The last hero with Dana Borisova. Four men are given to Borisova

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Dana Aleksandrovna Borisova. Born on June 13, 1976 in Mozyr (Belarus). Russian TV presenter and socialite.

Dana Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in the Belarusian Mozyr in the family of a policeman and a nurse.

Soon after Dana was born, her parents - dad Alexander and mom Ekaterina - decided to move to Norilsk to earn money. My father worked at the Norilsk Nickel plant.

Later she noted that she considered herself a northern girl and after Norilsk she was unusual in other warmer cities.

Dana has a sister, Ksenia, who is three years younger and is a flight attendant by profession.

As she admitted in an interview with journalists, her relationships with her peers did not go well. She was thin and inconspicuous, the boys didn’t like her. According to Dana, as a child she was teased as a “badger.” “Until I was 14 years old, I was not popular with boys at all. They often assigned all sorts of lagging students to me, I was a leader, for two months I even replaced the chairman of the school’s squad council. In general, I was such an activist, an excellent student and did not have feminine attractiveness,” - she admitted.

She studied well, was an excellent student at school. My favorite subject was algebra.

During my school years I was interested in music. As Dana recalled, she “diligently played the piano for two hours a day.” “In general, I am very grateful to my parents for sending me to all sorts of developmental clubs and sections,” she noted.

While studying at school, she worked for several years as an announcer at the Norilsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and hosted a youth program. Then the Norilsk Television and Radio Company decided to conduct an experiment and opened a television journalism class. And, having heard an announcement about enrollment in an experimental class, she went to the competition and passed it. So, in the 10th and 11th grades, Dana was already earning money, was the host of the youth program “Zebra” and worked as an announcer: she read the TV program and broadcast the program “Congratulations” live.

In 1993 she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova, in the same year, having won the competition, became the host of the “Army Store” program. She took an academic leave from the university, transferred to the evening department, but eventually dropped out in her second year.

1996 - the first Russian TV presenter to appear for Playboy magazine (the magazine was published in February 1997), which became the reason for an internal investigation conducted by the Ministry of Defense on the instructions of the then Minister of Defense Igor Rodionov.

1997 - left the Army Store program, but soon returned.

She was awarded a diploma of honor from the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense “For success in patriotic propaganda.”

2002 - recognized as the most popular girl on the Russian Internet.

2003 - took part in the programs “The Last Hero 3: Staying Alive” and “City of Women” on Channel One as a co-host.

2004 - took part in the program “The Last Hero 5. Super Game”.

2005 - finally left the Army Store.

2005 - host of the program “The Domino Principle” (NTV).

2006 - film debut. Dana Borisova starred in a cameo role in the film “Bear Hunt”.

2006-2008 - presenter of the “This Morning” program (NTV from 06:00 to 09:00).

In October 2012 - January 2013 she was the host of “Business Morning” on the RBC TV channel.

Dana Borisova burns

At the end of 2015, Dana Borisova announced that she had changed her profession as a TV presenter to.

Dana Borisova's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Dana Borisova:

In 2005, Dana Borisova met businessman Maxim Aksenov. Soon Dana moved to a young man’s apartment in the center of Moscow. Maxim at that time held an impressive position in an oil company, and Dana Borisova was already a famous TV presenter.

Dana Borisova and Maxim Aksenov

Dana Borisova with her daughter Polina

Less than a year after the birth of their daughter, Borisova and Aksenov separated. Dana began to experience prolonged depression and the girl even sought solace in alcohol, and Maxim hardly visited their daughter together and did not pay child support at all, which was the reason why the TV presenter sued him in 2009, which she won. That same year, Maxim offered Dana a large sum - in return, he wanted the girl to give up her daughter.

Only in 2011 Aksenov and Borisova established their relationship, which remains friendly to this day. Maxim takes an active part in his daughter’s life and even pays for the child’s expensive gymnasium, and Dana stopped telling reporters what a bad father he is.

In 2011, Dana Borisova had an affair with a businessman named Andrei. This is how she presented him at Vladimir Shirokov’s exhibition, which they visited together: "Andrey. We met a few months ago and now we will never part"- said Dana. However, she also broke up with Andrei.

In March 2014, Dana Borisova got into a scandal with the publication of intimate photos by a rejected lover who was much younger than her. This happened after several months of a whirlwind romance, Dana stopped answering the young man’s calls and messages. The offended gentleman sent an intimate home photo shoot of the celebrity to popular online publications.

"If this man wanted to offend me, then he failed. There is nothing in the photographs that can upset me. You see, I wanted to date an ordinary man, not a celebrity. I was so tired of pretentious men that I trusted this guy from Blagoveshchensk"- said Dana.

