Regional research conference for schoolchildren “First steps into science. Essay on the topic: love in the novel

The problem of love and duty in E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

When I read Zamyatin’s novel “We,” I involuntarily had a question: What is this work about? About a soulless society? About totalitarianism, a system that destroys the human personality? About love and betrayal? We can say that all these themes are present here, but the novel itself puts a much deeper meaning into the novel than, for example, ridiculing the foundations of a socialist society, as many critics of the early 20th century believed. Of course, the problem of love and duty is not the basis of the novel; it is, as it were, of a secondary nature. The main character of the work is D-503. The absence of names for the characters is immediately striking; this suggests the lack of spirituality that reigns in the United State. A person has no name, he is faceless, like a mechanism, a robot with a serial number. His life is calibrated and directed by others. He is devoid of feelings, thoughts, soul. In a society that lives according to strict laws of mathematics, where everything must be logical, there can be no talk of love or fantasy. At the beginning of the novel, D-503 appears to the reader as a particle One State, one of many cogs big car. He admires the wisdom of the Benefactor; he likes to live exactly by the clock. But suddenly his whole measured life changes dramatically. He assesses his new condition as an illness. “I must write it down so that you, my unknown readers, can fully study the history of my illness.” What happened to the main character? What is the cause of his “illness”? D-503 fell in love, unnoticed by himself. His first suspicions arise while listening to Scriabin’s music, which was supposed to cause laughter and prove that nothing could be higher or better than modern “mathematical compositions”.

And indeed, many laugh, “only a few... but why am I?” Here for the first time he felt like “I” and not like “we”. After this, I -330 enters his life, heading a revolutionary organization. She is not like the others, she wears ancient clothes, drinks liquor, and smokes. D-503 is obliged to report her to the Guardian Bureau - this is considered a feat, but he does not do this, surprising himself: “A week ago - I know, I would have gone without hesitation. Why now? Why?" His mind is torn between love and a sense of duty: “I am dying. I am not able to fulfill my duties to the United State of EEA.” Love for I -330 finally established the “I” in him, he became a person capable of feeling and experiencing. For the first time, jealousy began to speak in him: “I won’t allow it. I want no one but me. I will kill anyone whoE Because I am you - I am youE” The word “love” remains unspoken. To understand himself, D-503 goes to the Medical Bureau. There they tell him that he is sicker: he has a “soul.” A person with a “soul” cannot live normally in a technogenic society, but there is a way out: an operation to remove fantasy. Here D has to choose: “Operation and one hundred percent happiness - or E.” He chose I and “Mephi.” I wants him, as the builder of Integral, to help capture it, and D -503 gives his consent. But the flight will be interrupted due to betrayal. After this, D appears before the Benefactor, who convinces him that I, in fact, does not love him. She needed HE only as the builder of Integral. D himself had long ago subconsciously had some suspicions. He remembers that letter in which I asks him to lower the curtains, as if he had her, her question about Integral - will it be ready soon?

After talking with the Benefactor, D goes to I’s house, but does not find her there, but finds in the room a huge number of pink coupons with the letter “F”. Now he understands that I, indeed, used him. She made him fall in love with her, she tore him away from the United State. As a result, D was left with nothing: he could not be with his beloved and could not return to normal life in this “soulless” society. He has no choice but to agree to the operation. He decides to "cut out the fantasy." “Everything is decided - and tomorrow morning I will do it. It was the same as killing myself - but maybe only then would I be resurrected. Because only the dead can be resurrected.” After the operation, D-503 calmly watches as “that woman” is executed under the Gas Bell. No fantasy - no love. It turns out that love could not resist technical progress. The sense of duty still overpowered love in D-503. Or did he simply have no other choice? Perhaps everything would be different if I really loved him.

Gladyshev V.V., Demchik L.I.

Roman E.I. Zamyatin’s “We” refers to works whose importance in the history of literature increases over time. Each new generation of readers discovers in them something that their contemporaries either did not notice or simply could not see. Objectively, this is the first dystopian novel of our century, and subsequent dystopian authors to one degree or another took it into account when creating their works.

It just so happens that the novel “We” is perceived by readers and critics as a social work, in which the inhumanity and anti-personal essence of a totalitarian society are shown with rare artistic persuasiveness.

However, this understanding of Zamyatin’s novel seems somewhat one-sided, since this work, in our opinion, is, first of all, a novel about love. About love and its fate in a totalitarian society.

Depicting a “society of universal happiness,” Zamyatin also shows the price that one has to pay for this “happiness.” Showing the lives of people turned into “numbers,” the writer finds the most convincing arguments to confirm the unnaturalness of barracks mass happiness. And it turns out that it is precisely the unification of love as the most intimate of human feelings, a feeling of selectivity that depends only on the person himself, that is the most terrible arbitrariness of a totalitarian society in relation to the individual.

Thus, love and its fate, the motive of love is the organizing beginning of the novel “We”, and this is connected not only with the objective meaning of this feeling in the life of a person and society, but also with what love meant in the life of the writer himself, what place occupied this feeling in the system moral values Zamyatin the man.

In these notes, an attempt will be made to compare the image of love in the novel “We” and the writer’s understanding of this feeling in his own life. For this purpose it is used benchmarking the text of the dystopian novel and Zamyatin’s letters to his wife, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, which were first published in full in 1997 by the Russian national library.

Note that, being a phenomenon of literature, the writer’s letters, like no other form literary activity, express and reflect inner world artist, showing in it “ hidden person”, sometimes carefully hidden in life. This is why Zamyatin’s letters to his wife are so important for understanding the writer’s attitude to what is commonly called love.

Long years Lyudmila Nikolaevna was the closest person to Zamyatin.

An interesting fact is that the first readers - people who knew Zamyatin well, noted a certain similarity between the author and his hero: “...there was Razumnik-Ivanov, he had breakfast, sat for a long time. He read my novel and liked it very much. His main objection is that D-503 thinks the same way as me... too modern-impressionist and figurative.” A detailed acquaintance with Zamyatin’s letters to his wife gives grounds to continue this idea and say that the hero of the novel, to a large extent, feels the same way as the author. Of course, to equate Zamyatin with his hero would be a significant exaggeration, but it is impossible not to note their undoubted similarity, including in their understanding of the “philosophy of love,” the experiences associated with this feeling and attitude towards the woman they love.

Thus, when analyzing the novel “We” and Zamyatin’s letters to his wife, we will consider the following main points: how the author and his hero understand the essence of love, how this feeling relates to their life position what expression does love find in their lives; what their loved ones mean to them and how they feel about them. At the same time, we are trying to trace how spiritual world And moral experience The remarkable man is embodied in his work. Special attention will be addressed to artistic detail- the main means of creating an artistic image in Zamyatin’s poetics.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that both the author and his hero are people of reason, and it is with reason that everything that life sends them is verified. However, for D-503, reason is the only form of awareness of reality available to him (before the appearance of the “soul”): “Closing my eyes, I dream (our discharge - V.G., L.D.) with formulas...” (Here and further quoted from the publication: Zamyatin E.I. Selected works: Novels, short stories, fairy tales, novels, plays - M., 1989). At first the hero does not realize the contradictions between feeling and reason; he painfully tries to understand what is happening to him. The answer is given to him by the doctor, who tells him that the whole point is that “apparently, you have formed a soul.” Thus, love, which, in fact, led to the “formation of love”, is initially perceived by the hero as a kind of disease that destroys normal life and the established order of things, and this disease seems to belong (as it seems to the hero himself) to the category of incurable ...

