Chinese New Year Dragon. Chinese New Year - the holiday of Spring and renewal


Paste over workplace colleagues with paper or self-adhesive film. A workplace means a table, chair, computer and other office equipment.

Replace all the writing pens in your office with “reject” ones or dip the paste into varnish. It will be very funny when your colleagues all at once cannot use the writing above laziness.

Change your glasses. If you know what dioptre glasses your colleague uses, change him to glasses with the opposite effect. This "" will work if the employee above Wears glasses only for working with documents or using a computer. If a person wears them without taking them off, it is unlikely that he will be able to make a joke above him in a similar way.

Tape it up handset microphone with tape. Any attempt will become a “strength test” for your colleague, because repeating the same thing several times is very difficult and unpleasant.


Any joke should be a harmless joke. Otherwise, mockery of human rights may be recognized as a criminal offense.


  • Banter in the office - 28 great ideas on how to make fun of your colleagues
  • how to make fun of an employee

On April 1, the whole world celebrates April Fool's Day. On this day people play pranks on each other, make fun of each other above your relatives and friends, but good ideas They are not always there for jokes.


One of the most common is the joke via SMS. Write a funny message that will help you prank your friend. This could be a joke about some kind of winning, recognition, etc. Send a message from a number unknown to your friend, or better yet, through the mobile operator’s website. In this case, it will be more difficult to identify you.

If you have access to the computer of a friend you want to prank, do the following. Press the PrtScr key to take a screenshot. Save this image. Then remove all shortcuts from your computer desktop and set the resulting image as the background. Visually everything is the same, but physically the usual labels are no longer there.

A popular computer joke is to reverse the functions of the mouse buttons. To do this, select Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse and in the “Mouse Buttons” tab, check the box next to “Change button assignments”.

A regular toilet can be a great place for a prank. Discreetly pour into the toilet cistern a large number of detergent. Now you need to wait for the victim to above go to the toilet. After flushing the water, the space will gradually begin to fill, and your friend’s consciousness will fill with panic. A special effect is achieved if you celebrate a holiday in company.

Another famous joke. Ask the prank victim to buy a bottle of cognac. After a while, quietly replace it with the same bottle, but with tea inside. Pour it over all guests and drink. In this case, everyone except the victim should know that it is tea, but praise the quality and taste of cognac. The reaction of the person being acted out will be remembered above olgo.

In any case, be creative when pranking your friend. Take into account his characteristics and sense of humor. If your friend doesn't understand or like jokes, then perhaps you should give up on the prank altogether. And always be careful - jokes taken too seriously can backfire.


  • how to make fun of a friend on a computer

The most frivolous and funniest day of the year is April 1, April Fool's Day. On this holiday, you may well become a victim of a prank, but perhaps you yourself will make fun of someone to lighten the mood. Here are some prank ideas.


Great prank for class or student audience- write a note on a piece of paper “there is a broom hanging on the ceiling” and send it to the desks. It will be funny to watch how everyone will raise their head up and look at the ceiling, including the teacher, because sooner or later he will become interested, everyone is looking at the ceiling. A friendly burst of laughter is guaranteed!

Play it out best friend! Give him a completely new banknote (for example, with a face value of 100 rubles) and with a mysterious look add: “Just don’t put it in the ATM.” In the next half hour, and perhaps longer, your friend will diligently compare your 100 rubles with his own and look for signs of counterfeit. Just don't torture him for too long!

Make fun of your own child (or nephew) by assuring him in the morning that you are going to buy a goat and from that day on he will have to graze it every day in a nearby park, and then bring it home on a string, feed and milk it. To be more convincing, do phone call, in which you will discuss the conditions for delivering the goat to your apartment. That's how a pet is!

You can make fun of your beloved man. In the morning, secretly from him, sign your phone number in his mobile with the name of his best friend. When your husband gets ready for work, diligently preen yourself in front of the mirror, do your hair, hum to yourself. After your surprised husband leaves for work, write him an SMS: “I saw how he just came into your apartment handsome man with a huge bouquet of roses." Expect an angry husband to appear in 5 minutes wearing new erotic lingerie. Let him be a little late for work on April Fool's Day!

