Pumpkin salad for the winter. What can be made from pumpkin for the winter, how to preserve the fruit until the new harvest

The average gardener knows very little about preparing pumpkin for the winter. Porridge, side dish - that’s all the options for the country menu. Some gardeners grow late varieties of pumpkins. Such balls can last until the New Year without loss of marketability. Then the seeds begin to sprout inside, and the pumpkin has to be composted or fed to animals.

Early varieties and hybrids are sweeter, their flesh is more tender and more aromatic. But they are stored for a maximum of 2-3 months. How would you like to pamper your family with a vitamin-packed pumpkin dish in winter! There are a sufficient number of recipes for preparing giant berries for future use. Among them, the most fastidious summer resident will find one that suits his taste. The main thing is not to be lazy and spend time processing the harvest.

Composition and beneficial properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin has helped people out more than once in times of famine. It is nourishing and tasty. The fruit consists of 2/3 pulp.

Pumpkin contains:

  • acids (pantothenic, folic);
  • vitamins (C, PP, K, A, T, E, group B);
  • manganese, fluorine, zinc;
  • sulfur, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus;
  • zinc, iron, sodium, copper;
  • calcium, magnesium.

Regular consumption of pumpkin normalizes digestion and regulates the water-salt balance of the body. Fruit juice is a mild diuretic. It works without putting unnecessary strain on the kidneys. Pumpkin has a mild laxative effect. Dishes made from it are useful for chronic constipation. In this case, dehydration of the body does not occur. In terms of protein and iron, pumpkin is the leader. It is superior to chicken and quail eggs.

The berry is useful for people watching their weight: it has very few calories (about 22 kilocalories). Saturation occurs quickly, the body does not store excess fat.

I want to have dishes from the usual inhabitant of the garden on the menu all year round.

Choosing the best variety and preparing the pumpkin

What is the best variety for pumpkin preparations? Answer: anyone! It is important to understand what type of canned food the gardener wants to prepare. Summer varieties with tender and juicy pulp are suitable for jam, jam or puree. They contain a lot of sugars and are easy to boil. The preparations will be aromatic and have a uniform consistency.

Varieties and hybrids with dense, slightly juicy pulp are suitable for drying and drying. This pumpkin makes wonderful candied fruits. Such fruits are suitable for compotes and jam: the contents will be intact and will not boil over.

Fruit preparation

Fully ripened pumpkins with the peel intact are suitable for future use. If the skin is damaged by insects or animals, the fruits are not selected for canning. It is important not to injure the fruit at the point of attachment to the vine: if the integrity of the coating is damaged, pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores will penetrate into the pulp. This will affect the quality of the workpieces.

Before preparing canned pumpkin you need:

  1. Wash the pumpkin with hot water. If heavily soiled, use a brush.
  2. Dry the fruits or wipe dry with a paper towel.
  3. Cut in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. They should be washed in cold water, dried and eaten.
  4. Use a spoon to scrape out the remaining seed chambers: in canned food they feel like woody fibers.
  5. Using a special knife, remove the peel.
  6. Cut out areas of pulp with an uncharacteristic color.
  7. Cut the pulp into pieces according to recipe requirements.

If it is impossible to process the whole fruit in one canning, it is recommended to pack part of it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. So pumpkin should be stored for 1 day.

Recipes for delicious winter preparations

Winter pumpkin preparations diversify the menu during the cold season. They come in handy during fasting: the dishes fill you up quickly and are not savory. Golden juices and jams supply a tired body with a complex of minerals and vitamins.

Pumpkin side dishes are popular in home cooking. Their sweetish taste harmonizes perfectly with cereals, chicken and fish.

Gardeners are wondering what they can soon make from pumpkin at home. Full lunch! And prepared semi-finished products will come in handy in this case. The best recipes for processing the pumpkin harvest will help fill your winter cooking dishes with sunshine and healthy vitamins.


Drying pumpkin for the winter is quite simple. To obtain tasty preparations, you should choose a variety or hybrid with dense, slightly juicy pulp of bright orange or yellow colors. The easiest way is to dry the fruit in the open air.

How to proceed:

  • cut the prepared pumpkin into pieces 1-1.5 centimeters thick;
  • place them in one layer on a flat surface (a baking sheet with low sides will do);
  • cover the top with a layer of insect gauze;
  • Place in a sunny, ventilated place.

After 2-3 days the product is ready. The pieces should be placed in a canvas bag and stored in a dark, dry place. High-quality dried pumpkin remains fresh for up to a year.

It is not difficult to make a dried product in an electric dryer or oven. Sequencing:

  • cut the fruits into pieces 3-4 centimeters in size;
  • blanch them in salted or sweetened water for 2 minutes;
  • dry on a paper towel;
  • Place in a 3-centimeter layer on a baking sheet or wire rack.

In a gas oven, drying is carried out with the door half-open and at minimum heat. The process lasts 4-5 hours. In an electric one (new model), select the “Drying” mode and follow the instructions.


With this method of preparation, pieces of sunny vegetables turn out to look like candied fruits. The delicacy goes well with tea or coffee. The low-calorie sweetness will please weight-watching gardeners. Children especially love these sweets.

