What is the essence of the composition. Main types of compositions in art

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov - main character poem "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Chichikov in a poem of middle age. Was born in poor family. The parents did not want such a life for their son, so they raised him, instilling in him the ability to make money. When sending his son to study, his father ordered Pavel to please the teachers, save every penny and deny himself many things. Don't make friends like that. how they are of no use, and only be friends with the rich, who will benefit them.

Pavel Ivanovich did just that and completed his studies with good recommendations from teachers. He played tricks on his classmates: he made them share them with him, and then sold them these things. Chichikov was a very capable young man, smart. One day he made a wax figurine and sold it, got a mouse, started training it and also sold it for good money. He could quickly do arithmetic in his head and had a penchant for mathematical sciences.

Outwardly, Chichikov was attractive. A little full, but in moderation. He really liked his face, especially his chin.

Pavel Ivanovich really wanted to get rich. But he didn’t want wealth just to have it. He wanted to enjoy these benefits with all his heart and live a luxurious life. I wanted to provide for my future children and leave them an inheritance. After studying he entered the service. He pleased his superiors in every possible way, which endeared them to him. Having gotten used to it, he began to take bribes, which they found out about, and Chichikov had to leave the service. He managed to save a lot of money, but nothing came of it either.

But even after this, Chichikov did not give up and decided on a new adventure: to buy dead Souls, and then sell them for good money, as if they were alive. He had well developed psychological qualities. Because of his ability to please people, Pavel Ivanovich learned the psychology of people and knew how to find an approach to everyone. He carefully studied the habits of gentlemen from high society and learned to apply them to himself. He also knew how to masterfully dissemble in order to achieve his own benefit, posing as honest and noble man. The fact that Chichikov is from common people The only thing that betrayed him was his ignorance of French.

Despite his qualities, inherent only to vile people, Pavel Ivanovich also had ordinary ones. He was a compassionate man and always gave coins to the poor. He did not hang out with women, because he knew that it would not lead to good things. Chichikov completely lacked romantic inclinations. The thought, other than that the woman is beautiful, did not develop further in him.

If you look at the poem carefully, you will notice that Chichikov has the same qualities as the people from whom he bought souls. This explains the fact that he quickly found a common language with them.

Essay about Chichikov

The writer’s famous poem is one of those unforgettable works of art that represent a generalization in the form of artistic scales aimed at solving the problems of human life. The emptiness in the spiritual worldview of people is hidden not only in the conditions of society, but also in the characteristics of the personality.

In a special way, the author of one of these representatives, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, clearly showed. Lack of interest in life this character is emphasized by the fact that there are no changes in his spiritual actions, he is all in some kind of vanity. His chaise does not leave some vicious circle for a long time. All life is subordinated to one goal - enrichment for the sake of achieving good conditions. This simple dream fuels his energy. The main character does not forget his father’s advice that he needs to take care of every coin. Chichikov ceases to sympathize with people. This can be seen from his life. He abandons the teacher, who is completely drunk, commits betrayal against his superior, indulges in the joy of the high mortality rate of the peasants, but can please everyone, especially high-ranking officials.

While studying at the school, Chichikov, thanks to his neatness and diligence, becomes one of his favorite students. In the service he also seeks recognition from his superiors. Arriving in the city of NN, he also continues to speak flattering words to local officials. From every conversation Pavel Ivanovich takes some benefit for himself. Even Gogol, depicting his image, emphasizes some uncertainty in his appearance. So, talking with Manilov, he appears to us as a young man, endlessly admiring everything, and in a conversation with Plyushkin sits an important gentleman who has seen a lot in life. Straightforwardness is alien to Chichikov. He is happy only because he is making a profitable deal. Chichikov even hums after he successfully acquired dead souls from Plyushkin. We see that even the speech is filled with vulgar words, this is especially represented in the conversation with Nozdryov about beautiful blonde. Chichikov is forced to flee the city, but this time he achieved his goal, he came one step closer to his happy moments, and everything else is not important to him.

Detailed hero analysis

Chichikov is considered mainly around whom the plot of the poem is set. This can be understood from the first pages, when the author begins to describe the character of the hero and his environment. Gogol himself was not sure that readers would like Chichikov. Such a statement seems absurd only until the moment Pavel Ivanovich shows his true nature.

