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Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Preparing for Easter with a brush and paint”

Skorokhodova Elena Nikolaevna, teacher at MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 1 “Semitsvetik”, Tambov.
Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children preparatory group(6 – 7 years old) on the topic “Preparing for Easter with a brush and paint.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior and preparatory groups. This is a summary of an integrated lesson in the areas:
- artistic and productive development;
- cognitive – speech development.
- introduce the national ritual holiday - Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning;
- introduce preschoolers to Orthodox tradition about the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday;
- enrich children's vocabulary;
- develop creative abilities; cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people;
- teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of folk art products.
Planned results: develop interest in the folk ritual holiday of Easter, its customs and traditions; respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Dictionary: national holiday, Great Easter, Easter cake, Krasnaya Gorka, painted eggs, Easter eggs.
Material: illustrations, Easter cake, Easter, painted eggs, silhouette eggs (made of paper), spoons, slide, collection of Easter eggs.
Preparatory work: talking with children about folk holidays, viewing illustrations, mini-exhibition of a collection of souvenir eggs.
Contents of activity:
- Hello, dear guests! A red guest gets a red seat.
Today we have unusual activity.
And today I want to talk to you about how the Russian people know how to maintain the traditions and customs of their ancestors. Since ancient times, Russian people have been famous for their hard work, while not forgetting to maintain traditions.

Tell me, what holidays do you know?
(Right: New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, these are holidays that people still remember and try to observe some traditions. On New Year’s they put up a tree, on Christmas they do fortune-telling, on Trinity they venerate and praise the birch tree, on Maslenitsa they always bake pancakes and ask everyone for forgiveness, and of course they burn the effigy of Maslenitsa, saying goodbye to winter.)
Listen to a Russian folk song - a call and tell us who we call.
- The spring call “Larks” sounds.
- What Russian folk holidays does spring bring with it?
(Annunciation, Palm Sunday, Easter).
- Today we will talk about the great spring holiday - Easter.
- What do they do for Easter? (Children's answers)
- The word “Easter” came to us from Greek language and means deliverance. It is believed that it was on this day that the son of God Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Easter holiday is one of the main holidays in folk calendar. It always falls on spring days. Spring has always been associated with bright expectations and hopes, because nature awakens after winter sleep, all living things are reborn, resurrected. This holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
Tradition tells that the father sent Jesus Christ to people on Earth to teach them to live according to their conscience: to help those in need, to share everything they have with their neighbors, to be kind and hardworking. People listened to him and agreed with him. But not everyone liked the teachings of Christ. Evil, cruel people decided to kill Jesus Christ. They tormented him for a long time, demanding that he renounce his teaching, but Christ did not renounce his teaching - after all, he had unlimited faith in what he preached to people.
Jesus Christ has risen.
Easter is the most main holiday for Orthodox Christians.
Easter was considered the “holiday of holidays” and was always celebrated solemnly and cheerfully.
-During the entire Easter week, bells were ringing in Rus'. On Easter, everyone, especially children, was allowed to ring the bells. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell. When many bells are struck, the ringing is special, it is called trezvon. It has long been noted that bell ringing heals the soul, restores a person’s strength.
- Let's listen too wonderful music- the ringing of bells.
- How did you feel after the sound of the bell?
(Joyful, upbeat, festive, solemn)
On the Bright Easter holiday in Rus', it has always been customary to give each other elegant painted Easter eggs with the words “Christ is Risen!” And to answer “Truly He is Risen!”, that is, to christen.
This custom is very old. Comes out of an egg Living being, is emerging new life. This is so symbolic of this holiday. The egg occupies a central place in Easter rituals. Painted or painted, it became a sign, a symbol of the holiday. Eggs are exchanged. They are given to relatives, neighbors, and everyone who comes to congratulate them on the holiday. They take it with them when they go on a visit.
The following story is connected with colored eggs for Easter: the disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Mary Magdalene, went from country to country and told everyone about how Christ rose from the dead and what he taught people. One day she came to the city of Rome to tell the Roman Emperor Tiberius, handing him a simple egg, she said loudly: “Christ is risen!” However, Tiberius did not believe it, saying: “How can one rise from the dead, it is difficult to believe it, just as difficult as to believe that this egg can turn red.” And while he was saying this, the egg began to change color, turned pink, darkened and, finally, turned red - the color of the blood that Christ shed for the people. Since then, the custom arose of giving each other colored eggs.
- Look how beautiful colored eggs can be.
A collection of Easter eggs is considered.
(They look at decorated eggs at an exhibition prepared by children and parents. They give explanations of the concepts of “painted eggs”).

