Simple tattoo patterns. Tattoos for girls on the leg - inscriptions

Tattoos are original decorations, a kind of marks on the body, which are actively used by both men and women. Historians believe that the first tattoos were made many centuries ago, and were used as a sign of distinction and superiority of a warrior over others.

Today, tattoos are not only a way to stand out from the crowd, but also an opportunity to further decorate own body, reveal the second side of your “I”. Due to the fact that most companies set their own dress code, young people often wear tattoos on their legs, butt, that is, covered parts of the body.

Very often girls get tattoos where there is no special emphasis on the body, if they dress, for example, pantsuit. One of these places is the legs. Therefore, let's look at the most original and common tattoo designs on the leg or shin.

An original solution that those who like to stand out from the crowd and show off their body has found is a henna tattoo. This type of image application is not only the safest, but also the “correct” one.

Applying designs on the body with henna does not have a detrimental effect on the structure of cells, their development and general processes life activity. Also, henna designs are a temporary phenomenon, which after a certain period of time is simply washed off from the body.

Thus, if there is even a small percentage of doubt about the need to wear a tattoo on the body, best solution To check yourself is to apply a preliminary henna tattoo. Also, applying henna to the body is used by professionals in cases where the choice of girls is ambiguous.

Using this method, you can determine exactly where, which image on the girls’ body will look better, which design to choose, how the garter can be positioned, using photos of the artist’s available sketches.

Features of a female leg tattoo

For girls, tattoos on the leg and shins are especially favorite places, because there the design takes on some meaning and adds style and charm to the image. Women's tattoos Many people call the markings on the legs “alive”. Why?

The answer is simple: while moving, the skin on the leg shifts and the pattern “comes to life.” The most common places where images are applied to women’s legs are:

  • shins;
  • feet;
  • fingers;
  • ankles.

Types of sketches and their meaning

Often, today you can meet girls with interesting, original tattoos on their legs, which are an integral part of their image, clothing style and life in general.


If you are a romantic person and want to attract the attention of a certain audience while walking around the city or the beach in the warm season, then tattoos in the form of a bracelet are perfect solution. Women's tattoos in the form of a bracelet are often tattooed on the ankle, thigh, and lower leg. The popularity of using this tattoo concept among girls can be explained by the absence of restrictions on the choice of the subject of the drawings.

Women's ankle bracelets can have a wide variety of pendants, namely: feather, stars, owl, inscription, snake, flowers, hearts and more. The choice of pendant shape depends solely on the disposition, character, and preferences of the owner.

Again, if you have doubts regarding the choice of design, you can use henna, a sketch on the computer, or view a photo finished works masters

In the opinion of men, a bracelet with a feather, flowers, hearts, and scattered stars gives a special elegance to a woman’s leg, photos of which, as an example, can be found in personal catalogs of performers or on the Internet.

Talking with time

Over the past few years, women's “talking” tattoos, that is, images with text, have become especially popular. They are easier to understand, identify, recognize the meaning and reason for application.
Such patterns often reflect the essence of life, the aspirations, goals of the owner, internal experiences and relationships. Most often, the “talking” text is applied in the area of ​​the lower leg and ankle. Additional decoration, and some original element, a writing pen can be used for such a tattoo.

Particularly popular today are designs on the ankle and shin with a neat ornate font and a small feather. Many men, having met a woman with a tattoo, are ready to do anything. For girls who are afraid of pain, but want to get a tattoo, experts recommend looking at sketches and photos of work in the lower leg area, on the outer side of the thigh.

Another no less original idea for a gift for the groom is the inscription about eternal love for the newlywed is a wedding garter with a feather. Such original idea(garter) began to be used recently and has gained great popularity among young people. Unfortunately, not every artist can see what tattoos look like in the photo, so it’s better to find an example on the Internet.

Flower arrangements

The flowers in the drawings have more deep meaning, than all other concepts and require more detailed decoding. In order to decrypt true meaning messages, it is necessary to take into account many details: what flowers are depicted, color palette, size, location, additional elements.

