View finished paintings drawn with wax crayons. Encaustic, an unconventional technique of drawing with wax crayons

And even . Instead of paints, artists use,.

Wax pencils are no exception. It turns out that you can not only make them, but also create masterpieces. The article will discuss several techniques for creating paintings from ordinary drawing objects.

Method No. 1 “Shavings”. To create a picture, prepare wax pencils different colors.

Remove the paper wrapping from them.

There are two options for making pencil shavings. Using a sharpener. She removes a thin layer of colored wax from the pencils.

Or you can grate the pencils. You will get finer crumbs. Both sizes of fine wax are needed to create the painting. This way the patterns will be more varied.

Prepare the canvas for the painting. To make the drawing have rich colors, it is better to use fabric. The colors will look faded on paper. Sprinkle pencil crumbs onto the fabric. These can be stripes or other shapes.

Cover the top with parchment, which housewives use for baking.

Heat the iron well and iron the paper. At high temperatures, the wax will begin to melt.

When you have covered the entire surface, slowly peel off the paper. Do not make sudden movements, otherwise the drawing will be blurred.

Leave the wax to harden. If desired, you can decorate the sides of the canvas.

Method No. 2 “Paintings using a hair dryer.” A hairdryer will help melt the wax from the pencils. With this option for creating pictures, you do not need to remove the wrapper from the pencils and crush them. Glue them onto the canvas.

Lift it up so that the pencils rest on top of the base.

Turn on the hair dryer and direct hot air onto the wax. Gradually it will melt and flow down.

When using this technique, original paintings are obtained.

Drawings from wax pencils can be anything. If you place colored wax in the shape of a heart, then inner part the canvas will be clean.

Or glue a paper stencil onto the material before melting the wax.

Then remove it after using the hair dryer. Additionally empty place paint or decorate with sparkles.

With this option for creating paintings, a pattern in the form of stripes is obtained. You can make bright spots on the canvas in another way. Cut the pencils into small pieces. Place them on the canvas.

Warm up the wax with a hairdryer. If you slowly rotate the hairdryer around the pencil, you will get a circular design.

Choose colors and their placement depending on the desired composition.

Method No. 3 “Glue gun”. Often in needlework, a glue gun is used to connect parts of the decor. It can be used for painting with colored wax. This device has a heating device in its design. He is the one who can melt wax crayons.

Instead of glue sticks, prepare pencils. If necessary, then cut off the excess wax. Insert the pencils into the glue gun and plug the device into an outlet.

When the wax begins to melt, bring the device to the canvas and press the lever. The wax will drip onto the paper, creating intricate patterns.

Collect the leftover colored wax and use it to make colored crayons for children's creativity.

It's easy to create paintings from wax crayons. You can make such an original masterpiece with your own hands if you use these techniques.

You will need

  • Wax crayons or pencils, thick and smooth (preferably coated) paper, a knife for sharpening crayons. The sgraffito technique will require either a palette knife, a utility knife, a craft knife, or an engraving stacker. The encaustic technique requires an iron with a solid soleplate. For stained glass painting You will need: a porcelain plate that can withstand heat from candles, a metal tray or baking sheet; warming candles; stand for placing a plate or tray above the candles.


Drawing with wax crayons requires the artist to know the basics of pencil drawing. In pastel, as in working with simple, there are concepts of perspective and proportions. The shape and texture of drawing objects are conveyed using light, shadow, color gradation and direction of strokes. First you need to understand how wax pastels behave on paper. Try painting with one color different types paper (whatman, watercolor, pastel, cardboard or coated). This will give you an idea of ​​how wax crayons behave like different materials. Mix several different colors by applying them to paper and rubbing them together. This way you will understand how different colors are mixed, as well as what results you can get with. Wax crayons are sharpened with a knife, like regular pencils.

