Materials for preparation in OGE. Material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic: Preparation for the Unified State Exam


TOPIC: “The path to yourself.” Comprehensive preparation to the OGE

OBJECTIVES: to systematically prepare students for the final certification; repeat the algorithm for completing standard tasks in all sections of the language; develop skills in linguistic analysis of text and its information processing; to cultivate in students respect for the successes of others and rejection of envy and malice; contribute to psychological relaxation, their emotional relief in anticipation of exams.

EQUIPMENT: multimedia projector, laptop, presentation, video “Window”, fragment of the cartoon “On Envy”, text of the letter from the fifteenth D.S. Likhachev “About envy”, task cards, Balloons.

EPIGRAPH: Envy is poison for the heart. Voltaire


Goal setting.


- Hello guys. Today we have an unusual lesson. Very soon you will have to take exams for the first time in your life. And the less time remains before them, the greater our excitement. Today in the lesson we will not only repeat everything that is necessary for successful completion exam, but we will also try to prepare for it emotionally and psychologically. But these are not all our goals. Another one - talk about one thing human quality which is unacceptable to develop in oneself at any age.

Watching a fragment of the cartoon “On Envy.”

– So, you looked at a small fragment. Tell me about what human quality we're talking about? That's right, about envy. How can you characterize envious person?

– Today we will work with the fifteenth letter from D.S. Likhachev "About envy". So, the topic of our lesson is: “The path to yourself.” Preparation for the OGE. How do you understand Voltaire’s words about envy? Let's see what D.S. thinks about this. Likhachev.

Work with text.

Reading the text by the teacher. The text is projected onto the screen.

(1) If a heavyweight breaks a new world record in weight lifting, do you envy him? (2) What if I’m a gymnast? (3) What if the record holder for diving from a tower into the water?

(4) Start listing everything you know and what you can envy: you will notice that the closer you are to your work, specialty, life, the stronger the proximity of envy. (5) It’s like in a game - cold, warm, even warmer, hot, burned!

(6) On the last one, you found an item hidden by other players while blindfolded. (7) It’s the same with envy. (8) The closer the achievement of another to your specialty, to your interests, the more the burning danger of envy increases.

(9) A terrible feeling from which the one who envies primarily suffers.

(10) Now you will understand how to get rid of the extremely painful feeling of envy: develop your own individual inclinations, your own uniqueness in the world around you, be yourself, and you will never envy. (11) Envy develops primarily there where you are a stranger to yourself. (12) Envy develops primarily where you do not distinguish yourself from others. (13) If you are jealous, it means you haven’t found yourself.

Main thought:

Performing standard tasks related to the content of the text.

Task 2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “How to learn not to envy other people”?

You must be indifferent to other people's successes and failures and think only about yourself.

The main thing is to be yourself, and then envy will never settle in your soul.

If you are like everyone else, then no one will have to envy you.

You need to do everything to make everyone around you envious of you.

Task 3. Indicate a sentence in which gradation is the means of expression.

A terrible feeling that primarily affects those who envy.

If a heavyweight breaks a new world record in weight lifting, do you envy him?

It’s like in a game – cold, warm, even warmer, hot, burned!

Envy develops primarily where you are a stranger to yourself.

Psychological warm-up.

– Before moving on to the next task, we will try to understand the reasons that prevent well-prepared graduates from successfully passing the exam. Now I will give you cards on which it is printed small text. Your task is to read it as quickly as possible.

– Why do you think you couldn’t read the text right away? This happens in an exam: after reading the task, you do not immediately understand its meaning and begin to panic because time is limited. Therefore what will it be main advice for those taking the exam?

Performing standard tasks on spelling, morphology and syntax.

Task 4. From sentences 10-12, write down a word whose spelling of the prefix depends on the ability to choose a synonym without a prefix.

Task 5. From sentences 6-8, write down the words in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “Two letters N are written in full passive past participles if they are formed from perfective verbs or have dependent word».

Task 6. Replace the word “extremely” in sentence 10 with the stylistically neutral blue. Write this synonym.

Task 7. Replace the phrase “world record”, built on the basis of coordination, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

Task 8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 9.

Physics minute “Up the Rainbow”.

- Guys, now I suggest you relax. Stand up, close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that with this inhalation you are climbing up the rainbow, and, exhaling, sliding down it like a slide. Repeat the exercise three times.

6. Completing tasks on syntax.

Task 9. Among sentences 6-8, find a sentence with a non-isolated common agreed upon definition.

Task 10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

Envy develops primarily where1 you do not distinguish yourself from others. If you are jealous, it means you haven’t found yourself.

Task 11. Specify the quantity grammar basics in sentence 10.

Task 12. In the sentence below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma between the parts complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection.

The closer the achievement of another is to your specialty,1 to your interests,2 the more the burning danger of envy increases.

Task 13. Among sentences 6-9, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

Task 14. Among sentences 1-5, find the complex one non-union proposal.

Relieving emotional stress. Exercise "Angry Balls".

- Guys, take the balloons in your hands. Imagine that the ball is a person, and the air in it represents feelings of irritation, anger, tension. Find a way to get rid of these feelings without harming the person.

Explanation homework.

