Here are the dreams of literary heroes and who they are. Literature Olympiad (school stage)

2011-2012 academic year

I.Knowledge of literary texts.

1. Dreams before you literary heroes. Who dreams of them? Indicate the work and its author.

1.1 I seemed to have a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about two unusual rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, smelled it, and left.

1.2 It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert... Suddenly I saw a gate and drove into the manor’s courtyard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that my father would be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents’ roof and would consider it deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother met me on the porch with an appearance of deep grief. “Hush,” she says me - father sick on the verge of death and wants to say goodbye to you." Struck by fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people are standing by the bed with sad faces. I quietly approach the bed; Mother lifts the curtain and says: “Andrei Petrovich, Petrusha has arrived; he returned after learning about your illness; bless him.” I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well?.. Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. I turned to my mother in bewilderment, telling her: “What does this mean? This is not the priest. And why should I ask for a blessing from a man?” “It doesn’t matter, Petrusha,” my mother answered me, “this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand, and may he bless you...” I did not agree. Then the man jumped out of bed, grabbed the ax from behind his back and began swinging it in all directions. I wanted to run... and couldn’t; the room filled up dead bodies; I tripped over bodies and slid in bloody puddles... The scary man called me affectionately, saying: “Don’t be afraid, come under my blessing...” Horror and bewilderment took possession of me... And at that moment I woke up.

1.3 Fell in the snow; bear quickly

She is grabbed and carried;

She is emotionlessly submissive;

Doesn't move, doesn't die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees there is a miserable hut;

All around is wilderness, he is everywhere

Covered in desert snow,

And it shines brightly through the window,

And in the hut there was screaming and noise;

The bear said: my godfather is here.

Warm yourself up with him a little!

And he walks straight into the canopy,

And he puts it on the threshold.

2. Find out the work by its ending. Name the author.(Maximum amount points – 3 points)

2.1 The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

2.2 The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.

2.3 Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!

II.Historical and literary assignments

1. A dictionary has been created for the plays of which Russian playwright, including the following articles: great – delicate; nothing - nothing; electricity - electricity; to have breakfast - to have breakfast; prude - feigned virtuous person, hypocrite ( Maximum number of points – 1 point)

2. The publication of two parts of the collection of essays “Physiology of St. Petersburg” in March - April 1845 marks First stage development critical realism in Russian literature. What conventional name is assigned to this literary phenomenon? (1 point). Name the main authors. (One point for each correct answer - maximum 2 points)

3. This literary magazine was published successively, from 1836 to 1866. It was printed " Captain's daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Name the magazine. (Maximum number of points – 1 point)

III. Knowledge of literary theory

1. What means artistic expression used in an excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”:(Maximum number of points – 3 points)

Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan!

With the hero of my novel

Without preamble, right now

Let me introduce you!

2. In front of you are fragments lyrical works and genre names. Relate them to each other. Write down your answer using letters and numbers (for example: m – 9). ( The maximum number of points is 4).

1. He plays chess with one hand,

With his other hand he conquers peoples,

With one foot he slays friend and foe,

With the other he tramples the universe's shores.

(A. Suvorov)

2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

Noisy herds crowd over the river;

Tired villager with slow feet

He goes, lost in thought, to his quiet hut.

(V. Zhukovsky)

3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
Without giving up the centuries a single fertile thought,
Not the genius of the work begun.
And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
A descendant will insult with a contemptuous verse,
The bitter mockery of a deceived son
Over the wasted father.

(M. Lermontov)

4. The calm of ashes.

The cat plays with hair. All will pass.

(M. Lemaire)

5. Love, hope, quiet glory
Deception did not last long for us,
The youthful fun has disappeared
Like a dream, like morning fog;
But desire still burns within us;
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Let us heed the calling of the Fatherland.

(A. Pushkin)

6. Poet! do not value people's love.
There will be a momentary noise of enthusiastic praise;
You will hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of a cold crowd,
But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. On the road to freedom
Go where your free mind takes you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
Without demanding rewards for a noble deed.

They are in you. You are your own highest court;
You know how to evaluate your work more strictly than anyone else.
Are you satisfied with it, discerning artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
And spits on the altar where your fire burns,
And your tripod shakes in childish playfulness.

(A. Pushkin)

7. Verb of times! metal ringing!

Your terrible voice confuses me,

Calling me, calling your moan,

He calls and brings you closer to the coffin.

I barely saw this light,

Death is already gnashing its teeth,

Like lightning, the scythe shines

And my days are cut by like grain.

(G. Derzhavin)

8. Shepherdesses, I forget

For hours I was sad, groaning,

I’ll play my pipe again,

You will see me again in your circles.

(A. Sumarokov)

IV. Literature and other arts

1. In which works of Russian classics are gypsies characters?(One point for each correctly named piece)

V. Analysis of poetic text

Give an interpretation of the poem “What’s in my name for you?...” using next questions and tasks:

What's in a name?

It will die like a sad noise

Waves splashing onto the distant shore,

Like the sound of the night in a deep forest.

It's on the memorial sheet

Will leave a dead trail like

Tombstone inscription pattern

In an unknown language.

What's in it? Long forgotten

In new and rebellious unrest,

It won't give your soul

Memories pure, tender.

But on a day of sadness, in silence,

Say it while yearning;

Say: there is a memory of me,

There is a heart in the world where I live.

· Describe the appearance of the lyrical “I” in this poem.

· Does it change as the text progresses?

· In what ways is the mood of the poem created?

What is the poetic meaning key images poems?

· How artistic structure does the text help you understand its content?

Total 20 points (4 points for answering each question)

Olympiad assignments in literature grade 10 (with answers) 2016


1. Match the portraits of characters in works of Russian literature (in the first column) with the title of the work and the author (in the second column). Name the hero (in the third column).

He was a man about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in the facial features. The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout the face.

