School stage of the All-Russian Literature Olympiad. We offer you Olympiad tasks of different difficulty levels.

Olympiad assignments in literature, grade 11 (with answers)

Exercise 1

The listed characters belong to one literary work, except for a single character belonging to another work.

a) Name both works;

b) indicate which character is the “exception”;

Ostap, Yankel, Andriy, Mazepa, Kukubenko, Bovdyug, Golokopytenko.

Number of points – 3

Task 2


(According to A. Grishunin)


(According to Yu. Lotman)


(according to T. Ornatskaya)

Number of points – 3

Task 3

1a, 2b and so on.).






I. Turgenev

"Khor and Kalinich"



A. Pushkin

"Eugene Onegin"

...Once a brawler,

Ataman of the gambling gang,

Now kind and simple

The father of the family is single,

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner

And even an honest person

Dmitry Larin


N. Gogol

"Dead Souls"



A. Pushkin



Number of points – 4

Task 4.

1a - OPTION IV).






M. Lermontov

"Death of poet"


And he is killed - and taken by the grave,

The prey of deaf jealousy,


M. Delarue



Awakened by the morning sunrise,
I raised my eyes: above me,

Overshadowed by a laurel wreath,
There was a maiden standing. Silence
The beautiful face lit up,
A smile was on my lips,
And in clear blue eyes
Olympus the sky was reflected.



* * *


I paid earthly tribute to the earth
Love, hopes, good and evil;
I'm ready to start another life,
I remain silent and wait: the time has come.
I will not leave my brother in peace,
And embraced by darkness and cold
My soul is tired;

She withered in the storms of doom
Under the sultry sun of existence.


G. Derzhavin

“I erected a monument to myself...”



3a) OPTION I: G. Derzhavin


OPTION III: M. Lermontov

OPTION IV: N. Nerasov

2b) OPTION I:"To the Neva"

OPTION II:"To the genius"



1c) OPTION I: 1836








At least one of them will be alive

But it is clear to everyone that this song is about them,

Each verse will be proudly glorified.

Number of points – 4

Task 5



V) If a poem is written in prose, it is still classified as lyric.






And) In the line “How sweetly the dark green garden slumbers” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is a personification.

Read the text and answer the questions “k”, “l”, “m”:




Number of points – 6

Answer to questions tasks 6 give in the form of a coherent text, interpreting the work based on text analysis, taking into account the facts of the history of literature known to you.

Task 6

Number of points – 10


Exercise 1

The listed characters belong to one literary work, except for a single character belonging to another work. a) Name both works; b) indicate which character is the “exception”; c) name the author(s) of both works.

Otsap, Yankel, Andriy, Mazepa, Kukubenko, Bovdyug, Golokopytenko.

Number of points - 3.


a) “Taras Bulba”, “Poltava”

b) Mazepa

c) N. Gogol, A. Pushkin.

1 point is awarded for a complete correct answer to each of questions a, b, c.

Task 2

Identify the writer based on historical and biographical information about his family.


Born in Moscow. Father, Sergei Ivanovich, is an officer who retired in 1785 with the rank of second major; mother Nastasya Fedorovna (from an older family of namesakes).

In August 1828 he married the daughter of the Georgian poet and military-administrative figure A.G. Chavchavadze, Nina Alexandrovna...

(According to A. Grishunin)


Born in Moscow, in Skvortsov's house on Molchanovka, in the family of a retired major, an official of the Moscow Commissariat, Sergei Lvovich and his wife Nadezhda Osipovna (nee Hannibal).

(According to Yu. Lotman)


Born in Moscow. Father, Mikhail Adreevich, is a doctor (head doctor) at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, and in 1828 received the title of hereditary nobleman. In 1831 he acquired the village of Darovoye, Kashira district Tula province, in 1833 neighboring village Chermoshnya. Mother, Maria Feodorovna (née Nechaeva), from a merchant-intelligent family, was related to the Moscow merchants Kumanins.

In January 1854 he was enlisted as a private in the 7th linear battalion (Semipalatinsk). On February 6, 1857 in Semipalatinsk he married M.D. Isaeva, widow of the provincial secretary A.I. Isaeva...

(according to T. Ornatskaya)

Number of points - 3.


a) A.S. Griboyedov;

b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) F.M. Dostoevsky.

1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

Task 3

In the table below, find four cells containing factual errors. When performing a task, specify only the cell index (for example: 1a, 2b and so on.).

Attention! Specify no more than four cells.






I. Turgenev

"Khor and Kalinich"

On the threshold of the hut, an old man met me - bald, short, broad-shouldered and dense... The shape of his face resembled Socrates: the same high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub nose. ... He seemed to feel his dignity, spoke and moved slowly, and occasionally chuckled from under his long mustache.



A. Pushkin

"Eugene Onegin"

...Once a brawler,

Ataman of the gambling gang,

The head is a rake, a tavern tribune,
Now kind and simple

The father of the family is single,

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner

And even an honest person

Dmitry Larin


N. Gogol

"Dead Souls"

The official cannot be said to be very remarkable, short in stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, even somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of his cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal...



