Groom with a red tie in a blue suit. Selecting a wedding suit for the groom

Suits in traditional dark tones have already set the teeth on edge, and more and more often grooms are giving preference to clothes in light and bright colors. Since 2013, the groom's blue suit at a wedding has become one of the most popular trends in the world wedding fashion.

One of the main advantages of blue wedding suits is that they suit men of any type of appearance. This happens thanks to the many shades, each of which has its own name - cornflower blue, electric blue, ultramarine, cobalt, azure, royal blue, sapphire, military navy, indigo, etc.

The blue suit has become very popular in Lately

The blue color is very insidious and may not add freshness to the groom’s image, but, on the contrary, turn him into a rather gloomy figure. So its shades need to be selected according to the palette that suits the color type of appearance.

4 main types of appearance of the groom at a wedding

Depending on what colors predominate in a man’s appearance (hair, eyes, skin), there are 4 main types appearance:

Winter type, most characteristic feature which is the contrast light skin With dark hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Grooms with this color type are suited to all cold and bright shades blue - ultramarine, dark blue, cobalt, azure (including bright azure and azure gray), sapphire, etc. Lighter shades do not “look” at all on such men.

The summer type is characterized by light tones in appearance - white or slightly tanned skin, brown hair(from bright blonde to ashy) and light eyes.

“Summer” grooms should, regardless of the time of year, give preference to calm shades of blue - aquamarine, neon turquoise, forget-me-not (bluish-gray), heavenly, pale cornflower blue, powder blue, etc.

The autumn type of male appearance attracts attention with slightly dark or tanned skin, chestnut, dark brown or reddish hair and eyes of warm colors. It is most difficult for grooms with an autumn color type to choose suitable shade blue. They will look most advantageous in suits in the colors of blue steel, military navy (the color of greatcoats of the northern fleet), Prussian blue, violet-gray and Persian blue.

The spring type is distinguished by warm colors in appearance, but not as bright as in the summer version. Blonde hair and skin, reddish freckles, gray, olive and blue color. Grooms with spring appearance All pure light shades of blue are suitable - blue, azure, sea green, cornflower blue, indigo, electric blue, aquamarine, royal blue, forget-me-not, etc.

The most advantageous shade of the groom's blue suit can only be determined during fitting.

It should be taken into account that all shades of blue tend to darken slightly in evening or artificial light.

Selection of a wedding suit for the groom

Blue groom's wedding suit and fabric

First of all, the fabric must be wrinkle-resistant, so that at the end of the celebration the wedding suit does not look “slightly chewed.” It is also best that the clothes are made of matte fabric, since shiny suit or lurex threads can glare in the light and ruin all the photos.

A herringbone, checkered or interlaced pattern can itself decorate the groom's suit. In addition, there is no fabric that is not available in different shades of blue.
Separately, it is worth noting that blue allows you to use fabric such as velvet in the groom’s suit.

The blue color is very successful because the texture of the fabric is clearly visible on it.

This expensive material does not “look” at all in any other color. But the blue velvet jacket gives the image of the newlyweds some impressiveness and “lordliness”.

Blue groom suit for wedding and accessories

The groom's outfit is not limited to just a suit. It is necessary to select appropriate accessories for it, without which the image of a happy newlywed would not be complete.

To such finishing touches include shirts, vests, ties (scarves and bow ties), boutonnieres, as well.

Depending on the shade, only dark brown and black shoes are suitable for the groom's blue suit. Under no circumstances white or beige! In this case, the trouser belt must match the color and texture of the shoes.

The tie of the groom's blue suit at a wedding should either contrast or completely match in shade. The latter is a rather difficult task, and therefore ties, bow ties, and scarves in grooms’ suits often have contrasting shades - white, milky, golden, bright yellow, dark, etc.

When choosing the color of a necklace, it is important to remember the harmony of color combinations. For example, red and scarlet shades do not suit the blue palette at all.

Rare designer wedding clothes ignored Blue colour. Wedding fashion magazines, websites of relevant stores and ateliers are full of photos of blue suits of all shades and styles that can satisfy the most demanding and picky groom.

“You are perfect!” Every couple wants to hear such words in their direction! So why are so many months spent searching for a wedding dress for the bride, choosing makeup and hairstyles, buying shoes and much more to create ideal image the ideal bride, while the image of the groom remains on the sidelines?

