Find out how to make a Taurus man fall in love with you: the best tips. A few tips on how to make a Taurus man fall in love with you

Before us is the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac - Taurus. He doesn’t care about the opinions of others, if he plans something, then so it will be. You shouldn't expect a lot of romance and endless amounts of candlelit dinners from him. But he will conquer you with his reliability and responsibility.

The easiest way to make a Taurus man fall in love with a woman who likes him is to show your skills as a hostess. Taurus is a practical sign, so it is important for him that the girl knows how to cook deliciously and create comfort in the house.

On the other hand, it is important to be a true friend to Taurus. He values ​​loyalty, both in love relationships and in friendships. This sign feels happy when he sees a lover and a friend in one person. Here's another method for conquering a Taurus man. You can’t argue with the fact that they have a complex character, but if your personalities suit each other, then you will feel like the happiest girl on the planet.

Taurus men are often monogamous. But before they meet their one and only, they may have many relationships. This zodiac sign admires beautiful and well-groomed women; they inspire and motivate him. Another option for how to win a Taurus man over to a woman who likes him is to appear in front of him in all his glory. A perfectionist by nature, Taurus always tries to get the best. And if this does not happen, he often feels unsatisfactory from life.

Because he tries to be the best in everything, he simply cannot sit in one place. Therefore, Taurus often looks for new hobbies and tries to make as many acquaintances as possible. This is where you should be on guard, because if he gets bored in the relationship, he may turn around and leave. We invite you to find out how to keep a Taurus man and make him (and yourself) happy.

4 ways to make a Taurus man fall in love with a woman who really liked him

Despite the fact that this is a very difficult sign, Taurus, just like other men, are susceptible to women's charms and initiative. Here are a few points to remember to attract a guy.

  • Be sincere. Some girls mistakenly try to charm a Taurus by using feminine cunning. This trick won't work with them! Taurus people immediately sense when someone is being dishonest with them. You shouldn't jump over your head and try to impress this sign. He immediately sees right through the girl and understands who she really is. Therefore, the easiest way to make a single woman fall in love with a pragmatic Taurus man is to be yourself.
  • Show you care. The psychology of this zodiac sign is designed in such a way that he feels responsible for his girlfriend. Behind him you will be like behind a stone wall. But despite this, Taurus needs female care. He needs to feel that his partner loves and admires him.
  • Personal care. Taurus men love everything beautiful: from clothes to dishes on the dinner table. They are also true connoisseurs of female beauty. If a girl puts on an elegant dress, does her hair and applies light makeup, then she definitely has a chance to interest Taurus.
  • Be proactive. On the one hand, Taurus feels like a real male and prefers to independently decide who will become his partner. But he doesn’t like uninitiated girls who can stand in a corner the whole party. If you want to please a Taurus, be decisive. This is the first step towards conquering it.

3 simple tricks to conquer a Taurus man

Firstly, Taurus needs a woman who can satisfy all his needs. He does not hide the fact that he is looking for a keeper of the hearth and a real mistress. But he is also looking for a girl who is ideal for him to have a sexual relationship with.

It is very important for Taurus that his desires in bed coincide with the desires of his partner. Therefore, Taurus often initiates sex on the first date, in order to understand at the beginning of the relationship whether they and the girl are suitable for each other or not.

The second way to conquer a stubborn Taurus man to a woman in love is not to get into an argument with him. When someone tries to contradict this sign, they simply cannot be recognized. Taurus is convinced that only he knows the only correct decisions, and he simply does not pay attention to all other arguments. And here is your solution on how to win a self-confident Taurus man - learn to compromise.

Any relationship has its pitfalls, and for this zodiac sign it is precisely excessive stubbornness. Therefore, if you do not agree with something, offer alternative solutions, but do not turn all discussions into an argument.

And the third point - create comfort in your home. Your apartment is the place where Taurus will return every time after his favorite discussions, arguments, and meetings. At home he needs a relaxed and calm atmosphere. Taurus belongs to the category of those men who never lose sight of small details. On the contrary, he will notice every new photo frame or scented candle in the house.

If you want to marry a Taurus, then you need to be prepared that he will want to control almost everything. He is not afraid to take responsibility and approaches everything pragmatically. This is not a sign that will throw money away, because it knows its real price. One way to keep a rational Taurus man is to be frugal. You don’t need to deny yourself everything, but you shouldn’t throw money away either.

Taurus values ​​faithful girls very much. They are owners and are not ready to share anything with anyone. If a girl in a couple cheated, then this sign doesn’t think for long that he will break up with her. He does not tolerate betrayal, and shows his loyalty to his beloved by his own example.

At first glance, relationships with Taurus seem complicated. But if he finds his soul mate, then a more reliable partner cannot be found. With him you will feel confident and calm.

Ideal match for Taurus

Signs that are best suited for Taurus include Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. Cancer is very impressed by the reliability of this sign, Pisces by activity and initiative, and Capricorn by practicality. But Scorpio at first likes Taurus’ active life position, but after they fall in love with each other, the intensity of passions becomes simply unrealistic.

Taurus does not have the most successful alliance with Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius.