A. Pushkin


...Raised in cadet corps and was released as a cornet into the guard; his father spared nothing for his decent maintenance, and the young man received more from home than he should have expected. Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims; He played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and envisioning sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of his poor youth.


Number of points - 4.

Answer: 1g, 2g, 3b, 4c

1 point is given for each correctly indicated cell.

Task 4.

Restore the missing positions in the table (highlighted in gray), choosing the correct option from rows (a), (b), (c), (d). When completing a task, indicate the cell number and the corresponding answer option (for example: 1a - OPTION IV).






M. Lermontov

"Death of poet"


And he is killed - and taken by the grave,

Like that singer, unknown but sweet,

The prey of deaf jealousy,

Sung by him with such wonderful power.

Struck down, like him, by a merciless hand.


M. Delarue



Awakened by the morning sunrise,
I raised my eyes: above me,
Bowing my inspired head,
Overshadowed by a laurel wreath,
There was a maiden standing. Silence
The beautiful face lit up,
A smile was on my lips,
And in clear blue eyes
Olympus the sky was reflected.



* * *


I paid earthly tribute to the earth
Love, hopes, good and evil;
I'm ready to start another life,
I remain silent and wait: the time has come.
I will not leave my brother in peace,
And embraced by darkness and cold
My soul is tired;
Like an early fruit, deprived of juice,
She withered in the storms of doom
Under the sultry sun of existence.


G. Derzhavin

“I erected a monument to myself...”



3a) OPTION I: G. Derzhavin


OPTION III: M. Lermontov

OPTION IV: N. Nekrasov

2b) OPTION I:"To the Neva"

OPTION II:"To the genius"



1c) OPTION I: 1836






So! All of me will not die, but part of me is large,

Having escaped from decay, he will live after death,
And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?


I won’t die at all, but death will leave me

Great is my part, as soon as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere,
While great Rome controls the light.


No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one of them will be alive


I thought for many, I knew the pangs of passion for everyone,

But it will become clear to everyone that this song is about them,
And, in distant dreams in irresistible power,
Each verse will be proudly glorified.

Number of points - 4.

Answer: 3a – option III; 2b – option III; 1c – option II; 4d – option I.

1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

Task 5

Answer each question with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).

A) Epic, novel, story, sonnet, short story - all these are genres of epic.

b) If a novel is written in verse, then it is classified as lyric.

V) The genre of “prose poems” refers to lyrics.

G) An epilogue is the final part of a large narrative work.

d) An epigram is an introduction to a great literary work.

e) A line beginning with "On the mountains" may be written in anapest or trochee.

and) In three-syllable meters, the line length cannot exceed three syllables.

h) In line " It's a sad time“, the charm of the eyes” (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic size.

And) In the line "How sweet dozing the garden is dark green” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is personification.

Read the text in the frame and answer the questions “k”, “l”, “m”:

To) The highlighted words form anaphora.

l) The highlighted words are epithets.

m) The highlighted words have a metaphorical meaning.

Number of points - 6.


Two correct answers are worth one point:

11-12 - 6 points

9-10 - 5 points

7-8 - 4 points

5-6 - 3 points

3-4 - 2 points

1-2 - 1 point

0 - 0 points

Answer to questions tasks 6 give in the form of a coherent text, interpreting the work based on text analysis, taking into account the facts of the history of literature known to you.

Task 6

Analyze the symbolism of F. Tyutchev’s poem “Swan”.

Exercise 1.
By this passage name the author and his work.
a) “Coming from St. Petersburg, I imagined that the road was the best. It was revered as such by all those who traveled along it after the sovereign. She really was like that, but for a short time. The earth poured on the road, making it smooth in dry times, liquefied by rains, produced great mud in the middle of the summer and made it impassable... Concerned about the bad road, I got up from the wagon and entered the post hut, intending to rest.”
b) “In one minute the road skidded; the surroundings disappeared into a muddy and yellowish haze, through which white flakes of snow flew; the sky merged with the earth<...>I found myself in a field and in vain wanted to get back onto the road; the horse walked at random and constantly rode up a snowdrift and then fell into a hole; the sleigh was constantly overturning.”
c) “There was still a mile left to the station. It was quiet all around, so quiet that you could follow its flight by the buzzing of a mosquito. To the left was a deep gorge; behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the mountains, pitted with wrinkles, covered with layers of snow, were drawn on the pale horizon, which still retained the last glow of dawn. Stars began to flicker in the dark sky, and strangely, it seemed to me that they were much higher than here in the north. Bare, black stones stuck out on both sides of the road; here and there bushes peeked out from under the snow, but not a single dry leaf moved, and it was fun to hear among this dead sleep nature, the snort of a tired postal troika and the uneven jingling of a Russian bell.”
d) “And for sure, the road is dangerous; to the right, piles of snow hung above our heads, seemingly ready to fall into the gorge at the first gust of wind; the narrow road was partly covered with snow, which in some places collapsed underfoot, in others it turned into ice from the action sun rays and night frosts, so that we could hardly make our way on our own; horses fell; to the left there was a deep chasm where a stream rolled, sometimes hiding under an icy crust, sometimes jumping with foam over the black stones.”
e) “But nowhere could a distant rooster crow be heard: neither in the city nor in the devastated surroundings there was not a single rooster left for a long time. On a small log they crossed the channel, beyond which rose the opposite bank, which seemed higher than what was behind them and stood out as a complete cliff. It seemed that in this place there was a strong and self-reliable point of the city fortress ... "
Answer. 1. Based on this passage, name the author and his work. (5 points.)
a) A. N. Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
b) A. S. Pushkin. "Blizzard".
c) M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of Our Time", "Bela".
d) M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of Our Time", "Bela".
d) N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba".

