Pardon and return to the capital. Detailed program for all days

Dostoevsky Day is celebrated in Russia annually on the first Saturday of July. In 2019, the holiday falls on July 6th.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - famous Russian writer XIX century. His work captivated the minds of his contemporaries and never ceases to excite the imagination of today. literary world. The classic's works have been translated into different languages. Hundreds of plays and film adaptations have been based on them. Monuments were erected to him and memorial plaques, including abroad. 15 films were made about the Russian writer. But better memory His works remain forever.

History and traditions

The first celebrations took place in St. Petersburg in 2010. The event was organized by fans of the Russian classic. The date was the first words from his novel Crime and Punishment.

A massive celebration takes place in St. Petersburg. On Dostoevsky Day the city is transformed. " folk readings", performances, master classes, quests in which everyone participates. Fairs are organized where special issues of newspapers, souvenir cards and magnets with cartoon characters writer's novels. Excursions to places connected with the life and work of Dostoevsky are popular among city guests.

By celebrating holidays dedicated to the classics, society strengthens ties with literary universe. Nothing inflames the imagination and awakens fantasy, draws us into the written world and makes us worry again and again about the fate of the characters, like a well-written novel or short story.

In 1956, the first commemorative stamps were issued in the USSR, Romania and Bulgaria to mark the 150th anniversary of Dostoevsky.

On the 175th anniversary of the writer’s birthday, a Russian bank issued a commemorative silver coin.

In 1821, on November 11, Dostoevsky, one of the most famous Russian writers and philosophers, was born. In this article we will talk about his biography and literary work.

Dostoevsky family

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was born in Moscow into the family of nobleman Mikhail Andreevich, a staff physician serving at the Mariinsky Hospital, and Maria Fedorovna. In the family he was one of eight children and only the second son. His father came from whose estate was located in the Belarusian part of Polesie, and his mother came from an old Moscow merchant family, originating in the Kaluga province. It is worth saying that Fyodor Mikhailovich had little interest in rich history kind. He spoke of his parents as poor, but hard-working people who allowed him to receive an excellent upbringing and quality education, for which he was grateful to his family. Maria Fedorovna taught her son to read Christian literature, which left him with strong impression and largely determined his future life.

In 1831, the father of the family acquired the small estate Darovoye in Tula province. In that Vacation home The Dostoevsky family began to visit every summer. There future writer got the opportunity to meet real life peasants In general, according to him, childhood was the best time in his life.

Writer's education

Initially, their father was in charge of the education of Fyodor and his older brother Mikhail, teaching them Latin. Then they home schooling continued the teacher Drashusov and his sons, who were studying with the boys French, mathematics and literature. This continued until 1834, when the brothers were sent to the elite Chermak boarding school in Moscow, where they studied until 1837.

When Fedor was 16 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. Later years F.M. Dostoevsky spent time with his brother preparing to enter engineering school. They spent some time at Kostomarov's boarding house, where they continued to study literature. Despite the fact that both brothers wanted to write, their father considered this activity completely unprofitable.

Beginning of literary activity

Fyodor did not feel any desire to be in school and was burdened by being there; in his free hours he studied world history and domestic literature. Under inspiration from her, at night he worked on his literary experiments, read passages to his brother. Over time, a literary circle was formed at the Main Engineering School under the influence of Dostoevsky. In 1843, he completed his studies and was appointed to the position of engineer in St. Petersburg, which he soon abandoned, deciding to devote himself entirely to literary creativity. His father died of apoplexy (although, according to the recollections of relatives, he was killed by his own peasants, which is questioned by researchers of Dostoevsky’s biography) in 1839 and was no longer able to oppose his son’s decision.

The very first works of Dostoevsky, whose birthday is celebrated on November 11, have not reached us - these were dramas based on historical topics. Since 1844, he has been translating, while simultaneously working on his work “Poor People.” In 1845 he was greeted with pleasure in Belinsky's circle, and soon he became widely known famous writer, the “new Gogol,” but his next novel “The Double” was not appreciated, and soon Dostoevsky’s relationship (his birthday in the new style is November 11) with the circle deteriorated. He also quarreled with the editors of the Sovremennik magazine and began to publish mainly in Domestic notes" However, the fame he acquired allowed him to meet a much wider range of people, and he soon became a member of the philosophical and literary circle of the Beketov brothers, with one of whom he studied at an engineering school. Through one of the members of this society, he came to the Petrashevites and began regularly attending their meetings in the winter of 1847.

Circle of Petrashevites

The main topics that members of the Petrashevsky Society discussed at their meetings were the liberation of peasants, book printing and changes in legal proceedings. Soon Dostoevsky was one of several who organized a separate radical community among the Petrashevites. In 1849, many of them, including the writer, were arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Mock execution

The court recognized Dostoevsky as one of the main criminals, despite the fact that he strongly rejected the charges, and sentenced him to death penalty by execution, having first deprived him of his entire fortune. However, a few days later, the order to execute was replaced by an eight-year hard labor, which in turn was replaced by a four-year sentence followed by long service in the army, according to a special decree of Nicholas 1. In December 1849, the execution of the Petrashevites was staged, and only in last moment It was announced that he was pardoned and sent to hard labor. One of those almost executed went crazy after such an ordeal. There is no doubt that this event had a strong influence on the writer’s views.