Drawing with wax crayons begins with a sketch, which is done with light strokes. The sketch can be made with a simple pencil or chalk of a dominant color future painting. The sketch indicates the outlines of objects that will be depicted in the drawing, as well as the outlines of white or light areas. The next stage of the drawing is filling the sketch with color. Wax crayons, like oil crayons, are applied to the drawing in layers, from dark to light colors. If you need to mix two colors, then: first apply the darker one, then light color, then the colors are mixed by rubbing them into the paper with your fingertips. Before you start mixing the tones in the drawing, mix them on another piece of paper. This way you won’t go wrong with the choice of tones to mix. When you have distributed all the colors throughout the sketch, according to the intended composition, you need to rub them into the drawing paper. Shake off the crayon crumbs and gradually add color as needed. Wax pastels should have a smooth, glossy surface through which the texture of the paper does not show through. In the end, the work is brought to perfection by applying highlights and shadows, drawing more fine lines and small parts. When finishing the work, you need to remember that by excessively pressing on the chalk used to draw on the erased background, you can move the wax already lying on the drawing. Apply finishing touches easily and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels called sgraffito. This is translated as “scratching”. For this method, you will need, in addition to paper and, either a palette knife, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastels are applied to the paper in dense layers. First light pastel, and then dark. Next, a drawing is scratched onto the surface using a stack (or other tools). Such a drawing will resemble an engraving. Using the scratching method you can create both two-color and multi-color works.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called “stained glass enamel”. To master it, you need to place a metal or porcelain surface that can withstand the heat of teapots on a mesh stand under which lit tea candles are placed. Even a metal sheet or flat pan designed for baking dough will work. Placed on a warm surface newspaper sheet, and then drawing paper. Next begins drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface. Such work will have the appearance of bright and rich enamel.

The next technique of drawing with wax crayons is called “encaustic”. To do this, you need to take an iron with a solid soleplate (i.e. for steam) and set its heating to minimum. You will also need wax crayons and thick cardboard with smooth surface. Turn the iron, which is slightly heated, upside down and apply a design on it with wax crayons. Then we sharply turn it over and move it along the cardboard. We get abstract wax stains, which can then be brought to perfection by drawing more subtle and precise details. Masters can not only “stamp” abstract ones, but also create real masterpieces by drawing details with the edge of the sole of the iron.

Another method is to wash the wax with turpentine or white spirit. Light strokes of wax crayons create a design, and then the wax is blurred with turpentine and a brush. Synthetic art brushes will come in handy here. You will get a surprisingly light, transparent like watercolor drawing.

Video on the topic


When choosing wax crayons in the store, try to choose those that are made from natural types of wax. Inexpensive paraffin crayons are less flexible, mix worse and rub into the base of the design. There is no need to choose too many colors to mix at once. This can give unpredictable results that will ruin your drawing.

Helpful advice

It is better to rub the wax crayons on the paper with your hands; paper retouchers are not very good for this. However, you can use retouchers lightly moistened with turpentine or white spirit to soften color transitions and mixing tones on paper. Among other things, break the wax crayons into halves so that you have both sharp and dull crayons of the same color. Smaller crayons - with various edges and chips - are more convenient to draw.


  • Parramon Edisiones Publishing Group, “Fundamentals of Painting”, JSC “Vesant”, 1994.
  • crayons for drawing on paper

Earlier stained glass Only cathedrals, mansions of the rich, and theaters were decorated, but now this technique is available to almost everyone. You can decorate stained glass doors, balconies and loggias, and much more. The material for stained glass is various paints And colored glass.

You will need

  • - finished drawing;
  • - a sheet of glass of the required size;
  • - glassograph;
  • - special paints for painting on glass;
  • - brushes, and always soft and good quality(it is also advisable to rinse them first to prevent lint from coming out during operation);
  • - contour paste in a tube (imitates lead tape, which is used in stained glass, and also allows you to define clear contours for the drawing).


There are several ways to make good stained glass windows. Unfortunately, most of them are not very suitable for creating stained glass windows in . They are used mainly in specialized workshops. To make stained glass in, use the following method - the so-called imitation. Imitation implies special ones that do not require temperature treatment.

