Music Director Portfolio. material on the topic



Definition and main purpose of a portfolio

A portfolio is a tool for monitoring professional achievements. A portfolio is a storage folder in which materials are placed that reflect the employee’s achievements in professional activities and his effective professional and social experience over a certain period of time (during the entire certification period, from certification to certification).

A portfolio allows a teacher to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assess his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

The materials presented in the portfolio are considered as evidence of the professionalism and effectiveness of the teacher’s work, confirming the grounds for certification, as well as allowing conclusions to be drawn when conducting an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category.

Structure and content of the portfolio

It should be especially noted that some sample portfolio or an exhaustive list of materials included in it does not exist and cannot exist. The portfolio should reflect the subject position of the person being certified as a professional, which is expressed in the ability to solve professional problems using professional knowledge and skills, various mastered methods of activity. At the same time, methods for solving professional problems, tactics and strategies for a teacher’s professional behavior may differ significantly.

The main sections of the portfolio, which are primarily assessed by experts, are:

  1. The effectiveness of teaching activities, which examines the characteristics of the quality of education provided by a particular teacher;
  2. Characteristics of professional (scientific and methodological) activities as a condition for ensuring the quality of education, where indicators of teacher proficiency in modern technologies, indicators of involvement in methodological work, indicators of innovative (project) scientific and research activities are considered.

In addition to the main sections, the portfolio should include such sections as: general information about the teaching staff, copies of documents and a table of contents. These sections allow you to structure your portfolio materials in such a way that experts can quickly navigate through the presented materials.

The structure and content of the certified person’s portfolio includes the following mandatory sections:

1 section

(landmarks and grounds)

  1. Table of contents
  2. Copies of documents

Section 2

(Performance and quality - student dynamics)

Section 3

(means and methods for achieving quality and results)

  1. Scientific and methodological activities

The content of the main sections depends on the specifics of the teacher’s activity and is filled with materials at his discretion. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all materials presented in the portfolio must be supported by copies of documents or certified by relevant people. You should not include full texts of author’s programs, methodological developments and other voluminous materials in your portfolio; it is enough to provide a list and generalized data.

Item no.

Section names

  • The table of contents must contain a list of all materials presented in the portfolio;

General information about the teaching staff

  • FULL NAME. Date of Birth.
  • Information about education.
  • Work experience: general labor, pedagogical, (psychological), in the specified educational institution.
  • Current qualification category (indicate since when).
  • Position held (indicate since when).
  • Full name of the educational institution where he currently works (indicate postal and email address; telephone numbers).
  • Awards, certificates, letters of gratitude. confirming the presence of diplomas, academic degrees, honorary titles, awards, certificates and letters of gratitude.
  • Membership in commissions and expert groups (certification, trade union, conflict, PMPC, etc.)
  • Advanced training (over the last 5 years)
  • Contact phone number and email address.

Compiled on a separate sheet (electronically), all information (except contact phone number and email address) must be confirmed by electronic copies of documents presented in the portfolio section “Copies of documents”.

Copies of documents

This section should contain copies of the following documents:

  • diploma(s) of education (without insert, diploma of basic pedagogical education, diploma of retraining and additional education);
  • certification sheet;
  • documents confirming state awards and titles; certificates of honor, letters of gratitude;
  • certificates of generalization of work experience;
  • certificates, certificates and advanced training certificates;
  • orders on membership in commissions and expert groups.

Compiled in electronic form, in a separate folder “Copies of documents”.

The effectiveness of teaching activities

Positive dynamics of pedagogical (psychological) impact in educational and extracurricular activities

The materials in this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the educational process in the preschool educational institution being certified for at least 3-5 years. In this section, it is necessary to demonstrate the achievements of students in the field of subject knowledge, in the organization of cultural and leisure activities, and in other forms of musical education.

Direct educational activities

This section can contain materials demonstrating the results of students’ mastery of educational programs and the degree to which they have developed a sustainable interest in the subject:

  • results of the final certification of students (information about the quality of knowledge and level of training);
  • information about the presence of musical abilities and their development;

Cultural and leisure activities

The section may contain the following documents and materials that reveal the content of the activities of a teacher in organizing matinees and evenings of entertainment and other forms of musical and educational work:

  • information about the participation of students in festivals, olympiads, competitions, projects, etc. municipal, regional and federal levels (may contain a list of winners and prize-winners; a list of creative works, abstracts, educational and research works, projects completed by students in the subject, diplomas, certificates of children);
  • information about the work of subject clubs, clubs, studios and extracurricular activities for students;

Scientific and methodological activities of teaching staff

Professionalism of the teacher in the choice of teaching aids and technologies (availability and knowledge of teaching materials);

Research work;

dissemination of work experience during professional interaction

This section contains documents (certificates, orders, expert opinions) and other materials that testify to the professionalism of a teacher in the choice of pedagogical (psychological) means and technologies, about the features of pedagogical work experience, its dissemination in the course of professional interaction, about the results of scientific- research work. It is necessary to submit materials confirming:

  • justification for the candidate’s choice of educational program and set of educational and methodological literature;
  • the presence of copyrighted programs that have passed the examination (expert opinion on authorship);
  • justification for the candidate’s choice of educational technologies used;
  • list of programs of elective courses, special courses, master classes, electives for students and pupils.
  • the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.;
  • justification for the use of certain means of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics by the certified person in their practice to assess educational results;
  • participation in innovative and experimental activities (experimental sites, laboratories, etc.);
  • availability of publications;
  • participation of teaching staff in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conferences, pedagogical readings, methodological and subject weeks, grant projects, etc.;
  • work in a methodological association (school, city and district levels), cooperation with the regional methodological center, universities and other institutions;
  • organizing and conducting open lessons, seminars, round tables, master classes and other events;
  • thematic parent meetings

Educational, material and technical base

Availability and possession of modern ICT

This section contains an extract from the classroom passport (if available), which records:

  • availability of dictionaries, reference literature on the subject;
  • the presence of visual aids (layouts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, portraits, etc.);
  • availability of didactic material, collections of problems, exercises, examples of abstracts and essays, etc.;
  • availability of audio and video aids;
  • availability of technical teaching aids (TV, VCR, stereo system, projector, interactive whiteboard, etc.);
  • availability of a computer and computer teaching aids (multimedia textbooks, knowledge control programs, etc.);
  • other documents at the request of the teacher.

Portfolio evaluation criteria

A teacher’s portfolio is assessed based on the following indicators:

1.Complete and systematic presentation of the professional achievements of a teacher, covering all components of the portfolio structure.

2.Effectiveness of professional teaching activities.

3. The presence of dynamics of positive changes in the professional activity of a teacher.

4. The stability of the results of students mastering educational programs and the indicators of the dynamics of their achievements are above average in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the results of students’ participation in all-Russian and international olympiads, competitions, festivals, and competitions.

5. Innovativeness of a teacher’s professional activity (innovativeness of educational results, means of teaching activities, contribution to the promotion of innovations).

6.The use of modern educational technologies in the teaching and educational process and the methodological work of the teacher.

7. The presence of a system and high results of extracurricular work in the subject (participants and winners of subject Olympiads, subject competitions, grants, scientific and practical conferences, etc.).

8.Teacher participation in research and experimental activities.