Years of hard labor

During the transfer to Tobolsk, a meeting took place with the wives of the Decembrists, who secretly handed over the Gospels to the future convicts (Dostoevsky kept his for the rest of his life). Next years He spent time in Omsk at hard labor, trying to change the attitude towards himself among the prisoners; he was perceived negatively due to the fact that he was a nobleman. Dostoevsky could write books only in secret in the infirmary, since the prisoners were deprived of the right of correspondence.

Soon after the end of hard labor, Dostoevsky was assigned to serve in the Semipalatinsk regiment, where he met his future wife Maria Isaeva, whose marriage was unhappy and ended unsuccessfully. The writer rose to the rank of ensign in 1857, when both the Petrashevites and the Decembrists were pardoned.

Pardon and return to the capital

Upon returning to Russia, he had to make his literary debut again - it was “Notes from the House of the Dead”, which received universal recognition, since the genre in which the writer talked about the life of convicts was completely new. The writer published several works in the magazine “Time,” which he published together with his brother Mikhail. After some time, the magazine was closed, and the brothers began to publish another publication - “Epoch”, which also closed a few years later. At this time he was taking Active participation V public life country, having suffered the destruction of socialist ideals, recognized himself as an open Slavophile, asserted social significance art. Dostoevsky's books reflect his views on reality, which his contemporaries did not always understand; sometimes they seemed too harsh and innovative, and sometimes too conservative.

Traveling around Europe

In 1862, Dostoevsky, whose birthday is celebrated on November 11, traveled abroad for the first time to receive treatment at resorts, but in the end he traveled most Europe, got addicted to playing roulette in Baden-Baden and squandered almost all his money. Basically, Dostoevsky had problems with money and creditors throughout almost his entire life. He spent part of the trip in the company of A. Suslova, a young, relaxed lady. He described many of his adventures in Europe in his novel The Gambler. In addition, the writer was shocked Negative consequences Great french revolution, and he became convinced that the only possible path of development for Russia is unique and original, not repeating the European one.

Second wife

In 1867, the writer married his stenographer Anna Snitkina. They had four children, of whom only two survived, and in the end only the only surviving son, Fyodor, became the successor of the family. They lived together for the next few years abroad, where Dostoevsky, whose birthday is November 11, began work on some of the last novels included in the famous "Great Pentateuch" - Crime and Punishment, the most famous philosophical novel, “The Idiot”, where the author explores the theme of a person trying to make others happy but ultimately suffering, “Demons”, which talks about revolutionary movements, and “Teenager”.

“The Brothers Karamazov,” Dostoevsky’s last novel, also related to the Pentateuch, was in a sense a summing up of everything creative path, since it contained features and images of all the writer’s previous works.

The writer spent the last 8 years of his life in the Novgorod province, in the town Staraya Russa, where he lived with his wife and children and continued to engage in writing, completing the novels he had begun.

In June 1880, Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich, whose work significantly influenced literature in general, came to the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow, where many were present famous writers. In the evening, he delivered a famous speech about Pushkin at a meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

Death of Dostoevsky

Years of life of F. M. Dostoevsky - 1821-1881. Fyodor Mikhailovich died on January 28, 1881 from tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, aggravated by emphysema, shortly after a scandal with his sister Vera, who asked him to give up the inherited estate in favor of his sisters. The writer was buried in one of the cemeteries of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, people gathered to say goodbye to him great amount of people.

Although the fame of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, biography and Interesting Facts whose life we ​​discussed in this article, acquired during his lifetime, real, grandiose fame came to him only after his death.

The holiday, timed to coincide with the beginning of the novel “Crime and Punishment,” has been celebrated on the first Saturday of July for 7 years now. According to the already established tradition, it all started at the monument to the writer, and continued next door - near the house in Kuznechny Lane, where he lived.

View fragment

Every year, the theater of the Dostoevsky Museum prepares a new performance especially for the holiday, based on the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich. No matter what serious issues are raised on stage, they are always presented to the public with humor.

Alexander Kudrenko, performance director:

“It seems to me that when you do such a performance on the street, you need to come up with something that unites people. Something that instantly gets into people’s hearts and is recognized and all people react approximately the same. This is humor, of course, with us everything is aimed at humor, not shockingness.” .

This year the performance was called “In the tavern on Kuznechny”. By the will of the director and screenwriter, heroes from the most different works Fyodor Mikhailovich, and so that everyone could understand what was happening, the host of the holiday helped to solve particularly complex literary riddles

Alexander Lushin, presenter of the performance: “We are proud that we are truly cultural capital and the percentage of those who read Fyodor Mikhailovich’s works among our viewers is large. But, nevertheless, some not so common things have to be explained: if everyone knows that “The Idiot” is Myshkin, then few people know who the paradoxist is, whose role I had to play in past years.”

On this day, the only time a year, free excursions were held on Sennaya and Vladimirskaya squares: anyone could follow the routes of Dostoevsky and his heroes.

