Message from Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - our indigenous folk type

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya is one of the main heroines of the novel by I. A. Goncharov, Oblomov’s beloved, a bright and strong character. Ilyinskaya was not distinguished by her beauty, but she was quite graceful and harmonious. She had a sincere simplicity and naturalness that was rare. Nothing pretentious, no tinsel. The girl was orphaned early and lived in the house of her aunt, Marya Mikhailovna. It is unclear where and when Stolz met her, but it was he who decided to introduce Olga to his friend Oblomov. The author of the novel emphasized the rapid spiritual maturation of the heroine. Her personality growth occurred by leaps and bounds. Ilya Ilyich fell in love with her after hearing her beautifully sing an aria from Bellini’s opera. He became more and more immersed in this new feeling.

Olga was confident in herself and definitely wanted to change Oblomov, make him an active person. For this occasion, she even drew up a re-education plan. As Stolz wanted, positive changes really began to occur with his friend, and this was entirely the merit of Olga. She was very proud of this and began to transform herself too. However, the girl did not understand that this was more of a practical experience in re-education than sincere love. Moreover, Ilyinskaya’s soul and mind needed further development, and Oblomov changed slowly and reluctantly. Their relationship was doomed to break. Even after marrying Stolz, she never stops looking for herself. Her deep soul needs something else, but she doesn’t know exactly what. As the author shows, Olga’s main purpose is the eternal desire for development and a spiritually rich life.

(375 words) In Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” we are introduced to two central female characters: Olga and Agafya. Despite the fact that they both have a romantic relationship with the main character, each of them is unique in their own unique nature. The contrast that arises between the characters not only complements the artistic picture of the novel, but also allows the reader to see Oblomov’s personality from two different perspectives.

Starting with the portrait characteristics of the heroines, the author emphasizes the obvious difference between them. Olga appears before us as a young beautiful girl with refined facial features, thanks to which Oblomov drew attention to her. A slender silhouette and easy gait are key attributes that complement Olga's appearance, while Agafya's appearance was not exceptional. Being a plump, middle-aged woman, she did not stand out from others. That is why the author speaks of her face as “simple.” However, physiological differences only frame the comparison of the two girls, which is full of contrasts. Discrepancies continue in their lifestyle, which is shaped based on their social status. As we know, Olga is a young noblewoman who has a small estate. We can say that she is literally at the beginning of her life's journey, which is why she is attracted to movement and adventure. Goncharov says that she is full of energy with which she charges everyone around. Agafya, on the contrary, is the wife of the late official, who is left with two children. All her income comes from the livestock she keeps at home. Despite the fact that she is an economical and active woman, and is constantly at work, she does not strive for her own intellectual development: she does not attend theaters, she is not interested in literature, and she does not write well in Russian. Agafya carries the image of a homely woman, a modern housewife. And Olga personifies the Russian aristocracy of the nineteenth century.

Differences in lifestyle and characters explain Oblomov’s nature, which is revealed in his relationships with them. Being with Olga, the hero was charged with energy, he had a desire to participate in the vibrant life of high society. But he couldn't hold out for long. Returning to his lazy routine, he began to burden the girl. The rhythms of life of the heroes simply did not coincide, so their relationship was obviously doomed. Oblomov needed someone who would take care of him, as his mother once did; someone who won't change the routine. This is exactly what he found in Agafya. The woman became the keeper of the hearth for him. She blew away specks of dust from him, fussed about the house and treated him like a gentleman. In his relationship with her, he found the “Oblomovism” he dreamed of.

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Literature lesson

based on the novel

I. A. Goncharova “Oblomov”

"Test of love:

Olga Ilyinskaya

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov"

Grade 10

Karpenko Natalia Alexandrovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU secondary school No. 1970


The purpose of the lesson:

prove that love develops the souls and hearts of the main characters, reveals their characters, shows the heroes in their development.

Lesson objectives:

reveal the characters and ideals of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya;

recreate the history of Olga’s relationship with Ilya Ilyich;

develop the ability to analyze episodes, images-characters, express your attitude towards the characters.

Teacher's word.

The theme of love in literature is always was relevant. Since ancient times, this pure and beautiful feeling - love - has been sung.Why do you think many writers and poets paid special attention to this topic?