In one of the letters to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, then not even a bride, but “my dear friend,” Zamyatin, who is with Lebedyan, soulfully describes the April rain, which he sees in the triumphs of life and happiness. After a description piercing in its purity and depth of emotion, he seems to come to his senses: “Well, now that I wrote and read this, I find it funny, I’m almost ashamed! Well, tell me, is this funny, stupid? Or not?

It's always like that with me. I am a split man, split in two. One “I” wants to believe, the other does not allow him, one wants to feel, wants something beautiful, the other laughs at him. points at him with his fingers... One is soft, warm, the other is cold, sharp, merciless, like steel...

And it wins, cold, it has always won - since I began to think...” “Division”, apparently, never disappeared, however, at the beginning of the relationship with his future wife, Zamyatin, under the impression of feelings that were new to him seemed to be overcoming his need for an indispensable analysis of everything he experienced, largely surrendering to the feeling itself: “It’s strange, because my feeling is new and completely unusual for me, it’s strange for me that I have no power over it, it’s strange for me to see this in myself sincerity..."

Like the hero of the novel, for Zamyatin himself love seems to be something like a disease. For it implies the possibility of either cure or death, and these fateful options are equally present in the novel and in life. However, here the positions of the author of the novel and his hero diverge.

From Zamyatin’s letters it clearly follows that the writer accepted love and everything that it brings with it - from all-encompassing happiness to deep grief. The thought of “healing” by renouncing the very feeling of love is unacceptable to him, no matter what mental and physical suffering it brings with it. “Absolutely - I will never be able to recover from you. Is it ever for a while and a little.” Love for Zamyatin, obviously, was a strong, great feeling that captures a person entirely, revealing to him something in himself that he had not previously known about himself, but without which life loses its meaning. The joys and sorrows of love are equally dear to the author of the novel “We”, since they are associated with a loved one. In this regard, a very indicative fragment from Zamyatin’s letter dated August 6, 1930, when his relationship with his wife crossed the quarter-century anniversary: ​​“Several times a day I remember you and regret that you are not here: a mushroom in the forest - I wish you could pick it! - flowers - if only you could! I'm roasting in the sun - what am I! That’s how you would do it!”

D-503, like the author of the novel himself, is also afraid of love-illness. The feeling that he experiences for I frightens him precisely because it absorbs him completely, evokes hitherto unknown desires, takes him into the depths of sensuality and dissolves him in another person. It is no coincidence that precisely after such rapprochement and self-denial (“There was no pink coupon, there was no account, there was no United State, there was no me”), the hero, trying to understand his condition, admits: “In essence, it was the truth: I , of course, sick. It’s all a disease.”

But the hero’s attitude towards love-illness is not clear. Surrendering to his feelings, he begins to evaluate himself and everything that happens to him differently - humanly. And therefore there comes a moment when the positions of the author and the hero seem to become completely similar: “because I know that I have this (fantasy - V.G., L.D.) - that I am sick. And I also know that I don’t want to get better. I don’t want to, that’s all.” However, the tragedy of the hero is that in his nature both fantasy, soul, and love exist, in the words of D. Orwell, in the form of “captivity of atavistic desires.” Strictly speaking, these are not the feelings themselves, but rather their rudiments; they are brought to life by circumstances external to the hero, so they cannot fully motivate a person’s behavior. Based on this, the hero’s confession at the end of the novel is not unexpected: “It seems to me that I always hated her, from the very beginning.” Indeed, the duality of the attitude towards the woman he loved was inherent in the hero from the very beginning. This makes him similar to the author of the novel, who in one of his letters, talking about the period of courtship for his future wife, conveying his feelings from the love game, writes: “I want to hurt her, unpleasantly...” But if for the writer these feelings are fragmentary and they subsequently give way to the deepest gratitude to the woman he loves for all that light and kindness that she brought into his life, then the hero of the novel initially sees in his beloved woman a person who brings him death, and this vision does not give him the opportunity to fully surrender to his feelings. Therefore, the operation to remove fantasy - and with it the soul - is perceived by D-503 as a kind of embodiment of his fundamental aspirations, a return to the state that most closely corresponds to his nature.

It is interesting that the operation to remove fantasy, to which all “numbers” “voluntarily” undergo and which finally reconciles the hero with reality, also has, in relation to D-503, special meaning. Zamyatin, in his first letters to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, when their relationship - at least judging by the correspondence - was not yet fully defined, repeatedly speaks of his love, replacing the word “love” itself with the word ... “fantasy”: “I sit alone with my books, with my... fantasies. My fantasies? Do you think they will pass? happy world, - was preserved by Zamyatin in the future, therefore, speaking about the removal of fantasy from D-503, the writer once again emphasizes that the purpose of this operation, first of all, is to “cut out” love, a real feeling. And from a person who has lost the ability to love, the last chance to escape from the world of “numbers” is taken away...

Thus, the “philosophy of love” of the author of the novel “We” and his hero are in many ways similar, but their attitude towards everything that love brings into their lives is different. It seems that the main difference is that the author, while remaining human, tries to preserve not only the feeling itself, which cannot but change, but also the memory of it; ardent passion gives way to an even and grateful affection for a loved one, a kind of service to him, which, it turns out, can also give joy. The hero, having found himself in a rigid (or rather cruel) framework totalitarian state, whose creation he is, does not stand the test of love. His love is an escape from the power of the United State, therefore, D-503 is aware of getting rid of this alien feeling for him with relief... Perhaps the tragedy of the love itself of the hero of the novel is perceived by the reader so convincingly because the writer conveyed a lot of personal information to this feeling , suffered and meaningful to them.

It's interesting to see how personal experience Zamyatin is reflected in the artistic details with the help of which the love of the hero of the novel is depicted. Sometimes such coincidences are almost literal in nature, when, it seems, a phenomenon of reality seems to fall into the literary fabric of the novel almost without changes. So, in a letter dated June 14, 1909, Zamyatin calls Lyudmila Nikolaevna “my dear lily of the valley.” The smell of lilies of the valley left by the beloved woman, who has already left, evokes tenderness and tenderness in the writer’s soul, resulting in a hymn of love: “My dear, my beloved lily of the valley - fresh, just sprinkled with dew, - a real lily of the valley, forest, shy little a little afraid of the sun...” In the novel “We”, a sprig of lily of the valley also appears, which is brought by D-503, O, who is in love with him. However, the smell of the lily of the valley irritates the hero, because the effect of this smell on a person is on a person, and not “ numbers”! - it is impossible to explain logically, and this is exactly how D-503 is trying to explain why lily of the valley is dangerous. When he claims that “there the spy is henbane, here the spy is lily of the valley. Yes, lily of the valley, yes!”, he is not so far from the truth, because in the world of “numbers” any human feeling, which cannot be subject to norms and controlled, is an undermining of the foundations government structure, a kind of sabotage. The original interpretation of the writer's life impressions makes it possible to create a very convincing artistic detail that clearly represents the hero's inner world.

When describing the appearance of his hero's beloved woman, Zamyatin also uses details found in his letters to Lyudmila Nikolaevna. Thus, the author repeatedly emphasizes the heroine’s “bite smile”, the “corners of her lips,” which each time evoke a deep emotional response in the hero’s soul. Zamyatin’s letters give reason to assert that this detail was not invented by the writer, it is to a certain extent taken from his own life and is connected with his attitude towards Lyudmila Nikolaevna: “It is enough for me to remember that one smile of yours that cannot be forgotten”; “Live in smiles, do not lower the corners of your wonderful, such tender feminine lips... The corners of your lips, barely visible teeth...” Who knows, maybe, once again experiencing the origins of his feelings for Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Zamyatin conceived the creation of a novel about love , which turned out to be “eaten” by reason, and the events of 1917 and everything that followed them only provided “fertile” material for the implementation of this plan?