Taurus hates being on the sidelines. Keep this in mind when you start making long-term plans to conquer it. Once you get a Taurus, be prepared to play second fiddle yourself. According to Taurus, he either looks like a real male, or he’s a wimp. Let Taurus know that you need help. He must feel that next to him is a fragile woman who needs, if not protection, then constant care. Taurus is ready to take off his shirt for his relatives or friends, and a beautiful woman will become even more interesting to him if he “invests” his participation in her. Just don’t overdo it: you don’t need to look like an absolutely helpless doll. Gently hint that you could use a little help in one area or another of your life. This could be writing a report, preparing for a difficult exam (as a humanities major, you are not good at higher mathematics, and vice versa). Multi-talented, Taurus will be happy to once again demonstrate his erudition. Then the Taurus man himself will not be able to figure out whether he is pleased to be next to you because he appeared in a favorable light, or whether it is a matter of your personal vibes.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. This is the planet that is responsible for the sensitive perception of beauty and beautiful things. Therefore, the Taurus man reacts with increased interest to typically feminine qualities. Softness, sophistication, emphasized forms - all this excites his imagination. Do not experiment with makeup, hairstyles and manicure. For Taurus, proven means of seduction are enough. He has long, well-groomed hair, best of all. Makeup should focus on your most attractive features: eyelashes, lips, gentle blush on your cheeks. The lack of colors will not be a plus in the eyes of Taurus. Avoid monotony, solid pastel colors. You shouldn’t go to extremes either - don’t go overboard with bright lipstick, too deep necklines, or too short skirts. This can be regarded by Taurus as pretentiousness, vulgarity. Cheap effects are not for him. Please also note that Taurus will prefer an inexpensive, but high-quality and stylish item “without a name” to fakes of famous designer brands. The same applies to gifts, if you want to please him with a sign of attention.

The Taurus man values ​​not only physical attraction, but also spiritual intimacy between partners. When communicating with him, do not limit yourself solely to flirting and a flirtatious tone. Have intimate conversations with Taurus - his views on life, relationships, leisure, films, music will suit. It is important for Taurus that his companion not only looks brilliant, but is also an interesting conversationalist. It’s even better if you become his main listener - understanding, sensitive, in a word, irreplaceable. Conservative by nature, Taurus needs a like-minded person. It is important for him that the person closest to him supports him in everything and sees eye to eye with him. Even if you disagree with many things, do not engage in confrontation with Taurus. This is one of the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac. He will remain unconvinced even when the whole world tells him that Taurus is wrong. But if Taurus remembers that you supported him at a time when everyone turned away from him, this will make him unfailingly loyal to you.

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Taurus does not like to throw money down the drain, but he will try to ensure that his girlfriend is beautifully dressed and will be happy to give her outfits and expensive furs. The Taurus soul is characterized by sentimentality. He won't forget the day you met or your other anniversary. The best way to return a Taurus to normal is to leave him alone. Taurus will not encroach on a woman's individuality.

Helpful advice

Taurus belongs to the type of men who admire beautiful, thin, well-groomed women. He is fascinated by the expression of the eyes or the individual style of clothing. So he criticizes your behavior more and more often - this should serve as a warning signal for you. Do not ignore his comments, think them over carefully and do everything to regain his favor.

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  • How to make a Taurus man fall in love

Every woman dreams of finding and winning a suitable life partner. If in a man you are primarily attracted by reliability and predictability, the comfort of home and leisurely games of Monopoly after a hearty lunch, then a Taurus man is the one you need.

You will need

  • cookbook
  • Romantic music CDs
  • Refrigerator with food
  • Monopoly
  • Blankets



Taurus does not like women who flirt; this is unacceptable for them. And even if you are just going to start getting closer to him, then leave the flirting in his presence, otherwise you risk ending your relationship with a Taurus man before you even have time to start it.

Helpful advice

This man is for you, if you are economical enough and able to remain faithful. If you dream of living somewhere in a rural, quiet place, if you know how and love to cook a lot and deliciously. If you love sex and are ready to do it for days, if you dream of a man who will be with you all the time.


  • how to conquer a Taurus man

If you like a Taurus man, it is sometimes quite difficult to understand whether your interest is mutual. Taurus It takes time to convince yourself of your feelings. However, there are several signs that will help you understand a Taurus man.


A striking character trait of Taurus is conservatism. This also affects his ideas about the role and. So, Taurus is sure that only the man can be the main one in a couple. Therefore, he will not allow anyone to interfere in his affairs, criticize his actions and doubt the correctness of his decisions. Besides, he doesn't like it when people make fun of him. If you are not ready to accept these character traits of a Taurus, it is better not to respond to his advances.

Due to the same conservatism, as well as thoroughness, the Taurus man will be ready for a serious relationship only if he is able to fully provide. That is, in order to stand firmly on the ground (and this is simply necessary for him as an earthly person), Taurus needs to be confident in the future. Therefore, give him time to achieve the required level of material stability. If a Taurus man reciprocates your feelings, you will become the mistress of his house.

Video on the topic


  • how to interest a Taurus man

If your task is man Taurus, then consider yourself lucky. This zodiac sign is characterized by constancy in relationships, love of comfort and dislike of change. Of course, for this you will have to try to ensure that Taurus associates the comfort of life with your constant presence next to him, but if you manage to charm him, then you can always be confident in his love and gratitude.


Element Taurus– earth, and all signs of this element are distinguished by thoroughness, punctuality and reliability. Taurus is unlikely to be attracted for long by your short skirt and flirtatious glances; in order to win his heart for a long time, you will have to organize a real siege.

You must have your own and some interesting hobby. Taurus We like everything new and unusual, sometimes even just fashionable - windsurfing, alpine skiing, yoga. They love to travel, so your trips together will be a real holiday for him.

You should become a true friend to him, but try to keep romance always present in yours. Praise him, constantly emphasize and notice all his achievements.

Create a situation as if it is not you, but he who is conquering you. Taurus do not give their prey to anyone, and will very fiercely fight off all attempts. They are big owners.

