How to salt pink salmon for salmon at home without unnecessary hassle. Lightly salted pink salmon for salmon

And so, on the eve of the holidays, we, willy-nilly, think about what we will put on the table. Of course, you can’t do without salads, but there are also other dishes. But what about fish? Salmon is expensive and not everyone can afford it either raw or salted. And I'm sure it will be delicious.

I recently remembered that my mother salts such wonderful pink salmon that you can’t tell it apart from salmon! As you already understand, today we will talk about exactly this. Today it is the most affordable fish that can be purchased on the market. Of course it’s better to cook it yourself. Because I recently got lazy and bought a ready-made one. I spat for a very long time afterwards! Not only was it very salty, but it was all falling apart, so it was impossible to cut it nicely!

It’s easier to choose a beautiful and fresh one. And then choose any ambassador that I offer you. Just imagine that the fish still contains caviar, what a surprise! For little money you will have a wonderful delicacy! Therefore, we go to the market for pink salmon. Let's thaw it and start cooking!

Salted pink salmon with salmon - a very tasty recipe in brine

Salting using this method is very simple. This takes very little time. After all, we do not clean it of bones and peel. If you prepare it today, tomorrow you will not only be able to taste it, but also eat it all. Although I doubt you will be able to handle a whole fish at once. Only if your guests don’t help you!


  • Pink salmon – 1 piece;
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • Allspice – 4 pcs.;
  • Salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.


1. Prepare the brine. To do this, put pepper, bay leaf, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Fill with water and put on fire. Boil for a couple of minutes. Then cool to room temperature.

If the brine is hot, the fish will simply cook and not be salted!

2. First, defrost the fish. It is better to do this in a natural way, simply by putting it in the refrigerator. But usually we are short on time, so we leave it on the table at room temperature. Then we clean off the scales. Rinse under cold running water. We remove the head and tail, from which you can then cook fish soup. We cut the belly and remove the entrails. Also clean out any blood near the ridge.

3. Cut the carcass into portions. The width can be any from 1 to 2 cm. Place in a clean jar.

4. Fill with cold brine and close with a lid. Shake the container well and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

After time, if the saltiness of the fish suits you, then remove all of it from the brine. If you want it saltier, then let it still float in the water.

24 hours have passed, we'll definitely try it. You can eat it with potatoes or make a sandwich.

How to salt pink salmon for salmon at home?

I suggest trying one more method. It will take a little longer since we will be cleaning the fish. But no one will distinguish your fish from salmon. After all, it turns out one to one. Simply delicious, mmmm! This one flies away instantly. It can be served both on a holiday table and just for breakfast on a sandwich.


  • Pink salmon – 1 piece;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.


1. First, let's clean the fish. Carefully scrape off the scales with a knife. Then we cut the belly and remove the entrails. We also remove the head and tail. Divide it in half along its entire length. We need to separate the fillet from the bones. Leave the skin behind.

To make pink salmon easy to cut, do not defrost it completely. Then it will be much easier to deal with it.

2. Now let’s add the dry mixture. In a small cup, mix salt and sugar.

3. Spread cling film on the table or baking sheet and place our fillet on it. Sprinkle the halves on both sides with the mixture. You can even rub it in with your hands, but not too much.

4. Place the pieces on top of each other and wrap them in polyethylene. Leave to salt at room temperature for 24 hours. But after 12 hours you need to turn the bag over to the other side.

5. After time has passed, unwrap and cut the fillet into pieces. At the same time, we try to separate it from the peel. Place in a container whose bottom is greased with vegetable oil. When you cut everything and fold it, be sure to pour the remaining oil over the fish.

Fold the pieces with their backs up, then it will be more convenient to take them.

Let's put the container in the refrigerator to brew for a few hours, and then you can eat.

I also suggest watching a video in which the author also salts pink salmon using dry salting. Only there is a slightly different sequence of actions. I haven’t tried this, but I will definitely do it with the next fish I buy. Maybe you have already made this or always use this recipe? Share your results and opinions with us in the comments below. We will be only too glad.