Tell me, children, who knows what kind of treat is prepared for the festive table?
-How do people celebrate Easter? (On Easter they went to visit, had festivities, swung on swings, painted eggs, baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese. All this was consecrated in church and given to each other as a sign of love and friendship.)
-The housewives prepared for this day in advance and very carefully. They cleaned the house, baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, made Easter from cottage cheese, cooked delicious dishes, they took out holiday clothes from the chests, received guests, someone came to visit. People feasted, had fun, rejoiced and said to each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen.”
Magical properties were attributed to the egg consecrated in the church: saving a house from fire, helping livestock from diseases, saving crops from hail.

Who knows how eggs were decorated to make them beautiful?
- Watch a video about dyeing eggs.

And before eating the colored eggs, they played various games with them.
I invite you to play these ancient games.
Children's games.

I suggest you paint either boiled eggs, or carved eggs, or simply their paper silhouettes. Choose any for yourself.
- Guys, they do the work of painting eggs with pure thoughts, clean hands. While you hold the egg in your hands, your thoughts are all about who it is intended for, it absorbs the energy of good thoughts and wishes. Think about who you will make your souvenir for. And creativity, imagination and music will help you in your work.

Children performing work to a Russian folk melody.
-What Easter eggs did we get? (Pysanky.)
- In Rus', they knew how to amuse each other with funny conversations and exchange a well-aimed word, make them laugh.
Our guys know a lot of funny nursery rhymes.
- Nursery rhymes sound (Loaf - loaf)
- Practical work. Providing individual assistance during product design.
- Examine your works (exhibition)
- What is so special about your souvenirs?
- What were you thinking about when you were preparing them?
- With what feelings did you decorate Easter eggs?
- I think that your souvenirs are wonderful, wondrous, magical, beautiful.
Well done, you worked very hard, and the result of your work is your souvenirs, which you will give to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ACTIVITY. ALL THE BEST!
May joy, a bright mood remain in your hearts, and may good luck accompany you everywhere.

Purpose of the event:

Fostering love for your land, for your people;
getting back to the roots cultural traditions Russian people;
awakening interest in Russian folklore and ancient Russian rituals.

Introduce the Easter traditions of the Russian people, reflected in the folk calendar, with works of Russian folklore;
improve the level of Russian performance folk songs, ditties, chants, round dances, Russian folk games.
formation of artistic and aesthetic taste
development creativity every child
activation creative imagination and imagination

Progress of the lesson:

Statement of the topic

On Easter day, church bells rang, they rang in a special, solemn way. This ringing is called the Easter bell.

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields.

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To the blue skies

Hidden behind the river

White moon,

She ran loudly

Frisky wave

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

S. Yesenin.

Listening to a tape recording of a bell ringing

Today we will talk about Easter.

Explanation of new material

Educator: Do you know what EASTER is? Why do they paint eggs and bake Easter cakes for Easter? What rituals are associated with this holiday?

Easter is the largest and brightest holiday of the Christian church. People prepared for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent (7 weeks), during these days you cannot eat meat, milk, or eggs. But even at this time, every person must seriously think about himself, about his actions - good and bad, about his deeds - good and not so good, he must understand what he has done wrong and correct it. During Lent in Rus', no fun, noisy holidays were celebrated, no weddings were held.

1 child:

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

2nd child:

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Educator: Christ is Risen, children! The Easter holiday has arrived. The Church calls Easter the Feast of Feasts. Once upon a time, God sent Jesus Christ, his son, to us on Earth so that he would defeat Evil and Death and save all people from their original sin.

They treated Easter with reverence. The whole family gathered at the common table, gave each other gifts. And there were always Easter cakes on the table.

Didactic game

Children have pictures of products in front of them. Their task is to select those needed for baking Easter cake.

Flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs, raisins.

Explanation of new material

Educator: At Easter, people carefully watched the weather. Folk signs:

On Easter there is a cloudy or snowy night, which means the year will be fruitful,

On Easter, rain with thunder - for a rich harvest

Clear weather for Easter means a dry summer.

And if the weather was gloomy, people called the sun with special nicknames.

We learn the nickname:

Bucket sun,
Look out the window!
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself!
Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window
Shine a little light
I'll give you some peas!

Guests were always expected at Easter. And the guests asked the owners for gifts (The arrival of guests)


Give gifts to the guests

Not stones, but bones.

If you don't want to give -

Go with us:

Knead the dirt, tease the dogs,

Tease dogs, make people laugh!!!

Educator: And the owners gave their guests colored eggs. These are boiled colored eggs, painted according to a special custom.

Why did they paint and treat themselves to eggs?

The egg is small miracle, it is a symbol of life. The custom of painting eggs goes back to ancient times. Previously, a red egg was considered a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life.

To new house it turned out beautiful, elegant, strong, and life in the new house was happy, eggs were laid at the corners of the house.

Before starting spring sowing, the eggs were crushed and scattered in fresh furrows in the ground. Then there will be a good harvest.

When a foal was born, the owner passed an egg along the foal's back so that it would not get sick, and it grew into a strong horse.

Why are eggs painted?

On Easter, Mary Magdalene (disciple of Jesus Christ) told the Roman Emperor Tiberius that Christ had risen, but Tiberius did not believe it, then Mary Magdalene gave him egg with the words: “Christ is Risen!”, and the egg immediately became bright red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed. And that is why it is customary to paint eggs red for Easter.

The meanings of the symbols used when painting Easter eggs:
Pine and spruce are a symbol of health.
The oak tree is a symbol of strength.
Dots are a symbol of fertility, new life.
circle – symbol of the sun

Practical work

Boiled eggs children are lowered into a special bag, and then, under the supervision of the teacher, into hot water. The egg becomes colored. Then we discuss together what patterns have appeared and what meaning they carry.

Outdoor games

"Don't drop it"

The players take a spoon with an egg in their teeth and, on command, walk across the hall, trying not to drop the egg.


View a presentation about Easter
Bottom line

What did we talk about today?

What new things have you learned about celebrating Easter?

“Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ” (lesson notes in the preparatory group)

Target: enrich the social experience of children, introduce them to the customs and traditions of the holiday.

Tasks: to awaken children's interest in folk culture. Introduce preschoolers to the celebration of Easter and its history. Talk about the customs and rituals associated with it. Clarify the meaning of new words: Easter, Easter egg, Easter cake, resurrection, bell ringing. To introduce children to the peculiarities of Easter celebrations in other countries of the world.

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people and folk art.

Preparatory work: conversations about national holidays, looking at illustrations, learning poems, round dance games and songs about Easter.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Today we have an unusual activity. We will talk about the most important holiday of the Christian church - Easter. It is called the Feast of Feasts and the Celebration of Celebrations.

People prepared for this holiday for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate.

Listen: The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were also those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about the Kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the Lord's disciples, decided to hand over Christ to these evil people. He approached his Teacher and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus he sold his Master.

cruel, evil people decided to kill Jesus Christ. They tormented him for a long time, demanding that he renounce his teaching and say that he had invented everything and that he was not the son of God. But Jesus did not renounce his teaching - after all, God really was his father, and he believed infinitely in what he preached to people.

The torturers placed a wreath of thorny branches on Jesus' head. Jesus Christ did not refuse his words, he endured everything, because he loved the people with all his soul, wanted to help them, teach them to live according to their conscience.

His enemies tortured him to death - nailed him to a cross - crucified him on a cross.

Jesus Christ was executed on Friday. This was observed by his mother Maria and his closest disciples. They couldn’t change anything, even though their hearts were breaking with grief. Everyone dispersed, night fell, Jesus’ followers took him dead from the cross and carried him to the cave. The legend says: at this time the earth shook and stones fell from the rocks and mountains. For people it was the saddest and most mournful day. Today this day is called GOOD FRIDAY.