In the spring of 2014, Dana Borisova came to the show “Let's Get Married!” There she met a businessman from Germany, Alexei Pankov. As soon as Alexey entered the studio, Dana exclaimed: “That’s it, I like him!” For the sake of her new lover, Dana moved to Germany.

Dana Borisova in the program "Let's get married!"

Dana went in for sports, went on a diet and turned to plastic surgeons who gave her gorgeous breasts.

Dana Borisova before and after plastic surgery

The romance did not last long, and Dana accused Pankov of being a gigolo. The TV presenter claimed that Alexey Pankov took $300 thousand from her and did not return it. “In three months I only bought a tracksuit”, - said Borisova.

Parting with Pankov became a real nightmare for Dana - the offended lover called Dana a mercantile person who thinks only about money, and even threatened to pour sulfuric acid on her. Fortunately, he never brought his evil plan to life.

In February 2016, while she and her daughter were vacationing in the Maldives. At the same time, he took with him two expensive foreign cars. Borisova decided to write a statement to the police and file for divorce. On June 6, 2016, the couple officially divorced.

Dana Borisova and Andrey Troshchenko

In July 2016, Dana announced that she was with a man who was much younger than her. At the same time, she showed off her Cartier engagement ring.

Dana was repeatedly accused of addiction to alcohol. How, she has tried many times since 2010 to treat her daughter for alcoholism, sending her to different clinics: “My daughter did not stay anywhere for more than two weeks. If only I had known then that the problem wasn’t even in the bottle! You know, I myself worked as an ambulance paramedic for 25 years. I've seen enough drug addicts! But always in an emergency situation - after an overdose, for example. And I had never seen a drug addict in everyday life, I didn’t know what it looked like. Otherwise, I would have realized that my daughter needed to be saved when she could still be saved.”

Dana was born into the family of a policeman and a nurse in the city of Mozyr in Belarus, but did not live there for even a year. Soon after her birth, her parents decided to move to Norilsk. The icy northern city did not greet the girl cordially.

The fact is that Dana often had to be left alone. The parents disappeared at work, and the eldest daughter soon had to pay a lot of attention to her little sister Ksyusha - she was born three years after the move.

Dana didn’t make any friends at school. A modest and delicate girl with frightened eyes did not arouse interest among her peers.

In addition, the girl was interested in study, to which she devoted a lot of time and attention, and in music school. Dana was a typical excellent student.

But the girl was drawn to learn everything new, to try herself in different guises. Therefore, having one day seen an advertisement for the recruitment of presenters for the local State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, she decided to try - what if? Hand on heart, Dana didn’t really believe that a 16-year-old schoolgirl would be taken seriously by a reputable television company.

She was both happy and surprised when, after a complex multi-stage casting, in which more than a dozen girls participated, she managed to get this position. A beautiful girl with a leisurely, pleasant voice was first hired as the host of a youth program, then they added the work of an announcer. And finally, they entrusted a kind and touching program in which local residents congratulated their loved ones on the holidays.


After working for a year on television, the girl no longer doubted that she would be able to enter the journalism department, so after school she went to Moscow. An excellent student with experience working at State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company easily entered Moscow State University. The TV presenter does not hide: she was not sure that she wanted to become a journalist. But getting into one of the main universities in the country is the real dream of a girl from Norilsk.

However, studying at the capital's university was not as easy as at school. In Norilsk, the girl easily combined classes with work. Here, studying full-time and working on television at the same time was not easy. But Dana tried not to give up either her career or her studies.

Her first and immediately successful work on television was an entertainment program for conscripts, “Army Store.” The intelligent blonde in revealing outfits worked so subtly and witty that “The Store” soon became one of the highest-rated projects on TV.

Dana went to film reports in military units and even visited Chechnya several times - and this was during the period of hostilities in this territory! She quickly began to be recognized on the street and was literally bombarded with letters of declarations of love.

And, it would seem, the girl can be congratulated: as soon as she arrived in Moscow, she became a real star. But it was not there. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, Borisova did not immediately become a socialite, able to afford her own apartment and travel by private transport.


After entering the university, the girl rented a room in Vnukovo, from where she traveled “only” 40 minutes to her place of study and work. And two years later her parents moved from the northern latitudes to Sergiev Posad. To save money, Dana began to live in her parents’ new apartment.

The TV presenter says that the journey now took a total of six hours. In order not to be late, we had to get up in the dark and return late in the evening. Tired and always dozing in the carriage, the girl was often robbed.

The difficult period continued with another trauma: her parents decided to divorce for the second time. For the first time, the girl experienced a breakup between her mother and father at the age of 14. But then, having lived separately, missed each other and forgiven the insults, the parents got back together and got married. And now their break was final.