Rear 15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the words of D.S. Likhachev: “If you are jealous, it means you have not found yourself.” In your essay, give two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning. The essay must be at least 70 words.

Summing up the lesson.

- So, guys, let's try to assess your readiness for the exam. Take the emoticons that are on your tables. Yellow is your knowledge, green is your emotional mood before the exam. Select those that express your level of readiness for the upcoming exam.

– Now let’s return to the topic of our lesson. What could be the path to yourself? What feelings should not poison our lives?

– Finally, I would like to introduce you to a story that may forever save you from feelings of envy of other people.

Watch the video "Window".

Summary and aspect analysis of a speech development lesson in 9th grade.

LESSON TOPIC: “Preparation for writing an argumentative essay in preparation for the OGE in the Russian language (completing task 15.3 of part 3).”

Purpose of the lesson: to develop writing skills in schoolchildren essays-reasonings on moral and ethical topic in preparation for the OGE in the Russian language (completing task 15.3 of part 3).

educational: expanding and deepening knowledge of speech culture; repetition of students' knowledge about types of speech, figurative and expressive means of language, prevention of speech errors in the use of words participial phrases, participial phrases, introductory words;

developing: development of creative, speech and mental activity, interest in the subject based on linguistic impressions, formation of the ability to conduct compositional and content analysis source text and on this basis select material for your own text journalistic nature;

educating: formation moral qualities students; education of patriotism, historical memory.

Teaching methods: problem-search, comparative analysis information.

Organizational forms: conversation, group work, individual work, independent work, student messages.

Teaching aids: computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation, reminders, explanatory dictionaries, dictionary of synonyms, dictionary of antonyms.

Techniques for activating students’ mental activity: analysis educational information, disclosure of interdisciplinary connections between the Russian language, history, and literature. Proposing hypotheses. Analysis of the text, drawing up an algorithm for writing an argumentative essay, task 15.3, part 3.

Main features of the use of digital educational resources: illustrative materials of Internet resources containing reference data and illustrative material on this topic; computer software- MicrosoftWord, MicrosoftPowerPoint and others to prepare material for the lesson and independent work students. Computer presentation to the lesson.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

1) Greeting students. Setting the lesson goal. (Slide No. 2)

2) Write down the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook.

II. Spelling work. Extension vocabulary students.

Task: determine the lexical meaning of words:

hero, heroic

spiritual (related to inner world person),


humanity, humane

III Updating knowledge.

1.Repetition of speech styles.

Questions for the class:

1.What types of speech styles exist?

2.What is the scope of their use?

3. Is it acceptable to mix speech styles? (Slide No. 3)

2. Repetition of types of speech.

Questions for the class:

1.List the types of speech.

2. What are the features of each type of speech?

Description is a type of speech that lists

temporary or permanent signs of objects (phenomena).

The object of description is always defined and is revealed through

listing of signs. The subject of the description is static,

There is practically no action in the description. You can ask a question about the text: which one?

Narration is a type of speech with the meaning of reporting about developing

events, actions or states. The main thing is

property – dynamism, leading part of speech –

verb or words with the meaning of movement.

The sequence of actions is emphasized

intonation. You can ask a question about the text: what happened?

Reasoning is a type of speech with a message meaning in which the most

the important part is to indicate the reason or

consequences of this or that phenomenon. Necessary

the component is arguments (evidence).

In a number of texts - arguments there is no clearly expressed

explain a phenomenon. You can ask a question about the text: why?

(Slide No. 4)

3. Is it possible to mix speech types? What are the possible options for such a combination?

(narration with an element of description, description with an element of narration, narration with an element of reasoning, reasoning with an element of narration, reasoning with an element of description).

Work on constructing an essay - reasoning.

Teacher's word: So, we continue to work on the algorithm for writing an argumentative essay.

1). Repetition of the essay-reasoning scheme:

Questions for the class:

1.What is the structure of an argumentative essay?

Arguments (evidence)

Conclusion. (Slide No. 5)

2. What is a thesis?

A thesis is a position, a statement that needs to be proven.

Arguments are evidence, facts that confirm the thesis put forward.

A conclusion is a conclusion, the result of the reasoning. (Slide No. 6)

2) Text analysis.

Teacher's Word: So, we have repeated the basic concepts we need to successfully complete our task.

(Slide No. 7 - No. 8 – photos and frames of the Second World War)

In preparation for an essay - an argument, today we will talk about an unforgettable heroic page of history - the Great Patriotic War, those people who knew the war not from the pages of a history textbook. We bow our heads to the veterans of World War II who saved Europe from fascism. The choice of topic is not accidental. May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the GREAT VICTORY. We do not have the right to forget at what cost our people won the victory, to forget those who, at the cost of their lives, defended the right to life for future generations. Historical memory... It takes us into the past, passes through the consciousness of everyone and gives rise to a sense of pride and patriotism for our great people and our Motherland. It becomes our conscience and connects generations.

Let me not name all the names,

There is no blood relative.

Isn't that why I live

Why did they die?!

For analysis, we will take the text of Sergei Petrovich Alekseev (1922 - 2008), famous children's writer, participant of the Great Patriotic War, author of numerous works about Russian history, about great battles and simple military everyday life, about famous heroes and ordinary defenders of the Fatherland.

