Natalya Tsarkova is the official artist of the Vatican. "little secret" of Natalia Tsarkova - tips

Once upon a time, Russian artists were specially sent to Italy to study with relevant masters.
You could say that it was Government program which led to brilliant results. Russian painting has taken its rightful place in world art.

Natalya Tsarkova (1967), a young Russian artist, a graduate of I. Glazunov’s studio and the Surikov School, has lived and worked in Rome since 1994. When she first came to Italy to visit a friend, no one knew her name. Several paintings that she took with her quickly attracted the attention of Italians and were immediately sold to private collections. Soon orders for portraits began to appear from aristocrats, politicians, artists and simply wealthy Italians. But real glory and his career took off after painting two portraits of Pope John Paul II,
which the Vatican has recognized as official images of the Roman Pontiff.

So the Russian artist, Muscovite Natalya Tsarkova became the only
in the world of painting, which managed to paint portraits of three Roman
Pope: John Paul I (acceded to the throne in 1978 and died later
33 days), John Paul II and Benedict XVI, became official
artist of the Vatican.
Tsarkova paints portraits of dads from photographs, because for dad
You're not supposed to pose.

By amazing coincidence, Natalia Tsarkova’s studio is located in
one of the most “Russian” quarters of Rome, near Piazza Barberini.
A stone's throw away is the house where Gogol lived and wrote." Dead Souls".
Opposite, across the road, near the "four fountains", there was an apartment
Karl Bryullov, who wrote “The Last Day of Pompeii” in Rome.
Alexander Ivanov and Orest Kiprensky lived not far from Barberini.
Her work schedule includes meetings with dukes and lords. European
nobles line up to order a portrait from Natalya.

Central location in the studio, completely hung with paintings, is reserved
“The Last Supper” - Natalya doesn’t want to part with this work yet,
despite numerous offers from private collectors
and museums. Monumental painting by Tsarkova " last supper"has become
another notable milestone in her work. The picture is amazing
unexpected angle and artistic solution of one of the most
famous religious stories. Picture Russian artist was
was given a special honor: its first show took place in the refectory of Santa
Maria Della Grazie in Milan next to famous masterpiece
"The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Last Supper

Tsarkova’s painting was first shown before Easter in Rome, and it was
the message of peace was blessed by Pope John Paul II himself.
At a ceremony in Milan, together with the artist, the purple veil was torn from the canvas by the keeper of the archives and library of the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Giorgio Maria Meia, who had specially arrived from the Vatican, who then, in a lengthy speech, spoke very flatteringly about the merits of the painting and even traced the spiritual connection between the authors of the versions of “The Secret” supper" -
from the great Leonardo to this miniature Russian woman...

“In fact, I didn’t change anything in this well-known evangelical story, I just “went in” with reverse side. Jesus sits at the table opposite the apostles and looks half-turned directly at the viewer from behind. In the corner of the canvas, in the image of a maid, I depicted myself, looking through the slightly open door. This is also incompatible with the traditional canons of the “Supper,” but in this way I wanted to emphasize the connection with today. This is a view from the 3rd millennium.
A large white canvas lay in my studio whole year,
before the solution to the picture arose. Ideas appeared spontaneously
like insights in the process of work. I redid many details several times. And in the role of the apostles, I decided to portray my Italian friends and acquaintances. For example, the person who posed for Christ for me is Count Pippi Morgia, a light designer by profession.
It was he who recently created the lighting for the Roman Trevi Fountain and the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, and about fifteen years ago he organized Russian tours Italian singers, in particular Toto Cutugno.

Natalya Tsarkova presented Benedict XVI with a special gift for his 85th birthday - a children's book "The Secret of a Small Pond", in which the pontiff is one of the main characters.
"The Mystery of the Little Pond" is the story of a small red fish that swims during the summer in the pond of the gardens of Castel Gandolfo. The fish takes a liking to Benedict XVI, who comes to her daily while reciting the rosary and feeds her.
The book is decorated with illustrations in the style of medieval miniatures. The Vatican Publishing House plans to release the book in Spanish, English, German, Russian and Italian.

Her work was admired by John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and now
the artist began working on a portrait of the new Pope Francis.

