What musical instrument is best to learn to play? How to learn to play a musical instrument. How to learn to play a musical instrument

If I had been asked this question 5 years ago, I would have answered no. Having a teacher who sets the stage, corrects your skills, and corrects mistakes is a key part of any learning experience. But given the fact that the Internet is now available, even those teachers who previously taught at home or in schools are gradually coming to online teaching.

Let's get straight to the main question. Is it possible to learn to play musical instruments online? Yes. And I will try to describe all the ways of online learning. The main disadvantage of online learning is that you are on your own. For some, this may be an advantage, but the speed of such learning is much lower than learning with a live teacher.

The ideal option would be if you have already learned the basics of playing the instrument. Then it will be much easier to study from materials on the Internet. Here are some resources to help you get into the world of music or improve your skills.


Perhaps the most The best way learn to play online. There are many channels on YouTube that teach you how to play musical instruments. Mainly it's a guitar, but there are others. Eg:

  • Martyzsongs- a lot of video lessons that cover popular guitar riffs and songs. There are already more than 1000 videos on the channel. You'll have plenty to do!
  • Andy Crowley— a channel for beginners who have just entered the world of guitar, drugs and rock and roll. This channel covers the basics of playing the guitar, various techniques and sound production techniques.
  • Lypur— a channel that focuses on keyboard instruments and music theory. Despite the fact that the channel is no longer active ( latest video was posted a little less than a year ago), collected on the channel great amount material that will teach you the basics music theory and playing the piano.
  • Drumeo- this is a channel dedicated to the game on percussion instruments. Suitable for both beginners and people who already know what rimshots and paradiddles are.
  • Eric Arceneaux is a performing vocalist who runs his own Youtube channel, where he shares the basics of vocals, production, warming up and improving the voice.

Unfortunately, all the channels listed are in English. There are training videos on Youtube in Russian, but not only is their quality noticeably inferior to their foreign counterparts, almost all the materials are not combined and are published irregularly.

In addition, all of the above channels have websites where you can find various educational materials, tablature, sheet music, etc.


On the forums you can also find many useful information. Apart from forum trolls who consider their opinion to be the only correct and unshakable one, there you can actually meet knowledgeable people and experts in their field who will be happy to share their experience. Here are the forums that I could find:

  • GuitarPlayer.ru is the largest Russian-language guitar forum. Tens of thousands of topics and hundreds of thousands of messages on any topic related to playing the guitar. Equipment, guitar techniques, search for musicians, analysis various compositions- all this can be found on GuitarPlayer.ru. Also in Russian!
  • DrumSpeech is an educational site with lessons, articles and interesting materials for drummers. The design of the site and forum leaves much to be desired, but we didn’t come there to look at the design.
  • PianoWorld is an American forum for pianists. Its scale is simply amazing, so if you want to learn how to play keyboards and own English language, feel free to step there!

Mobile applications

AppStore and Google Play have many apps that can teach you how to play musical instruments. I wrote about what music apps I use on my iPhone, take a look, some might be useful to you too.

Ultimate Guitar

Guitar website with apps of the same name for iOS and Android. It contains tens of thousands of guitar tabs and chords. There are also various auxiliary tools there. For example, a chord chart and a metronome.

Lick of the day

An application that contains a lot of guitar riffs for improvisation. The app is free, but most riffs need to be purchased using in-app purchases.

Guitar Lessons Free

An Android application containing many lessons on playing the guitar. The developer translated the description of his application into Russian via Google Translate, but never got to the application itself. Therefore, only for those who understand English.

Google Helpouts

I have not tested this method, but judging by the reviews and ratings, it also deserves a place on the list. Google Helpouts is an online platform that contains live lessons in various fields. Next to each lesson is written the time when it is held and the price.

The price is quite high, but I cannot verify the quality of these lessons. However, the reviews that each teacher has can help with this.


I did not describe methods such as video conferencing on Skype or many groups with VKontakte materials. But there’s not much to talk about here. There are many ways to learn to play. You will have to devote at least an hour a day to this.

When you start studying without a teacher, the most important thing is to stick to a certain schedule, and for this you must have real motivation. Don't expect that in a week you will be able to play and surprise everyone you know with your great skills. For this you will need much more time. But everything will depend on how much you want it and how much time you can devote.