9. Active participation in various forms of methodological work (seminars, round tables, conferences).

10. Generalization and dissemination of own teaching experience, publications.

11.Open lessons and events, incl. master classes (at the level of educational institution, district, region, Russian Federation)

12.Professional growth, participation in professional competitions, advanced training and professional training, self-education.

Diana Vorobyova
Music Director Portfolio

Music Director Portfolio

Vorobyova Diana Avtandilovna

MBDOU No. 30

Art. Krylovskaya.

My pedagogical credo.

Be friends with music friends,

After all music is always beautiful.

She won't leave, won't betray

And it will open the doors to a fairy tale.


Every day, when I come to work in kindergarten, I immerse myself in a world of harmony, in the world of childhood and fairy tales.

Life is a fast-flowing river, with its twists and turns of fate. Nobody knows what awaits our pupils in the future, but I am sure of one thing: the time spent in kindergarten will not only not be forgotten, but will give a positive result in the life of every child.

The beginning of children's creative development largely depends on the teacher.

Music has a special role in raising a child. A person comes into contact with this art from birth, and the first purposeful musical He receives his education in kindergarten. Musical Education is one of the means of shaping a child’s personality.

« Music childhood - a good teacher and a reliable friend for life.”

My goal in the classroom is the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of creative abilities and their development, as well as the development of the child’s individual qualities, by means music.

I want to fill the children's stay in the garden music, a fairy tale, pleasant impressions, kindness and mutual understanding. My job gives me this opportunity. musical director.

Full name Vorobyova Diana Avtandilovna.

Date of Birth: 08/29/1979

Education: Secondary-special.

Rostov College of Culture 2011

Speciality: Teacher-organizer.

Place of work: MBDOU No. 30.

Total work experience: 16 years.

Teaching experience in kindergarten garden: 6 years

Refresher courses: from 11/12/2012 – 11/23/2012

Short-term training at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Krasnodar Territory KKIDPPO on the topic “Modern problems of forming the foundations musical culture of preschool children."

Direction in work: “Creative development of the child, through musically- aesthetic education".

Professional activity.

Possession of modern educational technologies:

Developed and tested programs:

1. Theatrical program "Fairy Tale World" based on standard programs by A. V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activities in kindergarten" 2008; L. V. Savitskaya “Development of children’s creative abilities through musically-theatrical art" 2004 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

2. Vocal program "Sounding Notes" based on standard programs by M. I. Belousenko "Staging the singing voice" 2006; D. Ogorodnova « Musically-singing education of children" 2003 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

3. Rhythmoplasty program "Merry rhythm" based on standard programs by A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic mosaic"; S. L. Slutskaya "Dance mosaic. Choreography in kindergarten" 2006 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

Use of ICT in professional activities.

Computer operator courses. Certificate of assignment of the 3rd qualification level. Registration No. 0916

Organizing your own mini-sites.

http: //

Participation in regional competitions:

1. 2009 "Knight of the Year"- 1 place. Author's musical fairy tale"Bogatyr Semyon".

2. 2010 "Miss Thumbelina"- 1 place.

3. 2011 « Musical fireworks» - diploma.

4. 2012 « Musical fireworks» - certificate of honor.

5. 2013 « Musical fireworks» - certificate of honor.



Thank you! Goodbye!

Expert assessment of professional activities

Timofeev Vitaly Ivanovich, music director, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “kindergarten “Teremok”

village Slavyanka, Khasan municipal district,

in order to establish the highest qualification category.

Expert group consisting of:

Zaitseva Tatyana Egorovna, specialist of MKU "Department of Education of the Khasan Municipal District", Khokhlova Galina Afanasyevna, music director of MBDOU "Topolek" town. Slavyanka, having the highest qualification category, Yulia Georgievna Kondrakova, senior teacher of the MBDOU "Parus" of the town of Slavyanka, having the highest qualification category

carried out a comprehensive analysis of the professional activities of Vitaly Ivanovich Timofeev.

During the analysis, the following sources of information were used: the teacher’s portfolio, a notebook of observations of the pedagogical process, visited educational activities, the results of the teacher’s educational activities, the teacher’s personal professional growth card, the teacher’s personal website , international music directors forum, electronic resources

materials from the music director’s speeches at teacher councils, consultations, methodological associations, the results of a survey of parents conducted by the administration of the preschool educational institution at the end of the year, methodological developments and didactic material. A conversation was held with the head of the educational institution, a senior teacher.

Musical director Timofeev V.I. Also presented were the documentation of the music director and educational materials, the work program of the music director of the preschool educational institution in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” for preschool children (2-7 years old), compiled on the basis of the educational program of MBDOU “Teremok”, the vocal circle program "Rosinki"

Timofeev Vitaly Ivanovich has a secondary specialized education, graduated from the Omsk College of Culture with a degree in “folk choir director”

He has 11 years of teaching experience, 11 years as a music director, and 11 years in this institution.

He has the highest qualification category for the position of “musical director”, its validity period is until May 31, 2017.

During the inter-certification period, I completed advanced training in 2012, a program of comprehensive advanced training for teachers of preschool educational institutions, 156 hours of State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education, PC IRO Certificate No. 127541 Reg. No. 3473 2012, participated in the “Forum of Educational Initiatives” 40 hours of the State Autonomous Institution of Further Education PK IRO Certificate B\N 2016, in 2016 he completed professional retraining “Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education” 520 hours Department of Additional Education LLC “Publishing House “Uchitel” Diploma of professional retraining No. 342403428341 06/30/16 Reg No. PP 3486. Was a member of the jury of the regional competition (2014 ) “Voice of Childhood”, is an expert, deputy chairman of the certification commission of MBDOU “Teremok” in order to confirm the position held.

Timofeev V.I. works with preschool children aged 2-7 years, carrying out musical activities in the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. The educational process is carried out according to the work program developed by him in accordance with the educational program of MBDOU "Teremok", partial programs: "Ladushki" I.M. Kaplunova, I.A. Novoskoltseva, “Top clap, kids” by A. Burenina, T. Sauko, “Elementary music-making” by T.E. Tyutyunnikova.

The music director does everything to comprehend and implement in the preschool educational institution the Federal State Educational Standard and the conditions for its implementation, qualitative changes in the content and educational technologies in the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development,” and the formation of integrative personality qualities.

Vitaly Ivanovich Timofeev is proficient in modern educational technologies.

Fluent in the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors.

With the help of information and communication technologies, the certified individual independently creates multimedia presentations, short children's video clips, electronic educational resources for direct educational activities.

The certified student forms the musical culture of the preschooler in all types of musical activities (perception, performance, creativity, music-educational activities, music-games), based on the development of aesthetic emotions, interest, taste, ideas about beauty.

Effectively uses the potential of musical art in the educational process, including the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”, musical activity with the integration of educational fields as a means of optimizing, enriching and organizing the educational process.

Vitaly Ivanovich establishes special connections between the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” and musical activity with the fields of “Speech Development” and “Cognitive Development”, using literary works as an illustration of musical images.

In the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” musical activity, the use of problem-dialogical technology through the means of music is traced, affecting the intellectual and creative potential of the child: in singing, children improvise the simplest melodies to a given text; when playing children's musical instruments, they select the simplest melodies according to a given theme.