How to proceed:

  • cut the pumpkin into pieces or slices 3-4 centimeters thick;
  • place in a glass container and cover with granulated sugar (the amount of the ingredient is determined by the taste of the gardener);
  • first keep it warm for 2-3 hours, then 12 hours in the refrigerator;
  • pour the separated syrup into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • Carefully transfer the pumpkin to the saucepan with the syrup;
  • heat for 4-5 minutes (but do not boil);
  • remove the pieces and dry on a sieve;
  • place in an electric dryer or oven and finish drying until ready.

A fully prepared dried pumpkin has a crust on the outside and is soft on the inside. It should be stored in a glass container with a sealed lid. Shelf life - up to six months.

Cooking caviar

Pumpkin caviar is a delicious and healthy delicacy. Its sweetish taste will appeal to everyone at home. Pumpkin caviar should be used as an appetizer or side dish for meat dishes.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • prepared pumpkin – 2.5 kilograms;
  • carrots – 0.8 kilograms;
  • white salad onions – 0.5 kilograms;
  • little vegetable – 1/2 cup;
  • tomato paste – 1 cup;
  • ground pepper – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 milliliters;
  • salt – 1.5 tablespoons.

Preparing caviar:

  1. First you should boil the pumpkin in water (2 liters of liquid will be required). The vegetable pieces should become soft.
  2. Peel the remaining vegetable ingredients, chop and fry in vegetable oil until cooked. You can fry together or separately. The main condition: the components must not burn!
  3. Place the pumpkin and roast in a bowl and puree with a blender (it is acceptable to grind the mixture using a meat grinder).
  4. Add all the spices and tomato paste. Cook on low heat for 40-45 minutes. Constant stirring is required.
  5. Remove from heat and pour in vinegar in portions. Immediately pack into prepared jars. The caviar needs to be sterilized in any way familiar to the gardener for 20-25 minutes.

Turn the finished canned food onto lids and cool. The delicacy can be stored at room temperature. Shelf life is one year.

Classic marinating recipe

Pumpkin contains little acid. When preparing, you should take into account: there is practically no natural preservative in the product. To preserve canned food, it is recommended to add vinegar or its substitutes (red currant juice, barberry infusion).

What products are needed:

  • sweet pepper – 0.5 kilograms;
  • hot – 2-3 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt – 1/4 cup;
  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • purified water – 2 liters;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • cloves and peppercorns - to taste.

How to prepare a snack:

  1. You should start by preparing the filling. Pour purified water into a deep saucepan, add salt, sugar, spices and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  2. While the marinade is cooking, you should take care of the vegetables. Cut the pumpkin into pieces of the desired size. Peel the pepper and chop into strips. Remove the covering scales from the garlic. Carefully place all vegetables in a saucepan with boiling marinade and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Pour vinegar in portions, stir and turn off the heat. Immediately pack the contents into clean jars.

The dishes can be covered with plastic lids. But then the pumpkin will be usable for 3 months. The snack should be stored in the refrigerator.

Marinated with spices without sterilization

A recipe without sterilization involves self-pasteurization. With such quick preparation, little time is spent on actual production. But the self-pasteurization process lasts up to 2 days: it depends on the volume and number of cans. This method of canning allows the gardener to use any spices growing in the garden beds: onions, garlic, dill, horseradish (root and leaves), blackcurrant and cherry leaves, tarragon.

Marinating occurs according to any chosen recipe. At the end, you need to package the semi-finished product in sterile containers, seal it with lids, turn it upside down and wrap it thoroughly. The self-pasteurization process begins. It lasts until the canned food has cooled completely. The finished product is stored at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Salad with bell pepper and pumpkin

This spicy-sweet snack will be a great addition to the winter menu. Adults can use it as a side dish for the main dish.

What you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of bright yellow pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kilograms of carrots;
  • 1 kilogram of multi-colored (for beauty) sweet peppers;
  • 0.5 kilograms of onions;
  • 0.5 fully ripened tomatoes;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/4 cup salt;
  • for frying: refined vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Place chopped onions, carrots and peppers in a deep frying pan (or saucepan). Fry until half cooked.
  2. Add pumpkin and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and simmer until done.
  3. Add salt, sugar, ground pepper and vinegar to the semi-finished product. Warm up for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat.
  4. Immediately pack into sterile jars and seal. Bell pepper and pumpkin salad can be stored at room temperature.

It’s also a good idea to eat such a tasty treat at the height of the harvest’s ripening: the snack will replenish the gardener’s vitamin and mineral balance.

Appetizer with eggplant

Another variation of a spicy-sweet side dish for winter dishes. The blue ones add a spicy bitterness to the dominant sweet taste of pumpkin.

To prepare an eggplant appetizer you will need:

  • blue ones - 2 kilograms;
  • pumpkin with dense pulp - 2 kilograms;
  • juicy red tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • garlic – 0.2 kilograms;
  • any refined vegetable oil – 0.5 liters;
  • sweet multi-colored pepper – 1 kilogram;
  • salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1/2 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 2/3 cup.

How the mixture is preserved:

  1. The first step is to prepare the dressing. Puree the tomatoes in a blender and mix with chopped garlic. Pour into a bowl or cauldron and add sugar, butter and salt. Place on low heat.
  2. While the filling is getting ready to boil, you should work on the base. Chop the pumpkin, remove the skin from the eggplants and chop them too. Remove the stems and seeds from the peppers and chop into strips.
  3. Add prepared vegetables to the boiling dressing. With constant stirring (so that the mixture does not burn), cook for 45 minutes. Pour vinegar in portions, stir and heat (without boiling for 5 minutes).