Initially Gogol shows positive sides Chichikov: his ability to conduct a conversation, direct it in the right direction, the ability to stop in time or, conversely, to notice many details with just one well-aimed word. This all shows the character’s experience, good manners, noble behavior and intelligence. Everyone with whom the hero communicated notes different positive traits his character. This suggests that Pavel Ivanovich skillfully knew how to select the keys to communicating with absolutely different people, both by age and status.

Gogol considers it important to show a biography in the image of the hero, during the narration of which he notes why the character became what he is now. The construction of Chichikov’s existing appearance began in childhood, when his father explained little boy simple truths, like the fact that every penny should be saved. As a result, this led to the fact that Pavel Ivanovich learned to find benefits in many ways. There are even words that Chichikov made a living by creating and selling wax and beautifully painted bullfinches.

As he gets older, the character learns to understand people. Having learned well from his institute authorities, he easily found ways to communicate. As a result, he was given a good certificate with a mark of proper behavior. Thinking about what would happen to him next, it was easiest for Chichikov to imagine himself in the role of a rich and accomplished person.

The bad character of the hero is especially evident during the moments of his service in different organizations. Through bribes and fraud, the character quickly becomes rich. But wrong behavior is noticed, it is quickly exposed and the result of all affairs is complete failure. After several failures, Chichikov decides: he needs to acquire dead souls.

Chichikov knew that the audit and taxes paid by landowners during its implementation hit the owners of souls painfully in their wallets. It works out much cheaper if we count those who died during the break between revisions as alive.

That is why the hero ends up in the provincial city. His target is dead souls. As soon as he was in the city, he had to act. He intensively attended city events, visited officials, got to know them and flattered them. Chichikov tried to find out who could provide him with dead souls. This suggests that there is a place for cold-blooded prudence in the image.

It was not difficult for Chichikov to make friends here. He skillfully built the connections he needed even with such individuals whose quirks are not easy to come to terms with and understand. Showing his qualities as a dreamer, Pavel Ivanovich received free Manilova dead souls, he also received them from Sobakevich and from Korobochka.
“Scoundrel” - that’s what his author says about Chichikov.

And indeed, no matter how lively and interesting was added to the image of Pavel Ivanovich, his negative qualities do not remain on the sidelines. This “bad” side of him completely covers up all the good that could be observed. Selfishness, reluctance to take someone else's side, the desire to get a high income and non-participation in public affairs - this is what Gogol's hero Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich mainly combines. And the existing manifestations of a condescending attitude and understanding in in rare cases, the ability to have fun are just qualities that show a living person.

Gogol very skillfully emphasized the uncertainty in the image of Chichikov; outwardly, his character is neither fat nor thin, neither handsome nor ugly. The character's character is quite complex; it is sometimes difficult to understand him. Gogol, carefully examining the actions and thoughts of the hero, leads the reader to the idea that there is some justice in Chichikov’s reasoning, but at the same time calls him a scoundrel.

The main subject of attention in “Dead Souls” was the new type of “owner, acquirer” in Russian literature. The purpose of depicting this hero is “to stare at him with an inquisitive gaze, to probe him to the original causes” and to remove the veneer of external decency:

Everything was reflected in him that is needed for this world: pleasantness in turns and actions, and agility in business affairs...

The newcomer somehow knew how to find his way around everything and showed himself to be an experienced socialite. Whatever the conversation was about, he always knew how to support it... He argued, but somehow extremely skillfully, so that everyone saw that he was arguing, and yet he was arguing pleasantly. He never said: “you went,” but “you deigned to go,” “I had the honor to cover your deuce,” and the like. He spoke neither loudly nor quietly, but absolutely as he should. In a word, no matter where you turn, he was a very decent person.

But it is not only the ability to hide his vices under the guise of virtue that distinguishes Chichikov from other heroes. “We must do justice to the irresistible force of his character,” writes Gogol. Energy, enterprise, and business acumen seem to lift Chichikov above the frozen world." dead souls" It was with the image of Chichikov that Gogol’s plans for the spiritual resurrection and rebirth of man were connected. Echoes of these ideas can already be heard in the first volume, although Gogol wrote it on the model of Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, and Chichikov plays the role of Virgil, a guide to “hell” of “dead souls”.

