The ex-soloist of the group Silver is getting married. Ivan Chebanov and Daria Shashina: honestly about their own wedding

In 2013, a new soloist came to the Serebro group to replace Anastasia Karpova - a blonde Daria Shashina(it’s her you see in the “Frenzy” video), but three years later the girl decided to leave the successful team. Since then, a lot has changed in her life: Daria runs the Luuna YouTube channel (more than 250 thousand subscribers), enjoys her new status (most recently Daria for Ivan Chebanov, artist, composer and presenter), and she has also lost 11 kg and almost stopped sing. The star told PEOPLETALK about “Silver,” meeting Vanya and perfect makeup.

When I got a call from Max Fadeev’s office... I was wildly delighted, shocked and incredibly happy. Everything in my life has always worked out very well - in studies, work, but in terms of music nothing worked out at all. I was born in Nizhny Novgorod, graduated from a music school there in piano and violin classes, studied in England, in the city of Birmingham, then at the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory named after Mikhail Glinka. Later I moved to live in America, worked in a surf shop and sang in a restaurant, but I realized that this was not my country and returned back to my homeland. She moved to live in Moscow and successfully passed the casting for the Serebro group.

My family... had ambivalent reactions to my decision to sing in the Serebro group. My grandmother worked as an accompanist at the conservatory, my grandfather was a trumpet player, my father was a composer, my mother was a violinist. Parents love jazz... and then there's a pop group. ( Laughs.) Dad didn’t say anything, he just stopped communicating with me for six months - apparently, he believed that I would do something else, he saw me singing in New York at the Blue Note jazz club. ( Laughs.) But in the end we were able to understand each other.

When I was in “Silver”... I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. A female team is always difficult, but here we spent almost 24 hours a day together. But I understood that this is the best female pop group in the country and to maintain this level, you have to work a lot. I'm proud to be part of this team!

We rarely communicate with the girls from the group, but when we meet, we are always happy to see each other.

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For now, I stopped singing because... now I’m very interested in the blogging topic. We'll see later. I try not to set any creative boundaries for myself! As a child, when my dad lived in St. Petersburg, I came to him on vacation, and he and I also kept these kind of blogs - he bought me a microphone, I learned historical facts from reference books, history textbooks (there was no Internet then), and he filmed me as a cameraman, and I was the presenter. It came in handy. ( Smiling.)

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Subscribers most often ask... to talk about makeup (every day I only use concealer to hide redness and lip liner) and about losing weight. I came to Serebro as a skinny girl and, apparently, due to stress, I gained 10 kg. It was terrible for me, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, but you can’t even choose a costume for yourself (to cover something), because there must be a general concept on stage. I was able to lose weight and I want to talk about it, but I need to prepare properly, think through the release so that the girls and boys who listen to me don’t stop eating. I know what it is, I always thought I could handle everything on my own, but then I encountered bulimia. I just didn’t know what to do when I gained weight... I would eat, then go to the ladies’ room and that was it! All this turned into a terrible addiction. I turned to a psychologist, and Vanya, by the way, was very supportive.

I... will never forget my first meeting with Vanya. This was before the group, I had just arrived in Moscow, and it seemed to me that this city did not want to accept me, everything was foreign. And six months later I met Vanya, we went with him to Gorky Park on a moped. ( Smiling.) Just imagine - for the first time in my life I get on a moped with a stranger, grab him by the waist... then we walk near Swan Lake, I drink an Old Boy cocktail (be sure to try it!), and we go for a ride around Moscow at night. A little later, Vanya suggested going up to the roof (he allegedly accidentally found cheese and wine in the trunk of a moped), we chatted, looked at the city at night, and at that moment I thought that I had met the best friend of my life.

Our relationship... did not immediately develop into a romantic one. Vanya was interested in different girls, he was not in the mood for friendship, and for some time we stopped communicating. As a result, Vanya disappeared from my life and appeared several times. And then he went on “The Voice”, and I called to congratulate him. He answered coldly and very arrogantly, which completely drove me crazy. Only six months later he made up his mind - he had to prove that he was really in love and wanted to be only with me. I took full revenge ( laughs): I canceled meetings at the last minute, went to the movies with other guys, threw tantrums out of nowhere - I checked. He endured everything. Two artists in a family is difficult, but, on the other hand, we understand each other perfectly (and sometimes no words are needed). In general, life before a relationship and in a relationship are two different things, I sincerely believe that behind every successful man there is a woman who, in addition to everyday moments, should give him energy and strength to become better.

