, black sables.
- Spring, spring, where were you going?
- I was driving through open fields.
- Spring, little spring, what did you give the fields with?
- She gave me Beloyar wheat, barley, and lentils.
- Spring, spring, where were you going?
- I was driving through villages and villages.
- Spring, little spring, what did you give to villages and villages?
- She gave me green vegetable gardens and cheerful round dances!

Oh my spring
You little freckle!
Because of the dark forests,
Come from beyond the blue seas!
The sun, illuminate it with light!
Larks, quails,
Swallow birds!
Come and visit us!
Clear spring, red spring
Bring it to us!

Many people now have a genuine interest in the traditions of their ancestors, try to learn more about them, and, if possible, follow them. But information about how the Slavs lived, what Gods they revered, what holidays they celebrated at what time, is scattered. Someone is sincerely trying to get to the bottom of it, while the other is trying to come up with all sorts of gags and pass it off as the truth.

Calls are poetic, often song requests, appeals to the forces of nature: the sun, wind, rain, rainbow, seasons. The most famous are spring calls associated with the arrival of spring. It was believed that the change of seasons could not happen by itself, so people went out into the streets to call, welcome, and “spell” spring.

If with major holidays, there is some certainty, then events no less significant, but undeservedly forgotten, turn on many “experts” Slavic mythology to a dead end. So, Spring Calls are not recommended to be carried out only on the Internet. Everyone has their own reasons, and disputes constantly arise about dates.

The publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale", collecting first-hand stories from the Russian north, knows for sure that all this gossip is in vain. Calls for spring in ancient times in Rus' were held three times. And each time they were given their own meaning, important for people’s lives.

Ancestor holidays: Calls for spring - when to call Spring?

Reading further the story about the Calls of Spring, one should not be surprised that human memory has completely forgotten about the origins of spring festive mood, retained the need to celebrate individual milestones of nature’s renewal after a long winter.

In ancient times, spring calls were carried out three times and all three times were associated with the meeting of birds.

The first calls were made on March 8, at a time when the titmice were sitting down to bask in the rays of the bright sun. Looking forward to the onset of warmer weather, people baked figurines of birds, hid objects important to life in them: keys, money, threw these treasures up and shouted:

“I’ll spend the winter in the forest, and then I’ll return home.”

All actions were accompanied by the sounds of buzzers and whistles. They helped drive winter away from their region and make way for spring. Main actors There were girls and women at the festival - that’s International Women’s Day!

For the second calls of spring, people gathered on the day spring equinox– March 22. There is no need to explain anything here. On this day, the beautiful Lelya-Vesna fully came into her own, winter left the earth. On this occasion, figurines of birds with open wings were baked: larks and rooks. The bird most revered in Rus' was the roaster, as the first herald of spring. The kids made their own “lark” toys. Together with adults we baked them from dough. The children were tasked with taking the “birds” to their relatives and friends. A cheerful gang rushed through the streets, throwing treats into the air and scattering crumbs around. It was believed that the larks that would flock to the treat would bring summer. Each family member received such cookies and, going outside, threw them into the air with the following sentences:

"Larks, larks! Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,Bring the cold winter away from us.
We're tired of the cold winter,oops, my feet are frozen."

"Larks, larks!Quail-quails!
Come to us, bring us a warm spring,
summer is fertile Spring with rain, summer with herbs.
Spring with sunshinesummer with grain."

“Lark, lark! It’s winter for you, but it’s summer for us! You’ve got a sleigh, and we’ve got a cart!”

They prepared for the holiday in advance: they threw out the rubbish that had accumulated over the winter from the house, fumigated all the corners with smoldering heather or juniper.

In March, winter reluctantly left. In March and even in April, frosts were a frequent occurrence, so frost, too, like on Christmastide, was customary to call and charm. Specially baked koloboks were thrown into the street, saying:

“Frost Red nose, here's bread and oats for you! Now get out as quickly as possible!”

They cooked oatmeal jelly and put it in a bowl on the porch with the sentence:

“Frost, frost, don’t touch my oats, come eat some jelly!”

Finally, in May, with the arrival of waders, the third Calls of spring were heard above the ground. On this occasion, they baked a special treat for the birds - Easter cakes (when new religion this tradition could not be destroyed - it was appropriated). By this time, tall grass was already appearing, and the waders had plenty of freedom. Life and summer were coming into their own, nature was preparing for procreation.

Yarilo shared his strength and joy with people

Just like any other part globe the end of winter and the onset of spring were considered the most important holidays. The renewal of life was associated with them. Our ancestors willingly shared their joy, treats with loved ones and strangers. Everything bad was left behind. Hope for better share, for an addition to the family, for new harvest gave strength that was not superfluous before the summer suffering.