Next, using a glass pencil (it’s a glassgrapher), apply it to the pre-dried glass surface. If it is difficult to immediately apply a design to the surface of the glass, try first drawing it on a sheet of white paper. After this, it can be placed under glass and the drawing can be copied on it.

Simulate lead with contour paste (it is usually available in tubes for convenience). Separate sections of the drawing that differ in color.

Then wait a while and let the contour dry.

Now, using gentle and light movements with a soft brush, begin to apply the paint. If you want to deepen the color, simply apply several layers of paint, waiting for each previous layer to dry before applying the next.


  • how to draw stained glass on glass

If you have already mastered all the tools for drawing - from a brush and palette knife to a pen and airbrush - take a closer look at household items. Some will help you create paintings. For example, you can paint paintings with liquid wax using the encaustic technique using an iron.

You will need

  • - colored wax/wax crayons;
  • - cardboard;
  • - iron.


Prepare workplace. Cover the table with oilcloth or thick paper (a sheet of Whatman paper will do). Fold the paper napkins or rags you will use to clean your tools.

Purchase wax painting tools. You can buy a special iron for encaustic painting. It differs from the usual one in its small size, absolutely smooth sole and comfortable handle-stand. However, a regular iron will also work, as long as there are no holes in its soleplate. It is convenient to use old so-called travel irons - they are smaller and lighter than usual, they can be turned over and placed on the handle, using them as a heated surface for drawing. You can also buy cautery in an online store or in an artist supply store. This tool is a heated metal rod with attachments different shapes. It allows you to create small elements in wax drawings.

You will also need an encaustic wax kit. It is sold in packs of several colors. However, ordinary wax crayons will also work if they melt at a low temperature. Before starting work, make sure that the material is non-toxic (there should be a note about this on the packaging).

Start drawing. Take a sheet of cardboard. Its surface should be smooth and glossy. Turn on the iron at minimum power. When it's warm, turn it over and run the wax over the sole. Fill about half the surface with color. The layer should be quite dense. Turn the iron over and move it over the cardboard in a slow sliding motion. You will get an even stripe of color. To do smooth transitions shades, melt several colors of wax on the iron and move it along the cardboard not only forward, but also down or in reverse side– by changing direction, you mix colors.

To make lines on the color layer that has not cooled down, run the side of the iron along the cardboard. Also small parts You can also remove it with the nose of an iron (if you did not purchase cauterium for such work). If you do not move the iron evenly, but touch the paper with it several times and remove it, picturesque marks will remain on the sheet - their shape is individual, you can control it after gaining a little experience.

You can also draw directly on the soleplate of the iron. Turn it over and place it on the handle. Apply wax to the surface, place cardboard on top and gently move it to the side. Or place the cardboard on the iron and, when the paper heats up, draw directly on it with wax crayons spreading from the temperature.

When the drawing is ready, the wax has hardened, polish it with a dry cotton cloth, this will make the picture glossy.

If you are inspired by prints famous masters, you may well try your hand at making engravings using the grattage technique - this is an imitation of engraving on thick paper or cardboard. You can make it even with children; to do this, arm yourself with the tips from this article.

You will need

  • - thick cardboard;
  • - paints;
  • - brush, sponge or cotton swab;
  • - wax candle, chalk or white clay;
  • - mascara;
  • - knitting needle, needle or nail.


Apply a layer of wax or paraffin to the cardboard. This layer is called "primer". For it you can use not only wax and paraffin, but also chalk, white clay, egg yolk. You can use a regular candle. Please note that the “primer” must be applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the drawing, otherwise you will not succeed.

After this, apply mascara or paint. Please note: mascara will have to be applied in several layers, because... At first it will not adhere well to the wax and will spread. Each layer must be dried before applying the next. It is most convenient to apply mascara with a wide brush, cotton swab or sponge.

Start scratching with a pointed object lines and strokes that will reveal color base. For professional artists for sale special sets incisors, and beginners can easily use an ordinary nail, knitting needle or other sharp objects. Be careful - if you are using thin cardstock, don't use too much force or the print will tear.