If we build a pedestal of love, then, undoubtedly, the romantic relationship of Romeo and Juliet will come first. This is the most beautiful story that immortalized its author - Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other at first sight, from the first words. Two lovers defy fate, despite the enmity between their families. Romeo is ready to give up even his name for the sake of love, and Juliet is ready to die just to be faithful to Romeo. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other. The life of one becomes meaningless without the other.

Although this story is tragic, the love of Romeo and Juliet will always and everywhere, at any time, be equal to all lovers.

But love can be different: love-passion and love-habit. Some people love with all their hearts and are ready to do anything for their beloved, while others love with their heads, knowing in advance what they need. But no matter how different love is, this feeling is still wonderful. That’s why they write so much about love, write poems, and sing about love in songs. And the creators of beautiful works can be listed endlessly.

Innokenty Annensky wrote:

“Love is not peace, it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love.”

How do you understand the words of the Russian writer Annensky?

At the beginning of the novel, we find the main character lying on the sofa and completely uninterested in public affairs.

Why is Oblomov hiding from society? What is he running from? Page 189-190


Ilya Ilyich dreamed of leaving society, the world, because he does not find any interests there, he sees only “dead people” there. He wanted to free himself from eternal vanity, passions, greed, gossip, and gossip. Ilya Ilyich dreamed of “hugging his wife by the waist, going deeper with her into an endless dark alley, going with her to look for sympathy in nature.”

In a conversation with Stolz, Oblomov shares his dream of happiness as he sees it. What did Oblomov say to Stoltz?about your understanding of the ideal, the “standard of life” for a person?(he enthusiastically painted pictures of family happiness, in which there was music, poetry, and love). Page 192-193

Would you remind me thatwould our hero's happiness be?(Part 2 Chapter 4) pp. 194-197


Ideal life for Oblomov:

1. Village

2. Wife

3. New, calmly built house

4. Good neighbors and friends

5. Music

6. Poetry

7. Love.

What kind of wife does Oblomov dream of?


Ilya Ilyich dreamed of “hugging his wife by the waist, going deeper with her into an endless dark alley, going with her to look for sympathy in nature.”

Does Stolz agree with this understanding of happiness? Why? What does it mean to live for Stolz? Page 200


For Stolz, “work is the image, content, element and purpose of life.”

What does Stolz call such a life? (Oblomovshchina)

Was Oblomov always like this? What did they dream about? Page 198

What happened to Oblomov? Where have all these dreams gone? How many years has Oblomov been “sleeping”? 12 years

Why? (No strength and will). Page 200

Where is Stolz calling Oblomov and why?(Stolz calls a friend abroad, wants to help him get rid of Oblomovism.)

At first, Oblomov believes that Andrei can help him and is even ready to follow him anywhere. He even begins to make plans. Which? Page 204

When going abroad, Oblomov even “ordered a travel dress for himself...” Continue with Oblomov’s actions. Page 205

So did Oblomov go abroad or not? Why? What are the reasons? Page 206

And now, on the horizon of life, one appears that (hypothetically) can constitute happiness.

But first let's rememberWhat kind of wife does Oblomov dream of?(see entry)

Who is this woman who was supposed to make Oblomov happy? When and from whom do we hear the first mention of it?(from a conversation between Stolz and Oblomov)

How did Oblomov meet Olga?

How did you, readers, see this heroine? Share your impressions in writing(students work independently for a few minutes)

In the notebooks there is a record of approximate content:

Olga. Simple, soft, musically educated, ironic, attentive, energetic, thirsty for activity, full of dreams about it, self-confident; a good psychologist, “subtle nature”, “natural manifestation of thoughts, feelings, will”, “remarkable girl”, etc.

Why did Stolz only talk to Olga? How was she different from other girls? Page 208

How do we see our hero when he first meets Olga? (absent-minded, clumsy)


Why is there so little about Ilya Ilyich in this scene?

What role did Stolz play?

(Stolz not only introduced them, but also managed to tell Olga about the robe, and about the sofa, and that Zakhar was dressing the master.

And most importantly: “When Stolz left, he bequeathed Oblomov to her, asked her to keep an eye on him, to prevent him from sitting at home.”