Yarilo, the God of the Spring Sun, generously rewarded people for their patience, drawing them along towards the blossoming of nature. He filled the spring days and months with his life-giving power. It was unthinkable to quarrel in the presence of Yarilo, to be angry with each other.

We should also not deviate from these traditions of our ancestors, hidden from us behind the veil of time. Publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale" to help you truly understand spring mood, collected in a separate book everything connected with Yarilo, with the holidays he brings.

"Northern Tale"

Spring, red Spring!

Come, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With abundant bread.
Spring is red!
What did you come with?
What did you arrive on?
On a bipod, on a harrow?

They spread a new canvas on the field, place a round pie on it and, again turning to the east, say: “Here you are, Mother Spring!” From this day on, they begin to sing spring ritual songs dedicated to the goddess of maiden love Lela, the patroness of lovers.

Source -

Calls of Spring:

Spring, Spring is Red!
Come, Spring, with mercy.
With the hot sun,
With heavy rain.
Bring in the harvest
To our happy land!
* * *
Larks, larks!
Fly to us, bring us
summer is warm.
* * *
Larks, larks,
Give us summer
And we will winter for you,
We don't have any food!
* * *
Sunny, show yourself
Red, gear up!
So that year after year
The weather gave us:
Warm summer
Mushrooms in birch bark,
Berries in a basket,
Green peas!
* * *
Bucket sun,
Look out from behind the mountain
Look out, red,
Until spring!
* * *
Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
bring it to us
warm spring
summer is fertile
Spring with rain
summer with herbs.
Spring with sunshine
summer with grain.
* * *
Bless me, mother,
Oh, Lada mother,
Call for spring!
Say goodbye to winter!
* * *
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots!

With abundant bread!
With viburnum-raspberry!

With black currants
With pears and apples!

With azure flowers,
With grass-ant!
* * *
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with great mercy:
With large flax,
With deep roots,
With great bread.
Come to us, spring,
With joy!
With a great one to us
With mercy!
With grainy rye,
With golden wheat,
With curly oats,
With mustachioed barley,
With millet, with buckwheat,
With viburnum-raspberry,
With pears, with apples,
With every garden,
With azure flowers,
With grass-ant
* * *
Spring is red.
What did you come with?
- On the perch,
On the groove
On an oatmeal,
On a wheat pie.
-And we were waiting for spring
The scraps were spun.
A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
The sandpiper brought nine locks.
- Sandpiper, sandpiper,
Close the winter
Close the winter
Unlock spring
Warm summer.
* * *
Lark on the waist
Singing, singing,
He calls himself, he calls himself
Spring is red, spring is red.
Don't let snowballs lie in an open field
Melt, melt,
In the blue sea, in the blue sea
Roll away, roll away.
* * *
My mothers,
Fly to me
Bring it to me
Red spring
Summer is warm,
With a plow, with a harrow
And with a black mare,
With a foal - Little Crow!
* * *
You are a little bee
Ardent bee!
Fly overseas
Take out the keys
The keys are gold.
You close the winter,
Cold winter!
Unlock your fly,
Letechko is warm,
Letechko is warm,
Summer is grainy!
* * *
Rain, rain!
On grandma's rye,
For grandfather's wheat,
On Devkin's flax, -
Water with a bucket!
* * *
Larks, larks!
Lie down with us
Bring us a warm summer!
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
All the cattle were killed.
* * *
Spring, red spring
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with great mercy:
With big flax,
With deep roots,
With great bread.
* * *
The larks will arrive,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring:
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
And I picked up the straw,
And she picked up the chaff.
You little Easter cakes are larks,
Come together, come together.
* * *
That's enough, little white snowball,
Lie on the thawed ground!
Time, little white snowball,
Time to melt and disappear
Flow into the valley
And cheese to feed the earth!
* * *
Lark, lark!
Take winter for yourself
Give us spring.
Get yourself a sleigh
Give us the cart.
* * *
Larks arrive
Drive away the white winter
Ghouls - ghouls
Drive away the white winter
Bring on the red spring
Ghouls - ghouls
Bring on the red spring
Dress our land
Ghouls - ghouls
Dress our land
Warm all the glades
Ghouls - ghouls
Warm all the glades
Kindly invite the sun
Ghouls - ghouls
* * *
Burn, Sun, brighter -
Summer will be hotter!
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer.
Mushrooms will grow in the forest,
There are beans in the garden,
Rye and barley in the field,
The hops are green in the garden.
* * *
You're a little bird, you're a vagrant!
Fly to the blue sea
Take the spring keys,
Close the winter, open the summer!
* * *
The larks will arrive,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring:
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
And I picked up the straw,
And she picked up the chaff.
You little Easter cakes are larks,
Come together, come together.
* * *
Larks, larks,
Come and visit us
Bring us Spring-Red,
I'm red to the sun,
Warm the nest!
* * *
Larks, come,
Bring the red Spring.
Bring Spring on your tail,
On the plow, harrow,
On a sheaf of oats.
* * *
The lark is alive
Flying across the field
Collects grains
Spring is calling!
* * *
A sandpiper was flying
From across the sea
Brought a sandpiper
Nine Castles
- Sandpiper, sandpiper
Close the winter
Unlock spring
Warm summer!
* * *
Frost, frost,
Don't hit our oats, our rye,
Beat oak and maple and woman's flax,
Yes, chop the hemp however you want!
* * *
Spring, beautiful spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy:
Ugly flax is tall,
Rye and oats are good!
* * *
Chu, ville-ville
Spring came
In wheelchairs
Winter is gone
On a sled!
* * *
Spring is red, what did it come with?
On a bipod, on a harrow,
On a horse's head
On a sheaf of oatmeal,
On a rye ear,
On a grain of wheat.
* * *
Spring has come
Spring is red,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
Spring is red.
* * *
Spring has brought
golden keys,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
Golden keys.
* * *
You close it, Spring,
The winter is fierce.
Open up, Spring,
Warmth fly,
Ay, lyuli-lyuli,
It's warm.
* * *
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy.
With joy, joy,
With great mercy:
Ugly flax is tall,
Rye and oats are good.