Vitaly Ivanovich owns health-saving technologies for strengthening and preserving the vocal cords, teaching children to breathe properly, strengthening the musculoskeletal system of pupils, using the methodology of O.N. Arsenyevskaya “System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten; activities, games, exercises.”

Gaming technologies are aimed at developing the artistic and creative personality of the child. In educational activities, the music director includes musically figurative sketches, for example, children portray animals in “The Royal March of the Lion” by Tchaikovsky, “Chickens and Roosters” by C. Saint-Saëns, heroes of fairy tales by P. Tchaikovsky, children’s games by A. Grechaninov.” Riding a Horse", "Little Mosquito" and others.

The music director masterfully masters the technique of playing wooden spoons, teaching this to older children; playing on spoons has an effective effect on the development of children's speech, finger mobility and hand coordination of the child. Children who play on spoons, as teachers note, have better mastered the basics of preparing their hands for mastering writing; their auditory perception and speech activity are more developed. The use of modern educational technologies contributes to the development of children's creative abilities, the development of search and cognitive activity.

Vitaly Ivanovich makes a personal contribution to improving the quality of education.

The certified person develops and introduces new educational and methodological materials into the system of musical education and training:

Long-term plans for the use of musical-didactic and musical-game exercises in all types of musical activities;

New demonstration, handout and game material for various types of musical activities;

Vitaly Ivanovich has a rich media library in the sections: “Masterpieces of classical music”, “Music in tune with nature”, “Seasons”, etc. All this contributes to the accumulation of a stock of highly artistic musical impressions.

Didactic material has been developed to develop children's sense of rhythm (pictures, rhythm cards, wooden sticks, flannelgraph), also in the form of multimedia presentations.

Non-standard noise musical instruments were made (ratchets, rubles from wooden bills, wind chimes from metal tubes, noisemakers from plastic bottles)

Vitaly Ivanovich made a children's percussion (drum) set, musical and didactic games: “Thumbelina”, “Learn a song by melody”, “Melodic direction (up, down)”.

Created children's multimedia presentations to enrich the cognitive horizons of children: “Russian folk instruments”, “Orchestral fairy tale”, video clips with children's songs “Who has a mother”, “Spring has come”, educational activities have been developed based on the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Musical drawing room".

A system of speech therapy musical chants has been created using the didactic games he developed “Fox”, “Teremok”, “Stove” “Wasp” “Goat.

To help teachers conduct morning exercises, Vitaly Ivanovich has prepared several musical audio discs, and speech therapy chants have also been prepared.

Timofeev V.I. creates original children's backing tracks, and provides them free of charge for the work of music directors of the region, and distributes them at all-Russian and international forums, has gratitude from the Head of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution Suksunsky Kindergarten "Malyshok" of the Perm Territory G.V. Oparina. for the arrangement of the song “Mom and Babies” and the creation of a video project of the same name, for the arrangement of the song “What a Christmas Tree.”

The subject-development environment equipped by the teacher contributes to the realization of the individual interests, inclinations and needs of children.

The music hall meets modern requirements: equipped with a projector, computer, microphones, high-quality audio equipment, necessary attributes, costumes for music, games, and dance activities.

The person being certified is working on a self-education topic: “Logorhythmics in the musical activities of preschool children.” The music director’s generalization of experience on the topic: “Logorhythmics in the musical activities of preschoolers” made it possible to achieve noticeable practical results. The experience was defended at a methodological association in 2015. Vitaly Ivanovich prepared a methodological development “Application of logorhythmics in the musical activities of preschool children” and recommended it for work to music directors of the region. The experience presents a system of logorhythmic classes, methodological recommendations in order to develop in children a sense of rhythm, correct speech, and attention.

The certified person has been the leader of the vocal circle “Rosinki” for several years. There have been noticeable changes for the better in children’s singing activities: the range of the children’s voice has expanded; children have learned to listen to each other, start and finish a song together.

In musical-rhythmic activities, children learned to feel musical fundamentals and convey them in movement: to reflect moderate, fast and slow tempos, rhythmic patterns in movements; distinguish and note genre characteristics in movement (song, dance, march).

Group and individual work was carried out with the children.

The results of the work were performances at holidays and concerts: “Legendary Hasan”, participation

in the regional competition “My Favorite Nanny”. The children also performed at the local Slavic

STV television

Monitoring the level of development of the child’s musical and motor abilities.

Vitaly Ivanovich actively interacts with parents, involving them in participating in the musical education of their children. In order to assist in the musical and aesthetic development of the child in the family, he conducts open educational activities, musical living rooms, individual consultations on holding children's parties, on creating a music library with audio recordings of musical works for a certain age of children. Parents are active participants in holidays, entertainment, prepare decorations, costumes, participate in games, dances, competitions, etc. The music director annually involves parents in holding Russian folk holidays such as “Christmas”, “Meeting of Spring”, “Trinity”, “Maslenitsa”.

In 2016, Vitaly Ivanovich conducted a consultation using ICT “Home Media Library” for parents, with the aim of providing pedagogical assistance to families, supporting comprehensive education, development of children from 1.6 to 7 years old who do not attend a preschool educational institution, on the basis of a specially open free advisory point MBU DO CDT "Inspiration".

The certified person takes an active part in the dissemination of valuable pedagogical experience in the field of improving the quality of education and upbringing among teachers in the district. Every year, regional methodological associations are held on the basis of this kindergarten:

2012 Regional methodological association “Program for music education of preschool children “Ladushki”” I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva (speaker). GCD according to the Ladushki program (Senior group). Report on the Ladushki program

2013 Regional methodological association “Use of ICT in the educational field “Music” (speaker). demonstration of the integrated NOD (Preparatory group) “Autumn” using ICT. Report “Application of ICT in the educational field “Music”

2014 Regional methodological association. “Development of rhythm in the musical activity of preschool children” (speaker)

2014 Master class for music directors of the district “Sound editors, sound converters, video editors, types of sound files” “Computer programs necessary in the work of a music director of a preschool educational institution”

2015 Regional methodological association. Integrated GCD (logorhythmics) “In the animal world.”

(Senior group) Report on the topic “methodological development “Application of logorhythmics in the musical activities of preschool children”

Master class “Techniques for playing wooden musical spoons”

2017 Regional methodological association. Workshop on the topic: “Implementation of the regional component in the educational process of the preschool educational institution “Teremok” (Creative report with the presentation of the presentation “Regional component in the preschool educational institution”, speaker with preparation of the presentation.

Timofeev V.I. takes an active part in regional, regional, all-Russian and international competitions.