We want to present trends in grooms' looks to help you create a fashionable and stylish look generally. The article is, of course, dedicated to our men. So far have been analyzed wedding trends wedding dresses 2017 and not wanting grooms to feel left out, we will present to you some of the most popular trends in creating a groom's image!

2017 is the year of gorgeous grooms who express their unique style, charisma and let their personality shine through the suit. Fashion dictates certain key trends, but the most important trend this year is “cult of personality.” The grooms join the brides, merging into a single image, but at the same time, remaining themselves!

Fashionable colors of wedding suits for the groom 2017 new photos

Black, navy blue and gray were the main colors for grooms' suits. However, this year, world designers are offering grooms light brown and beige outfits that are ideal for spring, summer or autumn weddings, especially outdoor celebrations, when the shade of the suit will be in harmony with natural motifs.

In the fashion collections of designers this season, classic black suits are becoming less and less common; on the contrary, white ones are at the peak of popularity. A snow-white wedding suit will help the groom look elegant, emphasizing his impeccable taste. Other bright shades of 2017 are dark blue, green, gray, lilac, dark red. Only tuxedos and tailcoats remain black, and if you like the classic black and white option, contact modern interpretation black suit with contrasting details white. Choose according to your preferences, but your appearance should be harmoniously combined with wedding dress brides

If you want to create an original look, choose new wedding fashion colors - light gray and lilac. 2017 gave grooms the opportunity to experiment, but it is worth remembering about style - the right combination bright colors the suit and white shirt remains popular. Interesting solution will be a shirt with a pattern or check.

A shirt with high collar. To be dressed “newly” - contact a tailor who will sew for you ideal model. The price will be higher, but a custom cut will justify the cost with its final appearance. After removing the jacket, the shirt will not be wrinkled if you choose fabrics with the addition of synthetics.

The eve of the warm season gave designers the opportunity to abandon strict tight-fitting suits and gave preference to freedom of movement. Despite this, clothes should not look baggy. Recommended colors: green, blue, coral. Pastel shades– cream, beige – will help create an image in the spirit of “shabby” chic. How stylish addition and an independent detail of a summer look will be a vest.

Fashionable images of grooms 2017 trends new photos

Men's fashion is becoming more extravagant and unusual; changes could not but affect wedding dresses. First of all, it is worth noting that wedding suits will be made from different materials: for autumn and winter season Corduroy, wool, velvet are suitable, in summer - satin, cotton, silk. Synthetics are not in favor this year, except for mixed fabrics. Now for the style: the black formal suit is still in fashion. It can be combined with other shades, but there are also more elegant options: for example, a jacket with embroidered lapels. Strictly, but with a twist.

Other shades also came into play: classic ones - gray, graphite, brown, blue, and extravagant bright ones - yellow, fawn, blue, mustard and others. If you have any doubts about color, look at modern stars: in dynamics unusual tones look amazing! Emerald is recognized as the color of the year: and if designers use matte shades for everyday events, then for weddings fabrics with a sparkle effect are most often chosen - a very attractive solution! The combination of the trendy color Marsala with black looks interesting: it can be either textured inserts or a varied top and bottom of the suit.

Brown suits were fashionable last year, but now this color speaks more of vintage and will be relevant for celebrations like retro or Provence style. Shades range from wine brown to light beige or cocoa. Each color looks advantageous in its own way. The main thing is to set it off with non-standard accessories like horn-rimmed glasses or a massive watch on a chain. A classic-cut coat a couple of shades lighter or darker than the suit will be a stylish addition in the winter. If you wish, you can play with textures: thick tweed or drape will look a little rough, but its deliberate brutality can be emphasized with a smooth shirt or a contrasting vest.

Classic wedding suits 2017 latest trends photos

Every bride takes the choice of her wedding dress very seriously, and if her groom neglects his own, the girl’s efforts will be in vain. Men's wedding suits 2017 will help young man create a current, stylish and unique image for such an important occasion. Men live in a world of strict rules, and even the most notorious rebel has to adapt to the rules from time to time. General requirements. A wedding is an event that not only lovers, but also their loved ones have been waiting for a long time, so a traditional celebration - elegant and sophisticated - will never lose its relevance.