The last hypothesis is caused again by referring to the writer’s letters. As is known, the loss of a person own name, turning it into a “number” is considered (and quite rightly) as the highest degree of arbitrariness of a totalitarian state, as a complete unification of the human personality. It is generally accepted that this idea was “prompted” to Zamyatin by the practice of building a “new life” and by the ideologists of this construction. However, the choice of specific numbers for the “numbers” was hardly arbitrary. Some personal considerations probably played a role here. Thus, the beloved woman of the hero of the novel wears the “number” I-330. In Zamyatin’s letter dated June 19-20, 1911, there are the following lines: “But, Mirlinka, forgive me, for God’s sake: today I saw a girl in a dream (- “And...?” - “And!”) (emphasis added. - V.G., L.D.). Some girl from the moon...” Of course, the semantic plan of this dialogue with his wife lies largely outside the scope of the novel, but purely externally, it seems that the formula has already been found, all that remains is to wait until the “practice of socialist construction” calls it out from the depths memory...

I would like to dwell on two more aspects of the novel’s content, which reveal clear parallels with Zamyatin’s epistolary heritage. The first point is related to how D-503 treats his beloved in terms of physical intimacy. As already noted, at first the hero’s love, which he is not yet aware of, causes irritation and almost hatred in him towards his beloved. However, then these feelings are replaced by boundless tenderness: “In the wide open cup of the chair I. I’m on the floor, hugging her legs, my head on her lap, we are silent. Silence, pulse... and so: I am a crystal, I dissolve in it, in I.” This description almost verbatim repeats the lines from a letter dated July 22, 1910: “Besides, if you were sitting in a chair, I would willingly sit on the floor next to you, hugging your lovely legs, and kissing your lovely knees through your dress, putting on them head - with hot cheeks. I wouldn’t want anything more (and maybe I’m lying?).” Naturally, in this case we cannot talk about a simple “rewriting”; rather, we can talk about “secondary living”, when the “memory of the heart” prompts the author with the most convincing words, details and actions, allowing him to once again return to the unique world of his own feelings. And there are quite a lot of such details, going back to Zamyatin’s personal experiences, reflecting his feelings for his wife and captured in letters to her, details that seem to be purely external, but reflecting the deep experiences of the author and hero. Perhaps, one can even say that D’s view of I is, to a large extent, the writer’s own view of Lyudmila Nikolaevna, in any case, the view that was reflected in his letters to her.

The second point is connected with the motive of the mother and motherhood, its significance in the lives of Zamyatin and Lyudmila Nikolaevna, its role in the novel. The spouses did not have common children, to a certain extent - as far as, of course, this is possible - they were replaced by the doll Rostislav (“Rastopyrka”) and Teddy bear. However, the motive of motherhood, childhood, treating the beloved woman as a mother is one of the cross-cutting motifs in the Zamyatins’ correspondence. In a letter dated April 29, 1909, Zamyatin addresses his wife like this: “My beloved, my little weak child, my dear tender mother.” Two years later, this same appeal, in principle, sounds somewhat different: “My child, my mother, my beloved. Now I need you most as a mother...” And finally, while in Lebedyan, at his mother’s coffin, on the night of December 20-21, 1925, Zamyatin writes to his wife: “What do you advise, the only mother I have left?” Turning to the epistolary text confirms that in the relationship between Zamyatin and his wife, the motive of mother and motherhood was an important link with time - perhaps more significant than love.

In the novel “We,” the motif of mother and motherhood also plays extremely important role. Here he is personified in the image of O, who, according to the laws of the United State, should never become a mother, because she is “... 10 centimeters below the Maternal Norm.” However, O opposes the laws themselves; moreover, she turns out to be a doubly criminal, since, leaving the United State, she takes with her new life, which originated from a loved one, and not according to the “order” for the “reproduction of their own kind”... And, perhaps, it is precisely such an act of O - the preservation of a new life, sanctified by love, which will enter the world not under the perfect supervision of faceless educators like Yu, and in the radiance and light mother's love, - this is the most terrible encroachment on its omnipotence for the United State? After all, a mother does not raise “numbers”; for her, every child is the only creature in the world, and the mother’s love is directed only at the child - at this focus of the past, present and necessarily the future... It is no coincidence that in one of the most terrible moments In his life, D-503 remembers the mother he never had and could never have, and this memory-dream is one of the most convincing proofs of the non-eternity of any State - be it the United State or any other - if this state destroys man in man.

Thus, even the most general analysis shows that the motive of love in the novel “We” is a leading, plot-forming motive, and the attitude towards any character in the novel is determined by his attitude towards love. A comparison of the writer’s letters and the text of his novel gives grounds to assert that in the depiction of love, the understanding of the “philosophy of love”, the place of this feeling in the life of a person and society, the moral and aesthetic position of Zamyatin the man was fully embodied, and the novel “We” is a very personal work , perhaps even confessional, that in the hero of the novel and his attitude to love there is a lot from the writer himself.

Of course, such a conclusion only confirms the long-recognized idea that the life and work of a writer are closely interconnected. We have taken the first step so far: we have identified the main directions in which the relationship between Zamyatin’s letters to his wife and his novel “We” is manifested, and the main points of contact have been identified. The interpretation of the identified textual material is a topic of special research, which, undoubtedly, can be very productive in terms of understanding the creative individuality of Evgeniy Zamyatin, the characteristics of his creative manner.

However, the material already mastered in this article can be used by the teacher in literature lessons, both when studying the writer’s work, and when discussing issues related to understanding the essence of artistic creativity, the relationships of the factual basis literary work and its embodiment in it, to confirm that artistic creativity is always the creation of a special world of artistic images, in which even the most seemingly accurately drawn fact of reality always means more than its simple statement. For artistic image, created a true artist words, is practically inexhaustible in the possibilities of its comprehension.

L-ra: Russian literature in Ukrainian schools. – 1998. - No. 2. – P. 36-40.


Keywords: Evgeny Zamyatin, novel We, criticism of the works of Evgeny Zamyatin, criticism of the works of Evgeny Zamyatin, analysis of the works of Evgeny Zamyatin, download criticism, download analysis, download for free, Russian literature of the 20th century