2013 Winner 1st place competition MKDOU "Teremok" "Best portfolio of a preschool teacher" Certificate of MKDOU

at the municipal level;

2014 Winner 2nd place in the regional professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” Certificate of MKU UO.

at the regional level;

2015. winner in the category “Electronic Portfolio of a Preschool Education Teacher” regional competition “Festival of Modern Educational Technologies” Diploma of PC IRO 2015

at the all-Russian level;

2014 Laureate diploma in the category “Website, blog or page” of the VII All-Russian creative competition “Talentokha”. Diploma No. T7RU-4918 Media El No. FS77-56409

2015 1st degree winner in the nomination “Use of ICT in teaching”, all-Russian testing “Roskonkurs” Diploma AE-376

2015. Winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational sphere” of the all-Russian testing “Roskonkurs” Diploma AE-386

2016 Winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Preschool Pedagogy”, All-Russian testing “Total Test” Diploma No. 52056

2015 winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Best Teacher’s Website” of the All-Russian competition with international participation “Intertechinform”. Diploma No. AB 1088 2015 Media El No. FS77-66048

2016. Diploma of the competition participant in the nomination “Website of an educational organization as a window to the world” Startup of educational ideas: new frontiers of management” “Total test” Diploma of PC IRO

2016 winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Use of ICT in music education of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard” all-Russian competition on the portal “Enlightenment” Diploma No. 1629103446 2016

Media El№FS77-57749

2016. winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “My Vocation” of the All-Russian competition on the project “Erudite” Diploma “Erudite”

2016 winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Best Portfolio” of the All-Russian competition educational center “Best Solution”. Diploma of LLC "Best Solution"

on the international level.

2014 laureate 1st place in the nomination “Professionals in the education system” IV international portfolio presentation competition Diploma No. 11673337633 2014

2015. winner of the 3rd degree in the “My Film” category” international competition “Friendship of Talents” Diploma DTS-215-066 2015

Vitaly Ivanovich actively participates in On-line forums of music directors, where he actively exchanges experience with colleagues, is the creator and administrator of the international forum of music directors of preschool educational institutions, the forum’s web address is

I created my own personal website where all educational and methodological materials, a teacher’s portfolio, and holidays held at the preschool educational institution are posted. I created a page on the social network of educators, where I posted my methodological findings: I published educational and methodological material “Speech games for developing a sense of rhythm in children,” posted an electronic portfolio, a working curriculum, and long-term plans.

He created and is the administrator of the website of an educational institution participated in the competition for websites of educational institutions “The website of an educational organization as a window to the world”, held by PC IRO in 2015, and was awarded a diploma for creative work by PC IRO. Vitaly Ivanovich is one of the main developers of the Teremok MBDOU brand, participating in the municipal competition “Brand as a resource for the development of an educational institution” (Anthem, coat of arms, flag, logo of the institution).

The person being certified is an active participant in the international public movement “International House of Creativity” “Inter Kultur Haus”, where the forum administration opened Vitaly Ivanovich’s personal online workshop “Phonograms from sheet music” in the section “creative workshops on the world Internet portal, Vitaly Ivanovich is also moderator of this forum

The goals and objectives of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” and musical activities, implemented by Vitaly Ivanovich, contribute to the achievement of the target results of the kindergarten educational program, the development of the physical, personal and intellectual qualities of children.

Based on the results of pedagogical monitoring of the growth of children’s musical development, it is clear that the level of development increased by the end of each school year. Children became more active, in the middle group, children learned to sing the melodies of songs, began to imitate better, skills of primitive improvisation appeared, in the senior group, by the end of the school year, children learned to give a musical answer to a musical question, the ability to compose simple melodies to a given text appeared, and also to a melody of the appropriate nature, preschoolers also became interested in improvisation and staging songs.

Summary table for assessing the levels of effectiveness of pedagogical influences

“Artistic and aesthetic development” musical activity (in%)

year directions short average high
Perception of music 18,6% 59,1% 22,3%
Singing 22,3% 59,1% 18,6%
11,2% 73,9% 14,9%
Elementary music playing 14,9% 70,2% 14,9%
Song 22,3% 59,1% 18,6%
Musical and gaming 14,9% 66,5% 18,6%
Dance 22,3% 62,8% 14,9%
Perception of music 14,9% 51,7% 33,4%
Possession of performing means Singing 14,9% 40,6% 44,5%
Musical and rhythmic movements 7,5% 59,1% 33,4%
Elementary music playing 7,5% 55,4% 37,1%
Children's musical creativity Song 7,5% 48% 44,5%
Musical and gaming 11,2% 51,7% 37,1%
Dance 11,2% 44,3 44,5%
Perception of music 3,8% 14,9% 81,3%
Possession of performing means Singing - 15% 85%
Musical and rhythmic movements 3,8% 14,9% 81,3%
Elementary music playing 3,8% 18,6% 73,9%
Children's musical creativity Song - 18,6% 81,4%
Musical and gaming - 14,9% 85,1%
Dance 3,8% 14,9% 81,3%

Thus, the correct, purposeful organization of educational activities, the use of modern programs and educational technologies by the music director ensures positive dynamics of the child’s musical development, reveals the child’s personal potential, ensures the age-related and individual development situation, and helps to increase the level of musical and aesthetic culture of preschoolers.

As shown by the results of a survey of parents, children's interest in musical culture increased, vocal abilities and imaginative perception of music improved, creative independence and cognitive activity appeared.

Vitaly Ivanovich is constantly working to identify and develop children’s abilities for creative activity. Pupils of the certified person are regular participants in traditional events held in the village or region: “Legendary Hasan”, “May 1”, “Children’s Day”.

Vitaly Ivanovich prepared the winners of regional all-Russian and international competitions.

2013 Katya Naydenskaya 1st place in the “Vocal” category at the preschool educational institution “Merry Notes” competition

2012. Vasilenko Zlata 2nd place in the “Song” category, regional creative competition “Voice of Childhood”

2012 Vocal group Rosinki" 2nd place in the nomination "Song" regional creative competition "Voice of Childhood"

2012 Dance group 2nd place in the “Dance” category, regional creative competition “Voice of Childhood”

2013. Danina Milana 3rd place in the “Song” category, regional creative competition “Voice of Childhood”

2013. Vocal group Rosinki" 3rd place in the nomination "Vocal" regional creative competition "Voice of Childhood"

2014 Vocal group Rosinki" 2nd place in the nomination "Vocal" regional creative competition "Voice of Childhood"

2017. Dance group “Pochemuchki” 2nd place in the “Dance” category, regional creative competition “Voice of Childhood”

2017. Ira Kornienko 2nd place in the “Vocal” category, regional creative competition “Voice of Childhood”

2014 Lymar Vitya is a diploma winner in the “Vocal” category of the VII All-Russian creative competition “Talentokha”

2015 Vocal group Rosinki" 2nd place in the nomination "Medley "Victory Day" VI All-Russian creative competition "Talents of Russia"

2016. Vocal group Rosinki" 2nd place in the nomination "Patriotic song" International creative competition "Artkopilka"

Currently, 8 graduates of the preschool educational institution are studying at the art school, studying in the vocal studio “New Wave” and in the dance ensemble “Entourage”.

Vitaly Ivanovich was awarded diplomas from MBDOU “Teremok” for active creative work, great contribution to the cause of the younger generation, and a diploma from the “Education Department of the Khasan Municipal District” for a high level of professional skill, great personal contribution to the cause of the younger generation.

Vitaly Ivanovich is characterized by a clear vision of modern tasks in the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”, musical activity, an active position that contributes to the meaningful musical development of children.

