A fairy tale about why the paper strips got angry. Ermolaev, Yuri Ivanovich - Why did the paper strips get angry?

People's Artist of the USSR, Chief Director of the Directorate of the Circus Arts Center for Horse Training

Born on June 7, 1932 in the village of Lenino, Leninsky district, Moscow region (until September 28, 1918 - Tsaritsyno-Dachnoe, in 1960 included in the Proletarsky district of Moscow, since 1991 - Tsaritsyno district, part of the Southern Administrative District of the capital). Father - Ermolaev Mikhail Alekseevich (born 1907). Mother - Ermolaeva Antonina Ivanovna (born 1914). Wife (Yu.M. Ermolaev is married for the second time) – Ermolaeva Marina Leonidovna (born in 1946), a graduate of the Moscow Choreographic School at the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, ballerina, equestrian, trainer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Daughters: Ermolaeva Natalya Yuryevna (born 1954); Ermolaeva Daria Yuryevna (born 1982). Grandson – Yaroslav, granddaughter – Polina. U.M. Ermolaeva has two great-granddaughters.
Yuri Mikhailovich was brought up from the age of 7 in the family of his stepfather, Honored Artist of the RSFSR B.P. Manzhelli (pseudonym; real name – Shevchenko), jockey, famous horse trainer, representative of the famous circus dynasty, which shone in the arena of Russian circuses back in the 19th century. His mother, Antonina Ivanovna, after her second marriage also began working with trained horses. Yuri fell in love with the circus immediately as soon as he attended the first performance, and even more with horses. In 1940, at the age of 8, he began vaulting with his stepfather’s grandfather, who initially accepted his adopted grandson with great distrust. Vaulting was considered at that time a mandatory part of any circus program, and future jockeys began to be taught dressage from childhood. The grandson managed to melt his grandfather’s heart with his serious attitude to his studies. He did not leave the horses. He lived, as they say, in a stable, nevertheless, for mistakes made even due to inexperience, he received a good “bream” from his grandfather.
In June 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began, the Mangelli family was on tour in Rostov. The Germans were approaching the city. The circus horses had to be handed over to the collective farm. They left one of them, harnessed it to a cart and set off as refugees along the route determined by their grandfather - to Rybinsk. Why there? There was a circus there. Yuri continued his training in the skills of training and equestrianism from his stepfather, participating in the preparation and staging of equestrian performances in the arena. In 1943, he was already a jockey, and in 1944 he was issued a work book, which opened the official work biography of an outstanding circus artist. Work took up literally all the time, so after the 7th grade I had to take a break from my studies. Yuri will complete his secondary education later and will pass the 11th grade exams as an external student. His subsequent “universities” were held at the arena, and with excellent results: facsimile Yu.M. Ermolaev, who more than once, much later, headed the certification commission of GITIS, the State Institute of Theater Arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky (now the Russian Academy of Theater Arts), adorns the higher education diplomas of many graduates of the circus directing department of this educational institution.
Yuri Ermolaev began his professional career as a vault rider in the “Mail” room, and made his debut in 1943 at the age of 11 in his stepfather’s “Jockeys” room. Geography of performances of the B.P. troupe Manzhelli - almost the entire European part of the Soviet Union: end of 1945 - Kharkov, then - Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Izhevsk; 1947 - Leningrad, later - Kyiv, Moscow, Riga, again Moscow, Ivanovo, Arkhangelsk.