When you achieve some success, you can start recording yourself and listening from the outside. You don't need powerful studio equipment for this. A voice recorder, smartphone or computer is enough. If you have an electric guitar or synthesizer, you can connect it to your computer and record the sound into the computer. For example, using Guitar Rig.

The most important! Do it for your own pleasure. Music should bring you joy and positive emotions. If lessons become uninteresting and a burden, then you are doing something wrong. Learn, try to play something of your own, no matter how bad it sounds, and develop.

You can learn to play on any musical instrument, but some of them are a little easier to master than others. For example, the difference in learning to play the drums and play the piano is more than noticeable. Therefore, the following notes about the nuances in mastering various instruments may be useful for neophytes.


The instrument is rhythmic and therefore does not require deep theoretical knowledge And absolute pitch. Even with questionable initial data, with daily exercise you can learn to maintain the rhythm. In order to join a punk rock band, a couple of lessons with a tutor and a month of daily practice will be enough. If your soul is drawn to complex and broken rhythms, you will still have to learn a little. You can do this either in the evening music school, or by regularly visiting the teacher. In the younger educational institutions Typically, drumming is taught for only five years. Mastering other instruments will take several years longer.

In addition to the ability to keep rhythm, a music school or college will teach you how to play the xylophone, tambourine and triangle. In general, if there are no global aspirations and plans to become a virtuoso, and if there is a task to study in short time, then drums would be the best option.


Let's start with classical, acoustic and electric guitars. In fact, these are tools that could easily be ranked first in terms of ease of learning. The fact is that most guitar students do not set themselves the goal of reaching the level of some Katsuhito Yamashita; on the contrary, a couple of memorized pieces are enough to sign themselves up as musicians. For this category of people, making friends with the instrument will not be difficult. Indeed, a lesson or two is enough to learn not the most difficult song, and after a dozen lessons you can smoothly move on to analyzing solo parts in hard’n’heavy style compositions.

Bass guitar is a special and often completely neglected case. As a rule, people learn to play it at home, practicing scales and learning parts medium degree difficulties. Not every musician knows about its existence. In addition, bass guitarists, due to their outstanding abilities, often become heroes of jokes. I would like to say that all this is undeserved, but I will remain silent, since I do not consider it necessary to lie.

Those who are interested in a deeper acquaintance with the instrument will have to do a lot of painstaking work during the learning process. That's why I put the guitar in second place and not first.

The advantage is that it is generally accessible. You can buy a guitar even in the outback remote from civilization. The price of the instrument is not high, unless you start chasing brands. You can practice anywhere: at home, with friends, on the street, while traveling and hiking.

Cons: high competition. Thousands of people learn to play the guitar every year, and therefore, if you want to become a real professional, you will have to try your best to stand out from the crowd. As practice shows, achieving this is not so difficult.

Wind instruments

Flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, horn, oboe, bassoon, trombone, tuba - their name is Legion. Besides classical instruments, there are also ethnic ones (sopilka, trembita, and so on). The choice is so large that it can sometimes be quite difficult to decide on the type of instrument. In music schools, for such cases, preliminary training on the recorder is provided with the further opportunity to move on to the trumpet, saxophone and further on the list. There are two options for mastering wind instruments: under the guidance of a tutor and at school. The second option is preferable, since solfeggio lessons will be held in parallel, and they are extremely important for the development of a musician’s hearing.

Now to the cons. If your relatives or housemates are unable to appreciate your zeal, then practicing the wind instruments at home will be difficult. The instruments are actually very loud, and in the Khrushchev buildings, every note of the etude being played will be heard in neighboring apartments, even if played extremely quietly. In addition, you will have to practice every day - regression with wind instruments is much more noticeable than progress. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance how classes will take place outside of school or the tutor’s apartment.

One of the advantages, although dubious, is the loyal attitude of teachers towards the theoretical basis of their students. It is not for nothing that trumpeters turned out to be the second heroes of jokes after bass guitarists. There are often cases when college graduates get confused about things that other musicians learned in the first months of training.


