Cooking competition. Professional chef competitions, culinary and service championships

Puff pastries are delicious and quick. Products made from puff pastry are very popular all over the world: pastries and cakes have glorified Austrian cuisine; classic sweet pastries made from puff pastry are loved by the French; savory puff pastries with meat fillings are very popular in Germany. Puff pastry is a wonderful invention for making dozens of different desserts or quick snacks. For any puff pastry you only need the dough itself and the filling. Dishes made from puff pastry are prepared extremely quickly, they can be made even when it seems that there is absolutely no energy, time or desire for baking. Let's try to check?

We have two options: buy ready-made dough or make it yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are in a hurry or lazy, the second is ideal for those who love to cook. Both options have clear pros and cons.

The option is quick, store-bought. Puff pastry has been sold in stores for many years, and everyone has become accustomed to it as the only option. This is really convenient: you need to defrost the finished dough, roll it out, wrap the filling - and you can bake. It actually takes 10-15 minutes to prepare the dessert, and the oven bakes for another 10-15 minutes without our participation. Fast and easy.

A less quick option is homemade homemade dough.


500 g flour,
375 g butter,
250 ml water,
salt on the tip of a knife.

Sift the flour together with salt (you can take 1-2 teaspoons per 500 g), melt a piece in 75 g of butter. Let the rest of the oil remain in the refrigerator. Carefully pour water into the flour, then oil and knead the dough. Place on a floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Break the cold butter with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm. Make a cross-shaped deep cut in the dough and open it like a flower. Don’t touch the middle, but roll out the “petals” thinner. Place butter in the center and fold the “petals” into an envelope. The butter should be completely covered with dough. Dust the dough with flour, beat it a little with a rolling pin and roll it into a rectangle of equal thickness. Roll in one direction only! Fold the rectangle in three, beat it again, press the edges, dust with flour and roll out again in one direction. Then fold it 3 more times, beat it and roll it again. Wrap the dough in film and refrigerate for an hour. Repeat this operation 2 more times with a “rest” in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The finished dough can be made in bulk and frozen.

At this point you can consider the preparation complete and start creating. For convenience, we will divide all the puff pastries into sweet and savory (this is where the lack of sugar in the dough comes in handy). It’s easier to write what you can’t put in puff pastries than to list thousands of filling options. It can be any fruit, nuts, vegetables, cottage cheese, dried fruits, jams, meat, minced meat, chocolate, fish, mushrooms - whatever. There is only one rule, or rather a recommendation - the filling should not be too wet and there should not be too much of it.

It is not necessary to sweeten the dough itself, let it remain universal; you can sweeten the puff pastry on the outside by sprinkling with sugar or powdered sugar. There are really many options for sweet puff pastries; a good puff pastry is crispy, airy, goes well with a sweet filling and is tasty even without it.

Let's start with a simple one, that is, puff pastries without fillings. The well-known “tongue” - a piece of puff pastry, brushed with egg yolk and sprinkled with sugar, goes amazingly with tea or coffee. Advice: try to make the “tongues” very tiny, “one bite size”, then it will be convenient to dip them in jam or honey and not use sugar. So let's get started. Don't forget to preheat the oven in advance. Roll out the dough, cut into small strips. Moisten a baking sheet with cold water and place pieces of dough. Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, then immediately into a hot oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Cool and serve with tea. If there is no jam or anything sweet, after rolling, sprinkle the tongues greased with egg yolk with sugar.

It’s a little more complicated, but just as easy to make filled puff pastries. You have already noticed that for the best lamination effect, a temperature contrast is required, for which we keep the dough in the cold, and then quickly move it into a preheated oven. This maneuver allows you to achieve fluffiness and better separation of the dough into layers.

You can choose any shape for filled puff pastries. The easiest way is to use a square of dough folded into a triangle. It’s better not to overdo it with the filling, the edges should be well protected, and everything will turn out great. If the filling is sweet enough, you don't need to sprinkle the top with sugar. The contrast of unleavened dough and sweet filling is very well felt with unsweetened black tea. Another simple way to place the filling is to roll out the dough into a large square or rectangle 5-6mm thick and spread a thin layer of filling, such as jam or cheese. Leave a little space at the edge for pinching. Then roll up, cut and bake at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Puff pastry is used in classic Austrian desserts and in the preparation of Napoleon cake, and the traditional English upside-down apple pie will surely appeal to those who adore apple charlottes.