Make fun of a work colleague - buy in advance the same phone panel as his. On April 1, ask him to give you a phone number to call on an important matter. Move to the side with the phone, imitating a conversation. Discreetly replace your colleague's phone with a purchased panel. Start talking emotionally, you can even shout. At the end of the conversation, throw the panel onto the floor with all your might, and for greater effect, begin to trample it with your feet. Can you imagine your colleague's face?

Jokes almost always lift the mood, tone up, distract from routine and immerse a person in fun and joy. But you should remember that jokes should not be rude and cruel, otherwise everything may not turn out as rosy as we would like.

You can joke about almost anyone you know. Just don’t forget that a person may be in a far from rosy mood, which will make the situation even worse. Therefore, you should think about the adequacy of your pranks and their appropriateness.

How to make fun of someone you know

Imperceptibly stick a piece of paper on his back, but not with a rude wish in the spirit of “spit at me,” but with a good and pleasant one: “smile at me,” “hug me,” etc. Attacks of tenderness from others will greatly surprise your friend.

When talking to a person, answer any question with the same sound or word; it is best to choose a word that does not exactly fit your conversation, for example, the word “elephant”. Repeat this word until your interlocutor loses his temper. If you can’t think of any word, then you can repeat the same interjection, for example, “yeah.”

Another method is very similar to the previous one, only you need to repeat not the same phrase or sound, but the last word or a phrase from your interlocutor. At the same time, in all cases, you cannot react in any way to comments about your adequacy.

In the same way as in the cases described above, you can repeat the gestures and facial expressions of the person with whom you are talking. This is perfect if your interlocutor emotional person and gesticulates strongly when speaking.

Just don’t joke like that at a person whose sense of humor you’re not sure of. After all, in the end, instead of a great mood, you can end up with an acquaintance who is forever offended by you.

How to make fun of your household

If one of your household members likes to fry in the morning, this is a great way to make fun of them. In the evening or at night, when no one is looking, boil all the eggs that are in the refrigerator and put them in place. If there are several dozen eggs, then you should not transfer the entire rather expensive product - boil 5-10 eggs and hide the rest. And in the morning, watch as the object of your joke tries to make himself an omelette. Just don't laugh too early for the joke to really work.

Buy a fake cake for home and invite everyone to eat it together. And when your household tries to cut it, watch their reaction. Try not to get the honorable mission of cutting the cake, otherwise they will be watching you. Only then get a real cake, otherwise the joke may turn into a real offense.

How to make fun of your colleagues

It's quite boring to sit in the office and work all day. But sometimes it doesn’t hurt to defuse an overly serious atmosphere with a good joke. You can repeat some of the above jokes in the office. Or you can use “office” jokes.

Wait for the right moment when your colleague leaves the office or is simply distracted and switch your keyboard or mouse to his computer. When he sits down to work, start performing various actions using the mouse or keyboard. The joke will not last long, as he will soon notice the “set-up,” but a cheerful mood is guaranteed for both you and your colleague.

April Fool's Day is celebrated with a variety of pranks and jokes, which are still remembered whole year. That is why, when preparing, you need to use your imagination, try to think through a plan and arrange everything to the highest standard.


Have fun at work. The team and management are ideal targets for April Fools' pranks. For example, print out the order and place it in a visible place (so that someone will notice it purely by chance). Or do the opposite - write a resignation letter at will the entire department and rank go to the chief’s office. The main thing is to hold back your laughter and keep a straight face.

Come to work half an hour early and work some magic on your colleagues’ computers. Put obscene things on your screensaver, change your mouse settings and swap the functions of its buttons. After you finish, run away from the office and return with everyone else so as not to be suspected of what you did.

Make fun of your neighbors. People living on the same landing are unlikely to expect a dirty trick from you, especially in the morning. Get up early, take a rope and tie all the doors together. Tie the rope tightly to the door handle and, without cutting it, pull it to the next one. After that, take a place at the peephole and watch the bewilderment due to the doors not opening.

Play a prank on your loved one. For girls, options for sending to work time SMS with the text “Where are you? Come on quickly before your husband returns!”, or jokes with a pregnancy test. Take it out of the package and use a red felt-tip pen to draw two clear stripes. You are guaranteed to surprise a man.