The problem of love and duty is not the main one in the novel; it is, as it were, of a secondary nature. The main character of the work is D503. The absence of names for the characters is immediately striking; this suggests the lack of spirituality that reigns in the United State. A person has no name, he is faceless, like a mechanism, a robot with a serial number. His life is calibrated and directed by others. He is devoid of feelings, thoughts, soul. In a society that lives according to strict mathematical laws, where everything must be logical, there can be no talk of love or fantasy.
At the beginning of the novel, D503 appears before the reader as a piece of the United State, one of many cogs of a big machine. He admires the wisdom of the Benefactor, he likes to live exactly by the clock. But suddenly his whole measured life changes dramatically. He assesses his new condition as an illness. “I must write it down so that you, my unknown readers, can fully study the history of my illness.”
What happened to the main character? What is the cause of his “illness”? D503 fell in love, unnoticed by himself. His first suspicions arise while listening to Scriabin’s music, which was supposed to cause laughter and prove that nothing could be higher or better than modern “mathematical compositions”. And indeed, many laugh, “only a few... but why not?” Here for the first time he felt like “I” and not like “we”.
After this, I330 enters his life, heading a revolutionary organization. She is not like the others, she wears ancient clothes, drinks liquor, and smokes. D503 is obliged to report her to the Guardian Bureau - this is considered a feat, but he does not do this, surprising himself: “A week ago - I know, I would have gone without hesitation. Why now? Why?" His mind is torn between love and a sense of duty: “I am dying. I am unable to fulfill my duties to the United State... I..."
Love for I330 finally established the “I” in him, he became a person capable of feeling and experiencing. For the first time, jealousy began to speak in him: “I won’t allow it. I want no one but me. I will kill anyone who... Because I am you - I am you...” The word “love” remains unspoken.
To understand himself, D503 goes to the Medical Bureau. There they tell him that he is sick: he has a “soul.” A person with a “soul” cannot live normally in a technogenic society, but there is a way out: an operation to remove fantasy.
Here D503 has to choose: “Operation and one hundred percent happiness - or...” He chose I330. And she wants him, as the builder of Integral, to help capture it, and D503 gives his consent. But the flight was interrupted due to betrayal. After this, D503 appears before the Benefactor, who convinces him that I330, in fact, does not love him. She needed HE only as the builder of Integral. D503 himself had long ago subconsciously had some suspicions. He remembers that letter in which I330 asks him to lower the curtains, as if he had her, her question about the Integral - will it be ready soon? After talking with the Benefactor, D503 heads home to I330, but does not find her there, but finds a huge number of pink coupons with the letter “F” in the room. Now he understands that I330 actually used him. She made him fall in love with her, she tore him away from the United State.
As a result, D503 was left with nothing: he could not be with his beloved and could not return to normal life in this “soulless” society. He had no choice but to agree to the operation. He decided to “cut out the fantasy.” “Everything is decided - and tomorrow morning I will do it. It was the same as killing myself - but maybe only then would I be resurrected. Because only what is killed can be resurrected.” After the operation, D503 calmly watches as “that woman” is executed under the Gas Bell. No fantasy - no love. It turns out that love could not resist technological progress. The sense of duty still overpowered love in D503. Or did he simply have no other choice? Perhaps things wouldn't be the same if I330 actually loved it.
What is this work about? About a soulless society? About totalitarianism, a system that destroys the human personality? About love and betrayal? We can say that all these themes are present here, and Zamyatin himself put a much deeper meaning into the novel than just ridiculing the foundations of a socialist society, as many critics of the early twentieth century believed.

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E. Zamyatin wrote the novel “We” in 1919. It was a difficult, difficult time. And the future is unclear and foggy. And depicting an overdeveloped society of the distant future, the author built his work following the canons of dystopia. This means that the writer’s forecasts for the future do not contain any particular optimism, and the problems of the people shown in the work are almost greater than in our much less comfortable world.

The society built by Zamyatin in the novel “We” is not just a United State in which happy people live. This is a single mechanism, and the people there are happy because the will of the State turned them into parts of its machine and forced them to work. And in free time- walk in formation literally and figuratively at the same time.

Here, absolutely everything is regulated, driven into a framework, and subject to a clear routine. Work, eating, getting up and going to bed. And - art, personal life, creativity. Everything is adjusted to the almighty Tablet of Hours.

At first glance, love is impossible in the United State. This feeling has no place among identical, maximally unified “numbers.” Love is messy, chaotic in nature. Being a product of disorder in the soul, it also greatly undermines human life itself. But what if everything is on the clock? After all, then a person will inevitably fall out of routine and become a spoiled knot. But in the unit of the United State, worn-out, broken parts are not repaired. They are simply destroyed to prevent others from spoiling them.

However, the United State cares about the integrity of its “numbers”. And as an example of this concern main character The novel D-503 tells about the victory over two “lords” of the past - Hunger and Love. Hunger was defeated, the “numbers” received oil instead of the once usual food grown on the land. “It is natural that, having subjugated Hunger... The United State launched an offensive against the other ruler of the world - against Love. Finally, this element was defeated, that is, organized, mathematized, and about 300 years ago the historical “Lex sexualis” was proclaimed to us: each number has the right - as a sexual product - to any number.” This law is designed to rid the United State of love. Emotions and feelings are replaced by regulations: a special report card of sexual days is developed for everyone, any number is written down on oneself and a one-time coupon book is obtained.

The mechanized, mathematical attitude of the United State to love should crush this feeling, turn it from a source of happiness and inspiration into just another function of the body, like eating or sleeping.

D-503, discussing the existing order of things, was no longer entirely sure of its correctness. Scriabin's music and the first conversation of I-330 awakened his imagination and, as a result, a predisposition to doubt. Perhaps Love and Hunger seemed to the United State to be enemies that must be dealt with, but doubt is an enemy that is much more dangerous. By the end of the novel, the state was preparing a large-scale attack on fantasy and doubt, which grows from the possibility of imagining a different order of things to replace the existing one.

At the beginning of the novel, 0-90 is “recorded” on the D-503. “Dear O! - It always seemed to me - that she looked like her name: 10 centimeters below the Motherly Norm - and that’s why she was all round, and her pink O - mouth - was open to meet my every word. And one more thing: a round, plump fold on the wrist - these happen in children.”

In a way, their relationship can be called, if not love, then certainly love, especially by the distorted and inhuman-machine standards of the United State. They walk together, D-503 may call her “sweetheart,” and 0-90 may experience slight jealousy (as in the episode of the first meeting with I-330). Finally, they exercise their right to have the curtains drawn in the glass houses within the space enclosed by the Green Wall - the border of the One State.

The relationship between D-503 and 0-90 with a clear conscience can be called harmonious, because harmony basically implies one kind or another of order. Harmonious love is always calmer and more reasonable than fiery passion, such as the one that flared up between D-503 and I-330.

So, D-503 is tied to 0-90. But if on his part it looks like affection and nothing more, then the woman is truly in love with the main character. This does not become clear right away, but then we see a kind of Juliet of the United State, ready for anything. 0-90 even wants the hero to have a child. And the birth of children is also regulated, and such an act could lead to the death of both. For 0-90, this does not matter: it is much more important to keep your loved one within you, to keep him close to you even in spite of the inevitable separation.

Selflessness 0-90 shows that the United State still carries too much humanity within itself, that feelings can become a destructive weapon even against orders that are not only accepted from birth, but are enshrined in the genes. Love 0-90 leads her along forbidden paths that are impossible for an ideal “number”. Love and jealousy almost crowd out the remnants of common sense from her: 0-90 at first flatly refuses to turn to I-330 for help. But if you get beyond the Green Wall, the child will be saved. Fortunately, common sense prevails, and the woman agrees to be rescued from trouble by her rival, the homewrecker, I-330.

D-503 finds himself alone with a completely impossible enemy - with real passion, which even in more illogical times was capable of completely depriving a person of reason. Now that mathematics has permeated everything, he can only hope that he can preserve himself.

Passion - crazy and burning, quickly turns the ideal “number” into a most dangerous pathology, a real cancer cell for the United State. Passion opens his eyes to the world, and there’s no getting around it. The state of insight into which the main character falls is very reminiscent of madness, and they are related to each other - these two states. Because you cannot notice the world that is outside the Green Wall. Because a sip of the “liquor of the United State” is sedition and a crime punishable by death. Because deceiving the United State by pretending to be sick is evil, and you need to go to the Guardian Bureau and hand over the instigators. And then it is quite possible to fall under the punishing hand of the Benefactor.