The expert group believes that the qualification level of Vitaly Ivanovich Timofeev meets the requirements for the highest qualification category

Members of the expert group:

Zaitseva T.E. ________________________________

Khokhlova G.A. _________________________________

Kondrakova Yu.G_________________________________

Opinion of the head of the educational institution “I agree with the expert assessment”

"05" _May 2017 _________________________________Orlova Galina Grigorievna

Appendix 9

approved at a meeting of the Republican

certification commission

10/29/2015 Protocol No. 6

(music director)

Certification materials

____________ Sadovnichenko Vera Viktorovna ___________________

Full name

_______________________ music director ___________________________

job title

_ MBDOU Kaibalsky kindergarten "Solnyshko", Altai region ______

name of the NGO, territory


I. The effectiveness of the educational activities of the teacher in the implementation of educational programs

I am successfully implementing the Main educational program of the MBDOU Kaibalsky kindergarten “Sun”, which was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, in accordance with the main educational program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, I am actively introducing a person-oriented model of interaction with children, a pedagogy of cooperation, relying on modern technologies of developmental education.

In my work I use modern musical diagnostic tools: individual diagnostic play situations, observation of children in free and specially organized musical activities, individual conversations with the child, projective method (drawing), questioning of parents, which allows us to assess the development of musical abilities and creative activity and the emotional sphere of children. At the beginning and end of the school year, I monitor the dynamics of children’s development in musical activities.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of children’s development in musical activities in the educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development.”

I use the results of pedagogical diagnostics to build the educational trajectory of a child’s individual development. Based on the analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics, I create optimal conditions for the development of social contacts of preschoolers with peers: a comfortable, friendly psychological atmosphere; careful, individual approach to children, cooperation with preschool teachers and families.

Based on a thorough analysis of the individual and age characteristics of children, their emotional and volitional sphere, I implement the following priority areas of activity:

Preservation and development of children’s physical and mental health;

Correction and development of children's speech using musical activities;

Development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;

Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world.

I organize the educational process taking into account age and individual characteristics, medical indications, recommendations of a speech therapist teacher, avoiding physical and mental overload of students.

For the musical development and emotional well-being of students, I create an appropriate musical subject-development environment.

Table 1. Organization of the musical subject-development environment.

Music zone


Integrative orientation of the zone


Creative story-based role-playing games

Illustrations for musical works, albums with pictures for songs, fake musical instruments, lotto-type manuals, toys.

Maintaining and developing children's interest in independent musical and playful activities. Development of social and communicative competence in children.

Children develop imagination and fantasy, they are able to imagine themselves in the role of musicians, composers, and conductors. In the process of creative role-playing play, positive relationships were formed in the children's team.

Creative music making

Musical toys and children's musical and noise instruments.

Development of children's creative activity and communication skills. Formation of the ability to use familiar techniques and methods of playing musical and noise instruments in independent musical and gaming activities.

Children show creative activity and emotional responsiveness when playing musical and noise instruments. In independent playful musical activities, familiar techniques and methods of playing musical-noise instruments are used.

Musical and didactic games and manuals, attributes for dance improvisations, round dance games.

Musical lotto, musical staff, ladder, little books with familiar songs voiced. Musical and didactic games: “Three Bears”, “Guess What I’m Playing?”, “Musical Train”, “Three Flowers”, “Rhythmic Lotto”, “Guess the Song”, themed hats, attributes for dance improvisations and round dance games.

Development of sensory musical abilities, familiarization with the elements of musical notation. Stimulation and development of cognitive, musical and motor activity of children in the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Children have formed ideas about musical sounds and musical means of expression. Pupils express emotional responsiveness to music through speech, facial expressions, gestures, and dance movements.

The cognitive activity of children has increased.

Audiovisual music zone

Multimedia equipment, music center, audio library of program works, portraits of composers, outstanding performers, albums for viewing “Symphony Orchestra”, “Dances of the Peoples of the World”.

Enriching children's emotional experiences. Development of conscious perception of musical works, musical intonation and speech experience, and the ability to use emotional and figurative vocabulary.

Children are able to analyze the content of a piece of music using emotional and figurative vocabulary.

I constantly replenish and update musical corners with musical instruments, musical and educational games. I intensify the use of them by children in independent activities. I make costumes for various events: entertainment, holidays, concerts, creative competitions, games - dramatizations, performances.

Thus, the musical subject-development environment I created contributes to the active manifestation of children's initiative in independent musical and playful activities.

In the process of staging dances, I use plot-shaped movements as a means of deeper perception and understanding of the content of a musical work by children. I combine music, movement and play to create positive emotions in children. I encourage children to show creative initiative in musical motor improvisations. When working on dance choreography, I offer children creative tasks of varying complexity, depending on their age and individual abilities. Dance moves invented by children help children open up and show others their vision of the world.

Thanks to the manifestation of my professional skills in dance performance, children feel more confident at holidays and concerts; more actively demonstrate creative independence in musical and rhythmic activities.

I take a responsible and creative approach to the selection of musical works, I show my musical creativity: I develop musical and rhythmic compositions, scripts for children's matinees, entertainment, and leisure activities, which I share with colleagues.

When developing entertainment, leisure, and scenarios for direct educational activities, I use combinations of different types of activities: musical, visual, artistic and speech, and dramatization games. When preparing for holidays and entertainment, I select a repertoire of poetry, music, and games that suits the children’s capabilities and abilities, based on the storyline in the script. I create decorations for events, together with children and parents we prepare costumes suitable for the theme, and I decorate the hall according to the holidays.

I regularly organize public events of various types: music and sports festivals, musical entertainment, puppet theater, folklore leisure.

Table 2. Organization and holding of public events within the framework of the educational program of the NGO.


Goals and objectives


Matinee “Autumn in Prostokvashino”,

“Visiting Borovik”, “Adventures in the New Year’s forest”, “Transformations of Santa Claus”.

Creating conditions for creative expression

children's activity in various types of musical activities in a playful way. Invite parents to actively participate in children's activities.

Parents actively participated in joint musical

play activities with children. This helped the children to express their creativity more openly.

New Year's party in the junior group "New Year's Teremok"

Creating a holiday atmosphere through the showing of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”. Activate children's speech, develop musical and playful creativity.

As part of the implementation of the Family Theater technology, parents prepared a theatrical performance for children. The children actively showed positive emotions and participated in the performance.

Musical and sports entertainment and holidays “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family”, “My dad is the best”, “To my beloved mom”.

Creating conditions for joint activities of children and parents. To instill in children and parents a respectful attitude towards the family and each other.

Parents took an active part in the events. Parents took an active part in the events. They helped create an atmosphere of mutual understanding with children; the children’s stay in kindergarten became more interesting and exciting.

Organizing and holding public events contributes to the inclusion of parents and students in creative activities. Children become more emotional and express themselves more actively in musical, theatrical, and concert activities.

I carry out planning within the framework of the Main Educational Program of the MB Preschool Educational Institution. In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, in order to form social-normative age characteristics and possible achievements of a preschooler (target guidelines), I give preference to cultural values ​​in the content of music education. I assign a large role to the development and improvement of an ear for music, the cultivation of artistic taste, the enrichment of children with musical impressions, the introduction of children to musical culture through familiarization with classical, folk and modern music, which contributes to the development of children’s interest in various fields of knowledge, enrichment of the cognitive sphere, and the formation of skills cooperation.

I provide the opportunity for kindergarten students to take part in children's competitions and holidays. During the reporting period, I prepared three school graduations for children.

II. Interaction with parents and teachers of educational organizations. Records management.

The systematic inclusion of parents in the educational process, carrying out educational work to introduce children to music, allows me to significantly increase the effectiveness of interaction with the families of students. I provide advisory assistance to parents, develop practical recommendations, advice on developing the musical abilities of preschool children and on organizing musical and play activities for children at home. I take part in parent meetings.