I always dreamed of... a lush fairytale dress like in “Anastasia” and Disney cartoons, and I had the idea to make my own dress from luminous fabric that could impress Vanya. We began preparations with a Russian designer (who already had experience working with luminous fabric) six months in advance, but in the end, shortly before the celebration, due to disagreements on the sketch, she refused the order, returned my advance payment, and a day later announced that she was ready to sell the dress for double the price. I wouldn’t have had time to bring the fabric from France; you can’t buy LED fabric in Russia, but I managed to find a piece of such fabric in Krasnodar. A friend recommended another artist who agreed to help me and in a short time make something similar to my initial idea for a luminous dress, which I saw on the Internet on actress Claire Danes even before Vanya proposed to me. I can’t say that we implemented my idea 100%, because we simply didn’t have enough time for this. But in any case, our wedding was the ultimate dream for me!

By the end of the year... I plan to develop the channel, travel a lot and perhaps start implementing my musical ideas.

Daria Shashina is a Russian singer who became famous as a member of the pop group Serebro. In 2016, the girl left the group due to health problems, but did not disappear from the radar - she regularly pleases Instagram and YouTube subscribers with fresh news about her life.

Childhood and family

Dasha Shashina was born on September 1, 1990 in a family of hereditary musicians from Nizhny Novgorod. Her grandmother worked all her life as an accompanist at the local conservatory and passed on her love of music to her son Yegor. He became a wonderful composer and arranger and now collaborates with many Russian and foreign performers. Dasha’s mother, Alexandra Kovtyreva, is a talented violinist. It is not surprising that their daughters, Daria and her younger sister Tatyana, showed musical abilities very early.

In 1997, the girl’s parents divorced, and all responsibility for raising the children fell on the mother’s shoulders. Despite the difficult financial situation of the family, Dasha attended a music school, where she mastered playing the violin and piano, an art studio and a theater group.

A few years later, the mother remarried. Her chosen one was the impressive Englishman David Chatterton, who worked in Nizhny Novgorod under a contract. The family moved to England, but this marriage was short-lived. Having separated from her husband, Alexandra and her daughters returned to their homeland again.

By this time, Dasha had already graduated from high school and planned to connect her future life with music. She entered the jazz department of the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory, from which her father also graduated, and at the same time studied at the local foreign language school in order to master the English language perfectly. Four years later, the girl had the opportunity to leave for the United States and, without hesitation, she set off to conquer new horizons.


Since childhood, Dasha dreamed of visiting the homeland of her beloved jazz, she adored American films and was well acquainted with the work of famous overseas musicians. Once in the States, she was so imbued with the local atmosphere that she even thought about staying in this country. A young, striking blonde with a good command of English quickly found a job: she starred in commercials for fashion brands and sang in a restaurant on Brighton Beach.

However, over time, the girl began to miss her homeland and, having learned about the casting for the popular group “Silver”, decided to take part in it. Arriving in Moscow, she immediately went to a meeting with Max Fadeev and easily became a new member of the group instead of the departed Anastasia Karpova.

In the company of Lena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina, she starred in six videos of the group and took part in the recording of the album “The Power of Three.” In 2014, Elena Temnikova was replaced by Polina Favorskaya, and two years later Dasha also left the group. She suddenly developed a congenital disease of the knee joints, due to which doctors strongly recommended that she stop active touring.

Katya Kishchuk took Shashina’s place - fans were amazed at her resemblance to Shashina - and Daria took a closer look at her health. She flew to Israel for treatment, where she underwent several operations. During rehabilitation, the girl gained a lot of weight, but managed to pull herself together and returned to perfect shape in record time.

Personal life of Daria Shashina

Leaving “Silver” had the most favorable impact on the personal life of the singer, who simply did not have enough time for a romantic relationship. Back in 2015, she met a talented Barnaul musician, former participant in the show “The Voice” Vanya Chebanov, but love did not happen at first sight.

An acquaintance advised Ivan Daria to seek musical advice. The young people began to communicate, became friends, and it was friendship that formed the basis of their romantic relationship.

Wedding of Ivan Chebanov and Daria Shashina

On August 15, 2017, the lovers played a luxurious wedding in the ancient Sukhanovo estate near Moscow. The young couple practically never separates, travel a lot, record songs, and make joint videos. A year ago, Ivan dedicated the song “Luuna” to Dasha, the video for which was viewed by more than one and a half million Internet users. Luuna is a name that Dasha really liked as a child.