A holiday that implies elegance and luxury requires the groom to adhere to a special dress code, and get by with even the most fashionable business suit he won't succeed. An evening tuxedo, the kind worn by celebrities on the red carpet, would be appropriate here. It is necessarily complemented by a wide satin belt and a bow tie. To create a more aristocratic image, you will need a tailcoat with a vest, and for a daytime ceremony, a business card frock coat. These styles have remained unchanged for many years, and only a few details demonstrate the freedom-loving nature of the modern man.

If wedding ceremony does not pretend to be the main high-society event; an elegant classic suit will be a worthy decoration for the image. The variety of its variations gives the groom much more freedom both in choice and in movements: a tie knot loosened by the end of the evening looks much more acceptable than a lopsided bow tie. This season's formal suit retains its elegance, but it has less and less secular snobbery. Moderately frivolous styles and colors - given to a man the opportunity to gain the charm of easy imposingness.

For more conservative men, high fashion left a classic suit palette: deep tones of gray, warm beige, restrained-fresh blue. Creamy shades are a worthy choice, but unacceptable if the future spouse appears in a snow-white outfit. Black and white colors do not contradict trends, but blue can be considered a real hit - both dark, thick, and ultramarine. For the sake of wedding traditions designers do not skimp on luxurious costume fabrics. High-quality, natural, they do not wrinkle and help maintain the decent appearance of the ensemble throughout the celebration. Satin gloss with textured patterns to match and soft velvet are especially good for an evening look.

Wedding suit - main element festive image of the groom. It is he, along with the bride, who sets the tone for the entire event and emphasizes the chosen style. When looking for a wedding outfit, it is important to adhere to color range and textures of the dress future wife. every year dictates new rules for choosing an outfit, so don’t think that for this significant day Any decent suit will do. After all, the groom must stand out from the crowd of dressed-up guests, attracting the attention and admiring glances of others.

That is why designers did not skimp on solutions in the field of men's wedding fashion in 2017. Both supporters of the classic and elegant approach, as well as those who prefer romantic vintage, and even those who are not averse to shocking, will find a suit to their liking. Let's figure out what kinds of wedding dresses there are for men, how to choose the right suit for a celebration, and also highlight the trends that should be followed in this fashion segment.

Every detail is important in a wedding look - from fabric to accessories!

How to choose a wedding suit?

Most men think that it is much easier for them, compared to the bride, to dress for a wedding. However, buying an unsuccessful suit can lead to disharmony of images and a spoiled mood for your partner. Don't neglect the rules from the wedding fashion guru! So, how to choose an outfit for a wedding if you are the groom?

  • Don't put off buying a suit until last day before the wedding. It will take time to find a really beautiful suit that suits you. Don’t think that the choice is the same in every salon. men's clothing. After visiting several of them, you will realize that this matter will require much more time than first expected;
  • When choosing a suit model, take as a guide not only its beauty, but also its practicality. Unlike a bridesmaid dress, you can wear this piece of clothing more than once. For winter weddings, models made from natural woolen fabrics with a slight admixture of synthetics are better suited, and for summer, spring or autumn - silk or cotton options. Do not forget to examine the lining of the product - high-quality suits are lined with viscose or have a silk lining, while cheap ones are complemented with polyester, acetate or shanzhan, which do not allow the body to breathe;
  • When trying on trousers, pay close attention to their length. IN classic models It is customary for the length to end in the place where the middle of the heel of the shoe falls, and in the front part they should lie in a neat fold on the instep. By the way, this is why it is better to try on the pair of shoes that you will wear at the wedding. The exception is tapered trousers, which are so popular in 2017 - they should end at the ankle level. Top part The suit should fit the figure without hanging like a bag and without creating the effect of excessive tension in the shoulders. Be sure to walk around in the suit and move your arms, assessing the comfort and convenience. In classic suits, the sleeve length should be two centimeters shorter than the shirt cuff, and the jacket hem should end 5-6 centimeters below the hip line;
  • For tall and overweight men best choice There will be a suit with a semi-fitted jacket model. If your choice falls on a three-piece suit, make sure that the vest matches the texture and color with the rest of the ensemble, and does not stand out from it. Tall and skinny guys They can opt for loose double-breasted jackets with wide lapels, but it is better to refuse a vest. Short men should not choose trousers with cuffs, but a narrow tie and a longitudinal stripe will make you taller and more elegant. In the case of a wide hip line, it is better to refuse double-breasted jacket with patch pockets. Pants in in this case should be distinguished by a “hooligan” loose cut, and a tie or scarf around the neck should have a vertically positioned pattern;
  • An alternative classic suit may become a tailcoat or tuxedo. Wherein traditional approach allows for tuxedos to be available in black, snow-white or light colors grey. The tailcoat, according to classical canons, should be exclusively black. For a custom Victorian-style wedding, you can choose an unusual frock coat for the groom;
  • The tie must be selected so that it is a tone lighter than the suit and darker than the shirt (with the exception of rustic themed weddings or celebrations in the style of the 60s);
  • It is important to maintain color harmony between the shirt and tie of the newlywed and the image of the bride. So, a snow-white shirt and an accent scarf or tie will be in better harmony with a white dress, but for a dress in the color of tea rose, baked milk or a shade of champagne, it is better to choose a shirt of exactly the same shade and a non-contrasting tie.