1. (The student, prepared in advance, reads the text expressively.)

2. Questions for the class:

What is the topic of this text? (Battle for Sevastopol).

Name the style of this text. (Art).

What type of speech is used in the text? (Narration).

3.Independent work on text analysis in OGE format:

1.Replace spoken word“now” in the sentence is 31 stylistically neutral synonyms. Write this answer.

2. Indicate what means of expression is used in the sentence: “The sailor’s face is stern, the collar of his naval shirt is torn, and his cap miraculously stays on the back of his head.”

1) comparative turnover

2) phraseology

3) personification

4) colloquial vocabulary

3. Replace the phrase “ranks of fascists”, built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.


4.Find grammatical error in the use of participial phrases. Correct the mistake. Write down the sentence in corrected form.

1.Commissar Ishchenko touched the general’s hand, pointing to standing nearby broken guns.

2. Leaning towards the surviving gun, an enemy bomb whistled nearby.

3. The commanders came out to the open area, not noticing the well-camouflaged artillerymen.


4.Checking independent work.

Teacher's word: In your speech and writings you use participial phrases. We must remember that the gerund (additional action) and the predicate verb (main action) must denote the action of one person (subject), and not different ones. In writing, adverbial phrases are always separated by commas.

5. Questions for the class:

How do you understand the meaning of the phrase from the text you read: “No one left, everyone is here,” the artilleryman quietly repeated and fell back to the gun? (Not a single soldier left the battlefield; all died while carrying out their military duty, protecting Sevastopol from the enemy.)

What is the main idea of ​​the text? (During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet soldiers showed courage and heroism, defending their homeland from the enemy. They did not spare own life in battles for every city, for every inch native land.)

6. Teacher's word:

In your answers to the questions posed, the word COURAGE was heard. In the essay-reasoning we have to work on exactly this word.

Let's see what the requirements of task 15.3 part 3 are:

How do you understand the meaning of the word COURAGE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is courage?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from yours life experience.

If the essay is a retold or completely rewritten text, without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(Slide No. 9)

1. Proposition of the thesis.

Questions for the class:

What does it mean to define a word? (Explain what the word means, i.e. its lexical meaning).

IN in this case the thesis will be the lexical meaning of the word COURAGE.

How can we find out the lexical meaning of a word? (From the explanatory dictionary).

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova. COURAGE - ...

Let's turn to D.N. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. COURAGE - ...

Let's select synonyms for the word COURAGE. Let's turn to the dictionary of synonyms - (courage, fortitude, presence of mind, bravery, heroism).

Let's select antonyms for the word COURAGE (cowardice, cowardice).

Commentary on the thesis.

Commentary on the thesis – 2-3 sentences containing your thoughts in accordance with the stated thesis.

In this case, this could be reflections on where and under what circumstances can a person show courage? What could be the reason for the courage shown? And so on.

Remember that the comment should be logically connected to further arguments and examples from the text and your life experience.

2. Arguments + examples.

1st argument - from the read text (quote or sentence number).

2nd argument – ​​from your life experience

(life observations; example from the history of a village, city, country; stories from life famous people or your friends, from your life, information from the media, etc.).

Teacher's word: B this essay The second argument can be an example from the history of our city of Stavropol and its residents, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

(Historical information read out by the student (individual assignment)).

Teacher's word: An example of courage and perseverance of a person in war are the residents of our village, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

(Slide number 10

(Brief message A student talks about war veterans and our fellow villagers (individual assignment)).

(Slide No. 11)

Assignment: Write the 2nd argument using the examples given.

The teacher’s word: the conclusion to the essay is a general result that confirms the thesis put forward; without it, the argument will be incomplete. The conclusion must be related in meaning to the thesis.

4. Paragraph division.

Questions for the class:

How many parts can be identified in this essay? (3-4 parts).

(Slide No. 12 - filling out the memo table):

Memo. Writing an argumentative essay, task 15.3, part 3.

Essay plan

Writing example

Speech clichés

Introductory words, appropriate in each part of the essay

1. Thesis (explanation of the lexical meaning of the word)

Commentary on the thesis

(2-3 sentences containing your thoughts in accordance with the stated thesis). K-th should be logically connected with further arguments and examples from the text and your life experience.

Courage is...

“Courage is courage, presence of mind in danger. Show courage and perseverance." S.I.Ozhegov

“Courage is calm courage, presence of mind in trouble and danger. Show courage. Mental Fortitude and courage. Have the courage to speak the truth face to face." D.N.Ushakov

Courage can be shown both in peacetime and in war time. But it is war that puts a person before a choice, testing his strength.

I believe that...- this... I think that...- this... I am sure that...- this... I am convinced that...- this... It seems to me that...

In my opinion, in my opinion,

In my opinion,

Arguments + examples.

1st - from the read text (quote or sentence number)

2nd – from your life experience

(life observations; an example from the history of a village, city, country; stories from the lives of famous people or your friends, from your life, information from the media, etc.)

Let us turn to the text by S.P. Alekseev. Sentence 29 talks about sailors, comrades of the artilleryman, who courageously defended Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War. They all died, but fulfilled their duty to the Motherland - they defended the city from the enemy.