News from the world of art

Little secret, 1995. Oil, Rome, artist’s collection

The title "Little Secret" indicates the mystery or mystery hidden in this painting. What is Natalia Tsarkova’s secret? In a clock symbolizing the transience of time? IN chess game, personifying the struggle between light and darkness? In the figures of two characters of the Commedia dell'Arte, Pierrot and Pulcinella, or in a golden cage in which a beautiful bird is imprisoned?

Ministry of Culture Russian Federation invited the artist Natalya Tsarkova to hold personal exhibition in the State historical museum. The artist plans to implement this project soon. Natalia Tsarkova is known as the only woman in the world who painted portraits of four Popes. She has been the official portrait painter of the Vatican since the late 1990s. Her works hang in Vatican palaces, churches and museums different countries peace. At an exhibition of portraits of popes in Washington, organized in 2005, Tsarkova’s portraits were the only works by a living artist - other paintings were by Raphael, Caravaggio and Velazquez.
Natalia Tsarkova was born in Moscow in 1967. She studied painting at the Krasnopresnenskaya art school, then at the Moscow secondary art school at the Institute. Surikov. At the same time, she entered the newly opened Ilya Glazunov Academy. She was on Glazunov’s course the only girl, the best in the portrait class. It was thanks to Glazunov that she first came to Italy. And soon she returned there to organize an exhibition of her works in 1994. The paintings were successfully sold. She decided to stay for several months, but received one order after another and postponed her departure. First she became a portrait painter for a number of aristocratic families, and then she was invited to work at the Vatican. Her first work was a portrait of John Paul II.
This Pope, despite 21 years on the Holy See, has not yet had an official image. Later this portrait was printed on official documents of the synod of the Roman Catholic Church. Tsarkova painted a total of three portraits of Pope Wojtyła. The first portrait was exhibited in the Vatican Museums, the second was commissioned cultural center named after John Paul II in Washington, and the third is located in the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo.
Portraits by Tsarkova are realistic, and their details indicate the works and personal characteristics of the heroes. In the portrait of Francis I, the pontiff is depicted with a wounded but already bandaged lamb in his hands - a symbol of mercy, in addition, this is a reference to the parable of the lost sheep.

On the left - "The Merciful Shepherd", 2013. Oil, artist's collection. On the right - "Saint John Paul II", Vatican Museum

A portrait of Benedict XVI is on display in the Vatican Museums. There are a lot of symbols in this portrait. First of all, this is the throne of Pope Leo XIII, on which Benedict XVI is depicted. The red color of the mantle symbolizes faith and love, and the red folder with the pope’s speech symbolizes dialogue as the only way come to peace.

Natalia Tsarkova's studio is located in one of the most "Russian" quarters of Rome, near Piazza Barberini. A stone's throw away is the house where Gogol lived and wrote Dead Souls. Opposite, across the road, near the “four fountains,” was the apartment of Karl Bryullov, who wrote “The Last Day of Pompeii” in Rome. Alexander Ivanov and Orest Kiprensky lived not far from Barberini. The central place in the studio, completely hung with paintings, is given to “The Last Supper.”
Natalya wrote her version of "The Last Supper". Unlike traditional iconography, Jesus Christ is depicted half-turned, and his gaze is directed directly at the viewer. He looks reproachfully, but at the same time with love. The Russian artist’s painting was given a special honor: its first showing took place in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan next to the famous masterpiece “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci.

The Last Supper, 2002. Oil, artist’s collection

Once upon a time, Russian artists were specially sent to Italy to learn from local masters, and this led to brilliant results. Russian painting has taken its rightful place in world art. A unique national school classical and realistic painting. And now painters from Russia also come to Italy, but not for experience, but for success.
It is interesting that Russian contemporary realist artists are in demand and successful in the world. According to the West, the classical art school, which implies work, study, patience, has already been lost in Western Europe. There is not even a hint of the level that still exists in Russia. And the European aristocracy prefers to have their images for posterity in a classic, recognizable manner.
Apparently, this is why there are many Russian names among contemporary court artists. You can name the St. Petersburg artist Ivan Slavinsky, who made a name for himself in France, and for 10 years worked under contracts with European galleries. Georgy Shishkin is an artist of Monaco, the Prince of Monaco wrote about him: “I’m glad that this artist great talent chose the principality for his art." The name of the Russian artist Sergei Pavlenko, a graduate of the St. Petersburg art academy, is known to the British for a very good reason - he is the author of the ceremonial portrait of Elizabeth II and other portraits of the royal family.
The information was published in the Italian magazine AVRVM.