Maria Mikhnovets, curator of excursion programs: “We ourselves must walk and count Raskolnikov’s 730 steps. At the first point you receive a map and explore Dostoevsky’s Petersburg yourself, and at the next point, for example, at Sonya’s house, you are met by another guide - an expert in Sonya’s house We have three volunteers working at each point, they whole year studied at the museum, it’s not just boys and girls and groups one after another.”

On these excursions it was possible not only to expand your knowledge about hometown, but also learn facts from the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich that are not written about in school textbooks.

A dozen libraries and museums joined the celebration of Dostoevsky Day. Each site was prepared for this event special program.

Thus, in the Anna Akhmatova Museum in Fountain House This is not the first time that “Day Before” has been celebrated on the eve of the holiday. This time, the organizers decided to combine the work of the Russian writer and the Year of Cinema, which has been announced in our country. The result was an unusual experiment, during which they filmed new movie version of "The Idiot".

Kirill Sokolov, director of the project “Day Before”:"The idea was to open up the world of cinema a little for ordinary people. Open up the entire inner kitchen, because we have no idea how everything really happens. There were administrators running all over the place, smoke, sparks, real professionals from the world of cinema, and any visitor to the garden could become a participant.”

For a few hours you could feel like a film actor or try one of the film professions in literally any passerby. The result of this film experiment is silent Feature Film- on Dostoevsky Day they showed it in the garden of the Fountain House. Everyone was pleased with the experience.

Elisey Shurov - actor:“I came, they called me, they said: “You look like Prince Myshkin.” I really, really liked it, because it was my first experience as an actor. At first I was worried, but then I really, really liked it,”

Exactly one year later, Dostoevsky’s heroes will again take to the streets of the city, there will be new experiments and new readings of the classic. In the meantime, there is time to improve your knowledge of literature.

Vera Biron, project curator:“In general, Dostoevsky himself was very fond of irony, and jokes, and laughter. He has a lot of this in his novels. Therefore, we allow ourselves to joke, but as a fact, after our holiday in Bukvoed and other bookstores they are buying up everything by Dostoevsky. I believe that This is a very good result."

Timur Mamonov, Maxim Belyaev, Tatyana Osipova, Alexander Vysokikh and Andrey Klemeshov. Channel One, St. Petersburg.

In 2017, the Dostoevsky Day holiday will take place for the 8th time. In the unusual literary festival Museums, theaters, and libraries will traditionally participate.

Participants of “Dostoevsky Day 2017” (18): Dostoevsky Museum, Museum of Urban Sculpture, Mikhailovsky Castle, Museum of the History of Religion, Museum “Raznochinny Petersburg”, Museum-Apartment of the Alliluyevs (branch of the Historical and Memorial Museum “Smolny”), Museum-Apartment of M. M. Zoshchenko (branch of the State literary museum“XX century”), Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky, BIKTSIM (Center for Art and Music of the Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky), Library named after M.Yu. Lermontov, Central State Children's Library named after A.S. Pushkin, Children's Library of History and Culture St. Petersburg, Library-Studio on Iskrovsky, FMD-Theater, Puppet Format Theater, Bitkom Theater, SoLu Theater, Bookstore-Club "Chudetstvo"

According to tradition, Dostoevsky Day will begin with “Day BEFORE” on June 30 from 16.00 to 22.00 in the Library. M.Yu. Lermontov. And on July 1, Dostoevsky Day, programs of all other participants will be presented: films, lectures, quests, master classes, performances, excursions. quizzes, interactive activities, literary games.

Detailed program for all days

Dostoevsky on Liteiny

Liteiny Avenue, 19

“Day BEFORE” in the M.Yu.Lermontov Library

"Friday with Dostoevsky"

B. Pushkarskaya, 15

Literary detective game “Crime and Punishment”