What plan did Olga develop in relation to Oblomov?

She had already developed...a plan for how she would wean Oblomov to sleep after lunch..., she dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left behind: then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate , get ready to go abroad - in a word, she will show him the goal...


Oblomov's revival plan:

Stop sleeping after lunch

Force him to write letters to the village

Force him to complete a plan for the estate

Get ready to go abroad

Why does she need all this?

So that Stolz would be surprised by her abilities (“And Stolz will not recognize him when he returns.”)

So that Oblomov admires her, lives for her and admires her. (“He will live, act, bless life and her.”)

For the sake of their own glory, for the sake of their own pride. (“To bring a person back to life – how much glory is there for a doctor when he saves a hopelessly ill person! But to save a morally perishing mind and soul?..”)

How did the main character’s life change after meeting Ilyinskaya? Page 206

(“He gets up at seven o’clock. He reads, carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face, even colors have appeared on him, there is a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or, at least, self-confidence. You can’t see the robe on him... He comes out in a frock coat, beautifully tailored, in a smart hat... He is cheerful, humming... why is this?)

Please note: first it says how you have changed Oblomov, you can’t even recognize him, and only then the author tells us,why did this happen (it happened under the influence of a great feeling, which rushed over this “big child” and captured him completely).

What deep philosophical conclusion, life wisdom does the story of the two main characters contain?


True feeling, true love can do miracles. It revives the person in a person, reveals his internal reserves and capabilities.

If everything is so good, why does Oblomov write a letter to Olga and why? How were Oblomov’s anxieties and torments reflected in his letter?

In the letter, Oblomov expressed both his love and his fear of being the wrong person for a girl like Olga to love. He deeply understands Olga, as perhaps she does not understand herself: “I just want to prove to you that your present “love” is not real love, but future love; this is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to the lack of real food, due to the absence of fire, burns with a false, unwarming light...” he writes in his message.

Why doesn’t Oblomov talk directly to Olga about this, but writes a letter?

(Goncharov here acts as a subtle psychologist. When it is difficult for a person to make a decision, to express his pain, it is easier to trust a piece of paper and pour out his soul on it. It is no coincidence that, having written a letter, Oblomov felt that it was not so difficult for him. “I almost happy... Why is this? It must be because I expressed the burden of my soul in a letter."

Is Ilya Ilyich right in assessing Olga’s feelings?

Individual task.Student performance: dramatization of the episode “Declaration of love to Olga Ilyinskaya after writing a letter.”

How does a hero manifest himself in love?

- Oblomov in love shows the best qualities, the best sides of his character, let's note the depth of his experiences, the poetry of his nature, his dreaminess...;
- he has a developed moral sense and a sense of intuition, he understands what Olga likes, he is capable of deep feelings.

Has Olga's life changed?(Stolz’s request to stir up Oblomov led to internal changes in both)

With the appearance of Olga Oblomovperks up, shakes up, the brain begins to work and look for something.Can the same be said about Olga’s feelings for Oblomov? Did she love him?

Inspired by her dream, which is to “revive” Oblomov, Olga grows up, her childishness disappears, her feelings take shape, she “outgrows” Ilya Ilyich.


Olga takes on the role of a “guiding star”. Olga is trying to “put Oblomov on his feet,” teach him action, bring him out of rest and laziness.

Oblomov is unfamiliar with the new feeling. He is confused, lost, ashamed. He loves Olga with his heart, loves tenderly, obediently, bashfully. His soul awakens because it is alive. He draws something from Olga, and his heart begins to beat and his brain begins to work. Olga pours energy into him, a love of action, which makes him work, think, read, do housework, his thoughts gradually begin to take shape. Although sometimes the “worm of uncertainty and laziness” still creeps into him and again he wants to hide his head under his wing, but Olga again pours hope into him, does not abandon him, but gently, in a motherly way, guides and instructs, and Oblomov lives again, works again, again trying to decide on his own. Olga is always on guard, will always help, always teach.

What pictures are starting to appear in his dreams again?