Born in Moscow in 1967. She studied painting at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School, then at the Moscow Art School at the Institute named after. Surikov. At the same time, she entered the newly opened Ilya Glazunov Academy. In Glazunov’s course, she was the only girl who was the best in the portrait class. And now she has been living and working in Rome for eight years, where she was recognized as a portrait painter of Pope John Paul II and was accepted as a Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. She came to visit an Italian friend and stayed late. Then she painted two official portraits of the pope, one of which was printed on the documents of the last synod.
The author's copy was commissioned for the Cathedral in Washington.

Tsarkova’s painting was first shown before Easter in Rome, and Pope John Paul II himself blessed it as a message of peace. At a ceremony in Milan, together with the artist, the purple veil was torn from the canvas by the keeper of the archives and library of the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Giorgio Maria Meia, who had specially arrived from the Vatican, who then, in a lengthy speech, spoke very flatteringly about the merits of the painting and even traced the spiritual connection between the authors of the versions of “The Secret” supper" - from the great Leonardo to this miniature Russian woman...

- Why exactly “The Last Supper” and September 11? - I asked Dr. Paolo Biscottini, director of the Milan Diocesan Museum.

Humanistic Western culture emerged from the European Renaissance, of which Leonardo was a shining star. Exactly this Western culture, its values ​​were challenged on September 11 last year. The fact that the picture was painted by a Russian artist is a certain encouraging sign of the indivisibility of the Christian world.

- Natasha, aren’t you worried, seeing such proximity: Leonardo and you?

Of course I'm timid. This is in no way a comparison with Leonardo, but only one stage of the painting’s journey. After Milan, it will be exhibited in Rome, in the church of Santa Maria delle Angeli e dei Martiri, designed by Michelangelo. Then he will go to Moscow for Easter and maybe to New York by September 11, 2003.

In Italy, my painting was called “The Last Supper of the Third Millennium.” Because it was only on September 11, 2001 that the third millennium began. Before this, everything in the world seemed to have already settled down, everyone had calmed down. But no. Again the terrible, new, unexpected is falling. New uncertainty about the future has emerged. In the fresco by Leonardo da Vinci, Christ looks at the bread, in other authors - at the sky. But then the New York tragedy happened, and the world changed. It was as if everyone had woken up. In my picture, Christ has turned and looks at the world with a tragic look, with reproach and at the same time with love and understanding. Looks at each of us. In the soul.

Until now, only male artists have painted The Last Supper. There were no women among the characters either. Apostles after all. A woman appeared on Tsarkova’s canvas. Far away, in the background, is a curious, rustic female head from behind the curtain: Natasha’s self-portrait.

- What does this innovation mean?

It's like a look from the third millennium. Mine and my peers.

-Are you a religious person?

Yes, religious, but this is very relative. Firstly, because I lead a special life. This separate question, complex and very personal. Secondly, the state of mind. You don't have to write only religious objects to belong to a religion.

Natasha invited the people who posed for her for “The Last Supper” to the presentation in Milan. The composition of the company reveals some of the secrets of the artist’s success.

At a banquet over a glass of champagne, she introduced me to “Christ” - Count Pepi Morgia, architect, author of the project for the reconstruction of the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome; with his friend “Judas” - the “cool” Milanese fashion stylist Gilermo Mariotto; with the brilliant Roman lawyer Vittore Cordella, whose noble profile and thick head of long graying hair represent St. Andrew the First-Called. Natasha wrote St. John from Count Andrea Marini, Philip from the professor of architecture Count Dario del Bufalo. And the models for the images of Simon, Thaddeus and Thomas were, respectively, the Grand Prior of the Order of Malta Franz von Lobstein, Count Romano del Forno and Prince Nicolo Borghese.