For example, if exclusively flowers were used, then we can talk about romance, longing, promise. If as additional element a pen was used, then the meaning lies in disappointment, the loss of someone very close.

Flowers on feet can be a symbol of birth, rebirth or death. Flowers are the result of nature's work. Their meaning is interpreted differently in each culture. Floral patterns vary in size, design, color. Flowers also harmonize well with other symbols, for example, religious themes, zodiacs, and a writing pen.

It should be noted that flowers occupy a special place when applying henna designs to perform religious rituals, ceremonies, and body decorations. To create a specific semantic composition, experts recommend studying real photos, create an individual design. This is the only way to tell others about true attitude"carrier" to the world.

Encircling humanity

For each person who chooses a snake tattoo, the image takes on its own meaning. It's no secret that a snake is a graceful reptile, distinguished from others by its special endurance, ability to hunt, camouflage, and slowly enjoy the destruction of prey.

On the other hand, the snake is a symbol of fertility. Therefore, often a woman who dreams of a large and friendly family “has her own snake” on her body. To understand the real reason, why the snake settled on the woman’s body, you need to read all the additional symbols, if any. So, for example, a snake in combination with flowers implies fertility, and a single snake encircling the leg means a predator, an intriguer.

The snake's garter carries a deeper meaning, and in some cases can mean the infinity of existence. There are many variations in the image of reptiles; you can see them in the photos of both sketches and finished works from almost every skilled craftsman.

All-seeing entity

The use of owl tattoos is still not subject to unambiguous interpretation. For every religion it has its own sacred meaning. An owl can conceal the meaning of wisdom, knowledge, or it can be a mark of dark forces.

It is reliably known that the owl is a long-liver. Therefore, very often the owl is associated with time, and accordingly with knowledge, wisdom and the possibility of self-development. The central meaning of an owl tattoo is the ability to observe, contemplate what is happening not only in physical sense, but also spiritual. This when choosing a design Special attention you need to pay attention to which owl will be depicted. The decoding of the image depends on this.

Be original, live life to the fullest, stand out among the crowd! And don’t forget, when choosing a tattoo theme, you subconsciously program yourself to achieve specific goals.

A leg tattoo shows elegance and eloquence. Such a body image successfully complements the style and can tell a lot about a person. Moreover, tattoos on the leg are practical: they can be openly advertised, and with a strict dress code at work, they can be easily hidden.

Tattoo on the leg for men

Wearable images on the leg can emphasize masculinity. For this they most often do three-dimensional drawings. The most popular options are men's tattoos on the calf, thigh and shin. If you have dense vegetation, you should prefer “light” images that will not turn into an unclear dark spot.

Tattoos on girls' legs

The body image, located on a woman’s leg, demonstrates fragility, sexuality, and the beauty of curves. Most often, girls prefer patterns on the foot, lower leg, ankle and thigh. Unlike men's tattoos, women's are smaller and more graceful. It is worth remembering that body images attract special attention to the legs, therefore, before deciding on an original decoration, you should put your body in order: get rid of cellulite and extra pounds.

Leg Tattoo Ideas

When choosing the optimal pattern, you should take into account personal tastes, the strengths and weaknesses of your feet, as well as your lifestyle. Remember that the aesthetic effect of the body image is also determined by the skill of the tattoo artist.

Brutal male drawings

Traditionally, the stronger sex chooses the following rough and aggressive body images:

  • , bones;
  • , weapon, ;
  • , islands, palm trees;
  • domino, and ;
  • technology, biomechanics;
  • monsters, fantasy heroes, characters from mystical films;
  • , runes, crosses;
  • guitars on fire, wings, etc.

Graceful female drawings

The fair sex mostly opts for sophisticated and sophisticated tattoos:

  • hearts, ;
  • images and animals;
  • , ribbons, bows;
  • mythical creatures;
  • various feathers;
  • cartoon characters;
  • hieroglyphs and inscriptions;
  • floral ornaments;
  • treble clef, .

Sometimes girls are attracted to more voluminous and rough tattoos. Often, for example, next to the image of a rose you can see a skull.