Don’t forget to surround him with comfort, including spiritual comfort. Show him your housekeeping and culinary skills. Taurus are not particularly whimsical when it comes to food, but they prefer only high-quality products; fast food is not food for them.

You should not play with Taurus, either bringing him closer or pushing him away from you. This will not interest him, but will only disappoint him. He doesn’t like those people who themselves don’t know what they need, so it’s better not to tease him and turn him into an angry bull, which they can do, though not often. Taurus themselves know very well what they need - coziness, comfort, a reliable rear, a wife, well-mannered children. If you are ready to provide him with all this, then go for it!


If you want to charm a guy, then... 1. Forget about your flaws. Think only about your merits. Shoes should be comfortable. You can't win over a guy by hobbling around in stiletto heels. And floating in cool Adidas (if he likes Adidas, of course), you will definitely charm anyone. 37. Remember about ChY. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

Helpful advice

It is necessary to awaken in him hope and expectation of new emotional sensations. Don't let him relax, be tense and manage his feelings so that he treats you the same way. If you managed to charm Leo and arouse his admiration, you can consider that the hardest part is already behind you; now it is important to keep his love.

Noble and independent, romantic and responsible, strong and hardworking Taurus are a godsend for a woman who values ​​constancy and stability in relationships. Reasonable and slightly conservative Taurus is not easy to get into the network of romance or marriage. However, the perseverance shown will more than pay for itself with a feeling of security and confidence in the future, which Taurus will give to his chosen one.


Be sincere. In any situation, remain true to yourself, remain yourself, even if at this moment it is more profitable for you to play some role. Most of all, Taurus hates duplicity, lies, and pretense. Do not betray Taurus under any circumstances - they are not able to forgive insults, and will simply dissolve in yesterday.

Maintain a balance between extravagance, eccentricity and excessive sleepy calmness. You will scare away Taurus with your eccentricity, and over time, excessive calm will begin to make him bored.

Show Taurus that you are not wasteful and are in no way going to live the rest of your life at their expense. Don't choose the most expensive dishes in a restaurant when you dine together. To nothing

On your life path you met a Taurus. A dark sign under the auspices of Venus. And like any of her wards - insightful, noble, capable of creativity, but at the same time stubborn in achieving his goals, able to push aside even what is dear to him.

Feeling with ancient instincts who is really in front of him. And it doesn’t matter who you are: a lady of Balzac’s age, a young girl who has just fully realized that she belongs to the fair sex, or a 25-year-old young woman in the prime of female beauty and sexuality.

For him, you are, first of all, just a Woman who liked you and who has set herself the task of how to make a Taurus man fall in love with you. And he will know your essence very soon. So don't try to impersonate someone else.

He knows how to accept the rules of the game. Do you present yourself as naive, timid, gentle and inexperienced? He will play along with you. Moreover, not just once, but for the future, maintaining this attitude towards you for a long time. If not forever. The main thing here is not to overplay. Insincerity is not valued by Taurus. “To seem, not to be” - this is for another zodiac sign.

What kind of a Taurus man is he?

He values ​​your feelings - but he may hide his own out of a desire to be fully liked, to delve into your desires and needs, and to take them for granted. Or not to accept, this is also possible, bearing in mind his already mentioned stubbornness after making a decision. He will correctly understand your desire to please - but he will also draw very definite conclusions, without being deceived by the abundance of cosmetics and the tight bodysuit under your clothes.

He will not take on things in which he is incompetent. But if he has a talent for some kind of activity and he took it up, then woe to you if, instead of supporting him, you decide to criticize his actions and express doubts that he will succeed in his plans.

Taurus are subtle sensual people. Don't try to impress him with an exquisite scent from Givangie or Coco Chanel. It is better to emphasize your natural smell of a clean, healthy body with only a slight hint of expensive perfume. He is not a metrosexual to throw himself on silicone inserts and the perfume “bouquet” of expensive brands around the world. This zodiac sign is more likely to repel this.

And, being a full-fledged man, he will not perceive you as a woman if you have the words “harassment”, “abuse”, “misogyny”, “gender” and the like in your vocabulary. This is not for him. He will turn up his collar and walk away, shrugging his shoulders. And the point is not at all in the content of these terms; it is quite adequate and itself does not accept harassment and violence, both physical and psychological.

The point is in the bearers of this very terminology: if a woman for whom he held the door tight accuses him of sexism, he will no longer consider her a beautiful lady. And for the lady in general.

How to make a Taurus fall in love with you?

Perhaps the main qualities that a Taurus man will value in his life partner will be reliability and compatibility of characters. Therefore, when building a relationship strategy with this sign, it is worth asking yourself the following questions:

Am I enough:

  • Patient?
  • Attractive?
  • Sexy?
  • Economic?

After all, several contradictory qualities coexist in Taurus. For all his enterprise, skill and desire to earn money, he is nevertheless a terrible spendthrift! A wise woman will take control of income and expenses into her own hands, thus ensuring the financial rear of the family. Moreover, he will do it unobtrusively (Taurus cannot stand intrusiveness and dictatorship!), but carefully and accurately.

Demonstrate your ability to be rational and thrifty on occasion. Taurus himself will present everything to such a friend in life on a silver platter. Apparently, it was precisely these women that Woland had in mind in Bulgakov when he said, “Never ask for anything, proud woman! They will come and give everything themselves.”

True, one should not overdo it with excessive pragmatism: the romantic nature of Taurus, in spite of everything, does not accept this character trait in women. And if you have coped with this delicate task, you have taken the first step towards forming his lasting attachment to you.