Weddings in rustic style allow for experiments with vests and frock coats

Men's wedding fashion is showing an increasing desire for extravagance. The designers decided that not only brides should shine at a wedding celebration, so they did not limit their imagination when choosing colors, textures and styles. Corduroy, classic wool and velvet are popular for winter celebrations, and for the warm season, suits made of satin, cotton and silk are among the clear favorites. But it is better to refuse synthetic fabrics, as a clear anti-trend of the new fashion year.

Black suits with a classic cut remain timeless and fashionable, but designers recommend diluting the severity of such an outfit a little with embroidery or appliqué on the lapels, a contrasting scarf tie or an unusual vest to give the look an interesting twist. At the same time, fashion designers insist that the groom can look bright and catchy - the trend is suits in light gray, graphite, brown, blue and even extravagant yellow, blue, khaki, mustard and olive colors.

Among the iconic trends of 2017 are bright ones - black trousers are recommended to be combined with a wine, blue or emerald jacket. Chocolate, coffee and brown have not left the fashion catwalks, but stylists recommend using these colors only for weddings in retro style, at rustic celebrations or when decorating a celebration in the Provence style. Gray suits are distinguished by a conservative cut and pronounced creases on the trousers, like Hermes or Tom Ford.

Fitted gray suits - affordable option for a classic wedding

By the way, the previously popular white outfits have become quite rare guests on fashion catwalks. However Ralph Lauren and Ermenegildo Zegna still risked demonstrating them in classic and free versions. For spring, summer and early autumn weddings in 2017, fashion designers advise color combinations in the natural tones of the season, making creative sets of a jacket, shirt and vest different shades one color.

Trending geometric patterns, as in the latest shows from Valentino, checkered and textured floral patterns. These printed jackets look great paired with plain trousers in formal styles. Daring grooms can try on a trendy suit with an ombre effect and tapered ankle-length trousers. It is recommended to combine such trousers with classic shoes, trendy loafers and even moccasins.

As for accessories and shirts, in this segment of wedding fashion, designers decided to get really creative, offering to wear embroidered shirts, suspenders, hats, watches on chains and scarves. Now let's look at the most iconic trends men's fashion in details!

Trend #1: On-trend three-piece suits

Impeccably stylish three-piece - great option for marriage

The layering trend has burst into the world of men's wedding fashion! Among the most current models of wedding suits, we can safely name the classic three-piece, consisting of a jacket, trousers and a vest, which should be short enough, that is, not fall below the belt line.

This option wedding dress is practical and makes it possible to focus attention on the image with the help of all kinds of stylish details. For example, you can complement the outfit with a shirt with a stand-up collar, a bow tie, cufflinks or a watch on a chain. A tie for such a suit should be bright accent, because with the option of a black accessory, you can easily go from a festive style to a casual business option.

Trend #2: Dandy style

A brave groom can afford a vintage suit with an unusual cut

Fashion emphasizes aristocracy and vintage, so designers did not ignore the segment of tailcoats and tuxedos, dressing the grooms of 2017 as real English dandies. True, according to the classical canons, a tuxedo is only suitable for an evening out and is not worn for daytime celebrations. The perfect combination– a black or very dark blue tuxedo with a snowy white shirt and bow tie. In this case, trousers do not require a belt; support is provided only with the help of a sash or suspenders.