Iskrovsky pr., 6 bldg. 4

in Library-Studio No. 7

Dostoevsky Day


10.30-18.30 Interactive program"Keys of Happiness" Dostoevsky and Zoshchenko. Museum-apartment of M.M. Zoshchenko (Malaya Konyushennaya str., 4/2, apt. 119)
11.00 Memorial event in the Necropolis of masters of art. Laying flowers and lighting candles in memory of F.M. Dostoevsky. Museum of Urban Sculpture (Alexander Nevsky Square 1)
11.20 Excursion-puzzle “In the name of Dostoevsky...” Necropolis of art masters (Museum of Urban Sculpture)
11.00-17.00 Program " Literary dreams in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky." TsGDB im. A.S. Pushkin (Bolshaya Morskaya St. 33)
11.00-16.00 Excursions “Dostoevsky in Mikhailovsky Castle”. Mikhailovsky Castle (Sadovaya St. 2)
11.00-17.00 “White Nights” program. Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (Marata St. 72)
11.00-17.00 Book and illustrative exhibition about the life and work of Dostoevsky in the Library “Family and Book” (Mayakovsky St., 27)
11.30 “Home is like a novel.” Tours of the interiors of the Bazhanov House. Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (Marata St. 72)
12.00 Opening of the Dostoevsky Carnival program. The giant Dostoevsky and the famous old women of Russian literature are participating (at the monument to Dostoevsky, Bolshaya Moskovskaya street 1)
12.00 Screening of the film “White Nights” (“Le notti bianche”, directed by Luchino Visconti, 1957). Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (Marata St. 72)
12.00-14.00 Theatrical excursion “Addresses literary heroes F.M. Dostoevsky" / Central State Children's Library named after. A.S. Pushkin (Collection: Bolshaya Morskaya St. 33)
13.00-15.30 “Living sculptures” - heroes of “Crime and Punishment” / Bitkom Theater (on Pionerskaya Square, near the Youth Theater)
12.30-15.00 Master classes “Unravel Dostoevsky” and “Literary baggage” at the monument to Dostoevsky
12.00-15.00 Excursion programs “Youth to Dostoevsky!” (Sennaya Square, Vladimirskaya Square, Nevsky Prospekt)
12.00-15.00 Quest in Kolomna “Vices and virtues: a guide to literary places.” Museum of the History of Religion (collection: Pochtamtskaya street 14)
12.00-17.00 Dostoevsky Day at the Alliluyev Apartment Museum (10-ya Sovetskaya, no. 17, apt. 20)
12.00-18.00 Quests “The Magic of St. Petersburg Courtyards.” Museum "Raznochinny Petersburg" (route sheets at different points)
12.30-15.00 Quest “Travel to the places of Crime and Punishment.” Search for the lost manuscript. Meeting at the entrance to the Dostoevsky Museum (Kuznechny Lane, meeting at 12.30). Bookstore-club “Chudetstvo”
12.50 Walking tour “Time Back”. From the Dostoevsky monument to Pionerskaya Square. Museum "Raznochinny Petersburg" (B. Kazachiy Lane 7)
13.00-16.00 “Dostoevsky Carnival” on Pionerskaya Square (near the building of the Youth Theater)
14.00 “House is like a novel.” Tours of the interiors of the Bazhanov House. Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (Marata St. 72)
14.00-17.00 “Summer Ball”. Ball-reconstruction late XIX century. Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg (Marata St. 72)
14.00-18.00 “Joys and Sorrows” little man"- museum and theatrical performance in the Museum "Raznochinny Petersburg" (B. Kazachiy lane, 7)
14.00-18.00 Dostoevsky Day in the Book Yard on Fontanka. Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky (Fontanka embankment 46 (entrance from the yard))
14.30 Walking tour “Time Back”. From the Dostoevsky monument to Pionerskaya Square. Museum "Raznochinny Petersburg"
15.00-17.00 Theatrical excursion “Addresses of F.M. Dostoevsky’s literary heroes” / Central State Children’s Library named after. A.S. Pushkin (Collection: Bolshaya Morskaya St. 33)
15.00-21.00 Dostoevsky Day at BIKTSIM (Center for Art and Music of the Central State Public Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky (Nevsky Prospekt 20)
16.00-18.00 Creative workshop “Dostoevsky: a guide to Europe.” Museum of Urban Sculpture, Novy showroom(Chernoretsky Lane 2)

DOSTOEVSKY MUSEUM: 12.00-16.00 Kuznechny Lane 5/2. Tel.: +7 921 977 43 00, 571 40 31, [email protected]
12.00-15.00 Excursion program“Youth to Dostoevsky”
Excursions are formed as groups form.
Route “Raskolnikov in the City”
The main post is at the descent from the steps of the Sennaya metro station. Addresses "Crime and Punishment". Raskolnikov's routes. The World of Sennaya Square mid-19th century
Route “Vladimir Square and its surroundings in the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky.”
The main post is at the entrance to the Vladimirskaya metro station. Addresses of young Dostoevsky, Dostoevsky’s first novel “Poor People”, courtyards-wells
Route “Dostoevsky on Nevsky”. There are two excursions: at 13.00 and 13.10
Gathering at the Kazan Cathedral, at the monument to Kutuzov. Capital life of the mid-19th century. Nevsky is the meeting place of Dostoevsky with writers, with actors, with members of the imperial family More details:
12.30-15.00 At the Dostoevsky monument every 15 minutes Master classes on Dostoevsky’s works “Unravel Dostoevsky” and “Literary baggage” for teenagers and adults.
12.30-16.00 “Dostoevsky Carnival” on Pionerskaya Square near the Youth Theater building:
at 13.00 and at 14.45 PREMIERE of the FMD Theater performance “Dostoevsky in Color”
12.30-16.00 Holiday Theater “SoLu”: mini-scenes “Physiology of St. Petersburg”
13.00-15.00 Theater “Puppet Format”: three great St. Petersburg old women play cards, dance tango, fall from windows
13.00-15.30 Theater "Bitkom": "living sculptures" - heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment"
12.30-15.00 Information post of the program “Youth to Dostoevsky”. Distribution of cards “Dostoevsky’s Petersburg”, newspaper “Day of Dostoevsky”

Necropolis of masters of art, pl. Alexandra Nevsky 1 Contact: 274 26 55, [email protected]
11.00 Memorial event in the Necropolis of masters of art. Laying flowers and lighting candles in memory of F. M. Dostoevsky. Entrance – 50 rub.
11.20 Excursion-puzzle “In the name of Dostoevsky...”. Participants of the excursion will learn which musicians, writers, and scientists formed the writer’s circle. The era of Dostoevsky will emerge from fragments of St. Petersburg history. Entrance – 50 rub.