But often in Oblomov’s dreams an idyllic picture arose: Oblomovka, everything is fine, calm around, a big house where he, Ilya Ilyich, and Olga live peacefully, and children run around, and there is no excitement or movement in this corner, but only calm , moderation and silence.This is their contradiction: Olga sees in her dreams an active and active person, and Oblomov sees the same idyllic picture.

What does Oblomov gradually understand?

That something in this love is lost, that it has faded. Olga's love for him turnedfrom “rainbow” to “demanding”.

He begins to be burdened by her. How does this manifest itself?

Oblomov begins to dine at home more often,

goes to the theater not at the call of the soul, which should have moral support, but at the request of Olga,

He wants to end it all as quickly as possible and fall into laziness, drowsiness and calm. Ilya Ilyich says to himself: “Oh, I wish I could finish soon and sit next to her, not drag myself so far here! And then after such a summer, and even seeing each other in fits and starts, furtively, playing the role of a boy in love... To tell the truth, I wouldn’t go to the theater today if I were already married: this is the sixth time I’ve heard this opera...”

The harmony of the relationship between Olga and Oblomov is broken. Even over time, they run out of topics to talk about.

Do you think there was a future for this relationship, and if so, would it promise happiness for both??

Dramatization of the episode “Declaration of Love”

Who is to blame for the reason for the breakup of their relationship?

On the one hand, their relationship came to naught due to the idyllic upbringing of Ilya Ilyich, his eternal craving for peace and quiet, and on the other hand, due to his own fault. Oblomov “is to blame himself. He did not appreciate, did not understand that Olga is a girl with a large supply of common sense, independence and will. Oblomov is the first, of course, to understand the chimerical nature of their romance, but she is the first to break it. The harmony of the romance ended a long time ago, yes she, maybe it flashed for only two moments; both, Olga and Oblomov, are experiencing a complex inner life, but completely independently of each other; in their joint relationship there is boring prose.

Oblomov understands that he will be unhappy with Olga, since he needs to remake himself with her. And he has already chosen the path, he doomed himself to a purposeless existence. His time is the time when it is better to remain true to your beautiful ideals and do nothing. Discord with himself leads him to protest, but expressed in an unusual way: “I don’t want to participate in the evil that is happening and I won’t.”
Olga Ilyinskaya always forces the hero to do something, or at least tries to force her. Oblomov does not want to break his way of life. He doesn’t resist so much as the way of life of Olga and Stolz is not typical for him. He chose a different path. Olga constantly demands something from him, trying to influence his personality, remake him, re-educate him... And Oblomov understands, delaying the declaration of love, that she is “not his ideal.”

And in her last conversation with Oblomov, Olga says: “...I relied too much on my own strength... I didn’t dream of my first youth and beauty: I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, - but you've been dead for a long time. I didn’t foresee this mistake, I kept waiting, hoping!..”

What mark will Olga leave in Oblomov’s life?

For Oblomov, this love will forever remain in his heart. And he will remember her as something bright, clear, pure. It was spiritual love. This love was a ray of light, it tried to awaken the soul and develop it. And Oblomov understands the reason for the breakup. “I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, but you have already died a long time ago,” Olga hardly pronounces a harsh sentence and asks a bitter question: “Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do?<...>What ruined you? There is no name for this evil...” “There is,” answers Ilya. - Oblomovism!

But he does not have the strength to resist her. And Ilya Ilyich soon falls asleep spiritually, and then physically.

Composition of the novel

The first and fourth parts of the novel- its support, the soil. Take off inparts two and three- the climax of the novel, the very hill that Oblomov has to climb.

The first part of the novel is internally connected with the fourth part, i.e. Oblomovka and Vyborg side are compared.

The four parts of the novel correspond to the four seasons. The novel begins in the spring, on May 1.

A love story - summer turning into autumn and winter. The composition is inscribed in the annual circle, the annual cycle of nature, cyclical time. Goncharov closes the composition of the novel into a ring, ending “Oblomov” with the words: “And he told him what was written here.” Oblomov cannot escape from this vicious circle. Or maybe it's the other way around? And will Ilya Ilyich wake up again in the morning in his office?