I.S. Turgenev
"Fathers and Sons"

It was a man enormous growth, with dark open face and thick wavy hair lead-colored: his gray cast was so strange. He was dressed in a novice cassock with a wide monastic belt and a high black cloth cap.

I.A. Goncharov

He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, he has bone and muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; complexion is even, darkish and no blush; The eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive. He had no unnecessary movements.

N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

Turning down the collar of his robe, he showed... his whole face. Long and thin, with wide forehead, flat at the top, pointed nose at the bottom, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

2.Recognize the work by its ending. Name the author.

      The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

      The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.

2.3 Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!

2.Knowledge of the history of literature.

    For the plays of which Russian playwright was the dictionary created by N.S. Ashukin and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles: great – delicate; nothing - nothing; electricity - electricity; to have breakfast - to have breakfast; hypocrite - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite

    This literary magazine was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. “The Captain's Daughter”, “Notes of a Hunter”, “Mumu” ​​were published in it. State the name of the magazine.

a) "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

b) "Polar Star"

c) "Bell"

d) "Bulletin of Europe"

4. Did A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov know each other? N.V. Gogol and M.Yu. Lermontov?

5. Which writers are associated with the life and work of geographical names: Taganrog, Ovstug, Simbirsk, Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Spas-Ugol.

3. Knowledge of literary theory.

    Name literary terms according to his interpretation:

    A type of trope, an artistically justified exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object.

B. Plot element, moment highest voltage actions, peak of conflict.

    Consonance of the endings of verses.

D. Two-syllable verse, in which the first syllable is stressed and the second is unstressed.

    Which artistic technique uses F. Tyutchev in the following lines:

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,

Smile in everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble joyfully

Bathing in the blue sky.

    The fourth "extra"

A. Metaphor, plot, climax, denouement

B. Drama, epilogue, comedy, tragedy

    A stanza of 14 lines in iambic tetrameter? What is the name of?

    Identify the figurative and expressive means of language

a) These people should be made into nails:

There couldn't be any stronger nails in the world. (N. Tikhonov)

b) Good-natured ferocity.

c) Philosopher at eighteen years old.

d) A boy the size of a finger, a man the size of a fingernail.

6. Match the names of poems by A. S. Pushkin and poetic genres.

1) elegy a) “On the hills of Georgia”

2) message b) “Liberty”

3) epigram c) “I. I. Pushchin"

4) ode d) “Song of prophetic Oleg»

5) song e) “On Vorontsov”

1. Name musical instruments, played by A. S. Griboedov.

2. Which poems by M. Yu. Lermontov were set to music?

3.Name the artists who wrote the most famous portraits M. Yu. Lermontov and A. S. Pushkin.

4.Name the films created based on the works of N.V. Gogol.

F.I. Tyutchev

As the ocean envelops the globe,

Earthly life surrounded by dreams;

Night will come - and with sonorous waves

The element hits its shore.

That's her voice: he forces us and asks...

Already in the pier the magical boat came to life;

The tide is rising and sweeping us away quickly

Into the immeasurability of dark waves.

The vault of heaven, burning with the glory of the stars

Looks mysteriously from the depths, -

And we float, a burning abyss

Surrounded on all sides.


1. Knowledge of literary texts.


4 b. (author, title - 0.5b and hero -0.5b)

I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

2. Maximum points –3 b. (author, title 0.5b each)

2.1 N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat"

2.2 N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls»

2.3 A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

2.Knowledge of the history of literature.

1 .

Maximum points –2 b.

1.A.N. Ostrovsky

2. "Contemporary"

3. Maximum points –1 b.

d) "Bulletin of Europe"

4 .Maximum points –2b.

A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov? - No.

N.V. Gogol and M.Yu. Lermontov? - Yes.

5. Maximum points –5 B.

Taganrog - A.P. Chekhov, Ovstug - F.I. Tyutchev, Simbirsk - I.A. Goncharov, Spasskoye-Lutovinovo - I.S. Turgenev, Spas-Ugol - M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

3. Knowledge of literary theory.

1. Maximum points –4 b.

A. Hyperbole

B. Climax

2. Maximum points –1b.


3. Maximum points –2 b.

A-metaphor, B-epilogue

4 .Maximum points –1 b.

"Onegin stanza" in total

5. Maximum points –4 b.

a) – ametaphor; b) – aximoron; c) – irony; d) - litotes

6 . Maximum points –5 B.

1) elegy - a)

2) message - c)

3) epigram - d)

5) song - d)

4.Literature and other forms of art.

1. Maximum points –3 b.

Organ, flute, piano.

2.Maximum points –5 points (if the student writes more, points can be added, because musical works a lot of)

“Prayer”, 1829;
Sail (“The Lonely Sail Is White”), 1832
“No, it’s not you I love so passionately,” 1841
“I go out alone onto the road”, 1841
Cliff (“The golden cloud spent the night”), 1841

3. Maximum points –5 points (if the student writes more, points can be added)

Artists who painted the most famous portraits M. Yu. Lermontova- P.E. Zabolotsky, M.Yu. Lermontov (self-portrait), A.I. Klunder, D.P. Palen,

K.A. Gorbunov, F.O. Budkin and A. S. Pushkina– V. A. Tropinin, O. A. Kiprensky, E. Geitman, P. F. Sokolov, Thomas Wright.

4.Maximum number of points –5 points (if the student writes more, points can be added, since there are a lot of films)

“The Inspector General”, “Marriage”, “The Overcoat”, “Taras Bulba”, “Dead Souls”, “The Nose”, “ May night, or the Drowned Woman”, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, etc.

5.Analysis of poetic text. (Max. 25 points)

1.3 Fell in the snow; bear quickly

She is grabbed and carried;

She is emotionlessly submissive;

Doesn't move, doesn't die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees there is a miserable hut;

All around is wilderness, he is everywhere

Covered in desert snow,

And it shines brightly through the window,

And in the hut there was screaming and noise;

The bear said: my godfather is here.