An indispensable attribute of tuxedo trousers is satin side stripes. In 2017, stylists argue that matte shoes should be chosen for a tuxedo, since patent leather shoes will reduce the cost of a well-thought-out look. The best option This suit will be paired with stylish oxfords of a classic design. The most formal version of a suit for the groom is a tailcoat. The rules for wearing a tailcoat are exactly the same as for a tuxedo, except that the bowtie under such a suit should be made in white, not black.

Trend #3: Variety of prints

Ultra-fashionable three-piece wedding suit with silk print

The popularity of printed clothing has led to significant changes in the world of men's wedding fashion. Almost every new collection from Giorgio Armani, Missoni and Boglioli uses a 3D effect, which adds dynamics to a men's suit and undoubtedly attracts attention to its owner. Floral motifs can be found no less often on fashion shows.

A catchy print of flowers and leaves looks especially relevant on wedding jackets from black, wine, dark green or rich blue corduroy or velvet. In addition, they do not lose relevance plaid jackets And striped suits with baggy pants, sending us back to a time when the mafia and gangsters reigned on the streets.

Trend #4: Deep emerald color

Tired of the dullness of everyday life? Choose a rich green suit!

A definite hit fashion season 2017 can be called deep shade emerald. This color can be used both in a monochrome combination (jacket + trousers) and in stylish combination black pants and a catchy contrasting jacket. The most popular fabrics in this case are velvet, soft textures with a matte effect and eye-catching fabrics with an emerald “spark”.

Trend No. 5: Emphasis on the waist

A fitted single-breasted jacket is a timeless wedding classic.

Despite all the variety of prints, colors and textures, designers interpret the relevance of the style completely unambiguously. Priority remains with single-breasted fitted jackets with one or two buttons. It is this laconic model of the jacket that allows you to make it in any color and complement it with a significant number of stylish accessories.

In a sense, choosing a wedding suit for the groom is even more difficult than choosing a dress for the bride.

Firstly, no one wants to look simply solemn anymore, and secondly, today the groom’s outfit should echo the bride’s wedding attire. You can’t do without competent advice in this matter.

Wedding fashion is becoming more and more demanding - each season is rich in its own “highlights”. You just won’t surprise anyone with a luxurious outfit today.

You need to have excellent taste, good imagination and remarkable patience; only then can one hope for universal delight. And the requirements for the groom’s suit are no less!

Suit for the groom - 5 rules for choosing

If young people strictly follow these rules, they will definitely not go wrong with a suit. And even the most a budget option may look perfect.

  • The groom's wedding suit should hide all flaws and emphasize advantages.

So, for example, short grooms need to choose suits with clear lines, and be sure to have a fitted cut. And men with texture should never wear a suit with a double-breasted jacket.

Shawl collars with one button are not an option for short and large men, but they are very good for tall and slender men. Whatever fashion dictates, the features of the figure must be taken into account first of all.

  • The color of the suit depends on the time of year and the appearance of the groom.

So, in the summer a groom in a black suit will be simply hot. Although blond guys look incredible dark shades, but for dark-skinned men, on the contrary, light colors are suitable.

  • If the bride is not wearing white, the groom's outfit should match the girl's dress.

White color is universal, choose one that harmonizes with it men's suit not difficult. Other colors do not allow such freedom of choice.

It is especially important not to make mistakes in combining the warmth of shades (for example, a warm bronze shade of the groom’s suit will look disastrous with a cold blue dress brides).

  • The suit must fit the groom perfectly.

“A little tight” or “a little broad in the shoulders” - these nuances automatically cancel the choice. A wedding requires a long stay in a suit, and the groom will not sit at the festive table all the time.

Any shortcomings in the suit will not only be noticed by the guests and the photographer’s lens, they will also ruin the holiday for the groom himself, who will feel awkward all evening.

  • The groom's suit cannot be brighter than the bride's outfit.

A very stylish groom who overshadows the bride’s appearance with his image is almost a death sentence for the wedding. Still, the main decoration of the holiday is the young newlywed, and the groom needs to match her.

Options for men's wedding suits

There are three traditionally most preferred options for a men's wedding suit.