A non-traditional form of working with parents “Family Theater”:

Goals and objectives


October 2014

Production of the fairy tale “Turnip”

To shape the creative activity of parents and children, to open up new opportunities for joint creativity. Enrich children's understanding of the world around them.

Parents took an active part in the rehearsals; assisted in the preparation of attributes, scenery, and costumes. Parents were interested in joint theatrical activities.

As a result of the work carried out, parents of pupils take an active part in various activities of the kindergarten: holidays, entertainment, leisure.

Table 3. Work of the music director with parents for the 2014–2016 school year.

December 2014

New Year's party "Snowy Teremok" based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Transfer parents from observing children's play activities to direct involvement in theatrical activities in kindergarten.

Improve relationships between children and adults.

Parents showed creative activity by taking part in the New Year's party, which brought a lot of joy to the children. The children felt more confident and showed a positive emotional attitude in various types of musical and play activities.


ral 2015

Stick theater "Kolobok"

Go to systematic, meaningful, emotionally filled leisure time.

Parents and children prepared attributes for the show of the stick theater


The children watched the fabulous action very carefully. Parents not only spoke like fairy-tale characters, but also sang songs.

April 2015

Fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Joint creative activity contributed to the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between preschool educational institutions, parents and children

Traditional forms of working with parents

Goals and objectives


Consultations for parents:

To educate parents on the development and education of children’s musical abilities in preschool and family settings.

The pedagogical competence of parents in matters of musical development and education of children in preschool educational institutions and families has increased, which contributes to the organization of a unified educational process.




“The influence of music on the emotional sphere of a child”,

“Forms of organizing the musical activities of children in the family”,

“Musical education in the family and preschool educational institutions”

Parent survey:

Get an idea about

musical and

creative preferences of the family. Conduct monitoring of parents’ satisfaction with the musical education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Parents have become more interested in the results of their creative activities.

children in the field of “Artistic

aesthetic development." They consult with the teacher on the use of musical and didactic games at home, and ask to create an individual music library for the child to listen to music.

2014 –

2015 –

2016 –

"Music is near us"

"Together with the music"

"Music in the Family"

Design of stand information:

Goals and objectives


2014 -

2015 -

2016 -

“Ten reasons to send your child to a music school”, “Musical toys”;

“How to make children’s noise instruments yourself”, “Music therapy”;

“Child’s sound environment”, “Weekend route”.

Providing information assistance to families in the field of musical development and raising children.

Parents are interested in

further development of children's musical and creative abilities in additional education institutions and music schools.

Speeches at parent meetings:

To acquaint parents with the goals and objectives and content of musical education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Involving parents in active participation in the educational process.

Expanding the scope of parental participation in children's musical and creative activities.

Optimizing the effectiveness of the educational process with children.




“Organization of the pedagogical process in the field of “Artistic and aesthetic development” at MBDOU,

“Carrying out joint events with parents at preschool educational institutions”

“Organization of a musical subject-development environment in the family and preschool educational institutions”

Annual joint

  • holidays: “Prom”, “New Year”; "March 8";
  • leisure activities: “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family”, “Two Frosts”;
  • literary and musical evenings: “Victory Day”, “Come Red Spring”;
  • folklore entertainment “Maslenitsa”, “Sunny Carousel”.

Involve children and parents to participate in joint holidays. To enhance the sociocultural development of the modern family.

Parents take part in holidays and leisure activities with great pleasure and help in organizing events.

Thus, when working with parents, I try to take into account their interests and wishes, and in joint events I use such forms of work as: joint holidays, surveys, which helps to establish trusting, partnership relations with parents. According to the results of a survey in 2015-2016, 90% of parents are satisfied with the conditions of musical development in preschool educational institutions.

I work in close cooperation with all preschool teachers, coordinating their activities to familiarize themselves with musical practical material. To improve the cultural and educational level of teachers, I conduct consultations and master classes.

I help teachers with various events, organize musical accompaniment for morning exercises, organized activities for the physical development of children, leisure, entertainment, and holidays.

Table 4. Interaction with preschool teachers.



Are you a specialist?

The result of joint activities

Project "Forest Umbrella"

September 2015

Do preschool educational institutions educate all age groups?

We worked with parents, prepared together with the children the scenery and attributes for the performance.

teacher speech therapist

Project “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...”

May 2016

Are the groups “Chicks” and “Stars” raised?

We held thematic conversations with children and made attributes for participation in the parade.

Physical education instructor

I prepared a festive march formation with the children.

Teacher speech therapist

I selected speech material for children.

Concert dedicated to

70th anniversary of the Victory.

07.05. 2015

Head of MBDOU

She provided the material base for the event and took an active part in the role of host of the concert.

Are teachers, assistant teachers,

Prepared together with the children

concert program.

Teacher speech therapist.

I selected speech material for memorization with children.

Thus, I effectively interact with teachers and preschool specialists, which allows me to improve the quality of the educational process.

In my teaching work, when drawing up a long-term work plan and calendar plan of events, I take into account the level of psychophysical development of children. I use various methods and techniques of development and education.

I am increasing my professional level, which is reflected in the plan for self-education and is reflected in my work with both children and adults, I am replenishing my methodological piggy bank with musical novelties and methodological developments.

I maintain relevant documentation in printed and electronic form.

Table 5. Documentation.


Documentation analysis


Long-term plan for working with parents

Planning joint activities with parents. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents and activity in preschool educational institutions.

Increasing the level of musical development of children. Compiled once a year.

Manager 1 time per quarter,

without comments

Plan of educational and health activities

Planning cultural and leisure activities with children. Increasing the level of interaction with preschool teachers and parents. Compiled once a year.

Manager 1 time per month,

without comments

Calendar plan of the educational process.

Planning targeted work with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers.

Manager monthly

without comments

Self-education plan

Planning is effective for the individual development of the teacher, increasing professional competencies. Compiled for 3 years.

Manager annually, without comments

Monitoring children's development

Quality control of children’s learning of the educational program. Adjusting work with children taking into account the individual development of the child.

Manager 2 times a year, no comments

Work program in the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” musical activity

Determining the content of the educational process. Increasing the level of quality of children's musical development in the educational process, taking into account the individual abilities of children. Development of communication skills in children for adaptation in society.

Head annually

without comments

Thus, planning my work helps me systematize and adjust my work: on the musical development of children; in joint activities with parents and teachers.

I successfully resolve issues of continuity and cooperation between kindergartens and secondary schools and music schools in matters of children’s musical development. In the 2013 academic year, teachers of the Beloyarsk Music School prepared and held an outdoor concert for students of the Kaibalsky kindergarten. Graduates and children attending kindergarten continue to develop musical abilities in additional education institutions (MBOU DO "Beloyarsk Children's Music School", Children's Art School of the city of Abakan). Preschoolers enjoy taking part in concerts of the Kaibal SDK. Together with the teachers of the preschool educational institution, I organize concerts at the Kaibal SDK: “Mother’s Day”, “May 9”.

Thus, when implementing interaction with cultural and art institutions, institutions of additional education of a creative orientation,

the opportunity for creative self-expression for children and teachers increases.