Guys can make fun of girls in the following way. Go to a cafe or restaurant and have a quiet dinner. As soon as your lady leaves the line of sight, call the waiter and pay the bill. In front of her, pretend that you forgot the money and, after a few minutes of hesitation, offer to run away before the bill arrives.


If you don't know the person very well, it's not entirely wise to play a prank on them. The reaction may be exactly the opposite of what was expected. Make sure that he is friendly towards you and has a sense of humor, and only then proceed with the implementation of plans.

April first - perfect occasion make fun of colleagues. There are many happy drawings, you can use several of them or come up with your own. Just remember that not everyone likes to be made fun of. Choose something that is not difficult for you to arrange.

Stock prices cause turmoil and litigation. Colleagues' jokes can be different - sweet, kind, evil and not funny at all. By April 1, Office Life had collected ten different stories about April Fool's pranks at work - successful and not so successful.

10. Expel at your own request

The main purpose of the prank is to scare, so that later the person will feel relieved. Until now, people believe the terrible and sad news on this day, only to then joyfully find out that they were deceived. “When I was working in the master’s program, on the first of April one good student came with an application for expulsion of his own free will,” says Tatyana. “We looked at him in surprise, because we could not expect this. Of course, the first question was “Why?” He said that he was tired, wanted to rest and was generally tired of studying. The dean did not raise his hand to sign the application. We began to persuade him. He did not agree to anything. And only half an hour later he admitted that it was a joke. It was a very pleasant joke." .

9. Non-existent loan

When checking work documents, be vigilant and do not forget what day it is. “When I worked at a bank authorizing loan applications, we entered data into the system, and managers checked the data and confirmed the applications in the system,” says Maria. “Then the application went to payment. On April 1, while our manager was having lunch, we took it out of the bag her passport and filled out an application for a loan on her behalf, and then entered the data into the system. She was surprised when she received an application for authorization for a huge loan on her behalf. The package of documents was compiled by us with maximum accuracy, and if she had not If she noticed the catch, she would definitely get this loan."

8. Multi-colored car

Most April Fools' jokes are traditionally aimed at bosses. Of course, if their subordinates know what the boss has good feeling humor. Ira worked at a bank on the night shift. “On April 1, we covered the boss’s car parked at the entrance with multi-colored stickers,” she recalls. “In the morning, all the daytime employees entering the office laughed and said that there was such a car on the street. The boss laughed with them. You should have seen it face when she came out and realized that it was her car."

7. "Give Brobot two hundred bucks back."

Not only subordinates joke about their superiors; often the exact opposite happens. “I have a habit of covering my entire workplace with post-it - on these pieces of paper I write all my plans for the working day and even the week,” says Marat. “Often the name of my boss flashes there - Brobot - it’s unusual, I like it. For example: “ Bring Brobot the analytics for such and such an enterprise for signing.”

“One day I came in the morning, and at first I didn’t even understand what was going on,” he continues. “Then I realized: there were a lot more pieces of paper on the keyboard and monitor.” The aliens, diligently faking my handwriting, read: “Wash Brobot’s car ", "Return Brobot two hundred bucks", "Give Brobot Teddy bear"etc. It was really funny, and it was the first of April."

6. Charge from the boss

Every joke is only part of a joke. “On April 1, we found a message in the mail from our boss with approximately the following content: “Dear colleagues, spring has come, and with today“In our office, I will personally do health exercises at 11:00,” says Tanya. “Everyone laughed: “It’s April Fool’s Day, yeah.”

“At five minutes to eleven Dima came out of his office and gathered us in the largest room,” she says. “He asked everyone to stand up and began: “And... once!” And....two! Feet together, hands apart!" Everyone was delighted, roaring with laughter, while Dima kept a stone face. The exercise was one-time, it did not become a daily habit, but on April 1 we had a lot of fun."

5. Dismissal cannot be pardoned.

“Everyone knew that Ilya and Marina were having an affair,” recalls Katya. “It was an official affair that everyone knows about.” And on April 1, he decided to play a prank on her: he called her and said in an icy tone that the time had come for the company to part with her ".

“Marina, of course, was in tears - more from resentment than from upset about the lost job,” says Katya. “The questions were ridiculous and predictable in such a situation. She continued to be offended even when Ilya told her that it was a joke. In general, It was a bad joke."