Task 2
Here are the characteristics literary heroes, taken from works of Russian literature known to you. Identify the work, the author, and who gives the given description to whom. Write down the answer in the form of 4 formulations in the same sequence in which the questions were posed.
A. He was a nice little guy, I dare to assure you; just a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will be cold and tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, smells the wind, assures him that he has a cold; the shutter knocks, he shudders and turns pale; and with me he went to the wild boar one on one.
B. What a girl she was! It happened that whoever passed by would praise, no one would judge, the ladies would give her a handkerchief or earrings. The gentlemen passing by deliberately stopped as if to have lunch or dinner, but in fact only to take a closer look at her. Sometimes the master, no matter how angry he was in front of her, would calm down and talk kindly to me. Believe it, sir, the couriers and couriers talked to her for half an hour. She kept the house together, managed to clean, cook, and did everything.
V. Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire. At first glance I didn't really like her. I looked at her with prejudice.
G. She, without embarrassment, walked straight across the hall to me, and I jumped up without waiting for an invitation, and she thanked me with a smile for my insight. When we were brought to her and she did not guess my quality, she, giving her hand not to me, shrugged her thin shoulders, and, as a sign of regret and consolation, smiled at me. When they did the mazurka waltz figures, I waltzed with her for a long time, and she, breathing quickly, smiled and said to me: “Encore.”
D. Was a rather rich nobleman, with considerable intelligence and kind hearted, kind by nature, but weak and flighty. He led an absent-minded life, thought only about his own pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, but often did not find it: he was bored and complained about his fate. He read novels, idylls, had a fairly vivid imagination and often moved mentally to those times (former or not), in which, according to the poets, all people carelessly walked through the meadows, swam in clean sources, kissed like turtle doves, rested under roses and myrtles and spent all their days in happy idleness
A) “Hero of Our Time” (permissible “Maksim Maksimych”), M. Lermontov, Maksim Maksimych about Pechorin.
B) " Stationmaster", A. Pushkin, Vyrin (permissibly “Dunya’s father”) about Dunya.
IN) " Captain's daughter", A. Pushkin, Grinev about Masha.
D) “After the Ball”, L. Tolstoy, Ivan Vasilyevich (permissible “storyteller”) about Varenka (permissible “general’s daughter”).
D) " Poor Lisa", N. Karamzin, “storyteller” about Erast
1 point is given for a complete correct answer for each of points A–D
Number of points –5.

Task 3
Find out one of the Don writers:

Which of the writers whose life is closely connected with the Don region:
- was one of the first in Russian literature to write short humorous stories;
- was married to famous actress Moscow Art Theater Olga Knipper;
- was born, studied at the gymnasium and worked in his father’s grocery store in Taganrog;
- is the author of the story “The Jumper”.
Answer: A.P. Chekhov. 1 point is given for a correct answer.
Task 4
Identify the writer based on biographical facts.

A. He was taught to read and write by sexton S.N. Sabelnikov. In the house of Christopher Dudin, he saw non-spiritual books for the first time in his life. According to V. Belinsky, “he, like the northern lights, flashed in literature. This phenomenon was dazzling and beautiful!”
B.Received a good education, served in a guards regiment, collaborated in literary magazines, and was an editor himself. In one of the magazines he published his first two works, which brought literary fame, was fond of the ideas of a Freemason. He traveled a lot, visited Konigsberg and talked with I. Kant, shared his views.
V. Was a soldier and then an officer of the Preobrazhensky regiment, participated in the suppression of the uprising of E. Pugachev, was the governor of Tambov, later a senator, was the Minister of Justice and a member of the State Council, in last years lived on the Zvanka estate. He became famous in literature when he was already 40 years old. He was the creator of the “funny Russian syllable”
Number of points – 3
Answers: A) M. Lomonosov; B) N. Karamzin; B) G. Derzhavin
1 point is awarded for each correct answer.
Task 5