NEW EXHIBITION HALL OF THE MUSEUM OF CITY SCULPTURE: 16.00-18.00 Chernoretsky per., 2, Contact: 274 26 55, [email protected]
16.00-18.00 Creative workshop “Dostoevsky: a guide to Europe”
The program consists of “European sketches” of F.M.’s stay. Dostoevsky abroad. With the help of literature, painting and music, Dostoevsky’s impressions and thoughts about life abroad will be reflected. Entrance – 50 rub.

MIKHAILOV CASTLE: 11.00-16.00 Sadovaya st. 2, Contact: 595 42 48,
11.00, 13.00, 16.00 Excursions “Dostoevsky in Mikhailovsky Castle”
During the excursion, listeners will walk through the halls, one way or another connected with Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, and will remember the mystical fear that gripped the pupils near the former bedchamber of Emperor Paul I, where a terrible murder was committed. The mysterious building of the Mikhailovsky Castle will be revealed in a new way through the works of an eminent student of the Engineering School, as well as the memoirs of his contemporaries. The cost of a ticket with a tour is 450 rubles.

Branch of the State Literary Museum “XX Century” Malaya Konyushennaya st. 4/2 sq. 119. Tel.: 571 78 19, [email protected]
10.30-18.30 Interactive program “Keys of Happiness”. Dostoevsky and Zoshchenko
Program timings: July 1 and 2, 2017, from 10.30 to 18.30 Admission: by entrance tickets to the museum

jointly with the Higher School of Economics
Venue: territory of the Admiralteysky district. Contact: Tel. 571 47 91, [email protected]
12.00-15.00 Quest around Kolomna “Vices and virtues: a guide to literary places” Start of the route: Pochtamtskaya st., 14 (Museum of the History of Religion)
Route end: st. Union of Pechatnikov, 16 ( graduate School economics) More details:

Branch of the Smolny Historical and Memorial Museum Tel. 271 25 79 [email protected]://
12.00, 16.00 Theatrical performance based on the works of Dostoevsky “We must love life more than the meaning of life”
Sightseeing tours of the museum. Interactive historical and local history quiz “Dostoevsky and the Rozhdestvenskaya part of St. Petersburg” More details:

Address of the Museum “Raznochinny Petersburg”: Bolshoi Kazachiy per. 7 Tel.: 407 52 50, [email protected] Website: VK:
13.00-18.00 Exhibitions: “I Remember the Petrashevsky Case” (at the Youth Theater), “Fedor Mikhailovich Changes His Profession” (Cronwell Inn Stremyannaya), “Petersburg Slums” (7 Bolshoy Kazachiy Lane), “The Joys of a Little Man” (7 Bolshoy Kazachiy Lane )
13.00-17.30 Excursions in the museum halls
12.50, 14.30 Walking tour “Time Back: from Kuznechny Lane to Semenovsky Parade Ground.” Group gathering at the monument to Dostoevsky
12.00-18.00 Quests “The Magic of St. Petersburg Courtyards.” Route sheets at points:
Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky (Fontanka river embankment, 46)
Children's Library named after A.S. Pushkin (B. Morskaya St. 33)
Hotel “Dostoevsky +” (Vladimirsky Ave., 19)
Monument to Dostoevsky (Bolshaya Moskovskaya St. 1)
14.15, 15.45, 17.30 “The joys and sorrows of a little man.” Theater performance " Scarlet Sails» in the courtyard of the museum “Raznochinny Petersburg”
Admission to street events is free. Excursions in the museum: 150 rubles.

TsGDB IM. A.S. Pushkin: 11.00-17.00 Bolshaya Morskaya st. 33. Contact: 312 96 25, 312 72 96, [email protected] Website:
11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 Electronic presentation with comments “Three classics about Dostoevsky: Nabokov. White. Merezhkovsky"
11.00-12.00 Game event “Children’s games of the 19th century”
10.00-17.00 Electronic quiz “Heroes, facts, quotes”
11.00-17.00 “Literary dreams in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky.” Book and illustration exhibition
11.00-17.00 Literary test“Dostoevsky: Wikiquote from works”
11.00-12.00, 14.00-15.00 Blitz survey “Why do we read Dostoevsky?”
12.00-13.00 Presentation of the book and illustration exhibition “Dostoevsky and Nekrasov”
12.00-14.00 Walking theatrical tour “Addresses of F.M. Dostoevsky’s literary heroes.” Start from the library at 12.00
15.00-17.00 Walking theatrical tour “Addresses of F.M. Dostoevsky’s literary heroes.” Start from the library at 15.00