Proof is also provided by an example from the history of the city of Stavropol. In the autumn of 1941, a fierce battle raged on the approaches to Stavropol. Soviet soldiers, not sparing their lives, heroically fought the enemy. Civilians dug trenches, built defensive structures, worked for days in factories, producing weapons and ammunition for the front. The victory came at a high price.

To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the proposal...

This can be proven by referring to the sentence... of the text. In him…

Proof also comes from an example from...

A similar confirmation of the above is a story from my life. When…

Confirmation of all of the above can also be found in the history of our country. (provided specific example)

Firstly, secondly, for example, certainly, without a doubt, undoubtedly, indisputably

(the general result confirms the thesis put forward, without it the argument will be incomplete)

Thus, such a quality of character as courage is characteristic of brave people, capable of Hard time do not be afraid, do not retreat in the face of a test. Therefore, people who are courageous and courageous are worthy of respect and memory of their descendants.

So, so, really,

Teacher's word: to sum up our conversation about courage, boldness and heroism, let's listen to a wonderful poem. (Read by a pre-prepared student).

The salute volleys died down,

The war is long over.

A soldier in his steel overcoat

Forever frozen by the Fire.

And for the edification of us, descendants,

The fighter seems to be saying:

"Be grateful to the hero,

That he was able to stop the tanks.

He paid the price of his life..."

I'm in unpaid debt

For the peaceful sky of the Fatherland

And birds chirping in the meadow.

I am grateful to the veterans.

Let me not name all the names...

Let the countries salute them,

I thank them for keeping me alive.

V. Reflection.

What new and important things did you learn in the lesson?

Where can you apply the knowledge you have gained?

VI. Final word teachers.

Memory is a priceless human gift.

She protects us from cowardice and cruelty. You must know the history of your country, be proud of your people and their feats. And then Russia was, is and will be great country with his heroic past.

After all, if the torch of memory goes out,

Life will fade without this fire,

It turns out that the sacrifices are all in vain,

And neither you nor me will be there.

Homework assignment: write an essay - an argument on the topic: “What is courage?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text read by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev “How long did little Kolya remember himself and the war...” (“Rehearsal options. Russian language. OGE 2015 , O.M. Krainik, M., Intellect-Center, Variant 11, p. 50),

and the second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

As you work on your essay, think about the following questions:

What kind of courage are we talking about in the text, Yu.Ya. Yakovleva?

What unfamiliar feeling held back Kolya’s hand and prevented him from eating the cake intended for his grandfather?

What examples from the text and your life experience will you give to explain the meaning of the word COURAGE?

Summary of an open lesson on the Russian language in grade 11

on the topic “Working with text in preparation for the Unified State Exam”

Based on text analysis, prepare students to write home essay- reasoning

Develop the ability to analyze the proposed text, communication skills, speech, and thinking.

Help students develop active life position, friendship, camaraderie, discipline and independence.

Equipment: posters with proverbs and catchphrases about youth and young people (“Everything is simple for the young”, “Youth is a golden time: eats and drinks and sleeps in peace”, “For the young a mistake is a smile, for the old - a bitter tear”; “Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!”). A. S. Pushkin, “Young people are always dear to us...” V. Lebedev-Kumach and others)


Organizing time.

Main part.

A) Working with text.

B) Individual student message

C) Discussion of the problem: “Is it easy to be young?”

Exercise for the eyes


Reflection. Lesson summary.


I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! We continue to work on preparing for the Unified State Exam. The goal of our work today will be to prepare for writing a home essay based on the text we read. When working with the proposed text, collect as much working material as possible, which will be useful when writing an essay.

Open your notebooks, write down the number and “ Classwork" We will work in groups, so let's remember the basic rules for working in groups:

1. Be kind to your comrades. Remember that you are doing a common cause.

2. Clearly state the proposed solution.

3. Know how to listen to others.

3. If you don’t agree with the opinions of others: DON’T SHOUT, DON’T INTERRUPT. Use it polite phrases.

4. If you are wrong, apologize, admit your mistake, don’t be stubborn. Don't laugh at other people's mistakes. Remember that you may find yourself in the same position.

II. Main part.

Today our lesson is dedicated to interesting topic. And which one, you will find out by listening to E. Asadov’s poem “It is possible and it is not possible”:

When you have lived three springs in total,

The world is as bright as a bird's plumage!

But the more you seek communication with him,

The less they allow him.

And in the nimble five, and in the lively eight years

You live, bearing all the same burdens:

“Yes” you rarely hear, more often you hear “No!”

A ban on this and a ban on that,

Well, simply, in general, nothing is possible!

You can't play football under the windows,

And bring a puppy into the house from the landfill,

You can’t storm a barn like a fortress

And throw a sand bomb from the roof.

No staying up late with a book,

Not enough popsicles to eat to the fullest,

Nor jump out of the window to the guys,

Don't shoot at anyone's chickens with a self-propelled gun.

And I thought, deprived of pistols,

“Well, it’s okay, I’ll grow big...

What about adults? It's good for them as adults

Live for yourself and - no restrictions!