“Luuna” - a video by Ivan Chebanov dedicated to Daria Shashina

The girl does not use cosmetics that are tested on animals, and urges subscribers to abandon plastic bags in favor of reusable eco-bags, as plastic pollutes the environment and harms animals.

Daria Shashina now

In order not to lose touch with her fans, Shashina registered her own channel on YouTube under the name Luuna, on which she began to share her travel impressions, beauty secrets and even details of her personal life.

I’m not bored or sad, it was an extremely difficult period in my life, and I’m glad that now everything is as it is. The only thing I miss is touring, I really love traveling.

Daria continues to make music and collaborates with her father, who has lived in Moscow since 2004 and is a prominent figure in Russian show business - he writes songs for prominent pop performers.

The most honest, frank and detailed information, the most interesting opinions, the most pressing and exciting questions. Our “Interview” section features the opinions of wedding industry stars and discussions among professionals on current topics.


Last summer, the presenter and participant in the show “The Voice” and the ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO Daria Shashina got married. The beautiful event took place on the territory of a country estate. The agency took on the troubles of organizing the celebration. We met with the bride, groom and organizers to talk about how the wedding went, what difficulties the newlyweds had to face during preparation and tell things that the guys didn’t even know about.

website: Dasha, Ivan, tell us how you met Olya, your wedding organizer?

: Olya found me herself about two years ago. Then she invited me, as a presenter, to participate in one very large and interesting project. It was an immersion theater format where guests found themselves in the very center of the actors’ action. There were almost as many artists as there were guests. For me, this wedding is still one of the most difficult. In addition, the presentation was in two languages.

: Vanya, in turn, also showed an extremely responsible approach to business. A presenter who came to multiple rehearsals with all the participants, rather than just coming out and running the event.

Ivan: And then I realized: if Olya was able to implement such a complex project - at one point there was even a car driving into the hall, I still don’t understand how she managed to do this - then you can trust her unconditionally.

Daria: Therefore, when I asked Vanya how we would look for an organizer, he answered without hesitation: “I know the coolest one!”

website: Did you come up with the idea of ​​the wedding concept before you approached Olya, or already in the process of communicating with her?

Daria: Vanya and I traveled to Abkhazia together, where we initially even thought about having a wedding. I am attracted by the Soviet Empire style, which is found throughout Russia and in Abkhazia, in Sochi, in Crimea, where we were also looking for places to hold our holiday. To this style I wanted to add unusual images for Vanya and me. In addition, I like lanterns, light bulbs, lights: they create a special comfort and atmosphere. All that remained was to harmoniously combine it all together.

Ivan: In Moscow we met and talked with Olya. We started looking through suitable sites and absolutely by chance found the Sukhanovo estate, which perfectly matched our idea.

Olga: True, during the preparation process, and even at the wedding itself, questions arose more than once with the venue. “Soviet” implies not only style, but also service (laughs). But from a visual point of view, it was exactly what Dasha imagined.

website: Van, what was important to you? For the bride, this is always more of a visual part of the holiday: dresses, decoration. And for the groom? Especially with such experience of working at various events.

Daria: Vanya is a pro in this area and, indeed, nothing can surprise him. In my opinion, the most important thing for him was that at his wedding he could both relax and be surprised by what was happening.

Ivan: It's true. Plus, when we were choosing a site, it was important for me that it was a place where I had not yet worked. And another highlight for me was the arrival of my relatives from Barnaul - my grandparents.

? Didn’t you take the microphone away from Lenya to start hosting the party yourself?(note: the host of Daria and Ivan’s wedding was Leonid Margolin)

Ivan: I restrained myself, but it was hard for me (laughs). In fact, I was not worried or worried at all before the ceremony. And only before registration, when I had already put on my jacket to go out to the guests, I felt an unusual feeling: for the first time, I found myself in a completely different position, which I had previously looked at from the outside.

Daria: Before the wedding, I also didn’t understand what reasons to worry there might be. I have stage experience, which helps me not to worry at important moments. I never understood what could cause tears at a ceremony when by this point people are usually already living together. But in the end, I cried all day from the moment I saw Vanyushka’s eyes... And then everything was so touching: every congratulation, every warm word spoken to us.

website: Olya, tell us what was the most difficult part of the organization process?

