Which harmonica should a beginner buy? How can a beginner learn to play the harmonica? Tuning two reed harmonics

What is the difference between ceiling chandeliers and pendant ones? Many people ask this question. When you are renovating an apartment, house, or remodeling, what chandelier should you hang? What are the differences between ceiling and pendant chandeliers? Let's decide.

Chandelier - main source light in the room. In addition to its main function, a chandelier plays an important decorative role. It can act as both the main accent of the interior and its harmonious addition. Chandeliers can be combined with additional lighting sources - sconces, floor lamps, and divide the space into zones. It is lighting that creates a comfortable and cozy atmosphere indoors, so its choice should be approached very carefully and responsibly.

Hanging and ceiling chandeliers are the most popular and common options for the main lighting fixtures in most homes, shops, offices, apartments, cafes and restaurants.

What is the difference between ceiling chandeliers and hanging chandeliers?

When choosing a chandelier, what matters is its compliance with the layout and overall interior design. Hanging and ceiling chandeliers differ in design features and installation methods. Ceiling chandeliers often come complete with instructions; you can install them on any type of ceiling yourself. Also, ceiling lighting fixtures are distinguished by their unpretentiousness of use and a varying number of lamps.

Hanging chandeliers

Hanging chandelier MW-Light in the form of a bouquet

Hanging chandeliers are attached with a special hook that comes with the lighting fixture. Also, pendant lamps differ from ceiling lamps in the presence of a suspension that controls the height and direction of the lighting. Each of these types of chandeliers has its own advantages. Based on them, the most suitable model can be determined.

Ceiling chandeliers

Ceiling chandeliers, compared to hanging chandeliers, do not require much space, so they are universally suitable for both spacious rooms and small rooms with low ceilings. Ceiling-type chandeliers do not require additional maintenance, only periodic replacement of light bulbs is required.

Ceiling chandelier Odeon Light Meleta 2765/5C. 40% discount!

Ceiling and pendant chandeliers are the most popular on the market today and can be seen in almost every home. However, when buying a chandelier, the question arises which type is suitable for the layout, which is why it is important to know how they differ.

About the design

The most important thing that distinguishes such chandeliers is the design and method of fastening. Ceiling chandeliers in an online store are usually accompanied by instructions and can be installed independently and on any type of ceiling. They are also unpretentious to use, and the number of light bulbs is variable. Hanging chandeliers are attached using a special hook, which usually comes with the product. In addition, such a chandelier has a suspension that regulates the height and direction of the light.

In order to make an informed choice, you need to know the advantages of each type in order to make the right purchase based on this.

Advantages of ceiling chandeliers

Unlike hanging chandeliers, such chandeliers do not require much space, and therefore can be installed in small, low rooms. In addition, they also:

  • do not require additional maintenance (the only thing you have to do from time to time is change the light bulbs);
  • do not require a complete replacement of the structure if only one part has failed (it is enough to carefully remove it and replace it);
  • They have different degrees of protection, which allows them to be used even in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • suitable for suspended ceilings (some models).

What is the difference between a chandelier and a lamp?? This question is asked by many who choose equipment for a lighting system. We suggest finding the similarities and differences between these lighting devices.

What is a chandelier?

It turns out that a chandelier is a type of suspended ceiling lamp that is used to create general lighting in interiors. It has been used as a light source since ancient times. Then the flow of light in chandeliers was formed with the help of candles, today - with the help of modern lamps. They are placed in separate horns or shades, and the number of lamps depends on the model of the lighting fixture.

Today, the largest chandelier in the world is considered to be a model weighing 18 tons, which was lit in Doha (State of Qatar). 165 thousand LEDs are responsible for the light of this luxurious chandelier, decorated with crystal diffusers. The usual models of chandeliers that we see in modern apartments are much more modest - they usually contain from 3 to 8 lamps.

What is a lamp?

A lamp is any artificial light source that creates an angular concentration of luminous flux. There are lamps for indoors, for outdoors, underwater lamps for pools, powerful spotlights for large areas and others.

Lamps can be stationary, which require installation in certain place, and non-stationary, which move during operation (table lamps, floor lighting, etc.). Stationary models are:

  • Wall lamps and sconces;
  • Ceiling;
  • Hanging fixtures;
  • Built-in;
  • Floor lamps;
  • End and console lamps.

According to this classification, a chandelier is a stationary ceiling pendant lamp.

The difference between a lamp and a chandelier

The difference between a lamp and a chandelier– this is that the chandelier is used only indoors and can be mounted on the ceiling, while the lamp has a wider range of applications. Today, instead of a chandelier, they are sometimes installed, especially in rooms with low ceilings, pendant lamps or even track systems are used to make room lighting mobile.

