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Cough in itself is an unpleasant symptom of various diseases, but if it is combined with fever, it worsens the child’s general condition and requires an immediate response from the parents. It is worth contacting your pediatrician to understand the causes of cough and fever, as well as to find out how diseases that manifest themselves in this way are treated.

Possible reasons

Most often, an increase in temperature and the simultaneous appearance of a cough indicates an acute respiratory viral infection, but the child may also exhibit such symptoms in other diseases.

Causes of cough and fever include:

  • Flu. The temperature with this disease rises to +40°C, and the cough does not appear immediately. The child will have signs of intoxication - body aches, weakness, headaches, poor appetite and others.
  • Tonsillitis. This disease can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. The child not only has a cough and fever of 38 degrees or higher, but also a red throat.
  • Pharyngitis. In addition to a cough and a slightly elevated temperature, the child complains of a sore throat, as well as severe pain when swallowing.
  • Rhinopharyngitis. With such an illness, it is painful for the baby to swallow, the cough is dry, the body temperature rises and often vomits mucus.
  • Tracheitis. With this disease, the cough is very strong and dry, accompanied by pain in the chest, and the temperature rises slightly.
  • Laryngitis. The cough with such an illness will be dry and quite loud (it is also called barking). In addition to a rise in temperature and a characteristic cough, the baby will have a sore throat and a hoarse voice.
  • Bronchitis. The disease begins with an increase in temperature to low-grade levels (37 degrees) and a dry cough. However, quite quickly the cough becomes wet and the child coughs up mucous sputum.
  • Pneumonia. A prolonged cough and fever up to 39 degrees are characteristic symptoms of this disease. A child’s lungs are affected by staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia, parainfluenza viruses, E. coli, RS viruses and other pathogens.
  • Pleurisy. The onset of inflammation in the lining of the lungs with the release of exudate is manifested by a wet cough and high fever. If the cough is dry, this is a sign of the fibrinous form of pleurisy. Quite often, this pathology occurs after pneumonia, as a complication.
  • Measles. This disease is caused by a virus and is manifested by a temperature of 39 degrees, a rash on the skin and a barking dry cough.
  • Diphtheria. This is an infectious disease of a bacterial nature that affects the pharynx and larynx, so it is manifested by fever, barking cough and hoarse voice.
  • Whooping cough. This acute bacterial disease is manifested by fever and severe coughing in the form of attacks. With such a cough, sputum is hardly released, the child breathes with a whistling sound, and at the end of the attack, many children vomit.

A cough accompanied by fever can be a symptom of diseases of various etiologies, so the diagnosis should only be made by a specialist

No runny nose

If viruses or bacteria infect the throat, larynx, trachea or bronchi without involving the nasal mucosa in the inflammatory process, there will be no runny nose with a strong cough and high body temperature.

Runny nose as an additional symptom

Inflammation of the nasopharynx, in which the child develops snot, is combined with a cough and fever due to adenoviral infection. In addition to such symptoms in children, inflammation of the conjunctiva and diarrhea can be noted.

In acute respiratory infections, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected, which causes a runny nose

How to treat?

In the treatment of cough in children who also have an elevated body temperature, efforts are directed towards identifying the cause and determining the characteristics of the cough, since therapy will differ for children with a bacterial infection from the treatment of children with ARVI, as well as for children with a dry cough from the treatment of children with whose cough has already become productive. In addition, the age of the child is taken into account, because many medications have their own age restrictions.

Medicines that can be prescribed to a child:

  • Antipyretic. They are recommended for children whose temperature exceeds 38 degrees. Young children are prescribed suspensions and syrups containing ibuprofen or paracetamol, and older children can also be given tablet forms of such drugs.
  • Expectorants and mucolytics. Such medications are indicated for thinning sticky sputum and better coughing up mucus from the respiratory tract. The most popular medicines are in the form of syrups. Among them are the syrups Gerbion, Doctor Mom, Prospan, Licorice root syrup, Alteyka, Tussamag, Gedelix, Bronchipret, Dry cough syrup, Lazolvan and other drugs.
  • Antitussives. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor for a very painful dry cough, for example, caused by whooping cough. Among the drugs in this group are Sinekod, Codelac, Libexin and others.

When are antibiotics needed?