1) 1711-1765 a) V. A. Zhukovsky
2) 1743-1816 b) G. R. Derzhavin
3) 1766-1826 h) N. M. Karamzin
4) 1783-1852 g) N.V. Gogol
5) 1809-1852 d) M. V. Lomonosov
1)1783-1852 a) V. A. Zhukovsky
2) 1743-1816 b) G. R. Derzhavin
3) 1766-1826 h) N. M. Karamzin
4) 1809-1852 g) N.V. Gogol
5) 1711-1765 d) M. V. Lomonosov
1 point is awarded for each correct answer. Number of points – 5
Task 6
Answer each question with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).
a) A large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot is called an ode.
b) The appropriation of someone else’s work is called “plagiarism.”
c) Rhyme is a necessary condition for poetic speech.
d) A prototype is a fictional person who served the author to create a literary hero, type, image.
d) Lyrical digression- this is the author’s expression of his own feelings and thoughts in connection with what is depicted in the work.
f) The tragedy of classicism is characterized by adherence to the rules of “three unities”: place, time and action.
Answers: a) - no b) - yes c) - no d) - no e) - yes f) - yes
1 point is awarded for each correct answer. Number of points – 6

Task 7. Match literary works with the names of the artists who illustrated them.

A. S. Pushkin. "Bronze Horseman"
M. Yu. Lermontov. "Daemon"
N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls"
“The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” M. Vrubel
V. Favorsky
A. Benoit
A. Agin

A. S. Pushkin. "Bronze Horseman"
M. Yu. Lermontov. "Daemon"
N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls"
“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” by A. Benois
M. Vrubel
A. Agin
V. Favorsky
1 point is awarded for each correct answer. Number of points – 4
Task 8
A. S. Pushkin is considered the founder of Russian literary language. However, do we always understand his poems? You are presented with quotes from the works of A. S. Pushkin. Determine the meaning of the highlighted words in this context and select the required option:
1. “Onegin lived anchorite» -
a) conservative, b) connoisseur,
b) hermit, d) doctor.
2. “Like a nameless satire
Face zoila I stained" -
a) sorcerer, b) slave,
b) a rake, d) a critic.
orbit?» -
a) talkative, b) martyr,
b) a rake, d) a prophet.

Puffy Lyakh, or faithful ross? -
a knight, c) warrior,
b) a young man, d) a Pole.
5. “What are you thinking about, Cossack?
Do you remember previous battles?
On your mortal field bivouac…» -
a) vat, b) halt,
b) meat dish, d) dagger.
slander will die" -
a) accomplice, b) forerunner,
b) enemy, d) denunciation.
1. “Onegin lived anchorite» -
a) conservative, b) connoisseur,
b) hermit, d) doctor.
2. “Like a nameless satire
Face zoila I stained" -
a) sorcerer, b) slave,
b) rake, d) critic.
3. “What are you people making a fuss about? orbit?» -
A) talkative, c) martyr,
b) a rake, d) a prophet.
4. “Who can stand in an unequal dispute:
Puffy Lyakh, or faithful ross? -
a knight, c) warrior,
b) young man, d) Pole.
5. “What are you thinking about, Cossack?
Do you remember previous battles?
On your mortal field bivouac…» -
a) chan, c) halt,
b) meat dish, d) dagger.
6. “There is no salvation: the informer and his slander will die" -
A) accomplice, c) forerunner,
b) enemy, d) denunciation. 1 point is given for the correct answer. Number of points – 6

Task 9.
A.S. Griboyedov was good musician and even composed music. What is it musical composition Anyone who plays the piano knows?
a) “March of Griboedov”; b) “Griboyedov’s Waltz”;
c) “Tango Griboedov”; d) “Griboyedov’s Polonaise.”
Answer. (b) “Griboedov’s Waltz.” A sad, elegiac waltz dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists.)
1 point is awarded for the correct answer. Number of points – 4

Task 10
To whom does G. R. Derzhavin address these lines in the ode “Felitsa”? .
Without imitating your Murzas,
You often walk
And the food is the simplest
Happens at your table*.,

a) G. A. Potemkin;
6) Alexander I;
c) Catherine II;
d) Peter I
Answer. c) Catherine II;
1 point is awarded for the correct answer. Number of points – 1

♦ Category: .

180 minutes.

The task consists of six points. The maximum total score is 30 points. Of these, 20 can be obtained for tasks 1–5 (3+3+4+4+6), 10 - for task 6, which involves elements of analysis.

For each task it is indicated maximum amount points and the conditions under which each intermediate point is awarded. Fractional points are not awarded. In tasks 1–5 The participant is not required to explain the answers or correct incorrect options.

Task 6 assessed according to criteria, printed on a separate sheet.


Answers and assessment conditions

Exercise 1

The listed characters belong to one literary work, except for a single character belonging to another work. a) Name both works; b) indicate which character is the “exception”; c) name the author(s) of both works.

Ostap, Yankel, Andriy, Mazepa, Kukubenko, Bovdyug, Golokopytenko.