In I-330, the hero obviously finds what he really needed. Somehow the 0-90 didn’t really correspond to the image of her that was read through the lines of the notes. For all their mathematics, the hero’s notes are imbued with energy and temperament. Love for I-330 becomes simply a prism that transforms his energy into the new kind. He may remain a mathematically correct “number”, but he is able to lie at the feet of the woman he loves. And then he can still try to analyze his feelings and actions. Only love can generate such contradictions.

And only love makes D-503 lie to the State. Pretend to be sick, actually be a witness against the Benefactor and the United State - and remain silent... Become a person who conceives a child 0-90. Although this child was not sanctioned.

Obviously, in this way D-503 atones for her guilt before 0-90, who suffered from being separated from her loved one. With this child, D-503 redeems himself from the bitterness with which the letter to him was saturated. “I can’t live without you - because I love you. Because I see, I understand: now you don’t need anyone, no one in the world, except this one, the other one, and - you understand: precisely if I love you, I must... I will never do it again, forgive me... Never again. That’s better, of course: she’s right. But why, why..." He leaves her a piece of himself, and then, in a moment of danger, helps save the child and life.

1-330 is aware of his power over the hero and does not miss an opportunity to use it. Until the very end of the novel, doubts remain: does she really love D-503? Or she simply needs him in order to somehow sting the United State. After all, she is one of those who does not want to be a “number”, who longs for chaotic times long past, who is not afraid to protest. Even if this protest is so destructive and useless.

1-330 — strong personality, who knows how to mercilessly invade someone else’s soul and subjugate it to herself. Without any torment, she destroys the familiar world of D-503. Although you can find an argument in favor of the fact that she truly loves this person. Being deprived of servile love for social order United State, I-330 understands all the inferiority of the protagonist’s life and she strives to accustom him to a full and fulfilling life - even at the cost of considerable mental torment that D-503 has to endure. This is reminiscent of the very statement of the United State that we meet literally at the very beginning of the first entry in the main character’s notes: “If they do not understand that we bring them ... happiness, it is our duty to make them be happy.”

From the actions and actions of both sides love affair- between D-503 and I-330 - you can easily determine the leader and the subordinate side. I-330 does not recognize the right of choice for the main character, believing that it is not granted to him (in fact, D-503 is even more subservient, even stronger than in relation to the United State). In any case, when the question arises of choosing between personal and social principles, the hero gives preference to the latter. Although he himself is surprised by his behavior.

Love turns out to be almost a more cruel captivity than the regulations and rules of the Tablet of Hours, especially when you consider that political system Zamyatin society in principle does not recognize the opposition. It doesn’t matter whether the opposition is one individual or a group. The outcome for the protesters is always the same - the Benefactor's Machine or the Gas Bell.

D-503 is basically incapable of being free. Still, he is too devoted to the laws of the State, and all his statements that he does not want to be cured are just verbal tinsel: having left one captivity, he ended up in another. That new captivity - the captivity of love - turned out to be stronger and was the only thing that kept D-503. If we had simply forced him to be in his positions, nothing would have worked. The main character of the novel is just a game. And the hunter named I-330 quite successfully catches this game.

In addition, the author complicates the situation in the novel by turning the love triangle into a square. The main character becomes an object of pity for Yu, a woman with “fishy” cheeks. Pity can often masquerade as love, accompany this feeling, and sometimes even give rise to it. Yu, having read the tragic letter 0-90, begins to feel sorry for D-503. This gives rise to new problems, because Yu is a typical “number” who is devoted to the core to the core of the United State. All her feelings are ready to give way to the interests of the state structure, which ultimately happens one day.

Yu's pity for the main character is accompanied by maternal feelings. This is normal, since she, apparently, is older than the hero in age. Preserving it, protecting it from all sorts of troubles - this is the goal that she pursues. Yu resembles a guardian angel, who is called upon to monitor how a person fulfills his divine destiny, to protect him in piety and to take care of him in order to protect him from freedom, even to prevent any thoughts about it.

Out of pity, Yu is even ready to “sign up” for D-503. Meanwhile, the hero does not have any feelings for her. In all his recordings one can see either complete indifference or hostile equanimity. The main character doesn't need her. Her maternal feelings from the point of view of D-503, judging by his notes, do not touch him.

So, despite the mathematical accuracy and precision of the society depicted by Yevgeny Zamyatin in the novel “We,” it still retains the sprouts of love. Even if this feeling is declared defeated, and its manifestations from the side of the “numbers” look like a disease, but it still exists. And this allows us to say that the Tablet of Hours has been defeated. Its complete overthrow is a matter of time. Because there are still people within the Green Wall who are capable of putting human interests above the laws of the state, who are capable of perceiving the world around them with emotions, and not with cold intellect. IN Once again Love will celebrate its victory, and this victory is close - even if the romance ends tragically for D-503 and I-330. Love will live in spite of any laws.

Essay on the topic: LOVE IN E. ZAMYATIN’S NOVEL “WE”

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  • love in the novel we
  • love in the novel Zamyatin we
  • depiction of love in the novel we
  • relationship between D503
Regional research conference for schoolchildren

"First steps into science"

Section of Russian language and literature

“HE and SHE in the world of human relations”

(using the example of E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “WE”)

Performed by Marina Koroleva and Alexey Kokotun

MBOU Ordynskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 1, 10 “a” class

Scientific director

Kosova Evgenia Vladimirovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category

r.p. Ordynskoe-2011

  1. Introduction. Justification of the relevance and content of the research topic, setting goals and objectives.

  1. Main part.HE and SHE in the world of human relations in the novel “We” by E. Zamyatin

    1. Brief curriculum vitae about E. Zamyatin

    2. The history of the novel

    3. Analysis of E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

    4. Love triangle

    5. Conclusion

  1. Conclusion. Conclusions and results of the study, correlating them with the predicted result

  1. Application

  1. Dictionary

  1. List of used literature

  1. Introduction. Justification of the relevance and content of the research topic, setting goals and objectives. Predicted result. Research method.
“There is one love, but there are thousands of counterfeits”

La Rochefoucauld

The theme of love is always popular and relevant, especially at a young age. First love is a wonderful, tender, unforgettable feeling for each of us, and it doesn’t matter how old we are, love has no age. Love teaches us to live, forgive, teaches us to take care of what we have. Love elevates, makes us better, purer... For some, love becomes fateful, unique, for life, and for others...

It is important that the feeling be sincere, tested by life’s ups and downs.

The happiness of human relationships depends on the willingness of a man and a woman to do the work of their souls for the benefit of their loved one.

The true understanding of love is reflected in words Little Prince from the fairy tale of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Loving does not mean looking at each other, it means looking together in the same direction.”

Questions arise: “What needs to be done in order to be happy in the world of human relationships?”, “Is it possible to learn to love?”, “Why does the loss of love occur?”

Reading E. Zamyatin’s novel “We” leads to reflection on these questions.

Because purpose Our work began to answer the question:

  • What prevented the happiness of those who love, using the example of E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”?
To achieve the goal, the following are decided tasks:

  • Read E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

  • Study literary critical material on this topic.

  • Analyze the worldview of the characters.

  • Draw a general conclusion that is relevant to the purpose of the work.
Nature of work:

Scientific research, since the activity is planned, thought out, and streamlined.