Pack the finished snack in sterile containers, roll it up, place it on the lids and wrap it. After cooling, the mixture stands well at room temperature.

Jam with lemon for children

Everyone knows the benefits of lemon. They strengthen the immune system and treat colds. How many children willingly eat sour citrus? Pumpkin and lemon jam will easily solve the problem.

What should be on hand:

  • red pumpkin – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kilograms;
  • lemon – 0.3 kilograms;
  • cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.

How the delicacy is preserved:

The process differs little from the classic method of making jam. Peel the zest from the lemon, remove the white membranes and remove the seeds. Pumpkin and lemon should be cut into pieces of arbitrary size. The finished ingredients need to be poured into a bowl and sprinkled with sugar on top. After 6-7 hours, the pumpkin and lemon will release juice. The basin should be set to minimum heat, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

Leave the basin for 8 hours to soak the ingredients in syrup. Then put it on heat and repeat the operation. The total boiling time is 20-25 minutes. This is enough to completely cook the pumpkin. The readiness of the product is determined by the degree of spreading of the drop on the plate: if there is a puddle, cook more, if it sits in a heap, it’s ready. The jam is stored in sterile jars at room temperature.

Canned pumpkin with orange

This recipe gives the gardener plenty of room for creativity. The ingredients (pumpkin and orange) are taken in equal quantities, the amount of sugar varies depending on taste and preference. The following spices are used: mint, lemon balm, tarragon, rosemary - all together or separately.

First, the main ingredients are chopped - pumpkin and orange. They are placed in clean jars in layers. The bookmark should be tight.

Each layer is sprinkled with spices and granulated sugar. Then the contents are poured with boiling water up to the shoulders of the jar and sterilized for 20-25 minutes. The finished product is rolled up and (after cooling) stored in the room.

Apple-pumpkin puree

An excellent pumpkin dessert using sour apples. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The sour juice of apples acts as a preservative. Pectin gives the product thickness. Sugar is added randomly. Some gardeners replace it with fructose. Peel the apples, cut out the middle. Cut the pumpkin into arbitrary slices. Puree the ingredients with a blender. Then add sugar and put on low heat. Cook with constant stirring for 25 minutes.

The finished puree has a rich golden hue. It keeps well in sterile jars until the next harvest.

Pumpkin – Estonian pineapple

The beautiful name hides the recipe for ordinary pickled pumpkin. The pieces are transparent, similar to pieces of pineapple from a jar. Canning is not difficult.

You will need:

  • pumpkin – 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar – 2 cups;
  • purified water – 1 liter;
  • vinegar 9% – 2/3 cup;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • cloves, cinnamon, anise, peppercorns - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to prepare the filling. Pour water into a deep saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add salt and sugar and boil again.
  2. Place the chopped pumpkin in the marinade and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 8-10 hours to soak the vegetable in the marinade.
  3. Put the pan back on the fire, add the spices and cook until the pumpkin is transparent. Pour vinegar in portions and stir. The canned food is ready.

They should be placed in clean jars, sterilized for 15 minutes and rolled up. The “tropical” product is stored until the next harvest.

In Korean

Making spicy canned pumpkin in Korean is not difficult at all. Marinating takes a little time. This appetizer will add variety to the menu of spicy food lovers.

It is important to have a special grater in the kitchen to obtain long strips: this way the pumpkin will marinate better.

What should be on hand:

  • yellow or orange pumpkin – 0.5 kilograms;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • ready-made mixture for Korean salads – 1 piece;
  • ground coriander – 1 teaspoon.

To prepare, grate the pumpkin on a special grater and place it in a glass or porcelain bowl. Then add coriander, salt, sugar, salad mix, oil and vinegar. To stir thoroughly.

Set the bowl aside for 1-2 hours to extract the juice. Then put into clean jars. You need to monitor the amount of pumpkin and filling. The pumpkin should be completely covered with juice. Place containers of canned food for sterilization. Then seal and turn over onto the lids. The finished pumpkin can be stored in the room for a year.

How to store blanks

The method and place of storage of pumpkin preparations are determined by the canning method. Workpieces without sterilization or self-pasteurization must be kept in a cold place - a cellar or refrigerator. Canned goods that have undergone final heat treatment stand perfectly in a regular kitchen cabinet or pantry. Dried and dried pumpkin requires a well-ventilated, dry room.

Pumpkin can be kept fresh and juicy almost until the very end of winter - you just need to observe certain parameters of air temperature and humidity in the room. But it can become the basis for a variety of salads, appetizers, jams, purees and compotes, which will repeatedly delight you and your household with its wonderful taste. Pumpkin preparations for the winter will be a wonderful addition to both everyday and holiday tables.

In one of the last articles we gave advice on what to cook with pumpkin. I am glad that interest in this culture has gradually begun to grow again - after all, just recently it was ignored and considered suitable only for feeding domestic animals. Meanwhile, pumpkin is very rich in vitamins - primarily A and E, as well as B vitamins. The first two are necessary for maintaining youth and elasticity of the skin, and the latter ensure hair thickness. In other words, the pumpkin can be given the honorary title of “guardian of female beauty,” and it is the fair half who must make sure that it is present on the home table every day, even in the form of preparations for the winter.

You can preserve pumpkin according to recipes from The Fair Half.