Number of points - 3.


a) “Taras Bulba”, “Poltava”

b) Mazepa

c) N. Gogol, A. Pushkin.

1 point is awarded for a complete correct answer to each of questions a, b, c.

Task 2

Identify the writer based on historical and biographical information about his family.

Born in Moscow. Father, Sergei Ivanovich, is an officer who retired in 1785 with the rank of second major; mother Nastasya Fedorovna (from an older family of namesakes).

In August 1828, he married the daughter of a Georgian poet and military-administrative figure, Nina Alexandrovna...

(According to A. Grishunin)

Born in Moscow, in Skvortsov's house on Molchanovka, in the family of a retired major, an official of the Moscow Commissariat, Sergei Lvovich and his wife Nadezhda Osipovna (nee Hannibal).

G. Derzhavin

“I erected a monument to myself...”

3a) OPTIONI: G. Derzhavin


OPTIONIII: M. Lermontov

OPTIONIV: N. Nekrasov

2b) OPTIONI: "To the Neva"

OPTIONII: "To the genius"



1c) OPTIONI: 1836





So! All of me will not die, but part of me is large,
Having escaped from decay, he will live after death,
And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?


I won’t die at all, but death will leave me
Great is my part, as soon as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere,
While great Rome controls the light.


No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one of them will be alive


I thought for many, I knew the pangs of passion for everyone,
But it will become clear to everyone that this song is about them,
And, in distant dreams in irresistible power,
Each verse will be proudly glorified.

Number of points - 4.

Answer: 3a – option III; 2b – option III; 1c – option II; 4d – option I.

1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

Task 5

Answer each question with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).

A) Epic, novel, story, sonnet, short story - all these are genres of epic.

b) If a novel is written in verse, then it is classified as lyric.

V) The genre of “prose poems” refers to lyrics.

G) An epilogue is the final part of a large narrative work.

d) An epigram is an introduction to a great literary work.

e) A line beginning with "On the mountains" may be written in anapest or trochee.

and) In three-syllable meters, the line length cannot exceed three syllables.

h) In the line “Sad time, the charm of the eyes” (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic meter.

And) In the line "How sweet dozing the garden is dark green” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is personification.

Read the text in the frame and answer the questions “k”, “l”, “m”:

To) The highlighted words form anaphora.

l) The highlighted words are epithets.

m) The highlighted words have a metaphorical meaning.

Number of points - 6.


Two correct answers are worth one point:

11-12 - 6 points

9-10 - 5 points

7-8 - 4 points

5-6 - 3 points

3-4 - 2 points

1-2 - 1 point

0 - 0 points

Answer to questions tasks 6 give in the form of a coherent text, interpreting the work based on text analysis, taking into account the facts of the history of literature known to you.

Task 6

Analyze the symbolism of F. Tyutchev’s poem “Swan”.

Number of points - 10.

Model of answer to task No. 6.

In answer to the question posed, the student should:

– Detect understanding the problems of the poem, her philosophical nature. F. Tyutchev compares two symbols - the images of a swan and an eagle - and reflects on the laws of human existence and knowledge.

- Offer adequate and consistent interpretation of the poem. The eagle is an image of rational, active knowledge and conquest of the world. The swan is an image of the intuitive, aesthetic perception peace. The eagle's vision is physical; it perceives only one side of the world. The swan’s vision is supernatural (“sleep”, the eyes are closed during sleep), it perceives the entirety of the universe. The eagle sees only the brightest elements of the world, the swan sees the whole world intact. The white (“pure”) color of the swan is symbolic. Its position is symbolic between the sky and the reflection of the sky in the water - between two “abyss”. Only on the verge of the world's elements, on the verge of worlds, is it possible for man to understand the universe.

- Mark poetic means, constituting the symbolism of the poem. Except central characters– eagle and swan – have symbolic meaning: the abilities of the eagle and swan (to fly and swim), their color, their visual abilities(attributed to them by poetry, cultural consciousness, the author of the text); the spaces of sky and earth (water) are symbolic; traditionally symbolic meaning Lightning and thunder are endowed in poetry.

Typical for F. Tyutchev are the techniques of binary compositional opposition (the 1st quatrain and the rest of the text), rhetorical appeal. The symbolic generality of the text is emphasized by the selection lexical means archaic (including Old Slavic) character: “gender e t", "sound e zdny" (with "e" instead of the modern "e"); “drinks in”, “abyss”, “all-seeing”, “firmament”, etc.

Based on dual worlds, poeticization of the elements, sleep, and intuition, the poem can be assessed as romantic. The word "firmament" in the context of the poem means sky.

Olympiad in Literary Studies

Olympiad tasks are offered to your attention different levels difficulties. We recommend that you submit your answers as a separate text document (Microsoft Word). Be sure to save the text of the assignment itself.

Responses (in the form of a Microsoft Word document) will be accepted until March 18, 2012 at [email protected]

The announcement of the winners and the presentation of prizes will take place on March 22 at 15:00 at the Open Day of the Faculty of Philology at 34 Lenin Ave., room. 26

Good luck!