4. Enchanted development

“This story happened at a time when most cameras were film, and our main job was developing and printing films,” says photo studio employee Oleg. “A married couple worked with us. And on April 1st, we decided to play a joke on our husband: his wife brought to work about ten films with his "incriminating" photographs, in which he was mostly naked. Throughout the day, we slipped these films into his hands in bags of regular orders. Several times he was completely naive: he started printing, and then... At first I laughed, then, really, I got angry.”

3. Epidemic in the office

Health jokes, in the opinion of the Office Life columnist, are the worst of all. Therefore, we believe that the following prank is bad form and disrespect for colleagues. “My colleague Andrey and I knew that Sasha had strange red spots on his body - he himself complained to us about them for about a week, but he still couldn’t get to the doctor,” says Igor. “On April 1st he didn’t come to the work. Sasha called the head of our department and said that he had been diagnosed with ringworm and the doctors recommended that everyone who had contact with him over the past two weeks see a dermatologist."

“Andrei and I started to panic,” continues Igor. “Naturally, no one remembered what date it was today, but the whole office knew about the red spots on Sasha’s body and were looking for information about ringworm on the Internet with all their might. There was serious panic.” : many have children and elderly parents at home. Our colleague Ira, who was pregnant at the time, asked to go home and left. Sasha called back two hours later and said that it was a joke: he had a banal allergy to fish. First, we rushed to call Ira and his family , to calm everyone down, and then they began to come up with a plan for revenge."

2. Lost

“Our colleague Sasha is a man of his own rules and not without oddities,” says credit specialist Elena. “For example, when he goes on vacation, he hides his landline work phone somewhere from his desk, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the employee who replaces him "One day on April 1, we hid all the equipment from his desk: phone, monitor, keyboard, mouse, leaving only the system unit."

When Sasha came to work, everyone tried to pretend that nothing unusual was happening, and they shrugged their shoulders to all his questions: “did you have a keyboard on your desk?” Sasha took the situation calmly, went into the next room, looked into the closet, found what was missing and returned everything to its place. And the next day he brought chocolates to the entire department.

1. Virtual tour V Altai region

“Once, while working for an online news publication, I wrote a commentary on current news, in which I talked about the showdown in the Altai Territory over Governor Mikhail Evdokimov - the local parliament tried to dismiss him,” recalls Evgenia. “I talked there about economic problems region and the history of the conflict. The headline was: “Evdokimov lost his sense of humor.”

“I wrote the text on March 31, posted it on the website,” she continues. “On April 1, a girl called me, introduced herself as an employee of the administration of the Altai Territory and said that they read my text there and decided to invite me to visit, show me the region, tell me everything on the spot and then decide “like Mikhail Sergeevich with a sense of humor.”

“I don’t even remember how I reacted, apparently I politely refused, tried to hush everything up,” says Evgenia. “But most importantly, I was scared. I went to the editor-in-chief, told her, she encouraged me, like everything was fine, we didn’t tell anything special, They just stated the facts, they won’t sue. When I left her, I loudly told everyone amazing story. And 5 minutes later my (then future) husband called and asked: “Well, are you going to the Altai Territory?” The giggle of his colleague, “an employee of the administration of the Altai Territory,” could be heard on the phone.

Draws for April 1st in 15 minutes

If there is no time for a collective conspiracy on the occasion of April 1, you can do everything quickly. For example, armed with scissors and a sheet black paper cut out these cuties (see photo below) and stick them on some squeamish young lady with innate insectophobiaundertable lamp shade. If you don’t have black paper, cut out a cockroach from white paper, and then color it with a marker (are there markers in your office?).

You can also connect a wireless mouse to your colleague’s computer while he can’t see it. And play dirty tricks on him from your workplace - “What’s going on?!” you're guaranteed. Or, for example, change the settings of his own mouse, sending it to sleep after a second of inactivity, or increasing the sensitivity of the sensor so much that the cursor goes crazy every time he touches the mouse.

If you really want, you can turn the display of information on the display upside down, remove the Google search bar, and remove the Russian layout on the keyboard or in the system altogether. In a word, mischief is small, but accurate.