  • Classic suit. “Two” or “Triple”: suitable for men different types appearance, are considered a simple and competent solution for a wedding dress.

In summer it is better to choose suits light shades, in winter they will look more interesting dark suits. An interesting vest can transform even the most modest suit.

  • Tailcoat. It is a jacket with pointed front flaps and long tails at the back. Trousers paired with a tailcoat should not have a turn-up. A tailcoat suits tall and slender grooms, but the bride’s outfit with this choice should be equally elegant, with visible aristocratic fashionable overtones.
  • The tuxedo. Elegance itself, not a suit. The tuxedo jacket can be traditional, or it can have a shawl collar. The outside of the lapels can be finished in silk or satin.

But then the trousers should also be trimmed with silk braid, which will run along the outer seam. The most preferred color is black tuxedo. But lately, wedding fashion has been receiving compliments on blue, gray and even white tuxedos.

How to choose a shirt?

Two details are important here:

  • the shirt should match the color of the groom's suit
  • the shirt should be in harmony with the bride’s outfit

It is imperative to take color combinations into account, otherwise even the most ideal cut and expensive fabric will be devalued.

High collar shirts go with any suit! If you want to really be elegant, take care of the tailoring of your shirt. Individual cut and custom-made trim always look great in a wedding ensemble.

And this is not the easiest question; the shoes must be in perfect harmony with the suit. If you don't want to get into trouble, follow these tips:

  • Shoes and trouser belt always match in color
  • The toes of the shoes are narrower than the pants of the suit
  • Men with large size feet should avoid shoes with pointed toes
  • 4/3 of the width of the trousers is the acceptable length of wedding shoes
  • It is better to choose classic shoes without laces
  • Leather is preferable to suede
  • Patent leather shoes are in harmony only with a tailcoat or tuxedo
  • Put off buying shoes until the end of the day, when your feet are a little swollen - this way you won’t go wrong with the size

And some tips on color combinations:

  1. Dark gray suit - black boots
  2. Light gray suit - black boots
  3. Black suit - black boots
  4. Dark blue suit – dark brown, black boots
  5. Brown suit - dark brown shoe palette
  6. Khaki suit – brown, light shoes

Tie or bow tie?

Both of these options are acceptable. If you want to stick to tradition and be an elegant groom, it is better to choose a bow tie. If you are more accustomed to a tie, vote in its favor.

Some useful tips regarding each accessory.

  • Ideal for both a classic suit and a tailcoat
  • It is advisable that the witness also wear a bow tie
  • The butterfly should be in harmony with either the suit, or the shirt, or the color of the bride’s outfit
  • A good option for a wedding in an aristocratic style
  • The butterfly can be sewn to order
  • A Shar Pei tie (wide, with a large knot) will go well with a suit with a vest
  • When choosing a tie to match the color of your shirt, remember that it should be several shades darker than the shirt
  • A contrasting tie suits men with a good figure
  • Under white shirt Suitable for any ties
  • If both the suit and shirt are dark, the tie should be light
  • Wide ties with horizontal stripes suit tall and thin men
  • For short and plump men, a tie with a colorful small pattern will suit
  • For small, slender grooms, it is better to take plain ties or ties with an inconspicuous pattern
  • Petite men should not wear ties at all.

Accessories for the groom for the wedding

What else can a men's wedding suit include? These could be: cufflinks, watches, boutonniere, clips, socks, scarf. Do not combine a scarf and a boutonniere (one or the other).

Likewise, bright, massive cufflinks and quite expressive watches should not be combined either.

You don’t need to include all the accessories in your suit at once, and you don’t need to choose something that you haven’t worn before (except for boutonnieres). For example, cufflinks are something new for you, which means you should give them up.

The most important thing is that in your new look you feel comfortable, good, and don’t feel constrained.

What else do grooms wear?

Youth, creative or small weddings often differ in their criteria for choosing outfits. Long fluffy dresses brides are inferior to cute little dresses, not necessarily white. And men refuse formal suits in favor:

  • set of trousers-vest-shirt-tie of the most unexpected colors
  • bright shirt and stylish trousers
  • colorful trousers and a white, blue, beige shirt

In these cases, the compatibility of costumes “decides”. For example, the bride in blue dress She must sew a bow tie for the groom from the same material as her dress.