In the morning, Mary and his disciples came to the cave where they left the body of Jesus; the cave turned out to be empty. A miracle happened - Father God resurrected and restored life to his son. Jesus Christ has risen. This day began to be called Bright

Joy overwhelmed the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell.

(The teacher’s story is accompanied by a display of illustrations)

How Easter was celebrated


In Rus', bells were ringing throughout Easter week. Any person, especially children, had the opportunity to ring the bell by climbing the bell tower.

Booths were set up in the squares, carousels and swings were installed. The whole week passed in joyful meetings, people received guests, exchanged Easter eggs made from clear glass, wood, crystal, porcelain, etc. Eggs were made village craftsmen, jewelry companies. Confectionery shops sold sugar and chocolate eggs.

Children look at illustrations of Easter eggs: made of wood, bone, shell, stone, thread, porcelain, metal, decorated with beads, precious stones etc.

Easter traditions

The bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ has its own traditions, customs, symbols and ancient rituals associated with them.

The Easter fire, the spring water of the stream, a wreath, eggs, Easter cakes - all these are symbols of the Great Day and have roots in the distant past.

As people prepare for Easter, they are filled with joy and faith. Housewives prepared very carefully and in advance for Great Easter. They cleaned the house, painted eggs, baked Easter cakes, prepared delicious dishes, made Easter from cottage cheese, took out elegant clothes from chests. WITH Maundy Thursday The favorite activity begins - coloring and painting eggs. IN simple patterns a lot of meaning has been put into it. Wavy lines- these are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun.

When a holiday arrived, the whole family went to church, then either received guests or went on a visit. People had fun, feasted, rejoiced, and exchanged colored eggs. The symbol of Easter is a red egg. They said to each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!”

The table for Easter was laden with various dishes and Easter cakes. Everyone who came to the house had to be watered, fed, and warmed.

It was necessary to prepare a lot of eggs: for fun games, for gifts to friends and family.

Children look at eggs. An explanation is given for the concepts of “painted eggs” and “pysanka”.

The birds settled in their nests,

The snow melted like a candle.

The air smells of sweet spirit,

Golden Easter cake.

The sun started to rain

On this day of holy miracles,

And kissing me, mom

He says: “Christ is risen!”

Truly risen!

Easter games and entertainment

Teacher: they didn’t eat colored eggs right away, first they got comfortable with them various games: “Rolling eggs”, “clinking glasses”, “bowling in Russian”, “spinning the egg”, etc.

How Easter is celebrated in other countries

Easter is one of the most wonderful and bright holidays. It is celebrated by both religious people and non-believers. At the same time, both of them try to follow traditions and perform rituals that came to us from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Despite the fact that the essence of the holiday is the same for all nations, the customs are still slightly different.

Celebrate Easter in Australia taken with Easter eggs made of chocolate or sugar. They also like to make Easter eggs in the shape of a rabbit or a rare native animal of the Australian continent - the bilby. This animal may soon become Australia's Easter symbol. Traditionally, the Australian Easter menu consists of roast lamb, beef or chicken with roasted vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beans, peas or broccoli.

For dessert, they serve a traditional sweet Australian Easter dish - a meringue cake decorated with fruits, kiwi, strawberries, pineapples and tangerines. Sweet hot cross buns are very popular and are eaten by Australians for breakfast on Easter morning before going to church.

Easter in Bulgaria

By Bulgarian tradition At Easter, many colored eggs are placed around a large Easter bread.

As in Russia, Bulgarians clink glasses with Easter eggs until a crack appears on one of them, and wish each other good luck. The lucky one is the one whose Easter egg remains intact longer than others.

Easter in France

The main symbol of Easter in France is the bell.

Only in France can you find Easter decorations and gifts in the form of fish and bells.

Homes are decorated multi-colored garlands and red ribbons

Easter in Poland

One of the old traditions is “Wet Monday” - on Monday all Poles try to generously pour water on each other. Water pours on our heads from everywhere: from windows, balconies, bags filled with water “explode” on the pavements, in subway cars, but everyone is happy and no one complains.

Staying dry on this “wet” day is considered extremely bad omen– water brings health, profit in the household and good luck.