That is, the Italian and Catholic aristocracy, the people whom Natasha paints on orders. She included fragments of past or future portraits in her canvas. The desire of aristocrats to replenish their family galleries is not only family photos, but also the solid portraits, similar to the original and carefully executed in the traditional manner, attracted them to the Russian artist. The aristocrats brought her to the Maltese, and after the portrait of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Sir Andrew Burtis, she was noticed in the Vatican and ordered a portrait of the pope.

- Perhaps the Pope is not an ordinary model?

He doesn't pose for artists at all. Even if I wanted to, church rules don’t allow it. I worked for nine months instead of the usual two. They brought me his photographs, staff, clothes, ring. Do you know that the ring, which must be kissed by all believers when meeting him, is individual and exists only during the lifetime of each specific pope? Then it is destroyed by fire and melted.

- And did dad like that first portrait?

Yes, and he granted me a private audience. I told you how I worked. He was touched by the fact that the portrait reflected secrets that not everyone would notice. The Madonna and Child is reflected in the staff. It is believed that Madonna saved the pope from death during an assassination attempt. He always keeps her image in front of him. The Vatican said that I guessed the “third secret of Fatima,” who predicted that Madonna would save the “man in white.”

- Russian people working in the West are forced to establish themselves, overcoming sometimes brutal competition. Does this problem exist for you?

Thank God there are enough artists, otherwise I would die from orders. There are millions of portraits of the Pope painted. The portrait of the pope itself is far from uncommon. But mine was commissioned by the Vatican because they saw my previous paintings, which they liked.

- Is it better to work here than in Russia?

I don’t know how artists work in Russia now. I just happen to be here and things are going well. I feel needed here. There are people who wait for my paintings and stand in line for years. As a rule, customers are from the aristocracy. What is aristocracy? These are the people who follow family tradition, know the history of their kind for centuries. Among the clients there are representatives of families known from the 11th-13th centuries. I see a certain symbol in the fact that in “The Last Supper” I collected portraits of aristocrats. It is important for them to have their own artistic image for posterity. For the Italian, European and even American nobility, this is not vanity at all, but a matter of continuity. I painted a portrait of Prince Ludovisi. There were five popes from this family. Among them is Gregory XIII, who reformed the calendar in 1582 (this is when Orthodox Church remained under Julian).

- Who do you feel like - Italian, Russian, Orthodox, Catholic? Religions, unfortunately, often do not unite, but divide people.

Of course, Russian, Orthodox. But this does not mean - a stranger in this environment. Russian for the first time Orthodox artist, moreover, an artist, recognized as the official portraitist of the pope. This is very useful, very necessary. This is a small step towards peace. Not towards reconciliation, but towards peace.

- I have no doubt about your personal qualities and charm. But, probably, it also played a role Russian school the painting you brought?

Still would. It is most important. They have virtually no schools here. The art school in Western Europe is dead. There is not even a hint of the level that still exists in Russia. Our country is young compared to Italy. And that's okay. A dying European nation is kept alive by the foreigners who come here. It's the same with art. People have seen, experienced and live in the past. Russia survived an extra hundred years thanks to “ iron curtain». Classical school implies work, study, patience. Qualities inherent in totalitarianism. And I am a Russian artist.

- Well, in this sense, we are threatened with the fate of Italy and falling behind China?

I graduated art school in 1985. And then the decomposition began. In a hundred years, perhaps there will be no genre of painting at all.

On this optimistic note, we said goodbye to Natasha, for whose lifetime there will be enough aristocrats in Europe.

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.”

A. Diesterweg

I work as a teacher primary school since 1984.

It’s a wonderful profession, you won’t grow old!

At school you feel the seething of Life.

Little participants of the Life of the Future dream, play, think and design.

They are happy and sad.

They grow and you grow with them.

Every day you teach them, and they teach you.

You teach children to think, and they teach you to be kinder.

About Me

Tsarkova Natalya Vladimirovna

Born in 1961 in the city of Gorky (now the city of Nizhny Novgorod). She studied from grades 1-10 at School No. 137 in the Avtozavodsky district. Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1984 she graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. M. Gorky, teacher by profession primary classes.

Additional specialization - teacher in the specialty "Robotics".