These are the simple recipes you have now learned. I hope you liked them and decided to salt the pink salmon one at a time. Or maybe all at once? You can arrange a tasting and ask your family who liked which one. So you will find the most ideal option for yourself. And I say goodbye to you for today, see you soon!

How to pickle pink salmon at home

When purchasing fish in a store, pay attention to its appearance. Fresh pink salmon has light bellies and silvery scales, which are distributed throughout the carcass.

If the fish was not chilled, but frozen, then completely defrost it before salting.

The next step is to cut the fish into layers, freeing it from bones, and also remove the skin. If you don’t know, then use my master class on cutting it.

Cut the boneless layers of pink salmon into portions, 4-4.5 centimeters wide.

Now let's prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve 5 level tablespoons of regular table salt in 1 liter of cold water. You need to take purified water to avoid the taste of bleach in salted fish.

Place the prepared pieces of pink salmon in brine. The fish should be completely immersed in the brine. If you wish, you can use a not very heavy load, but I usually salt pink salmon without pressure.

Let's note the time. The fish will be salted for 30-40 minutes.

After soaking, carefully remove the fish pieces from the liquid and dry them lightly with paper towels.

Place pink salmon in a salting container. This could be, for example, an ordinary plastic container with high sides. I laid out the pieces in two layers, but if the container is smaller in diameter, then there may be several layers.

Pour vegetable oil on top of the fish so that the top pieces are at least half immersed in fat. The secret of pink salmon salted for salmon is in the oil, so don’t skimp on it.

Cover the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Cold exposure time is 8-10 hours. I usually salt pink salmon in the evening, and in the morning I serve tender and tasty fish for breakfast.

Salted pink salmon prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tender.

It actually tastes very much like salmon. Since the price for these types of fish is strikingly different, pink salmon salted independently at home has a clear advantage.

Greetings, dear friends, to my blog. I am very glad that you come to visit me, you are interested and maybe even learn something new. After all, I try very hard to please you with new, interesting articles. So today we’ll look at 3 basic recipes for salting pink salmon so that it looks like salmon. Yes, yes, this can be done and we will learn how to do it today.

Moreover, the New Year holidays are coming soon, and it’s impossible to imagine the New Year’s table without this delicious snack. And you don’t have to eat only on holidays; you can treat yourself on regular days. Moreover, if we really learn how to salt pink salmon for salmon, we will save a lot. After all, just think about it, in a store, a piece of salmon weighing 200 grams costs 250-300 rubles, and fresh frozen pink salmon costs 180 rubles per 1 kg. Can you imagine the difference? Now let’s imagine that in addition to the delicious fillet, you get a rich fish soup from pink salmon, or rather from its head, tail, fins and ridge (we’ll definitely look at the recipe, but in another article), and if you also come across a female, then and red caviar. And this is quite real... I’ll get ahead of myself, I came across this one, or rather, I chose it myself with caviar, but I’ll tell you all about it later.

After I cooked, or rather salted, pink salmon for salmon, I was so pleasantly surprised, I was bursting with emotions that it was so easy to do, and after that I wasn’t even that upset, because I hadn’t done this before. But it’s better late than never, as they say.

There are many recipes on the Internet on how to pickle pink salmon for salmon at home. Who cares, there is a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary information. I analyzed and settled on three recipes. I believe that these are the most basic recipes that you need to know for high-quality pickling of pink salmon. But I am also sure that after you try all three, you will settle on only one and will use only that one in the future. Personally, this is the case for me. My wife and I liked the first recipe, but the third one, in principle, is not much different, only in that it contains sugar. I think I'll just alternate between these two recipes in the future.

Let's take a closer look at salting pink salmon. For the first and third recipes we will prepare the brine, and the second will be the dry method, with vodka. Don't be alarmed, you won't feel it at all. But first you need to fillet the pink salmon. I showed how this is done at the end of the article, so to speak as a bonus. Be sure to check it out. So…

Let's move on to the first method of salting pink salmon, or rather...

From the title of the article it is clear that we need lightly salted pink salmon so that it is juicy like salmon.