The research path is theoretical:

The research path is practical:

Objects of study:

  • E.I. Zamyatin “We”

  • Peer profiles

The inability to distinguish the inner beauty of the soul from “external originality” leads to the destruction of human relationships.
Work structure:
Introduction - reveal the relevance and significance of the topic, formulate the goals and objectives of the work, and determine its nature.
Main part - analysis of the novel "We"
Conclusion - We summarize the research work on the designated topic.

Theoretical part:

Study the history of the creation of E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We”. Read it carefully.

Practical part:

Analyze the novel, do an analysis, conduct a survey among peers.

Predicted work result:

  • As a result of the study of this topic, it is expected to master the content of the work, dissolved in artistic form, construction of a logically verified novel, confirmed by the results of the analysis. To prove that in E. Zamyatin’s novel “We” the theme of love and human relationships can be traced.
Brief description of the sources used:

First of all, let’s call the book “E.I. Zamyatin “We” stories, stories” -M.: Bustard: Veche, 2002.-368 pp.- (library of domestic classical fiction).

"Schoolchild's Guide to Literature" edited by V.V. Agenosova-1999 The reference book provides an overview of the literature different countries world, about the creativity of almost 100 of the most outstanding writers and poets of Russia, about literary eras, directions, trends, styles, literary terms and concepts.

Russian literature of the twentieth century, textbook for grade 11 in two parts - 2004. Chalmaev V.A., Zinin S.A. a textbook for grade 11, written by a famous literary critic and methodologist, contains a detailed picture of the development Russian literature in the twentieth century. The book has a two-level structure, providing study of the subject at a basic and specialized level.

E. Zamyatin “We” - return, “Grandmaster of Literature. Preface by Oleg Mikhailov” - 1920.
In addition, during the preparation, dictionaries and encyclopedias were used:

G.S. Gorchakov “Ocean of Wisdom” Tomsk 2009 publishing house "Stronghold".

“All heroes of works of Russian literature” dictionary-reference book. School program: M.: LLC "agency "KRPA "Olympus": LLC "AST Publishing House", 2003.

“ESSAY by E.I. Zamyatin “About my wives, about icebreakers and about Russia”

“Dolgopolov L. Zamyatin E. (On the history of the creation of the novel “We”). - Russian literature, 2001, No. 4"

“Lanin B. Russian literary dystopia of the twentieth century. M., 1993."

  1. Main part. HE and SHE in the world of human relations in the novel “We” by E. Zamyatin.
1. Brief biographical information about E. Zamyatin

Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin (1884-1937)

Born January 20 (February 1), 1884 in Lebedyan, Tambov province (now Lipetsk region) in the family of a poor nobleman. Big influence had an impact on E. Zamyatin home education. “I grew up under the piano: my mother is a good musician,” he wrote in his Autobiography. - I already read Gogol at four. Childhood is almost without comrades: comrades are books.” The impressions of Lebedyan's life were later embodied in the stories Uezdnoye (1912) and Alatyr (1914).

In 1886 E. Zamyatin entered the Voronezh gymnasium. After graduating with a gold medal in 1902. entered St. Petersburg

Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Shipbuilding. Summer

the practice gave the future writer the opportunity to travel. E. Zamyatin visited many cities and countries. In 1905, while in Odessa, he witnessed an uprising on the battleship Potemkin, which he later wrote about in the story “Three Days.” Returning to St. Petersburg, he took part in revolutionary activities Bolsheviks, for which he was arrested and spent several months in solitary confinement. E. Zamyatin used this time to study English and write poetry. Then he was exiled to Lebedyan, but returned illegally to St. Petersburg, from where he was expelled again in 1911, after graduating from the institute.

E. Zamyatin attributed his prose to literary direction which he called neorealism. The style of his works is partly correlated with the “ornamental prose” of A. Remizov, but E. Zamyatin brought this style to grotesque surrealism.

For the anti-war story “In the middle of nowhere”, the heroes of which are not only Far Eastern officers and soldiers, but also the entire “driven into the middle of nowhere Rus'”, E. Zamyatin was brought to court, and the issue of the magazine “Testaments”, in which the story was published , was confiscated.

In 1916 E. Zamyatin was sent to England to participate in the construction of Russian icebreakers at the shipyards of Newcastle, Glasgow and Sunderland; visited London. He was one of the main designers of the icebreaker "St. Alexander Nevsky", after October revolution called "Lenin". English impressions formed the basis of both numerous essays and the stories “The Islanders” and “The Catcher of Men.”

In 1917 E.I. Zamyatin returned to Petrograd. Soon he became one of the most prominent figures in Russian literary life. Influenced literary group“Serapion Brothers”, with whom he was creatively close. He taught at the Polytechnic Institute, taught a course in modern Russian literature at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen and the course of technology literary prose in the studio of the House of Arts, worked on the editorial board of World Literature, on the board of the All-Russian Writers' Union, at the Grzhebin and Alkonost publishing houses, and edited several literary magazines. At the same time, he was skeptical about “all sorts of worldwide undertakings” that arose against the background of the destruction of civilized life.

2. The history of the creation of the novel

The novel was created shortly after the author returned from England to revolutionary Russia in 1920 (according to some sources, work on the text continued in 1921). The first publication of the novel took place abroad in 1924. In 1929, the novel was used for massive criticism of E. Zamyatin, and the author was forced to defend himself, justify himself, and explain himself, since the novel was regarded as his political mistake and “a manifestation of sabotage to the interests of Soviet literature».

Explaining what happened to him, E. Zamyatin cites a Persian fable about a rooster who had the bad habit of singing an hour earlier than the others, because of which the owner found himself in an absurd position. He ended up cutting off the rooster's head. “The novel “We,” the writer concludes bitterly, “turned out to be a Persian rooster: it was too early to raise this question in this form.” In fact, the novel had not yet been read in the writer’s homeland: the first publication of the novel in the USSR took place only in 1988 (Znamya magazine, 1988, No. 4–5).

The idea of ​​a joint happy human community, universal brotherhood, has long attracted thinkers. This idea has been returned to again and again throughout centuries-old history. In the pre-Christian era, this philosophical essay the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's "State", in the Renaissance - "Utopia" by T. More and "City of the Sun" by T. Campanella.

However, it is quite obvious that in subsequent times the ideal of the clan had to come into conflict with the personal principle, which became a fact public life, philosophy, art during the Christian Middle Ages, and then during the Renaissance.

And if previously the history of world literature knew only “utopias” - i.e. description of an ideal joint human community, then in modern times the situation is changing. On the one hand, the human personality realizes itself as equal to the whole world, and on the other hand, powerful dehumanizing factors appear and intensify, primarily technical civilization, which introduces a mechanistic, hostile principle to man, since the means of influence of technical civilization on man, the means of manipulating his consciousness, become increasingly powerful and global.

At this time, in contrast to utopia, dystopia appears as an anti-genre aimed at identifying the negative meaning of utopia. According to modern researchers, the main difference between dystopia and utopia is that “utopians are looking for ways to create... ideal world, which will be based on the synthesis of the postulates of goodness, justice, happiness and prosperity, wealth and harmony. And dystopians strive to understand how the human person will feel in this exemplary atmosphere.”

The pronoun "We", just like the pronoun "I", does not in itself contain negative content, but after the appearance of Zamyatin's novel "We" it sounds rather negative. What is its meaning, i.e. What is the community of people united by this single name? “We” of the United State is not an association of free individuals, but a faceless “We,” mechanical, based on the simultaneous performance of public works, biological functions, etc. This is a non-reasoning mass of people, led by a Benefactor, the idea of ​​collectivism brought to the point of parody.