Some useful tips:

Pumpkin puree for the winter

Products: pumpkin weighing 1500-1700 g, water – 1 l, sugar (preferably brown) – 300 g, cranberries – 300 g, cloves – 3-5 pcs.

Preparation: Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, remove the seeds from it with a tablespoon. The skin is peeled off and the pulp is cut into cubes with a side of 1 to 2.5 cm. Syrup is made from water and sugar, brought to an intense boil and pumpkin cubes are placed in it. Squeeze the juice out of cranberries through a gauze napkin. You can also use a juicer or rub the berries through a sieve. The juice is added to the water in which the pumpkin is boiled. The cooking process should take 20-30 minutes in total. Shortly before its end, boxes of cloves are placed in the pan with the pumpkin.

Place the finished pumpkin on a sieve, allow excess water to drain and puree or pass through a blender while it is still hot. The finished puree is placed in a clean, sterilized jar and hermetically sealed with a lid steamed in boiling water.

Preparing for the winter - pumpkin and apple puree

Products: pumpkin weighing 1500-1700 g, apples – 500 g, sugar (preferably brown, cane) – 2 tbsp. spoons, lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Preparation: the pumpkin needs to be washed, cut, peeled from the seeds of the fibers on which they are held, and also remove the skin. Apples are also freed from peel and seeds. Both are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar, placed in an enamel pan and cooked over low heat for two hours, stirring occasionally so that the mass does not burn. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the puree. The hot mass is placed in a sterilized glass container and hermetically sealed.

Pumpkin caviar for the winter

Products: prepared peeled pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg, tomatoes, onions and carrots - 300 g each, garlic - 3 cloves, salt and ground black pepper - to taste, vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 3 tbsp. spoons, chopped fresh basil or marjoram - 1 tbsp. spoon, apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Grate the pumpkin and carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, mince the tomatoes or turn them into pulp using a blender. Heat vegetable oil in a thick-bottomed metal bowl. Lightly fry the chopped onion on it, then add the carrots and pumpkin and simmer, covered, until soft - this will take about 15-20 minutes. Vegetables should be stewed over low heat. Add ground tomatoes, crushed garlic, herbs, black pepper and salt, stir and simmer for another 20 minutes, remembering to stir. At the very end, add apple cider vinegar to the vegetable mixture. Place hot caviar into sterilized jars and seal with lids previously scalded with boiling water.

Pickled pumpkin for the winter - the simplest recipe

Products: pumpkin weighing up to 3 kg, water - 1 l, table vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. spoon, salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, cinnamon – 2-3 g, cloves and black peppercorns – 5-6 pcs., bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Preparation: A marinade is prepared from water, vinegar, spices, sugar and salt. The prepared pumpkin pulp is cut into small cubes and doused with boiling water. You can simply immerse the pumpkin in boiling water for 1-1.5 minutes, then drain the liquid, cool the pumpkin and place it in clean jars. Boiling marinade is poured into each jar so that it fills the container to the very edges and even overflows a little. Sterilization of jars with a volume of 0.5 liters is carried out within 15 minutes, with a volume of 1 liter - within 20 minutes.

Pumpkin marinated with a bouquet of spices

Products: pumpkin – 2 kg, hot red pepper – 150 g, parsley – 100 g, garlic – 50 g, vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 0.5 l, table vinegar 9% - 100 g, sugar - 1.5 cups, salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with a small slide.

Preparation: Peeled and diced pumpkin is placed in an enamel pan along with chopped pepper, garlic and parsley. Pour boiling marinade made from water, vinegar, sugar and salt. Bring vegetables with marinade to a boil. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and boil its contents over low heat and with constant stirring for half an hour. Then the vegetables are thrown onto a sieve and distributed into jars that have been prepared and sterilized in advance. The drained marinade is brought to a boil again and, without allowing it to cool, is poured into the jars. They roll it up immediately.

Winter pumpkin salad with bell pepper

Products: peeled pumpkin - 2 kg, tomatoes (tomatoes) - 1 kg, bell peppers and carrots - 500 g each, onions - 300 g, garlic - 2 heads, vegetable oil - 1 cup, sugar - 100 g, salt - 2 tbsp . spoons, vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. spoons, black peppercorns and coriander seeds - 10 pcs.

Preparation: onions are cut into half rings, pumpkin and carrots are cut into thin slices 3-4 cm long, and bell peppers are cut into strips of the same length. Heat the vegetable oil and lightly brown the onions and carrots in it, then add the pumpkin and bell pepper. The vegetables are mixed and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes, and then tomatoes minced through a meat grinder, salt and pepper are added. In this form, simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Vinegar, spices and chopped garlic are introduced a few minutes before the end of the process. Jars and lids must be sterilized in advance. Hot salad is laid out in them and immediately rolled up.

Winter appetizer made from pumpkin and eggplant

Products: peeled pumpkin pulp – 2 kg, eggplant – 3 kg, tomatoes – 2.5 kg, bell pepper – 1 kg, garlic – 300 g, fresh parsley – 300 g, vegetable oil – 0.5 l, ground chili pepper – ¼ teaspoon, sugar – 150 g, salt – 100 g, table vinegar 6% – 120 m l.