What do we know about salmon? The fact is that it is from the same family as pink salmon, but it is much fatter. We need to compensate for this. And how can you compensate, of course, with vegetable oil. We will use butter and a few other things in the recipe. Let's look at the composition:


  • Pink salmon
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Are you surprised by so many ingredients? Believe me, this is more than enough for lightly salted pink salmon. Cut the fillet into pieces 2 cm wide.

Let's prepare a brine where we will salt the fish meat. Pour 1 liter of water at room temperature into a container, I pour it from a filter. Pour 5 tbsp. l. salt. I have these, with a small slide.

Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. We lower all the pieces of fish and time for 10 minutes. This is quite enough for a slightly salted taste.

Personally, I waited impatiently for the time to run out and the beep to sound. Well, finally, the long-awaited signal... Now put it on paper towels and wipe dry on all sides.

Next we need a food container, the bottom of which we grease with vegetable oil. Lay out, skin side down, the pieces tightly to each other. The first layer is finished, we grease it with oil and lay out the second, etc. all the pieces. At the end, pour in the remaining oil. It should take you 100 ml for everything...

That's it, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. But it seems to me that literally after 2-3 hours you can eat.

The result pleasantly shocked me. The fish turned out to be so tender and juicy that if I had not known that it was pink salmon, I would never have guessed it. It turned out to be moderately fatty, which is not typical for pink salmon, and this is the most important thing we were striving for, and let me remind you, we were striving to get as close as possible to salmon. That's probably why I liked this recipe better.

Let's move on to the second recipe, with vodka...

Salted pink salmon at home - very tasty like salmon

In this recipe, we will bring salted pink salmon as close as possible to the taste of salmon, due to dry salting. And with the help of vodka we will enhance this effect. But you already know that this is not my favorite recipe. Yeah, the fish turns out very tasty and without any unnecessary fishy smells that are not characteristic of salmon, which is clearly an advantage over the first and third salting recipes. But for me personally this is not enough. It’s that fatty note that’s missing. If you have a similar recipe with modifications, be sure to write in the comments and we will consider it.

Now let's look at the recipe in detail.


  • Pink salmon
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

In this recipe we will not chop the fish pieces, we will leave them 10 centimeters long.

In a deep container, mix salt and sugar in the proportion indicated in the menu. Add 2 tbsp. l. vodka and mix so that the vodka completely envelops the salt and sugar granules.

Coat the pieces of pink salmon on all sides with the resulting mixture and place them on top of each other in a container.

Coat all the pieces with the mixture and put them in one container.

Now close the lid and put in a cool place for 5 hours. The refrigerator is ideal for this.

Now all that remains is to wait and the pink salmon is ready.

Look how much juice the fish gave during salting.

Now we take a piece out of the brine and wipe it dry with paper towels.

For me, the fish turned out to be very salty. I already tried)))!!! I recommend putting it in clean water for at least 20 minutes to remove excess salt. This will make the fish more delicious. Cut into small pieces and serve as a separate dish or on sandwiches.

Be sure to write your opinion on this recipe. Whether you liked him or not. For me, the fish turned out tasty, but not as oily as salmon should be. Therefore, if I rate the recipe, I will give it a solid 4, because I already gave the first one a five))).

But we have another way, delicious salted pink salmon with salmon. Let's look at the third one...

Very tasty pink salmon salted in brine with salmon

This recipe is very similar to the first one, since we add salt in brine. But in this recipe, we will also add sugar along with salt.


  • Pink salmon
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

The larger the pink salmon, the tastier it will be when salted. It is recommended to buy fish deep frozen. But when you get home, you can defrost it smoothly. Smoothly means gradually and it is better if you defrost in the refrigerator, but at room temperature it is also possible. But you don’t need to defrost it completely, but halfway, so it will be easier for you to clean it and remove the skin.

Then cut the fish into portioned pieces, but no more than 2 cm thick.

Let's prepare the brine in which we will marinate the fish. To do this, dilute salt and sugar in water in the proportion indicated in the menu. Stir until completely dissolved.