“Living” and “dead” are closely intertwined in Chichikov. The hero needs money not as a goal, but as a means. And although Gogol ironizes Chichikov’s concern for non-existent descendants, nevertheless, dreams of home and family are deeply significant for the author. And if Plyushkin destroys his family with his stinginess, then Chichikov, as soon as he has funds, starts a house and begins to look after the owner. Striving for family happiness This is also due to the attention paid to the governor’s daughter. Chichikov’s thoughts about the girl’s fate echo the author’s thoughts about “initial causes”, about the conditions for the formation of characters:

She is now like a child, everything about her is simple, she will say whatever she wants, laugh wherever she wants to laugh. You can make anything out of her, she can be a miracle, or she can turn out to be rubbish, and she will turn out to be rubbish1.. Where does the pout and primness come from, she will begin to toss and turn according to the established instructions, she will begin to rack her brains and figure out with whom, and how, and how much you need to say how to look at someone, every minute she will be afraid, so as not to say more than necessary, she will finally get confused herself, and will end up lying all her life, and it will just come out like God knows what!

Chichikov is the only hero whose life is presented not in separate episodes, but sequentially, step by step. True, in the poem itself Chichikov appears and acts as an already established character, but in the exposition (chapter 11) his formation is shown.

Analyzing chapter 11, pay attention to how Chichikov mastered the “science of life”, highlight the main stages of character development:

Origin (“The origin of our hero is dark and modest. His parents were nobles, but whether they were important or personal, God knows”);

Childhood (“At the beginning, life looked at him somehow sourly and unpleasantly, no friend, no comrade in childhood!”);

Father’s instructions (“Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be stupid and don’t hang around, but most of all please your teachers and bosses.. Don’t hang out with your comrades, they won’t teach you any good; and if it comes to that, hang out with those who are richer , so that on occasion they can be useful to you... and most of all, take care and save a penny, this thing is more reliable than anything in the world... a penny will not give you away, no matter what trouble you are in");

Studying at school (“He suddenly realized and understood the matter and behaved in relation to his comrades in exactly the same way that they treated him, and he not only never, but sometimes even hid the received treat and then sold it to them”);

Service in the treasury chamber;

Work at customs;

The idea of ​​​​buying up “dead souls” (“Yes, if I bought all these who died out, have not yet submitted new revision tales, buy them, let’s say, a thousand, yes, let’s say, the guardianship council will give two hundred rubles per soul: that’s two hundred thousand capital1")

Complete the examples provided with analysis from Chapter 11.

Does it typify the psychology of Chichikov - the “acquirer”? Compare his statements with the reasoning of officials in “The Inspector General”:

Who is yawning in office now? - everyone buys. I didn’t make anyone unhappy: I didn’t rob the widow, I didn’t let anyone go around the world, I used the excess, I took where anyone would take; If I hadn't used it, others would have.

What side of Chichikov's character is revealed in the episode with governor's daughter? Refer to the text of Chapter 8, consider the hero’s behavior at the ball. Why does Chichikov retreat from his role of “pleasing all people without exception,” because he “very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone”?

Pay attention to the details (speech, forms of behavior), which not only prove Chichikov’s ability to “flatter everyone,” but show the hero’s transformation, the ability to speak with everyone in his language:

Farewell to Manilov:

“Here,” he put his hand on his heart, “yes, here will be the pleasure of the time spent with you. And believe me, there would be no greater bliss for me than to live with you, if not in the same house, then at least in the immediate neighborhood... Oh, it would be a heavenly life! Farewell, most respected friend!

Conversation with Sobakevich:

Just give me a receipt.

Okay, give me the money here!

What's the money for? I have them in my hand! As soon as you write a receipt, you will take them that very minute.

Excuse me, how can I write a receipt? First you need to see the money!

About the conversation with Korobochka:

Here Chichikov completely went beyond the limits of all patience, slammed his chair on the floor in his heart and promised her the devil.

What episodes of the poem does Gogol refer the reader to in explaining the character of the hero? Does Chichikov have anything in common with such “acquirers” as Korobochka and Sobakevich? Is it only on the “environment” that the author places the blame for the “scoundrel” hero? Compare thoughts about human passions with discussions about the path of man, about youth and old age, remember what Gogol calls young people to. What features of Chichikov can be the key to a possible resurrection? How in Gogol's world environment, man, “heaven” are related) Answer the questions based on the analysis of Chichikov’s image:

It is fairer to call him: owner, acquirer. Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of him, deeds were born, to which the light gives the name not very pure... Countless, like the sands of the sea, human passions, and all are different from one another, and all of them, low and beautiful, are all at first submissive to man, and then they become his terrible rulers... And, perhaps, in this very Chichikov, the passion that attracts him is no longer from him, and in his cold existence lies what will later bring man to dust and to his knees before the wisdom of heaven.