Easter in Sweden

Residents of Sweden decorate their homes for Easter with Easter flower beds - yellow, green and white. Swedish people install yellow chickens everywhere in their homes. Swedes eat much the same food at Easter that they prefer at Christmas, but this time they pay much more attention to candy and other sweets. Easter eggs They are made from cardboard, and a large candy is placed inside each egg.

Teacher: Easter is a time of joy, a celebration of victory over death, grief and sadness.

You learned a lot about Easter in class. Tell your parents about this, share with your friends.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has already turned green,

Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - the time for miracles,

The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!

There are no brighter words in the world -

"Truly Christ has risen!"

Publications on the topic:

Holding an Easter party at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16st. Arkhonskaya" has already become a good tradition. Such a festive one took place on April 15.

Dear colleagues, the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ is approaching. A holiday that is considered the most sacred. The word "Easter" itself means...

Lesson summary “How all living things grow” (preparatory group) Topic: “How all living things grow.” Program content: Introduce children to the characteristic stages of development of living organisms, lead to conclusions.

"The young lady with Easter cake." One of the brightest, kindest, joyful holidays. Christians celebrate this day on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

IN last years There has been an increase in the number of children with speech disorders.

Logorhythmics - help that can be provided in normal conditions kindergarten children with minor speech impairments.

It is known that a child develops through movements. Sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of motor skills, which is why it is so important to use logorhythms in kindergarten classes (finger play training, finger gymnastics, dynamic pauses, outdoor games).

Logorhythmics is a system of speech motor games and exercises carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction.

The main tasks of logorhythmics:

1. Develop attention and auditory perception.

2. Develop spatial orientation.

3. Contribute to the correction of speech disorders, phonemic hearing, tempo and rhythm of breathing.

Logorhythmics is a system of musical-motor, musical-speech games and exercises. In logorhythmic classes, music not only accompanies movements, but is their organizing principle. In addition to the traditional sections: singing, listening, musical-rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments, there are exercises regulating muscle tone to develop coordination of words with movement, development of attention, as well as psycho-gymnastics: studies on the expression of emotions, relaxation, breathing training, pantomime, finger exercises. The main principle of music lessons is the close connection of movement with music, the inclusion of speech material. For example: games " Rainbow-arc", "Cucumber". Nursery games “Gopher”, “Sun”, “Grandfather Egor”, see appendix.

Logorhythmic exercises, classes have a health-improving focus (general developmental exercises, work on singing breathing, if this is in a music lesson, simple massage techniques, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises. For example: the plot “A Walk in the Forest”, “At the Sea”, “At the Zoo” (D.V No. 10-96, p. 31), as well as those based on the Tolkachev method (voiced exhalation), Strelnikova (sniffing).

During classes or during the day, at regular moments, finger games or finger massage are included. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear or foot. In Eastern medicine there is a belief that massage thumb increases the activity of the brain, the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart.

Recommended finger games are used methodological instructions to the program "Childhood". Sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of motor skills, which is why it is so important to use dynamic pauses, finger autotraining, and outdoor games in classes.

When conducting finger games automation of the pronunciation of sounds occurs, the expressiveness of the voice develops, as well as facial expressions, plasticity of movement, precision of coordination of both general and fine motor skills, and this is especially important. These dynamic pauses and finger play training are first learned with children, and then clearly spoken to by the teacher. (D.V No. 5-99, pp. 58-69.)

For example, the exercise “Gnomes” (see appendix). To prevent violations in younger group You can do logithmic exercises or take loritmics as part of the lesson.

Ball games are of great importance in the development of children with speech disorders.

(T.A. Vorobyova, S.I. Krepenchuk “Ball and Speech”). According to the authors of this book, such ball games have the following role:

1. They distract the child’s attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. Develop general and fine motor skills, orientation in space.

3. Regulate the strength and accuracy of movement.

4. Ball games develop and normalize the emotional sphere.

All this improves the functioning of the speech organs. The following is a selection of ball games. They can be used at any stage of the educational process.