In 1948, Yuri Ermolaev was bought in Leningrad a handsome three-year-old Traken-Kabardian stallion, Druzhka, in which the commander of the Leningrad Military District usually hosted a parade on major holidays. Yuri prepares independent performances: A friend brought objects (“Aporting”), untied knots on a rope with his teeth, dug out a scarf from sawdust (“Detective”). Surprisingly resilient, Druzhok could perform three to four times a day. What Yuri Ermolaev taught this legendary four-legged actor over 30 years of working with him in the arena, no one could repeat. The audience especially liked the performance when Yuri walked along the edge of the arena, followed by a handsome stallion walking on his hind legs. Later, on tour in Mongolia, Druzhka was almost stolen from Yuri. The horse performed one of the tricks, “Balance on the forehand,” to the accompaniment of national Mongolian music, causing the fantastic delight of the Mongols, who apparently considered the animal to be some kind of deity, so mystical did its capabilities seem to them. The friend had to be placed not in the stables, but in the office of the circus director under guard. In 1957, Yuri Ermolaev began performing independently with the number “Higher School Without a Rider,” becoming a laureate with it in the same year at the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 1958, he began rehearsing the so-called “freedom”, equestrian training, when horses move around the arena without riders.
In the early 1950s, Yuri Ermolaev took part in hippodrome competitions, at that time this was a common thing for circus performers. In 1952, at demonstration performances at the Rostov Hippodrome, he beat the champion of the Soviet Union in the Higher School of Riding, Master of Sports of the USSR N.A. Sitko. The legendary commander of the Red Horsemen during the Civil War, Marshal S.M., who was present at the competition. Budyonny presented the winner with a Lipizzan horse brought from Austria. In the same year, Yuri and Druzhok became absolute champions at the Georgian dressage championship. The rider was awarded a camera, and the horse was given a blanket of extraordinary beauty.
In 1959, Yuri Ermolaev began preparing a unique number, the equestrian and ballet suite “Strausiana” (director - N.N. Zinoviev, choreographer - P.L. Grodnitsky). He brought in his wife L.T. as a partner. Kotov, to whom he became engaged at the age of 17. Graduated from the acrobatic school at the Odessa Circus in 1947, L.T. Kotova, a future horse trainer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, until 1957 demonstrated high school horse riding and “Pas de deux” with B.P. Manzhelli, then showed a mixed group of llamas and zebras, and together with Yu.M. Ermolaev – also a group of jaguars and pumas. “Strausiana,” recalls Yuri Ermolaev, he prepared for a bet a year in advance. Rehearsals sometimes began at night, at 3–5 o’clock, and ended at 14–15 o’clock in the afternoon. In 1960, viewers saw the number. When he was “free,” he had six snow-white horses running behind the rider and an old convertible with a lady (L.T. Kotova). They walked in a line on their hind legs across the entire arena, then one stepped forward, and the other, side by side with the first, backed away - the signature “push-pull” trick. The horses lay down, performed various changes, stopped, and in the finale they whirled in a waltz along with the artists to the music of Strauss.
In 1965, Yuri Ermolaev created, together with L.T. Kotova’s equestrian composition “Russian Birch Tree” (director M.S. Mestechkin, choreographer P.L. Grodnitsky). The theme of this performance is determined even by the costumes of the performers. The characters, including the groom (A.S. Sokolov), are in stylized folklore costumes; horses enter the arena with colored scarves tied on their heads. The barriers are painted and decorated to resemble birch trees. The author of the composition combined training, higher riding school and choreography. The animals move to the accompaniment of Russian song and dance music, which gives the whole action a lyrical sound, the appearance of a kind of round dance, in which the artists also become participants. Horses also perform complex elements of training: they walk on their hind legs, jump over hurdles and a rope, and “snake” through trees placed around the arena. In 1969–1988, Yuri Mikhailovich’s daughter from his first marriage, Natalya, performed in the performances “Strausiana” and “Russian Birch”. Both performances were included in the golden fund of circus art.