Warm yourself up with him a little!

And he walks straight into the canopy,

And he puts it on the threshold.

2. Find out the work by its ending. Name the author.

2.1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

2.2.The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.

2.3. Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. Identify the poet according to the characteristics given by Yu. Annenkov (“Diary of My Meetings”).

1.1. [He] consciously improved the clumsiness of his gestures, the clumsiness of his gait, the contempt and dryness of the folds of his lips. To this expression of unfriendliness, he liked to add arrogant, caustic flashes of his eyes, and this manifested itself especially strongly when, with a smug look, he went up to the stage to read his poems (rare in the precision of his rhythms) or to deliver speeches, always so provocative that they were certainly accompanied by noisy protests...

1.2. Despite his great fame and terrible era war and revolution, [her] poetry... remained intimate as before, maintaining aristocratic restraint and simplicity of its forms. This was precisely the hypnotic power of her poems, thanks to which her stanzas, heard or read just once, were often retained in memory for a long time...

2. In the manifesto of which literary direction contains the following lines: “dyr, bul schyl / ubeschur / skum / you with bu / r l ez

III. Knowledge of literary theory.

Answer each of the proposed thesis statements with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).

a) The term "palindrome" means "a word, phrase, or verse that is spelled the same from left to right as from right to left."

b) “Onegin’s stanza” has the structure avavssddeffegg

c) Monostich is a poem in which all the lines rhyme.

d) Ode - in Ancient Greece originally lyric poem on various topics, performed by a choir with musical accompaniment; in the era of classicism - a solemn poem written in a high style.

f) In the verses “I read Apuleius willingly, / But I did not read Cicero,” the words in italics are metaphors.

g) Clause - a rhythmic ending determined by the number of unstressed syllables after the last stressed syllable.

h) In the verses “I saw how she mows: / With a wave, the mop is ready” is used stylistic figure hyperbola.

i) Grotesque is a style in art and literature that implies highest degree life-likeness.

k) Verse “On the shore” desert waves» - iambic tetrameter

m) In free verse, strict metrical ordering is required in the absence of regular rhyme.

IV. Literature and other arts

1. Explain who those whose names and surnames appear in O. Mandelstam’s poem are. (1 point for each name named)

And Schubert on the water, and Mozart in the din of birds,

And Goethe, whistling on the winding path,

And Hamlet, thinking with timid steps,

They counted the pulse of the crowd and believed the crowd.

May be. A whisper has already been born before the lips,

And the leaves swirled in the treelessness,

And those to whom we dedicate experience,

They acquired traits before experience.

V. Analysis of poetic text.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

Among the stars

Let you rush as I am submissive to the moment,

Slaves like me are my natural numbers,

But just look at the fiery book,

It’s not just me who reads the meaning in it.

In crowns, rays, diamonds, like caliphs,

Superfluous among the pitiful needs of the earth,

Unshakable dream hieroglyphs,

You say: “Eternity is us, you are a moment.

We have no number. In vain with a greedy thought

You are catching up with the shadow of eternal thoughts;

We are burning here, so that in the impenetrable darkness

A sunsetless day was asking for you.

That's why when it's so hard to breathe,

It's gratifying for you to raise your brow like that

From the face of the earth, where everything is dark and meager,

To us, into our depths, where it is lush and light

LITERATURE assignments

for the first (correspondence) round

9th grade

  1. Find out the work by its ending:

  1. The ghost, however, was already much taller, wore an enormous mustache and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into night darkness.

  2. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.

  3. That's evil worthy fruits!

  4. Oh! My God! What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say?

  1. Add the names of poets and writers:

  1. Nikolai Mikhailovich

  2. Denis Ivanovich

  3. Evgeny Abramovich

  4. Vasily Kirillovich

  5. Konstantin Fedorovich

  1. Based on the text by F.I. Tyutchev, compile a glossary of terms denoting means of expression (tropes, lexical and syntactic):
On the Neva

And again the star dives

In the light swell of the Neva waves,

And again love entrusts

She has her own mysterious boat.

And between the swell and the star

He glides as if in a dream,

And two ghosts with me

Carried away into the distance by a wave.

Children, is this idle laziness?

Do they spend their leisure time here at night?

Or the blessed two shadows

Are they leaving the earthly world?

You, spilled like the sea,

Lush jet wave,

Take refuge in your space

The secret of the humble boat!

  1. Who owns these statements about Pechorin:

  1. He was a nice guy, I dare to assure you, only a little strange... Yes, sir, he must have been a rich man with great strangeness: how many different expensive things he had.

  2. Nowadays it seems to me that he doesn’t love me. And if this continues like this, then I will leave myself: I am not his slave, I am a prince’s daughter.

  3. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character.

  4. He likes to laugh it off. I once said such things to him that anyone else would have chopped me up on the spot, but Pechorin turned me into a funny side.

  5. There is something special in your nature, something peculiar to you alone, something proud and mysterious... no one knows how to constantly want to be loved so much.

  1. To which characters in the play “Woe from Wit” do the words belong:

  1. My custom is this: it’s signed, off your shoulders.

  2. I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.

  3. Happy Hours are not observed.

  4. The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

  5. Not a man - a snake.

  1. List poets and writers early XIX century, participants in the Decembrist uprising.

  1. Find the odd one out and explain why:

  1. inversion, litotes, gradation, asyndeton

  2. pyrrhic, spondee, anapest, iambic

  3. story, essay, elegy, story

  4. lyrical digressions, landscape, portrait, climax

  1. That's why I deeply despise myself,
That I live - day after day, uselessly destroying;

That I, without trying my strength at anything,

He condemned himself with a merciless court...