Preparation: all vegetables, except eggplants, are washed, peeled and cut into small slices. There is no need to peel eggplants before slicing; they are cut together with the skin. Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder or blender - they should turn into a liquid pulp. Bring it to a boil over medium heat, adding chopped garlic and parsley, as well as salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar and chili. As soon as this sauce boils, slices of eggplant, pumpkin and bell pepper are dipped into it. The whole mass is brought to a boil again and simmered over low heat for an hour. The appetizer is laid out hot in pre-prepared sterilized jars and rolled up, and then wrapped in a warm blanket and left in this form for 12-15 hours until they have completely cooled down.

Sweet preparations for the winter: pumpkin jam with lemon

Products: peeled pumpkin – 1 kg, granulated sugar – 1 kg, medium-sized lemon – 1 pc.

Preparation: cut the pumpkin into cubes measuring 1x1 cm, place in an enamel bowl or pan and cover with sugar. It should stand at room temperature for 8-10 hours and let out the juice. After this, the container with the pumpkin is placed on low heat and heated until the juice boils and the sugar dissolves in it. The pumpkin is boiled in the resulting syrup for half an hour. Remove the zest (the upper yellow part of the skin) from the lemon. This can be done by treating it with a grater. The white part of the skin is cut off with a knife and thrown away, since it is unsuitable for making jam. The lemon pulp is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with chopped zest and added to the boiling jam shortly before the end of cooking. The mixture is poured into jars after it has cooled.

Homemade pumpkin honey

Products: peeled pumpkin – 1 kg, sugar – 200 g, cinnamon – 2-3 g, cloves – 5-6 pcs.

Preparation: the pumpkin pulp is grated on a coarse grater, mixed with sugar, placed in an enamel container and left for several hours until the juice is released. The container is placed on low heat and boiled, periodically scooping out and pouring excess juice into another container. When the pumpkin becomes completely soft, you need to add cinnamon and cloves, after which the cooking of the “honey” is continued for some time, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream. The mass is poured hot into sterilized jars and sealed. The remaining juice can be used to prepare compotes, cocktails, fruit drinks, jellies and desserts.

Pumpkin compote for the winter

Products: peeled pumpkin pulp - 1 kg, sugar - 700 g, water - 1.5 l, vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar.

Preparation: put the pumpkin cut into small and thin slices into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and pour hot water. The container is placed on the stove, brought to a boil, vinegar is poured in, and boiled for about 20 minutes. Before finishing cooking, you can flavor the compote with vanilla sugar.

The compote is laid out and poured into sterilized glass jars, screwed on, the jars are turned upside down and left in this position until they cool completely.

We also recommend reading the articles:
Delicious pumpkin dishes: TOP 5 available recipes
Autumn diet: long live the pumpkin!
Pumpkin salads: 15 most delicious pumpkin salads
Stuffed pumpkin: recipes for every taste

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 50 min

You can use pumpkin for the winter not only, or, but also unsweetened preserves, for example, salads.
Winter pumpkin salad, the recipe for which we have prepared for you today, is very tasty and does not require sterilization. All you need to do is peel and cut the vegetables, put them in a roasting pan, simmer until tender, add high-quality wine vinegar and place the finished dish in a sterile container. You can store such preparations in a cool basement or cellar.
The salad turns out incredibly tasty if you prepare it with sweet pumpkin and meaty red pepper.
It will take 50 minutes to prepare, from the ingredients indicated in the recipe you will get 3 jars of 0.5 liters each.


- pumpkin – 2 kg;
- bell pepper – 500 g;
- carrots – 500 g;
- tomatoes – 500 g;
- onions – 150 g;
- garlic – 1 head;
- chili pepper – 1 pc.;
- olive oil – 200 g;
- wine vinegar – 40 ml;
- granulated sugar – 60 g;
- salt – 15 g.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We start, as always, with onions and garlic. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Peel the head of garlic and cut the cloves into slices.

Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then cool in a saucepan with cold water, remove the skin, and cut into large slices.

We scrape the carrots and cut them into thin circles or small cubes.

We clean the fleshy red bell pepper from seeds and cut it into large pieces. Cut a small pod of green chili into rings. If you want to prepare a sweet salad for children, then you should not add chili.

Cut the peel off the pumpkin, scrape out the seeds with a spoon, and cut the pulp into large cubes.

Throw onions and garlic into a deep frying pan. Next, add tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, chili and pumpkin. Add sugar and salt. Then add extra virgin olive oil.

Close the roasting pan tightly and cook over moderate heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2 minutes before readiness, pour in wine vinegar; instead of wine vinegar, you can use apple cider vinegar or regular 6% vinegar.

We sterilize the jars over steam. We pack the salad into jars hot, immediately close it tightly and wrap it in a warm blanket. Leave at room temperature for 10 hours. Then we transfer the cooled pieces to a cool cellar for storage.

Storage temperature from +2 to + 8 degrees Celsius.
Try another tasty and interesting

Pumpkin pie, candied pumpkin, pumpkin puree soup - all these dishes are familiar to most lovers of this sunny vegetable. But few people know that pumpkin also makes delicious winter preparations. The other day I dug deep into my archives and chose for you the 9 best pumpkin recipes for the winter.

Pumpkin marmalade

This type of dessert is widely popular in Syria. The peel and seeds are removed from the pumpkin, divided into pieces 5 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide and placed in a lime solution for 24 hours (to prepare it, whitewash lime is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15, left to settle and the top layer of liquid is used) . Next, the pumpkin is kept for 7 days in clean water, which is renewed every 10-12 hours. Finally, the pumpkin is boiled in sugar syrup until transparent. The finished pumpkin marmalade is stored in syrup, and before placing on a dish, the slices are sprinkled with crushed nuts or coconut flakes.