In a good way, this tool should be moved to the end of the list, since it is easier to wipe your fingers into dust than to master it on the fly. high level. But thanks to such a phenomenon as the pop-jazz movement, the hellish torments of learning were able to mutate into a simple pastime. That is, if someone decided to learn a couple of pop songs, then doing it on the piano will not be difficult. You can master the instrument using a tutorial, video lessons or with the help of a tutor. There may, however, be problems with the seating and positioning of the hands, but this is not critical for the game of “Chizhik-Fawn”.

One of the positive aspects is the possibility of replacing a bulky instrument with a synthesizer when learning. Of course, only in cases where the student is focused on pop music, jazz, soul, electronic genres, and so on. There are plenty of offers from tutors, courses and clubs. There will be a place to study.

Of the minuses, you can remember that when learning to play the piano itself, you will have to purchase an instrument for yourself. If you practice at home, you can drive your relatives and neighbors into mental insanity with the “Dog Waltz.” But most importantly, if a person intends to become a master, then thousands of hours of endless playing of scales and careful study hundreds of pages of theoretical material.


Violin, cello, double bass, viola – pure beauty. But all of the listed tools are among the most difficult to master. If you study from childhood, you can bypass all difficulties without even noticing them, but for adults, learning will most likely turn into severe torment. The fact is that bowed instruments require absolute pitch, and it is simply unrealistic to have it at home. Tutors, as a rule, do not teach from scratch, but help those who are lagging behind in their learning. Tutorials and lessons are useless. There are more sound production techniques on these instruments than there are stars in the sky. Those in doubt can look through the sheet music and scores of works by contemporary composers.

The learning process is a continuous overcoming of oneself. If you don't have enough motivation, you may not be able to play basic plays when you leave school. Advantages for those who want to quickly learn how to play exotic instrument I do not see. It’s impossible to list all the disadvantages. From the prices of good instruments and the need to care for them, to the crazy training loads. Conclusion: go only if you have a calling.

In general, as in any other type of activity, to achieve some heights in music you will need to work hard. But if you want to master the instrument for yourself in order to be able to play a couple of melodies in boring winter evenings, then you should pay attention to the first positions of the list. In addition, I left out such instruments as the pocket synthesizer, jew's harp, spoons, rattles and castanets. As you can see, the choice is huge - all that remains is to make it.

Surely many people from time to time awaken a craving for mastering the mystery of playing some musical instrument. Thankfully creativity Everyone has it, which means that everyone is, in principle, capable of positive creation.

True, as soon as a person has such a desire, the question immediately arises - how to learn to play? How long will it take? How much strength? Money? Is the game worth the candle?

Often people try to take advice from “those in the know” - friends or acquaintances who have already mastered the instrument. It’s good if such a friend is a self-taught guitarist - he will explain in detail that to master the instrument you just need to play it and not bother yourself with lofty matters. And you can play not Bach’s 5th Symphony in the arrangement, but “Vladimir Central” or “Murka” - in general, whatever you want.

It is much worse if the applicant decides to take advice from a person who graduated from a music school. Because in response he will either receive the answer “run” and statements about the categorical uselessness of such a pastime, or, on the contrary, stories about the many tears shed over a particularly tricky passage from the 8th etude in the 6th year of study, about the difficulty of distinguishing Glinka from Mussorgsky in hearing and about the correct resolution of the dominant seventh chord.

A clinical case is a Gnesinka graduate or someone of equal rank. Because the flow of specialized terms in this case can only be interrupted hard reset om on the scoreboard.

It should be understood that I am not an ardent opponent of classical education, but I call for a comprehensive understanding of the issue. It is necessary to distinguish the situation when a person wants play on the instrument from the situation when he wants Learn to play.

In order to learn to play an instrument, you need a solid foundation. The best thing would be a classical music school, fortunately even complete mediocrities come out of there, calmly playing three-voice polyphonies and sight-reading simple sonatas. In this case, your technique will allow you to perform things of a high degree of complexity. Along the way, your intellectual baggage will be enriched by the history of music, musical literature, as well as an understanding of what tonality is, how it is structured, how it works, what intervals and chords it contains, and how to correctly translate one into another so that it all sounds euphonious.