Place all the pieces of fish in the brine and set aside for 30 minutes. Look, don't miss it))).

In the first recipe we salted for 10 minutes, and in this one - 30. There the fish turned out lightly salted, but here? And here we’ll find out and compare whether it’s worth keeping it in brine for so long?

After the time has passed, remove all the fish from the brine and soak each piece with a paper towel. The pink salmon pieces should remain dry.

Now we put them in a food container tightly to each other and fill them with vegetable oil. 100 ml. will be sufficient.

Close the container and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The very next day, delicious pink salmon can be used on your holiday table. It tastes very similar to salmon, and is much cheaper in cost. Try not to tell your guests what kind of fish it is, and then look at their faces when they find out))).

And now, as promised, we will cut pink salmon.

How to fillet pink salmon for salting

It doesn’t matter what kind of fish you are going to salt and in what form, the whole carcass or portioned pieces. The first thing you need to do is, of course, cut the carcass, separate the ridge from the flesh, remove the head and fins. But before you start, be sure to sharpen your knives. I have them as sharp as a razor, as soon as I touch them, I immediately get a cut. It is a pleasure to work with such knives, but you need to be very careful so as not to get hurt yourself.

I always weigh the fish before starting work. Not because I want to know how much they charged me in the store))). I want to see how much of the finished product comes out. But although it’s also interesting about the store, this time I didn’t compare. Have you noticed a wound on the side of the fish)? When frozen, it was not so noticeable.

Let me step back a little and tell you how I bought pink salmon. Naturally, they were all frozen and I tried to choose the one that was not gutted, for obvious reasons. I bought two and didn’t even pay attention to the wound on the fish. I repeat, I only looked at the integrity of the abdomen.

Arriving home, I carefully ripped open my belly and saw that my breasts were cut across. I definitely couldn't do this. And at the site of the wound there was a hole, small, barely big enough for a finger to fit in.

Immediately everything fell into place. This is how fish are checked for the presence of caviar. Maybe in the store, or maybe even earlier. So draw your conclusions, if you want fish with caviar, then buy it whole, smooth and without unnecessary “scratches”. This was my first one (I bought two), but my wife butchered it while I was not at home. There was caviar there, weighing 100 grams, with the fish weighing 1 kg. I salted it, and I’ll tell you in what way in another article.

So, let's get back to our sheep, or rather pink salmon. The belly has been opened, we remove everything unnecessary. We don’t need all this and we throw it in the bin.

Now we remove the head, tail and fins. We divide the carcass into two parts, along the ridge and remove the ridge itself. We also remove large bones and cut off the meat.

It is very convenient to cut off the fins with ordinary kitchen scissors.

We will only salt the sirloin parts, and everything else will go into the fish soup. They will make a very rich, tasty soup.

Know!!! The gills of a fish are like a filter in a car, filtering out all kinds of poop. They are definitely useless in the ear, so they need to be cut out. Since you definitely won’t cook the fish soup now, you’ll just freeze these offal. But then, when they are deep frozen, it will be difficult to remove the gills, so don’t be lazy and do it right away.

Personally, that's what I did. Once again, kitchen scissors came to my rescue.

Everything with cutting pink salmon is finished. Now we will divide the fillet into three parts, we have three recipes. But decide for yourself to remove the skin, I didn’t bother.

Lightly salted pink salmon is a tasty and appetizing dish that you can make with your own hands extremely quickly and easily. Some people think that it is a little dry, but if it is properly salted, the fish will become juicy, and not everyone will be able to distinguish it from its expensive analogues.

How to choose?

It is best to purchase not frozen pink salmon, but chilled one. The product must be fresh. To check if fish is fresh, there are several aspects to consider.

  • If pink salmon has any strange smell, rotten or musty, it means it is stale and unfit for consumption.
  • Chilled fish has a shiny skin that is free of any signs of damage or dry areas.
  • If the component is frozen, there should be a small amount of ice on it.
  • You should buy fish with light fins and belly. If yellow spots can be seen in these areas, it is better not to purchase such a product.
  • If the fins are broken and extremely dry, it means the pink salmon is stale.