Very often, gouache is used as a paint to fill the background, but such engravings will not be very durable, because... Gouache smears over time and stains your hands. Best to use acrylic paints: they are very easy to dilute to the consistency you need, easy to apply, dry quickly, and if you apply one layer of acrylic to another, they will not mix with each other, forming dirt, as often happens with gouache.

Helpful advice

Most often for such engravings they use white cardboard and black ink, but you can experiment: try using colored cardboard instead of white, or pre-paint white cardboard. You can take ink or paint that is not black, but any other or different colors. You can cover black cardboard light paint. Remember: than more unusual combination, the more original the result will be.


  • Master Class. Printed graphics - cardboard engraving
  • engraving on cardboard

What methods are used to remove unwanted hair? Waxing is now gaining popularity. This is a slightly painful way to remove unwanted hair, but it is very fast and effective. After a properly performed procedure, the skin remains smooth and velvety for three weeks.

To achieve the desired result, the hair must be at least 3-5 mm. Shortly before the procedure, it is advisable to treat the skin with fruit acid or tonic. These products perfectly cleanse the skin and prevent ingrown hairs.

Epilation wax

There are several types of wax for waxing: hard and soft wax, wax strips and water-soluble wax.

Hard wax has the form of a briquette and is used in beauty salons. It is heated for about 30 minutes to a temperature of 50 degrees using a special device called.

Soft wax can be purchased ready-made. It is used both in salons and at home.

Wax strips are intended for self-use. These are special paper strips with cold wax, which is heated with your hands.

Water-soluble wax is a special cream with sugar or honey.

How is the waxing procedure performed?

Hot wax hair removal is performed only by a professional. He takes out the heated wax with a spatula, cools it slightly and applies a thin layer to the skin. After the wax hardens, the cosmetologist removes it sudden movement. Hot wax opens pores well and reduces pain.

For epilation with cold wax, it is slightly heated, applied to the skin along the hair growth and pressed firmly against it. paper strip, then with a sharp movement it is removed. This strip can be used several times if desired. To remove wax residue from the skin, you need to use oil, since wax contains resins that are not soluble in water.

When using water-soluble wax, the cream in the form of a warm paste is applied only to the hair, gluing it together. After hardening, the cream is removed, removing unnecessary hair.

Who shouldn't have waxing?

This type of hair removal is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. There are also diseases for which hair removal cannot be performed, because it can have complications: diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, diseases of the endocrine system. You cannot do hair removal if there are moles or warts at the site of hair removal.

Today people know great amount various types arts in which any person can realize himself.

- This ancient art hot wax painting. In this interesting technology Many early Christian icons were painted, as well as Fayum funerary portraits.

Encaustic: history

Wax painting Its roots go back to the distant past, so it is impossible to say with certainty where this type of art originated. But the technology developed in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC e., has become the most durable and durable.

The essence of the Greek technique was that preheated paints (their composition included wax, resin, oil and coloring pigment) were applied to a heated base with a brush and a specially hot tool, and then the picture was melted using a brazier.

Encaustic painting was also used by the ancient Egyptians, for example, Fayum portraits- this is the most early works in this technique, which have survived to this day. Fayum portraits are small portraits that are made on wooden boards and covered with glue paint.

Encaustic as popular type of painting was widespread until the Middle Ages, and then interest in wax painting disappeared. And paintings painted with wax paints were extremely rare, but in the 19th century there was a real revival of this art form in Germany.

Encaustic painting at home

It is interesting that for encaustic painting the ability to draw is not so important, but a sense of proportion and color, imagination and mood are more important. Of course, encaustic painting is an expensive form of creativity, but to discover the artist in yourself and experiment with wax painting, you can use cheaper materials.

To paint a picture using the encaustic technique, you will need wax crayons, cardboard and an iron. Approximately, encaustic looks like this: wax crayons are carefully applied to a hot iron, and then transferred from the iron to cardboard. It is desirable that the cardboard be glossy and the iron have a smooth surface (without holes).