III. The effectiveness of pedagogical activities in the implementation of the educational process

Since 2014, I have been working on the methodological topic: “Development of children’s creative abilities through musical and rhythmic activities.” For the successful implementation of the methodological theme, I compiled a selection of methodological literature, musical works of various genres and styles, musical exercises and games aimed at the formation of dance and rhythmic movements and the development of children’s creative and performing abilities. She developed a program for circle activities “Buttons” (musical and rhythmic activity). (The program was presented at the pedagogical council, protocol No. 1 of 08/31/2015) The purpose of this program: To create conditions for the development in children of the ability to convey the character of a musical work, its figurative content through the plasticity of movements to music. Tasks: Instill in children an interest in moving to music. To discern in each child his natural abilities. Promote the physical and aesthetic development of children. Develop a sense of rhythm and an ear for music. Develop musical taste.

As a result of targeted work, children developed positive communication skills to communicate with each other, children learned to be emotionally responsive and empathize with other people. A comparative analysis of the level of development of children in these types of musical activities showed the following results: the level of development of children in musical-rhythmic activities increased by 39%.

Diagram 2. Dynamics of children’s development levels in musical and rhythmic activity of the “Buttons” circle.

In order to support children's creative initiative in the field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development,” I developed a program of circle activities “Peas” (playing children's musical and noise instruments). (The program was presented at the pedagogical council, protocol No. 1 of 08/31/2015). Purpose of the program:Creating conditions for: developing children's skills in playing children's musical instruments; development of creative abilities. Objectives: To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children learning to play children's musical and noise instruments. To develop skills in playing children's musical and noise instruments. To develop children's interest in playing in an ensemble. To cultivate emotional responsiveness to the performance of musical works.

A comparative analysis of children's practical musical activities showed positive results. Children show positive dynamics in emotional development, in the development of a sense of rhythm and tempo of music. Preschoolers freely use familiar techniques of playing musical instruments in independent musical play activities.

Diagram 3. Dynamics of the level of development of children. Circle "Peas".

In the process of musical education, I take into account the age, individual characteristics of children, and their accumulated experience of independent actions. In direct educational activities, I set goals and define tasks that are implemented in full, I carry out a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account mental and physical capabilities. I motivate children to work together with adults and children by creating playful, problem situations. I carry out organized educational activities both frontally and in subgroups. An individual form of working with children who are withdrawn and uncommunicative is effective.

In organizing educational activities, I give preference to game teaching methods. I use integrated forms of conducting organized educational activities, holidays, and entertainment. I create an atmosphere of creativity, mutual assistance and mutual respect in the process of introducing various types of art. I create conditions for children to make independent decisions. In organizing educational activities I use various methods of musical education.

The use of various methods of raising and developing children in my work allowed me to broaden the horizons of children, intensify their creative and mental activity, and create conditions for the formation of a creative personality.

In the process of musical education, I variably and selectively use effective author’s methods: methods for developing perception by O. P. Radynova, logorhythmic exercises by M. Yu. Kartushina, innovative technologies by V. V. Emelyanov, “Musical rhythmics” by T. A. Zatyamina and L. V. Strepetova (development of musical and rhythmic movements), “Game Library” E. V. Rybak (formation of communication skills, development of creativity and musical abilities). Music in the everyday life of a kindergarten: holiday matinees, entertainment, theme evenings, theatrical performances, games, round dances. All forms of organizing musical activity complement each other and enrich the process of artistic and aesthetic development.

Thus, the use of a combination of traditional and innovative technologies allows us to more effectively solve the problems posed in the educational process.

I have basic computer skills, actively use information technology and technical means, use electronic resources to demonstrate presentations, and maintain documentation on electronic media. For preschool children I use musical multimedia games in practice: “Merry Garden”,

“Where is the little squirrel?”, “New Year’s orchestra”, “Musical instruments”, “Pick up a picture”, “Russian folk instruments”; presentations in entertainment and holidays, leisure, theme evenings. I am proficient in the following programs: Nero Start Smart, Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Power Point, Audacity, etc.

I use Internet technologies in organizing the educational process and studying teaching experience. I publish teaching materials on the following websites:

Created a mini-site on the social network of educators nsportal. ru, which I use in my professional activities. I actively use Internet resources, regularly update and supplement the audio library, video library, library, as well as card indexes of games: folk, musical-didactic, communicative and finger games for the musical development of preschoolers and their parents.

IV. Contribution of a teacher to improving the quality of education

based on improving teaching and educational methods

I take an active part in the development and implementation of innovative programs:

1. Innovative development program for MBDOU Kaibal kindergarten “Solnyshko”, 2015 -2018. Order of August 31, 2015 No. 66

2. I am a member of the working group for the development of the Gifted Child program. Order dated September 28, 2015 No. 78/1.

3. I summarize and broadcast my work experience among colleagues of the preschool educational institution and district. I regularly speak at regional methodological associations of music directors and educators, participate in professional competitions and conduct master classes.

4. I am a member of the regional creative group of music directors of preschool educational institutions. Minutes of the meeting.

5. Took an active part in the regional methodological association of teachers of preschool educational institutions “Theatricalization as one of the forms of work to identify gifted children of preschool age as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”, 12.11.2015, certificate.

6. She spoke at the pedagogical council of MBDOU:

master class: “Simple, easy, fun”, 01/12/2016 (noise orchestra in kindergarten).

V. Personal professional growth of a teacher

I constantly improve my professional level by studying the latest in pedagogical, psychological, musical theory and practice. I am engaged in self-education, I apply in my work innovative developments offered by periodicals: “Musical Director’s Handbook”, magazines – “Musical Director”, “Musical Palette”.

I regularly take advanced training courses:

SAOU RH DPO "Khakass Institute for Educational Development and Advanced Training", from 10/13/2014. until October 24, 2014, “Implementation of educational programs for preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: music,” certificate of advanced training No. 8591, 72 hours.

I take part in all-Russian webinars:

- “Organization of musical activities in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education,” Uchitel Publishing House, certificate No. C 195-34/2016-VU, dated January 11, 2016.

- “Modern content of music classes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”, publishing house “Uchitel”, certificate No. C 355-20/2016-VU, dated 01/18/2016.

Completed training at a seminar on the topic “Development of indicators of academic singing voice formation” on the basis of the MBOU DO Beloyarsk Children's Music School, the head of the seminar is Associate Professor of the Department of Choral Conducting of the State Academy of Culture and Arts, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Emelyanov V.V., (8 hours) 01.02.2014.

At the level of MBDOU Kaibalsky kindergarten "Sun" I am a member of the jury: a review-competition of readers dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory; amateur art show-competition “Springs of Khakassia”.

I am a prize-winner of the professional competition “Preschool Teacher - 2015”, held by the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kaibalsky Kindergarten"Sun".

In 2013 and 2015, she took part in the republican (correspondence) competition of pedagogical materials “Pedagogical Kaleidoscope”, certificate of participation.