Exercise 1

Answer each of the questions with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false):

A)Epic, novel, story, sonnet, short story - all these are genres of epic.

b)If a novel is written in verse, then it is classified as lyric.

V)The genre of “prose poems” refers to lyrics.

G)An epilogue is the final part of a large narrative work.

d)An epigram is an introduction to a large literary work.

e)A line beginning with "On the mountains" may be written in anapest or trochee.

and)In three-syllable meters, the line length cannot exceed three syllables.

h)In the line “Sad time, the charm of the eyes” (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic meter.

And)In the line "How sweetdozingthe garden is dark green” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is personification.

Read the text in the box and answer the questions about it:

To)The highlighted words form anaphora.

l)The highlighted words are epithets.

m)The highlighted words have a metaphorical meaning.

Task 2

A) Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is this element of fairy tale composition called?

To think, an honest feast and for the wedding; guests have arrived,

The wedding was celebrated; I was there, there's honey and beer

Drank; It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth. And that's it.

1.2 I was there; honey, drank beer -

And he just wet his mustache.

B) Read an excerpt from a poem by M. Yu. Lermontov. Find the epithet in it and motivate your decision:

An oak leaf tore off from a branch

And he rolled off into the steppe, driven by a fierce storm...

B) Literature and other forms of art.

What paintings are on fairy tales created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov? List the names of the paintings and explain what kind of fairy tales they illustrate.

Task 3

Here are excerpts from poetic works. Find the paths in the proposed passages and explain why, in your opinion, the authors used them in each specific case***?

Our path will lie in a sky full of stars.

In a world full of love, we can close

Quartet of our wise and gentle hands,

Having given oblivion to all the worries of separation... (S. Ya. Surganova)

When it rains, when there is light in your eyes

Cars passing by and no one there.

There are wreaths on road pillars

Like beacons of past years... (Yu. Yu. Shevchuk)

The cries of a seagull on a white wall,

Ringed by the black moon,

Draw something on the window

And whisper goodbye like a river... (Yu. Yu. Shevchuk)

And two thousand years - war,
War for no particular reason.
War is a matter for the young,
Anti-wrinkle medicine.
Red, red blood -
An hour later it’s just ground,
After two there are flowers and grass on it,
Three years later she's alive again
And warmed by the rays of the Star
By the name of the Sun...
(V.R. Tsoi)

Disappointed with the film

Eyes enchanted by the sky.

(Z. T. Ramazanova)

Task 4

In the Russian language there are stable expressions called phraseological units.

A) Tell me what it is (give a definition)

B) Explain why, in your opinion, such expressions can be used in texts of various genres and directions, give examples***.

C) Complete the following tasks with phraseological units:

1) Pick synonym words to phraseological units:

to kick the bucket;


a teaspoon per hour;

lead by the nose;


2) Match these expressionsphraseological synonyms :

to kick the bucket;

what holds the soul

3) Match these expressionsphraseological antonyms:

the cat cried;


like a cat and a dog;

he won’t reach into his pocket for a word;

two inches from the pot.

*** Try to give a detailed, as complete answer as possible.

10 - 11 grades.

I. Historical and literary block.

1.1. Match the names of Russian writers with literary places associated with their life and work:

G.R. Derzhavin Staraya Russa

A.S. Pushkin Karabikha;

M.Yu. Lermontov Yasnaya Polyana;

N.V. Gogol Tambov

A.N. Ostrovsky Tarkhany;

L.N. Tolstoy Mikhailovskoe;

F.I. Tyutchev Orel

A.A. Fet Ovstug

ON THE. Nekrasov Shchelykovo.

N.S. Leskov Muranovo

F.M. Dostoevsky Rome

Answer. G.R. Derzhavin - Tambov; A.S. Pushkin - Mikhailovskoe; M.Yu. Lermontov-Tarkhany;

N.V. Gogol - Rome, A.N. Ostrovsky - Shchelykovo, L.N. Tolstoy - Yasnaya Polyana;

F.I. Tyutchev - Ovstug, Muranovo, A.A. Fet - Stepanovka, Vorobyovka;

ON THE. Nekrasov - Karabikha, N.S. Leskov - Orel, F.M. Dostoevsky - Staraya Russa

1.2. Which of the Russians writers of the 19th century made a century trip around the world? Name the work that reflected his impressions.

Answer. I.A. Goncharov "Frigate "Pallada"

1.3. Name the works of Russian writers whose titles contain words related to nature (seasons, landscape, time of day, etc.)

1.4. Answer each question with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false).

a) Epic, novel, story, sonnet, short story - all these are genres of epic.
b) If the novel is written in verse, then it is classified as lyric.
c) If a poem is written in prose, it is still classified as lyric.
d) An epilogue is the final part of a large narrative work.
e) An epigram is an introduction to a large literary work.
f) A line beginning with the words “On the mountains” can be written with an anapest or trochee.
g) In three-syllable meters, the length of the line cannot exceed three syllables.
h) In the line “Sad time, the charm of the eyes” (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic size.
i) In the line “How sweet the dark green garden is dormant” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is personification.