Prescribing antibacterial drugs is justified in situations where cough and fever are symptoms of an infectious disease caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia, tonsillitis or whooping cough. A pediatrician should prescribe an antibiotic, selecting the dosage taking into account the age and weight of the child. Children are often prescribed medications whose active ingredients are amoxicillin, azithromycin or clarithromycin.

You should not give your baby antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician calls ARVI the most common cause cough, and that is why this symptom is often combined with an increase in body temperature. Komarovsky advises parents not to give children with a cough and fever any medications until the child is examined by a doctor, so as not to prevent the specialist from making the correct diagnosis and prescribing the necessary treatment.

A popular doctor recommends that parents, if a cough occurs, focus their efforts on the quality of sputum, that is, making it easier to cough up. To do this, according to Komarovsky, you need to give the baby more warm drinks and ensure access to clean, moist and cool air into the child’s respiratory tract. If a child drinks little and is in a room with warm, dry air, medications will not help him, and coughing attacks will continue.

See the following short video in which the doctor gives some useful advice.

  • To make the cough become wet faster and torment the child less, let the baby drink warm milk, warm tea, herbal decoctions, compote, non-acidic fruit drink, mineral water. Food should also be given warm, as very cold or very hot foods will further irritate the throat and may worsen the cough.
  • When baby is coming On the mend, he already has a lower temperature, and his cough has become more productive, you can use such methods to help the baby cough up sputum and make it less viscous, such as steam inhalations, drainage massage and inhalations through a nebulizer with mineral water.
  • If the child’s temperature is slightly elevated, and the cough is dry and has lasted for 5 days, do not delay, but show the child to the doctor (if you saw a doctor at the beginning of the illness, call him again). The specialist will listen to the lungs and refer the baby for tests, after which he will prescribe treatment that will quickly relieve the child of unpleasant symptoms.

Warm drink, clean Fresh air and other measures will alleviate the child’s condition

Colds among children attending childcare centers are quite common. Common symptoms of a cold are: runny nose, cough and fever. If parents are still able to treat a runny nose on their own, then with symptoms of cough and fever, the help of a medical specialist will be needed. What does a cough with fever in children indicate, as well as methods of treating diseases, we will find out further.

Causes of dry cough

A dry cough and fever in a child are the very first and main symptoms of a developing disease. Before understanding the question of what is the treatment of dry cough, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the main signs of the concomitant disease. A child may develop a dry cough due to the following diseases:

  1. Cold. With a cold, a runny nose most often occurs, and a dry cough occurs when signs of sore throat develop. A dry type of cough is formed due to the detection of signs of a sore throat.
  2. Flu and its complications. If a child gets sick with the flu, the first symptoms are a high fever and the development of signs of a dry cough. After some time, the cough reflex turns into a wet form, and a runny nose occurs.
  3. Reflux disease. This type The disease develops through the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. In the esophagus, gastric juice irritates the mucous membrane, resulting in symptoms of a dry cough.
  4. Whooping cough. A disease that occurs in children and is accompanied by fever and cough. The disease is quite serious and contagious. The main symptom of whooping cough is the symptoms of a dry and spasmodic cough.
  5. Penetration of foreign objects into the area of ​​the larynx and respiratory tract. In this case, the child develops a dry cough, but the temperature remains normal. Only when inflammatory processes occur does the child’s temperature increase.
  6. Tracheitis. Symptoms of the disease are caused by the development of a strong and dry cough.
  7. Laryngitis. Laryngitis causes symptoms such as hoarseness and sore throat. The child’s temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, but not higher.

Only after determining the cause of the disease, which must be confirmed by the treating doctor, can one think about how to treat the disease. The diagnosis is made by the attending physician, and on its basis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. But first, you should understand in detail what constitutes a dry cough with fever in a child.

Symptoms of the disease

What to do if symptoms of dry cough occur in a child? Initially, you need to make sure that the cough is really dry, since the type of disease depends on its form. The following symptoms occur with a dry cough:

  • signs of a barking cough, the development of which is often caused by the penetration of a foreign body into the larynx area;
  • coughing occurs regularly, and does not depend on whether the child is resting or actively playing;
  • when coughing, there is no release of phlegm from the throat;
  • when coughing, there is a feeling as if something has gotten into the baby’s throat and he is trying to cough it up;
  • severe dry cough worsens, mainly at night;
  • symptoms become so severe that signs of nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • increase in body temperature, while the thermometer can show a value of 39 degrees and above.