250 g puff pastry,
100 g sugar,
1 egg
3 apples,
20 g butter,
1 teaspoon milk,
½ teaspoon ground ginger,
ground almonds, vanilla or vanillin - to taste.

In a round ovenproof dish about 20cm in diameter, combine the sugar, vanilla and 100ml water. Bring to a boil and cook until caramel is formed (do not stir under any circumstances, otherwise the caramel will crystallize and burn firmly to the bottom of the pan). Cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds, transfer to a mold and carefully roll in caramel. Add oil and cook for a few more minutes. Sprinkle with ground almonds and remove from heat. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm and cut out a circle with a diameter larger than the diameter of the mold. Gently place the dough on top of the apples, tucking the edges in like a blanket. The surface of the dough can be greased with an egg-milk mixture. Bake at 190 degrees for about 20 minutes. When browned, remove, let cool slightly and turn onto a plate with the apples facing up (be careful, the caramel is very hot!). Serve hot.

By the way, about the thickness of the filling. It should be equal to or slightly less than the thickness of the dough. It is better to make many small puffs with a small amount of filling than one large one with the risk that the dough will not rise.

Puff pastry lovers will be surprised to learn that their favorite strudels were not always made from puff pastry, and the dish itself can be savory. Strudels are prepared in all German-speaking countries and even a little in neighboring ones, like the Czech Republic or Hungary. Most often, the dough in them is puff pastry, and the filling is fruit, but there are options made from sausages, sauerkraut, potatoes, fried vegetables, meat, liver and God knows what else. We will opt for apple strudel, this is the simplest and most familiar version of the famous Austrian dessert. Let's not forget that in the original strudel is made from simple yeast-free, but very thin dough, and puff pastry is influenced by French cuisine, although it will be tasty in both cases.

250 g unsweetened puff pastry,
500 g sour apples,
100 g sugar,
50 g ground crackers,
50 g raisins,
1 teaspoon olive oil,
lemon, cinnamon, salt - to taste.

Peel and cut the apples very thinly, mix with raisins, cinnamon and sugar. Fry the crackers in olive oil until golden brown. Roll out the dough very thin, transfer to a towel, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spread the apple-raisin mixture over the surface, leaving a strip without filling to hold the layer together. Roll the dough into a log using a towel. Pin in the place where there was no filling, pinch the edges. Preheat the oven to 200˚C in advance. Bake on a pre-greased baking sheet for 30 minutes. The finished strudel is served warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, puff pastry is a “recent” invention and appeared in France in the 17th century. It is generally accepted that it was influenced by Greek cuisine and in particular the phyllo dough used in the production of baklava and other dishes where layering is important. Similar dough is also found in Middle Eastern and Maghreb cuisines, but it is made using a completely different method - the dough does not use oil, the layers are rolled out very thin, and the layering is ensured by mechanical folding of the rolled out sheets of dough. The use of butter as an exfoliating force is a French invention and is in the tradition of pan-European culinary principles. To those uninitiated in the mystery of preparing Maghreb puff pastries, French puff pastries seem very complicated, but only until they see the process of preparing Arabic puff pastry.

Unsweetened puff pastries can be made with cheese, ham, meat and minced meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. In addition to the fact that you need to handle the filling just as carefully as in the case of sweet options, the filling should be prepared, taking into account that the puff pastry is baked for only about 10 minutes. All meat, fish, vegetable and other fillings that require processing must be half cooked. To play it safe, you can cook the meat until fully cooked and not give it any chance of being undercooked in the puff pastry. A classic dish made from unsweetened puff pastry is kulebyaka. By the way, this is an example of real Russian cuisine, successfully combined with French royal cooking (yes, kulebyaka, of course, was also originally prepared from yeast-free dough).

Roll out two strips of puff pastry 15-30 cm long and 5 mm thick. One is 10 cm wide, the second is 20. Place small savory pancakes on the narrow one, on top of which place pieces of boiled fish in a layer 6-7 cm wide, and on top - pieces of smoked or lightly salted fish (smoked salmon or lightly salted salmon). Cover the filling with pancakes and then with a wide strip of puff pastry, which you crimp around the perimeter. Brush the surface with egg and make punctures to allow steam to escape. Place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 190 degrees.

Puff pastries can also be vegetable. In this case, you can give them any taste - from sweet for dessert (for example, filled with zucchini or pumpkin), to neutral or bright taste, rich in the aromas of spices and seasonings. A typical example of a neutral puff pastry is a pie filled with potatoes with mushrooms and dill, and if you replace the potatoes with chicken and add bright Indian spices, the puff pastry turns into a completely different dish. The neutrality of the test in both cases is beneficial.

In any case, whatever the filling, maintain moderation in relation to the dough and do not be afraid to experiment - you can bake puff pastries with several filling options at one time, different sizes and forms. Delicious experiments to you!

There are few people among the fair sex and the younger generation who do not love baking. All kinds of pastries, cakes, pies, fragrant and rich buns, large pies - how can you sometimes resist this delicious splendor.
What is all this made from? Made from dough and filling. A wide range of products are used as filling. These include various creams, fruits, berries, cabbage, mushrooms, minced meat and fish, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, onions, various dried fruits... Different doughs are also prepared - butter, yeast, shortbread, custard, biscuit and, of course, puff pastry
Of all the above, perhaps puff pastry the most difficult and time-consuming thing to prepare. Despite the fact that only ( classic version) four ingredients (flour, oil, water and salt) to prepare it, oh how not easy. Add salted water to the flour, add cooled and chopped butter, roll out, fold, roll out again and fold again, cool, and so on several times. Well-kneaded and properly prepared puff pastry can have up to 250 layers among experts in their craft.

In general, no one specially invented puff pastry; it appeared by accident in the mid-seventeenth century in France. A student pastry chef, Claudius Gele, decided to bake dietary light bread for his sick father (flour, water and a little butter, which could be simpler and easier). Having mixed flour with water and kneaded the dough, Gele decided to flavor it with butter, but since the dough was already kneaded, the butter had to be placed on top of the rolled out dough and in order to introduce it into the ready-made mass, roll it out, fold it and roll it out again. And so ten times. Imagine the amazement of the pastry chef and the student when they saw what Gele had done. The bread was simply out of scale and had a very unusual texture. Long years the secret of puff pastry was kept by Gele big secret and brought fame and money to the pastry chef.
Now there are many recipes for puff pastry - yeast, without yeast, curd, cream and classic...
You can make almost any pastry from it - kulebyaki, sweet and savory pies, rolls, cheese and cumin sticks, tartlets, bagels, puff pastries and, of course, cakes.

Probably the most famous and popular puff pastry products in Russia were Napoleon cake, croissant in France, pakhvala in Turkey, and khachapuri in Georgia. Below you are invited to interesting selection recipes from puff pastry, sweet pastries, and also see the section INTERESTING RECIPES FROM Puff Pastry.

The king of sweet pastries made from puff pastry is, of course, Napoleon cake.

There are many recipes for this wonderful cake. But when we cook festive table, you must admit, every minute counts for us, but we ourselves are in a “soap” and sometimes in mild hysterics, we don’t have time!!! A thousand things to do, and also cake, and even Napoleon! Everyone knows that preparing this magnificent cake takes a lot of time and effort.
I will tell you, dear ladies, how to prepare a Napoleon cake with minimal time and effort, literally in 10 minutes (we will not count the time while the dough is defrosting and the cakes are baked)

Napoleon cake

King of cakes

we will need
2 packages without yeast puff pastry
1 can of boiled condensed milk
200 grams butter
a pinch of vanilla

- defrost the puff pastry and cut it into four squares (4 layers)
- prick with a fork and bake at 180* until done
- While the cakes are baking, beat the butter, vanilla and condensed milk with a mixer. We should have an airy cream
- take the cakes out of the oven, trim the edges (reserve the crumbs for sprinkling), cool
- grease each cake with cream and assemble the cake, spread the cream on the edges of the cake
- sprinkle generously with fine crumbs on top

If you are not a big fan of sweets, you can make a less sweet custard
custard recipe

Chocolate tastes twice as good if it’s not allowed at night...

Rose with apples

Roses for the whole family, will decorate any table

we will need
500 grams of ready-made puff pastry, preferably rolled
2-3 red apples
1 tbsp sugar
1 egg yolk

- defrost the dough and cut it into strips 2-3 cm wide and 25-30 cm long (dough length)
- cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core and cut into slices
- boil some water with sugar and put apple slices in there for 1-2 minutes, remove and cool
- place apple slices (about 5 slices) overlapping on the laid out strips of dough, so that 1/3 of the apples protrude
- carefully roll the rolls, tucking the edge inward where the apple slices do not protrude. The result should be a “rose”

made from dough with thin apple layers between the “petals”.
- grease the dough with beaten yolk and bake at 180* until done (30-40 minutes)

Cheese puff

we will need
500 grams puff pastry
100 grams of cheese
1 yolk
1/2 tsp sesame

- defrost the dough
- three cheese and distribute it evenly over the dough
- cut the dough into strips of 2.5-3 cm and roll into rolls
- spread the edges of the roll so that you get a rose
- brush the top with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Penguins are swallows that eat after 6 p.m.

Puff pastry with cottage cheese

we will need
500 grams of ready-made puff pastry
1 pack (180 grams) cottage cheese
sugar to taste
50 grams of prunes
1 egg
1 yolk
1/2 tsp sesame

- defrost the dough
- grind cottage cheese with sugar and egg, add prunes cut into strips
- distribute the cottage cheese evenly over the dough
- cut the “curd” dough into strips 2-2.5 cm wide and roll it into a roll, placing the end of the strip under the “bottom”
- place on a baking sheet (grease with oil), and make a rose out of the roll, spreading the edges in different directions
- brush the top with whipped yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Croissant - a bagel made from puff pastry, along with Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris. But he was born not in France, but in Austria. Local bakers, in honor of the victory over the Great Ottoman Empire In the seventeenth century, crescent-shaped bagels were baked. Soon the tradition of baking croissants moved and took root in France. But it was only in the twentieth century that croissants began to be prepared with various fillings. Here are some recipes for this wonderful pastry. Let’s say right away that the croissants are made from puff pastry and please also pay attention to how to roll the croissants correctly.

If you have a rectangular dough, then cut it into elongated triangles and, after putting in the filling, begin to roll from the base to the top. Place on a baking sheet and tuck the top of the triangle under the bottom of the croissant, and slightly bring the edges towards the middle (make it in the shape of a crescent)

Croissants with dried fruits

To the mistress who has no time

we will need
1 package puff pastry
50 grams shelled walnuts
50 grams of almonds
50 grams of dried apricots
50 grams of prunes
50 grams of raisins (or whatever you have in your kitchen)
2 tbsp honey
1 egg
powdered sugar

recipe for croissants with dried fruits

Defrost puff pastry
- lightly chop dried fruits and nuts, mix with honey and raisins
- lightly roll out the puff pastry in one direction and use the mode for triangles
- put the filling and roll it up like a bagel, wrap the ends slightly towards each other
- brush with beaten egg and bake at 180* until golden brown
- sprinkle powdered sugar on top

To fight with overweight is useless as long as the shopping list contains the mysterious line “... and something for tea.”

French croissant

French breakfast

we will need
1 package puff pastry
100 grams of raisins
100 grams finely chopped walnuts
1 tbsp brown sugar
- defrost the dough and cut into triangles
- mix raisins, nuts and sugar
- put 1/2 tsp of filling on the edge of the triangle and roll it up like a bagel, pulling the edges a little towards the center
- bake at 180* until golden brown
- let cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar

Croissants with chocolate

Sweet tooth is delighted

we will need
1 package puff pastry
100 grams of chocolate
1 tbsp powdered sugar
1 yolk


- place a small piece of chocolate on the base of the triangle and roll it into a bagel

- brush the croissants with whipped yolk
- bake at 180* until done
- melt the remaining chocolate in a water bath and pour it in a thin stream (decorate it) onto the croissants

There is no sadder story in the world than the story “Sweet Tooth on a Diet”...

Cheese croissants made from puff pastry

Great taste

we will need
1 package puff pastry
100 grams of grated cheese
1 yolk
1 egg

- defrost the puff pastry and cut it into long triangles
preparing the filling
- mix cheese with egg and paprika
- on the cheese triangles, closer to the base, place a teaspoon of filling and roll the bagels
- transfer to the prepared baking sheet, and slightly pull the edges of the bagels towards the center
- brush with beaten yolk
- bake at 180* until golden brown

Croissant with cherry jam

we will need
1 package puff pastry
200 grams of cherry jam
1 tbsp powdered sugar
1 yolk

- defrost the dough and cut into triangles
- place a spoonful of jam on the base of the triangle and roll it into a bagel
- place on a baking sheet, bringing the ends of the bagels slightly towards the center
- brush the croissants with whipped yolk
- bake at 180* until done
- when the chocolate has cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar

You can wrap any filling in puff bagels

Puff pastry tongues

Beautiful middle-aged women probably remember a very simple, but no less tasty, pastry made from puff pastry - tongues. It probably couldn’t be simpler. Simple and very fast!

we will need
1 package puff pastry
2 tbsp sugar
1 yolk

- defrost the puff pastry and cut it into small rectangles
- brush the top with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sugar
- bake at 180* until done

Puff pastry ears

Just puff ears

we will need
1 package puff pastry
100 grams chopped walnuts
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 yolk

- defrost the dough
- distribute walnuts over the top of the dough and lightly press them into the dough with a rolling pin
- roll the dough on one side and the other, so that the rolls meet in the middle
- cut into pieces of 1-1.5 cm
- place on a baking sheet, brush with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sugar
- bake at 180* until golden brown

Puff pastry triangles filled with strawberries and rhubarb

This is, so to speak, a summer version of this wonderful pastry. In the cold season, the filling can be made from apples with cinnamon, cottage cheese with cheese and herbs, mushrooms....

we will need
1 package of ready-made yeast puff pastry
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp starch
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp water
2 cups rhubarb stalks, peeled and cut into 1cm pieces
2 cups strawberries
1 egg
1 package vanillin
75 grams of any chocolate

- in a microwave oven-safe bowl, mix sugar with salt, starch, vanillin, add water and rhubarb, mix and put the bowl in the microwave for a few minutes. The rhubarb should become soft and the liquid should thicken to a jam-like consistency. Remove the bowl and cool to room temperature. Add strawberries (if the berry is large, then it needs to be cut), carefully, so as not to crush the strawberries, mix
- cut the defrosted puff pastry into 10x10 cm squares, put the filling in the center and roll it into a triangle. Using the tines of a fork, seal the edges, place the puff pastries in the refrigerator freezer for 10-15 minutes, then brush the tops of the triangles with beaten egg.
- bake at 180* C until bright golden brown
- melt the chocolate (in our case white) in a water bath and apply stripes in random order, cool

Other fillings for puff pastry triangles

The quantity of products is given for one package of ready-made puff pastry. For baking puff pastries, triangles, pies... it is better to buy yeast puff pastry. Before putting in the oven, the top of the “buns” can be greased with whipped yolk to get a bright shiny crust, or to get a beautiful brownish color, grease with strong sweet tea leaves. You can sprinkle sesame seeds on top, they stick perfectly to the raw egg and then hold on well without falling off, you can also use poppy seeds. Ready-made triangles and puff pastries with sweet filling can be decorated with melted chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar.
You need to place the baking sheet in a hot oven and bake at a temperature of 180 * -200 * C until done. As a rule, a beautiful golden color serves as an indicator of readiness. During baking, do not open the oven; monitor the process through the glass.

Filling with cottage cheese, cheese and herbs

we will need
300 grams of cottage cheese
70 grams of hard, sharp cheese (if the cheese is unleavened, you can add a little salt to the filling)
1 egg
dill (you can use any greens)
- break the cottage cheese with a blender and mix with a raw egg, add coarsely grated cheese, finely chopped herbs, and if desired, you can add a little salt and pepper. Using the filling to make puff pastry pastries

Apple and cinnamon filling

we will need
3 apples
cinnamon powder
2-3 tbsp vanilla sugar
50 grams butter
1 tsp cognac
- Heat the butter in a frying pan and add finely chopped apples, vanilla sugar, and cognac. Stirring, let sit for a few minutes until the apples begin to soften. Do not overcook; the apple cubes should remain firm in the middle. Cool the apples and mix with cinnamon and use them as a filling for puff pastry.

Sweet curd filling

we will need
300 grams of cottage cheese
1 egg
1 pack vanilla sugar
100 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes
- beat cottage cheese with egg and vanilla sugar using a blender
- soak dried fruits in warm water for 30 minutes, drain the water
- dry the dried fruits, cut them and mix with cottage cheese
Puff pastry filling is ready

Custard puffs

we will need
500 grams puff pastry
1/2 chocolate
1 glass of milk
100 grams drained oil
3 tbsp flour
1 egg

- defrost the dough and cut it into triangles
- boil the milk (remove the foam), add 80 grams of butter, sugar, vanilla
- carefully add the flour, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps, the mixture should be thick
- beat the yolk and coat the edges of one of the two triangles with it
- put cream and a small piece of chocolate on the triangle, cover with another triangle, squeezing the edges
- you can finally seal the edges with a fork
- mix 1 tbsp flour with 1 tbsp sugar and 20 grams of plums. butter, grind until crumbly.

Add a little more flour if necessary.
- brush the top with beaten yolk, sprinkle with the resulting crumbs and bake at 180* until golden brown.

Puff pastry pie Apple fantasies

we will need
2 packs of puff pastry
1 kg apples
50 grams butter
juice of one orange
100 grams of raisins
100 grams chopped almonds
1 egg
1 packet vanilla sugar

This is how you can decorate a pie. To do this, roll out the dough in one direction and place it in the center.

any filling, connect the edges to make a sausage (seam side down),

cut on one side, then join into a circle.

Bake and decorate on top

marzipan fondant.

- defrost the dough and roll it out slightly in one direction
- peel and finely chop the apples
- melt butter in a frying pan, add apples and 1/2 part vanilla sugar and stir continuously until juice appears, add raisins, honey and orange juice, simmer for 10 minutes and cool
- on a baking sheet greased or lined with baking paper, place one layer of dough and sprinkle with almonds, spread the filling evenly
- cover with a second layer and seal the edges
- brush the top of the pie with beaten egg and sprinkle with vanilla sugar
- bake at 180* until done

Puff pastry bows

It couldn't be simpler, fast, tasty, beautiful

we will need
1 pack of puff pastry without yeast
powdered sugar

- defrost the dough
- cut it into rectangles, twist the strip, you get a bow
- bake in the oven at 180* until done
- take it out, let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar

Puff pastry buns with cottage cheese

we will need
500 grams of puff pastry
300 grams of cottage cheese
100 grams of any dried fruits
2 tsp sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp sesame

- defrost the dough
- beat the cottage cheese with a blender with sugar and 1 egg
- wash dried fruits, dry them and cut them
- combine cottage cheese and dried fruits
- cut the dough into squares, roll out lightly
- place 1 tbsp of curd filling in the center
- connect the corners in the center and fasten them
- spread beaten egg yolk on top and sprinkle with sesame seeds
- bake at 180* for 20-30 minutes (until done)

Layered curd pie

we will need
500 grams of puff pastry (rolled)
400 grams of cottage cheese
50 grams of butter
a pinch of salt

-defrost the puff pastry and cut it into several equal squares, prick with a fork
- Grind cottage cheese with egg and plums. butter, salt (if the curd mass turns out to be liquid, then you can

add a little semolina to it)
-assemble our pie on a baking sheet, alternating squares of dough and curd mixture, the last layer is cottage cheese.
The top of the pie (cottage cheese) can be brushed with egg yolk
-bake at 180* until done (40-50 minutes)
- cover the finished pie with a towel (so that it becomes soft) and cool

Figured puff pastry with filling photo

Not a lot of patience and beauty is on the table

Housewives are wondering: what can be made from puff pastry without yeast?

If you delve deeper into your search, you can find hundreds of dishes. I decided to save your time and collected in this article only the most delicious, simple and aromatic recipes.

They are prepared quickly and easily. You will have time to set a luxurious table for guests, even if they arrive unexpectedly. The dough can be bought ready-made in every major store.

Therefore, I advise you to treat yourself to something delicious on holidays and weekdays, so as not to worry, but to enjoy every new crispy bite.

Because any puff pastry, of course, is high in calories, but incredibly tasty!

What can be prepared from puff pastry without yeast - recipes for quick snacks

Are you interested in what you can quickly prepare from puff pastry (without yeast)? These dishes may be an option for you or a loved one. Especially if he is fiercely and recklessly in love with.

With such snacks, it’s nice to spend an evening with your family, discussing the news of the past day: after such culinary masterpieces, the family will get together much more willingly!

Italian sandwiches "Crostini"

  1. Mozzarella - 350 g
  2. Basil (fresh) - a large bunch
  3. Olive oil - 180 ml
  4. Tomato - 5 medium
  5. Pine nuts - 100 g
  6. Cheese "Dutch" - 120 g

Try experimenting with various options fillings

Grate the Dutch cheese and place it in a blender bowl.

Add pine nuts, olive oil and basil (pre-grated). Add salt and beat until smooth.

We made Italian pesto sauce. Roll out the cooled base so that it can be cut into 6 rectangular pieces.

Try to make them the same. Shape the tomatoes into medium-thick circles.

Brush each square of dough with sauce and place tomato on top.

Slice the mozzarella thinly and place it on top as well. Bake at medium temperature for about 20 minutes.

The base will rise and the cheese will melt deliciously. Simple and elegant! Gourmets should experiment with the filling.

Quick puff pastries “Corners”

  1. Garlic - 1–2 cloves
  2. Ghee butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Yeast-free puff pastry - 350 g
  4. Greenery
  5. Pepper

Quick puff pastries “Corners”

Take the butter out in advance and let it melt. Place it in a bowl, add squeezed garlic and spices.

Don't forget the greens. You can use only salt and pepper or “play” with the taste and give preference to Italian or Provençal herbs.

Cut the mass into corners. Place the paper and our preparations on a baking sheet, grease them with oil and spices.

Bake for about 20 minutes at 200°C. All! Here's what you can cook from puff pastry without yeast in the oven in literally 30 minutes.

You'll like it!

Baskets “Julien”

  1. Mushrooms - 500 g
  2. Cheese "Dutch" - 450 g
  3. Yeast-free puff pastry - 00 g
  4. Onion - 4 large heads
  5. Homemade mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Vegetable oil

Baskets “Julien”

Cut the onion into half rings, cut the mushrooms in the usual way. Grate the Dutch cheese finely.

Roll out the mass and cut it into squares. Grease muffin tins and place in each piece, trimming off excess.

Place some cheese on the bottom, then mushrooms and more cheese.

Spread with mayonnaise and decorate with the remaining puff pastry. Bake at 200°C for about 20 minutes.

Closed mini-pizzas “Pigtails”

  1. Olives - 20 pcs.
  2. Tomato paste - tbsp. l.
  3. Cheese "Russian" - 200 g
  4. Corn (canned in a jar) - 120 g
  5. Yeast-free puff pastry - 1 package
  6. Bell pepper - 1 small
  7. Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Sugar, salt, spices

Closed mini-pizzas “Pigtails”

You can buy a ready-made base in the store or prepare the dough yourself: take 400 grams of flour with salt, 120 grams of grated butter and 200 grams of pre-chilled sour cream.

Mix all this quickly, put it in a bag and refrigerate for at least half an hour.

In case of emergency or if you are just lazy, feel free to use store-bought dough.

Just transfer it to the refrigerator from the freezer before using.

Take a thick-walled bowl, put it on the fire and pour in oil, spices, tomato paste, salt and sugar.

Simmer for about a minute and pour in about a quarter glass ordinary water. You should have a homogeneous consistency (not liquid).

Finely chop the olives and peppers. Tomatoes can be chopped into slices, and cheese can be simply chopped into slices.

Take out and roll out the mass into a thin layer and divide into two and then into four parts. Makes 8 pieces.

Cut one side into strips. Select the quantity in pairs. Spread the sauce, place the chopped ingredients and corn.

Top with tomato and cheese. Fasten the cut pieces crosswise and press them to the opposite edge. The result will be a braided braid.

Place on paper and bake for about 20 minutes. What can you cook from store-bought puff pastry without yeast in a frying pan? Right!

Tip: use homemade processed cheese, if you are ready to sacrifice beauty for the sake of taste. It may leak, but it tastes better than store-bought.

What can be prepared from puff pastry without yeast - recipes with photos of original desserts

You have the opportunity to kill two culinary birds with one stone: expand your stock of intricate recipes and find out what you can cook from store-bought puff pastry without yeast.

Cake "Friendly House"

  1. Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  2. Butter - 250 g
  3. Yeast-free puff pastry - 2 packs
  4. Cream - 1/3 tbsp.
  5. Frozen cherries - 350 g
  6. Dark chocolate - 3 bars
  7. Sugar - 10–12 tbsp. l.

Cake "Friendly House"

What can you quickly prepare from puff pastry without yeast in a slow cooker? This is a wonderful cake!

Remove the butter from the refrigerator to give it time to melt.

Mix with condensed milk and beat with a mixer. Thaw the cherries and puff pastry. Let the liquid drain and lightly squeeze the berries.

Otherwise, the juice may interfere with the baking process. Without separating the layers, roll out the mass to 70 cm in length.

Place cherries on it in a row with small intervals of 1.5 cm. Sprinkle each one with sugar.

Roll the cake tightly and create something like a snail shell. The result should be 4 shells.

Place them one by one in a container and cook in the “baking” mode for 20 at a time. Turn over and bake the same amount.

Cool and coat all layers with cream. This way you can visually “align” the top and sides. Let the whole thing cool overnight.

It's time to make the chocolate buttercream. Melt in a slow cooker, breaking it into cubes, add cream and pour ganache over the cake.

If desired, you can decorate the top with chopped chocolate.

Apple pie “Staropolsky”

  1. Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  2. Apple - 5–6 pcs.
  3. Sour cream (fattier) - 500 g
  4. Yeast-free puff pastry - 800 g
  5. Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  6. Cinnamon

Apple pie"Staropolsky"

Grate the cheese here and mix again.

Thaw and roll out the base, cut into rectangles and distribute the filling evenly.

Make rolls and place them seam side down. Bake on paper until golden brown. Serve with lemon slices. It is customary to squeeze lemon juice onto each piece.

If you are a fan of oriental cuisine, you can find even more delicious recipes in this article.

Lentil pies

  1. Onion - 1 small
  2. Lentils - 200 g
  3. Ginger (dry) - half tsp.
  4. Marjoram, thyme, black pepper, salt
  5. Vegetable oil

Lentil pies

Cook the lentils until tender and tender. Drain off the liquid and reserve some of the broth. We will still need it.

Salt and cool the beans. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry until golden.

Combine the lentils and onions with the seasonings and add a little water.

It is necessary to achieve such a condition that it is not overdried. Defrost and cut the base into rectangles.

Place a small spoonful of filling in the middle and seal the edges with your fingers. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes.

Pie with zucchini and cheese

  1. Mozzarella - 200 g
  2. Zucchini - 2 young
  3. Yeast-free puff pastry - 500 g
  4. Basil, salt
  5. Sesame
  6. Vegetable oil

Pie with zucchini and cheese

Grate the vegetables coarsely, let the liquid drain a little.

Fry them with a little oil in a frying pan. Roll out the base and divide it into 2 parts.

Roll out even thinner and place dried zucchini on top, salt and add spices. Slice the mozzarella and place it on top.

Cover the pie with the second part of the dough, press the edges with a fork and pierce in several places so that it does not explode during cooking.

Grease with oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for about 25 minutes. Cool slightly before serving.

Tip: smell the mixture when purchasing. The dough should not have any odor. Its presence indicates the use of low-grade ingredients.

Even more useful and delicious recipes Eggless baked goods can be found in this one.

Baking made from puff pastry is the most delicate and delicious. Therefore, in fashion terms, she is always in trend. If you and your friends started a bachelorette party and gathered in a quiet and cozy cafe, then the choice will be obvious. Even ladies who are actively on various diets cannot resist the temptation to enjoy cakes or croissants with a cup of cappuccino.

The more practical (but at the same time more creative) will move the meeting with their friends home. And preparing cakes and other products from, baking and decorating them will become part of the party.

A great idea would be to hold a themed culinary party, where participants will prepare pastries, (in our case, puff pastries) which are business card selected country. For example, if the theme is Italy, prepare pizza with various toppings (after all, the dough for it can also be puff pastry.

If the choice fell on France, then there are a great many recipes for baking from puff pastry. After all, France is the birthplace of cooking, giving the world the best chefs and pastry chefs (mostly men). They created unique desserts and delicious pastries.

Airy mille-feuille, aromatic croissants with various fillings, brioche, French closed layer pie with meat (and not only), as well as its open counterpart - Laurent quiche (the dough for it can be either puff pastry or puff pastry).

You can prepare the puff pastry in advance and store it in the freezer until three months. If we don’t have any dough at home, and friends or relatives come unexpectedly, frozen dough from the supermarket will help us out. After defrosting it, you can quickly bake any goodies for friendly gatherings or a warm evening with your family.

Sweet or savory puff pastry is your choice, but using our selection of recipes with photos, you will always get an excellent result.

I’ll share my favorite recipe for delicious puff pastries for tea. We will cook from store-bought dough - it’s both easier and faster. You can rest assured that it will turn out delicious at home!

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