  1. Am I driving down a dark street at night?
I'll listen to the storm on a cloudy day -

Friend defenseless, sick and homeless,

Suddenly your shadow flashes before me!

You can’t ask fate who is to blame,

And does it really matter?

You wander by the sea: “I don’t believe you, you won’t rush!” –

It whispers insinuatingly.

  1. Place in chronological order works of Russian literature:
N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa", G.R. Derzhavin “Felitsa”, A.S. Pushkin " Bakhchisarai fountain».

  1. Identify the literary movement (classicism, romanticism, sentimentalism, critical realism) according to its characteristics:

  1. Depiction of nature as a subject of science; a positive hero who knows how to feel.

  2. The trinity of place, time and action; image of nature as background.

  3. Positive hero– a reasonable, respectable citizen, patriot; nature as a symbol of freedom.

  4. The hero is reflective, analyzing his thoughts and actions.

  1. From which poetic works A.S. Pushkin's excerpts, name them:

  1. Goodbye, love letter, goodbye, she said...
How long have I delayed! I haven't wanted to for so long

Hand consign all my joys to fire!..

But it’s complete, the hour has come: burn, a letter of love.

  1. I was already thinking about the form of the plan
And I’ll call him a hero;

For now, in my novel

I finished the first chapter...

3) Mazepa is gloomy. His mind

Confused by cruel dreams.

Maria with tender eyes

He looks at his elder.

She hugged his knees

Repeats words of love to him.

4) The young man looked sadly

To the desolate plain

And sadness for a secret reason

I didn’t dare interpret it for myself.

Black-eyed Zemfira is with him,

Now he is a free inhabitant of the world,

And the sun is cheerfully above him

Shines with midday beauty...

  1. There were many of us on the boat;
Others strained the sail,

Others unanimously resisted

The oars are powerful deep into the depths. In silence

Leaning on the steering wheel, our helmsman is smart

The heavy boat ruled in silence...

  1. About what means of expression we're talking about, give examples from works literature of the 19th century century:

  1. repetition of identical and similar sounding consonants, used for sound expressiveness;

  2. artistic technique based on exaggeration;

  3. artistic contrast of characters, circumstances, concepts, images, etc., creating the effect of sharp contrast;

  4. violation of the generally accepted syntactic structure of a sentence.

  1. Which of the following typological features is not necessary for the ballad genre: plot basis, lyric-epic character, novelistic construction, fragmentary composition, folklore basis, dynamics of action, laconicism.

  1. Give a literary commentary on P. Vyazemsky’s poem “Autumn”
Autumn flirts with us:

Beauty in the West

The last caress, the last gifts

Lures us more tenderly every day.

And here I am, old red tape,

I love taking care of her

And greedily drink up, drop by drop, the spell

My charming sorceress.

And velvet, and brocade, and a stream of gold,

And yacht, and amber, and bunches of grapes,

With which she hung herself.

And the closer their loss is, the closer it is to me,

Even more fragrant are the flowers of her wreath,

And in the bright glow of a beautiful sunset

Fading strength and bliss and melancholy. 1874

^ LITERATURE assignments

for the first (correspondence) round

Olympiad for the title “ASU Scholar”

Grade 10

  1. Name the works whose epigraphs are the following statements:

  1. Having tasted, I have tasted little honey, and now I am dying (1 Book of Samuel)

  2. There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked ( folk proverb)

  3. Vengeance is mine, and I will repay.

  4. Take care of your honor from a young age (proverb)

  1. With which historical events connected the following works? Name their authors. Which ones are real? historical figures became the heroes of each of these works:

  1. "Singer in the camp of Russian warriors"

  2. « Sevastopol stories»

  3. "Boris Godunov"

  4. « Bronze Horseman»

  5. "Russian women"

  1. Name the authors of the critical articles and the works they refer to:

  1. “A Million Torments”, “Better Late Than Never”

  2. "A ray of light in dark kingdom", "When will the real one will come day"

  3. "Asmodeus of Our Time"

  4. "Motives of Russian Drama", "Realists"

  1. Find the odd one out and explain why:

  1. epithet, personification, plot, comparison

  2. proverb, fairy tale, lullaby, ballad

  3. iambic, amphibrach, dactyl, anapest

  4. plot, climax, lyrical digressions, denouement

  1. Find out the work by the names and surnames of the characters:

  1. Pustyakov, Gvozdin, Skotinin, Petushkov, Buyanov

  2. Katerina Lvovna Izmailova

  3. Tarantiev, Sudbinsky, Volkov, Stolz

  4. Matrena Timofeevna, Grisha Dobrosklonov

  1. Name the Russian representatives of literary movements and their works written according to the canons of this literary movement:

  1. classicism

  2. sentimentalism

  3. psychological romanticism

  4. civic romanticism

  5. critical realism

  1. Name the writers in question:

  1. One of the first Russian playwrights, who himself read his comedy “The Brigadier” to Catherine II.

  2. This author dedicated the work “Wolf in the Kennel” to the victories of Kutuzov

  3. On his grave are the words of his wife: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russians, but why did my love survive you?”

  4. Illegitimate, all his life he was impressed by his love for Mashenka Protasova, which was reflected in the cycle love letters and romances

  5. He was called "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye"

  1. Name the authors of the works:

  1. “Letters of a Russian Traveler”, “History of the Russian State”

  2. “Rural Cemetery”, “Evening”, “Theon and Aeschines”, “Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors”

  3. “Asya”, “First Love”, “Russian Language”

  4. “After the Ball”, “Sevastopol Stories”, “Resurrection”

  5. "Death of an Official", "Chameleon", "Uncle Vanya"

  1. Compose a poem that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. written in tetrameter anapest

  2. encircling rhyme used

  3. personification and a rhetorical question

  1. To whom the following works are dedicated:

  1. novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

  2. novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

  3. poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Peddlers"

  4. novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”

  1. Write an article “novel” for the dictionary of a young literary critic

  1. Determine the genres of works by I.S. Turgenev

  1. "Russian language"

  2. "Nove"

  3. "First love"

  4. "Khor and Kalinich"

  5. "A Month in the Country"

  1. Arrange the titles of the works according to the time they were written and name the authors:

  1. "Fathers and Sons"

  2. "Oblomov"

  3. "Resurrection"

  4. "Russian women"

  5. "Gull"

  1. Analysis of the lyrical work of F.I. Tyutchev “January 29, 1837”

From whose hand is the deadly lead

Did you tear the poet's heart?