Branch No. 2 of the Central City Children's Hospital named after A.S. Pushkin St. Marata 72. Contact: 315 42
11.00-17.00 Program “White Nights. Read aloud and watch on the screen"
Exhibition of photographs by Andrey Nikiforov “Petersburg outside of time” and other exhibitions. Reading aloud by everyone interested excerpts from the works of Russian writers about St. Petersburg
11.30, 14.00 “Home is like a novel.” Tours of the interiors of the Bazhanov House
12.00 Screening of the film “White Nights” (“Le notti bianche”, dir. Luchino Visconti, 1957)
14.00-17.00 “Summer Ball”. Ball-reconstruction of the late 19th century Read more:
Courtyard of the V.V. Mayakovsky Library, emb. Fontanka 46 (entrance from the yard) Contact: 449 52 42 [email protected]
Main stage
14.00 “Eternal Husband”. Excerpts from the performance of the Theater on Vasilyevsky. Director: Victoria Lugovaya. Actors: Igor Beschastnov, Alexey Ludinov, Evgenia Ryabova, Alexandra Chaplygina
14.30 Performance of “Dostoevsky’s Phantasmagoria” by Оdddance Theater
15.30 “Dostoevsky. Monologues." Excerpts from the Philharmonic's performance for children and youth. Director - Honored activities arts of Russia Yu. Tomoshevsky
16.30 Concert program « Musical world F. M. Dostoevsky" performed by the Philharmonic chamber orchestra for children and youth. Conductor – Dmitry Nozdrachev
17.00 Russians folk songs performed folklore ensemble St. Petersburg State University. Program " folk music: reconstruction of a 19th century festivities.”
Lecture program
14.30 Mysterious pages last novel F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”. Lecturer Prof. S. A. Kibalnik.
16.30 Works by F.M. Dostoevsky on theater stage. Dialogue between playwright Tatyana Moskvina and director Roman Smirnov
15.00 Viewing and discussion of the film “White Nights” (“Le Notti Bianche”, directed by L. Visconti, 1957, 16+). Based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky. Demonstrated in Russian. Presenter – doctor philological sciences, candidate of art history S.N. Ilchenko. Mediatheque cinema hall.
Master classes:
14.00 Creation of a retro postcard “Dostoevsky in detail” from the RepinSchool school of drawing and painting.
14.30 Calligraphy. Evolution of the instrument: from the reed feather to the kolapen. We write in 19th century copybooks. Presenter - artist V.V. Ilyina.
15.00 Colors: complex colors. Dostoevsky in color. Presenter – artist T. Popova.
15.00 “Imaginary tapestry” technique. Presenter – L.P. Bakshinova
15.30 Meeting with the editors and authors of the literary magazine “Idiot”
16.00 Light-shadow, silhouette book. Creation of an illustration book for the works of F.M. Dostoevsky “White Nights” or “Crime and Punishment”. from the school of drawing and painting RepinSchool.
Game program
14.00 Quest by creative biography F. M. Dostoevsky.
15.00 “Dictation according to Dostoevsky in the orthography of the 19th century.” with an analysis of the difficulties of the Russian language. Presenter: Prof. V. A. Efremov.
15.00–17.00 Linguistic games from the Community of Russian Language Devotees (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen)
16.00 Concert-quiz based on the works of F.M. Dostoevsky performed by artists St. Petersburg theaters: Anna Nekrasova, Alexander Mitskevich and Danil Mukhin. Presenter: Stanislav Tkachenko
17.00. Team game in the format “Mind Games”, dedicated to creativity F.M.Dostoevsky. Presenters: A. Povysheva and Y. Netovannaya. Teams are formed before the game. More details: and

15.00-21.00 Quiz “Places-Portraits”, screening of foreign adaptations of Dostoevsky’s works in the video room of the media library, book exhibition"Images of Dostoevsky in fine arts", reading aloud excerpts from the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich, psychological test“Which of Dostoevsky’s heroes are you?”
18.00 Vernissage of the exhibition “Dostoevsky. City. World". More details:

BOOKSTORE-CLUB “CHUDESTVO”: 12.30-15.00 Kuznechny Lane, 13. Tel.: 8 953 141 32 00
12.30-15.00 Quest “Travel to the places of Crime and Punishment.” Search for the lost manuscript. Meeting at the entrance to the Dostoevsky Museum (Kuznechny Lane, meeting at 12.30).

The unknown about the known

The world-famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, whose novels are still read and filmed, was also a visionary. This became clear only years later, when it turned out that Dostoevsky completely predicted in his works the path of Russia and Europe in the twentieth century. And also your own death.

“Once upon a time, Thomas Mann turned to Sigmund Freud with a question: is it not the unique gift of deep vision of the darkest, hidden corners and abysses human soul a consequence of Dostoevsky’s epileptic seizures, highlighting these abysses like lightning. Freud’s answer was not Freudian at all: the genius of insight that lived in Dostoevsky himself illuminated the secrets hidden from our eyeless eyes, and epilepsy was only a consequence of a gift that cost him the terrible price of seizures...” Yevgeny Yevtushenko told about this in the newspaper “Novye Izvestia”.

“The new Gogol has appeared!”

Born on October 30 (November 11), 1821 in Moscow. He was the second child in a family of six children in total. His father, a physician at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor (where the future writer was born), received the title of hereditary nobleman in 1828. Dostoevsky's mother came from merchant family. This very religious lady annually took the children to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and taught them to absorb the text from the book “One Hundred and Four sacred stories Old and New Testaments." As Dostoevsky later wrote: “... in our family we knew the Gospel a little from our first childhood.”

At the age of 13, Fedor and his older brother were sent to study first at the Drashusov (Sushara) boarding school, then at the Chermak boarding school. The future writer was very bored away from his family, perhaps that is why he constantly read to escape from dreary thoughts. However, it became even worse when my parents died: first my father, then my mother. It was a blow.