When planning lessons, the principle of increasing material in all sections and lexical topics studied annually (season, harvest, etc.) is used. The basis of classes can be varied: fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey or excursion. Folklore sources, plot and didactic games. All exercises are carried out on the basis of imitation. Speech material is not pre-learned. During class, it is advisable to stand with the teacher in a circle or semicircle. This arrangement allows the children to clearly see the teacher, move and pronounce speech material synchronously with him. The success of a teacher’s work depends primarily on the feeling of joy the child receives during the lesson.


1. Zha-zha-zha we found a hedgehog in the forest (lightly touching your fingers, run across the forehead 7 times).

Ju-ju-ju we approached the hedgehog (swipe the cheeks 7 times).

There's a big puddle ahead (rub your forehead with your palms).

Kok-kok-kok-put the boot on your feet).

2. The mouse washed the soap, washed the paw (one washes the other).

Each finger in order ( index finger touch each finger of the other hand).

So I soaped my thumb (with all the fingers of first the right and then the left hand, “soap the thumbs”).

Then rinse with water.

I didn’t forget about the pointer, washing off both the dirt and paint from it (the same with the index finger).

The middle one washed diligently (the same with the middle ones).

It was probably the dirtiest.

The nameless one rubbed it with paste (the same with the nameless ones).

And she quickly washed her little finger (quickly and carefully “soap” with her little finger).

He was very afraid of soap.

Hello, my favorite ball, every finger will say in the morning.

We hug the ball tightly and don’t let go.

Only he gives it to his brother, the brother takes the ball from his brother.

Two little goats butted the ball and gave it to the other kids.

I'll throw the ball up with my hand

Exactly, exactly above you,

On the fly I’ll grab it with my hands,

I'll pull you to my chest with my elbows.

I'm running and the ball is mine

Nearby jumps on the hand.

It won’t escape the palm of your hand

He will sing a song loudly.

We galloped along the path

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

The guys have straight backs,

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

We jump like balls, girls and boys,

Now let's walk together

In the same place.


1. “Sa-Fi-Dance” dance and play gymnastics for children.

2. " Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschool children" Savina L.P.

3. “Logorhythmic activities in kindergarten.” M.Yu.Kartushina.

Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy. It links together the word (sound), music and movement.

Logorhythmic exercises are aimed at comprehensive development child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. Daily execution in certain time Logorhythmic exercises of different nature (morning breathing-vocal exercises with movement, relaxation exercises, singing vowel sounds with movement, etc.) accustom children to a health-improving regimen. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises, a restructuring occurs in the body various systems, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, speech-motor, cognitive, etc.

Speech therapy rhythmics includes:

  • walking in different directions;
  • exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation;
  • exercises that regulate muscle tone and activate attention;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment;
  • exercises that create feeling musical tempo;
  • rhythmic exercises;
  • singing;
  • exercises to develop fine motor skills.

The basic principle of constructing all of the above types of work is a close connection with music. Music with its enormous emotional influence allows you to endlessly diversify movement techniques and the nature of exercises.

  • Breathing exercises help develop proper breathing, increase the duration of inhalation and its strength. They can be combined with arm movements, torso rotation, and squatting. They include speech material pronounced while exhaling.

There are many games for developing breathing. We offer you those that your child will definitely like.

  1. Blow on cotton wool, fluff, small pieces of paper. The child's lips should be rounded and slightly extended forward.
  2. Fill a basin with water and teach your child to blow on light objects in the basin, for example, boats. You can have a competition to see whose boat has sailed farthest.
  3. Kids love blowing soap bubbles.
  4. Don't neglect playing musical instruments! The pipes are good, harmonica. You can create musical orchestra, where each family member will have their own instrument.
  5. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. You can gradually make the tasks more difficult. As you exhale, sing vowel sounds (a, o, u, and), then sing them in combination with consonant sounds. Then, as you exhale, you can sing the words: cat, house, whale, etc. You can also sing interjections: “Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh! Wow!” etc.
  6. Take a long rope in your hands and hide it in your fist. Invite your child to take the end of the rope and begin to pull the rope, continuously singing the vowel sound (a, o, u, and...), while pulling the rope. The rope can be long or short.