Homework:prepare the image of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Olga Sergeevna Ilinskaya

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna

Character traits

irresistible, kind, not like everyone else, ambitious

Kind, sociable, hard-working, easy to get along with, sweet, well-mannered, neat and independent


She was tall, she had a bright, clear face, a refined neck and gray-blue eyes, wide eyebrows and long hair, thin lips

She had gray eyes and a beautiful face, curvaceous, fair skin

was an orphan, lost her parents at a young age, lived with her aunt, and despite her difficult childhood she was very well brought up

She was married to Pshenitsyn, but he died and the woman remained a widow; was the mother of two children


she was not very talkative, did not throw around words, spoke to the point, not hot-tempered, calm, with a sincere laugh

Active, constantly busy with something; she was cunning, but it all benefited Oblomov

How I met Oblomov

Stolz brought them together at the Ilyinskys’ house. A new friend was charmed by the girl’s unusual voice

We met thanks to Terentyev, soon after this Oblomov comes to Agafya to rent a house, after which he gets to know the girl more

How did you feel about Oblomov?

she was touched by stories about Oblomov, as well as Ilya’s pure and sincere heart. Soon the girl fell in love with Ilya and wanted to see changes in him. But alas, I was disappointed in him, although later I realized that he was an unusual person

She treats him very kindly, prays for him, whoever he is sick with, carefully monitors his health and tries to cure him. So he falls in love with Oblomov, idolizes him and considers him extraordinary

How did Oblomov treat

Olga was an ideal for him, thanks to her he understood what bright feelings are. Their relationship began in the spring, but by the fall it had already ended

With Agafya Oblomov is calmer, he feels comfort and care. After some time, he confesses his feelings to her and decides to kiss her.

Life goal

change Oblomov, and learn to understand others

She knows how to do everything, loves to work, but is a little stupid. She doesn't think about the future, but simply lets life go with the flow. I wanted to make everything cozy, and especially in life with Oblomov

How fate developed

With age she became smarter and wiser, Stolz became her husband, with whom she gave birth to children

They lived with Oblomov for 7 years, after which Agafya lost her husband, and her son Andrei remains the only consolation

Favorite hobby

loved to sing and go to the theater, play music and read

A good housewife, hardworking, she loved to cook and look after the household; did handicrafts

Similar features

simple girls, faithful, homely, kind

Composition by Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna

Love is one of the key problems in the work of the great Simbirsk writer Goncharov “Oblomov”. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the center of two love stories. There were two women in his life, completely different, unlike each other. They both made a huge contribution to his life, but each in their own way. Let's compare these two, without a doubt, great women in the hero's life, their characters and contributions to the image and character of the protagonist.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a sophisticated lady with an incredibly fine spiritual organization. Ilya Ilyich’s meeting with her was a gift of fate for him. He was incredibly lucky on the day they met and met. His life would not have been so rich without her, even if it was for such a short time.

Olga was a creative girl, she loved literature, theater, and had great musical talent. This is what brought life into the passive existence of the hero. Thanks to her uncontrollable desire to develop, Oblomov was still able to get up from his couch for a while, take off his robe and begin to act. Olga began taking him to the opera and theater. It was thanks to her that the hero began to feel at least something. Something seemed to turn over in his soul with her appearance.

Olga's true desire was to change the hero, to revive him, to make him feel. She did not want to put up with his being, but sought to destroy his habits, forcing him to live and not exist. This is what a determined, brave girl does, ready to do anything for love.

However, the hero was not ready for such drastic changes. He did not want to put aside his favorite robe forever for the sake of some love adventures that would only tire him. He broke Olga's heart. However, they forever remained each other's brightest love. After all, there was no more passionate love in his life.

The second and last woman in Ilya Ilyich’s life was Agafya Pshenitsyna. Her character was radically different from Olga's. She was not at all inclined to change Ilya. He suited her the way he was. With a book open on the same page, with a robe, on a soft sofa. She only contributed to his regression, his degradation as a person. Agafya served him in every possible way, brought food, cleaned up.

Their life was absolutely synonymous with life in Oblomovka. This is exactly the kind of life that Ilya craved. It was much more comfortable for him to live with Agafya, with her measured character.

Such a life could not lead to anything good, but Agafya did not understand this. It was enough for her that they were simply comfortable living with each other. Such a passive life, devoid of movements and emotions, led not only to the death of Oblomov as an individual, but also as a person.