Plum and pumpkin puree

Ingredients: 500 grams of pumpkin, 500 grams of plums, water.

Method of preparation: Place peeled and sliced ​​pumpkin and plums in a saucepan and boil in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes (until soft). Beat the mixture with a blender (pass through a meat grinder), boil again, pour into sterile jars and seal them with lids.

Pumpkin in sea buckthorn juice

Ingredients: 1 liter of fresh sea buckthorn juice, 1 kilogram of pumpkin pulp, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.

Method of preparation: Place the pumpkin cut into pieces in a saucepan, pour in sea buckthorn juice and sprinkle with sugar. Cook the pumpkin in sugar syrup until it is completely softened (15-20 minutes over low heat after boiling). At the end of cooking, you can add a little grated lemon or orange zest. Pour the resulting hot mass into clean jars and roll up.

Dried pumpkin

If you have no place to store a large harvest of pumpkin, then some of the fruits can be dried. To do this, they are peeled and seeded, cut into 1-centimeter thick plates, which are then placed on a central heating radiator covered with gauze (you can also use electric drying). This pumpkin remains as sweet and tasty as fresh. Dried pumpkin can be eaten as a snack or soaked in water and added to stews and salads.

Pumpkin compote

Ingredients: 500-600 grams of pumpkin, 3 liters of water, 350 grams of sugar, 9 grams of citric acid

Method of preparation: Remove the seeds and skin from the pumpkin and cut it into 2 x 2 centimeter cubes. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, add water, add citric acid and bring to a boil. Leave it like this for a day, then catch the pumpkin with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a three-liter sterilized jar. Add sugar to the remaining pumpkin water, bring to a boil and pour the hot liquid into the jar. Cover the jar with a lid and pasteurize for 20 minutes. After this, roll up and store in a cool place.

Pumpkin salad for the winter

Ingredients (per liter jar): 750 grams of pumpkin, 250 grams of onions, 1-2 red sweet peppers, 2-3 pieces of carrots, a pinch of coriander, 1 bay leaf, 3 black peppercorns, 1-2 basil leaves or celery.

Marinade: 1 liter of water, 250 milliliters of 9% table vinegar, 30 grams of salt, 100 grams of sugar.

Method of preparation: Chop the onion and pumpkin into medium-sized narrow rings, and the pepper into small slices. Place the vegetables in the jar in layers, sprinkling them with spices each time. Fill the container to the brim with marinade, put the lid on top (loosely) and pasteurize for 25-30 minutes. After this, seal the container with a lid, turn it over and cool. Store canned food in a cool, dark place.

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of pumpkin pulp, 500 grams of homemade tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil, 5 onions, 1 small head of garlic, 1 teaspoon of ground hot pepper, 1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger (or ½ teaspoon of dry).

Method of preparation: Fry finely chopped pumpkin and onion in oil for 5-8 minutes. Then add chopped tomatoes, finely chopped garlic, spices and salt to the mixture and simmer until thickened (on average 15-20 minutes). Divide the vegetable stew into 0.5-1 liter jars, cover them with lids and pasteurize for 20 minutes. Close the jars with lids and store them in a cool place.

Sauerkraut with pumpkin

Ingredients: 500 grams of carrots, 500 grams of pumpkin, 2.5 kilograms of white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Thinly chop the cabbage and sprinkle it with salt and sugar.
  2. Press it with your hands until a small amount of juice comes out.
  3. Mix it with coarsely grated carrots and pumpkin.
  4. Place the resulting mass in a wide, tall bowl and compact it a little (you can place thin (5-6 millimeters wide) strips of pumpkin between the layers of vegetables).
  5. Place a plate or wooden circle with a weight on top.
  6. Sauerkraut for 3-4 days, regularly piercing it with a wooden or stainless steel stick (it is convenient to use a sushi stick).
  7. After this, put the finished sauerkraut into jars and store in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar.

By the way, from a large pumpkin fruit you can make a kind of barrel for pickling tomatoes and cucumbers. To do this, remove the seeds from it and scrape out the pulp so that the thickness of the walls is approximately 2-3 centimeters. Vegetables in such a barrel turn out simply incredibly tasty!

How do you prepare pumpkin for the winter? Please share your signature recipe in the comments!

Pumpkin - the giant of our gardens and vegetable gardens - can be safely stored almost until spring, if all the rules and requirements for storage conditions are followed. But not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on fresh pumpkin, so recipes for preparations come to the rescue. Winter pumpkin is good in salads, appetizers, jam and many other preparations. the site invites you to make sure that winter pumpkin has every right to take its place on the shelves in your bins.

Pumpkin in orange marinade

For the marinade:
1 liter of water,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
juice of 1 orange,
3-4 pcs. carnations,
4-5 tbsp. 30% vinegar.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into thin slices and cook it in small portions for 2-3 minutes in the prepared marinade. Then pour the loosely prepared mass into prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

Pumpkin jam

6 kg pumpkin pulp,
5 kg sugar,
citric acid - to taste.