After the tragedy, everything went somehow wrong... Immersed in severe depression, Dostoevsky was indifferent to the choice future profession and very soon regretted it. He entered the Main Engineering School and there suffered from a military atmosphere, drills and loneliness. It was in these sufferings that his literary talent was born.

In 1841, at an evening hosted by brother Mikhail, Fyodor first read excerpts from his dramatic works"Mary Stuart" and "Boris Godunov". Friends and comrades applauded enthusiastically. And then, inspired and as if revived, Dostoevsky conceived the novel “Poor People,” work on which he began, according to him, suddenly, unexpectedly, but devoted himself to it completely. When the manuscript reached Nekrasov, he, without stopping, read “Poor People” all night long, and the next morning with the words “a new Gogol has appeared!” gave the manuscript to Belinsky. He, having read it, solemnly said: “The novel reveals such secrets of life and characters in Rus' that no one had ever dreamed of before.”

But the second pancake came out lumpy. At least, that’s what it seemed to Nekrasov, Belinsky, and other writers. At the end of 1845, at an evening with Belinsky, Dostoevsky read chapters of the story “The Double.” The work, which initially interested Belinsky, ultimately disappointed him, and soon there was a cooling in Dostoevsky’s relations both with the critic himself and with his entire circle, including Nekrasov and Turgenev, who ridiculed the morbid suspiciousness of Fyodor Mikhailovich. The writer experienced all this extremely painfully. He began to “suffer from irritation throughout nervous system“- and then the first symptoms of epilepsy appeared, which later tormented him all his life.

Turning his back on the writers, Dostoevsky began attending the “Priatnits” (meetings on Fridays) of the Russian revolutionary Petrashevsky. At these meetings, which were clearly political in nature, the problems of peasant liberation, court reforms and censorship were discussed. Inspired revolutionary ideas, Fyodor Mikhailovich even entered secret society Petrashevtsy, which intended to carry out a coup in Russia. The result of this intention was sad: on the morning of April 23, 1849, along with other Petrashevsky members, Fyodor Dostoevsky was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

After 8 months spent in the fortress, where Dostoevsky held on courageously and even wrote the story “ Little hero", he was found guilty "of intent to subvert public order"and was initially sentenced to... execution. However, already on the scaffold, after “terrible, immensely terrible minutes of waiting for death,” the sentence was replaced by 4 years of hard labor with deprivation of all rights of state and subsequent surrender to the army. Dostoevsky served his hard labor in the Omsk fortress among criminals.

The experienced shocks, melancholy and loneliness, “judgment of oneself,” a complex range of feelings from despair to faith - all this spiritual experience of the prison years later became the biographical basis of “Notes from dead house" Immediately after his release, Dostoevsky wrote to his brother about those taken from Siberia “ folk types” and knowledge of “black, miserable life” - experience that “will be enough for whole volumes.”

After hard labor, according to the verdict, Fyodor Dostoevsky served as a private in Siberian Semipalatinsk and was even promoted first to non-commissioned officers and then to ensign.

Love of an "idiot"

It's much later writer will say: “Oh! This was great happiness for me: Siberia and hard labor! I understood myself there... I understood Christ... I understood the Russian man.” And then, in Semipalatinsk, where people were only interested in cards, drinking, gossip and trade affairs, his situation would have been bleak if not for a ray of light in the person of Marya Dmitrievna Isaeva. French on her father's side, well-read, kind, she was pure and naive, like a child, although she herself was a mother. And the wife of an alcoholic... It is unlikely that she had deep feelings for Dostoevsky; rather, she pitied him. He mistook compassion for reciprocity and fell in love with all the fervor of youth.

A year later, Marya Dmitrievna was widowed, but... the union of two hearts was prevented by her affair with the young teacher Vergunov. “I’m in despair,” Dostoevsky told his friend. “I’m trembling that she doesn’t get married.” By God, at least start drinking water or wine.” Despair gave way to hope: “She loves me! She lost faith in her new affection.” In the end, Marya Dmitrievna married Dostoevsky, but even at the moment of the wedding it seemed to him that Vergunov was about to grab her hand “and drag her away from the crown, or she herself would shout to him: “Take me away!”

And she’ll take you away and kill you so that she doesn’t suddenly come back here again, out of cowardly selfishness she’ll kill you.”

Do you recognize? This is "Idiot". The future book and life are intertwined. Dostoevsky and Vergunov, just like Rogozhin and Prince Myshkin, exchanged crosses.