“How huge, what original story! What a varied bunch! All Rus' will appear in it!” - Gogol wrote to Zhukovsky. How much did the writer manage to complete the task) How fully “all Rus'” appeared in “Dead Souls”) Compare the image of Russia in the epic narrative and lyrical digressions.

And nameless suffering...

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  • Poem "Dead Souls" occupies a special place in Gogol's work. The writer considered this work to be the main work of his life, the spiritual testament of Pushkin, who suggested to him the basis of the plot. In the poem, the author reflected the way of life and morals of different layers of society - peasants, landowners, officials. The images in the poem, according to the author, “are not at all portraits with worthless people“, on the contrary, they contain the traits of those who consider themselves better than others.” Close-up The poem shows landowners, owners of serf souls, “masters” of life. Gogol consistently, from hero to hero, reveals their characters and shows the insignificance of their existence. Starting with Manilov and ending with Plyushkin, the author intensifies his satire and exposes the criminal world of landowner-bureaucratic Russia.

    The main character of the work is Chichikov- until the last chapter of the first volume remains a mystery to everyone: both for officials of the city of N and for readers. Inner world The author reveals Pavel Ivanovich in scenes of his meetings with landowners. Gogol draws attention to the fact that Chichikov is constantly changing and almost copies the behavior of his interlocutors. Talking about Chichikov’s meeting with Korobochka, Gogol says that in Russia a person talks differently to the owners of two hundred, three hundred, five hundred souls: “... even if you reach a million, there will be all shades.”

    Chichikov has studied people well, knows how to find a benefit in any situation, and always says what they would like to hear from him. So, with Manilov, Chichikov is pompous, amiable and flattering. He talks to Korobochka without any special ceremony, and his vocabulary is in tune with the style of the hostess. Communication with the arrogant liar Nozdryov is not easy, since Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate familiar treatment, “...unless the person is of too high a rank.” However, hoping for a profitable deal, he does not leave Nozdryov’s estate until the last moment and tries to become like him: he addresses himself as “you,” adopts a boorish tone, and behaves familiarly. The image of Sobakevich, personifying the thoroughness of a landowner's life, immediately prompts Pavel Ivanovich to conduct as thorough a conversation as possible about dead souls. Chichikov manages to win over the “hole in human body" - Plyushkina, who has long lost contact with the outside world and forgotten the norms of politeness. To do this, it was enough for him to play the role of a “motishka”, ready, at a loss to himself, to save a casual acquaintance from the need to pay taxes for dead peasants.

    It is not difficult for Chichikov to change his appearance, because it has all the qualities that form the basis of the characters of the depicted landowners. This is confirmed by the episodes in the poem where Chichikov is left alone with himself and does not need to adapt to those around him. While examining the city of N, Pavel Ivanovich “teared off a poster nailed to a post so that when he came home, he could read it thoroughly,” and after reading it, “he folded it neatly and put it in his little chest, where he used to put everything he came across.” This is reminiscent of the habits of Plyushkin, who collected and stored various kinds of rags and toothpicks. The colorlessness and uncertainty that accompany Chichikov until the last pages of the first volume of the poem make him similar to Manilov. That is why officials provincial town they make ridiculous guesses, trying to establish the true identity of the hero. Chichikova's love for neatly and pedantically arranging everything in his little chest brings him closer to Korobochka. Nozdryov notices that Chichikov looks like Sobakevich. All this suggests that in the character of the main character, as in a mirror, the traits of all landowners were reflected: Manilov’s love for meaningless conversations and “noble” gestures, and Korobochka’s pettiness, and Nozdryov’s narcissism, and Sobakevich’s rudeness, and Plyushkin’s hoarding.