Olga: The most difficult thing was connected, first of all, with the estate. The first time Vanya and I arrived at the site, we had to knock on the doors because the manager was sleeping. Although we agreed to meet in advance. Many agreements were not respected and forgotten. Another nuance is that before the wedding there was heavy rain.

Ivan: By the way, we still don’t even know how you coped. Dasha and I looked out the window, saw what was happening there, waved our hand, saying: “Thank God, Olya is with us!”, and fell asleep peacefully.

Olga: Installation was supposed to begin within 24 hours. We brought all the equipment and decorative elements and put it outside. As soon as I arrived, a heavy downpour began. We spent about an hour just moving all the boxes so that nothing would get damaged. After that, contractors began to come up to me one by one and say: this won’t work, this won’t happen. For example, we planned a complex projection onto a cake, and the projectors were supposed to hang on trees. Moreover, if moisture gets on this equipment, then due to automatic protection it is switched off. We stopped editing and waited until five in the morning until the rain stopped. Then everyone returned to the site and began installation.

Daria: Where have you been all this time?

Olga: We went to a hotel nearby, slept for literally three hours and returned back. According to weather maps, the rain should have stopped at five, so we agreed to meet at that time.

website: Van, let’s talk about choosing a host: how, being the host yourself, can you entrust your holiday to someone? Have you seen how Leonid works before?

Ivan: I have never seen Lenya work before. Together we are members of the “Best Presenters Club” and communicated often. Then I realized that we were absolutely on the same wavelength, we thought approximately the same, and were close in format. In the end, everything was very cool, professional, I myself laughed like I haven’t laughed in a long time. All the guests were delighted.

Olga: I want to add something about Lenya: he had a flawless start to the evening, which was not at all easy. The guys didn’t see each other before the ceremony, and we needed to take a few shots before the sun went down when they met. Therefore, the first forty-minute block was held exclusively by the presenter, when there were no newlyweds in the hall. But he communicated in such a way that the guests felt comfortable, laughed, and everything went well. This is entirely the merit of Lenya, who feels confident and calm in any situation.

? Was it difficult to make a choice?

Daria: I have been following them for a long time, and they are perfect for me. I wrote to them for the first time; during our first meeting, we discussed the upcoming wedding with such enthusiasm that we could not part for a long time. We absolutely matched each other energetically, they were easy to communicate, professional and did everything better than I even imagined.

Ivan: Although it seemed impossible...

website: What do you remember most about the evening itself?

Ivan: The wow effect was caused by the unrealistically beautiful projection on the rotunda, although initially the agreement was only about the projection on the cake. I was very impressed. It was cool! And the theme of the wedding with Olya’s light hand was fireflies. During preparation, Olya proposed an idea: at the moment of darkness, small fireflies appeared in the grass...

Olga: What we did... We bought LEDs at the radio market and simply scattered them in the field.

Ivan: It seems to me that you can open your own agency - “rent fireflies for an event” (laughs). I also really remember Dasha’s beautiful dress, I couldn’t even imagine that this could happen, but she’d better tell about it herself...

Daria: Initially, the idea to make such a dress was inspired by photographs I found on the Internet. A special luminous fabric is sold in France. Quite by accident, I found the account of a Russian designer who sews dresses from this luminous fabric. The rest of the story was not entirely pleasant. I contacted her immediately and we started working on creating my dress. This was in March. And until the beginning of August the dress was not ready. Two weeks before the wedding, the designer disappeared... I still haven’t talked about this anywhere, because every time I remember this incident, I feel unpleasant.

website: Two weeks! As far as I know, the dress was made especially for you anyway. So, in such a short period of time, you still managed to implement your plans?

Daria: The main requirement remained luminous fabric. But, as it turned out, the French are on vacation in August, and it is simply impossible to order fabric at this time. I searched the entire Internet, but there was catastrophically little information. As a result, two places were found, in Krasnodar and Yekaterinburg, where people sew from this luminous fabric. From Krasnodar they told me that they have a small piece of tablecloth in stock...

Ivan: Seriously?! Tablecloths?

Daria:...and I replied that I don’t care, I’m buying it right now. Then a frantic search began for a designer who could realize my idea. And it was oh how difficult it was.

website: Van, you also had a very unusual image...

Ivan: I basically didn’t want to wear to my wedding what I usually wear for work, so I found a slightly different option for myself. I picked up the jacket in England and ordered it online. I really liked it, and I was worried that it wouldn’t fit, but in the end everything was fine.

website: Tell us about the song “If Tomorrow”, which Vanya dedicated to Dasha?