  • Voice strength is developed by pronouncing vowel sounds in a louder or quieter voice: “We sing loudly, like an elephant. We sing quietly, like a mouse.”
  • Exercises that activate attention cultivate quick and accurate responses to visual and auditory stimuli, and develop all types of memory: auditory, visual, motor.
  • To the sound of a tambourine, rattle and other various musical instruments You can give instructions to the child: “For a loud sound, we stomp our feet, for a quiet sound, we stand still.” Based on this example, you can give all kinds of tasks with movement and changes in tempo, the strength of the sound of musical instruments.
  • Speech material must be introduced into logorhythmic classes. Entering a word allows you to create whole line exercises that are not based on musical rhythm, but in poetry, which contributes to the rhythm of movements. Pronunciation of poetic lines must be combined with movement. For example, walk around the room with a stomping step and pronounce the words:

Here is our train coming,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting.

Stretch your arms to the sides, clench your hands into fists, unclench them and place them on your belt, while saying:

Hands to the sides, in a fist.
Unclench - and on the side.

  • Exercises without musical accompaniment can be used during morning exercises.
  • Mastering the tempo of music is easier with simple movements: claps, hitting the tambourine, waving your arms, etc. You can take a drum and invite your child to make short, slow, clear beats that you can slowly walk to. Take your child by the hand and, continuing to slowly hit the drum, walk around the room with him. Once the slow step has been mastered, teach your child that the drum can make short, quick beats. You can run under them like a bunny.

At home, while listening to various songs and melodies, you and your child can clap to the music, stamp your feet, tap the rhythm on the table, etc.

A kind of “training” is speech games - imitation of animal voices. Repeated repetition of simple sounds is very useful for the development of a child’s speech. Adults teach the child by the example of their speech, actively encouraging him to imitate.

Don't despair if you don't succeed the first time. Repeating and being patient will help you.


Almost all speech therapists practice logorhythmics.
And in many psychological or pedagogical classes they are present as a certain stage of the lesson.
Children really like logarithmic tasks; consider it a game.)))

06/27/2008 00:13:54, Irina-psy-neyro

great, we would love it - problems with speech, coordination, we love music! Are there classes somewhere? are you conducting?

Comment on the article "What is logorhythmics?"

Logorhythmics based on the sound-articulation table.. Teaching reading. Early development. Logorhythmics according to the sound-articulation table. Sound-articulation table of the Russian language. In our table, all sounds are grouped according to articulatory characteristics.


How does your methodology or theory differ from the approach and methodology developed by N.A. Zaitsev in the 80s? I would like to draw attention to the features of these differences - the way you feel or see it.
It seems that there were theorists who carefully analyzed Zaitsev’s methodology at RAO. Are you familiar with their work?
It is clear that you are trying to insist that it is necessary to teach only with three years. But I wouldn’t get hung up on this: even Jews have been teaching reading for 3 thousand years, almost from birth, and Muslims - from 4 months after conception... But this does not mean that their methodology is completely useless.
The main thing is that the methodology is understandable either to parents, like Zaitsev, or to kindergarten teachers. Teachers will still not accept it, your methodology, as well as Zaitsev’s methodology, because it “takes bread away from primary school teachers.”
But I believe that the more methods there are, the greater the pressure of progress will be on “traditional anti-scientific pedagogy” and the faster it will be abolished and the children will be better, as you suggest, and read faster, as Shura Sorokin recommends...

Rhythm and boy) Advisory!. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses and What is logorhythmics? Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy.


We went from three to five years old just for rhythmics, the group was 50/50 boys-girls :) for us it was gymnastics - games to music ... then, at the age of five, people began to scatter into sections-circles based on interests :)

What is it about rhythm that is not compatible with a boy?
I would give it for a year, and then you can go to the sports section, or maybe he’ll like it and you’ll continue to take him to rhythm classes.

Rhythm and other additional activities in the garden. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and We have been going to kindergarten since September 1, yesterday they asked if we wanted to go to rhythm classes.

Logorhythmics. Toshi’s mother made wonderful, in my opinion, clips for teaching using the Doman method. They're short, look. At one time I did the same type, only in home albums. And this is for everyone to see, especially autistic children...

Speech therapy garden. Speech therapy. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and together only for physical training, music, logarithmics, exercise therapy. Yes, I forgot. There should also be individual or front-line sessions with a psychologist (depending on...