    And at the same time, Chichikov differs sharply from the landowners shown in the first chapters of the poem. He has a different psychology than Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdryov and other landowners. He is characterized by extraordinary energy, business acumen, and determination, although morally he does not rise at all above the owners of serf souls. Many years of bureaucratic activity left a noticeable imprint on his demeanor and speech. Evidence of this is the warm welcome given to him in the provincial " high society" Among officials and landowners he new person, the acquirer who will replace the Manilovs, Nozdrevs, Sobakevichs and Plyushkins.

    Chichikov's soul, just like the souls of landowners and officials, became dead. The “brilliant joy of life” is inaccessible to him; he is almost completely deprived human feelings. In order to achieve his practical goals, he pacified his blood, which “played strongly.”

    Gogol sought to understand the psychological nature of Chichikov as a new phenomenon, and for this he last chapter The poem tells about his life. Chichikov's biography explains the formation of the character revealed in the poem. The hero's childhood was dull and joyless, without friends and maternal affection, with constant reproaches from his sick father, and could not help but affect his future fate. His father left him an inheritance of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, please teachers and bosses, and, most importantly, save a penny. Pavlusha learned his father’s instructions well and directed all his energy towards achieving his cherished goal - wealth. He quickly realized that all lofty concepts only interfere with the achievement of his goal, and began to make his own way. At first, he acted childishly and straightforwardly - he pleased the teacher in every possible way and thanks to this he became his favorite. As he grew up, he realized that you can find a special approach to each person, and began to achieve more significant success. Promising to marry the daughter of his boss, he received a position as a military officer. While serving at customs, he managed to convince his superiors of his integrity, and later established contacts with smugglers and made a huge fortune. All of Chichikov’s brilliant victories ultimately ended in failure, but no failures could break his thirst for profit.

    However, the author notes that in Chichikov, unlike Plyushkin, “there was no attachment to money for the sake of money, he was not possessed by miserliness and stinginess. No, it was not they who moved him - he imagined life ahead in all its pleasures, so that finally later, over time, he would certainly taste all this, that’s why the penny was saved.” Gogol notes that the main character of the poem is the only character capable of manifesting the movements of the soul. “Apparently the Chichikovs also turn into poets for a few minutes,” says the author, when his hero stops “as if stunned by a blow” in front of the governor’s young daughter. And it was precisely this “human” movement of the soul that led to the failure of his promising venture. According to the author, sincerity, sincerity and selflessness are the most dangerous qualities in a world where cynicism, lies and profit reign. The fact that Gogol transferred his hero to the second volume of the poem suggests that he believed in his spiritual revival. In the second volume of the poem, the writer planned to spiritually “cleanse” Chichikov and put him on the path of spiritual resurrection. The resurrection of the “hero of the time,” according to him, was supposed to be the beginning of the resurrection of the entire society. But, unfortunately, the second volume of “Dead Souls” was burned, and the third was not written, so we can only guess how it happened moral rebirth Chichikova.

    All topics in the book “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol. Summary. Features of the poem. Essays":

    Summary poem "Dead Souls":

    The story “Dead Souls,” which Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol prudently called a poem, really contains the “poetic” aspirations of the main character Chichikov in solving his quite prosaic life tasks. From childhood he was left to his own devices, received an insufficient education, and even spent his youth in some hardships. Chichikov's characterization is not much different from others. However, the young man was naturally smart and resourceful, difficult situations in my life I overcame it on my own, sometimes quite successfully. Growing up and gaining experience, Chichikov learned to use numerous social Russian shortcomings to his own advantage, so that he would benefit and not be held accountable by law.

    From time to time, Chichikov, while serving in some “grain place,” through negligence or out of greed, miscalculated, received a scolding from his superiors, but on the whole he was in good standing and took bribes deftly, quietly, and even artistically. And Chichikov’s characterization was an example for all other officials. A petitioner who came to Chichikov would sometimes give the amount into his hands, but he would not take it. What do you mean, we don’t take it, sir...! And he assured the man that everything would be brought to his house today necessary documents, without any “greasing”. The petitioner walked home, inspired, almost happy, and waited for the courier. I waited a day, then another, one week and then another. The bribe that the visitor then brought as a result of this simple combination invented by Chichikov was three times larger than the original one.