It is also worth preparing a backing for the cardboard; it should be soft and twice the size of the cardboard. In addition, there should be several substrates, since they get dirty very quickly.

The iron must be turned on at minimum power and quickly apply crayons(several colors can be applied at once, they do not mix with each other). But do not take too long to apply the crayons to the iron, as crayons melt very quickly.

Encaustic: some techniques and types of techniques

Encaustic painting, like any type of painting, has its own basic techniques. For example, ironing is the first and easiest encaustic technique. The picture can be drawn using a print; the idea is that a hot iron is applied to the cardboard, and the mark is raised for a few seconds. You can apply the design using the edge of an iron, but this should be done when the main background has been applied.. And small details in the picture can be drawn with the tip of an iron.

Encaustic painting can be multi-layered, because the properties of wax paints allow the artist to layer one layer on top of another, and paintings made using this technique are distinguished by their special depth and structure.

Encaustic art is a beautiful and fairly simple form of creativity, but with the help of this amazing technique you can express yourself and your Creative skills. Encaustic does not limit your imagination; you can experiment, for example, like Jasper Johns, who combines encaustic with oil and collage techniques. You can also come up with your own technique for drawing pictures with hot wax.

Let's look at the four main techniques of wax painting: smoothing, imprinting, working with the sides of the iron (edge) and working with the tip.

The first technique is smoothing

Take glossy cardboard in A5 or A6 format. Start with this format. It will be easier for you to work.

Turn on the iron and adjust the minimum temperature.

Hold the iron with the sole facing up. Bring a pencil to the sole and start drawing along the sole, painting the surface of the iron.

The pencil should melt well and spread a little , but not much. Otherwise, adjust the temperature on the iron.

Now turn the iron over with the sole down and run it across the paper.

Use the iron smoothly and slowly, without pressing hard on the paper.

Look what happened.

Second reception:imprint.

Using this technique, so-called veins are created, characteristic of encaustic painting.

To do this, just apply the iron to the surface of the cardboard, and then slightly lift it.

Air will rush into the space between the iron and the cardboard, and veins will form on the surface of the wax.

Method three:working with the side of the iron (edge).

Use the sides of the iron to create white lines and add details to the drawing.

Using the smoothing method, apply wax to the cardboard. Then position the iron so that its edge slides across the wax, like the blade of a skate.

This is how they are created different lines, for example, tall grass.

Technique four: working with the tip of the iron.

Touch the tip of the iron (nose) to the wax, pick up some wax and paint with it.

Used for detailed drawing.

Drawing a blooming magnolia

Our simple three step process includes:

Rubbing crayons;

To paint a picture " Starlight Night» melted wax crayons you will need:

Aluminium foil;

Grater (regular kitchen);


"Starry Night" is my children's and my attempt to recreate Van Gogh's masterpiece using melted and pounded wax crayons on aluminum foil!

Our simple three-step process includes:

Drawing on aluminum foil;

Rubbing crayons;

Melting crayons in the oven.

To be honest, at the very beginning I could not even imagine what exactly we would succeed in. I just wanted to offer the children something completely new way drawing. Nevertheless, it turned out very well!

So, at the very beginning, I told the children about Van Gogh, showed them some of his paintings from the tablet, and since it was late in the evening, we also went out onto the balcony to look at the stars. And when we got inspired, we got down to business...

To paint the Starry Night picture with melted wax crayons you will need:

Cornflakes box or 2 sheets of cardboard;

Aluminium foil;

Wax crayons (shades of black, blue, yellow, white, purple);

Paints different shades blue, black, yellow, purple and white;

Grater (regular kitchen);


I gave each child a piece of cardboard (cut from big box cornflakes) covered with aluminum foil and handed out paints: 4 shades of blue, yellow, black, purple and white.

The son painted over his canvas completely, and the daughter applied only a few strokes. Remember that this is art, so you shouldn’t show children “how it should be” - let them decide for themselves how they like it best.