You can give preference to gutted or ungutted fish. If the carcass is whole, it will weather less and may contain healthy and appetizing caviar.


The fish should be defrosted. It is better to do this naturally by putting it in the refrigerator for a day in some container. There is no need to try to defrost the carcass in the microwave, as it will not be suitable for salting. After this, the product can only be boiled.

When the ingredient is defrosted, you should take a sharp knife and get rid of the scales. Then rinse the fish, cut off excess parts (head, tail and fins). Next, the pink salmon is thoroughly washed again. You need to place it on a wire rack to drain off excess liquid. If the recipe calls for fillets, discard the bones and skin.


There are many recipes, so everyone can choose something for themselves. There are quick methods of salting, and there are unusual and rather lengthy ones. But they are all incredibly tasty.

Dry method

For salting you need:

  • pink salmon without bones;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt (coarse);
  • one and a half teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • bay leaves;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil (refined).

Pink salmon is chopped. You should get small strips, a few centimeters wide. Salt, sugar, pepper (whole), chopped bay leaves are placed in the container. The mixture is stirred. Then pour it over the fish and mix thoroughly so that each piece is evenly covered. The bottom of a separate container should be greased with oil and pieces of fish should be placed there (skin side up). They should lie tightly. If you end up with more than one layer, you need to make a second one, having previously greased the first one well.

The container is covered and left for 2-3 hours. Next, you need to place it in the refrigerator. A day later, delicious fish will delight the housewife and household with its aroma.

In brine

For this recipe, you can use a deep plastic container, but the ideal option is a regular jar. To salt fish you will need:

  • carcass;
  • water;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • spoon of granulated sugar;
  • spices.

First you need to make the base. Sugar, salt and spices (bay leaf and pepper) are added to a liter of liquid. Put on fire. The liquid should boil for a while, then it should be removed and allowed to cool.

The fish is processed, the skin is removed, and the carcass is filleted into 3-centimeter pieces. Then it is placed in a jar. The pieces do not need to be compacted. Fill with prepared brine. The fish remains in the kitchen for 2-3 hours, then goes into the refrigerator for 3 days.

For salmon

Anyone can cook pink salmon so that it looks like an expensive type of fish. To do this you need:

  • water;
  • 5 tablespoons salt (coarse);
  • pink salmon;
  • a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (you need to take it unscented).

Salt is diluted in a liter of liquid. The fish is freed from skin and bones and cut into pieces. You should get slices of several centimeters each. When no salt is visible, pieces of the main component are placed in the water and should float. They are in the brine for 40-50 minutes, then taken out and dipped with a paper towel. The bottom of the container is greased with oil, and parts of the fish are placed there. They should lie tightly. The workpiece is filled with several tablespoons of oil.

If you get several layers, you can lay the second one on top of the first. Lightly salted fish is ready to eat after 5-6 hours.

In a jar of oil

A great option to quickly make tasty and unusual fish. The pickling recipe is quite simple. To prepare a delicate treat you need to use:

  • pink salmon;
  • onion;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • Bay leaf;
  • refined oil.

The fish is cut into small pieces, bones and skin are removed. The onion is peeled and cut into neat half rings. Sugar, salt and a bay leaf broken into 3-4 pieces are poured into the container. Pieces of fish are generously coated in the mixture.

Oil is poured into the bottom of a liter jar, then a layer of pink salmon and onions is placed there. Then the pink salmon is poured with oil on top, and the steps are repeated until the components begin to run out. The top layer should also be watered with oil. The jar is twisted and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days.


This method is the easiest and does not require much time. What you will need:

  • fish;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 pieces bay leaves;
  • 4 pieces of black peppercorns.

The carcass is cleaned, the skin and the inside of the abdomen are washed well. Gets rid of the head. The carcass should be cut into pieces, the width of which is 4-5 cm. Sugar and salt are mixed, each piece should be generously rubbed with this mass. The bay leaf is crushed, the fish needs to be sprinkled with it and pepper.