    And then one day Chichikov was struck by a certain brilliant idea that promised quick and sure enrichment. “I’m looking for mittens everywhere, but they’re in my belt,” said Chichikov and set about developing his future operation to acquire dead souls. IN landowner Russia then there was a market. In other words, it was possible to buy peasants, sell them and give them as gifts. The transaction was formalized legally, the buyer and seller drew up a serf bill of sale. The peasants were expensive, one hundred rubles and two hundred. But if you buy dead serfs from landowners, then you can do it cheaper, Chichikov thought and got down to business.

    The whole point of his enterprise was to count on receiving the so-called lifting money, issued by guardianship councils throughout Russia, when relocating landowners' farms to other lands or simply acquiring serfs. Two hundred rubles per peasant, alive and healthy of course. But who will check whether he is alive or dead, Chichikov rightly believed and slowly got ready to set off on the road. Our hero arrived in the city of NN, looked around and immediately paid visits to all city officials. After a short conversation with Chichikov, the officials in him were so able to flatter and butter him up. Chichikov’s characterization was impeccable, he was welcomed everywhere and everyone was happy to see him.

    Then Chichikov chose landowners who had serfs and began to visit them one by one. He made the same offer to everyone. I’ll buy, they say, dead serfs, I need them for business, but I’ll give them inexpensively, I’m not rich at the moment. The first landowner, Manilov, was such a refined dandy, had a wife and children. He was surprised by Chichikov’s request, but behaved intelligently and gave away his dead peasants for nothing. After Manilov, Chichikov ended up with the landowner Korobochka. The old woman listened, pondered and at first refused. Chichikov literally began to sweat, persuading her, citing all the obvious benefits of the deal for the landowner. And Korobochka, you know, is murmuring, I’ll find out the prices first, I’ll make inquiries, then we’ll talk.

    After Korobochka, Chichikov came to Nozdryov. turned out to be a rare scoundrel, a reveler and a gambler. Chichikov got tired of it too. He offered him horses and a barrel organ instead. I wanted to play cards for dead souls or checkers. And he lowered the price; he asked for more than the living ones. Chichikov barely carried his feet away from Nozdryov. And he came to the next landowner Sobakevich. Huge growth The landowner Sobakevich, a fellow of small intelligence but cunning, first of all stepped on Chichikov’s foot with all his weight. Chichikov hissed in pain and jumped on one leg. Satisfied, Sobakevich invited him to dinner. And when Chichikov started business conversation, then the landowner set a price even higher than Nozdryov. After bargaining, they agreed on two rubles and a half. a brief description of Chichikova must be complemented by his ability to bargain.

    The last one was the landowner Plyushkin. He had more than a thousand serfs. And there were one hundred and twenty dead, and about a hundred escaped. Chichikov bought them all. And as the conversations started in the city after his trips and shopping, Chichikov almost became a hero. But at the same time, Chichikov’s characterization was lame; many of his former friends refused to give him the house. It's just a pity, it was all in vain. Chichikov’s impeccable characterization will not help either, dead souls - they won’t become alive, they won’t be given money.

    The basis of any work of art is composition, which gives it unity and integrity. Composition has its own laws, which are formed in the process of artistic activity.

    This is about plot composition for the artist, about individual techniques with the help of which the greatest expressiveness of the picture is achieved. Let's look at the relationship between the two concepts - plot and content. By plot we must understand what the master directly depicted in his work. The plot, figuratively speaking, is on the surface of the iceberg, and the content is its deep part. Hundreds of people perceive and interpret the same story in different ways, that is, they create their own version of the content.

    Of course, the right to choose remains with the artist, who, through the means of pictorial composition, reveals to the viewer all the versatility of the content.

    To the most common compositional techniques Rhythmic structures belong to painting. In such works, all elements of the work are subordinated only to rhythm. The artist can set a clear, rigid rhythm. There is not a single detail in it that exists outside of harmonious coherence.

    Let's consider several laws of composition.

    1. Composition, translated, means to compose, compose, therefore its important law is integrity. Integrity is expressed in such a way that the objects in the drawing are perceived as a single whole, no part of the work seems superfluous, where there is no chaos.

    2. It is important to identify in the drawing composition center (semantic center), so that it attracts attention, highlights those objects that are meant to be the main ones.

    3. Contrast.

    Contrast is of the following types:

    Color contrast (light-dark). For example, the colors black-white, black-red will always be contrasting, that is, expressive, and will always be able to highlight the main idea in the drawing.

    Contrast of magnitudes (small-large). That is, a large thing against a small background will always be more contrasting than, for example, all the objects in the picture would have the same size.