Don’t be afraid to be original, bright, to deviate from tradition in some way. The main thing is that your suit suits you perfectly, makes you look younger, more interesting, emphasizes your figure and doesn’t look ordinary.

During a wedding, the main focus is on chic dress brides, however last years and the grooms are not lagging behind in the sophistication of their costume. A review of 2017 trends will help future husbands figure out which suit will suit them best for their special occasion.

Men's wedding suits photo 2017

A small selection of photographs below reflects the main trends in wedding attire for the groom.

Video tips for choosing a wedding dress:

Suit color

In the fashion collections of designers this season, classic black suits are becoming less and less common; on the contrary, white ones are at the peak of popularity. A snow-white wedding suit will help the groom look elegant, emphasizing his impeccable taste. Other bright shades of 2017 are dark blue, green, gray, lilac, dark red.
Only tuxedos and tailcoats remain black, and if you like the classic black and white option, turn to the modern interpretation of a black suit with contrasting white details. Choose according to your preferences, but your appearance should be harmonious with the bride's wedding dress.

White is the trend of the 2017 season

Putting on white suit groom for a wedding 2017 – without contrasts and colored details, you definitely can’t go wrong. Only if the bride's dress is not beige.

Gray and lilac are the main non-classical colors

If you want to create an original look, choose new wedding fashion colors - light gray and lilac.


After 2013, this color continues to fill the catwalks, but dark blue is not only used for jackets and trousers. Choose this shade for other details of the image - tie, shirt, shoes. Look at the photo how impressive it looks:

Fashionable color combination

2017 has given grooms the opportunity to experiment, but it's worth keeping style in mind - the right combination of bright colors of a suit and a white shirt remains popular. An interesting solution would be a shirt with a pattern or check.


A shirt with a high collar will go with any style of holiday costume. To be dressed “newly”, contact a tailor who will sew the perfect model for you. The price will be higher, but a custom cut will justify the cost with its final appearance. After removing the jacket, the shirt will not be wrinkled if you choose fabrics with the addition of synthetics.

Fabrics of the season

The main materials for the groom's wedding suit this year are silk, wool, and cotton. For a summer ceremony, linen options are preferred.

Summer look trends 2017 (photo)

The eve of the warm season gave designers the opportunity to abandon strict tight-fitting suits and gave preference to freedom of movement. Despite this, clothes should not look baggy. Recommended colors: green, blue, coral. Pastel colors - cream, beige - will help create an image in the spirit of “shabby” chic. A vest will act as a stylish addition and an independent detail of a summer look.

Not all men are ready to flaunt own wedding V short shorts, but this season many designers dressed models on the catwalk in them (see photo).

Informal style

Informal wedding style 2017 – these are comfortable vests, bright colors, light trousers or jeans. The advantage of such an outfit is that it will not remain hanging on the wardrobe hanger - these clothes can be worn to various evening events.


A military suit looks stylish and elegant. A strict, high-quality jacket and a buckle will highlight the look, and it will be completed with a haircut or styling in the spirit of the middle of the last century. If future husband military, dress uniform with medals, lapel patches and shirt with buttonholes on the collar are ideal for the ceremony.

Eternal classics (photo)

Grooms who do not like extravagant solutions are recommended to choose a classic three-piece suit.

Bright accents (colored socks, suspenders)

To do classic look more interesting, refer to bright details: a checkered vest, contrasting suspenders, colored socks and a tie.

Mao collar

It is not customary to decorate a Chinese collar with a tie on top - it itself will become a noticeable detail of the image.

Accessories 2017 – every little detail is important

Accessories should be selected with special care. Designers recommend abandoning butterflies and giving preference instead stylish tie. Shoes that are leather, smooth, but in no case “crocodile” are suitable. The varnish version is fashionable, but will only be combined with tailcoats and tuxedos. A starched colored scarf also does not lose ground. The groom's boutonniere has changed - it does not have to strictly harmonize with the bride's bouquet.


A stylish detail of the groom's wedding attire are original cufflinks.

Tie pin - trend 2017

Attention to this small detail will highlight the groom's impeccable taste.

The groom's wedding suit should perfectly match and complement her image. The couple should approach its choice together in order to look beautiful and harmonious at the celebration.
Which wedding image did you like it? Tell us in the comments.