A layer of pieces is placed in the container, which should lie tightly. Next, everything is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

With dill

What you will need:

  • kilogram of fish;
  • 3 tablespoons salt (coarse);
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 200 grams of dill (fresh).

The pink salmon is washed well, dried and cut into 2 parts. It should be rid of bones and skin. Salt and sugar are mixed. The mixture is rubbed into the carcass (you need to rub both sides). The dill is washed and dried. A third of the greens should be placed where the fish will be placed for salting. Place a piece of fillet on top and place a layer of greens on top. Then the second part of the fish, and again the greens. The container is covered, and a weight should be placed on top of the lid. It is best to use a three-liter jar with water or other contents.

The workpiece is stored in the room for 8 hours, then put in the refrigerator for several days. After this, the dill must be removed, the fish is cut into appetizing slices and served.

In mustard sauce

There are many different options for marinade, but mustard sauce is what allows the fish to have a refined and piquant taste. To prepare you need to take:

  • carcass;
  • 3 spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • a spoonful of sweet mustard;
  • greens (dill).

The fish fillet is cut into pieces. The sides of the deep container are lubricated with oil. It needs to be poured to the bottom. Fish preparations need to be laid in layers, add sugar, salt and herbs. Then close and refrigerate for several days. The fish is served in an interesting sauce. You need to mix mustard, vinegar and oil.

In an hour

To cook amazing fish so quickly at home, The following components are needed:

  • fish fillet;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water;
  • salt.

The fish is cut into small pieces. Boil water and add salt. Use five tablespoons per liter of liquid. When the salt has completely dissolved, you need to lower the fish into the solution. The pieces should remain there for 10 minutes. They should be taken out, dried and placed in a container in layers. Each layer must be poured with oil. The plate is placed in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

How to store?

It is extremely easy to store ready-salted fish. It is important to remember that she needs coolness. Pink salmon will be best stored in the refrigerator. If it was salted with brine, after 3 days you should place it in a container and pour plenty of oil on it. It will prevent the product from spoiling.

Fish can only be stored for 7 days. But most often, household members eat juicy, appetizing and very tasty pink salmon much earlier.

Watch the video below for the recipe for lightly salted pink salmon “Under the Salmon” in two hours.

Have you ever seen how one red fish can be transformed into another? If not, then stay tuned to learn how to do it and subsequently try it yourself.

How to select and prepare pink salmon for salting

Now you should be extremely careful and remember or write down everything you read. Because you will be reading our most secret recommendations regarding the choice of the main product.

  1. The best option for buying fish is a fresh carcass near the sea or at least from an aquarium. But if this option is not for you, then read on;
  2. The weight of an average pink salmon carcass is from 800 g to 1500 g. If it is more or less, then we do not recommend taking it;
  3. Gutted fish should have a pink belly color inside, in no case yellow;
  4. Inspect the product for the presence and amount of ice. If pink salmon is fresh, then it cannot contain more than 5% ice. This amount is acceptable to cool a fresh carcass;
  5. The surface of the belly is even in color, without spots or transitions to another color;
  6. It will probably sound strange, but fresh fish will not smell like fish. The only aroma allowed for fresh carcass is seawater or algae;
  7. If the meat is tender or light in color, the product has been frozen several times;
  8. If the belly is pink, then caviar is expected inside;
  9. The belly should also not be swollen. It is rather flat, but there are exceptions - a female with eggs;
  10. The gills of fresh fish should be bright red, in no case green or almost black;
  11. If the fish's head is cut off, try to see the color of the meat. It should be carrot pink;
  12. When you press on the fish, a dent should form. When you remove your finger, the dent should immediately disappear. If it straightens long enough, then the fish has already been frozen and due to this has lost its elasticity and firmness;
  13. If you feel bubbles under the skin, this means that the pink salmon was stored in the wrong conditions or it is simply old;
  14. In fresh fish, even a minimal amount of mucus on the gills is unacceptable;
  15. You are lucky if the pink salmon has a head, because then its freshness can also be determined by its eyes. They should be convex and transparent. If they are already a little flattened and cloudy, then the fish was either frozen or has been lying in this form on the counter for a long time;
  16. Many people believe that males have meat that is much juicier, has less fat and is tastier. To choose a boy, focus on the head - in males it is sharper, and in females it is rounder. You can also look at the rear fin, which is shorter in males. But to choose the right sex of fish, compare carcasses of the same size;
  17. You can also find a guy by comparing the shape of the backs. Males have a pronounced hump on their back, which is absent in females. It is because of him, by the way, that the fish got its name;
  18. A dry tail of a fish will tell you that the fish has been frozen more than once or that it has been lying on the counter for a very long time (which is quite logical);
  19. No cuts, traces of blood or damage are allowed on the surface of the carcass. The scales should be smooth, without defects and mucus;
  20. It is easier to choose whole and fresh fish, but it will be more expensive, since by gutting it, you will throw away almost half of its weight. But buying fish without a head is riskier. Therefore, it is better to overpay a little, but be sure of freshness.