The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” many adults are baffled: not everyone can realistically convey proportions and portrait likeness, and even more so, explain the stages of drawing a human figure to a child. We will show simple circuits and we will give recommendations on how to draw a person step by step - even an adult child can do it.

Most adults without professional activities artistic activity, stopped in their development at the “cephalopod” stage. But this is not a reason to turn away a child with a pencil who wants to explore this world and learn everything.

By drawing, the child fantasizes, develops his abilities, trains visual memory. Of course, drawing a person is much more difficult than a tree or a hedgehog, but even the most complex task can be broken down into simple steps so that it doesn’t seem so scary and impossible. Let's learn together!

How to teach a 3-4 year old child to draw a person

To a 3-4 year old child, you can explain the principle of drawing a human figure using a simple diagram as an example: head, torso, arms and legs, always a neck, hands and feet.

Let him practice drawing boys and girls this way. What is important here is, first of all, not so much the similarity as the development of a sense of proportion, the presence of all the “components”.

Then you can try to draw little people in motion. To clearly show your child how our arms and legs bend when walking, jumping, turning, etc., demonstrate all these movements in front of a mirror.

It is convenient to make a wire frame and bend it in different directions.

Let this wire model be your guide when teaching your child to draw a person in motion.

It is useful to make quick sketchy drawings. We gave the wire model the desired pose and immediately drew it. Later you will explain to your child how to “dress” the little men. Now it is more important to understand how the position of the arms and legs changes during a particular movement.

To prevent little artists from being distracted from the main thing - conveying movement in a drawing - suggest drawing a moving person using a silhouette. To make it easier, make a cardboard model with movable elements.

Another tip for those who want to teach a child to draw a person well: sculpt! Yes, yes, in volume it is easier for a child to perceive proportions, he will quickly understand how to do it correctly. If he learns to sculpt a person well and quickly, it won’t be difficult for him to draw him - it’s been tested.

How to teach a 5-6 year old child to draw a person: proportions

Teach your child to see the invisible. Before drawing a dressed figure, you need to outline the frame, understand the position of the arms and legs, the direction and rotation of the body relative to the head, etc. Use diagrams; you can always remove extra lines from the drawing with an eraser.

When a child learns to think in diagrams, he will not have any difficulties when drawing a human figure.

Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can safely explain how the figure of an adult differs from the figure of a child. The module with which we “measure” the figure is the head. A lot depends on how many times the head is “placed” in the diagram of the human figure.

Show a photo of a child standing next to an adult. Offer to measure (with a ruler, strip of paper, etc.) how many times the child’s head “fits” in his entire figure. Do the same with the adult figure. The child himself will conclude that children have larger heads (relative to the proportions of the whole body).

In adults, the head “fits” 7-8 times (ideally). If you take this into account when drawing a person, the figure will come out proportional and similar.

It is enough to draw a simple diagram several times in order to continue drawing fat and thin people, men, women and children.

Men's and female figure are different. These differences can be easily shown on the diagram. geometric shapes. Men have broad shoulders, women have broad hips.

Very soon your child will learn the basics of drawing a person and will be able to portray the whole family!

How to draw a person step by step: video

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments about the most funny drawings your children. Do you know how to draw a person realistically? Did our diagrams and tips help you learn how to draw people?