The guys are always shaking their fingers,

They grumble, they grumble... Oh, it’s sickening to even listen to!

But they don’t tell themselves - it’s impossible,

But you can have whatever you want for yourself!”

Oh, childhood, childhood - a pink sunrise,

Where everything around is uncompromisingly simple!

If only I knew about all the prohibitions for adults...

I wish I could stay in childhood for at least a year!

As it turns out, neither do adults.

Rest from instructions and recipes:

Almost everything pleasant is prohibited,

There are no prohibitions on everything that is boring!

So, what do you think our topic will be discussed today? Yes, about how easy it is to be young.

What age do you think people can be called “youth”?

Is it easy to be young? Look at the posters with proverbs and catchphrases about youth and youth. Let's vote!

(red card - easy, yellow - difficult) Remember the voting results, as we will return to them later.

II A). Work with text.

Let's turn to the content of the text lying on your tables. Read it and complete the test tasks for it yourself.

(text read by student)

Yu. Kazakov

1. It’s very bad to be young. 2. Life goes by very quickly, you are already seventeen or eighteen years old, and you have not done anything yet. 3. It is not even known whether you have any talents. 4. I want a big, hectic life! 5. I would like to write poems so that the whole country knows them by heart. 6. Or compose a heroic symphony and then go out to the orchestra - pale, in a tailcoat, with hair falling on his forehead... 7. What should I do? 8. What can be done so that life is not wasted, so that every day is a day of struggle and victory? 9. I live in melancholy, I am tormented by the thought that I am not a hero, not a discoverer. 10. Am I capable of a feat? 11. I don't know. 12. Am I capable of hard work, do I have enough strength to accomplish great things? 13. The worst thing is that no one understands my pain. 14. Everyone looks at me like I’m a boy, sometimes they even ruffle my hair as if I’m still 10 years old.

Test tasks.

1. 1. What problem is not addressed in this text?

1. The role of youth in society.

2. The desire of young people to accomplish a feat.

3. No one understands young people.

4. Young people want attention and fame.

2. Which statement contradicts the author's point of view?

1. Being young is very bad.

2. Young people want a hectic life.

3. It's good to be young.

4. Young people need to be educated

3. Determine the style and type of speech of the text.

1. Scientific, description.

2. Journalistic, reasoning.

3. Journalistic, narration.

4. Fiction, storytelling

4. Indicate the means of communication of proposals No. 9 and No. 10.

1. Synonym.

2. Repeat.

3. Similar words.

4. Pronoun.

5. What means of expression are used in sentences 7,8,10?

6.Name the method of forming the word commit

Check yourself:

5. rhetorical question

6. suffixal

(check is performed using the key suggested by the teacher)

Name the problem that comes up in this text and the position of the author.

II B). Personal message

Youth is a time of self-determination. Much has been written about this time in a person’s life. Let's listen to the material selected on this topic by your classmate. (Speech by a student with an individual message)

II B). Discussion of the problem: “Is it easy to be young?”

1. - I suggest you discuss this topic. Is it really bad to be young, as the hero of the text believes? Let's argue with him! Let groups 1 and 2 defend the position “It’s difficult to be young,” and groups 3 and 4 defend the position “It’s easy to be young.”

In three minutes of group discussion, you need to come up with how to more arguments in favor of one point of view or another.

2. Dispute (debate between the parties).

Well, I think the ideas that emerged during our discussion will help you when writing your essay.

Exercise for the eyes

Let's remember the structure of an essay on the Unified State Exam.

(work with a diagram that is voiced to the student)

Group work

Group 1 – introduction, problem

Group 3 – arguments

Group 4 - output

Group presentation with the results of their work.

As you work, the table is filled in


Has your point of view changed regarding the question posed at the beginning of the lesson? What do you think now? Is it easy to be young? (Re-voting)

III. Homework

Write an essay based on the text by Yu Kazakov, using the material developed in the lesson

IV. Reflection

And now I ask you to evaluate your work:

Everything was clear to me and there were no errors in my work.

Everything was clear to me, but there were 1-2 errors in my work.

I didn’t understand (didn’t understand) a lot and made (made) a lot of mistakes.

Public lesson Repetition difficult cases spelling and punctuation in preparation for the OGE

Public lesson

Lesson topic: Repetition of difficult cases of spelling and punctuation in preparation for the OGE.

Lesson objectives:


Systematize and summarize knowledge on the topics: “Prefixes, their spelling” (A 4), “Spelling of a verb and its forms” (A 5), “Expressive and figurative means of the Russian language” (A3), “ Lexical means language" (A 6)

“Types of subordination in sentences with several subordinate clauses” (A 13));

Test students’ knowledge, skills and abilities on these topics;


Develop in students the ability to think logically and generalize received facts;

Develop the ability to work both independently and in a team;

Develop the ability to use reference manuals;

Build skills research work;


Cultivate a love for the native Russian language;

Develop skills of self-control and mutual control;

Lesson equipment:

Task packages for individual work, tests, tables, reference materials;

During the classes

1.Organizational moment

Hello guys! Today we continue preparing for the final certification, and we are working today. Our task is to repeat previously studied material on tasks A3,4,5,6,13)

So, the amount of work is sufficient, so let's get started. Write down the date and topic in your notebooks

2.Checking homework


We begin by repeating expressively visual arts Russian language.