Yu.M. Ermolaev constantly searched for and then brought to the arena all new equestrian tricks, which he then included in his thematic performances. He complicated the high school routines by forcing 16 horses to perform the most complex elements at once. His repertoire included the numbers “Carousel”, “Quadrille”, “Leapfrog” with zebras and horses. In "Carousel", for example, 36 horses worked simultaneously in the arena. No one has yet surpassed this unique record. His unique act is the horse Cheburashka, jumping over hurdles on his hind legs: first over one, and then over two hurdles at once.
In 1987, Yu.M. Ermolaev staged one of his best equestrian performances: a circus version of the play by A.K. Gladkov "Once upon a time." The performance featured 54 horses, and included the famous equestrian numbers “Carousel”, “Quadrille”, “Aporting”, “High School”, “Jockeys”. The role of Lieutenant Rzhevsky was played by Yuri Ermolaev himself, Shurochka Azarova was played by ballerina M.L. Ermolaeva, his second wife, and Shurochka as a child - at that time 5-year-old daughter Daria.
His concert activities in Russia Yu.M. Ermolaev graduated in 1992, after a decision was made to sell his Russian stable to foreign circuses. He was forced to go abroad to work. He worked under contract in many countries of the world, taught foreign artists the skills of horse training, prepared equestrian performances for them and performed himself. While Yu.M. Ermolaev worked in Italy, his young horses, the last in his artistic career, in which he invested all his experience, were given to another artist, but he, not having sufficient training techniques, could not cope with them. Having learned about this, Ermolaev did not want to return home, although, according to him, he could have worked for ten more years, even being already a pensioner. For three years he taught horse training in Brazil. There he staged a very interesting number, “The Drunken Arab,” which always caused a storm of applause from the ardent Brazilians. The artist portrayed a cowboy who had had too much to drink, and the horse played along: he staggered and fell, holding a bottle in his mouth. In 1992, not the best horse, which they wanted to get rid of, was done after “communication” with Yu.M. Ermolaev gallop on three legs at the Cavallo Circus festival (1992).
Since 1996 Yu.M. Ermolaev is a director of training (horse performances) at the Center for Circus Arts. He receives invitations from abroad to teach young professionals, but he is more concerned about the problem of training a new generation of equestrian artists in his homeland. Tries to provide them with concrete help. In particular, he helped the artist V.V. Isaichev in the creation of the “Jockey Equestrians” issue, in the acquisition and preparation of horses for work.
Great master of horse training Yu.M. Ermolaev created a whole series of circus performances that were unique in form and brilliant in execution, always amazing spectators and specialists with extraordinary stunts and directorial discoveries. The secret of a great trainer is that horses are his destiny, he loves them fanatically. His favorites, Druzhok and the Tekin Cheburashka, died in his arms, having lived, thanks to the love of their owner, much more than what was allotted to animals of this species by nature. He always had the patience and humanity to work with horses, despite serious work-related injuries. He counts them by the scars on his head: 1947, 1958, 1985, 1992. It is difficult to name the exact number of horses he trained, but no less than two hundred.
Yu.M. Eromolaev is a laureate of dozens of all-Union and international competitions, including the world’s most prestigious circus art competition in Verona (Italy, 1992), where his act “Horses in the Circus” received the Grand Prix. He is People's Artist of the USSR (1989), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1969). Awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Honor, and Friendship.