Regardless of what caused the child to develop a dry cough and a temperature above 38 degrees, parents should take the child to the hospital or call an ambulance. What to do if signs of a dry cough develop in a child should be considered in more detail.

Features of treatment

Before carrying out treatment, you should definitely make sure that it is rational. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment of a cold, the main symptoms of which are a temperature of 39, runny nose and cough, consists of the following measures:

  1. First of all, the doctor prescribes mucolytic drugs. The main advantage of these drugs is to combat dryness in the respiratory organs, as well as dilute mucus to remove it. After mucolytic therapy, the sign of the disease changes from dry to wet, that is, expectoration of sputum occurs.
  2. Use of expectorants. Such medications are due to their thinning properties, as a result of which there is an improvement in the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.
  3. Expectorant drugs that have a reflex property. With the help of such medications, the cough reflex is strengthened, whereby sputum is eliminated much faster, and the child recovers.
  4. At high temperatures, if the thermometer value exceeds 38-38.5 degrees, antipyretic drugs should be used. It is important to know that their use below 38 degrees is strictly contraindicated, since the immune system copes with the disease on its own.

If a frequent runny nose and cough continue to torment the child, and the temperature subsides only after the use of antipyretics, then it will be necessary to resort to antibiotic therapy. Children often suffer from colds, which are complicated by bacterial diseases.

It is important to know! Parents are strictly prohibited from using antibiotics on their own. After examining the small patient, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic, which should be used strictly according to the prescription or instructions.

Parents treat a runny nose and dry cough at home using methods such as compresses, heating and mustard plasters. All these methods are quite popular and effective, but their use at fever is strictly contraindicated. Even minor symptoms of fever are a reason to exclude the use of traditional methods.

It is important to know! One of the popular methods of treating dry cough is the use of a nebulizer. It can be used at elevated and high temperatures, and also as the main drug for therapeutic therapy and prevention.

If parents independently treat their child, then at least they should imagine the danger of these actions. Treatment of a child folk ways allowed in combination with drug therapy. If the disease goes from acute to chronic, it will be almost impossible to get rid of the cough. In addition, the development of complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or a chronic form cannot be ruled out.

Preventive measures

Prevention methods are quite important when treating a sick baby. The basis of preventive measures is to ensure comfortable conditions in the room where the baby is located. To do this, it is necessary to increase the air humidity and also warm the room to 18-20 degrees. It is imperative to ensure that the room is regularly ventilated, which will speed up the healing process and reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the air.

Is the child lethargic, his cheeks turning unnaturally purple, is he clutching his neck and coughing? The combination of cough and temperature of 38 degrees or more is usually observed with infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract. What to do in this case and what are the causes of cough with elevated body temperature?

As you know, panic and fear are not the most best friends in such situations. Each parent must understand exactly how and what needs to be done in this case in order to make the baby feel better.

Key Causes of Cough

In most cases, a child’s dry cough is accompanied by fever, because it appears in the very first hours of the illness.
In medicine, there are several key reasons that stimulate dry cough.

1. Colds and sore throat. In this case, a dry cough is caused by a sore throat.
2. Flu. The disease immediately begins with a rise in temperature to 38°C and a dry cough, which then turns into a wet one.
3. Reflux disease - the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.
4. Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.
5. Whooping cough.

It is necessary to start treatment only after the exact cause that provoked the cough has been established, especially if it is accompanied by fever. It is also worth considering the fact that fever can cause seizures in some children, so it is necessary to take adequate measures not only to reduce the temperature, but also to eliminate seizures.


For many, it may seem surprising what the symptoms of a dry cough can be. However, cough is divided into:

Barking cough.
Regular attacks, both at rest and in a state of active movement.
The attack visually gives the impression that something has gotten into the child’s throat.

A dry and severe cough and elevated body temperature can be observed with the following diseases:

1. Laryngitis - severe dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat, temperature about 38ºC.
2. Whooping cough – dry and spasmodic.
3. Tracheitis - especially strong and dry, which is difficult to stop.

The most dangerous disease for a child is considered to be pneumonia.
This disease is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue and can most often be caused by pneumococci. In medicine, there are focal, segmental, lobar, confluent and total pneumonia.

Characteristic signs of pneumonia are:
Frequent breathing.

Often the temperature can rise to 39°C or higher, and lasts for 2-3 days. It is difficult to reduce, and the child constantly coughs.