Later, Dana admits that she was angry with her father for a long time, but, left with little Polina, who was barely 8 months old, she thought - why not invite dad? You can't refuse male support. And only then I realized that he still loves his daughters, and even masterfully manages the baby! But this was in the mid-2000s, and while the 90s were going on...


At some point, Dana had to choose between work, which was becoming more and more, and study. As a result, she never graduated from Moscow State University. But his career was going uphill. Having recognized the TV presenter as one of the most beautiful girls on television, the famous Playboy invited her to star in an erotic photo shoot.

She was the first TV personality to agree to be naked for a men's magazine. The blonde's photo shoot caused a stir, gossip, an internal investigation by the Ministry of Defense and dismissal.

Time has passed. In 1997, the girl was reinstated at work and - paradox! — they even presented me with a certificate from the Ministry of Defense. For his contribution to the patriotic education of the country's young population. But she didn’t stay long on the military TV show.

At the beginning of the 2000s, despite the fact that she was no longer on air, Dana enjoyed wild popularity on the RuNet. According to polls, she was recognized as the most popular woman in the Russian segment of the Internet.


The media could not ignore this fact. The popular beauty was invited to the show “The Last Hero 3”. The TV presenter admits that life on a desert island was too hard for her. She was one of the first to leave the project and never regretted it.

But Dana’s appearance in reality again raised her already considerable ratings. TV channel producers remembered the blonde. Soon she began to accept invitations to host one program or another.

First she became the co-host of “City of Cougars” on Channel One, and in 2005, along with some change of image, she appeared on NTV in “The Domino Principle.” There, the viewer, accustomed to the light and sweet Dana, saw another woman in her.

Cooler, more demanding and intellectual. The format of the program required this, and this is how Borisova now felt.

She remained on the channel even after the show closed. Now the benevolent beauty opened the morning broadcast of NTV every day. She will work as a TV presenter for another two years.


Looking into the blue eyes of the charming blonde, it’s hard to call her vicious. However, gossipers often surround Dana’s name with rumors about her debauchery or alcoholism. Dana even wrote down an appeal on Instagram asking her not to bother her with gossip, but that was not the case.

A woman remains in demand among the stronger sex and is still just as naive and defenseless, demanding love and attention and ready to give female affection and warmth in return.

The girl’s first serious hobby was businessman Maxim Aksenov, whom Dana met in 2005. Having met him for some time, she became convinced that this man was created just for her. The girl called him the man of her dreams and pretty soon agreed to move in with her beloved. Two years later, the common-law spouses had a joint daughter, Polina.

At first, Maxim’s kind and patient wife was a real goddess. But it’s not easy for a girl to remain an inaccessible cold beauty in life - she wants comfort and warmth, soft slippers and a break from Olympus. And when a woman ceases to be a goddess, a man changes his attitude.


In one of her interviews, Borisova will say that she can endure a lot, but there is a limit to everything. There also came a point in her relationship with Maxim when she decided to separate.

The man did not provide for little Polina. Only through the court was Dana able to get his attention for her daughter. However, the couple later managed to make peace.

Severe depression from endless problems did not have the best effect on the blonde beauty. He gained a lot of weight and, according to rumors, began to drink. She was able to pull herself together only for the sake of the child.

A new beautiful and athletic body, a change of wardrobe and an even stronger personality of Dana provoked a number of new proposals. First, she dealt with professional issues and became the host of a morning program on the RBC TV channel, then a new husband appeared in her life - Andrei Tereshchenko.

Tough 2016

In 2015, they went to the registry office without wedding suits - they simply signed their names and became husband and wife. A celebration with friends and gifts was held only two months later. The TV presenter claims that at that time the lovers had already lived together for three years.

But the marriage lasted only 8 months. The couple filed for divorce.

Soon Dana began to appear in society with her old friend, hockey player Alexander Morozov. But this romance quickly came to an end. A jealous former boyfriend sent the man an intimate video with Dana, convincing Alexander that it was made when he was already dating the TV presenter.

Denis Kozlovich, a participant in the Dom-2 show, turned out to be a vengeful “unknown”. Borisova denies any connection with him, and her daughter confirms that her mother did not go anywhere during this period.

The TV star’s troubles did not end with this incident. At the end of 2016, Polina’s dad took her to visit and “forgot” to tell Borisova where he had taken the child. Later, Dana, who did not understand anything, began to call “his people” demanding that she abandon her daughter in favor of her father. Only with the help of the police did Borisova manage to find Polina and bring her back.

Now she hopes that the misadventures are over, she works for her own pleasure and devotes a lot of time to her daughter.