I periodically take part in online competitions:







Republican (correspondence) competition of pedagogical materials “Pedagogical Kaleidoscope”

"Holiday Scenario"



“Creative works and methodological developments of teachers”


(3rd place)


All-Russian creative competition "Rassudariki"

"Costume, headdress"

Winner (3rd place)


XV All-Russian creative competition “World of Creativity”

"My presentations"

Winner (1st place)


All-Russian test - quiz for teachers with international participation

"ICT Knowledge"

2nd place

I have gratitude to:

For a creative approach to the work of the younger generation from MBDOU Kaibal kindergarten “Solnyshko”, 2016;

For active participation in the life of the village and for participation in events dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Altai region from the administration of the Beloyarsk village council, 2014;

Certificate for high professionalism and creative approach in educating the younger generation from the Education Department of the Altai District Municipal Administration, 2013.

Marina Kukushkina
Music Director Portfolio

General information about the teacher

My family

Pedagogical credo

My profession

Self-analysis of teaching work

Education documents

Refresher courses

Self-development work “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

GMO "Children's music playing"

Photo report of the event GMO:

"Organization of children's music playing in traditional musical instruments».

"Ways to create non-traditional musical instruments, their implementation in children's musical activities».

11. Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017.

12. Achievements of students

Use of modern educational technologies:

Gaming technologies

Project technology

14. Information and communication technologies

15. Work with teachers

16. Working with parents

17. Feedback from parents about the events held

18. Social activities

Pedagogical credo

There are many different professions in the world

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful

Than the one I work for!

« Music like a book makes us

better, smarter and kinder" (D. Kabalevsky)

Self-development work

Subject: “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

Relevance of the topic: Children's music playing expands the scope musical activity

preschoolers, increases interest in music lessons, promotes development

musical memory, attention, helps overcome excessive shyness and stiffness.

During the game, the individual traits of each person are clearly revealed. performer: Availability

will, emotionality, concentration, develop and improve musical


Work plan on the topic “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

Selection musical repertoire.

Development of lesson notes.

Selection of illustrations, creation of a card index musical instruments.

Consultations for parents on home design music corner.

Master class cycle "Children's music playing". (GMO)

Competition for teachers for the best music corner.

Homemade exhibition musical instruments.

Children's performances at children's matinees.

Performance of the children's orchestra at the concerts of the Children's Philharmonic of the Zarechny Children's Music School.

City Methodological Association "Children's music playing"

Since September 2016 I have been head working group of the City Methodological

associations "Children's music playing".

The target audience: teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Target: contribute to increasing the competence of teachers in organizing independent

Musical creative activity of children.

Tasks of the working group:

To increase the level of competence of teachers in the field of using games for children musical instruments;

To contribute to the improvement of practical skills of teachers in playing children's musical instruments;

Modernize the developmental subject-spatial environment of groups and kindergartens;

Broadcast and disseminate innovative experience.

Working group work plan

1. Organization of children's music playing in traditional musical instruments.

2. Ways to create non-traditional musical instruments, their implementation in

3. Children's music playing as a way to integrate educational areas.

4. Virtual concert of children's orchestras of the preschool educational institution Zarechny. Exhibition musical

Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017.

Third degree diploma in the all-Russian competition of the information and methodological center "Scarlet Sails". Holiday scenario "Victory Day". (June, 2015).

Laureate diploma in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Holiday scenario "Victory Day". (February, 2016).

Winner diploma, 1st place in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Scenario for the holiday March 8 "Little Miss". (June, 2016).

First degree laureate diploma in the international competition Talent 2016 in the category - violin ensemble. (February, 2016)

5. Second degree laureate diploma in the international competition Talent 2016 in the category "Instrumental Performance"- violin ensemble. (February, 2016)

III degree diploma in the competition “The best do-it-yourself teaching aid” from kindergarten "Firefly". (December, 2016)

Achievements of students

Diploma for participation in the city festival of the Zarechny urban district "April drops". (April, 2015).

Certificate for participation in the city festival of the Zarechny urban district "April drops". (April, 2016).

Winner diploma, 2nd place in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Dance composition "Children of war". (June, 2016).

Achievements of students

musical and artistic creativity of preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – instrumental performance (Children's orchestra). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

Third degree laureate diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical and artistic creativity of preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) . Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical

Use of modern educational technologies

In my work I widely use traditional and innovative technologies aimed at creating cognitive interest in musical activity.

Health-saving technologies

Creation in musical hall of a comfortable and safe developmental environment.

Load dosing and differentiated approach in the educational process.

Inclusion of rhythmoplasty, logorhythmics, breathing, articulation, and finger gymnastics into organized educational activities.

A system of outdoor games has been developed, including the protection of voice and hearing, the development of speech breathing, musically-rhythmic exercises for posture correction.

Activities, entertainment and celebrations in the summer, including Maslenitsa, are held outside. (To support this idea, the kindergarten purchased a synthesizer and portable audio system).

Gaming technologies

The use of gaming technologies enriches children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develops interest in literature and theater, forms dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activates the vocabulary, and contributes to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

Creating an integrative musically-game environment in group rooms and in kindergarten music room.

Development of card files of didactic games, theatrical games, creative, role-playing games, dramatization games, educational and educational games.

Project technology

The use of design technology in GCD enriches preschool children musical impressions and contribute to the formation musical taste, musical memory and musicality

Development and implementation projects:

"Children's Album" P.I. Tchaikovsky",

"Tale in music E. Grieg",

"Game for children's musical instruments» ,


The basis for presenting the results of implemented projects is the Zarechny Children's Music School.

The children of our kindergarten are actively involved in concert activities within the walls musical

schools, participate in children's concerts music philharmonic.

Integrative learning technology

The integration of different types of art and a variety of children's activities promotes

formation of connections between all educational areas. This activates development

visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking; forms in children more

deep, versatile knowledge, a holistic view of the world and the interconnection of all of it

components. Integrative learning technology is widely used in project


Information and communication technologies

I actively use Internet resources when planning educational activities. musical development of children, I am studying the pedagogical experience of other teachers - musicians on the website - Social network of employees education:

I conduct classes that require a visual presentation of the material using computer presentations.

To collaborate with parents and share experiences with colleagues musical education

I am working on creating my own blog on the Internet - address:

Working with teachers

I interact with kindergarten teachers in the following ways: directions:

Individual consultations

Discussion of entertainment and holiday scenarios

Group workshops on musical education

Active participation of teachers in entertainment and celebrations

Participation of teachers in the design music hall

Teachers prepare costumes and attributes for events

Working with parents

Success in developing children's creative abilities can be achieved

only in close interaction with the parents of the pupils, since the knowledge

which the child receives in kindergarten must be reinforced in the family environment.

Solution: properly organize work with parents on musical

raising children in a family.

Social activity

For more than 10 years I have been actively collaborating with kindergarten teachers music school

Zarechny. I am a member of the violin ensemble, under leadership T. P. Razina. Ensemble

takes part in competitions at various levels, in various school and municipal


In March 2016, a concert was successfully organized and held for children's pensioners

educational institutions of our city. Children and

employees of the kindergarten structural unit "Firefly". In gratitude,

the guests of our concert left a pleasant

review in the city newspaper "Fair".

In April 2016, I organized and

city ​​annual festival held

"April drops". I want to note,

that the festival was first organized in

Theater for Young Spectators in Zarechny

In December 2015, I represented the city of Zarechny at the beauty contest “Mrs.

Eurasia 2015”, where she was awarded two nomination:

Nomination "Mrs. Natural"

Winner of the competition "Mrs. Eurasia 2015".