Who is this divine phial

Destroyed like a meager vessel?

Whether he's right or wrong

Before our earthly truth,

Forever he has the highest hand

Branded a “regicide”.

But you, in the timeless darkness

Suddenly absorbed from the light,

Peace, peace to you, O shadow of the poet,

Blessed peace to your ashes!..

In spite of human vanity

Great and holy was your lot!..

But with blood in his veins... sultry blood.

And I sow with noble blood

You have quenched the thirst for honor -

And the overshadowed one fell asleep

Banner of the people's sorrow.

Let Him judge your enmity,

Who hears the blood shed...

You are like my first love,

The heart will not forget Russia!.. 1837

^ LITERATURE assignments

for the first (correspondence) round

Olympiad for the title “ASU Scholar”

Grade 11

  1. From three poems by different authors (symbolist, acmeist, futurist), all nouns are written out in three rows. Which series is “symbolic”, which is “Acmeistic”, which is “futuristic”:
1) sky, corpse, stars, worms, fog, pain, deception, Ethiopians, Meopians, grip, rash, elm, rope, cry, bittern, people, animals, truth, sound, clock, vestibule, hands, spider;

2) abyss, night, spirit, worlds, love, helm, meeting, luminary, firmament, womb, legion, atom, fire, flame;

3) skis, sky, month, meadow, palace, windows, silence, ice hole, paths, willow, tree, mermaids, path, branches, jackdaws.

  1. Complete the definition literary terms:

  1. Epic, lyric and drama are three………. fiction.

  2. The structure of the work, the order of chapters, the presence of episodes, author’s digressions – this is………. works.

  3. Exposing social and moral vices, characterized by a sharply negative, mercilessly accusatory tone of assessment, is ………….

  1. Name the lyric-epic genres of literature. Give examples.

  2. Name the authors " catchphrases»:

  1. “And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams!.."

  2. “On a silver platter.”

  3. “If you have a fountain, shut it up; give the fountain a rest.”

  4. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters”

  1. Identify the hero of the work by the words he spoke:

  1. "Hallowed be your name…»

  2. “There is always room for heroism in life”

  3. “I read in one of my dad’s books about what kind of beauty a woman should have... There, you know, there are so many sayings that you can’t remember everything... But the main thing is, do you know what? – Easy breath! But I have it...”

  1. Write the real first and last names of writers and poets who signed with the following pseudonyms:

  1. Andrey Bely

  2. Serafimovich

  3. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

  4. Demyan Bedny

  5. Sasha Cherny

  6. Aurelius, Bakulin, Nelly

  1. List the genres of lyrics that A Blok used in the poem “The Twelve”.

  1. Which writer wrote these works? What name unites them:

  1. “Crossing the Zbruch”, “My first goose”, “The Death of Dolgushov”.

  2. “Mole”, “Alien Blood”, “Alyoshka’s Heart”.

  3. “Smaragd”, “Natalie”, “Clean Monday”.

  1. What was the original name:

  1. B. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"

  2. novel by M. Sholokhov “Virgin Soil Upturned”

  3. epic novel by M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”

  4. novel by M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

  1. Define poetic meter:

  1. I rarely think about you,
And I am not captivated by your fate.

But the mark is not erased from the soul

A small meeting with you. (A. Akhmatova)

  1. The smell of blue grapes is sweet...
The intoxicating distance teases.

I don't feel sorry for anyone. (A. Akhmatova)

  1. About Rus' - raspberry field
And the blue that fell into the river -

I love you to the point of joy and pain

Your lake melancholy. (S. Yesenin)

  1. Glory to you hopeless pain!
The gray-eyed king died yesterday.

The autumn evening was stuffy and red,

My husband, upon returning, calmly said... (A. Akhmatova)

  1. Find out the works by the names of the characters:

  1. Shch-845

  2. Voshchev, Safronov, Prushevsky, girl Nastya

  3. Raspberry Evsyukov, Maryutka, lieutenant

  4. casing

  1. What biographical fact unites the writers A. Chekhov, V. Veresaev, M. Bulgakov, Gr. Gorina.

  2. Write an article “Bylina” for the literary dictionary.

  3. Give an interpretation to the poem by Boris Slutsky

Time is passing

Time is running out, and even in blood tests

You can see: shaggy eyebrows turning gray

Time and the imperious shoulders fall

Time. The time of time is not far away.

Time passes at its own pace,

Then proudly, as if under the state flag,

It's musical, like the national anthem

It will thunder immediately, in a minute it will be heard.

But, if you think about it, the fact is that time is running out,

The only important thing is that it goes away irrevocably.

And then no one finds

Time is running out now.

Time is running out. He is not happy, but leaves.

Time is running out, Looks back, but leaves.

He waves his cap.