Thus, we can conclude that these two different women changed the hero’s life, they brought love into his life, only the stories turned out to be opposite. One story - filled with emotions, passionate, bright. And the other is slow, measured, calm. The hero made his choice and subsequently paid for it.

We cannot blame him for this choice, because every person comes from childhood, and it can be extremely difficult to change it, no matter how much the other person wants it.

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Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the heroes of Goncharov Oblomov’s novel, understand the meaning of life, love, family happiness in different ways. Oblomov was born in Oblomovka, a blessed corner of the earth. He was raised by nature, the care and affection of his mother, and his nanny’s fairy tales, which later became his dreams. Oblomov is a complex person. He did not like social life, he believed that in this pursuit of a career and money a person is lost. Why am I more guilty than them, lying at home and not infecting my head with threes and jacks? Ilya Ilyich asked Stolz. And while lying down he dreamed. Sometimes imagining myself as some kind of liberator whom everyone worships, sometimes thinking about their family happiness with their wife, children and friends. Having met and fallen in love with Olga, Oblomov gave her his whole self. He gets up at seven o'clock, reads, and carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face. Even colors appeared on him, there was a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or at least self-confidence. The robe is not visible on him. He was afraid of causing her inconvenience, he idolized her. And what about Olga? How did she manage to wake up Oblomov? Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. On the one hand, she liked him. In general, Oblomov’s dovelike tenderness attracted people; he was an interesting conversationalist, even without knowing the latest gossip, without reading fashionable books. But, on the other hand, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would bring a person like Oblomov back to life. She will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of this transformation! Oblomov was sincere and noble in love. Knowing himself, Olga’s inexperience, he writes a letter and opens her eyes to the mistake, asking her not to make it: Your present love is not true love, but future love. This is only an unconscious need to love... But Olga, changing the meaning of the letter, talks about Oblomov’s fear of misfortune. She does not deny that anyone can fall out of love or fall in love with another person; she is not capable of following a person if there is a risk in doing so. In confirmation of these words, Olga abandons Oblomov, realizing that his awakening is temporary, that she cannot withstand Oblomov’s abuse. In relations with Oblomov, Olga was, as it were, the head. Having chosen Stolz, she is trying to find a husband of equal rights, or, even worse for Olga, a husband who is trying to subjugate her. At first, Olga finds happiness in the face of Stolz, but as they get to know each other, she begins to understand that there is nothing special in life with him, that she is the same as others. How does Stolz react to this? This young man is undoubtedly similar to his father, who tried to make him a man who understands not feelings, but actions. Stolz lives by reason, not demanding anything supernatural from life. He walked firmly and cheerfully; he lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble... All the time he sees in Olga a child whom he has fun and teaches. But she is changing, and, trying to understand what is now the meaning of life for her, Stolz falls in love with Olga. Having learned about the affair with Oblomov, he sighs with relief: God, the essay with my dear friend, if I had known that this was about Oblomov, would I have suffered so much! Having married Olga, Stolz finds happiness. Now he has everything. But Olga becomes more and more disappointed every day. She knows that there will be nothing new, and more and more often she indulges in memories of Oblomov. Olga asks herself: Have you really completed the circle of life? Stolz's life goals have limits, and, having learned about the torment of his wife, he answers her: We are not Titans with you... we will not go... to a daring struggle with rebellious issues, we will not accept their challenge, we will bow our heads and humbly go through the difficult in a minute... Oblomov finds happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which became a second Oblomovka for him. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything. The love of Oblomov and Olga was doomed from the very beginning. Oblomov’s feelings were sincere, and Olga’s feelings showed consistent calculation. Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, but he needed a different feeling that connected him with his beloved Oblomovka, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, sleep, and idle conversations. He needed care, warmth, requiring nothing in return, and therefore he became attached to his mistress as to a fulfilled dream of returning. Although Oblomov is the first to understand the dissimilarity of their characters, it is Olga who breaks the relationship between them. In the last conversation, Olga told Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too if she stops believing in him. There are also many Stoltzes in our lives, who almost always find their happiness, but there are also many people like Oblomov and Olga, because the questions are How to live? and Why live? They have tormented, tormented and will torment for more than one generation.

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