Whooping cough infection

A dry cough in a child combined with fever is a sign of this dangerous disease like whooping cough. This is an infectious disease that characterized by paroxysmal dry and barking cough.

This infection is especially dangerous for children under 2 years of age, and, unfortunately, can sometimes be fatal. The causative agent of this disease is Bordetella pertussis. The course of the disease is similar to ARVI.

The main symptoms of pertussis infection:

Elevated temperature
spasmodic cough, nasal discharge,
bulging neck veins,
convulsions, lack of air,
changes in skin color.

With whooping cough, children can cough for a month, and it periodically changes its character.

ARVI and influenza

A severe cough and body temperature of 38°C - 39°C in a child can be caused by a viral infection, in particular influenza and ARVI. The main symptoms of the disease are:

Sudden rise in temperature
dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth,

Body temperature in children often rises in the evening and can reach 39°C-40°C. With the flu, there is no runny nose. Timely and correct treatment can prevent the development of complications, which are: otitis media, myocarditis, meningitis, pneumonia, lung abscess.

Symptoms of ARVI are similar to those of influenza, so differentiate the disease by initial stage Only a doctor can. That is why, parents are not recommended to do anything on their own with such symptoms, but it is better to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance team. Especially if the temperature rises to 39°C and the baby feels unwell.

Diagnosis and treatment

As mentioned above, only a doctor can identify the root cause of cough and fever in children. To determine the causative agent of the infection, sputum is often collected for laboratory testing.

It is not recommended to bring it down to 38°C - 38.5°C. In cases where the fever rises above this level, Paracetamol-based drugs are used. To save the child from attacks, doctors prescribe antibiotics - Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone. When selecting a drug for treatment, the doctor always takes into account the child’s age and weight. In addition to medications, the course of treatment includes physiotherapy, massage and providing all favorable conditions his stay - a ventilated room, normal level humidity, drinking plenty of fluids.
If necessary, mucus suction is recommended.
Expectorants are prescribed only in case of a wet cough in a child.

Children experience colds differently: some have a temperature above 38°C, they complain of headache and weakness, while others are more worried about a dry cough. If elevated body temperature is a protective reaction of the body, which is aimed at destroying bacteria and viruses, then the protective reaction of the body in the form of cough is aimed at removing irritants from the respiratory tract. However, the child feels weak, becomes irritable, sleeps poorly and loses his appetite. What to do in such a situation?

When does body temperature rise?

Cough, as well as fever, are quite common symptoms in children, which act as a protective reaction of their body. The cause of elevated temperature can be allergic reactions, penetration of infections and viruses into the body, overheating, diseases nervous system. In addition, the temperature may rise slightly both after vaccination and during. Therefore, it should be remembered that you cannot lower the temperature with antipyretic drugs, which does not exceed 38.5 ° C. The only exceptions are those cases when the child’s temperature is accompanied by chills, muscle pain, or there have been cases before.

Particular caution should be taken regarding elevated body temperature in children under 5 months of age.

Cough and temperature 38 in a child - these symptoms most often indicate a cold, a viral infection, they can manifest themselves with the development of rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate procedures, treatment methods and develops a treatment plan.

In case of respiratory viral infection, you should not pay special attention to cough treatment, use different techniques and medications that could alleviate the child’s condition. Taking antibiotics can only worsen his condition. It is worth remembering that a cough and runny nose are symptoms that help the child’s body cope with the disease on its own.

There is also no need to bring down the indicator of 38.5°C. It just indicates that the body independently produces special substances that can cope with the virus. In this case, it is necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. But, in no case should you give your child hot drinks, hoping that they will be able to stimulate profuse sweating. The temperature of the drink should correspond to body temperature.

Acidic drinks and antipyretic drugs should be given only when the temperature on the thermometer is 39°C. This will not only reduce the thermometer reading, but also relieve the cough. However, with this indicator, it is best to call a doctor.

The treatment of cough must be approached responsibly and treated depending on the cause that caused it. Treatment also depends on the type of cough. If the baby has a good cough, then he independently clears the airways of irritants. Therefore, there is no need to give special expectorant syrups. the child obliges the parents to give more warm drinks and, for example, Sinekod. The drug has antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects.

Diet during illness also plays a significant role. important role. The patient should be fed only foods that are easily digestible by the body. If a child refuses to eat, then you should not force feed him, so as not to trigger a gag reflex. Special attention During this period, it is better to drink plenty of fluids.