After exile and service, Dostoevsky brought his wife and stepson to St. Petersburg and suddenly discovered that Marya Dmitrievna’s love had disappeared somewhere. He was depressed and devoted himself entirely to work. In those years, Fyodor Mikhailovich, together with his brother Mikhail, began publishing the magazines “Time” and “Epoch”, where he published critical articles, notes, works of art. Actually, the novel “Humiliated and Insulted” was first published in Vremya. Having received a fee for it, Dostoevsky traveled abroad for the first time. In Moscow, his wife was dying of consumption, and in France and Italy he reveled in an affair with 22-year-old Apollinaria Suslova - a fatal, devilish woman. By the way, epileptic seizures in a foreign land happened to him much less often than in Russia. Is it a change in climate or a change in an exhausting lifestyle, or maybe a new attachment? The young writer was flattered to see at her feet a man who, after the release of Notes from a Dead House, rightfully declared: “My name is worth millions!” "You - new Dante“,” she repeated the words she had read somewhere, “you were descending into hell, all the more terrible because it existed not in the poet’s imagination, but in reality!” But Suslova herself opened the door to a new hell for her lover - to a gambling house. And I watched with interest how a man who had courageously endured so much suffering could not restrain himself and risk his last franc at roulette. Once Dostoevsky had to make a deal with a moneylender, according to which he had to return one and a half amount. Imagine what he felt for his “benefactor”! Yes, the same as Raskolnikov to the old money-lender. It was then that Dostoevsky’s idea of ​​writing the novel “Crime and Punishment” was born.

In April 1864, Marya Dmitrievna died. Dostoevsky kept his word to take care of his stepson as if he were his own son all his life. Then the writer’s brother Mikhail Dostoevsky died.

It was a very difficult time for Fyodor Mikhailovich. It was then that he began work on Crime and Punishment. The work was recorded by stenographer Anna Snitkina, who not only helped the writer, but also psychologically supported him. Dostoevsky fell in love with her and married. According to the recollections of his friend, “the new marriage soon gave him the full benefit of family happiness, which he so desired."

Maybe this is too strong a word, but without Snitkina, Dostoevsky would hardly have written his great novels “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Demons”, “Teenager”, “The Gambler” in the 15 years remaining to him. Anna took shorthand, transcribed, managed financial affairs, arranged the house, saved her husband from roulette, gave birth!

At the age of 47, Fyodor Mikhailovich became a father - he gave birth to a wonderful girl, Sonya. And three months later... she died. Dostoevsky sobbed over Sonechka’s cooling body and covered his daughter’s pale face and hands with hot kisses. It was scary to look at him! At that moment, the Dostoevsky family was abroad. On the second day after the girl's death, her housemates came to visit. Only instead of condolences they said: they say, of course, it’s sad that someone died, but Anna Grigorievna’s sobs are preventing them from sleeping, and therefore they asked... not to make noise. Hence, probably, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s dislike for Europeans.

Epileptic Prophet

Work saved Dostoevsky from depression. The novels “The Idiot” and “Demons” were published, which brought the writer long-awaited fame at home. Fyodor Mikhailovich was finally recognized as a literary genius. However, as it became known only in our time, Dostoevsky was gifted not only with literary talent, he also had the gift of... foresight. As researchers note, almost all of his novels contain prophecies. For example, through the mouth of the main character of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky says that the new generation is ready to kill for an idea. In addition, Fyodor Mikhailovich, a hundred years before the start of the revolution, predicted and described its consequences as the arrival of “demons” - revolutionaries. Dostoevsky wrote: “In every way transition time This bastard is rising, which is in every society. ... These trashiest little people suddenly gained an advantage and began to loudly criticize everything sacred, whereas before they did not dare to open their mouths.” “The Possessed” even indicated the period during which the revolution would sweep the entire country - five months.

Dostoevsky also came closer to revealing the secret of Russia's connection with God. He believed that the revolution was an attempt to improve Christianity “in accordance with the age and civilization,” and the revolutionaries only replaced the cross with a five-pointed star. Indeed, Marxism in Russia was perceived as new religion, and people worshiped Lenin and Stalin as much as they worshiped Christ.

Fyodor Mikhailovich foresaw that a series of bloody cataclysms would occur that would engulf all of Europe. “But never, perhaps,” writes Dostoevsky, “Europe has been closer to just such a revolution and remaking of territories as in our time... Then everything will collapse about Russia.”

Fyodor Mikhailovich also very accurately defined the direction of development of Russia’s relations with its Slavic brothers. “According to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not and never has had such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia frees them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated!”

The genius very accurately describes the very method of this liberation: “They will begin their new life from the fact that they will beg from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and patronage of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they will do this precisely in defense of Russia.”

Precisely predicted great writer and your death. At the end of January 1881, Fyodor Mikhailovich became seriously ill and began to have throat bleeding. On the morning of January 28, Anna Grigorievna woke up and saw that her husband was looking in her direction. She asked him how he was feeling, to which Fyodor Mikhailovich replied: “You know, Anya, I haven’t slept for three hours and I’m still thinking, and only now I realized clearly that I’m going to die today.” “My dear, why are you thinking this? - Anna Grigorievna objected in terrible anxiety. “You’re better now, you’re not bleeding anymore.” “No, I know, I have to die today. Light a candle, Anya, and give me the Gospel.” He himself opened the holy book and asked to read it. The Gospel of Matthew was revealed, ch. III, Art. II: “John restrained him and said: I need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me? But Jesus answered him, “Do not hold back, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill the great righteousness.” “You hear, ‘don’t hold me back,’ which means I will die,” said Dostoevsky and closed the book.

On the evening of the same day, at eight hours and twenty-eight minutes, Fyodor Mikhailovich passed away into eternity.

First Crimean N 491, SEPTEMBER 13/SEPTEMBER 19, 2013