It happens that he kisses you on the lips,

But – it disappears! 1977

2. Write down expressions that include the following characters from mythological stories: Augeas, Achilles, Sisyphus.
3. Determine the genre of the work based on the passage, name the author and title of the work:

a) And they ruled in that city, keeping all the commandments and instructions of the Lord impeccably, praying incessantly and giving alms to the people under their authority, like a child-loving father and mother.

b) Is it from that city from Murom,

From that village and Karacharova...

c) Sciences nourish young men,

Joy is served to the old,

IN happy life decorate,

In case of an accident they take care of it.
4. Determine the genre, title of the work and its author using the given lists of words.

a) Mirror, candle, light room, Svetlana.

b) Father Kondrat, Chub, Kasyan Sverbyguz, Solokha.

c) Murom, Karacharovo village, Kyiv-grad, Chernigov-grad, Smorodina river, Odikhmantiev’s son.
5. Write down works that contain numerals in their titles. Please indicate the authors of these works. (1 point for each name)
6. Determine the poetic meter of the following lines:

Sciences nourish youths,

Congratulations to the old are served...
7.Explain the meaning of proverbs. Write them down first.

It’s spring on the other side...

The forest is being cut down...

Strengthen your words, but...
8. Read the poem by B. Pasternak.

Let's weave for mushrooms. But the time is September

Highway. Forests. Ditches. Measured out so little!

Road pillars It's barely dawn before us

Left and right. Reach through the thicket.

From the wide highway the boxes are full,

We go into the darkness of the forest. The baskets are filled.

Ankle-deep in dew

We're getting lost scattered. For a good half.

And the sun is under the bushes. We leave. Behind the back

On milk mushrooms and wavelets, the forest is motionless as a wall,

Through the jungle of darkness, where the day is in earthly beauty

Throws light from the edge. It burned down suddenly.

The mushroom is hiding behind a stump,

A bird lands on a stump.

Our shadow is our milestone,

So as not to go astray.
Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Find synonyms for them. Try to explain the author’s choice of these particular words.
9. Find personifications in B. Pasternak’s poem and explain their use.
10. Explain the following lines:

Where is the day in earthly beauty

It burned down suddenly.

What is the name of this expressive and figurative means?
11. Why do you think this poem uses so sparingly expressive and figurative facilities? What does the poet call earthly beauty?
12. Read the poem by Y.P. Polonsky.

There are two gloomy clouds in the mountains

On a sultry evening we wandered

And on the chest of a flammable rock

They slowly slid down towards night.

But they agreed - they didn’t give in

That rock for free to each other,

And the desert was announced

A bright lightning strike.

Thunder struck through the wet wilds

Echo laughed sharply,

And the rock is so long

She said a plaintive moan,

I sighed so much that I didn’t dare

Repeat the impact of the clouds

And at the feet of a flammable rock

They lay down and were stupefied...

Select from the proposed list 3 concepts that most correspond to the ideological and artistic features of the poem by Y.P. Polonsky “There are two gloomy clouds on the mountains...”. Explain your choice.

Allegory Gradation Personification

Alliteration Dynamics Trokey

Aphorism Irony Epithet

Hyperbole Ellipsis Iambic

8th grade. Part 1.

a) Alas! What emptiness in the Russian capital! Everything is quiet, everything is sad. No one is visible on the streets except weak elders and women who, with sad faces, go to church to pray to God to turn away the menacing cloud from the Russian kingdom, grant victory to the Orthodox soldiers and scatter the Lithuanian hosts. The kind-hearted, sensitive king stands on his high porch and eagerly awaits news from the leaders of the army, who have gone to meet numerous enemies. Boyar Matvey is inseparable from the pious Tsar. “Sovereign! - he says. - Trust in God and in the courage of your subjects, the courage that distinguishes them from all other peoples. Russian swords strike terribly; the chest of your sons is hard like stone—victory will always be their faithful friend.” - That's what the boyar said; I thought about the good of the fatherland - and yearned for my daughter.

b) “I finally reached the corner of the forest, but there was no road there: some unmown, low bushes spread wide in front of me, and behind them, far, far away, a deserted field could be seen. I stopped again. “What kind of parable?.. But where am I?” I began to remember how and where I went during the day... “Eh! yes, these are the Parakhin bushes!” I finally exclaimed, “exactly! That must be the Sindeevskaya Grove... But how did I come here?

far?.. Strange! Now we need to take the right again."

c) “...I saw nothing except a village surrounded by a log fence. On one side stood three or four haystacks, half-covered with snow; on the other - a crooked mill, with popular print wings, lazily pubescent... the streets were cramped and crooked; the huts are low and for the most part covered with straw."

d) “He stood by himself, in the open space, and nothing prevented him from looking at the white light through the somehow glazed windows - no fence, no gate, no porch, no architraves, no shutters.”
e) “The autumn was warm and dry. Even in October it was so warm that you could walk around in a shirt, the rains fell rarely and seemed random, inadvertently brought in from somewhere by bad weather... The grass in our clearing, yellowed and wrinkled, still remained alive and soft, free from games, or better yet, lost guys.”
(One point for a correctly named piece,

Maksim. point for 1 task - 5)
2. Here are terms that were collected into three groups, but were accidentally mixed up. Determine what groups these are, give a name to each group of words, make corrections.

A ) dactyl a) comparison a) allegory

b) story b) iambic b) fable

V) romance c) anapest c) ballad

G) trochee d) metaphor d) poem

e) epithet e) personification e) antithesis

f) hyperbole f) proverb f) inversion

(3 points)

3. Write a literary article: "Hyperbole is..."

(1 point)

4. Match the first and last names of Russians and foreign writers.

1) Ivan Alekseevich 1) Marshak

2) Robert 2) Maeterling

3) Mikhail Yuryevich 3) Bunin

4) Vasily Andreevich 4) Zhukovsky

5) Robert Lewis 5) Krylov

6) Samuil Yakovlevich 6) Burns

7) Ivan Andreevich 7) Stevenson

8) Maurice 8) Lermontov
(8 points, 1 point for each correct answer)

a) The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

b) Give me some instruction, Felitsa:

How to live magnificently and truthfully

How to tame passions and excitement

And be happy in the world...

c) An abyss has opened and is full of stars

The stars have no number, the bottom of the abyss.

d) One day, in the cold winter season

I came out of the forest; was severe frost.