More functional, spot, surface-mounted and recessed lamps are increasingly gaining consumer preference, while chandeliers remain popular only in classic interiors with a large area.

A lamp on the ceiling is a familiar detail of an apartment’s interior, as well as a convenient solution for lighting a passageway or outdoor veranda. But choosing this common item can lead anyone into a dead end.

Is a pendant suitable for table lighting? Is it worth hanging a volumetric chandelier in the hall or is it better to choose an LED lamp? We talk about these and other questions below.

- an effective solution for interiors in light colors

Ceiling lamps: what are they and why are they needed?

You don't have to be a lighting expert to tell that these fixtures are designed to be mounted on the ceiling. This type includes various products - from exquisite crystal and antique wooden chandeliers to recessed spotlights and modern LED lamps.

Ceiling models differ in the number of lamps and luminous flux, material and other characteristics. They are used for local and general lighting in residential buildings, offices, shops and other premises. They are also needed for decorating streets and facades.

Compact built-in light sources look stylish in simple interiors

What types are there and how do ceiling lamps differ from each other?

According to the installation method, there are 3 types of models:

  • . They are mainly represented by point light sources; products are less common large sizes or forms. These models are the most compact because their body is built into the surface. The outer part of the lampshade may be at ceiling level or protrude slightly.
  • . Such lamps are mounted on the surface. This is a large class of light sources that differ in size, design, shape and other characteristics.
  • . These models are attached to the ceiling using cables, power cords and similar structures. Most often, the height of the light source is adjustable, so they are convenient to use for local illumination of tables, mirrors, reading areas, etc. For general lighting, you need to choose pendants with several strong light sources. which are directed in different directions and scatter light throughout the entire area of ​​the room.

provide bright directional light that solves the problems of zonal lighting

- these are light sources with the help of which different lighting is created:

  • scattered

Such light is provided by models with matte shades or special diffusers. This lighting is without harsh shadows, it falls at a wide angle and evenly fills the space. Lamps with such beams will help illuminate both the entire room and a separate area.

  • directed

It is also called drawing because it creates pronounced shadows on objects. Lamps of this type are needed to illuminate a work surface or other area, to highlight the geometry of the room, stucco molding and other decorative details.

  • reflected

The light of these models is not directed at objects in the room, but at the walls or ceiling. Rays that have already been reflected from vertical or horizontal surfaces fall on objects. This is a soft fill light that is used as a general light.

Ceiling lamps are also divided into classes according to other characteristics: type and number of lamps, purpose (for indoors, outdoors), degree of protection (moisture-proof, protected from dust, drops), design.

What are LED lamps and how are they better than conventional ceiling chandeliers?

with integrated LED module

In addition to traditional chandeliers with sockets for installing lamps, today you can buy lamps with a built-in LED module. Many such products are presented in our store, for example: puzzles, Maxus pendants, solutions from the “Assemble it yourself” line, etc. Such models have two important advantages:

1. The LED module is selected and integrated by the manufacturer, so it provides more light High Quality, which is well adapted to solve specific problems. This lighting is evenly distributed across surfaces without creating too bright or dark areas.
2. With a device of this type, you can forget for several years that lamps burn out and require purchase and replacement.

In addition, by choosing an LED ceiling light with a built-in module, the user will receive the same benefits as the owner of a chandelier with LED lamps:

  • saving electricity by 5-8 times;
  • safety, these models do not contain harmful substances and do not heat up to high temperatures;
  • a large selection of lighting shades (cold, warm or daylight in different tones);
  • long service life. If you use an LED light source for 5 hours a day, then its resource will last for 15-20 years.

How to choose the right ceiling light for different rooms in the house? Rules and nuances

Each room has its own functions, so they also need different light.

An effective light source for a large room can be created from several ceiling lamps.

Corridor and hallway

Built-in or overhead models are usually installed in these rooms. Such ceiling lamps are more compact. In addition, the gimbal is easy to grasp with your hand when removing outerwear. Which lamp to choose for the ceiling if the corridor is long? In this case, it is better to use several models located linearly along the entire length of the ceiling.

It is worth paying attention to the color temperature of the light source. The hallway needs natural daylight. It does not distort shades, so you will not be mistaken with the choice of clothing color or makeup.


To understand what kind of ceiling lamp is needed in the bedroom, let's focus on the functions of this space. People usually relax in the room, get ready for bed, and read, so light sources with soft rays of a warm spectrum are suitable for it. And above the work area, makeup table or closet with clothes, organize an additional bright light by installing built-in lamps or pendants.

Living room

In this room the whole family reads, chats, relaxes or watches movies. Guests gather here for holidays, children play, romantic meetings take place, and sometimes business conversation. How to choose a ceiling lamp for a room that will create comfortable light for these and other activities? Install a light source with dimmable function. Then you can easily set up bright lights for the holidays and warm, cozy lighting for relaxation.