Since 1984 I have been working as a primary school teacher: in my native secondary school No. 137 for 10 years,

in Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 36 10 years,

since 2006 at Lyceum No. 165 named after the 65th anniversary of GAZ, Nizhny Novgorod.

Total work experience is 33 years, teaching experience is 33 years, work experience in this institution is 11 years.

Developed educational system class "Magic Key" (2009).

In 2006, together with students from grade 1B, we won the regional competition class teachers, and took 2nd place in the regional competition "Coolest Cool".

In 2014, together with pupils of grade 4B, they won the regional competition for class teachers, and took 2nd place in the regional competition “The Coolest Class”.

Since 2008, 10 years, I have been bringing to life educational project social orientation "Robotics", being the head of the circle "World of Robots"

social projects:

“Green Palm” (growing oaks from acorns, the result is an alley of oaks near the Lyceum);

"Healthy Family Club" (lectures by parents at Mom's School and Dad's School, joint trips on weekends);

“Lace of Goodness” (study of folk crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, bead weaving and gifts to the hospital);

“Our newspaper “Steps” (published in the classroom from 2009 to the present day);

“Healthy family - healthy nation” (study of healthy lifestyle standards and parent-child competitions in each quarter) (2008-2011)

“NOU is simply class!” (NOU annually and compulsory for everyone in the class)

"Robot's Birthday" (study of the history of robotics and Master class for parallel) (2012-2015),

“Book of Memory” (creation of a “Book of Memory” about the students’ great-grandfathers, visit to the GAZ Museum)

“Birthday of A.S. Pushkin” (trip to Boldino and writing a Book of Poems of 3rd grade by students and parents of the class) (2016-2017).

In 2008,2010,2011,2012,2013 she participated in the priority teacher competition national project"Education"-

(received a governor's grant 2011,2012,2013).

In 2013 she was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Education Nizhny Novgorod region.

My publications:

"Open Lesson" website- Project of a mathematics lesson with ICT “Multiplication of round numbers” (3rd grade) (2010 academic year);

Genius: materials of the International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference of Pupils and Students, - 2012 - Cheboksary: ​​CDIP "Inet", pp. 20-22

article "Creating a robot that regulates soil moisture levels";

"New educational technologies" volume 2, - 2012-Cheboksary: ​​CDIP "Inet""-"Creating a robot that regulates soil moisture levels";

Morph "University districts: open dialogue between school and university" NN,-2013, p.348. article " Additional education as a tool for the socialization of schoolchildren: from the experience of the robotics club at the Lyceum."

Contact information: email address: tsarkovanv@

pages on social networks:

Books that shaped my inner world

Classics, fantasy, popular science literature. The most, the most different. IN certain period in my life came the realization of one or another work I read.

My inner world the teacher was formed : V.A. Sukhomlinsky “I give my heart to children”, Sh.A. Amonashvili "Hello, children!"

My inner world as a parent was shaped : A.S. Makarenko “Book for parents”, Yu.B. Gippenreiter "Communicate with a child. How?" , Ekaterina Murashova "Your incomprehensible child"

Women shaped my inner world : Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind."

My view of the world

Life is beautiful - I never tire of being amazed!

I am a supporter of developing kindness, a sense of camaraderie, friendship and mutual assistance in children both in academic matters and in Everyday life taking into account the education of tolerance, individuality, self-sufficiency. The main thing in my activity: to raise a person capable of learning and developing throughout his life.I didn't come into this profession by accident. In my life there were wonderful teachers who worked at secondary school No. 137 of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod: school director and history teacher Dmitry Ivanovich Sergeev, physics teacher Gennady Ivanovich Razuvaev, Leonid Semenovich Averbukh, mathematics teacher Valentina Ivanovna Khramova, geography teacher Margarita Nikolaevna Ruzanova, technology teacher Prokhorova Vera Vasilievna, chemistry teacher Svetlana Fedorovna, primary school teacher Romanova Lyudmila Pavlovna... this is a whole era!

The profession of a teacher is special, it is not just a job - it is a ministry! And this has its own joy. The success of each of his students depends on how talented the teacher is and how professional he is. In my opinion, the words of I. Huberman well illustrate the meaning of teaching:

“Two meanings in life - internal and external,

The external one has family, business, success;

And the inner one is unclear and unearthly -

Everyone is responsible for everyone.”