Olga: Oh, it was a surprise even for me! I found out that Vanya gives Dasha a song on her wedding day. The next day, anyone could listen to it on iTunes.

Ivan: I didn't tell anyone about this. He even told the presenter, Lena, almost at the very last moment. This was planned shortly before the wedding. I went to the studio every day, but I did everything so that Dasha didn’t even suspect anything. I'm glad I was able to give her such a surprise.

Daria: It was simply incredible. Nothing has ever touched my heart so much. It was the day of my dreams!

website: What impressions did you have the day after the wedding?

Ivan: For people from show business, the second day after the wedding is the beginning of painstaking work. We went to bed at half past five and got up at half past eight in the morning. By ten we had to send a selection of photos for the magazine, our Internet connection was poor, and we had to go to the nearest city where there was network coverage. Although when we returned, the day was simply amazing, surrounded by people close to us.

August 16, 2017

The wedding took place in the circle of closest friends and family.

ex-member of the group "Serebro" Daria Shashina married a participant in the show "The Voice" Ivan Chebanova / photo:

Daria Shashina was at one time a member of the group SEREBRO. Last year, she informed fans that she was leaving the group due to serious health problems. Since then, she has become a blogger and adopted the pseudonym Luuna. For the last ten days she has been looking forward to her wedding with participant Ivan Chebanov. In 2014, he passed the “blind auditions” and got into Dima Bilan’s team, and then Pelageya saved him, but in the end he failed to become the winner of this project.

Yesterday, the lovers, surrounded by close friends and family, exchanged vows at the Sukhanovo estate. The bride wore a fluffy dress with a train, and her chosen one chose a silver jacket, bow tie and dark trousers over a classic suit. Later, Daria changed her outfit to a shorter dress with feathers, in which she danced a fiery dance with Ivan. Shortly before the celebration, the artist was very worried, but she chose not to talk about what happened. “How I resolve the issue, I will definitely tell you everything. But I will say that I was already in a semi-fainting state and spent the night in the hospital,” she admitted.

Despite such passions, the wedding was very beautiful and was attended by many guests who shared the details of the celebration on social networks. Let us remind you that this year. Before that, they lived together for two years. Last year, Chebanov shot a video for the song “Luuna”, and his beloved played the main role in it.

Daria Chebanova is a famous Russian performer and ex-member of the Serebro group. She was born on September 1 (Virgo according to the horoscope) 1990 in Nizhny Novgorod. Her height is about 164 centimeters, and her weight reaches 54 kilograms. Her maiden name is Shashina.

Daria was born into a very ordinary family, where everyone’s favorite music was always played. Dasha was interested in music from early childhood, since her parents had a special education and worked in this field. As Daria herself said, her grandmother once worked at a local conservatory as an accompanist, and her father graduated from this conservatory and began working as an arranger and music composer. As for her mother, she was an excellent violinist; she graduated from music school in her youth, but in the end she decided to devote her life to children. In addition to Daria herself, her younger sister Tatyana was also raised in the family. Two years after Tanya’s birth, the girl’s parents soon divorced and went down different paths. The children, of course, stayed with their mother.

After a short period of time, Daria’s mother married again, but this time to an Englishman who worked in Russia under a special contract. It was for this reason that the whole family soon moved to England. True, the mother’s relationship did not last long and the woman and her children decide to return to their hometown again. There, Daria enters the local conservatory and at the same time completes English courses. So, after graduation, the girl moves to America and continues her studies there. At that time, she had to work as a model and also sing in a local restaurant on Brighton Beach.

Music career

As Daria said, she did not want to return to her homeland until she learned that the Serebro group was looking for a soloist. It is for this reason that she comes to Moscow and successfully passes the casting.

In 2013, she became part of the musical group “Silver” and starred in six videos, and also recorded a joint album “The Power of Three”. In 2014, it became known that Daria was leaving the group due to problems with her knee; the singer’s doctor diagnosed congenital dysplasia of the knee joints. It was for this reason that she had to leave the group. After her, Katya Kishchuk came to Serebro.

Today, Daria leads a quiet family life, maintains a blog, and is not yet planning to start a solo career.


In August 2017, Daria married ex-participant of the show “Voice 3” Ivan Chebanov. The ceremony took place at the Sukhanovo estate.