Peel the pumpkin, cut into 0.5 cm thick slices and immerse in a baking soda solution for 10 minutes. Then rinse the pumpkin with cold water, place it in a basin, add 2.5 kg of sugar and 2-3 cups. water. Cook, stirring, until the consistency of jam. Then add another 2.5 kg of sugar, 2-3 cups. water and cook over low heat. From time to time, add a glass of boiling water and cook until the syrup darkens. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little citric acid to the jam.

Pumpkin salad with sweet pepper and coriander

2 kg pumpkin,
1 kg sweet pepper,
1 kg of tomatoes,
500 g carrots,
300 g onion,
300 g garlic,
1 stack vegetable oil,
100 g sugar,
2 tbsp. salt,
2 tbsp. vinegar essence,
10 pieces. coriander,
10 black peppercorns.

Grate the washed and peeled carrots and pumpkin on a Korean carrot grater. Cut the onion into half rings, garlic into slices, and sweet pepper into thin strips. Fry the chopped vegetables in a frying pan with vegetable oil until half cooked, seasoning and salting to taste. While the vegetables are frying, mince the tomatoes, add them to the pan with the vegetables and simmer for 30 minutes. Add garlic, spices and vinegar to the total mass, simmer for another 2 minutes and remove from heat. Place the finished mixture in sterilized jars and seal.

Pumpkin and apple jam

800 g pumpkin,
1.2 kg sour apples,
1 kg sugar,
lemon or orange zest.

Simmer the pre-prepared and cut into pieces pumpkin and apples in a frying pan until soft. Then rub while hot, add sugar, lemon or orange zest as desired. Cook over low heat and when the jam leaves the bottom of the dish, transfer it to sterilized jars and cover with plastic lids.

Cold pumpkin jam

1 kg pumpkin,
1 lemon,
1 orange,
900 g sugar.

Peel the orange and lemon and pass through a meat grinder along with the pumpkin pulp, add sugar, mix thoroughly and leave at room temperature until it is completely dissolved. Place into jars and store in a cool place.

Pumpkin marmalade

3 kg pumpkin pulp,
1.5 kg sugar,
2 liters of water,
4 buds of cloves,
1 cinnamon stick,
150 ml table vinegar.

Finely chop the pumpkin pulp, add water and cook with spices until soft. Then pass the pumpkin through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, put back on the fire and cook until tender. A drop of marmalade should not spread over a chilled plate. Add vinegar 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. Place the finished marmalade hot in jars, place them in the sun for 2-3 days, then cover with parchment paper, tie the necks with thread and store in a cool place.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

3 kg pumpkin,
800 g dried apricots,
1 kg sugar,
1 lemon.

Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, add sugar and leave for 2 hours to release the juice. Wash the dried apricots too, dry and cut into pieces. Boil the pumpkin for 20 minutes, then add the dried apricots and cook until tender for another 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add lemon juice to the jam. Place hot jam into jars.

Pumpkin jam with sea buckthorn

2 kg pumpkin,
300 g sea buckthorn,
5 stacks Sahara,
1 stack water.

Pour a glass of water into a large enamel pan or basin and place on fire. When the water boils, gradually add sugar, 1 cup at a time, stirring constantly. As soon as one glass of sugar dissolves, immediately add the second and so on. The result will be a thick sugar syrup. Place sea buckthorn into the prepared syrup, grind it a little and bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Now add the pumpkin cut into small cubes, stir and cook over low heat until the pumpkin becomes almost transparent. Pour the prepared jam into clean jars and close the lids. Store pumpkin jam in a cool place.

Pumpkin puree with cranberries for the winter “A storehouse of vitamins”

1.5-1.7 kg pumpkin,
300 g cranberries,
300 g sugar,
3-5 pcs. carnations.

Wash the pumpkin, cut into pieces, remove seeds and skin. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes 1 to 2.5 cm thick. Mix water and sugar, bring the syrup to a boil and place the pumpkin cubes in it. Squeeze the juice out of the cranberries, add to the pumpkin and cook for 20-30 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking, add cloves to the pan with the pumpkin. Place the finished pumpkin in a sieve, allow excess liquid to drain and puree or pass through a blender before it cools. Place the puree into sterilized jars and seal.

Pumpkin, quince and ginger jam

2 kg pumpkin,
3 pcs. quinces,
600 ml water,
100 g ginger root,
1.2 sugars,
2 lemons.

Peel the pumpkin and quince and cut the pulp into large pieces. Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Remove the zest from the lemons with a grater and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook the syrup over high heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place pumpkin, quince and ginger in a saucepan with syrup, add lemon juice and zest and mix thoroughly. Cook the resulting mass for 2.5-3 hours over low heat, periodically removing the foam. Cool the finished jam, place it in prepared jars and seal.

Pumpkin jam with walnuts

1 kg pumpkin pulp,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack shelled walnuts,
2 stacks water,
1 lemon.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and place them in a large saucepan or bowl. Make syrup from water and sugar: dissolve sugar in water over medium heat, stirring. Bring the syrup to a boil and remove from heat. Pour the prepared syrup over the pumpkin and leave the syrup with the pumpkin pieces overnight. The next day, strain the syrup, leaving the pumpkin pieces in the pan. Bring the syrup to a boil, pour it over the pumpkin again and leave it to soak for another day. Repeat this procedure again. For the last time, place the pan of pumpkin in syrup on the stove and boil for 5 minutes. This cooking method will keep the pumpkin pieces intact. Add thinly sliced ​​lemon and walnuts to the cooled jam, place in jars and roll up.