It is better to carry infants up to one year during illness in your arms, massage their backs and chest, which stimulates the removal of sputum. If your baby has a runny nose, you need to promptly clean his nose with special cotton swabs, and then bury the nose with drops prescribed by the doctor. But don't get too carried away with the drops. Remember that all nasal drops have a vasoconstrictor effect. This can reduce body temperature to critical levels.

A strong cough causes irritation, the child becomes nervous and whiny. Therefore, psychological support for parents during this period is no less important. There is no need to panic, but it is better to distract the baby with something interesting and positive. Put all your work aside and spend more time with your sick baby - now he needs your support more than ever. A positive psychological atmosphere in the family plays an important role in the recovery process and this will help to shorten the period of illness as much as possible.

ARVI and influenza - general characteristics of diseases

A dry cough and a temperature of 38°C in a sick child are most often symptoms of a viral respiratory tract infection.
Influenza is the most common disease in childhood. And, despite the fact that many parents consider them not so serious, if not treated correctly they can cause quite serious complications in the form of pneumonia, false croup, damage to the kidneys and liver, and the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, when a child’s temperature rises and he begins to cough, you need to immediately report these symptoms to your doctor and not let the disease take its course. It excludes the possibility of developing influenza or ARVI.

ARVI - an acute viral infection can be caused by viruses of various origins that affect the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea. The development of this disease is not always characterized by an increase in temperature, but coughing and runny nose manifest themselves immediately in the first days of the disease.

Flu manifests itself with the following symptoms:

Muscle pain,
Runny nose,

In this case, a runny nose, dry cough and fever may disappear only on the third day after the onset of the disease. A complication of influenza is pneumonia, which can be caused by the influenza virus and accompanying bacterial flora.


Treatment of ARVI and Influenza should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. At the same time, it is not always necessary to observe bed rest, especially if the baby himself does not want it. Increased physical activity During periods of illness, it is also not welcome. The room where the baby is located must have clean air and a normal level of humidity. For dry coughs, inhalations and plenty of warm drinks help.

If the child’s temperature does not rise above 38.5°C, then there is no need to bring it down with antipyretic drugs. It is enough to provide the baby with comfortable living conditions and warm drinks. Antipyretic drugs can be given only if the temperature rises above 38.5°C, general weakness and increased drowsiness appear. But it is best to call a doctor who will examine the child, after which the correct diagnosis will be made, which will confirm or exclude the possibility of complications.

Memo to parents - when you need urgent medical help

You should seek immediate medical attention in the following cases:

1. Body temperature rises to 40°C.
2. Dry cough and temperature of 38°C lasts more than 3 days.
3. Addition of other symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc.
4. Allergic reaction to medications.
5. When fever and cough aggravate the patient’s chronic diseases.
6. There are signs of dehydration on the face - pale skin, weakness, crying without tears, etc.

Correctly prescribed treatment is the key to a quick recovery. Therefore, this issue must be taken seriously. Never self-medicate, especially if the baby has not even reached 5 years of age.

Cough in a child with fever - that is, a combination of such a sign of inflammation as increased body temperature with defensive reaction respiratory system in the form of cough is a typical phenomenon in various infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract.

Causes of cough in a child with fever

The key causes of cough in a child with fever are associated with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), influenza, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles.

The flu begins to manifest itself as a general malaise and symptoms of viral intoxication (ache, headache, etc.), but very quickly the child develops a cough and a temperature of 40. Adenoviral ARVI is characterized by fever, cough and runny nose in the child, as well as damage to the connective membrane of the eye ( conjunctiva). The fever may last for a week and be accompanied by diarrhea.

When the throat is sore, the throat hurts when swallowing, the temperature is 37.5 and the child has a cough, then this may be a viral inflammation of the mucous membrane in the throat - pharyngitis. If the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx are simultaneously affected by infection, doctors diagnose rhinopharyngitis, which is characterized by dryness and pain in the throat, difficulty breathing, dry cough, vomiting and fever in the child. Moreover, vomiting mucus is characteristic of the initial stage of this disease.

For laryngitis - inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa and vocal cords- the voice is hoarse, the throat is also sore, the child is tormented by attacks of dry cough. Tonsillitis or tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) is a complex disease: it can occur not only due to streptococcal or viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, but also with infectious mononucleosis or enteritis. In the latter case, the child develops a cough, fever and diarrhea.

Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the windpipe - tracheitis - the child has a severe cough and fever: the cough is dry (mainly at night, becomes more intense in the morning, when coughing it hurts behind the sternum), but the temperature rises slightly.

The manifestation of bronchitis begins with a dry cough against a background of low-grade body temperature. Then the cough becomes productive, that is, with the discharge of mucous and mucoserous sputum. So a wet cough and fever in a child may be signs of an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Most often, in children of the first two years of life, pneumonia - acute infectious inflammation of the lungs with fever and cough - is caused by staphylococci, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial viruses and Escherichia coli bacteria; in older children, the main causative agents of pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. And the bacterium Chlamydophila pneumoniae causes chlamydial pneumonia with a prolonged dry cough and fever.

The inflammatory process in the lining of the lungs in the exudative form of pleurisy makes itself felt as a wet cough and fever in the child, and if the cough is dry, then it is fibrinous pleurisy. In many cases, this pathology occurs as a complication of inflammation in the lungs.

The causes of cough in a child with fever may lie in the catarrhal form of whooping cough, an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In the prodromal period, whooping cough, as a rule, does not cause elevated body temperature, and if the temperature rises, it is only slightly, with little effect on the child’s overall well-being. In addition, despite the paroxysmal nature of the cough, some pediatricians are misled by the similarity initial phase whooping cough with acute respiratory infections, and they prescribe treatment for a common respiratory infection. Meanwhile (after about 8-10 days), the coughing attacks become stronger - with a whistle when inhaling, with viscous sputum that is difficult to cough up, with painful coughing attacks turning into vomiting. And these symptoms are not relieved by any therapeutic measures, for which in the West the disease is called the 100-day cough

In such circumstances, a child’s cough, vomiting and fever should prompt a good doctor to immediately prescribe a blood test for leukocytes and lymphocytes, as well as conduct a serological examination of sputum and a nasopharyngeal smear. Because the easiest complication of whooping cough is bronchopneumonia, when the child has a temperature of 38 and a cough with shortness of breath. And the most difficult and sometimes irreversible thing is respiratory arrest.

The diagnosis of diphtheria is made when the pharynx and larynx are affected by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae with the formation of films fused to the tissues. A barking cough and fever in a child, swelling of the mucous membranes near the local lymph nodes and sipota are signs of croup or laryngeal diphtheria. All this can lead to narrowing of the airway and obstruction.

Fever, rash and cough in a child are signs of measles, the causative agent of which is a virus of the genus Morbillivirus. When infected with measles, a child has a temperature of 39 and a cough (dry, barking), as well as a rash on the skin (first on the face and neck, and after a couple of days on the whole body). Cough with measles requires high air humidity in the room where the sick child is. Pneumonia is one of the most common complications of this disease.

Treatment of cough in a child with fever

Like any therapeutic effect, treatment of cough in a child with fever should take into account two underlying factors: the cause of the cough and elevated temperature, as well as the characteristics of the cough (whether it is dry or wet). Etiological treatment is aimed at the cause of the disease, and treatment of the cough itself refers to symptomatic therapy, which depends on the type of cough.

If a child has a temperature of 38 and a cough, pediatricians recommend using antipyretics for children in the form of a suspension: Panadol Baby, Ibufen D or Ibufen Junior. For example, standard doses of Ibufen D are for children under 1-3 years old - 0.1 g three times a day, 4-6 years old - 0.15 g, 7-9 years old - 0.2 g, 10-12 years old - 0.3 g three times a day. Panadol Baby in the form of syrup, children 2-6 months old take 2.5 ml; from 6 months to 2 years – 5 ml; 2-4 years – 7.5 ml; 4-8 years – 10 ml; 8-10 years - 15 ml; 10-12 years - 20 ml.

The etiological treatment of cough in a child with fever involves fighting a bacterial infection. If a child has a cough and a temperature of 40, then antibiotics are needed. In such cases, pediatricians prescribe Amoxicillin (Amin, Amoxillat, Ospamox, Flemoxin), Clarithromycin (Klacid, Klimitsin, Clindamycin, Fromilid) or Azithromycin (Azitral, Zitrolide, Sumamed). Amoxicillin is given to children 2-5 years old 0.125 g three times a day (after meals), children 5-10 years old - 0.25 g three times a day. Dosage for adults – 0.5 g three times a day.