Biography of Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev was born in 1921 year in the city of Moscow, in a working-class family. His favorite subject at school was literature. Yuri Ivanovich successfully graduated from high school and in 1943 he entered the Theater School named after. M. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater. He became an actor by profession. He played leading roles in performances at Moscow theaters. Worked as a radio correspondent. But he wanted to create his own heroes and pass on his life experience to his children. On the radio, Yu. I. Ermolaev read his first stories. The listeners really liked them. In 1960, his first book entitled“Why did the paper strips get angry?”Since then, Ermolaev’s books have been published quite regularly. Yuri Ivanovich is a laureate of the State Television and Radio and Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR competitions. The works of this author are fun, interesting and educational.


Biography of Lev Abramovich Kassil

Lev Abramovich Kassil was born in 1905 in Pokrovskaya Sloboda, Saratov province, into the family of a doctor and a music teacher.

He studied at the gymnasium, which after the revolution was transformed into the Unified Labor School. At school he published a handwritten magazine, loved to visit the library, and participate in various extracurricular activities. After graduating from school, for his active social work, L. A. Kassil received a referral to a university. In 1923 he entered the mathematical department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University. By the third year I began to think seriously about literary work. A year later he wrote his first story, which was published in 1925 in the newspaper Radio News. This is how his writing career began. In 1965, L. A. Kassil was elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. For many years he taught at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. Particularly interesting are his stories entitled “Conduit. Schwambrania."

He was born in 1921 in Moscow, into a working-class family. His favorite subject at school was literature. Having successfully completed school, Yuri Ivanovich in 1943 entered the Theater School named after. M. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater. He was an actor by profession. He played leading roles in performances at Moscow theaters. Then he worked as a radio correspondent. But he wanted to create his own heroes and pass on his life experience to his children. On the radio, Yuri Ivanovich read his first stories, which were a success with listeners.

The writer's talent overpowered the actor's talent. Writing fascinated him. He dedicated all his creativity only to children and their mentors. The playwright also lived in his soul. Apparently, my artistic past took its toll. His plays and sketches were performed with pleasure in theaters and cultural centers. We can still meet the fairy-tale characters of his plays at New Year's performances.

In every work of Yuri Ivanovich, something extremely unusual and interesting, funny, unusual happens. But all this is aimed at the triumph of good over evil. His heroes are honest and mischievous, kind and resourceful, ready for the most unexpected actions. They are endowed with kindness and resourcefulness, their sense of humor and optimism never leaves them, they believe in justice. The heroes of Ermolaev’s works are filled with such love of life, courage and truthfulness that you don’t want to part with them.

The first book of his stories was published in 1960. It was called "Why the Paper Strips Got Angry." Since then, books by Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev have been published quite regularly. Children fell in love with the writer for his sense of humor and ability to laugh kindly at his hero. Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich wrote not only stories. He is the author of several popular stories, including “106 Missing Hours”, and “The House of Brave Cowards”, and “Unexpectedly - Out of the Blue” and others. Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich wrote fairy tales. One of them is called “About two young men - brave men and a miracle doctor.” He called some of his works “Sad Jokes,” the funnyness of which contains a lot of important and instructive things.

To date, only one book by Yuri Ivanovich has been republished

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev: House of Brave Cowards
Artist: David Borisovich Borovsky
Publisher: Rech, 2016

We don’t often think about the fact that being healthy is real happiness. And Nadya Ermakova knows this for sure, because from early childhood she has not been able to run, jump or swim, and the girl can hardly walk only on crutches. But fate still smiles on her, and Nadya ends up in a clinic with a famous surgeon - they say he works miracles... In “The House of Brave Cowards” the girl will have to show perseverance, patience and courage, meet new friends and complete the difficult path to her dream.
Volume: 144 pp.
Age: 6+

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Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich a brief biography of the actor and writer is presented in this article.

Brief biography of Yuri Ermolaev

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev was born in Moscow in 1921 into a family of ordinary workers. Even at school, his favorite subject was literature, with which he wanted to spend his life. Yuri graduated from school successfully, and in 1943 he entered the Theater School named after. M. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater. Having received the profession of an actor, he plays leading roles in plays in Moscow theaters. After that I worked as a radio correspondent. But he had a small dream - to create heroes, thereby passing on his experience to the children.

Yuri Ivanovich read his first works on the radio where he worked. The stories were wildly popular among listeners. And here his talent as an actor overpowered his talent as a writer.

In 1960, his first book, entitled “Why the Paper Strips Got Angry,” was published. Then there were “House of Brave Cowards”, “106 Missing Hours”, “Unexpectedly - Out of the Blue”, “About Two Brave Young Men and a Miracle Doctor”.

Seriously interested in writing, he dedicated his stories to children and their mentors. Having decided to try writing sketches and plays, he was successful in this too - his fairy-tale characters were met in cultural centers and theaters.