A man born between April 21 and May 20 loves and appreciates a good table, so if you have culinary talents, this is a huge plus to your karma. However, Taurus himself, being a creative person, can present you with a magnificent dinner prepared with his own hands. Or breakfast - if you have already reached the point of waking up in the same bed in the morning! By the way, Taurus is often insatiable in love, and will have sex willingly and often, keep this in mind!

Bearing in mind this quality of his, it is worth seriously thinking about putting yourself in order if your appearance, as a result of life’s ups and downs, turns out to be slightly neglected! No, Taurus does not need a standard beauty made according to the molds of the plastic beauty industry with duck lips, raised cheekbones a la Barbie and a dried out nose.

Such men have very non-standard ideas about beauty; they are quite satisfied with the attractiveness that Nature itself gave you. The main thing for them in a woman is “zest”. They really value kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to behave in public with dignity, without stooping to a bazaar showdown in a difficult or conflict situation.

Olga T. says.

“My life situation is worse than ever. The man with whom I lived for 9 years, gave birth to a child from him, not only did not think of marrying me - he did not even divorce his ex! Petty, suspicious (completely groundless, by the way, I was a faithful common-law wife!) He recently began to insult me, calling me a useless ugly woman. I cried a lot in secret... I don’t know what came over me, but I decided to cheat, to check if no one really needed me?! Hmm...checked it. As they say, demand has exceeded supply!

I started this casual relationship on a dating site, and then one day a Taurus man came to my page with the compliment “Oh, what a delightfully glamorous girl!” And I really have eyes the size of saucers. How did you know it was a Taurus? And then they put the zodiac sign of your interlocutor.

He was older than me, and somehow immediately took on the right, slightly patronizing, but at the same time respectful tone. Like dad and daughter. And I told him everything, out of the simplicity of my heart. And he asked for a date.

I must say that I still perceived him as just another passing man. “Oh, I wasn’t, then I’ll forget, like the previous ones!” But despite this attitude, I went on a date with jitters, and when I saw it, I was completely stunned! He was so...unusual. Non-standard. Then it turned out that he was not from our area, from the Far East, with a completely different mentality. Former sailor.

We had sex right away, and I didn’t regret it at all. He was affectionate, careful, a real wingman in bed, I was lulled to sleep. I didn’t go home after 3 hours, but flew. And then, after several meetings, I decided to break up with my “husband”, after another insult!

It was scary - what if my Taurus ran into the bushes at the last moment - he, too, was not free, he had already lived for six months with a Scorpio woman, from whom it was not so easy to leave due to her character. But he met me, consoled me, supported me, and we went and rented an apartment. They began to live and live, and then bought a house. We got married two months after we got together. We've been living here for 8 years. And yes, I’m a Taurus too!”

Compatibility with Taurus of other zodiac signs

Here we come close to the topic of compatibility. In classical astrology, it is customary to operate with the concept of a “triangle”, where the zodiac signs located in a circle are inscribed in an isosceles triangle, at the vertices of which, as in the case of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are also found.

They are considered to be ideally suited to each other. But there are also exceptions. In the first case - with the canonical opposite, which in relation to Taurus is Scorpio (after all, they came together in real life, as in Olga’s story!), in the second, a combination of two identical signs is ideal, when both mutual claims and mutual sympathy enter into some kind of alliance and are extinguished. In the third case, one of the partners will always be dominant, and only on this basis will harmonious relationships be built.

In the case of the woman whose letter is given above, many things coincided: the same everyday unsettledness, perceived by both as a challenge to fate, and the woman’s openness to a new partner. Being terrible jealous people,

Taurus, however, value frankness in relationships, and if they see that for this woman you become a friend, protector, husband and lover in one person, and she appreciates this, Taurus will forgive such a partner all past sins. And he won’t count them as sins. So the statement that “honesty is the best policy!” in this case it worked 100%.

Now let's briefly look at the compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac symbols:

  1. The marriage of Aries with Taurus can be strong, but purely for convenience. Who told you that this is always bad?
  2. The union with Libra in Taurus is a classic case of the latter’s dominance in everything. And they live...
  3. With Cancer they will be wonderful lovers. Or even wonderful spouses - but only under the condition of constant passion, fueled by emotions. And these could be scandals.
  4. Taurus will have to put up with Leo's delusions of grandeur. Can a cat get along with a dog? Let's hit the road!
  5. The connection between Taurus and Virgo is good for everything except the sexual aspect. The reserved Virgo can scare away the passionate Taurus with her coldness. It is necessary to build harmonious relationships in such an alliance on both sides.
  6. The earthly solidity of Taurus and the artistry and constant play to the public of Gemini? I do not know…
  7. Sagittarius in alliance with Taurus will constantly suffer from his attempts to limit his freedom. Sometimes - for the benefit of Sagittarius himself. But who was convinced and when?
  8. The ambitions of Capricorn and the determination of Taurus combine perfectly in everything. Excellent prospects in marriage, friendship, work
  9. Constant activity for the benefit of others in Aquarius does not fit well with the homebody Taurus, which is fraught with conflicts.
  10. Pisces’ desire to feel constant attention to their person may come into conflict with the “thick skin” of Taurus. Will Taurus be able to take into account the romance and feelings and sensitivity of Pisces? Then a marriage union will take shape.

Taurus man is in love:

  1. If suddenly he became open and sociable, if on issues in which he previously had to be “pulled by the tongue”, he became simply a storehouse of information.
  2. If he was reserved and even somewhat gloomy before, he suddenly became a noted comedian and “the life of the party”
  3. If he tries to catch a woman's eye, but looks away as soon as she looks at him
  4. If, while talking to her, he constantly touches and straightens his hairstyle, sucks in his stomach and straightens his shoulders.
  5. Communication, which previously was only business, suddenly acquired versatility and liveliness.