Often, several ceiling lamps are used in living rooms. A common lighting scheme for this room is one large chandelier and additional built-in light sources. A puzzle lamp assembled according to an individual design or other overhead models will also effectively solve the lighting problem.

Laconic - modern choice for almost any space in the house


You can choose either an LED or a regular ceiling light for this room. The most important thing is that it is well protected from moisture and splashes. Typically, models with a degree of protection from IPx8 to IPx2 are used here (depending on the distance at which the device is located from water sources). You can find out more about this.


To choose the right ceiling lamp for a child’s room, you need to think about the safety and quality of light. In this room it is good to use built-in or overhead models, because the baby can touch the suspension during outdoor games.

The child will spend a lot of time and study in the nursery different things- from communicating with friends and playing games to studying or relaxing. This means that the light in the room should be adjustable, for example, like a smart lamp. This model will allow parents to control the lighting remotely. Scenarios that adjust brightness and color temperature will help your child stick to correct mode: wake up easily, get ready for bed calmly, study actively, etc.

To flexibly regulate the lighting in a spacious nursery, choose several ceiling lamps. For example, you can install one source of general lighting on the ceiling and organize independent lighting for play or study areas. To make the room more comfortable, complement the ceiling lights with floor lamps, table lamps, sconces and other area lighting.

How to choose a reliable ceiling lamp for outdoor use?

Suspended models are often mounted on ceilings on verandas and terraces or in gazebos. With their help, it is convenient to illuminate tables, because the length of the lamp is easily adjustable. And overhead and built-in models are usually installed in arches, near entrances, on covered areas, as well as facades.

Choose based on the exterior design. In addition, the model for use on outdoors must have a durable body, protected from rust, temperature changes, dust and precipitation.

will help create comfortable outdoor lighting

How to choose a ceiling lamp for popular types of ceilings (stretch, plasterboard, etc.)?

For concrete ceiling. Ordinary ceilings with whitewash, wallpaper, paint or other common types of finishing do not require a special approach; any ceiling lamps can be mounted on them.

For ceilings made of wood, plasterboard and other fire hazardous materials. Various suspended or overhead models can be installed on such surfaces. But if you plan to use a built-in lamp, then it is better to choose LED, because it does not heat up to high temperatures.

Need LED lights. A regular lamp will overheat the material and it will lose its attractiveness.

— convenient and cost-effective solutions for installation on a suspended ceiling

How many do you need and how to calculate the number of ceiling lights for different rooms?

To correctly calculate the number of light sources, a lot of factors are taken into account: the size and shape of the room, its functions (for relaxation, communication, work), the color of the walls and floor, the power and angle of light dispersion provided by the selected model, etc. Therefore, for For proper lighting of the space, it is better to turn to professionals, for example, specialists from our store.

Sometimes a preliminary calculation is made using the formula:

luminaire luminous flux (lumens) ÷ room area (m2)

If the result corresponds to the norm (200-300 lux), then the lamp will provide enough light. But do not forget that such a calculation is imprecise. To create a beautiful and user-friendly lighting scheme, you need a professional, as well as special programs and devices.

How to place lamps on the ceiling?

in puzzle format is easy to adapt to different schemes lighting

Choosing a scheme for installing light sources is as difficult as calculating their number. To find the optimal place for the lamp, consider the interior, the shape of the room, its purpose and other characteristics.

Popular solution

The simplest and most popular option for the home is to choose a traditional or large size and place it in the center of the room. This scheme is suitable for interiors in classic or retro styles, as well as square-shaped rooms.

But even in this case, additional zonal lighting on the ceiling is necessary. For example, you can use a ceiling lamp to illuminate the reading area, or a pendant to illuminate the table in the living room. Spot models are often mounted as additional light sources in the corners of the room, which are distant from the main light source.

Modern tendencies

If speak about modern design, then he suggests abandoning the chandelier located strictly in the center of the room. It is better to replace it with an unusual lamp that is offset from the center. Also, interiors are often decorated without a central chandelier: instead, several smaller lamps are installed. For this, an individual circuit is developed, which includes light sources.

Price: how to choose a ceiling lamp and not waste money?

— a reliable solution for lighting small rooms

First of all, the lamp should create comfortable light, and secondly, it should suit the interior. Therefore, if budget is an issue, focus on the quality of lighting. Good decision in such a situation, basic models of lamps from trusted manufacturers will become available.

Why should you give up a cheap and attractive chandelier? Such products are often produced without taking into account lighting requirements, so they shine unevenly, create too bright and dark areas, and quickly fail.

We hope that we have answered questions that are often of interest to buyers of ceiling lamps. You can find out other details from the store consultants or in the comments to the article.

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