Answer. Yes - c), d) ; No - a), b), d), h), i), f), g)

1.5.Which means of expression(paths and stylistic figures) used in passages? Write down the words associated with each means and name them.

A) The winds did not blow in vain,
It was not in vain that the storm came.
S.A. Yesenin

Answer. anaphora, syntactic parallelism

B) It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!
A.S. Pushkin

Answer. epithet, oxymoron

B) Sad birch
at my window
And the whim of frost
she's dismantled.

Answer. Epithet, metaphor

D) Ant of meadows
The carpet spreads...
I'll look north -
There, in the wilderness of the desert,
Snow is like white fluff,
Spinning quickly.


Answer. Simile, metaphor, simile

D) The Neva swelled and roared...
and suddenly, like a wild beast,
rushed to the city...
A.S. Pushkin

Answer. Personification, comparison

1.6. Heroes of Russian literature often look at the stars. Indicate the authors and works from which the following fragments are taken.

A)…the stars calmly shone on dark blue vault, and I felt funny when I remembered that there were once wise people who thought that the heavenly bodies took part in our insignificant disputes over a piece of land or for some fictitious rights!.. So what? these lamps, lit, in their opinion, only to illuminate their battles and triumphs, burn with the same brilliance, and their passions and hopes have long died out with them, like a light lit at the edge of a forest by a careless


B) I thought... I don’t remember what I thought;

I listened to a mysterious choir

And the stars quietly trembled,

And I have loved the stars ever since...

C) Among the worlds, in the twinkling of luminaries

I repeat the name of one star:

Not because I loved her,

But because I feel dark with others.

D) An abyss has opened, full of stars,

The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.

D) Everything lit up. The snowstorm was gone. The snow caught fire in a wide silver field and the whole

sprinkled with crystal stars. The frost seemed to have warmed up. Crowds of boys and girls

showed up with bags. The songs began to ring, and under the rare hut there were no crowds of carolers.

E) And, straining
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to God
I'm afraid I'm late
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
there must be a star! -
swears -
will not endure this starless torment!


A) M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”;

B) A.A.Fet Poem

D) M.V. Lomonosov "Evening reflection on God's Majesty..."

D) N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas";

E) V. Mayakovsky “If the stars light up...”

1.7. It is no secret that poets, people sensitive to language, know how to “process” famous phrases, phrases: replace or add some words to them, include them in an unusual context. Determine whose lines were altered by the authors.

I love the zemshchina, but with a strange love (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Comb your hair? Why? It’s not worth the effort for a while, but it’s impossible to be combed forever (V. Mayakovsky)

The devil is not as terrible as his little ones; don’t open your mouth on someone else’s bed; a frightened cow sits on a bush (V. Shishkov )


I love my fatherland, but with a strange love (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Be in love? But why? For a while it is not worth the effort, but it is impossible to love forever (M.Yu. Lermontov)

The devil is not as terrible as he is painted; Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf; a frightened crow is afraid of a bush (proverbs )

1.8. Which heroes, from which works and which authors? dreamed:

About my Toulon,

Invent a perpetuum mobile

- “build a stone bridge across the pond, on which there would be benches and so that merchants could sit in them...”,

- “I wish I could become a general”

- “to cut a window to Europe ».


About his Toulon - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky;

Invent a perpetuum mobile - self-taught mechanic Kuligin;,

- “build a stone bridge across the pond, on which there would be benches and so that merchants could sit in them...” - Manilov,

- “I wish I could become a general” - Colonel Skalozub,

- “to open a window to Europe” Peter I.

1.9. About which of the heroes of Russian literature are the following words:“Since childhood he was distinguished by his remarkable beauty; In addition, he was self-confident, a little mocking and somehow amusingly bilious - he could not help but like him. Hebegan to appear everywhere as soon as he became an officer. They carried him in their arms, and he pampered himself, even fooled around, even broke down; but this also suited him. Women went crazy about him, men called him a fop and secretly envied him. He lived, as already said, in the same apartment with his brother, whom he loved sincerely, although he was not at all like him.”
A) about Silvio, the hero of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Shot”
B) about Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
C) about Pechorin, the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
D) about Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the hero of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" »

Answer. about Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

1.10.Give examples " speaking names» literary heroes andcharacters. How do their surnames characterize them?

II.Interpretation of a lyrical work.