The dosage of Clarithromycin recommended for the treatment of tonsillitis in children over 12 years of age (the drug is not prescribed to children under this age) is 0.25 g twice a day or 0.5 g once a day (minimum course of treatment is 5-7 days ). Azithromycin in the form of syrup is prescribed at 10 mg per kilogram of body weight, the drug should be taken once a day an hour before meals - for three days.

It makes sense to use antibiotics for whooping cough within three weeks from the onset of symptoms of the disease, but further antibiotic therapy does not help positive results in most sick children. For whooping cough in infants, it is recommended to use hyperimmune gamma globulin against whooping cough. A effective methods Symptomatic treatment for cough in this disease has not yet been developed.

The main task that the symptomatic treatment of cough in a child with fever should solve is to turn a dry cough into a wet one and thereby speed up and facilitate the release of mucus from the airways.

Thus, Ambroxol cough syrup (Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Lazolvan) should be used for children under 2 years old - 2.5 ml 2 times a day; 2-5 years - 2.5 ml three times a day; after 5 years - 5 ml 2-3 times a day. If, with laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, a child has an intense dry cough with a fever, then, starting from the age of 12, the use of the drug Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, Acestad) is allowed - 100 mg three times a day.

  • marshmallow syrup – use for children under 12 years of age, a teaspoon (dilute in 50 ml warm water) up to 5 times a day, for children over 12 years old - a tablespoon 4-5 times a day (take after meals);
  • Pertussin (Tussamag) - taken a teaspoon or dessert spoon three times a day;
  • Bronchicum - children under 2 years of age are recommended to give half a teaspoon twice a day; 2-6 years - one teaspoon; 6-12 years - one teaspoon three times a day; after 12 years - a dessert spoon three times a day;
  • Bronholitin - children 3-10 years old give 5 ml three times a day, over 10 years old - 10 ml 3-4 times a day (after meals);
  • Bronchipret - used from three months of age, 10 drops three times a day (after meals), and from one year onwards, one drop should be added to 10 drops for each year of the child’s life.

An expectorant drug based on marshmallow root extract Mucaltin (in tablets) thins mucus; Children 3-5 years old are recommended to be given half a tablet three times a day (you can dissolve the tablet in a small amount of warm water). After 5 years, you can use the whole tablet.

If a child over three years old has a severe cough, vomiting and fever, then it is possible - exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician - to use Sinekod (Butamirat) syrup, which suppresses the cough reflex: children 3-6 years old - 5 ml of syrup three times a day, 6-12 years old - 10 ml, after 12 years - 15 ml three times a day.

Steam inhalations with soda (a teaspoon per glass of boiling water) or with any alkaline mineral water facilitate coughing up sputum and help treat coughs in children with fever. It is also useful to breathe in the steam of a hot infusion of pine buds or eucalyptus leaves.

Prevention of cough in a child with fever

The main prevention of cough in a child with fever due to ARVI consists of year-round hardening of children and systematic strengthening of their immune system. British pediatricians recommend giving children one gram of vitamin C per day during the coldest period. Some say that this reduces the manifestation of cold symptoms such as fever, cough and runny nose in a child by 13%. Other doctors claim that the prophylactic use of ascorbic acid does not reduce the incidence of colds, but shortens the duration of the disease by 8%.

Respiratory tract infections in children (especially in the first five years of life) - due to the inherent childhood anatomy of the organs of the respiratory system - they tend to manifest themselves over a fairly long period of time in the form of a subacute cough. Thus, after specific infections (for example, pneumonia), bronchial hyperresponsiveness in a child can last from three to eight weeks. And even with adequate symptomatic treatment of cough and normalization of temperature, the threat of transition to chronic cough remains. For this reason, in some cases, doctors do not guarantee a 100% positive prognosis for cough in a child with fever.

In the prevention of cough in a child with fever due to diphtheria, measles and whooping cough, appropriate vaccinations play a leading role. According to WHO, more than 40 million people worldwide suffer from whooping cough every year, of whom approximately 290 thousand die. About 90% of people with whooping cough are children under 10 years of age. For almost 2% of children under one year of age infected with whooping cough (in developing countries - up to 4%), this infectious disease is fatal.

So, a cough in a child with a fever, first of all, must be correctly diagnosed, which is only possible when contacting qualified pediatricians and pediatric ENT doctors.