How to prank your work colleagues on April 1st: food jokes

We suggest playing with food, if there are bugs on the lamp, mice in the tape and a sign on the toilet “Closed for renovation!” you've already passed. In Germany, for example, there is a tradition of putting one with mustard in a box of festive Christmas donuts filled with jam. You can do the same thing in your office: bring something sweet, improving one or more treats from the box. Below are photos of jokes about how others risk their health by slipping not-so-goodies to their colleagues on April Fool's Day.

Onion apples in chocolate

Cookies with menthol flavor

Chocolate bunny with filling

Prank for colleagues in the office on April 1: if you are God and you can do anything

Bring happiness to the masses! Buy soft pencils or plasticine (wordsoftthis is the key). Crayola definitely has these. We get rid of the paper wrapper, put Every-Hunter-Wants-to-Know-Where-The-Pheasant Sits under the windshield wiper blades of someone's car and lie in wait.


Arrive at work a little earlier than your colleague. Take double-sided tape and glue the objects that are on his desktop - a box of paper clips, a ruler, a stack of documents, a cup for pens and pencils (pens and pencils can also be glued in it), etc. Your colleague will be very surprised that familiar objects are not given to him.

For this prank, you will have to get a voice recorder equipped with an external speaker. On the eve, write down characteristic repeating sounds. A heartbeat works great, but you can come up with something else (for example, dull rumbles of thunder, the frequent clicking of heels, or the usual forest “cuckoo”). Hide the recorder in the closet and turn on Play before your colleague arrives. Close the closet and sit quietly at your desk. A colleague who hears strange sounds will ask you if you hear anything, to which you should shrug your shoulders and shake your head with a straight face. Questions may be repeated. Persistently insist that you don’t hear anything, and ask anxiously whether your friend is experiencing auditory hallucinations.

If your colleague has a landline phone on his desk, cover the handles that hold the receiver with tape. When the phone rings and your friend picks up, the persistent calls will not stop, which will greatly surprise and confuse him. If your colleague is the owner of a cordless phone, cover the microphone hole with tape in advance and watch with a sympathetic look as your friend, straining himself, screams into the receiver, but the subscriber does not hear him.

If your colleague is one of those who likes to hang his monitor or the walls of his computer desk with such small pieces of paper (post-it), which are called reminders (well, so as not to forget what to do and when), then you have the cards in your hands. “Incorporate” your reminders into his reminders (try to match his handwriting). For example, “Don’t forget to tell the boss that he is a goat,” “I was invited by Oksana to the restaurant on April 2,” “Call Angela at 15:00, she wanted to say something important.” Invent, compose, tailor notes to situations. Your colleague will be very surprised and puzzled until he realizes that this is your doing.

You can “work” on his computer before your colleague arrives. For example, swap 2-3 keys with letters, cover the eye of an optical mouse with opaque tape or tape. And then, when a friend gets to work and starts swearing, sympathetically ask: “What’s the matter, friend?”

The following joke is extremely simple, but it always works flawlessly. During the working day, look at your colleague from time to time and ask: “Are you okay?”, “Are you sure everything is fine?”, “Did your boss call you today?” No, nothing, I just asked,” “Is everything okay at home? Well, well...", etc. The colleague will probably be alarmed, but you put on a mysterious look, look at him with sympathy, sigh and continue asking your questions. In this prank, as a rule, the one who asks the questions is the first to break down - he begins to laugh, and for a long time the worried workmate cannot believe that he was simply pranked.

Chinese New Year. -
Year of the Dragon

On the night of January 22-23, 2012, in China, the New Year comes into its own. 2012 to lunar calendar, bears the name of the Black Water Dragon. So, what is this Chinese New Year holiday?
This holiday resembles a hybrid of our New Year and our Maslenitsa. For Chinese New Year spring holiday- represents the awakening of nature after a long winter. It is believed that on this day it is possible to attract fertility and rice harvest. It is customary to decorate the house with a variety of compositions - rice is laid out in a mound on a large surface, decorated with tangerines, large persimmons, and cypress branches. Chinese coins with holes, decorated with red ribbons, are hung on a branch. This is similar to the "Money Tree", symbolizing prosperity and wealth in next year. Many flowers appear in houses, these are daffodils and orchids, as a symbol of a happy married life. And peonies, which are usually placed in the zone of wealth and glory, as a symbol of nobility and wealth.
Today, no one remembers when the Chinese began celebrating the Spring Festival. Scientists believe that this holiday is already more than a thousand years old.