The meaning of a tattoo on the leg

Almost all body images contain a certain meaning.

For example, technology and biomechanics imply limitless possibilities and the desire to be the master of the world. The image of an animal refers us to its qualities, which extend to the person who made the tattoo (for example, a wolf is a symbol of determination, a whale is an example of calm, a dragon is an emblem of wisdom, etc.) Images of ships attract people who strive for life changes. A rose tattoo is a symbol of eternal love, a butterfly symbolizes immortality and rebirth. The stars represent the fulfillment of desires, and the wings represent the protection of the owner. higher powers. The skull is associated with death, bitter truth and courage.

Tattoos have long ceased to be an element of the criminal world; they have become fine art, fashionable and very popular. Pop stars, show business, media personalities, even politicians have images on their bodies. A tattoo design allows you to emphasize individuality and style.

Among young people it is almost impossible to find a person who would not dream of “stuffing something” for himself. Moreover, the popularity of tattoos among girls is no less than among boys. The girls carefully select the appropriate sketch, as well as suitable place on the body.

One of favorite places tattoos for young women are legs. This is easy to explain: leg tattoos are easy to hide and just as easy to show off. Wearing formal trousers and closed shoes, you can come to work in the office, and in the evening, wearing a miniskirt and stilettos, draw attention to beautiful image. What kind of tattoos can be made for girls on the leg: photos of current designs will help you make your choice.

Tattoos on a beautiful female leg include:

  • in the calf area,
  • hips,
  • Feet,
  • ankles,
  • on your finger.

The size of the picture varies significantly: some paint a small design on the foot, while others paint the entire thigh. Of course, the decision to get a large tattoo must be made by carefully weighing the pros and cons. After all, the larger the drawing, the harder it is to hide. Corporate ethics of many large corporations does not allow tattoos to be displayed in the office. If the profession is far from “office collar”, the size and image are limited only by imagination.

Bracelet tattoo

A classic of the genre is the ankle bracelet. This tattoo will emphasize the elegance and femininity of the legs. Looks good with open shoes high heels, and if necessary, a tattoo on the ankle is easy to hide. The cost of such an image is low, because the pattern covers only a small area of ​​​​the skin.


Ornaments are also one of classic options for tattoo. Exist different kinds ornaments: Celtic, Maori, Polynesian and others. The advantage of ornaments is their versatility, often it’s simple beautiful drawing, which does not carry any special semantic load. Almost always, ornamental images are made exclusively in black. This tattoo goes with many clothing styles. You can decorate any part of the leg with an ornament; your imagination is limitless.

Lettering tattoo

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions are quite simple and popular at the same time. Their popularity is understandable: the meaning of the inscription is easy to perceive for people around. The phrase on the body expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, his thoughts, goals. Often inscriptions are made with the names of loved ones, children, as well as aphorisms and quotes.

Tattoo inscriptions are made in various languages, they use a beautiful, intricate font, rather reminiscent of a complex pattern.

If you choose a phrase on foreign language, must know literal translation. Here are some beautiful phrases, used when applying a tattoo on the leg for girls with translation into Russian:

  • All we need is love - we all need love.
  • One lifelong love - the only love for life.
  • Enjoy every moment - enjoy every moment.
  • My life my rules - my life, my rules.


A separate type of inscriptions are hieroglyphs. When choosing them, you need to know what exactly they mean so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation. The most popular place on the foot for writing a phrase is the foot on the side. They are also stuffed on the ankles, legs, and thighs.

Floral patterns

Girls love to decorate themselves with images of flowers. Besides being beautiful, these tattoos have meaning.

Each flower carries a certain symbolism:

  • dandelion symbolizes love of life and youth;
  • lily - femininity, harmony, purity;
  • chrysanthemum - nobility, wisdom.

Flowers are often depicted not on their own, but by fitting them into certain patterns or combining them with other symbols. Great importance has the color of a flower, the same flower has completely opposite meanings. For example, a red rose symbolizes passion, and a black rose symbolizes sorrow. Flowers are appropriate anywhere on the leg, just keep in mind that the larger the area of ​​application, the larger the flower should be.