We left the canvases to dry for an hour and then finished the work. Look how simple and beautiful it is!

To begin with, you need to grate the crayons. Older children can do this on their own. This is how the shavings turned out from blue, purple, yellow, white and black.

Finally, place the painting in the oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Remove the painting from the oven carefully, as... melted crayons are very hot and may leak.

Children find it interesting to watch crayons freeze. At first the colors still blend into each other, but after a few seconds they begin to solidify.

When they completely froze, they looked like this:

Be careful not to bend the picture, otherwise the crayons will crack. But if this happens, don't worry, you can just melt them back in the oven.

The picture can be hung in the nursery and shown to guests; the children will be proud of their skill!

And finally, I think it will be interesting:

How to clean crayons from a grater?

A quick and easy way to clean wax crayons from a grater is to pour hot boiling water from a kettle onto it. It will be cleaned instantly!

Happy creativity!

Drawing lesson for children 8-9 years old

Master class on drawing. Study of mixed media: wax crayons + watercolor.

Thematic composition “Round Dance of Fishes” in mixed media: wax crayons and watercolors.

Age category – 8-9 years
The master class is intended for beginners: introducing students to new mixed media - wax crayons and watercolors. This technique can be used to perform work in any genre. visual arts: decorative landscape, portrait, still life, decorative easel composition, postcard, ornamental composition, illustration. For smaller children age category(7 years and younger) fish templates can be used.
Type of lesson: practical. The activity of mastering new knowledge and skills.
View: image on a plane from memory, representation.
Target: acquisition of skills in working with various graphic and painting materials.
Tasks: search for an expressive coloristic and compositional solution.
Educational: introduction to mixed media - wax crayons and watercolors.
Educational: development of work skills in various techniques;
- development of combination skills in decorative images;
- development of imagination, fantasy, creative potential;
- development of associative, imaginative thinking, imagination abilities;
- development of the eye, imagination, ability to create an image;
Educators: nurturing students' attention, conscientious attitude to work, instilling discipline, accuracy, independence, instilling a sense of love for the homeland, admiration for the beauty of their native land.
Knowledge: statics, dynamics, frieze image, symmetry, asymmetry, composition center, balance, proportionality, scale, format, contrast, nuance, color.
Skills: carry out work competently and consistently, apply various technique to convey artistic intent.
Skill: application of various technical techniques in work.
Methods used in the lesson:
the nature cognitive activity students:
- explanatory - illustrative;
- reproductive;
- method of creative tasks;
- partially – search;
- research.
By source of knowledge:
- verbal;
- visual;
- practical.
Form of the lesson:
Lesson - conversation
Equipment and materials needed for the lesson

For students:
- a sheet of A3 paper,
- eraser,
- simple pencils,
- cutter or sharpener;
- watercolor;
- a jar for water;
- brushes;
- wax crayons;
- fish templates;
- colour pencils.
For the teacher:
a) books with illustrations.
b) reproductions of artists’ works in various techniques.
c) graphic materials and a sheet of A3 paper.
G) methodological manuals.
e) work of students from the school fund.
Progress of the lesson.
I. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
II. Introductory conversation. Presentation of new material.
You can start the lesson by reading poems on the topic and asking questions: where are fish found in nature? Where, besides natural reservoirs, can fish live? What fish do children know? What fish live in children's aquariums and their characteristics?

Literary series:

At sunset the pond sleeps.
Circles float on the water -
These are small fish
They played out here and there.
I like to splash water on them,
To flash your scales for a moment, -
The fish jump out into the air.
It's like we're diving.
"Gold fish".

This fish is not simple,
This fish is a goldfish.
You will find understanding with her,

Will fulfill three wishes!

"Fish in an aquarium."
There are fish in the aquarium,
They have their own little world:
There are stones and snails,
And a stream of bubbles.