However, this is not necessary to play the instrument. And even music can be written without this secret knowledge. And it can turn out no worse than the people who have this knowledge.

So, you want to play, say, the violin. What is needed for this? Desire and the violin. You already have the first one, the second one can be purchased in the store. Using Google, it’s easy to find a store where they will sell you a simple (to begin with) but functional tool.

What's next? Next you take the violin and play it. Yes, at first the violin makes nasty sounds. But even if you are completely untalented, after a maximum of a month of extracting vile sounds, a melody will begin to emerge from them. For example, in my case, after buying a saxophone, I was able to extract a scale from it (without using tutorials, because I never found any normal saxophone tutorials) after 3 hours of practice, and play several melodies, selected by ear, after four . Of course, I have a background in piano and self-mastered guitar, vocal courses, but all this gives is a certain experience that allows me to master the instrument faster. Nothing fundamentally new, no secret knowledge, transmitted at night under the covers, is not there.

If you are stuck and don’t understand where to go next, you can find a tutor. You can study with him or simply take advice from him on difficult issues that you do not understand. You can do this from the very beginning, but if you are not afraid of scaring the neighbors with your violin whistles, you don’t have to do this.

They will scare you with incorrect technique and the need to relearn it later. Perhaps if you want to reach the heights of mastery. But, honestly, in order to satisfy a person’s everyday needs for music, the self-learning mechanism that we have by nature is sufficient.

The main thing is that you enjoy it.

Of course, everything described above is nothing more than my personal opinion, and you are free to have your own.

Not everyone's parents send them to music school as children. And many in childhood I don’t want to pore over notes and work in classes. But then...

My grandfather mastered the balalaika, domra, mandolin, and guitar as a teenager in a local amateur orchestra. But I learned to play entirely on my own.

It is not at all necessary that you need to learn in childhood. I learned to play the piano for 7 years, and now I don’t even approach the instrument. Often those who do not study or begin to study as adults do it more consciously and it is they who often play later.

  • Roman Gaidur, Sweden, geotechnician

As a child, I was sent to a music school - a button accordion class. My mother wanted me to know how to play - her father played. Didn't finish my studies.

Now I want to go and study again - guitar or piano - I want to be able to play my favorite melodies and compose little by little myself.

  • Mikhail Yanov, sales manager.

“It always seemed tempting to me to learn to play the piano. As a child, we had a piano in the house, but somehow it didn’t work out, and no one learned to play it. I would like to be able to play the piano, sometimes I go up to it and strum, it seems so interesting to me to sit down and play a beautiful composition ... "


Anton Rubinstein said precisely about this instrument: “You think is this one tool? That’s a hundred instruments!” And indeed it is. The instrument itself was invented by the Florentine master Bartolomeo Cristofori. He called his invention this: a harpsichord, which can be played louder and quieter..

But before that there were many other instruments that, in fact, were the predecessors of the piano. In the beginning there was a monochord with one string. Its invention is attributed to Pythagoras. In the 3rd century BC. the first keyboard musical instrument in human history appeared hydraulics, or water organ. Then the Organ was invented. And then the clavichord appeared, where the keyboard and strings were finally combined. Then they invented the harpsichord, which could already sound a large hall. The feathers inside the harpsichord made the string sound no longer with a blow, but with a pluck. The feathers were quickly ground down, and soon they began to be made of steel.

The piano differed from the harpsichord by a godsend hammers that struck directly on the strings, sensitively responding to the touch of a finger on the key. But for a long time The piano was considered too loud and rude.

The cost of this musical instrument varies from 100 dollars (used, the lowest quality, this is the Lyra) and up to outrageous prices. Very often you can find an advertisement “I will give away a piano for free, pick up.”

On this instrument you can play both classics and jazz and pop songs. If you decide to learn to play the piano, you will have to. You can buy both a grand piano and an upright piano, the only question is the price. Exercising outside the home will not give the desired effect. Only constant training will allow you to achieve results. It’s better to start with children’s songs, studying notes and solfeggio. However, instead of a piano, you can buy a synthesizer; to some extent, it can replace this instrument for you and allow you to learn pieces at home. If you want to study jazz, it is better to have a basic foundation and already know how to play the piano. Because jazz has a complex score and rhythm.

One of the disadvantages of training is that if you have nervous neighbors, you will have to choose the time to play. So, they constantly knock on our radiator at 8 pm. And you can’t take a piano with you to the yard or on a trip, like other portable instruments..

If you want to teach a child with the goal of giving him a profession, you need to understand that someone who knows how to play the piano is either a pianist, an accompanist, or a teacher in the future. And these are very nervous professions.A pianist or accompanist should not have stage fright, public, performances, havecertain character traits: concentration, high degree self-organization to train at home yourself. If you learn to play a rarer musical instrument, you have a better chance of finding use in the future. For example, you can play in an orchestra and teach inmusic school.


There are different types of guitars: acoustic, electro-acoustic and electric, as well as a bass guitar, which is designed for playing in the bass range. The progenitor of the bass guitar Double bass. In 1951, American inventor and entrepreneur Leo Fender, founder of the Fender company, released the Precision bass guitar, which he developed based on his Telecaster electric guitar. Then came the acoustic and fretless guitar, guitars with built-in active electronics, double and triple strings and without a headstock. Eat different techniques playing such a guitar is a slap (the strings are struck thumb) and playing with harmonics (partial pressing of the string in the middle of the string).

Guitars come in 6, 7 and 12 string guitars, the difference is mainly in the sound. Nowadays people are taught to play, most often, 6-string guitars.

Relatives of the 12-string guitar were the Italian mandolin, the Greek bouzouki, the Arabic oud, the Spanish vihuela, and the Mexican tiple.

From Spain, the guitar was brought to Western European countries and America, where it gained great popularity. American masters were the first to include a 12-string guitar in their catalog Italian origin from the Oscar Schmidt and Regal factories. They drew on the twin-string tradition of making instruments and used the standard six-string guitars from their factories as a basis.

Guitars are also divided by type: Classical (Spanish) guitar.
Russian six-string guitar, and seven-string. A guitar with a reduced body and a narrow neck is called a child's guitar, an enlarged body and a normal neck. called pop. American guitar (western).

When choosing a guitar, ask yourself 3 questions: for what purposes do you need the instrument (training, amateur or professional playing, playing style)?
What type of guitar do you want to learn to play (acoustic, electro-acoustic or electric), and how much are you willing to spend on the guitar. In general, it is better to choose a tool after reading specialized articles on this topic. First of all, the guitar should be comfortable for you and you like the sound. You can play a lot on an acoustic guitar, but if your goal is to play modern electronic music, then it’s better to immediately learn to play an electronic guitar.

When you learn to play, oh the beautiful ones long nails you can forget, however, while playing the piano it is also impossible to grow them. This applies to girls. In addition, calluses on the fingers are also an integral part of learning to play this musical instrument.


A beautiful instrument, but very big. Its weight is about 35 kilograms . VC place it in the apartment difficult. In addition, the harp is a capricious instrument - it needs to create a certain humidity and protect it from drafts. There really is a Celtic harp, it is also called the Irish harp. She weighs 8- 10 kg . And it has fewer strings, which makes it easier to play. They are small and their cost is not so high. Although they are still difficult to buy in Russia.

The cheapest used harp costs around 450 euros - these are small Celtic harps. A real concert harp costs much more, about $10,000. and higher.

The ancestor of the harp is the hunting bow. The harp became popular in Egypt, a variation of the harp was the Lyre, which became popular in Greece. IN Ancient Egypt it was an instrument of priests and had a height of two meters. The nobles often invested all their jewelry in the harp, and in moments of disfavor it was the only joy. And in Ireland and England, in the old days, a small harp hung above the entrance to the tavern, on the gate of the inn, so that any traveling musician could take it down and sing the news to everyone. The harp has been a political symbol of Ireland for many centuries and is still featured on Irish euros, flags, coats of arms and seals. The harp came to Russia in late XIX century, when French and Czech harpists began to be invited to work in the court theater and began to give private lessons to noble persons. The harp was introduced into the compulsory course of study at the Smolny Institute, and harpists Zabel, Cordon, who came to Russia young and stayed in it forever, are considered the first Russian harpists.

How is it played? The harp has as many as seven pedals and 47 strings. It is played with both hands, and the strings are clamped with special flags that are attached to the pedals. Playing the harp is not easy, you need to have great patience - to play with your hands and feet at the same time, and also maintain your balance.


Not available in all music schools. Pros: It only takes 5 years to learn and is much easier than piano. The downside is that they do not accept children (from 8-9 years old).


First, they always learn on the pipe or flute, then they learn on the chosen ones: trumpet, saxophone, and the like. When playing the wind instruments, the lungs develop, but you need to have strong hearing, the teachers themselves permanent job with wind instruments, over time they begin to hear a little worse.

Where to study music

Education for children at a music school is now free, but it has become very difficult to enroll; a child not only must have good hearing, sometimes a mandatory passage is required preparatory courses at the same school, and even this cannot guarantee admission, since budget places in music schools have been greatly reduced since 2015. Therefore, sending your child to a music school as before is simply for the sake of general development it won't be possible anymore. If you decide to teach your child you should know exactly why you need it. The easiest way to enroll is to study piano; it is the least popular with parents, since not every family has the opportunity to have an instrument in their apartment. The most popular destinations this is a guitar and a flute. At the same time, it is still quite easy to get into folk instruments, for example, learn to play the balalaika. IN musical education Choir and solfeggio are required. In some schools you can also budgetary basis study a second musical instrument of your choice (for example, at the Shaporin Music School you can study a second instrument of your choice: vocals, organ, synthesizer).

You can study privately or go to an evening school and negotiate with the teachers. In Moscow there is evening schools for adults. So, there is a school at the Moscow Conservatory. It is taught mainly by students of the Conservatory itself, and, by the way, it is free. True, you can learn to play the piano there only until you are 18 years old. But you can learn to sing until you are 30 years old. If you have the ability to compose music, you will be accepted until you are 21 years old. And the Choral Conducting department will accept up to 24 years of age.

You can go to any children's music school where clarinet is taught and get a job in the self-sufficiency department (for children over ten years old and adults), it is paid, but quite moderately. You can always negotiate with teachers of music schools and colleges to study with them for money.

But there is an official evening department for adults in Moscow this is Music School No. 1 named after. Prokofiev. There is a self-sufficiency department there. You can study there in phono, strings, winds, drums, folk instruments, and you can also learn vocals.

In addition, in any area there are Houses of Culture, where you can also go to study either vocals or an orchestra on any instrument.

Musical instrumentsthere are a lot, and in order to choose what to learn to play, you need to have an idea about them (you can look at the instruments and hear their sound at a concert at a music school, such concerts are held in April) there are also strings, folk, wind instruments, as well as rare musical instruments different nations peace. You will learn about them in the following articles..

Part 1

Tool selection

    Experiment with many tools before choosing one tool. The decision to start learning to play a musical instrument can be as simple as picking one up at a store or a friend's house and playing a few notes. You can't play music yet, but try to get your hands on the instrument and feel it in your hands before you buy it or sign up for lessons.

    • As a rule, if you want to join the band or orchestra at your school, the leaders regularly invite you to meetings during which they allow you to experiment with the instruments and choose an instrument for yourself. Come to such a meeting and try out different types of tools.
    • Most music instrument stores are happy to show you their instruments and let you try them. They may even be able to show you a few things.
  1. Try classical piano. One of the most common tools used in most different styles and regions, is the piano. For children and adults alike, the piano is an extremely popular instrument for learning and playing. Since you can actually see the notes in front of you, the piano is also good tool for learning music and reading notes. Once you have learned to play the piano, you can specialize in:

    • Playing the organ
    • Playing the accordion
    • Playing on a synthesizer
    • Playing the harpsichord
    • Playing the harmonium
  2. Think about playing the guitar. After the piano the most popular instrument from Hank to Hendrix - guitar. Technically a classical string instrument, popular electric guitar became the most important tool in pop culture like no other instrument. This is interesting for rock and roll, jazz and almost any music. The guitar also provides a good foundation for various types folk or rock instruments:

    • Bas-guitar
    • Mandolin
    • Banjo
    • Cymbals
  3. Consider orchestral string instruments. If you want to play in an orchestra, string quartet, or have a special interest in classical music, a stringed instrument may be right for you. These tools are also widely used for folk music and other acoustic sounds. You might consider the following tools:

    • Violin
    • Viola
    • Cello
    • Double bass
  4. Try your hand at the copper family. Brass instruments are so called because they are traditionally very long metal tubes, bent into intricate patterns, having valves to change the pitch, and made entirely of brass. They are now made from different metals, but still work by vibrating your lips inside a metal mouthpiece. They are used in concert bands, jazz, orchestras and many other types of music. Copper tools:

    • Pipe
    • Trombone
    • French horn
    • Baritone
    • Sousaphone
  5. Try woodwind instruments. Like brass instruments, woodwind instruments play with the power of breath. While brass instruments use mouthpieces and lip vibrations, woodwinds use reeds that vibrate when you blow on them. They are made from various combinations metals, wood and reeds, and not a single orchestra or jazz ensemble can do without them. Wind instruments:

    • Flute
    • Saxophone
    • Clarinet
    • Oboe
    • Bassoon
    • Harmonic
  6. Make some noise on the drums. The basis of the majority musical groups is a drummer. In rock bands and jazz orchestras The drummer usually plays a drum set made up of several drums, allowing him to play simultaneously with sticks and pedals. In orchestras and concert groups, drummers use a fairly wide variety of instruments, which they play by striking with their hands, hammers or sticks. Percussion instruments:

    • Drum set
    • Vibraphone, marimba and xylophone
    • Bells
    • Bells and cymbals
    • Congo and bongos
    • Timpani
    • Blocks, bells and triangles
  7. Let's look at other types of tools. There are literally thousands of instruments you could play and hundreds of teachers offering lessons. Explore the world of music and choose what you like and you can enjoy the game. Some difficult to categorize tools:

    • Harmonic
    • African djembe drums
    • Concertina
    • Bagpipes
    • Singing bowl
    • Kalimba
    • Sitar

    Part 2

    Basics of training
    1. Buy the right size tool. Make sure the tool is suitable for your height and hands and is the right size for you. Long and thin fingers desirable for string instruments, while some brass instruments are somewhat heavy and require strong lungs to play.

      • Some instruments such as violins and guitars are available in large quantities different sizes that can be chosen to suit your abilities and your size. There are tools for children. Choose an option that is comfortable for your budget and feel. Talk to store associates to get an idea of ​​the appropriate sizes and styles.
      • Some band directors try to discourage people from playing specific instruments, such as trumpets or saxophones, because they are so popular. Insist on the instrument you want to play. There are one-handed guitarists and little tuba players.
    2. Learn to hold and tune instruments properly. You can very quickly develop bad habits by playing the instrument in the wrong position or playing out of tune. You need to develop correct technique specific instrument, hold the instrument correctly, sit up straight, and blow or strike the strings in the correct position.

      • Ask your band leader, teacher, or staff member at a music store to give you a tutorial on proper technique for your instrument. If you don't have access to teachers, online videos and diagrams are great resources for learning technique.
      • Set aside time for setup every time you sit down to play. Even unexpected instruments like the trombone require tuning, or you'll develop incorrect slide positioning as you try to play.
    3. Learn to read music notation. While it may be a little like learning a new language, learning to read music will greatly expand your musical horizons. You can recognize any song just by looking at the sheet music, noting the melody, rhythm, and even the feeling of the music in the directions in the notes. This is an invaluable tool for any student.

      • Make sure you can read the bass clef if you are learning bass or bass brass instruments like trombone, baritone and tuba.
      • Learn to play scales. On all instruments, learning to play scales will help you improve your technique and help you become more familiar with the correct notes, creating muscle memory for them.
      • As you progress, consider a little theory. Knowing simple chords and scales will expand your musical imagination; you can do a lot with little effort. Ask a friend to help you or find online resources. Practice these basic structures at your own pace, and you'll soon be solving more complex problems.
    4. Practice constantly. The difference between learning an instrument and giving up on it is practice. Develop a daily practice plan and stick to it. Practice daily for at least 30 minutes a day to develop good habits and learn to play the instrument properly.

      • Consider private lessons. Educational books and YouTube videos can take you to a certain level, especially on instruments like violin or wind instruments. Using the Suzuki method on the violin takes a lot of time (sometimes years) playing fake violin shapes to get the correct bowing technique. Having one-on-one instruction is invaluable when you are trying to learn to play a musical instrument.
      • This is easy to do in practice. Find a good place in the house for your instrument. Keep it where you spend your time free time, or where you can see it frequently during the day. The more accessible your instrument is, the more often you'll pick it up and play. You'll end up taking it every free minute.
    5. Practice rhythm. It is very important to always practice your instrument on time. One of the signs of a novice musician is that he will play notes as fast as he can, rather than playing them appropriately. Once you know the difference between 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures, once you know the difference between quarter notes and whole notes, these things will become clearer, but it's important to play according to the rhythm of the song you're learning to play. Even if you play scales, play with rhythm.

      • Find a metronome to practice with: There are free metronomes online. A ticking clock or radio will also work well.
    6. Take care of your instrument. It's no fun playing a trombone with a sticky string, a saxophone with an old reed, or a guitar with rusty green strings. Learn how to care for your instrument, take the time to clean, maintain and respect it like the work of art that it is. You won't develop bad habits in your technique and you will get more life from your instrument, not to mention a cleaner, more natural sound. Spend a few minutes before and after each practice caring for your instrument, and do it right.

      Part 3

      Music Creation
      1. Join the group. If you're in school, consider joining an orchestra or concert group to take advantage of the lessons and training on offer. Even if your ultimate goal is to become a rock drummer, the fundamentals offered in a school band are quite valuable, not to mention the access to the school's instrumental resources, practice space, and teachers. They usually like your musical purposes. Join us!

      2. Organize your own orchestra. If you're trying to learn an instrument on your own, start playing with other people to learn as much as you can about playing in a group with proper technique, as well as developing good habits. You'll learn how to have more fun than playing scales in your bedroom. Try meeting other musicians:

        • Music festivals
        • Open Mic Nights
        • Violinist jams
        • Guitar stores
      3. Improvise. Learning to play on the fly will make you a well-rounded musician. Combine scales and creativity and play extemporaneously. This is how you learn the “language” of music. You will be one step closer to speaking it fluently.
        • Start reading sheet music once you are comfortable with the instrument. Instead of playing the Darth Vader theme again on your tuba, try learning something else and see if you can play it correctly the first time. Keep at it until you play it exactly like the Imperial March.
      4. Let's look at the long term. Learning to play a musical instrument takes years of practice. This won't happen overnight. If you want to be good musician, dedicate yourself to your instrument. Jimi Hendrix slept with his guitar. Some prominent musicians are even buried with their trumpets, violas and drumsticks. Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, an Indian classical musician, once said: "If you practice for ten years, you can begin to please yourself. After 20 years, you can become a performer and please the audience. After 30 years, you can please even your guru." but you must practice for many more years before you become a real artist - then you can please even God."

        • If you are upset, relax. Even as you become a more experienced musician, sometimes it's just better to close your eyes and play.
        • If you really want something, find it. So why does this advice get in the way?
        • Music comes to life through play, just as learning comes to children through play; The joy of music is the freedom to play. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, especially in the beginning.
        • When purchasing an instrument, make sure that it is the one you will play first and that it is sufficiently High Quality, and it's easy to play. Cheap instruments not only sound worse, but they are more difficult to play, and you don't want to push yourself because of the instrument's inadequacy. Compare your instrument to other contenders in each price range to find what you like or dislike about each. Then buy something simple that you find enjoyable.
        • Take care of your early stages in music making. There is an "innocence" in every musician's early stages that is lost as they continue their training. Some accomplished musicians spend their entire lives trying to make music this way.
        • Practice playing scales and get them perfect. After that, work on the pieces and notes.


        • Don't play if you don't want to play. The piano is not “worked”, it is played. There's nothing wrong with putting your instrument away for a while to "rest." It often takes time to come up with new ideas and break old habits in your music.
        • Don't force yourself! You can't become a good musician overnight. Only by continuing to play will you improve your skills. Be patient and have fun!