IN Lately Feather tattoos have become very popular. They are made in both color and plain versions. This drawing has different meanings. The main thing is a symbol of unity with relatives. A feather can also mean courage, honesty, and benefactor. The lightness of the pen is associated with dreams and spiritual enlightenment. More often the feather is depicted on its own.

When choosing an image of a feather, you need to remember that each feather belongs to a different bird, and therefore its meaning will be different.

Feathers are applied to the lower part of the leg; they look especially elegant in the area of ​​the feet.


Images of various animals are another favorite theme for tattoos in the leg area. Girls more often choose “cute” animals - cats, foxes, butterflies. “Fatal” women prefer panthers and snakes, the most creative ones decorate themselves with owls and pandas. Images of birds are very common. The choice is truly huge.

The meaning of a tattoo with an animal is easy to understand: the character of a particular animal is known. You can put an image of an animal on your leg anywhere, but more often these are large drawings located on the lower leg or thigh. The large area of ​​the animal allows you to draw small details and give the image realism.

Popular tattoos on women's legs

In addition to the above, there are other options for tattoos on the leg. Young women choose to apply

  1. little stars,
  2. bows,
  3. figurines of people,
  4. crosses,
  5. shackles,
  6. cartoon characters.

Below are photos of such leg tattoos for girls:

When planning to get a tattoo on your leg, you need to not only think about the sketch and the location of the design. For a tattoo to look fashionable, sexy, attractive, it must be done a good master. Therefore, it is important to contact only proven professionals. It is necessary to collect reviews about the master and the salon in which he works, look at photographs of work already completed. If the execution is unsuccessful, redoing the tattoo will be problematic. But a beautiful and high-quality image will delight the owner for many years!

Photos of colored tattoos on women's legs

Fascinatingly beautiful 3 d tattoos for girls on video:

Helpful Tips:Most popular:

Tattoo | | 2119

Women put tattoos on their bodies no less often, and perhaps even more often than men. Representatives of the fair half of humanity strive to decorate their already magnificent bodies. That is why leg tattoo designs for girls are so popular.

And what’s remarkable is that such tattoos will not only be spectacular, but also very stylish. In addition, they attract much more attention than drawings on other parts of the body. After all, women’s legs cannot leave anyone indifferent, and if they also have a beautiful tattoo….

How to choose the right sketch?

It's worth remembering that women's tattoos for feet are characterized by a large number small parts and unusual patterns. Apparently, this is intended to emphasize the tenderness of the legs.

But the choice of a specific sketch directly depends on which part of the leg you are going to place the image on - it could be:

  • hip;
  • shin;
  • ankle;
  • or even a foot.

There are often cases when a tattoo is located along the entire length of the leg, thereby visually lengthening it. But there are special requirements for such images. After all, if the sketch is chosen incorrectly, the legs may look too full or even lose their attractiveness.

Common sketch options

Presented to beautiful ladies today wide choose leg tattoo designs. For example, one of the most common options is stars. Their advantage is that they are universal symbol, which does not relate to any specific culture.

By the way, if you prefer to put an inscription on your feet, then it should be small, barely noticeable. For example, in the ankle area, encircling it. You shouldn’t put an inscription that will take up the entire leg - after all, legs are not a book!

Sketches of flowers also remain common. Moreover, such a plant theme carries a deep meaning. It all depends on the specific variety of flowers and their color. Read more about symbolic meaning You can read about this or that flower in thematic articles on our portal.

Another popular tattoo design option is butterflies. Such tattoos will further emphasize:

  • beauty;
  • tenderness;
  • femininity;
  • lightness of legs.

The most daring girls can even choose a tattoo in the style of biomechanics, but still you shouldn’t take that much risk!

In any case, among the tattoo options presented on our portal, you will definitely find one that you like!

And not only.

The meaning of a tattoo on the leg

Paz de la Huerta appeared at photo. Tattoo on leg– . The photo did not cost the paparazzi any effort.

Muse famous designer Zac Posen flaunts his designs by wearing dresses with slits exclusively on the right side.