What behavior is unacceptable with a Taurus?

  1. No matter what happens in life, no matter what adversity befalls you - fight! Don't give in to circumstances! A weak-willed woman who goes with the flow will never attract the attention of a Taurus man. At best, you can expect pity.
  2. Don’t even try to “break through the knee”, imposing your will. This is the best way to permanently sow alienation between you. Given the stubbornness and love of freedom of Taurus, this will not end well.
  3. “The husband is always the last to know everything” - remember? But he will find out! About cheating on your spouse/girlfriend or flirting on the side. With his pathological jealousy? It is very important for him, a male owner, to feel that he does not share “his” with anyone.
  4. A woman who does not know how to behave with dignity, who descends into squabbles and scandals, is definitely not the heroine of his novel! Neither national characteristics nor choleric temperament will serve as an excuse.

The Taurus man is thorough in everything. If he takes up a task, he certainly brings it to the end. Taurus is calm, reasonable, patient and resilient. The Taurus man systematically and gradually achieves material well-being, without hoping for illusory luck, without being scattered on small matters. He stands firmly on his feet and never has his head in the clouds. You can rely on him. With a Taurus, any girl will feel calm, comfortable, and confident.

Definitely, Taurus is an example of a real man, you won’t go wrong with someone like that. His beloved will not have to worry about anything, she is in good hands. Taurus will not allow his family to be poor or suffer hardships. Taurus know how to count money, they practically never have financial difficulties.

The Taurus man is stubborn and jealous. He relentlessly moves towards his goal, nothing can turn him off the path or hinder him. There is no need to argue with Taurus, he will still do as he decides. It’s also better to forget about flirting with others. Taurus will not tolerate such an attitude, he is a terrible owner. However, such a man is also attentive, caring, and gentle. He will surround the girl with love and protect her from all problems. Taurus have a strong nervous system, they are usually calm, self-possessed people, but there is no need to play on the nerves of a Taurus man; if you anger him, he can become furious, although not for long, he is easy-going.

Taurus is practical, always thinking about the future. He is also a generous man; the girl will not have to beg gifts from him, and his wife will certainly not be denied anything. He is responsible and sensible; you can ask a Taurus man for advice on everything. Such a person will not let you down, he is reliable like a rock.

What do men belonging to this zodiac sign value most in a woman?

In a girl, Taurus values ​​beauty, brightness and mystery. And also softness, femininity and restraint. Taurus men are big admirers of female beauty. He will not like a rude, assertive and ill-mannered person.

A powerful person will not attract such a man. Taurus cannot stand teachings, criticism, advice and instructions on how to live. It’s better to forget your commander’s habits, otherwise Taurus will simply evaporate. Such a man is used to making decisions on his own, he does not need hints, he is sure that he knows everything better than anyone else. And often this is true, Taurus rarely make mistakes, they have a remarkable mind.

Taurus men revere in women the desire for a home, family life, and children. But a flighty fan of clubs and various parties will never interest him. Taurus needs a purposeful young lady, wise, serious. He will not be seduced by a frivolous, stupid, fidgety girl.

In addition, such a man will be charmed by a gentle, fragile girl, affectionate and caring. The lively commander will push him away.

Winning the heart of a Taurus man is not easy. He doesn't throw himself at every skirt. Taurus thinks for a long time before starting courtship.

To make a Taurus man fall in love with you, you need:

How to conquer a Taurus:

It is not at all difficult for an Aries woman to conquer a Taurus man. He likes the temperament and energy of the Aries woman, as well as her determination and spontaneity.

He himself is often phlegmatic by nature, and the choleric Aries girl will invigorate and stir up the Taurus man, which will definitely benefit him.

Don’t be too assertive or persistent, otherwise Taurus will hasten to hide. It is best to appear on its horizon from time to time and mysteriously disappear. Taurus people love mysterious women who are mysteries. You can demonstrate your positive qualities in some business or hobby. Feel free to experiment with sex, Taurus and Aries are similar in temperament, both of these signs simply adore carnal pleasures and are ready to devote all their free time to them. The Taurus man will undoubtedly appreciate the passionate nature of the Aries woman;

A Taurus man will be captivated by a Taurus woman at first sight. He will immediately notice his person in her. Two Taurus will get along well together. Show your man such character traits as: calmness, restraint, equanimity. Tell him that you dream of a strong, friendly family and a couple of children, tell him that most of all you value home comfort, hearth and want to be a housewife. The Taurus man will undoubtedly be delighted. And if you also feed him delicious food at least sometimes, then Taurus will definitely fall in love soon.

Be yourself in intimate relationships, both Taurus men and women love sex and are ready to engage in it very often;

A Gemini girl and a Taurus guy are completely different. If Taurus is solid and conservative, then the Gemini girl is an easy-going and rather superficial person. At the beginning, Taurus is captivated by such an unusual girl, he is captivated by her liveliness, intelligence and ingenuity. And in the future, small problems may arise in the couple due to the excessive frivolity of the Gemini woman.

Despite the fact that Geminis are rather impractical, Taurus likes their lively mind and intelligence. The Taurus man is sure that he will go far with her. Show Taurus that you are wise and prudent. He likes such women.

In addition, Taurus will appreciate the versatility and versatility of Gemini's nature. In sex, be ready to play pranks, play pranks, Taurus will be subdued;

Considering that Taurus loves gentle, delicate young ladies, it will not be difficult for Cancer girls to seduce Taurus. She is soft, feminine and romantic by nature; these are the qualities that Taurus values ​​in women. Show that you are a housewife who loves spending time with loved ones. Demonstrate that you value family values ​​and are committed to a serious, long-term relationship.