3.Analysis of E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

After we read E. Zamyatin’s novel “We " , the question involuntarily arose: What is this work about? About a soulless society? About totalitarianism, a system that destroys the human personality? About love and betrayal?

All these themes are present here, but E. Zamyatin himself puts a much deeper meaning into the novel than, for example, ridiculing the foundations of a socialist society, as many critics of the early 20th century believed. Of course, the problem of love and duty is not the basis of the novel; it is, as it were, of a secondary nature. The main character of the work is D-503. The absence of names for the characters is immediately striking; this suggests the lack of spirituality that reigns in the United State. A person has no name, he is faceless, like a mechanism, a robot with a serial number. His life is calibrated and directed by others.

He is devoid of feelings, thoughts, soul. In a society that lives according to strict mathematical laws, where everything must be logical, there can be no talk of love or fantasy. At the beginning of the novel, D-503 appears to the reader as a piece of the United State, one of many cogs of a big machine. He admires the wisdom of the Benefactor, he likes to live exactly by the clock. But suddenly his whole measured life changes dramatically. He assesses his new condition as an illness: “I must write it down so that you, my unknown readers, can fully study the history of my illness.” What happened to the main character? What is the cause of his “illness”? D-503 fell in love, unnoticed by himself. His first suspicions arise while listening to Scriabin’s music, which was supposed to cause laughter and prove that nothing could be higher or better than modern “mathematical compositions”. And indeed, many laugh, “only a few... but why me-me?” Here for the first time he felt like “I” and not like “we”. After this, I-330 enters his life, heading a revolutionary organization. She is not like the others, she wears ancient clothes, drinks liquor, and smokes. D-503 is obliged to report her to the Guardian Bureau - this is considered a feat, but he does not do this, surprising himself: “A week ago - I know, I would have gone without hesitation. Why now?...Why?” His mind is torn between love and a sense of duty: “I am perishing. I am unable to fulfill my duties to the United State...I...” Love for I-330 finally established the “I” in him, he became a person capable of feeling and experiencing. For the first time, jealousy began to speak in him: “I won’t allow it. I want no one but me. I will kill anyone who... Because I am you - I am you...” The word “love” remains unspoken. To understand himself, D-503 goes to the Medical Bureau. There they tell him that he is sick: he has a “soul”. A person with a “soul” cannot live normally in a technogenic society, but there is a way out: an operation to remove fantasy. Here D-503 has to choose: “Operation and one hundred percent happiness - or...” He chose I-330 and “Mefi.” I-330 wants him, as the builder of Integral, to help capture it, and D-503 gives his consent. But the flight will be interrupted due to betrayal. After this, D-503 appears before the Benefactor, who convinces him that I-330, in fact, does not love him. She needed him only as the builder of Integral. D-503 himself had long ago subconsciously had some suspicions. After talking with the Benefactor, D-503 heads to the I-330 home, but does not find her there, but finds a huge number of pink coupons with the letter “F” in the room. Now he realizes that I-330 actually used him. She made him fall in love with her, she tore him away from the United State. As a result, D-503 was left with nothing: he could not be with his beloved and could not return to normal life in this “soulless” society. He has no choice but to agree to the operation. He decides to "cut out the fantasy." “Everything has been decided - and tomorrow morning I will do it. It was the same as killing myself - but maybe only then will I be resurrected. Because only what is killed can be resurrected.” After the operation, D-503 calmly watches how “that woman” is executed under the Gas Bell. No fantasy - no love. It turns out that love could not resist technological progress. The sense of duty nevertheless overpowered love in D-503. Or did he simply have no other choice? Maybe things wouldn't be the same if I-330 really loved him.

4.Love triangle

The secret of love lies in the relationship between the sexes. It is no coincidence that it is designated by the highest concept - God. As P. Uspensky wrote, “all the threads converge here human life, all emotions; through love, humanity comes into contact with the future, with eternity, with the race to which it belongs, with the entire past of humanity and with its entire future destiny. In the contact of the sexes, in their attraction to each other lies great secret life..." And, when “the two forces contained in love - the power of life and the power of ideas - merge, people will consciously go to their highest destinies.”

But “Love, like fire, goes out without food,” we read from M.Yu. Lermontov. What can be food for love? First of all, reciprocity... Is this feeling always harmonious? Unfortunately no. There are many obstacles on the path of love... One of them is discussed by T. Lahousen, E. Maksimova, E. Andrews in the book “On Synthetism, Mathematics and Other Things: The Novel “We” by E. Zamyatin.” The authors calculated this obstacle with mathematical precision. Its name is a love triangle. This triangle was formed between the main characters of the novel: D, R and O. The triangle looks like this:

R-13 loves O-90, O-90 loves D-503, and he, in turn, loves I-330, as a result of which another triangle is formed, between D-503, Yu and I-330.

Yu suffers from love for D-503, and I-330 does not show feelings for anyone, she fell in love with D-503 so that he would help them capture the building under construction spaceship"Integral".

The triangle has become a kind of “litmus test”.


So, eternal problem, as old as the world: “He and She in the world of human relations...”

Contrary to political opinion In the novel, we first of all saw the human, earthly relationships of the heroes, with their joys of perceiving the world through the prism of love and the tragically optimistic conclusion of the love triangle: “He loves and She does not love...”

Why is this happening? Why does the main character of the novel D-503 have a deep feeling for I-330 (who used him completely selfishly), and pays almost no attention to the sincerely loving O-90?

Returning to the content, we see that D-503 was attracted primarily by the external originality of the I-330, its obvious “otherness” from others. After all, the first thing that attracts a man to a woman is undoubtedly self-confidence, even if a woman’s appearance is far from ideal, a positive opinion about herself, perhaps even a little inflated, makes a woman attractive to a man.

By appearance and by the nature of I-330 “thin, sharp, stubbornly flexible, like a whip”. Latin I (not the Russian “and”) visually represents this elegance, angularity, steadfastness (persistent, a strong character), the sharpness of the I-330, which is enhanced by such detail as "sharp white teeth". At the same time, when pronounced, the vowel sound [i] sounds soft and gentle in a feminine way, as if neutralizing the graphic sharpness of the letter I.

D-503 unconsciously likes it when I-330 shows interest in him, willingly demonstrating it. The heroine doesn't need bad reputation, therefore, instead of coquetry and light flirting, she prefers to veil her sympathy with the help of aggression. Makes fun of D-503, speaks in a suppressive tone. And this behavior, oddly enough, attracts the hero.

I-330's fantasies in clothing are perceived as self-will, as a challenge, and indicate awareness of the personal principle. The heroine excites the imagination of D-503, awakens in him the ability to love, think, and doubt. I-330's disguises play an important role in the character's perception of her. This is how D-503 sees her during one of the first meetings: she “She was wearing a short, antique bright yellow dress, a black hat, and black stockings. Light dress silk - I could clearly see: the stockings were very long, much higher than the knees, and the neck was open ... " The collision of black and yellow is classical designation anxiety, drama of the situation, the need for change.

Against the backdrop of the bright, proud I-330, the O-90 still remains “faceless” for the D-503:

Darling Oh! - it always seemed to me - that she looked like her name: 10 centimeters below the Maternal Norm - and that’s why she was all round and round, and her pink O - mouth - was open to meet my every word. And one more thing: a round, plump fold on the wrist - these happen in children. Men are attracted to soft and gentle women with a twinkle in their eyes. But the problem is that men try to avoid overly obsessive fans. And the O-90 was, in our opinion, too open, leaving no chance to be at least a little mysterious for the D-503. And therefore all her positive qualities fade into the background and remain unclaimed.