Done on the right leg. The cobra is emblazoned on the front area of ​​the shin. considered the patroness of women, fertility and motherhood.

Reptiles are associated with rejuvenation due to the ability to shed old ones. The cobra on Huerta's leg is similar to Naga.

This is a name from mythology. In legends, the reptile is the guardian of treasures in an ancient temple.

Apparently, Paz herself is the treasure and guards her from grumpy stage partners, dishonest directors and lustful couturiers.

As can be seen from the example, it is not so much the area of ​​the drawing that matters, but the drawing itself.

However, there are some symbols that acquire a negative connotation when they fall into leg tattoo designs. The conversation is about prison signs.

So, harmless, cute, stuffed on your knees - a criminal symbol, translated as: - “I will not stand on!”

The drawing means that the person has no repentance, he is not going to obey the laws.

The cute face of a cat on - business card regulars in prisons who literally never leave them.

Pierced by an arrow and a dagger, they are impaled on the shins by those who have sworn to avenge their desecrated love.

Leg tattoo for girls

Leg tattoo for girls not typical. Only 10% of women choose lower limbs for drawings.

Usually, these are ladies who already have several body paintings. For example, Pink’s number exceeded 20.

One of the patterns is on the left thigh. The singer chose the eastern version of the image, without and with 4.

Singer Riana is on her way to her 15th tattoo. Became tenth tattoo on leg. Women's symbols, hearts, fairies, .

Rihanna chose. It is located on the Achilles tendon. The skull and crossbones are considered, but Hollywood diva it flaunts on the skeleton and it puts everything in its place.

Rihanna also had another pattern - . The meaning of a tattoo on the leg It’s not difficult to understand, because the girl dedicated her life to music.

Either she was disappointed in the choice, or she wasn’t happy with the quality of the drawing, but Riana painted it over with a new one.

Now in place of the notes -, pinned in the style of the paintings of the Ancient One. The singer explained: “- light in the darkness. He never closes his eyes, even when he sleeps.”

Among bird themes, peacocks are considered classic for the leg area. Usually, they are depicted on the feet.

Prefer bow tattoo on legs. By the way, Pink has these. They appeared on the body after another party, right under the butt.

Ladies dominate plant patterns, leaving men no right to curls and petals. However, tattoo on leg for men Let's look at it separately.

Tattoo on the leg for men

Johnny Depp wears a simple truth on his leg: “Death is inevitable.” This phrase is stamped on English language on the artist.

Lettering tattoo on leg– a favorite option for the stronger sex. Typically, gentlemen supplement their messages with explanatory drawings.

Depp used the skull in the classic male version, without any bows or hearts.

Andrey Dzhedzhula also chose the inscription. Ukrainian showman pinned on right leg name Santa.

That was the name ex-lover TV presenter. Photo of tattoo on leg lettering three years ago.

Andrey compiled the drawing after parting with Santa. For a long time Dzhedzhula walked around looking like... However, he recently got a new one.

In addition to messages, men choose predatory animals, weapons, equipment, and anatomical subjects for their feet.

Celtic and other ethnic patterns and, of course, images of women are popular among them.

For men, they are not common in the hip area. Gentlemen tattoo only the area below the knees.

Leg tattoo designs

For men, the majority of designs are designed for application in the calf area. Representatives of the stronger sex are anatomically designed and have room for their imagination to run wild.

The calves, especially pumped ones, are used for most stories, even large-scale ones.

In addition, the psychology of representatives of the stronger sex is characterized by demonstrativeness.

If a gentleman does, he does not intend to hide it. You rarely see things in your wardrobe that reveal your legs above the knees. Therefore, the lower part of the limbs is selected for drawings.

Among the sketches there are more small patterns. It is necessary to place the image on the foot, legs, ankle, which is anatomically much narrower than a man’s.

So the ladies are content with bows, feathers, with magic wands, and other little things.

Popular tattoo on leg with translation. Those who want a full-blooded picture paint the thighs.

Women's ones are usually wide. Flower fields, huge ones and even landscapes are placed here.

Let's look at popular tattoo on leg photo: