Homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese, recipe. Recipe for homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk

Homemade cheese may not be comparable to Parmesan or Dor Blue, but there is at least one good reason to prepare it: you can be sure that the ubiquitous palm oil, starch and other harmful additives will not creep into the composition of such a food. It’s also a very interesting process and a delicious result. Want to try?

How to make homemade cottage cheese

You can only get a quality product from quality raw materials, so try to find good cottage cheese. It is not advisable to use a standard store-bought one, since manufacturers stuff it too generously with cheap vegetable oils, starch and stabilizers. And even more so, do not take an incomprehensible mass called “curd product” - it will not make good cheese.

It is advisable to take cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 5% - low-fat cottage cheese will have difficulty melting

Classic recipe

So, you will need:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tsp. soda;
  • 1.5–2 tsp. salt.


  1. Place the cottage cheese in a saucepan, add milk and, stirring every now and then, begin heating over moderate heat until the whey separates.

    Some people advise grinding the cottage cheese before pouring it with milk.

  2. Place the curd in a sieve and allow the whey to drain. Do not delay this process; it is advisable that the mass does not have time to cool too much.

    Use a sieve, gauze or special bag

  3. Melt the butter.

    Use a stove or microwave

  4. You can do with the whey as you wish, and grind the cottage cheese with melted butter, salt and soda. The latter is needed to make the cottage cheese melt, and also to make it more fluffy and lighter. At the same stage, you can add a beaten egg. Some people don’t use it, and in vain - the yolk gives the cheese a pleasant color, and the white gives it density.

    Without soda, the cottage cheese will not melt, without the protein it will turn out too loose, and without the yolk it will turn out faded.

  5. Transfer the curd mass into a bowl and place it on a pan of boiling water, giving the future cheese a steam bath. Cook it for 10-20 minutes, stirring constantly so that the curd warms up and melts evenly. After about 7–10 minutes, the mass will gather into one homogeneous lump, freely separating from the walls of the bowl.

    Stir the brew vigorously all the time until you remove it from the stove.

  6. Transfer the cheese to the mold, making sure that there are no voids in it where condensation will accumulate, and cool. Close the mold, isolating it from air, and refrigerate.

    Grease the mold with butter or vegetable oil

  7. To reach the desired condition, the cheese will need at least 5 hours, but it is better to let it sit for 1-3 days.

    After 5–12 hours, the cheese can be removed from the mold and tasted

Along with the egg, you can add natural “flavor enhancers” to the cheese mass: dry Provençal or Italian herbs, black pepper, cumin, paprika, oregano; chopped dill, cilantro and parsley; sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, raw smoked sausage. And if you use it, the cheese will be healthier and will get rid of the unpleasant odor inherent in “goat products.”

Video: hard cheese at home

Homemade mascarpone

Traditional mascarpone is made by mixing hot cream and tartaric acid, which is replaced with citric acid at home. But if you need to quickly find an alternative to the famous cheese, you can use cottage cheese and a mixer. In terms of consistency and taste, the replacement turns out to be quite worthy.

You will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 250 g heavy cream;
  • 1–1.5 tbsp. l. butter.


  1. Cool the cream.

    Leave the cream at the bottom of the refrigerator, the temperature at the top and on the door will be slightly higher than you need

  2. Leave the butter to soften on the counter at room temperature.

    There is no need to heat the oil, it should not be warm

  3. Beat the cottage cheese and butter until smooth and set aside to cool with the cream for half an hour.

    Break the grains until smooth

  4. Arm yourself with a mixer again and start whipping the curd and butter mixture, gradually adding cream to it. Be careful, you may not need all the amount of cream indicated in the recipe. The cheese should be soft, fluffy, but able to retain its shape.

    While whipping, watch the consistency of the mass.

  5. Use homemade mascarpone immediately. It is not stored for long - no more than 3 days.

    Although not according to the classic recipe, the mascarpone will turn out very good

Video: preparing Adyghe cheese according to an old recipe

Homemade cheese is tasty, healthy, has a delicate texture, can be combined with a variety of additives and opens up enormous scope for imagination. So much so that after the first try, many turn into enthusiastic cheese makers who do not recognize a store-bought product!

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    Cheese- a dairy product characterized by a high content of milk fat, proteins and minerals. It is a milk concentrate, and its calcium and phosphorus content is in a perfectly balanced ratio. Cheese is rich in vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, PP, C. Our body absorbs 98-99% of the nutrients contained in cheese. Let's open a few secrets on how to make cheese at home.

    Homemade cottage cheese

    This cheese tastes like melted cream cheese. To make cheese from cottage cheese, we will need:

    • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 2 egg yolks;
    • 120 g butter
    • 2 tsp soda;
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    Take a large saucepan, pour in milk, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Add cottage cheese to the boiled milk and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes over low heat until the whey separates.

    Fold clean gauze in two layers, soak it well in water and line a colander. Pour the resulting curd mass into it. After the whey has drained, tie the gauze tightly and hang it over the sink so that the remainder drains.

    Mix softened butter with yolks. Add salt and soda and beat the mixture thoroughly.

    Mix the dried curd mass with whipped butter and yolks. You can add spices to taste.

    Let's make a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a smaller pan with the resulting mass. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring, until the homemade cheese becomes viscous and begins to melt.

    Then transfer to a colander or mold greased with butter. Press down on top and put in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours, remove the homemade cheese from the mold, cut it and serve it.

    Boiled cheese

    It turns out to be a very tasty cream cheese with a hint of spice.

    To make cheese for 1 kg of cottage cheese we will need:

    • 75 g butter;
    • 200 g cream or homemade sour cream;
    • 1 egg;
    • salt, cumin to taste.

    Leave the cottage cheese in a closed pan in a warm place. After 3-4 days it will become covered with mold, giving it a characteristic taste.

    Grind the blue cheese with a meat grinder, mix with cream, salt and caraway seeds. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the curd mass. Cook, stirring, until a homogeneous melted mass is obtained.

    Add the beaten egg at the end of cooking, stir well and heat without bringing to a boil.

    Place in a mold greased with butter, press down with a press and put in the refrigerator. Like homemade cheese, boiled cheese will be ready in a few hours.

    The hardness of the cheese depends on the time spent under pressure. Excess liquid must be drained as it forms.

    Sulguni cheese

    Snow-white suluguni is made from buffalo milk. You can also make cheese from full-fat cow's milk, then it will turn out with a yellowish tint.

    To make Suluguni cheese weighing 1 kg, we will need:

    • 10.2 liters of milk;
    • 1 g pepsin for starter (sold in a pharmacy or market);
    • 1 dessert spoon of wine vinegar.

    To prepare sourdough Take 200 ml of milk at room temperature, add wine vinegar and dilute pepsin in the resulting liquid.

    Strain 10 liters of milk through cheesecloth or a fine sieve and heat it in an aluminum pan (or cauldron) to a temperature of 30 degrees. Add the starter and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.

    Then put the pan with milk on low heat and collect the curdled mass with clean hands against the wall of the vessel. Usually 5 minutes is enough for all the cheese to curdle.

    To make cheese young, We take out the lumps into a prepared colander with gauze. As in the recipe for homemade cottage cheese, squeeze out the whey. The resulting homemade cheese is ready for use.

    If you crumble the cheese and leave it warm, you will get delicious stretchy filling for khachapuri, cheese puffs or any other baked goods.

    To make suluguni cheese, Let the resulting young cheese ferment in unsalted whey for several hours in a warm place. Then check for readiness: dip a thin piece of cheese into hot water and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. If the strip of cheese stretches slightly, it is ready for further processing. The cheese should not tear.

    Cut the prepared cheese into strips 2 cm thick. Place the cheese in hot water (80-90 degrees). Over low heat, stirring in one direction with a wooden spatula, melt the suluguni cheese. When it melts completely, take out the mass, glue it into a lump and shape it into a head. Suluguni is ready to eat.

    To store the cheese, lightly sprinkle with salt and place on top of each other.

    Suluguni cheese can be fried in a frying pan in breadcrumbs and eggs, added to hot porridge or made into breakfast sandwiches.

    Bon appetit!


    Making cheese at home from milk and cottage cheese

    When I had a household, I often made delicious homemade cheese from milk and cottage cheese for myself. Making cheese at home is very simple, the main thing is that the products are of high quality. The recipe for making homemade cheese can be changed; when cooking the cheese, add cumin seeds, dried aromatic herbs (for example, Provençal or Italian), sun-dried tomatoes, dried bell peppers (paprika) or simply chopped dill, parsley and cilantro.

    For the recipe for homemade cottage cheese we will need

    • Cottage cheese - 2 kg (it is better to take homemade cottage cheese, from the market, and grainy, i.e. granular; soft cottage cheese, with a small whey content, it is better not to take it)
    • Cow's milk (you can make homemade cheese from goat's milk) - 2 liters
    • Butter - 200 g
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Tea soda - 1 tablespoon
    • Salt - to taste


    1. I put 2 kg of cottage cheese in a saucepan and poured in 2 liters of milk. I put it on fire. Stirring lightly (mostly only along the bottom, the cottage cheese may stick) so that the mass is evenly heated, bring the milk and cottage cheese to a hot state. Once you see whey forming, it's all done. The cottage cheese becomes like soft plasticine. There is no need to break this curd ball too much. In time it takes 7-10 minutes, no more.

    2. Then you need to separate the whey from the resulting cheese mass, I usually put it on cheesecloth, you need to try so that, if possible, all the liquid runs away and the curd mass is almost dry, without whey. Then put the resulting mass into the casserole where you will cook homemade cheese, 200 g of softened butter, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. soda and salt. Salt, of course, is to your taste; some people like salty cheese, others lightly salted.

    Mix all the ingredients for homemade cheese in a casserole or other dish with a thick bottom (not enameled) and put on fire.

    3. Making cheese at home requires constant monitoring, so you cannot leave it, as the cheese may burn during cooking. Stirring constantly, cook the cheese over medium heat, the curd mass will begin to melt and stretch, you need to boil the homemade cheese for about 5-7 minutes. I have a wooden spoon with which I constantly stir the cheese mass. You will be able to tell when the cheese is ready. It will be sticky and viscous. You can determine the readiness of the cheese by testing it by testing it, if it sticks to your teeth, then that’s it, it’s ready! Another sign that the cheese is ready is that it begins to pull away from the walls of the container in which it is cooked.

    4. Then pour the hot homemade cheese into any container (cup or container) to give it shape. The cauldron must be handled with care, as the cheese mass is very capricious. Cover the top of the warm homemade cheese with cling film so that the crust does not dry out.

    5. I made homemade cream cheese, it’s not entirely hard because it’s high in fat, but it holds its shape and can be cut with a knife.

    To get a harder cheese with a low fat content, you can reduce the amount of butter, add 100 -150 g of it. But you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, so my homemade cheese also turned out delicious, here it is in the photo:

    Of course, it may not be the same as store-bought cheese, but it is environmentally friendly and you know that everything in your homemade cheese is natural, from cows, fresh and there is no palm oil, no dyes or preservatives. Initially, in preparing my homemade cheese, I used 3 liters of milk per 1 kg of cottage cheese, then I tried to reduce the amount of milk. I didn’t notice any difference in the quality of homemade cheese, so I started adding enough milk so that it just covered the cottage cheese.

    1. The remaining whey from making homemade cheese from milk and cottage cheese can be used when baking pancakes, or you can use it to make yeast dough for bread or rolls, or in the summer you can make okroshka using the whey.
    2. I would like to highlight separately: the store often sells not cottage cheese, but a COOK PRODUCT, which in its composition is not cottage cheese at all, such fake cottage cheese will not make cheese, it is better to buy real farm cottage cheese with milk and get a good result and the taste of homemade cheese! It is better not to use ultra-pasteurized and sterilized milk from boxes.

    Sincerely, Valentina Gorbacheva



    Valentina, thank you for sharing the recipe for making cheese at home and giving detailed tips on how to make homemade hard cheese from milk and cottage cheese.

    In conclusion of this cheese topic, I would like to watch with you a video recipe from Olga Bazhenova on how to prepare delicious processed cheese at home, so

    Video recipe for homemade processed cheese

    Goat's milk cheese

    Homemade cheese is one of the products that can be made at home. Cheese made with your own hands will delight you with an excellent fresh taste, and will compare favorably with the cheese to which we are accustomed. So be sure to prepare this dairy delicacy.

    Homemade cheese - features

    To begin with, a few features of the preparation of this product.

    In general, the taste of cheese is a purely individual matter. Some people like soft cheese, which has a delicate taste and the structure of dense cottage cheese with a milky flavor, while others, on the contrary, like hard, savory cheese.

    Here are a few homemade cheese recipes.

    Homemade cheese melted (recipe)

    To make homemade cheese you will need

    Recipe for making homemade processed cheese

    1. Pour milk into an aluminum pan and add curd. Stir well.
    2. Place the pan over medium heat and, without bringing to a boil and stirring constantly, separate the whey from the curd.
    3. Prepare a bowl, cover it with gauze, onto which you place the prepared mass.
    4. Tie the gauze tightly enough and hang it out so that the whey is completely separated. The cottage cheese should be as dry as possible; for this you can use a press.
    5. If you use homemade cottage cheese from village milk to make cheese, then such preparatory procedures that enhance the taste of the cottage cheese are not necessary.
    6. Grind the cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, salt, soda and spices. Take an aluminum saucepan, melt the butter and place the curd mixture in it.
    7. Place the pan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, melt the mixture until smooth. Attention, the mixture should not boil!
    8. Pour the mixture into the mold and cool.

    This homemade cheese can be eaten immediately. It is suitable for those who are on a diet, because... does not contain many calories. If desired, you can add sour cream to it. Chilled cheese tastes best. Remember that it should be stored for no more than one week in the refrigerator.

    Homemade cheese (recipe)

    To prepare you will need

    • 1 kg cottage cheese
    • 1 liter of milk
    • 2 yolks or 1 egg
    • 100-150 g butter
    • 2-3 tsp. soda
    • 1 partial tsp. salt

    Homemade cheese recipe

    Bon appetit!

    Homemade cheese.

    First way

    Homemade cheese is best made from freshly boiled cottage cheese in the usual way.

    The freshly boiled cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder with salt twice and left for 5 days in a dry room. The yellowed cottage cheese is mixed again, transferred to a greased pan and cooked over low heat, stirring until a liquid homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mass is poured into small pans. After it hardens and hardens, the cheese is ready to eat.

    Homemade cheese. Second way

    To prepare 1 kg of cheese, take 1.2 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, 2.5 tablespoons of butter or ghee, 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of fine salt. The drained cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve. Place all the prepared cottage cheese into the bowl. Half the required amount of soda is evenly scattered over the surface of the cottage cheese, and then they begin to slowly heat it up, continuously stirring with a wooden spatula. If, during the heating process, whey appears on the surface of the curd and near the walls of the dish, close the dish with a lid and remove from heat for 10-15 minutes, after which the settled whey is removed. If the whey cannot be separated, then the remaining amount of soda is added to the curd and the mixture continues to be heated. After the cheese mass has melted and thickened somewhat, add melted butter. Table salt, and if desired, cumin, anise, dill are added 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished cheese mass should be a stretchy, homogeneous mass. After cooking, the cheese mass is immediately poured into a greased container and taken out to a cold room. Before removing the chilled cheese from the dish, immerse the latter in hot water for a few seconds.

    Making cheese from low-fat cottage cheese at home is very simple. I make this low-fat cheese all the time.

    To prepare homemade cheese you only need 30-40 minutes of time and the following ingredients:

    low-fat cottage cheese - 1 kg
    milk (0%) - 1 glass
    egg - 1 pc.
    salt - 2/3 teaspoon
    soda - 0.5 teaspoon
    butter - just a little bit, just for greasing
    olive oil - 1 teaspoon (optional)

    The method for making homemade cheese is simple:

    1) Place cottage cheese in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in milk.

    Not all cottage cheese makes high-quality homemade cheese. After trying several types of cottage cheese, I settled on low-fat Lithuanian cottage cheese (0%). You can also take other low-fat cottage cheese in grains, for example, by weight - it is much cheaper. But for the first time, I advise you to take low-fat Lithuanian cottage cheese - homemade cheese from it turns out hard and tasty.
    I take 3 packages of cottage cheese, 300 grams each. This cottage cheese has a heterogeneous structure. You should not take soft cottage cheese. It produces a paste-like mass, rather than hard homemade cheese. The taste of homemade cheese depends on the cottage cheese from which it is made.

    2) Place the pan with cottage cheese and milk on low heat.
    Stir occasionally. You will see how the cottage cheese dissolves in the milk.

    After 10-15 minutes, there will be one liquid and a few grains of cottage cheese in the pan. After boiling, cook for 8-10 minutes.

    3) Drain the hot mass in a colander.

    4) Put butter, drained cottage cheese, salt, soda into the pan in which the cottage cheese was cooked and beat in the egg. Mix. Place the pan on low heat and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring constantly. When the mass becomes viscous, like plasticine, the homemade cheese is ready.

    5) Grease a deep mold for homemade cheese with olive oil in advance. Quickly place the hot homemade cheese into the mold. Homemade cheese quickly cools and hardens, taking the desired shape. Hot homemade cheese is also very tasty.

    6) The fat content of the cheese is no more than 5%.

    You can show your imagination: divide the hot mass into two parts. Make one part like regular cheese, and add finely chopped herbs to the second part of the mass.

    You can drink coffee with homemade cheese (instead of cookies), you can make a sandwich from a leaf of lettuce and a piece of cheese, you can make a roll by wrapping a piece of homemade cheese in Chinese cabbage, or put it in a salad.

    And your homemade cheese will always have a new taste.

    Bon appetit!

    Publication rating:

    Processed cheese is rightfully considered a universal dish. It is often added to salads and used as an independent snack. Store-bought products are full of artificial additives and flavor enhancers. After reading the composition of processed cheese, the consumer will often lose the desire to consume it. Having decided to make such a product themselves, many housewives clutch their heads, not knowing where to start. However, in practice, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

    Processed cheese from cottage cheese: a classic of the genre

    • butter - 95-110 gr.
    • soda - 20 gr.
    • Quail eggs - 4 pcs.
    • salt - to taste
    • cottage cheese - 500-600 gr.
    • seasonings - at your discretion
    • dried or fresh herbs - to taste
    1. To prepare the base for cooking cheese, place a pan on the stove and fill it halfway with water. Take a container of a smaller diameter in advance, which will be placed in the main pan when using a water bath. Place cottage cheese in it. The cream cheese mixture is made quickly.
    2. Add lightly melted butter to the cottage cheese, then mix eggs and soda into the total mass (can be replaced with baking powder). Do not add oil to the ice cream, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the unevenness of the product.
    3. Take a meat grinder or food processor and pass the curd granular mass through the device. If you have a blender in your kitchen, it is best suited for this process. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass, eliminating lumps and graininess. If you wish, you can use a fork or a whisk, depending on the circumstances.
    4. When the water in a large saucepan boils, reduce the burner to medium power and place the curd mixture in a water bath. Do not forget to stir the composition, do not allow the first container to touch the bottom of a large pan. After 4-5 minutes, the curd mass will look like processed cheese (sticky paste).
    5. Stir the mixture until smooth so that the curd eventually disintegrates into grains no larger in size than grains of table salt. Remove the cheese mass from the steam bath, add spices and salt to taste.
    6. You can make a unique cheese by adding various flavoring spices and additives to the prepared composition. To improve the taste, add finely chopped champignons, as well as herbs and garlic. Processed cheese can be supplemented not only with a side dish, but also with sweeteners, such as jam or grated berries.
    7. Before use, stir the prepared mass and package it in containers for long-term storage. Leave the cheese in the refrigerator for several hours to thicken and finally set. The shelf life of the finished product usually does not exceed 5 days.

    Cottage cheese does not melt: what to do

    Don't be upset if the cheese doesn't turn out right the first time. You may encounter a difficulty in which the cottage cheese does not want to melt under any pretext. Let's consider possible solutions to the problem.

    1. The curd mass may not melt completely and leave noticeable lumps among the homogeneous paste, in this case you should add a little more soda. If the mixture particles are small, leave the cheese to cool at the end of cooking; they will dissolve on their own.
    2. The melting of cottage cheese directly depends on its quality. It doesn't matter how much fat it contains. The main thing is that the product should not be diluted or frozen; only completely natural composition is welcome. If the cottage cheese is of good quality, its melting will begin in the first minutes. In cases where, after a quarter of an hour, the consistency of the composition remains unchanged, we can assume that everything is lost. It is impossible to make cheese from cottage cheese that cannot be processed.

    Some housewives are faced with a problem when all the cottage cheese, with the exception of small grains, has melted. Even an extra dose of baking soda doesn't help. In this case, do not suffer, remove the composition from the heat and proceed to further manipulations. Otherwise, you risk irreversibly damaging the product.

    • butter - 120 gr.
    • milk with fat content from 3.2% - 1 l.
    • salt - 20 gr.
    • soda - 20 gr.
    • cottage cheese - 0.9-1 kg.
    1. Place the pan on the stove, pour milk into it and leave over medium heat until the first bubbles appear. At this time, pass the cottage cheese through a kitchen sieve so that it breaks down into small grains.
    2. As soon as the milk reaches the required boiling temperature, reduce the burner to low power. Pour in the curd product and knead the mixture with a wooden spatula.
    3. After 3-5 minutes, you will notice that the composition begins to disintegrate. You will end up with two sections that consist of whey (a liquid with a yellowish tint) and individual curds.
    4. Continue stirring the product until the whey becomes almost clear. As practice shows, these manipulations will take about 5 minutes. Next, remove the container from the heat and proceed to the next step.
    5. Prepare a wide container and a sieve; utensils will be needed to separate the whey and curd mass. Some housewives prefer to place the mixture in a colander, having previously lined it with gauze.
    6. Pour the product into the filter and wait until all the liquid has drained. Press the curd a little with your hands and tie the gauze edges, making a bag. Hang it over the basin and leave for 1 hour.
    7. Chop the butter into cubes and place in a deep glass or ceramic bowl. Place in the microwave on the edge of a turntable. Melt the product completely and add to the cottage cheese.
    8. Add salt, soda, beat the finished mixture with a mixer or use a blender. The main thing is to bring the mass to complete homogeneity. There should be no lumps in it, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out to be of poor quality.
    9. Next, melt the composition in a convenient way. You can pour it into a thick-bottomed pan and then put it on the stove. Or make a water/steam bath, with the help of which the simmering will take place safely.
    10. When the mixture dissolves, it will resemble a sticky paste. It’s easy to check if it’s done: put a fork in and remove it. If you see threads extending from the total mass, the cheese is ready.
    11. Remove the product from the stove and pour into heat-resistant containers. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for storage. The holding period should not exceed one week.
    12. If you follow the instructions, you will get 750 g at the end. processed homemade cheese. Grease a crispy bun with it, prepare a salad, after mixing the product with paprika, herbs, ham or pickles.

    Sweet processed cheese based on cocoa

    • soda - 8 gr.
    • cottage cheese - 175 gr.
    • cocoa powder - 10 gr.
    • honey (can be replaced with cane sugar) - 25 gr.
    1. Sift cocoa powder through a fine kitchen sieve and grind the curd. Mix the listed components, add soda to them. Bring the mixture as smooth as possible. Leave the composition for a quarter of an hour to partially infuse.
    2. Choose 2 pans of different sizes (large and medium). Mark the infused mixture into the smaller diameter one, and pour water into the larger one. Place one container in another, bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat.
    3. As a result, you will have a water bath in which the cottage cheese will begin to melt. Simmer the mixture for 8 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. As soon as the granules dissolve, pour in the melted honey and soak for another 2 minutes.
    4. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant mold; a food container with a lid will do. Some housewives prefer to pour the cheese into ice cells and then leave the mixture to harden. Before serving, the cheese is pricked with toothpicks and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

    It's not difficult to make processed cheese at home if you have an idea about basic technologies. Consider a traditional recipe based on cottage cheese, try making a viscous product from full-fat (preferably cow's) milk. Pamper your ancestors with sweet cheese made from cocoa powder. Add additional ingredients as desired (paprika, horseradish, mushrooms, ham, smoked sausages, etc.).

    Video: homemade processed cheese

    To make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home, you need, firstly, a clear and understandable recipe with a photo, and secondly, a certain skill. I will try to describe the process in the smallest nuances, and it is their correct implementation that is the key to success. I must admit right away that I did not cope with the task the first time. Although I already had some experience in home cheese making. Once upon a time I already tried to make cheese myself, it was hard cheese and the only thing I remember is that it was prepared from cottage cheese and milk, it turned out tasty, but very little. :) Because it seemed to me that it would be quite easy to prepare processed cheese at home. I found a recipe where everything seemed to be written out simply and clearly, I tried to cook it, but it didn’t work out that way. It turned out that there are quite a few nuances in this simple matter. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, I finally came out with delicious homemade processed cheese. I will tell you about all my mistakes and failures below. I hope my story will help you avoid trouble and you will definitely succeed the first time. I would like to warn you right away that the main thing in preparing processed cheese from cottage cheese is the quality of the original product. If you come across cottage cheese with additives or made in violation of technology, it will not make cheese. Therefore, I advise you to take cottage cheese for the first time at the market, from a trusted seller (there is usually a queue of at least several buyers).


    • cottage cheese – 2 packs (450-500 g),
    • large egg – 1 pc.,
    • butter – 100 g,
    • salt - to taste,
    • soda – 1 tsp,
    • dried herbs, seasonings and spices - to taste.

    How to make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home (recipe with photo)

    The mixture for cooking cheese is prepared very quickly, so first place a saucepan filled with water about 2/3 full of water on the stove. Plus, you will additionally need a container of a smaller diameter than this saucepan, which can be used for a water bath. For me, this is a regular plastic container for the microwave. I put cottage cheese in it.

    Add butter, chopped into cubes, to the cottage cheese. If the oil is completely icy, you can slightly melt it.

    Now we arm ourselves with a blender and turn the grainy curd mass into as homogeneous as possible. In the future, this will help get rid of harmful grains that do not want to melt completely. If you don’t have a blender, no problem! A regular fork will also work fine. Mash the mass with it as finely and uniformly as you can.

    As soon as the water in the larger saucepan boils, reduce the heat on the burner to medium and place the curd mass in a water bath. It is important that the container with the cheese preparation does not touch the bottom of the pan with water.

    After literally 2-3 minutes, you will notice that the curd mass slowly begins to melt and becomes viscous, like melted hard cheese.

    We begin to intensively stir the mass until the curd grains are completely dissolved. As soon as they are all melted, remove the cheese from the water bath, add salt and herbs/seasonings to it to taste. In general, you can use any fillers to your taste as additives to processed cheese. I added a little paprika and a mixture of Italian herbs. A very tasty cheese is obtained by adding garlic and fresh herbs or finely chopped mushrooms. It turns out original and no less tasty with a sweet filling: jam, honey, jam, etc. The kids especially like this option.

    Once again, intensively knead the cheese mass and pour it into prepared containers. After a couple of hours, the processed cheese will have cooled down and can be used. Homemade processed cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. It can be spread on bread, added to pasta (it melts when hot, like regular cheese), made into snack rolls, etc.

    Since I didn’t get the processed cheese right the first time, I’ll tell you a little about the difficulties that may arise in the process of preparing it.

    What to do if the cottage cheese does not melt?

    There are two options here.

    1) If the cottage cheese has melted, but not completely, and massive and noticeable grains remain, you can try adding just a pinch of soda. This will help melt them. If the grains are small, you don’t have to add soda - they will disperse on their own when they stand to cool.

    2) And an option when the cottage cheese does not want to melt at all. This, unfortunately, also happens. It's all about the quality of the cottage cheese. It can be of any fat content, the main thing is that it is natural, not frozen or overcooked. Correctly chosen cottage cheese begins to melt almost immediately. If after 5-15 minutes you do not notice any changes in the curd mass, do not suffer and do not hope that a little more and the process will begin. It won't work! Trust the person who has more than once spent 2 hours uselessly waiting and stirring the curd mass in the hope that it is about to turn into cheese. It’s better to remove it from the heat and place it somewhere in cheesecakes or cheesecakes, for example.

    Another point: if almost all of the cottage cheese has melted, and small grains do not give up even after an additional portion of soda, remove it from the stove. If you leave it longer than necessary, the reverse process will begin - i.e. the cheese mass will begin to turn into grainy again. In this case, the product will also be spoiled.

    Cheese is a delicious dairy product rich in calcium and vitamins. The shelves of shops and supermarkets offer a huge range of cheeses for every taste and budget. Why not make homemade cheese? After all, the process of making cheese at home does not require much time or expense, and even novice housewives can do it. All you need to prepare it is cottage cheese and milk. In addition, homemade cheese is not only nutritious and tasty, but also a natural product, without harmful additives and preservatives, which cheese manufacturers are sometimes silent about. Read on to learn how to make cottage cheese at home.

    Homemade cottage cheese - a classic recipe

    Cheese prepared according to the basic recipe turns out incredibly tender and creamy. If you prefer your cheese to taste saltier, add a little more salt when cooking.


    • 1 kg of homemade low-fat cottage cheese (should be fairly dry).
    • A liter of milk.
    • 3 eggs.
    • 200 g soft butter.
    • 1 tsp soda, salt to taste.

    How to cook:

    • Place the milk and cottage cheese in a deep saucepan and place it on the stove. While the curd mass is boiling, do not forget to stir it.
    • After boiling, reduce the heat and continue cooking the curd mixture for 10 minutes. During the boiling process, the cottage cheese becomes viscous and reaches for the spoon.
    • After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and place the resulting mixture in a colander lined with gauze. Let the whey drain.
    • As soon as the excess moisture is gone, add soda, butter, eggs and salt to the cottage cheese and mix. We put the curd mass back on the fire, where it will cook for about 7 minutes with constant stirring. During the cooking process, all components should melt into a homogeneous mass.
    • After cooking, the resulting mass should be transferred to the prepared mold and placed in the refrigerator until it hardens. As a mold, you can use a container for a pie or cupcake, the sides of which need to be greased with butter. The cheese hardens in about 3 hours. After time, you can easily remove it from the mold and enjoy the delicate creamy taste of homemade and healthy cheese.

    Processed cottage cheese

    From fresh homemade cottage cheese you can easily make natural processed cheese with a surprisingly delicate creamy taste. The cheese turns out less fatty than in the classic recipe with milk. The cheese preparation time for this recipe does not take more than 10 minutes!


    • 0.5 kg of homemade cottage cheese;
    • 100 grams of soft butter;
    • 1 egg;
    • 0.5 tsp soda and 1 dessert spoon of salt.

    How to cook:

    • Soften the cottage cheese with a fork and add soda, salt, butter, and beaten egg to it. Place the resulting mixture in a blender – beat it well.
    • Place the homogeneous curd mass in a saucepan and be sure to cook it not on the fire, but in a water bath. The cheese should simmer in the pan for 5-7 minutes. Stir the cheese while cooking. The mass turns out viscous, viscous.
    • When the viscous mass becomes a homogeneous mass, it is ready. Now the processed cheese can be transferred to a container greased with butter to give the cheese its shape. Cooling time for the cheese is about 12 hours.
    • You can diversify the taste of natural processed cheese by adding herbs, garlic, ham, and mushrooms to the mixture.

    Homemade cheese: cooking secrets

    • To make a truly tasty and healthy cheese product, cook only from fresh cow or goat milk.
    • To cook cheese, use a deep, thick-walled pan. A pan with a non-stick coating is ideal so that the mixture does not stick to the walls of the pan. The cheese should not burn, as it will acquire an unpleasant smell and taste.
    • The higher the fat content of milk and cottage cheese, the higher the calorie content of homemade cheese.

    As you can see, making cottage cheese at home is simple and takes very little time. Thanks to simple recipes, which contain only natural, healthy products, you can prepare delicious cheese, the quality of which you will be 100 percent sure of. Your household will be delighted with its incredibly delicate creamy taste.