U - Which task contains this topic? (task 3). In front of you on the board are paths and figures of speech. What are trails? (words and phrases in figurative meaning). What about figures of speech? ( stylistic devices, in which the word does not necessarily have a figurative meaning).

Digital dictation

In front of you on the slide are tropes and figures of speech.

Task: find out lexical meaning trope or figure and write the number of the means of expression on the appropriate line in the order in which they are presented to you

Writing on the board








Figures of speech





A rhetorical question

Rhetorical appeal



Questions for digital dictation:

1) Means artistic image, based on understatement.

2) Hidden comparison; a type of trope in which individual words or expressions are brought together by the similarity of their meanings or by contrast.

3) A type of metonymy, consisting in transferring the meaning of one object to another based on the quantitative relationship between them: part instead of the whole; whole in the meaning of part, etc.

4) Figurative definition; a word that defines an object and emphasizes its properties.

5) Stylistic device of contrast, opposition of phenomena and concepts.

6) A stylistic means that allows you to recreate events and actions, thoughts and feelings in the process, in development, in increasing or decreasing significance.

7) A technique consisting in similar construction of sentences, lines or stanzas.

8) One of the tropes in which the name of an object, person, phenomenon is replaced by an indication of its most characteristic features, enhancing the figurativeness of speech.

Trails: 7, 3, 5, 1, 9

Shapes: 3, 4, 2

U - We remembered the theory, now we move on to practice. You have texts on your sheets.

Assignment: Determine what means the poets used in the following lines:

2) The road is like a snake's tail,


3) The golden cloud spent the night

On the chest of a giant cliff;


4) And half-asleep shooters are lazy

Tossing and turning on the dial

AND longer than a century lasts a day.


5) Scolded Homer, Theocritus,



She came - and, from the world of fate

Fabric of blessed cover


(syntactic parallelism)


4.U - What does this task include? (Replacing stylistically neutral vocabulary with stylistically colored ones and vice versa).

OGE – task 6

U – 1) Replace the word domische with a stylistically neutral one (big house)/word with an official business style (big building);

the word talk is stylistically colored (to chat).

2) Replace the highlighted word with a stylistically neutral synonym.

1. The girl became numb. - FROZEN

2. “We will die, but we will not retreat!” - he said as written. – CONFIDENTLY, WITHOUT HASTERING

3. Red-haired, and also a suck-up. - SEASON

4. We flew to the sea like an arrow. - FAST

U - We repeat what we have previously learned. Buildings 4 – 5 (Spelling of alternating vowels in the root and prefixes –PRE, -PRI). First, they do it at their desks directly on the cards, then they write it out on the board according to the assignments.

1) Individual work at the board (2 people)



Card 2.

Checklist on the experts' table.

In parallel with them, 2 experts do the same task on site. After the work on the board is completed, they compare their work with the work on the board.

3) Class work at this time. And the class with the third student is working on task 5 (spelling the verb and its forms)


Work at the board. Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling of the words.

Crafty, indescribable, sobbing, bowing; Clothes dumped in dust, shot weapons, underwear..., mixed marriages; a ship crowned with glory, fields sown, a ball pumped out of a goal, rubbish dumped in a corner, air pumped into a ball; fighting, creeping,,

U - Check. Examination individual tasks at the blackboard. Word to the expert students.

4.New material

U - So, guys. Now let's remember what types subordinating connection possible in sentences with several subordinate clauses. On the board I will present you with sentence patterns, and at this time you remember the type of subordination.

Homogeneous subordination

, (where) and (where)

Heterogeneous subordination (parallel)

(when), , (which)

Consistent submission

, (from where), (where)

U: The next type of work we do is work in groups. We turn to task number 13.

The first group works with 31 test options. The task is to find a sentence with a homogeneous subordination, construct its diagrams (vertical and horizontal) and determine the types of subordinate clauses.

The second group is to find a sentence with sequential subordination in version 29 of the test, construct its diagrams (vertical and horizontal) and determine the types of subordinate clauses.

The third group is to find a sentence with heterogeneous subordination in version 30 of the test, construct its diagrams (vertical and horizontal) and determine the types of subordinate clauses.

EXAMINATION. After the work is completed, students from each group go to the board and show the results of their work. (work is performed according to “ Training options examination papers for the State Examination in new form”/ auto-comp. I.P. Tsybulko, L.S. Stepanova. – M.:AST: Astrel, 2015)

6. Explanatory dictation. Printed workbooks. Part 3, No. 30.

We do it in a chain.

7.Lesson summary

So, today we worked very fruitfully, remembering what we had previously studied (tasks 3 - 6) and reinforcing the topic of IPS with several subordinate clauses. In the next task we will remember the types of subordinating connections in phrases, as well as BSP and punctuation marks in them.

8.1 - extract from the work of M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” 3 sentences with parallel, homogeneous and sequential subordination, draw up their diagrams.

2- write out 8 phrases from the sentences and determine their type of grammatical connection, replacing them with synonymous phrases where possible.

ADDITIONAL TASK: BSP and signs in it.

Assignment: Create sentence diagrams.

1. The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often.

2. Few tears – little grief.

3. The trees stood motionless; Having lowered their white branches, the lilac thickets on both sides of the balcony staircase bent under the snow.

4. To live without anything is to smoke the sky.

5. Philosophize - your mind will spin.

6. The air brightens, the road becomes clearer, the sky becomes clearer, the clouds turn white, the fields turn green.

7. I knew: all the goodness of the earthly soul was hidden in the rye rug.

8. A book is like water: it will make its way everywhere.

9. The day is warming up - there is a smell of late grass near the house.

10. Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired.



Task: 1) Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks. Write down all the words with alternating unstressed vowels at the root. Distribute them into groups depending on the test condition.

1) On the doors and doors the snow lies like a sheet and from the sun it shines with multi-colored ... fire (I. Nikitin)

2) Here the lightning, like a snake, the tr...vog d...revey in a mysterious whisper, the speech began (I. Nikitin)

3) On the hills there are m...yaks...there are Russian guards...their sharp spears...are stinging. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

4) And in... the runoff everything is r... heating up, the birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs and the forest is standing smiling. (I. Nikitin)

5). (I. Nikitin)

6) The breeze smelled of the coolness of the night and a light flared up over the sleeping earth of the sunrise. (I. Nikitin).

Card 2.

Task: Insert the missing letters and signs. Write out from the text all the words with the prefix PRI-. Explain the spelling of the vowel in them.

Overcoming the already common feeling of fear, Mr. Pr...stavkin was approaching the last obstacle on his way - the doors faithfully guarded by the old pr...gatekeeper. Pr...stavkin, having slapped the guard...on the guard's shoulder...stavkin wanted to enter the gate with his ear. The pr...zident, but then the grenade guard protruded from his pocket. The…gatekeeper opened his left eye and vaguely grunted…blocked the way for the offender. (S. Volkov)



Task: 1) Insert the missing letters and signs. Write down all the words with alternating unstressed vowels at the root. Distribute them into groups depending on the test condition.

1) In the courtyards and houses the snow lies like a sheet and shines with multi-colored fire from the sun (I. Nikitin)

2) Lightning flashed like a snake in the distance, and in alarm the trees began to speak in a mysterious whisper. (I. Nikitin)

3) Lighthouses shine on the hills, Russian guards stand there, their sharp spears shine. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

4) And the east is still burning, flaring up, the birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs, and the forest stands smiling at itself. (I. Nikitin)

5) And the full moon majestically rose from behind the distant hills and shone like a wonderful light over the silent plain. (I. Nikitin)

6) The breeze smelled of the coolness of the night, and a light flashed over the sleeping earth of the lightning. (I. Nikitin).

Card 2. (No. 18, Barakova)

Task: Insert the missing letters and signs. Write out from the text all the words with the prefix PRI-. Explain the spelling of the vowel in them.

Overcoming the already familiar feeling of fear, Mr. Pristavkin approached the last obstacle on his way - the doors, faithfully guarded by an elderly gatekeeper. Having given the gatekeeper a friendly slap on the forearm, Pristavkin wanted to enter the President’s reception room, but then the fuse for a grenade treacherously stuck out of his pocket. The gatekeeper opened his left eye and, with a vague grunt, blocked the criminal's path. (S. Volkov)


Assignment: Determine what means the poets used in the following highlighted lines:

1)Below us with a cast-iron roar

Bridges instantly rattle. (A.A. Fet)

2) The road is like a snake's tail,

Full of people, moving... (A.S. Pushkin)

3) The golden cloud spent the night

On the chest of a giant cliff;

In the morning she rushed off early,

Playing merrily across the azure... (M.Yu. Lermontov)

4) And half-asleep shooters are lazy

Tossing and turning on the dial

And the day lasts longer than a century.

And the hug never ends. (B.L. Pasternak)

5) Scolded Homer, Theocritus,

But I read Adam Smith... (A.S. Pushkin)

6) – Mom! Your son is perfectly ill. (V.V. Mayakovsky)

7) But the day fades - night has come;

She came - and, from the world of fate

Fabric of blessed cover

Having torn it off, he throws it away... (F.I. Tyutchev)

8) I called you, but you didn’t look back,

I shed tears, but you did not condescend... (A.A. Blok)

9) No, it’s not you that I love so passionately,

Your beauty is not for me:

I love the past suffering in you

And my lost youth. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Graphic dictation

Task: Make sentence diagrams (the signs are not placed)

1) The sky was already breathing in autumn and the sun was shining less often.

2) Little river’s tears of grief.

3) The trees stood motionless, their white branches drooping; thickets of lilacs on both sides of the balcony staircase were bent under the snow.

4) To live idle is to smoke the sky.

5) Philosophize your mind.

6) The air is brightening, the road is becoming clearer, the sky is becoming clearer, the clouds are turning white, the fields are turning green.

7) I knew that all the kindness of the earthly soul was hidden in the rye rug.

8) A book, like water, will make its way everywhere.

9) The day is warming up and there is a smell of late grass near the house.

10) Ignat pulled the trigger; the gun misfired.

OGE, Literature, Complex of materials, Erokhina EL., 2016.

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification - the main state exam (OGE) in literature. The publication includes standard tasks for all content areas of the exam! tons of work, as well as sample options in the 2016 OGE format.
The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which the requirements have been achieved educational standards individual students and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Compare fragments of the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev and the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu Lermontov. How are travel heroes different?
I was twenty-five years old then,” N.N. began, “things have been going on for a long time.” days gone by, as you can see. I had just broken free and left that border, not in order to “finish my education,” as they used to say then, but I simply wanted to look at God’s world. I was healthy, young, cheerful, I had no money transferred, worries had not yet started - I lived without looking back, did what I wanted, prospered, in a word. It never occurred to me then that man is not a plant and cannot flourish for long. Youth eats gilded gingerbread, and thinks that this is their daily bread; and the time will come - and you’ll ask for some bread. But there is no need to talk about this.

I traveled without any purpose, without a plan; I stopped wherever I liked, and immediately went further as soon as I felt a desire to see new faces - namely, faces. I was occupied exclusively by people; I hated curious monuments, wonderful collections, the very sight of a footman aroused in me a feeling of melancholy and anger; I almost went crazy in Dresden's Grüne Gewölbe. Nature had an extraordinary effect on me, but I did not like its so-called beauties, extraordinary mountains, cliffs, waterfalls; I didn’t like her to impose herself on me, to disturb me. But the faces are alive human faces- people’s speeches, their movements, laughter - that’s what I couldn’t do without. In the crowd I always felt especially at ease and joyful; I had fun going where others went, screaming when others screamed, and at the same time I loved watching these others scream. It amused me to watch people... but I didn’t even watch them - I looked at them with some kind of joyful and insatiable curiosity. But I'm getting sidetracked again.

Features of control and measuring materials according to the literature
Content and structure exam paper
Recommendations for preparing to complete tasks with a detailed answer of limited scope
Recommendations for preparing for assignments based on comparative analysis works
Recommendations for preparing to write an essay
Examples of tasks with detailed answers of limited scope for independent completion
Examples of tasks based on comparative analysis of works for independent completion
Examples of essay writing tasks
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5

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OGE 2018. Mathematics. A set of materials for preparing students. Ed. Yashchenko I.V.

M.: 2018. - 272 p.

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification - the main state exam (OSE) in mathematics. The publication includes standard tasks on all content lines of the examination work, as well as 30 approximate options in the format of the OGE 2018. The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Format: pdf

Size: 5.4 MB


Introduction 3
1. Algebra. . 5
1.1. Numeric Expressions 5
1.2. Word problems 7
1.3. Number line 12
1.4. Sequences and progressions 18
1.5. Irrational expressions 19
1.6. Degree and its properties 22
1.7. Equations and inequalities 24
1.8. Converting algebraic expressions 29
1.9. Calculation using formulas 33
1.10. Graphs of linear, quadratic and fractional rational functions 35
1.11. Dependency graphs real values 47
1.12. Statistics 52
1.13. Probability 58
1.14. Solving systems of equations using graphs 60
2. Geometry 63
2.1. Basic statements and theorems 63
2.2. Lengths 67
2.3. Angles 72
2.4. Area 78
2.5. Trigonometry 83
2.6. Applied geometry problems 84
2.7. Movements on a plane 89
2.8. Vectors on a plane 91
3. Advanced level tasks 94
3.1. Algebra 94
3.2. Geometry 106
Mathematics References 114
Training options for the main state exam 116
Instructions for performing work 116
Training options No. 1 - 30
Solutions to problems of part 2 241
Training option No. 1 241
Training option No. 6 243
Training option No. 11 245
Training option No. 16 247
Training option No. 21 249
Training option No. 25 250
Training option No. 28 252

The state final certification of grade 9 in the form of the main state exam (OGE) continues to improve. Certification for the basic school course has been taking place in mathematics for the third year, as well as in the Unified State Exam. All materials related to the OGE in mathematics are published on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( In the structure of the control measuring materials of the OGE, two modules are distinguished in the first and second parts: “Algebra”, “Geometry”.
In control measuring materials The OGE module “Algebra” contains 17 tasks, “Geometry” - 9 tasks.

1.2.19. Among 10,000 families in the city, 70% have a television. Of the TV owners, 35% use a satellite dish, and the rest use local cable television services. How many families use cable TV?
1.2.20. Mixed 25 liters of water and 10 liters of 14% solution of hydrochloric acid. What percentage is the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the resulting solution?
1.2.21. Strawberries cost 180 rubles per kilogram, and cherries - 120 rubles per kilogram. What percentage are strawberries more expensive than cherries?
1.2.22. The store gives pensioners a discount of a certain percentage of the purchase price. A package of juice costs 75 rubles in the store, and the pensioner paid 63 rubles 75 kopecks for it. What percentage is the discount for a pensioner?
1.2.23. Available in July mobile phone cost 3800 rubles. In August it began to cost 3,610 rubles. By what percentage did the price of a mobile phone decrease between July and August?
1.2.24. The area of ​​farm land allocated for planting agricultural crops is 49 hectares and is distributed between grain crops and potatoes in a ratio of 2:5. How many hectares do potatoes occupy?