Cossack lullaby song

Sleep, my beautiful baby,
The clear moon looks quietly
To your cradle.
I will tell fairy tales
I’ll sing a song;
You were dozing with your eyes closed,

The Terek flows over the stones,
A muddy wave splashes;
An angry Chechen crawls to the shore,
‎Sharpening his dagger;
But your father is an old warrior,
‎Forged in battle:
Sleep, little one, be calm,

You will find out for yourself, there will be time,
Abusive life;
Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup
And you take the gun.
I am a fighting saddle
I'll spread it out in silk...
Sleep, my dear child,

You'll be a hero in sight
And a Cossack at heart.
I'll go out to see you off -
‎You wave your hand...
How many bitter tears stealthily
I'll spill it that night!..
Sleep, my angel, quietly, sweetly,

I will begin to languish with longing,
It’s inconsolable to wait;
I will pray all day long,
‎At night, guessing;
I'll start to think that you miss me
‎You are in a foreign land...
Sleep until you have no worries,
Baiushki bye.

I'll give you some for the road
‎Icon of the saint:
You pray to God,
‎Set it before yourself;
Yes, preparing for a dangerous battle,
‎Remember your mother...
Sleep, my beautiful baby,

2.1. Formulate the poetic theme and idea of ​​the work. Determine the main mood.

Answer.“Cossack Lullaby” is written from the perspective of a mother cradling her baby, the son of an “old warrior”; the mother predicts for the boy “an abusive life,” the dangerous but glorious life of a Cossack. Everything in this poem is full of harmony, and even sad thoughts about the inevitable separation, about the sad expectation of the son, about the difficulties that await him, do not disturb the general peace and regularity. The son will repeat the path of his father, and the “image of the saint,” prayer and remembrance of his mother will serve as consolation and support in battle. The idea of ​​a connection between generations: one must live fully and righteously, loving God, father, mother, and the Fatherland.

2.2.Analyze the composition and figurative structure of the poem. How from a collection of pictures and images is born the idea of moral ideal people's world? What values ​​constitute this ideal?

2.3.How does genre help express the idea of ​​a work?

2.4. What folk poetic means of expression are used in the poem, what is their role?

2.5.What thoughts and feelings does this poem give rise to in you?


“Cossack Lullaby Song” is in the spirit of a mother’s monologue.

The first eight-line would be suitable for any lullaby, since it contains all the attributes of this form folklore work- a clear month, a fairy tale and a mother’s desire for her son to fall asleep as soon as possible.

However, the poet continues his story on behalf of a Cossack woman in a completely different vein and talks about what he happened to see in this terrible and bloody war.

“An angry Chechen crawls to the shore, sharpens his dagger,” these words are completely unsuitable for a lullaby, however, nevertheless, they reflect reality. As well as the following lines, in which the poet tells that the baby’s father is ready to give the enemy a worthy rebuff, since he went to fight for his native land.

A similar fate awaits this baby, who is now resting in the arms of a Cossack woman, but very soon, just like his father, he will defend his homeland from Chechen raids. “You will boldly put your foot in the stirrup and take a gun,” his mother predicts, realizing that this is exactly what the fate of her child will be.

But even she cannot know whether he will be able to survive the bloody and ongoing war. All that remains for the inconsolable woman in this situation is to pray to God that her son will return home. Therefore, the poet promises on her behalf: “I will give you an icon of the saint for your journey.” That's all he can do for his child. loving mother, which gives the son the order not only to seek salvation in prayer, but also to remember the one who gave him life, and now only dreams of preserving it.

Is there hope for success and where is the guarantee of a successful outcome of righteous service? According to the meaning of the lullaby, and therefore according to the author’s conviction, there is such a pledge:

I'll give you some for the road
icon of the saint,
You pray to God,
Set it before yourself.

Otherwise: do not deviate from the duty and covenants of the Orthodox faith!

Yes, preparing for a dangerous battle,
Remember your mother...
Sleep baby, my beautiful one,
Baiushki bye.

With touching simplicity, the poet reveals in brilliantly found images-symbols the saving thread of generations whose lives are spent in honest, albeit harsh, service to God and the Fatherland. The baby is still fragile, but he is protected by the love and affection of his mother, and the courage of his father, tempered in “battles” for a common cause. He will also receive the blessing of his parents for such a thing:

You will find out for yourself, there will be time,
Abusive life;
Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup
And take a gun...

This does not necessarily mean only a “military” act, although we're talking about first of all about him. However, it is important to take into account how the mother herself feels about her son’s fulfillment of his duty, which is not easy in all cases:

I'm a combat sitter
I'll spread it out in silk...

This is not bravado, but the consciousness of the need for everyone and together to protect the well-being of their native land:

You'll be a hero in sight
And a Cossack in soul (that is, brave and honest),
I'll go out to see you off
You wave your hand...
How many bitter tears stealthily
I'll spill it that night!

There is no work in Russian literature in which the three most important fundamentals life of a Russian person: God, Fatherland, home. This should also be seen highest point the spiritual rise of Lermontov himself as a poet.

V. G. Belinsky wrote about “Cossack Lullaby”: “This poem is the artistic apotheosis of a mother: everything that is holy, selfless in a mother’s love, ... all the infinity of meek tenderness, the boundlessness of selfless devotion that a mother’s love breathes - all this is reproduced by the poet in its entirety.”.