If at the beginning the Taurus man may not fully understand his chosen one, then later he suddenly discovers that she is very valuable to him and that he needs her.

In close relationships, show yourself as a reverent, sensual lover, make love beautifully and leisurely, Taurus will definitely lose his head;

Not a very favorable combination due to different attitudes towards the financial side of life. If Taurus advocates for reasonable spending of funds, then Leo women usually do not know the limits in spending. However, if the couple manages to find a compromise in this area, then they will have a happy, long life together.

Lionesses are prone to whims and unpredictable actions; if you want to conquer Taurus, then it is better not to show him your eccentricity and imbalance.

But don’t hide your love of life, energy and activity. Then the Taurus man will quickly become imbued with warm feelings towards you;

Virgo is sublime and romantic, Taurus is a more earthly sign, in this pair he acts as a kind of mentor and teacher. He likes Virgo’s poise and sedateness; her thriftiness pleases Taurus. In order to conquer a Taurus man, show him that you are an intelligent and sensible person. Don't have your head in the clouds too much, Taurus don't like that. Better prepare a hearty, delicious dinner and don’t be stuck in bed.

Taurus people have a simple attitude towards everything in life. Sometimes this can even offend the too vulnerable, sensitive nature of Virgos. For a Virgo woman, love is something sublime and spiritual. However, with such an attitude towards life, you can become very disappointed in people. The dreamer Virgo is better off listening to Taurus’s advice more often, this is good for her and for their relationship in general;

To seduce Taurus, Libra needs to demonstrate their ability to create coziness, as well as good taste. Libra often tries to charm a Taurus man with refined manners, secular speeches and mystery. If the third item on this list can take place, then the first two will not make the right impression on the too down-to-earth Taurus. Taurus men are far from lofty matters; they are closer to specific tangible things, such as: a delicious dinner, practicality with money, thriftiness, homeliness. They are more likely to be seduced by a thrifty, moderately prudent person than by an eloquent and sweet-voiced person. They will prefer concrete deeds and actions to florid rantings.

Taurus and Scorpio are too different, which is why it will be difficult for them to build a harmonious couple. If at first they are still drawn to each other, then later the Taurus man may come to the conclusion that he needs another woman as a wife. However, don't give up. A Scorpio woman can conquer a Taurus using her foresight, intuition and insight. Gently and unobtrusively convey to the Taurus man the value of family in a short time. And as soon as he himself is convinced of this, then in search of a reliable companion he will turn his gaze to you simply because Taurus is afraid of change and looking for a new beloved is beyond his strength;

It is not easy for a Sagittarius woman to conquer a Taurus, they are too different. However, they can be united by both a heightened sexual temperament and a similar sense of humor. Do not deny Taurus affection, this is one of the few things that connects you. Watch funny comedies together, attend comedians’ concerts; if you start laughing together, it will bring you closer.

It’s also a good idea to feed Taurus tasty and varied food, he loves it. Don’t buy delicacies, it’s better to make do with simple but high-quality food; the Taurus man will appreciate your thrift;

A Capricorn woman has every chance of captivating a Taurus man, and very quickly. This couple is truly two halves. They are so similar that it is even surprising. Taurus will appreciate such qualities of a Capricorn woman as: seriousness, responsibility, prudence. Don't try to change Taurus, he doesn't like it. Don’t forget about the physical side of relationships, Taurus men adore sex and are ready to enjoy it endlessly;

The Aquarius woman tends to idealize reality. She is very far from the down-to-earth Taurus. However, if she does not stick out this trait of her character, then she has the opportunity to conquer Taurus. First of all, you can give Taurus something they need in the household; it’s a good idea to demonstrate to the man your efficiency and ability to manage money. In the presence of Taurus, behave more seriously, and you should also not start a conversation on philosophical topics, Taurus men do not like what they consider to be empty chatter;

It is not difficult for a Pisces woman to win the heart of a Taurus. Pisces are soft, gentle, compliant, such a girl is simply ideal for a Taurus man. Just surround him with love, affection, tenderness and care. And Taurus will work hard for the benefit of your family, he is a hard worker and he simply needs a wife who is waiting for him after work with pies, beautiful and sexy. Show off your housekeeping skills, Taurus likes homely housewives.

Will it be possible to conquer a married Taurus?

Taurus men, of course, love life, beautiful girls and pleasure. They calmly shower compliments, but hold on to their family and wife. Having chosen his beloved once, Taurus will be devoted to her all his life. He is monogamous, faithful, reliable. You shouldn’t dream that you will be able to take Taurus away from your family, it’s unlikely.

A man under the sign of Taurus is gallant and attentive, but one cannot count on more. He will not leave his wife and children, no matter how much he becomes a nightingale in front of other young ladies. Give up all hopes that Taurus will leave the family, this will not happen. Better think about how to build your happiness with another, free man.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love?

You have met an extraordinary man. He is a Taurus. Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite reserved in communication. And they would prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But in general, Taurus men respect the ladies and are friendly with all women. How then can you understand that a man of this zodiac sign is interested in you?

There are at least 4 signs by which you can guess that Taurus is breathing unevenly towards you.

Appearance. Taurus men always look attractive and pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe. When they are in love, they begin to take care of their appearance even more carefully. If Taurus appears “dressed to the nines” on every date with you? this is a good sign. And if he suddenly changed his image, then there can be no doubt about his feelings.