Chinese New Year 2012

- one of the most significant traditional holidays in China. Its other name is “Lunar New Year”, because it is a derivative of the lunisolar calendar. the exact date determined based on lunar phases.

There are several legends associated with the origin of the Spring Festival.

So, this holiday was called “Gonyan”. According to legend, "gonyan" was wild beast, bringing people a lot of troubles and suffering. He had a terrible look, from which leaves fell from the trees and the earth became barren. But it was worth leaving to a terrible beast as nature came to life, flowers bloomed all over the earth. People thought for a long time about how to defeat the ferocious monster. And one day they decided to scare him and started setting off firecrackers. This is how the Chinese learned to create a variety of firecrackers, which they generously launched at the time of the New Year, so that the Spring Festival would come quickly and nature would come to life.

According to another legend, the holiday was associated with another monster - it was the ancient animal Nian, which appears before the New Year and devours people. For several centuries, people waited in horror for the annual appearance of the monster. Until one elder came to an agreement with Nian. He inspired the monster that people are too weak to resist the great beast, and therefore do not deserve his attention. It is not better to choose other animals as the object of hunting.
Nian listened to the elder and no longer attacked people, and began to hunt those animals that attacked peasants and their livestock. Over time, the arrival of the New Year ceased to be a time of fear and sorrow for the Chinese. People began to look forward to this time, because now they could rejoice at the arrival of spring and enjoy the holiday.
The wise old man left red lanterns for the villagers to protect their homes in case Nian wanted to hunt people again. These lanterns were hung on windows and doors in peasant houses, because it was believed that Nian was afraid of the color red. And now for the New Year in China there is so much red.
Many traditions have been forgotten, for example, the ritual of sacrifice, but in most villages and towns some of them are still used. Paired inscriptions are pasted on the gates of houses and on the walls, and New Year's paintings. hieroglyphs-wishes, “health”, “ For long years life", "happiness". The windows of the houses are decorated with intricate patterns that are cut out of paper. The holiday turns into traditional mass performances. These are various sports competitions, and of course dances of lions and dragons.

The Spring Festival lasts for several days. The day before, the Chinese are shopping New Year's gifts, point general cleaning at home, painting doors and windows with fresh red paint, cooking festive table, sew or buy a new one. The Chinese with their whole family prepare the most popular dish - dumplings, which represent the most good wishes to all families, among which the most important thing is the birth of a son.

There is one more interesting custom– in the Chinese house, an image of the God of the Kitchen hangs all year round. And so, before the New Year, people burn it so that it will take away all the troubles, quarrels, etc. from the family. After all, the God of the kitchen knows everything that happens in the family, even the unspoken thoughts and complaints of all family members. It helps maintain peace and order in the house. And besides, it gives an account in heaven, where it ends up in the form of smoke, for the behavior of the family. And of course, he returns back to the kitchen, immediately after the New Year, because the Household hangs a new image of the God of the kitchen on the wall. Some people use a trick, and before burning the image of the God of the Kitchen on New Year's Day, they smear it with honey, hoping that this will ensure better reviews.

All New year's night takes place in the family over conversations, fireworks begin at midnight, and in the morning the whole family will visit their loved ones and acquaintances with congratulations and wishes for all the best in the New Year. These days there is reconciliation between people.

The joyful atmosphere of the Spring Festival will last for half a month. And another holiday, "Yuanxiao" (Lantern Festival). On this day, the Chinese eat pastries made from sticky flour with sweet filling and candied fruits. It is also customary to admire the light of lanterns lit at night. This is where the New Year celebration ends.

So, to celebrate Chinese New Year, you need a new bright clothes, red lanterns and decorations. You can't do without rice and seafood and of course fireworks. Don't forget the flowers. Well, burn something that you think carries negative energy accumulated over last year. You can't do without fun, Have a good mood and hopes for joy and happiness next year.

23.01.2012 11:54:36,