Sasha has a home pond
His name is aquarium.
And there are many secrets
In this glass pond.
It has a green garden under water,
Gray moss hangs from the stones,
There are driftwood at the bottom,
Where catfish and crayfish sleep.
There is a glass grotto in the garden,
There the fish dance in a circle,
And crawl on the tiles
Horned snails.
Big fish swam up
Stopped by the glass
Stands, breathes through his cheeks,
And moves its fins,
And he says something to Sasha,
But he doesn't hear her.

Behind transparent glass
Rybok round dance,
Not sad, not crying
The people there.
Among the green grass,
Like lights
IN New Year's tree
On winter days.
The bright shine of the fish
Like tinsel.
Let your smiles
Gives to children.

The fish house is not for people
There are no windows or doors in it,
No sweets, no kids,
Neither computer game,
They live there far from the cat,
Silent fishes
water bubbles,
Yes, funny worms
Four pencils
I'll paint them with flowers
Blue, red and simple,
And, of course, gold!

The aquarium has a pussy,
I got close to the fish.
Trying to catch it with his paw
And she just can’t understand
What little fish are behind the glass!
Can't reach the pussy.
So, pussy, eat some food
From a cat's bowl.
Still she sits
Looking at the aquarium
And tries again
Catch at least ONE fish.

My aquarium is not the sea,
The underwater world is small.
There are a lot of fish living in it,
And life there is real.
Decorate the bottom of the shell
And a toy frigate.
Pearl beads are scattered along the bottom.
Wonderful algae garden.
There lives a goldfish there
The scales glisten with fire.
Beautiful tail flutters
And floats to the crystal house.
And there are also snails
They can crawl on glass.
The fish are playing catch up
Feed, grabbing on the fly.
My aquarium is not a fairy tale.
Requires a lot of care.
Change water, clean bottom
I grow up from troubles.

Students are shown photographs of different types of fish. During the show, attention is focused on the variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

The first stage of work is to complete a sketch in which you need to place various fish, algae, and pebbles on the bottom. It is advisable to place the fish in different places format, on different levels, various sizes. It's better if the fish swim in different directions.

The most successful sketch is enlarged. On a large format, details are clarified and added.
The following explains the technique in which the work will be performed.
Watercolor, thanks to its transparency properties, allows you to create light and airy compositions.
Wax crayons are graphic art material, which allows you to create unique textures bright compositions. Wax crayons can be used with the tip, end or flat, using the side surface of the chalk. The chalk leaves a mark on the surface of the paper in the form of a stroke. Closely spaced strokes form a spot. The crayons have a rich, bright color. The main property of wax is to repel water. The method of working in this technique is based on this property. The combination of watercolors and wax crayons gives a completely unexpected effect: if you go over the wax with watercolors, then the places on the paper not painted over with crayons will be colored with paint. This technique of work is called mixed.
The next stage of work is drawing the outline of the fish with wax crayons.

You can draw the contours of the fish only with white chalk. A paraffin household candle may also be suitable for these purposes. But to make the outline look neat, pencil drawing should be barely visible. If the pressure on the pencil when making the contour was very strong, then it needs to be loosened with an eraser or a kneader. You also need to draw the fins, scales, eyes and tails of the fish. In addition to white chalk, colored crayons can be used for outline. Better to use contrasting colors. If the fish is red, then the outline can be green, if it is orange, the outline is purple, and the fish is yellow, the outline is blue. Different tonal relationships can also be taken into account. For paler fish, take a more saturated contour tone and vice versa. In this case, if the outline was blue, then it is better to use a more purple or blue paint for the water. The outline can also be black.

After this, the silhouette of the fish is wetted with water.

Then, in accordance with the sketch, the fish are drawn in watercolors.

Because fish swim in water that is cold blue scale(we use blue, cyan and violet paints), then it is better to make the fish in warm colors.
To convey the plan and show some fish closer, we perform them in brighter and more saturated tones. We paint those that are further away in paler tones. You can draw on top wax drawing using various techniques: fills, stretches, pouring one color into another. Excess paint from the wax can be removed with a semi-dry brush.
After all the fish are completed, the remaining space of the sheet is wetted and filled with cold blue, violet and cyan paints.