Salted pink salmon for salmon: recipes



  • 850 g pink salmon;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 110 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 2 lemons.

How much to do - 11 hours and 30 minutes.

How many calories – 196 calories.


  1. It’s best to buy fillets right away so as not to have to deal with cleaning the carcass. But if you have a whole carcass, then you need to gut it, wash it both inside and outside, cut off the head, tail, fins;
  2. After cutting off the peel, the fillet can be washed again and then cut into pieces. They can be of any size and shape, but it is worth remembering that the thicker the pieces, the longer the delicacy will take to prepare;
  3. Mix salt and sugar, add black pepper;
  4. Mix the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture onto each piece of pink salmon;
  5. If there is some fish left, pour it onto the fish and knead it with your hands;
  6. Wash the lemon and cut it into thin rings;
  7. Place the fish in a container and cover it with a layer of lemons;
  8. Then put it in the refrigerator for eight hours;
  9. After this, take out the fish, pour oil on it and leave for another three hours;
  10. When time passes, you can try the fish.


  • 1250 g pink salmon;
  • 2 onions;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10 g sugar.

How much to do - 15 hours and 30 minutes.

How many calories – 175 calories.


  1. Wash the fish, remove the head and spine;
  2. Cut off the fins and tail, forming two beautiful fillets;
  3. Inspect the fillet for the presence of bones and, if there are any, remove them with special tweezers for fish;
  4. Next, cut the fillet into equal pieces so that they are also marinated to the same extent;
  5. Combine salt and sugar and grate each slice of pink salmon, but leave a little salt for the onion;
  6. Peel the onions, cut off the ends and remove the peel;
  7. Wash both heads and then cut them into rings;
  8. Sprinkle the rings with a pinch of salt and grind by hand;
  9. Mix onion and fish with oil and place in a saucepan or stewpan;
  10. Cover the fish with a plate and place some kind of press on top;
  11. Place in the refrigerator for fifteen hours.


  • 75 g salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 1 pink salmon.

How much to do - 30 hours.

How many calories – 149 calories.


  1. Dissolve the bulk components in water and place it in the refrigerator until the temperature drops well;
  2. Clean pink salmon from bones, entrails, head, tail and fins;
  3. Cut the carcass into two fillets, and these, in turn, into two more parts;
  4. Place the pieces in a container and cover them with cold water and spices;
  5. Place it in the freezer for a day, then defrost completely;
  6. Rinse the pieces with running cold water, dry and call your family to the table.

Secrets of successful salting

Salted pink salmon for salmon turns out tastier and richer if you pour it with vegetable oil before serving and let it sit like that for several hours.

To prevent the fish from spreading in the brine and remaining as intact as possible, use a press. To do this, you need to cover the fish with a plate during infusion, and place a heavy object on top as a press. This could be a can or bottle of water.

When using lemon for pickling, be sure to also use vegetable oil. Citrus itself will not only dry out pink salmon, but also make it tough. The oil will fill everything you need.

As you were able to find out, the transformation of one fish into another is not magic, but a completely possible action. Try it too to understand how simple it is!