    Semantic contrast. For example, when comparisons are made between positive and negative characters

    4. Statics- This is a state of balance and peace. For example, the lower to the edge of the sheet the objects in the drawing are depicted, the more static the work is. And, than more symmetrical objects at work, it is also static.

    5. Dynamics- this is movement. The more asymmetrically the objects are located in the picture, the more dynamic the composition.

    In order for the drawing to look more expressive, you need to start arranging objects on the sheet with a hard-soft pencil, while relying on knowledge of perspective, proportions, color theory, and most importantly, do not overload the work.

    Thus, we have examined the basic laws of composition.

    The rules, techniques and means of composition are developing, enriched by the creative practice of new generations of artists. Those rules and techniques that enabled artists to achieve the best results in conveying the phenomena of reality, in creating an artistic image, acquired significance for the subsequent development of fine art.

    The means of composition are line, shading (stroke), spot (tonal and color), linear perspective, chiaroscuro, aerial and color perspective.

    Several “laws” of composition can be distinguished:

    • Law of Integrity.
      Integrity as a phenomenon that unites elements, parts into a single whole, manifests itself everywhere in nature and society and acts as a dialectical law. Thanks to compliance with the first law of composition - the law of integrity - a work of art is perceived as a single and indivisible whole.
      The essence of the law can be revealed by analyzing its main features or properties. Main feature the law of integrity - the indivisibility of a composition means that it is impossible to perceive it as the sum of several, even to a small extent independent parts. Indivisibility is laid down in the composition through the artist’s finding a so-called constructive idea that can unite all the components of the future work into one whole.
    • Law of contrasts.
      The law of contrasts is one of the basic laws of composition. The term “contrast” denotes a sharp difference, the opposite of the sides.
      If there are no opposites, no contrasts, then there will be no struggle and unity. Thus, without contrasts there can be no struggle, and therefore no movement, change, development. This means that contrasts in the global meaning of this concept are one of the main, integral conditions for the origin, existence, and development of matter, and therefore of life itself.
      Since the effect of contrasts is manifested in the laws of both nature and society, then, of course, in all areas public consciousness. In art (including fine art), as one of the forms of social consciousness, the effect of contrasts is also reflected.
      The main contrasts in fine arts are tonal (light) and color natural contrasts. On their basis, other types of contrasts arise and operate - contrasts of lines, shapes, sizes, characters, states, as well as contrasts associated with ideas (contrasts of ideas, positions), contrasts in constructing a plot (contrasts in finding a constructive idea), etc. .
    • contrasts are the law of composition; they express the struggle of opposites.
    • Without contrasts it is impossible to create not only works of art, but even simple ones. image. Without contrasts, the image will merge with the background.
    • contrasts create the expressiveness of a work of art and therefore act as an influencing force in the composition.
    • contrasts in a composition act as a compositional force not only from the point of view of the “mechanics” of construction, that is, the construction of a composition as some kind of structure, but also from the point of view creative process creation artistic images: most of The creative process of creating a work by an artist is associated with determining the nature of contrasts.
    • Law of Subordination
      The law of subordination of all means of composition to an ideological plan obliges the artist to create his work as integral in design and impact on the viewer. When working on a work, the artist expresses through composition what interests him, captivates him, shows his attitude towards the depicted, his understanding, i.e. gives a moral and aesthetic assessment. Thus, everything that the artist depicts, especially from the imagination, becomes an artistic phenomenon only when it is spiritualized ideological plan, realized through composition. Otherwise, it will be a handicraft, photographic copying of real objects. This law requires taking into account the relationship of volumes, color, light, tone and shape, as well as the transmission of rhythm and plasticity, movement or a state of relative rest, symmetry or asymmetry.
    • Law of influence
      The law is fully formulated as the law of the influence of the “frame” on the composition of the image on the plane.
    • an object depicted on a uniform field close to the “frame”, as a result of the viewer’s habit of feeling the depth of the picture (anticipation) caused by the presence of the “frame”, is perceived to lie close to the plane of the “frame” or even partially merged with it;
    • an object located not close to the “frame”, and especially in the central zone of the picture, is perceived to lie in the depths;
    • Thanks to the presence of a “frame,” a flat, flat field becomes a space that is still completely indefinite, perspectively and metrically.