My achievements

My professional achievements- this is actually my portfolio, which I have on this moment(but it is planned to replenish it in the future):

My graduates work in different areas, but I know for sure that everyone, like me, loves mathematics and robotics.

And this helps them in life. After all, mathematics is the queen of sciences, “puts the mind in order”! And robotics for many of my graduates

has already become a profession.

Two of my students also became elementary school teachers.

I “infected” them with my profession! Lenochka Matveeva and Natasha Kochneva work at schools No. 6 and No. 36 in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod.

I think some more of my graduates will catch up...I want to believe!

I consider this my most important achievement.

My professional achievements are actually my portfolio, which I have at the moment (but it is planned to expand it in the future):

  • I go through it periodically refresher courses:

(2016- GBOU DPO NIRO under the program " Electronic portfolio teacher as a tool pedagogical activity in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard"; 2015 - 2012- Center "Pedagogical Search" on the topic "Management of the educational process in connection with the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard");

2016. - Diploma of the Education Administration for high professional achievements, Certificate of the International Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future" on the preparation of the laureate of the Russian conference "Steps into Science", 2015- Gratitude from MBOU "Lyceum No. 165" with inclusion in work book for preparing winners and runners-up district conference NOU; 2014- Certificate of the MAN "Intelligence of the Future" on the preparation of winners of the All-Russian competition, 2013- Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Letter of Gratitude from the District Administration for conscientious work, 2012- Gratitude from the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 165" with entry into the work book for his contribution to the implementation of cultural and educational projects);

2012- participation in the international conference of the Association of University Districts of Ross "University districts: open dialogue between school and university");

  • My students are becoming winners of Olympiads, subject competitions and scientific and practical conferences:

Competitions, festivals:All-Russian competition“Cognition and creativity”: Denisova Ekaterina - 3rd place, 2014; Gromova Elizaveta - 3rd place, 2014; Serova Maria - 3rd place, 2016; Semenycheva Anastasia - participant, 2017; All-Russian competition "Intelligence Express": Knutov Sergey - 1st place, 2014; Nikolay Zotov - 2nd place, 2015; spruce, 2016; international competition“Myriads of Discoveries”: Andrey Bulatov - 1st place, Polina Obedientova - participant, 2014;

  • I have publications in pedagogical communities;
  • I participate in the work expert teachers: teacher-expert of thematic sections of the XXI Assembly of Sciences and Arts; member of the Open Committee mind games for 4th grade students; 2016- member of the commission school stage All-Russian Olympiad Russian language schoolchildren; member of the jury of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics; member of the committee for holding Open Intellectual Games for 4th grade students;2012- member of the commission for the regional mathematics Olympiad in primary school;

(At meetings of the School M/O of primary school teachers - 2011, 2012, 2013 2014, 2017; At meetings of the School M/O of primary school teachers - 2017; At the district section of primary school teachers - 2017; y.);

I'm entering working group Byexperimental, innovation and internship sites:

(2017 2016- internship site of GBOU DPO NIRO "Center for Student and Pedagogical Design"; 2015 2013- innovation platform of GBOU DPO NIRO "Design and Network Institute innovative education"; 2012- GBOU DPO NIRO innovation platform "Project-Network Institute of Innovative Education";

  • Monitoring the performance of my students shows positive dynamics of educational achievements, consistently high academic performance: 2013-2014 academic year. - 92%; 2014-2015 academic year -96% 2015-2016 academic year - 97%);
  • Have experience working with children preschool age. Competent and hardworking, strict and demanding. I strive for self-improvement and development. Responsive and stress-resistant.

As for my personal achievements, I have great family and wonderful work, and I am a happy mother!

My portfolio

A teacher’s portfolio is one of the ways to record and accumulate materials that demonstrate the level of growth of a teacher’s professionalism and the ability to solve problems of his own. practical activities. I hope that the materials presented in this section (my publications, certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates of honor, letters of gratitude, certificates, etc.) will be able to demonstrate the experience of my work in different areas professional activity and describe me in a positive way.

My publications:

For complexes "Children's kindergarten-primary school" art Mathematics Psychology Reading

Publications from my students:

Literary creativity
Scientific and technical creativity
Arts and crafts
Add certificate to portfolio

Once upon a time, Russian artists were specially sent to Italy to study with relevant masters.
We can say that it was a government program that led to brilliant results. Russian painting has taken its rightful place in world art.

Natalya Tsarkova (1967), a young Russian artist, a graduate of I. Glazunov’s studio and the Surikov School, has lived and worked in Rome since 1994. When she first came to Italy to visit a friend, no one knew her name. Several paintings that she took with her quickly attracted the attention of Italians and were immediately sold to private collections. Soon orders for portraits began to appear from aristocrats, politicians, artists and simply wealthy Italians. But real fame and rise in career occurred after painting two portraits of Pope John Paul II,
which the Vatican has recognized as official images of the Roman Pontiff.

So the Russian artist, Muscovite Natalya Tsarkova became the only
in the world of painting, which managed to paint portraits of three Roman
Pope: John Paul I (acceded to the throne in 1978 and died later
33 days), John Paul II and Benedict XVI, became official
artist of the Vatican.
Tsarkova paints portraits of dads from photographs, because for dad
You're not supposed to pose.

By amazing coincidence, Natalia Tsarkova’s studio is located in
one of the most “Russian” quarters of Rome, near Piazza Barberini.
A stone's throw away is the house where Gogol lived and wrote Dead Souls.
Opposite, across the road, near the "four fountains", there was an apartment
Karl Bryullov, who wrote “The Last Day of Pompeii” in Rome.
Alexander Ivanov and Orest Kiprensky lived not far from Barberini.
Her work schedule includes meetings with dukes and lords. European
nobles line up to order a portrait from Natalya.

The central place in the studio, completely hung with paintings, is reserved
“The Last Supper” - Natalya doesn’t want to part with this work yet,
despite numerous offers from private collectors
and museums. Tsarkova's monumental painting "The Last Supper" became
another notable milestone in her work. The picture is amazing
unexpected angle and artistic solution of one of the most
famous religious stories. The painting by the Russian artist was
was given a special honor: its first show took place in the refectory of Santa
Maria Della Grazie in Milan next to the famous masterpiece
"The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Last Supper

Tsarkova’s painting was first shown before Easter in Rome, and it was
the message of peace was blessed by Pope John Paul II himself.
At a ceremony in Milan, together with the artist, the purple veil was torn from the canvas by the keeper of the archives and library of the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Giorgio Maria Meia, who had specially arrived from the Vatican, who then, in a lengthy speech, spoke very flatteringly about the merits of the painting and even traced the spiritual connection between the authors of the versions of “The Secret” supper" -
from the great Leonardo to this miniature Russian woman...

“In fact, I didn’t change anything in this well-known gospel story, I just “went in” from the reverse side. Jesus sits at the table opposite the apostles and looks half-turned directly at the viewer from the back. In the corner of the canvas in the image of a maid, I depicted myself looking through the slightly open door. This is also incompatible with the traditional canons of the “Supper,” but in this way I wanted to emphasize the connection with today. This is a view from the 3rd millennium.
The large white canvas lay in my studio for a whole year,
before the solution to the picture arose. Ideas appeared spontaneously
like insights in the process of work. I redid many details several times. And in the role of the apostles, I decided to portray my Italian friends and acquaintances. For example, the person who posed for Christ for me is Count Pippi Morgia, a light designer by profession.
It was he who recently created the lighting for the Roman Trevi Fountain and the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, and fifteen years ago he organized Russian tours of Italian singers, in particular Toto Cutugno.

Natalya Tsarkova presented Benedict XVI with a special gift for his 85th birthday - a children's book "The Secret of a Small Pond", in which the pontiff is one of the main characters.
"The Mystery of the Little Pond" is the story of a small red fish that swims during the summer in the pond of the gardens of Castel Gandolfo. The fish takes a liking to Benedict XVI, who comes to her daily while reciting the rosary and feeds her.
The book is decorated with illustrations in the style of medieval miniatures. The Vatican Publishing House plans to release the book in Spanish, English, German, Russian and Italian.

Her work was admired by John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and now
the artist began working on a portrait of the new Pope Francis.