As we can see, the reason for the emergence of a love triangle was the lack of understanding of true feelings, the realization that the outside is not always beautiful on the inside, and what is plain at first glance can turn out to be real wealth. To love, you need to be able to lose, to suffer. In order to perceive not the external, but inner side life, the inner world of a person, you need to “get burned” at least once, to lose a loved one.

The result of the relationship in the novel is the death of I-330 as retribution for deception, for the lack of true feelings for D-503. The main character, in our opinion, did not have enough strength, courage, and also life experience to understand O-90.

  1. Conclusion. Conclusions and results of the study, correlating them with the predicted result.
“A lot has been written about love. A lot, because before us are hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of lines (and what lines!), dictated by emotional excitement and deep thoughts.

Little has been written about love, because this feeling - love - is inexhaustible. It is life itself. And no matter how much has been written about love, its novelty, its drama, its diversity, its charm, its charm cannot be exhausted as long as a person is alive on earth and as long as his heart beats.”

For ourselves, we understood the main thing: “The secrets of human life are great, and love is the most inaccessible of these secrets” 1. After all: “He is not a man who does not fall in love” 2. And also: “Love is a frantic attraction to that which runs away from us” 3. At the same time: “A lover does not know the shortcomings of his beloved” 4. For: “Only that love is love that shuns calculation” 5. And then: “Love never demands, it always gives. Love always suffers, never expresses protest, never avenges itself” 6. And again: “There is no other love than that which gives one’s soul for one’s friends. Love is love only when it is a sacrifice of oneself. Only when a person forgets himself and lives the life of the one he loves, only such love is true, and only in such love do we find good, the reward of love. And it is only because there is such love in people that the world is worth it.” 7.

Having analyzed the above, we thought about the attitude of peers to the feeling of love. How seriously do they take love?

To understand this problem, a survey method was used. Students in the 10th grade were surveyed. 27 people were interviewed: 14 boys, 13 girls aged 16 to 17 years inclusive.

Respondents had to answer the following questions:

  1. What place does love occupy in your life?

  1. The main thing (3 points)

  2. Didn't think about it (2 points)

  3. Doesn't matter (1 point)

  1. Which of the following qualities are most important to you?

  1. Devotion (3 points)

  2. Sincerity (2 points)

  3. Success (1 point)

  1. What do you need to be happy?

  1. Love (3 points)

  2. Study (career) (2 points)

  3. Prosperity (1 point)

  1. Will you never start a family...?

  1. With an unloved person (3 points)

  2. By calculation (2 points)

  3. Contrary to public opinion(1 point)

  1. What will you never forgive your loved one?

  1. Betrayal (2 points)

  2. Cowardice (1 point)

  3. If you love, you will forgive everything (3 points)

  1. Is it possible that you like 2 people at the same time?

  1. Yes (1 point)

  2. I don't know (2 points)

  3. No (3 points)
The following results were obtained:

Those who scored from 6 to 10 points (1 person - girl):

Love is a fleeting attraction that brings some benefit. The most important thing in life is success and money.

Those who scored from 11 to 14 points (18 people - 10 boys and 8 girls):

Haven't thought about love yet. Study and career come first.

Those who scored from 15 to 18 points (8 people - 4 boys and 4 girls):

Love occupies the main place and is the meaning of life. But love is not sexual, but real, sincere.

The information received leads to the conclusion that most young people have not yet thought about love, and many of them still do not understand what love is, since they have not realized the whole essence, the importance of love.

In life (as in many works) we often encounter love triangles, and many (20 people) guys, answering the last question of the questionnaire “Is it possible that you like 2 people at the same time?” They answered yes.

Against the backdrop of political realities in E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We,” the happiness of those who love was prevented by:

  1. Inability to distinguish the inner beauty of the soul from “external originality;

  2. Meanness, deception, betrayal on the part of I-330 to D-503;

  3. Love triangle of heroes.

From here, having analyzed E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We”, the set questions were solved tasks:

  • Read E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

  • We studied literary and critical material on this topic.

  • We analyzed the worldview of the heroes.

  • We made a general conclusion that correlated with the purpose of the work.

Solving the set tasks led to achieving goals works:

An answer was received to the question: “What prevented the happiness of those who love in E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”?”

Thus, the considered work gives grounds to assert that the predicted result has been confirmed.

The materials and results of this study can be used to conduct special courses and electives on literature in high school or during the preparation and writing of literature abstracts.

  1. Application.

Illustration for E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

Illustration for E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

Illustration for E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “We”

R-13 D-503

Love triangle in E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “WE” No. 1

I-330 YU

Love triangle in E.I. Zamyatin’s novel “WE” No. 2

V. Dictionary

Dystopia - depiction of the social and moral consequences of the implementation of a utopian social project. Dystopia inherits and transforms the genre and stylistic features of utopia, being a kind of negative utopia. The dystopia critically depicts an already built “ideal” society, in which everything is subordinated to one or another rational idea (for example, the idea of ​​universal equality). The narrative in a dystopia, as a rule, is focused on the point of view of one of the characters, whose personal tragic fate in the world of an embodied utopia becomes plot basis works.

A classic example of twentieth-century dystopia. - novel by E.I. Zamyatin “We”.

Announcement - preliminary (without detailed information) poster announcing a performance, performance, concert, etc.

Atavism - the appearance in a given individual of characteristics characteristic of distant ancestors, but absent in nearby ones.

Newcastle shipyards - a place where ships are built and repaired in England.

Neorealism- direction in Italian cinema and literature of the mid-40s - 50s. XX century; a new form of realism that emerged after the 2nd World War, in the struggle for anti-fascist and democratic national art.

Peripeteia - a sudden change in life, an unexpected complication, a difficult circumstance to overcome.

Romanticism- art direction late XVIII- the first quarter of the 19th century, imbued with optimism and the desire to show in bright images high purpose of a person.

Surrealism- avant-garde movement in artistic culture 20th century; originally originated in France.

Utopia- a place that does not exist (according to another version, from it - good and topos - place, i.e. blessed country), an image of the ideal social order devoid of scientific justification.

VI. List of used literature:

  1. E.I. Zamyatin. “We” stories, stories “Library Russian classics", book publishing house - "DROFA", Moscow, 2002.

  2. “Schoolchildren's Guide to Literature” edited by V. V. Agenosov, Publishing House“Bustard”, Moscow-1999,

  3. “All the heroes of works of Russian literature” dictionary-reference book, Moscow, OLIMP-AST publishing house, 2003.

  4. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov

  5. Russian literature of the twentieth century, textbook for grade 11 in two parts, Moscow, “Russian Word” - 2004.

  6. E. Zamyatin “We” - return, “Grandmaster of Literature. Preface by Oleg Mikhailov”, pp. 5-27, Moscow, “Young Guard” - 1920.

  7. ESSAY by E.I. Zamyatin “About my wives, about icebreakers and about Russia”

  8. Dolgopolov L. Zamyatin E. (On the history of the creation of the novel “We”). - Russian literature, 2001, No. 4

  9. Lanin B. “Russian literary dystopia of the twentieth century.” M., 1993

  10. Mikhailov A.A. “Study of the creativity of Zamyatin E.I.” M.: Young Guard, 2001.

  11. T. Lahousen, E. Maksimova, E. Andrews in the book “About synthetism, mathematics and other things: The novel “We” by E. Zamyatin”

  12. G.S. Gorchakov “Ocean of Wisdom” Tomsk 2009 publishing house "Stronghold"