I see it's slowly going uphill

A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.

(1 point for the correct answer, maximum points – 4)

6. In the sentence: “The snow caught fire wide silver the field and was covered all over crystal stars" - the highlighted words are:

a) logical definitions

b) constant epithets

c) epithets

  1. point)
7.Name stylistic visual and expressive means, used in folk tale(give examples)

(1 point each, maximum number of points – 9)

8.What form did the author choose to write “The Captain’s Daughter”?

a) epistolary b) memoir

c) diary d) objective-narrative

(1 point)

9. What symbolic colors does A.S. Pushkin use to depict Pugachev?

a) black, green, gold;

b) white, blue, silver;

c) white, red, black;

d) red, blue, white;

(1 point)

10. Name the heroines from works you know:

A)“Dark-skinned... she was bleached up to her ears, made up..., false curls, much lighter than her own hair, were whipped up like the wig of Louis 14; the sleeves… stuck out like hose…, the waist was cinched like the letter X, and all her mother’s diamonds… shone on her fingers, neck and ears.”

b) “She was 17 years old, and her beauty was full color. Her father loved her madly... she had no friends and grew up in solitude... Our beauty was rarely among the guests... She had beautiful voice and big musical abilities»

c) “When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light, her smile cheerfully revealed the white strong teeth, and despite the many wrinkles in dark skin cheeks, the whole face seemed young and bright... She was all dark, but glowed from within - through her eyes - unquenchable, cheerful and warm light»

(^ One point for each correct answer, max. 3 points)
11. A novel is...

(1 point)

12. In the phrase: “The poppies blinded with their mischievous, burning rage,” the author uses:

A) metonymy? b) personification? c) metaphor?

(1 point)

13. Work by E.I. Nosov “Living Flame” by genre:

a) essay; b) memories; c) story;

(1 point)

14. Composition of the story “Quiet Morning” by Y.P. Kazakov:

a) frame; b) retrospective; c) consistent;

(1 point)

Part 2. Creative task.
Write a fairy tale in which the following characters would participate: Pinocchio, Uncle Styopa, A little prince, Baba Yaga, gold fish. (10 points)

Max. The number of points for all tasks is 50.
^ Literature Olympiad 9th grade

Task No. 1

^ Possible answers: Alexander I,

Number of points – 3.

Task 2


He was taught to read and write by the sexton S.N. Sabelnikov. In the house of Christopher Dudin, he saw non-spiritual books for the first time in his life. According to V. Belinsky, “he, like the northern lights, flashed in literature. This phenomenon was dazzling and beautiful!”



^ Number of points – 3.

Task 3

For example :





^ Number of points – 4.

Task 4

Recover missing data in the table. When writing an answer, indicate the cell code and the correct answer. For example : 2c - N. Karamzin.






But God is not in power, but in truth

Alexander Nevskiy


"The Life of Alexander Nevsky"


Because even peasant women know how to love


N. Karamzin



And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us


A. Griboyedov



Leave me, why are you hurting me?




Number of points – 3.

Task 5

Answer each question with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).

A) A large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot is called an ode.

b) The appropriation of someone else's work is called "plagiarism."

V) Rhyme is a necessary condition for poetic speech.

G) A prototype is a fictional person who served the author to create a literary hero, type, image.

d) Lyrical digression- this is the author’s expression of his own feelings and thoughts in connection with what is depicted in the work.

e) The tragedy of classicism is characterized by adherence to the rules of “three unities”: place, time and action.

^ Number of points – 6.

Answer to questions tasks 6 give in the form of a coherent text, interpreting the work based on text analysis, taking into account the facts of the history of literature known to you.

Task 6

Read the poem by M.Yu. Leromontov, dedicated to the singer Praskovya Barteneva. Explain the choice artistic means to express the author's experiences (words, form of poetry, composition, etc.)

^ Number of points – 10.


Task No. 1

These lines by A.S. Pushkin is dedicated to three different recipients. Identify each of them (choose last names from the options below):

^ Possible answers: Alexander I, P. Vyazemsky, D. Davydov, G. Derzhavin, N. Nekrasov, P. Chaadaev.

Number of points – 3

Answers: A) P. Vyazemsky; B) P. Chaadaev; B) D. Davydov.

Task 2

Identify the writer by biographical facts.


He was taught to read and write by sexton S.N. Sabelnikov. In the house of Christopher Dudin, he saw non-spiritual books for the first time in his life. According to V. Belinsky, “he, like the northern lights, flashed in literature. This phenomenon was dazzling and beautiful!”


Received a good education, served in a guards regiment, collaborated in literary magazines, and was an editor himself. In one of the magazines he published his first two works, which brought literary fame, was fond of the ideas of a Freemason. He traveled a lot, visited Konigsberg and talked with I. Kant, shared his views.


He was a soldier and then an officer of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, participated in the suppression of the uprising of E. Pugachev, was the governor of Tambov, later a senator, was the Minister of Justice and a member of the State Council, in last years lived on the Zvanka estate. He became famous in literature when he was already 40 years old. He was the creator of the “funny Russian syllable”.

^ Number of points – 3

Answers: A) M. Lomonosov; B) N. Karamzin; B) G. Derzhavin

1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

Task 3

Here are the characteristics of literary heroes, taken from works of Russian literature known to you.

For example : A) “Dead Souls”, N. Gogol, Nozdryov about Chichikov.


He was a nice guy, I dare to assure you; just a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will be cold and tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, smells the wind, assures him that he has a cold; the shutter knocks, he shudders and turns pale; and with me he went to the wild boar one on one.


What a girl she was! It happened that whoever passed by would praise, no one would judge, the ladies would give her a handkerchief or earrings. The gentlemen passing by deliberately stopped as if to have lunch or dinner, but in fact only to take a closer look at her. Sometimes the master, no matter how angry he was in front of her, would calm down and talk kindly to me. Believe it, sir, the couriers and couriers talked to her for half an hour. She kept the house together, managed to clean, cook, and did everything.


Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire. At first glance I didn't really like her. I looked at her with prejudice.


She, without embarrassment, walked straight across the hall to me, and I jumped up without waiting for an invitation, and she thanked me with a smile for my insight. When we were brought to her and she did not guess my quality, she, giving her hand not to me, shrugged her thin shoulders, and, as a sign of regret and consolation, smiled at me. When they did the mazurka waltz figures, I waltzed with her for a long time, and she, breathing quickly, smiled and said to me: “Encore.”

^ Number of points – 4

Literature Olympiad

Grade 10

  1. Knowledge of literary texts.

  1. Before you are the dreams of literary heroes. Who dreams of them? Indicate the work and its author.

    1. It was as if I had a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about two extraordinary rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, smelled it, and left.
1.2 I had a dream that I could never forget and in which I still see something prophetic when I consider the strange circumstances of my life with it.

It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert... Suddenly I saw a gate and drove into the manor’s courtyard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that my father would be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents’ roof and would consider it deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother met me on the porch with an appearance of deep grief. “Hush,” she tells me, “your father is sick and dying and wants to say goodbye to you.” Struck with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; there are people with sad faces standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother lifts the curtain and says: “Andrei Petrovich, Petrusha has arrived; he returned after learning about your illness; bless him.” I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well?.. Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. I turned to my mother in bewilderment, telling her: “What does this mean? This is not the priest. And why should I ask for a blessing from a man?” “It doesn’t matter, Petrusha,” my mother answered me, “this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand, and may he bless you...” I did not agree. Then the man jumped out of bed, grabbed the ax from behind his back and began swinging it in all directions. I wanted to run... and couldn’t; the room was filled with dead bodies; I tripped over bodies and slid in bloody puddles... The scary man called me affectionately, saying: “Don’t be afraid, come under my blessing...” Horror and bewilderment took possession of me... And at that moment I woke up.

1.3 Fell in the snow; bear quickly

She is grabbed and carried;

She is emotionlessly submissive;

Doesn't move, doesn't die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees there is a miserable hut;

All around is wilderness, he is everywhere

Covered in desert snow,

And it shines brightly through the window,

And in the hut there was screaming and noise;

The bear said: my godfather is here.

Warm yourself up with him a little!

And he walks straight into the canopy,

And he puts it on the threshold.

  1. ^ Find out the work by its ending. Name the author. (Maximum number of points – 3 points)

    1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

    1. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.
2.3 Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!

  1. Historical and literary assignments.

  1. For the plays of which Russian playwright was the dictionary created by N.S. Ashukin and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles: great – delicate; nothing - nothing; electricity - electricity; to have breakfast - to have breakfast; hypocrite - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite ( Maximum number of points – 1 point)

  1. The publication of two parts of the collection of essays “Physiology of St. Petersburg” in March - April 1845 marks the initial stage in the development of critical realism in Russian literature. What conventional name is assigned to this literary phenomenon? (1 point). Name the main authors. (One point for each correct answer)

  1. 1. He plays chess with one hand,

    With his other hand he conquers peoples,

    With one foot he slays friend and foe,

    With the other he tramples the universe's shores.

    (A. Suvorov)

    2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

    Noisy herds crowd over the river;

    Tired villager with slow feet

    He goes, lost in thought, to his quiet hut.

    (V. Zhukovsky)

    3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
    We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
    Without giving up the centuries a single fertile thought,
    Not the genius of the work begun.
    And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
    A descendant will insult with a contemptuous verse,
    The bitter mockery of a deceived son
    Over the wasted father.

    (M. Lermontov)

    ^ 4. The calm of ashes.

    The cat plays with hair.

    All will pass.

    5. Love, hope, quiet glory
    Deception did not last long for us,
    The youthful fun has disappeared
    Like a dream, like morning fog;
    But desire still burns within us;
    Under the yoke of fatal power
    With an impatient soul
    Let us heed the calling of the Fatherland.

    (A. Pushkin)

    6. Poet! do not value people's love.
    There will be a momentary noise of enthusiastic praise;
    You will hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of a cold crowd,
    But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

    You are the king: live alone. On the road to freedom
    Go where your free mind takes you,
    Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
    Without demanding rewards for a noble deed.

    They are in you. You are your own highest court;
    You know how to evaluate your work more strictly than anyone else.
    Are you satisfied with it, discerning artist?

    Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
    And spits on the altar where your fire burns,
    And your tripod shakes in childish playfulness.

    (A. Pushkin)
    7. Verb of times! metal ringing!

    Your terrible voice confuses me,

    Calling me, calling your moan,

    He calls and brings you closer to the coffin.

    I barely saw this light,

    Death is already gnashing its teeth,

    Like lightning, the scythe shines

    And my days are cut by like grain.

    (G. Derzhavin)

    8. Shepherdesses, I forget

    For hours I was sad, groaning,

    I’ll play my pipe again,

    You will see me again in your circles.

    (A. Sumarokov)

    This literary magazine was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. “The Captain's Daughter”, “Notes of a Hunter”, “Mumu” ​​were published in it. Name the magazine. (Maximum number of points – 1 point)
^ III. Knowledge of literary theory.

1. Here are fragments of lyrical works and names of genres. Relate them to each other. Write down your answer using letters and numbers (for example: m – 9). ( The maximum number of points is 4).
^ 2.What means of artistic expression are used in the excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”: (Maximum number of points – 3 points)

Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan!

With the hero of my novel

Without preamble, right now

Let me introduce you!

^ IV. Literature and other arts

1. In which works of Russian classics are gypsies characters?(One point for each correctly named piece)

^ V. Analysis of poetic text.