Facial expressions and gestures. If a usually reserved man actively gesticulates when communicating with you, it means you make his heart flutter. And they also say that if a Taurus is in love, then he often blinks in the presence of the object of his adoration.

Romantic gestures. A previously cold man gives you pleasant surprises, gives you gifts, literally showers you with flowers? Diagnosis: in love!

Lots of attention. If a Taurus is not indifferent to you, he will be actively interested in your life and devote a lot of time to you. And also - trying to make you laugh literally at every step.

Taurus have clear ideas about what their life partner should be like. A bright, spectacular appearance for such a man is not the main thing in a woman. Of course, he likes attractive and well-groomed ladies. But the inner world is much more important. To make a Taurus fall in love with you, you need to be...


an excellent, versatile interlocutor who knows how to listen;

unique (such men respect women who have their own opinion on any matter);

When it comes to Taurus, it is important to understand that if a representative of this sign praises and extols a lady in every possible way, this does not at all indicate ardent feelings towards her. He simply gets genuine pleasure from this process. But not every woman can truly conquer a Taurus man. This article will provide some tips in this regard.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love by focusing on appearance? Representatives of this sign prefer beautiful, sophisticated and well-groomed ladies. It is important that all these qualities are reflected in a woman’s clothing style.

Due to the excessive sensuality of such men, you can charm them by wearing a seductive outfit and throwing a couple of frank glances towards the object of interest. However, you shouldn’t go too far either, otherwise the lady risks awakening only base instincts in Taurus.

After contact with the representative of the sign has been established, you can move on to the next stage of seduction. The sensuality of such people manifests itself not only through the sexual sphere, but also through the love of delicious food. Knowing this feature of the sign will help the lady understand how to win a Taurus man. By demonstrating her culinary skills to a new acquaintance, a woman can become one step closer to him.

As for communication with representatives of this sign, they value interlocutors who are able to maintain a conversation on a wide variety of topics and have their own point of view. Gentleness, friendliness, sociability, goodwill and an excellent sense of humor - these are the set of qualities that the chosen one of Taurus should have.

To get a Taurus man back in case of separation, under no circumstances should you put pressure on him. If there is resentment in your partner’s heart, you need to give him time to move away from the conflict and understand himself. After waiting at least a few days, you can schedule a serious conversation, during which you should admit all your mistakes and talk about your feelings. Despite the fact that representatives of the sign are particularly stubborn, they are very kind and easy-going.

The lady should learn a useful lesson from the breakup and analyze the situation in detail, because there may no longer be a second chance to return her lover. In this case, you should behave like an intelligent, balanced woman, characterized by composure and prudence. If during the conversation the partner starts shouting or even loses control over himself, it means that his feelings for his partner are very strong.

When thinking about the question of how to return a Taurus man, a lady should pay special attention to her appearance. When meeting, you need to try to simultaneously amaze and touch your lover. A spectacular, attractive woman who looks lonely and lost will certainly awaken a hurricane of passions in the heart of the sign’s representative. Then the matter remains small: a bright, convincing and sincere monologue about passionate feelings addressed to your partner will have its effect.

The union with Taurus promises to become strong and reliable if the lady can show patience and go through numerous tests arranged by an inventive partner. In general, these men make excellent husbands, true family men and homebodies.

In their dreams, girls dream of a reliable, loving and caring partner and spouse, who is also not devoid of charm and tenderness. A similar combination of qualities is inherent in Taurus, who purely intuitively understands what you expect from a man, what you really are and how your relationship will develop.

Thanks to their balanced character and thoroughness, representatives of this zodiac sign are considered by girls as a spouse. It is not surprising that many lovely young ladies (no matter whether they are Aries or Pisces) are interested in how to conquer a Taurus man.

Of course, Taurus is a kind of example of a real man with whom you will not be lost. His chosen one will not have to worry about almost anything, since she is in good hands.

A Taurus man knows how to count money, so he rarely encounters financial problems.

Taurus's thoughts are connected with the future, but he cannot be called divorced from reality. Representatives of this zodiac sign are also distinguished by their generosity, so a woman will not need to beg for gifts, and her legal spouse will never hear a refusal.

Taurus has self-control and calmness, but it’s still not worth testing his patience. If you make a Taurus man angry, it won’t be enough! In general, the guy you like is a responsible and wise person who will not let the girl he likes down.

A few words need to be said about what Taurus is like in love relationships. According to astrologers, representatives of this earth sign are distinguished by conservatism and constancy.

  1. Taurus has an inherent desire to create a strong unit of society. However, this does not at all negate their love for beautiful women - sensual and seductive young ladies who radiate sexual energy.
  2. Distinguished by some taciturnity, Taurus men are also capable of romantic actions, so their chosen ones will not have to doubt the presence of warm feelings. If the romance ends in nothing, ex-girlfriends usually remember their previous relationships with tenderness.
  3. Taurus people in love often lose their prudence and resort to the most risky and controversial ways to attract female attention. He will seek reciprocity, despite various obstacles, and will calm down only if he conquers the “impregnable fortress.”

Representatives of this sign are terribly jealous and possessive. Surrounding his beloved with care and affection, he does not allow his rivals to even look in her direction. A woman should forget even about frivolous flirting, since Taurus is scary when angry.