Pumpkin jam with lemon “Excellent”

1 kg pumpkin pulp,
800 g sugar,
1 lemon,
1 cinnamon stick,
1 stack water.

Cut the pumpkin, cleared of seeds and peel, into pieces and place them in a saucepan, put a cinnamon stick there and pour in water. Cook the pumpkin, without stirring, until soft for about 30 minutes. Remove the pan with the pumpkin from the stove, remove the cinnamon and grind everything with a blender. Add sugar and lemon juice to the resulting puree. Place the jam on the stove and cook until desired thickness is achieved, at least 20 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, and wrap.

Homemade pumpkin honey

1 kg peeled pumpkin,
200 g sugar,
2-3 g cinnamon,
5-6 carnations.

Grate the pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater and mix the resulting mass with sugar. Place it in an enamel container and leave it until the juice is released. Then put on fire and simmer, periodically pouring excess juice into another bowl. When the pumpkin becomes completely soft, add cloves and cinnamon to it and continue cooking for some more time until the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the hot mass into clean sterilized jars and roll up the lids, and the remaining juice can be used to prepare compotes or fruit drinks.

Pumpkin compote

1 kg pumpkin pulp,
700 g sugar,
1.5 liters of water,
1 tsp 9% vinegar,
vanilla sugar - to taste.

Place the pumpkin cut into small slices in a saucepan, add sugar and pour in hot water. Bring to a boil, pour in vinegar and boil for 20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar. Pour the finished compote into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and leave until completely cool.

Pumpkin and eggplant appetizer

2 kg pumpkin pulp,
3 kg eggplants,
2.5 kg tomatoes,
1 kg sweet pepper,
300 g fresh herbs,
300 g garlic,
500 ml vegetable oil,
100 g salt,
150 g sugar,
¼ tsp. chili pepper,
12 ml 6% vinegar.

Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into small pieces. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or blender, add chopped garlic and herbs to the tomato mass and bring to a boil. Then add sugar, salt, vegetable oil, chili pepper, vinegar and wait until the mixture boils again. Then add the pumpkin and eggplants, simmer for 1 hour over low heat, place in prepared sterilized jars and seal.

Pickled pumpkin

1 pumpkin weighing 3-4 kg,
1-1.5 liters of water,
50 g salt,
ground red hot pepper - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes and blanch them for 5 minutes in boiling water. Place the cubes prepared for pickling in an enamel bowl. Prepare a brine from water, salt and hot red pepper. Pour the prepared brine over the pumpkin, press with pressure and leave for several days at room temperature. Then send the pumpkin to a cool place (cellar or refrigerator) for storage.

Pumpkin and vegetable caviar “Rainbow”

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg green beans,
1 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg apples,
1 kg sweet pepper,
500 g onions,
500 ml vegetable oil,
300 g sugar,
50 g salt,
50 ml 9% vinegar,
spices - to taste.

Peel all vegetables and pass individually through a meat grinder. Chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Pour oil into a saucepan, add fried onions, then pumpkin and tomatoes, salt, sugar, vinegar and bring to a boil. Next, add the remaining products, mix the fruit and vegetable mixture thoroughly and cook for 1 hour over low heat. Add spices and cook for another 10 minutes. Place hot caviar into prepared sterilized jars, roll up and wrap.

Caviar from pumpkin, zucchini and onions

2 kg pumpkin pulp,
1 kg zucchini,
500 g onions,
4 tbsp. sugar (without top),
1 tbsp. salt,
250 g mayonnaise,
250 g tomato paste,
1 bay leaf,
½ tsp. ground black pepper.

Peel the pumpkin and zucchini, remove the seeds, cut into large pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Also pass the onion through a meat grinder and add to the total mass. Add mayonnaise and tomato paste, mix well and cook for 1 hour. Then add the bay leaf, cook with it for 5 minutes, then remove it. Place the finished caviar in sterilized jars, roll up the lids, wrap them up and leave until completely cool.

Pumpkin marinated with mustard

1.25 kg pumpkin,
2 onions,
3 tbsp. fresh grated horseradish,
1 tbsp. mustard seeds,
2 sprigs of dill.
For the marinade:
2 stacks water,
2 stacks red grape vinegar,
2 tbsp. salt,
5 tbsp. Sahara.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave overnight at room temperature. Then take vinegar, pour water into it, add sugar and let it boil. Boil pumpkin pieces in small portions for 5 minutes in the prepared marinade. Then place the pumpkin in a colander, let the liquid drain and cool. Place the cooled pieces of pumpkin into the prepared jars, add grated horseradish, chopped onion, mustard seeds and dill. Fill the contents of the jars with marinade and leave overnight. The next day, drain the marinade, boil it and pour it over the pumpkin. Roll up.

Dried pumpkin
Remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin. Cut it into small slices, blanch for 1-2 minutes in boiling salted water, then quickly cool the pumpkin pieces in cold water and dry in a sieve. Place them on a baking sheet, put them in the oven, where they dry for 5-7 hours at a temperature of 55-60ºC, and then another 2 hours at a temperature of 70-80ºC. Store the finished dried pumpkin in closed boxes or canvas bags.

Finally, one piece of advice: for preparations, especially sweet ones, use nutmeg pumpkin, it is sweeter and more aromatic.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina