E. Abdullin - Theory of music education

Eduard Borisovich Abdullin
basic information
Birth name

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Full name

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity

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A country

USSR 22x20px USSR
Russia 22x20px Russia

Singing voice

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Eduard Borisovich Abdullin(born August 12, 1940, Ufa) - Soviet and Russian methodologist, choirmaster, teacher. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


Postgraduate and doctoral student of composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky at Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), majoring in Music Education. Since 1968 – teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1974 to 1983, together with D. B. Kabalevsky, he created a music program for schoolchildren. Vice-President of the Russian National Section of the International Society for Music Education under the UNESCO Music Council (ROSISME).

Major works

  • Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system.- M.: Prometheus, 1990.
  • Edward B. Abdullin. Music Education in the General School and the Preparation of Music Teachers in Russia. - Moscow, 1996.
  • Music Education Theory(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Academy, 2004. ISBN 5-7695-1671-2
  • Eduard Abdullin, Elena Nikolaeva. Music Pedagogical Education in Russia between 20th and 21st Centuries.- Moscow, 2005.
  • Methods of music education(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Music, 2006. ISBN 5-7140-0648-8
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Scientific school of E. B. Abdullin.(Ed.) - M., 2008. ISBN 5-7695-3659-4
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M., 2010.


  • Who is Who in Russia. - Who is who Verlag für Personenzyklopädien AG, Schweiz.

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An excerpt characterizing Abdullin, Eduard Borisovich

– Lies, murder, betrayal... Don’t you have such words?..
– It was a long time ago... no one remembers anymore. Just me. But we know what it was. This is embedded in our “ancient memory” so that we never forget. Have you come from where evil lives?
I nodded sadly. I was very upset for my native Earth, and for the fact that life on it was so wildly imperfect that it forced me to ask such questions... But, at the same time, I really wanted Evil to leave our Home forever, because that I loved this house with all my heart, and very often dreamed that someday such a wonderful day would come when:
a person will smile with joy, knowing that people can only bring him good...
when a lonely girl will not be afraid to walk through the darkest street in the evening, without fear that someone will offend her...
when you can joyfully open your heart without fear that your best friend will betray you...
when you can leave something very expensive right on the street, without fear that if you turn your back, it will be stolen right away...
And I sincerely, with all my heart, believed that somewhere there really was such a wonderful world, where there is no evil and fear, but there is a simple joy of life and beauty... That is why, following my naive dream, I took the slightest opportunity to at least learn something about how it is possible to destroy this same, so tenacious and so indestructible, our earthly Evil... And also - so that I will never be ashamed to say to someone somewhere that I am a Man. ..
Of course, these were naive childhood dreams... But then I was still just a child.
– My name is Atis, Man-Svetlana. I have lived here from the very beginning, I have seen Evil... A lot of evil...
- How did you get rid of him, wise Atis?! Did someone help you?.. – I asked hopefully. – Can you help us?.. Give me at least some advice?
- We found the reason... And killed her. But your evil is beyond our control. It is different... Just like others and you. And the good of others may not always be good for you. You must find your own reason. And destroy it,” he gently put his hand on my head and a wonderful peace flowed into me... “Farewell, Man-Svetlana... You will find the answer to your question.” May you rest...

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


Postgraduate and doctoral student of composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky at Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), majoring in Music Education. Since 1968 – teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1974 to 1983, together with D. B. Kabalevsky, he created a music program for a secondary school and worked for seven years as a music teacher in a class parallel to D. B. Kabalevsky at Moscow school No. 209. Founder and head of the department of methodology and methods of teaching music at Moscow State Pedagogical University. Among doctoral students, graduate students, and applicants for E. B. Abdullina are approx. 30 doctors and candidates of science.

Advisor to the Secretary (Head) of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the educational and methodological commission of higher musical and pedagogical education under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Member of the Union of Composers of Russia (department of musicology). Academician-secretary of the Department of Music Pedagogy and Psychology and member of the Presidium of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education. Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences. Vice-President of the Russian National Section of ISME. Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Public Foundation "Art Education and Culture".

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2011.

Major works

  • Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system. - M.: Prometheus, 1990.
  • Edward B. Abdullin. Music Education in the General School and the Preparation of Music Teachers in Russia. - Moscow, 1996.
  • Theory of music education (together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Academy, 2004. ISBN 5-7695-1671-2
  • Eduard Abdullin, Elena Nikolaeva. Music Pedagogical Education in Russia between 20th and 21st Centuries. - Moscow, 2005.
  • Methods of music education (together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Music, 2006. ISBN 5-7140-0648-8
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Scientific school of E. B. Abdullin. (Ed.) - M., 2008. ISBN 5-7695-3659-4
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M., 2010.

Eduard Borisovich Abdullin(born August 12, 1940, Ufa) - Soviet and Russian methodologist, choirmaster, teacher. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


Postgraduate and doctoral student of composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky at Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), majoring in Music Education. Since 1968 – teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1974 to 1983, together with D. B. Kabalevsky, he created a music program for schoolchildren. Vice-President of the Russian National Section of the International Society for Music Education under the UNESCO Music Council (ROSISME).

Major works

  • Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system. - M.: Prometheus, 1990.
  • Edward B. Abdullin. Music Education in the General School and the Preparation of Music Teachers in Russia. - Moscow, 1996.
  • Theory of music education (together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Academy, 2004. ISBN 5-7695-1671-2
  • Eduard Abdullin, Elena Nikolaeva. Music Pedagogical Education in Russia between 20th and 21st Centuries. - Moscow, 2005.
  • Methods of music education (together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Music, 2006. ISBN 5-7140-0648-8
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Scientific school of E. B. Abdullin. (Ed.) - M., 2008. ISBN 5-7695-3659-4
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M., 2010.


  • Who is Who in Russia. - Who is who Verlag fr Personenzyklopdien AG, Schweiz.
  • Website of the International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education
  • Website of the Faculty of Music of MPGU
  • ROSISME website

The Higher Pedagogical School is the main forge of professional teaching staff. In the context of the restructuring of general education and vocational schools, as well as higher and secondary specialized education, a critical analysis of the state of teacher training, and above all general pedagogical training as the core of the entire system of professional training in pedagogical universities, is of particular importance. A scientific analysis of the main trends in the development of general pedagogical training, the revelation of negative phenomena that have accumulated over a number of years, the identification of objective and subjective factors and reasons that led to a certain lag in this training, its inconsistency with the requirements for schools and teachers at the present stage of development of socialist society will make it possible to determine scientifically based ways and means of improving general pedagogical training of students of pedagogical institutes. The task is to critically rethink all accumulated experience, deeply analyze the long-term practice of teaching pedagogical disciplines, determine what of what has been accumulated, tested by many years of practice, retains its significance, and what should be changed or updated under the influence of new trends and processes.

An objective description of the state of general pedagogical training of a teacher can be given on the basis of an analysis, on the one hand, of its structure, content and methods in a modern higher pedagogical school and, on the other hand, of the quality of work of young teachers - graduates of pedagogical universities.

The structure and content of general pedagogical training for teachers is determined by curricula, study programs, textbooks and teaching aids for pedagogical disciplines.

It should be noted that a general theory of the curriculum of higher schools, including higher pedagogical schools, has not yet been developed, and the main focus of teacher training has not been scientifically substantiated.

Doctoral studies: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenina, 1988, specialty 130001 - General pedagogy, specialty 130002 - Theory and methodology of teaching music.
Postgraduate studies: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenina, 1968, specialty 130002 Theory and methods of teaching music.
Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenin, 1964, specialty "Music teacher, teacher of methodological disciplines."

Topic of the candidate's dissertation

Doctoral dissertation topic

Courses for the current academic year

Title: Methodology and methods of music pedagogical research.
Level: Master's degree.

Course: 1st.

Title: Music education as an object of scientific research (research seminar).
Level: Master's degree.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.
Specialization: Pedagogy and psychology of music education
Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 1st and 2nd courses.

Title: Theory and methods of teaching musical-pedagogical and musical-psychological disciplines.
Level: Master's degree.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.
Specialization: Pedagogy and psychology of music education
Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 1st and 2nd courses.

Title: Methodology and methods of music pedagogical research.
Level: Master's degree.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.

Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 1st.

Title: Theory of music education.
Level: Bachelor.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.
Specialization: Music and Further education
Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 1st.

Title: Methods of music education.
Level: Bachelor.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.
Specialization: Music and Further education
Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 2nd.

Title: Fundamentals of research activities of a music teacher.
Level: Bachelor.
Faculty: Faculty of Music.
Specialization: Music and Further education
Direction: Pedagogical education.
Course: 4th.


1. Methodology of pedagogy of music education. Scientific school E.B. Abdullina. Collective monograph / Under scientific. ed. E.B. Abdullina. Ed. 3rd. corr. and additional - M.: Graf-Press, 2010. – 272 pages.
2. Abdullin E.B. , Nikolaeva E.V. On the philosophy of music education: essence, orientation // Philosophical Sciences. 2010, no. 1.– pp. 144-153. (VAK Magazine).
3. Abdullin E.B. To affirm the role of genuine art in the life of the younger generation // Pedagogical education and science, scientific and methodological journal of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, No. 5, 2011. – P. 28-30. (VAK Magazine).
4. Abdullin E.B. Scientific research in the field of pedagogy of music education: problems and ways of improvement / Pedagogical education and science, scientific and methodological journal of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, No. 5, 2011. – P. 4-9. (VAK Magazine).
5. Abdullin E.B. Theoretical research methods in art pedagogy // Humanitarian technologies in education, No. 3, 2013. – P.8-11.
6. Abdullin E.B., Nikolaeva E.V. Theory of music education. Textbook for universities. 2nd edition, rev. and additional – M.: “Prometheus”, 2013.
7. Abdullin E.B., Nikolaeva E.V. Modern theoretical ideas about music lessons // Musical art and education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at Moscow Pedagogical State University. Scientific journal about the world of musical art and education. 2013, no. 1. p.155-165.
8. Abdullin E.B. Methodological analysis as a meta-method of music education pedagogy // Musical art and education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at Moscow Pedagogical State University. Scientific journal about the world of musical art and education. 2013, No. 2, pp. 13-22.
9. Nikolaeva E.V., Abdullin E.B. The concept of the music program in the light of the new state strategy for the development of general music education // Musical art and education. Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at Moscow Pedagogical State University. Scientific journal about the world of musical art and education.
2013, №3 , pp. 133-157.


02.04.2013-28.05.2013 "History and philosophy of science" (72 hours, FSBEI HPE MPGU), No. 2472
10.30.2008 - 11.12.2008 "International activities in education (16 hours, internship at the University of Tianjin (PRC)), No. 135

State and departmental awards

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education 2011

Achievements and awards

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education (IASPE).
Full member of the MAN VS.
Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Chairman of the Commission on Interaction between Science, Culture and Art Education of the Russian Association for the Promotion of Science (RASN).
Participation in the work of editorial boards and editorial boards of magazines: Bulletin of the UNESCO Department at Moscow State Pedagogical University "Musical Art and Education" (deputy chairman of the editorial board, member of the editorial board), "Teacher 21st century".
Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education.
Member of the New York Academy of Sciences
Member of the Union of Composers of Russia
Chairman of the dissertation council D212.154.13