It is quite difficult to fall in love with a representative of this sign. Distinguished by his thoughtfulness, Taurus will prefer to think carefully before starting to care for a woman. To win the heart of such a man, try to meet the following requirements:

  1. Know how to present yourself in society, because Taurus dream of having a girl next to them whom they can admire and be proud of. This rule means not only beauty, but also moral qualities - kindness, nobility and justice.
  2. Demonstrate common sense and prudence, since men do not like capricious and eccentric people who like to “get on your nerves.” Of course, the first time the guy will rush to help, but then he will begin to wonder whether it is worth communicating with such an unbalanced girl.
  3. Appreciate family comfort, a measured, calm life. A Taurus man needs a housewife who knows how to cook and arrange a home nest. His cherished dream is a beautiful wife and a bunch of children.
  4. Don't be a big spender, because Taurus can't stand frivolous girls who waste money on a new handbag or pair of shoes. Despite his generosity and magnanimity, a man will not tolerate their uncontrolled spending.
  5. Don't become a careerist. Hard work is an excellent quality for a woman, but the desire to occupy a high position will most likely push Taurus away from you, since he will not tolerate masculinity and authority in a woman’s character.
  6. Respect his buddies and close friends. Representatives of this sign are sensitive to male friendship, so Taurus is able to break loose at any moment to come to the aid of a friend. Please be aware of this feature.

How to win a Taurus man over women of different zodiac signs?

To make such a wonderful guy fall in love with them, women need to make a lot of effort, because other girls are also vying for his hand and heart. How can Aries, Cancer and other zodiac creatures do this better? Read the advice of expert astrologers.

Aries woman

Conquering a Taurus man is not a problem for Aries. He likes her hot temperament, energy, spontaneity and ardor. Aries should only show her main positive traits:

  • activity;
  • passion;
  • love of life.

Aries will stir up the phlegmatic Taurus and give him moments of pleasure. However, you should not overly demonstrate your emotionality and openness, otherwise the man will simply run away from you.

Taurus woman

Taurus get along well together, since a man is impressed by the psychological characteristics of a woman that are close to him. So that he notices his person in you, show the advantages of your character:

  • equanimity;
  • restraint;
  • commitment to home comfort.

Gemini women

Taurus and Gemini are completely different: the man is conservative, and the girl is frivolous and a little superficial. There is a high probability that, fed up with her liveliness and lightness, the Taurus man will want something more stable.

If you decide to conquer Taurus, show yourself at your best. After all, you have intelligence, a lively mind and a cheerful disposition, and adding wisdom and prudence to them, such a man will definitely like you.

Cancer woman

How to conquer a Taurus man with a Cancer woman? Her softness and romance will come to the rescue. Show that you are a homely person who loves comfort and spending time with loved ones. And to keep a man, try:

  • convince Taurus of the seriousness of your own intentions;
  • show that you are committed to starting a family;
  • show tenderness and affection.

Leo woman

Not always a successful combination due to different approaches to financial well-being. Taurus strives to spend money wisely, and Lioness does not want to limit herself in anything. In addition, Leos are prone to eccentricity and whims, which Taurus men do not like.

  • show love of life and activity;
  • hide your unbalanced character;
  • be the first to compromise.

Virgo woman

If sublime and spiritual relationships are important for the dreamy Virgo, then the more down-to-earth Taurus gravitates towards the practical side of life. However, you should not be disappointed ahead of time, because Virgo is capable of conquering a Taurus man. You just need to show your balance and thrift more often and keep your head in the clouds less.

Taurus will give you protection, confidence in the future and put you on your feet, which, you see, is not bad at all. Don’t forget to also ask for his opinion more often; men love to feel like mentors.

Libra woman

To make Taurus fall in love with you, Libra needs to show their talents for creating comfort. But you should refrain from demonstrating refined manners and secular speeches, since the down-to-earth Taurus man likes more tangible matters:

  • delicious breakfasts and dinners;
  • cleaned apartment;
  • neatly dressed children.

Use your talent as a diplomat to convince Taurus of your own indispensability. Well, keep your promises to him.

Scorpio woman

It’s difficult to imagine “Scorpio” and Taurus together, they are too different. If at first a man is attracted by the mystery of Scorpio, then he will begin to look for other women. To win and keep a guy, use your “secret weapon” - intuition and insight.

Convince Taurus of your commitment to family traditions. Seeing the similarity of values, a man will not waste time looking for a new lover.

Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius does not resemble the image of an ideal woman for a Taurus man, but it is too early to despair. Increased sexuality and almost the same sense of humor can connect you. Tenderness and affection will not leave your chosen one indifferent, and watching comedies together will only strengthen the connection.

Feed Taurus a variety of foods; he loves to eat delicious food. However, delicacies are not the best option; make do with ordinary and high-quality products, thereby showing your economy.

Capricorn woman

A wonderful union, since Taurus has always dreamed of just such a soul mate - serious, responsible and reasonable. You can quickly win him over, especially if you stop trying to change the man. In general, astrologers positively assess the compatibility of Taurus and Capricorn.

Aquarius woman

Aquarians tend to idealize reality, which is why they are infinitely far from the down-to-earth Taurus. But all is not lost, because by taking off your rose-colored glasses, you can conquer a man by demonstrating:

  • efficiency (give a gift that is needed in the household);
  • ability to manage finances;
  • rationality (talk less about philosophical topics).

Pisces woman

The soft and compliant Fish is almost an ideal option for the courageous Taurus. She is so gentle that a man wants to surround her with care. A girl can enhance the effect by constantly being interested in her boyfriend’s affairs, encouraging him with kisses and affection.

It wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate your culinary skills and housekeeping skills. Taurus will want to be with you because he needs a beautiful, homely and gentle spouse.

A representative of any zodiac sign can make a Taurus man fall in love with her; you just need to choose the right key to his courageous and at the same time tender heart. Support your chosen one in everything, create home comfort and wait for him to start moving mountains for you.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.