Learns to draw with a pencil step by step from the age of 8. How to teach a child to draw in different techniques? Drawing techniques and methods

Master class “Drawing for the little ones.”

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education at the MBU DO “House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region.”
This master class is intended for additional education teachers and preschool teachers. The master class will also be of interest to little artists aged 4 years and older and their parents.
Purpose: This master class is a short drawing course for little ones, which shows how to draw with geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for acquiring drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
instill the skills to carefully work with paints and brushes;
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills.
The kids who come to my association for classes are still very young, but they really want to draw. From experience working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my demonstration, step by step. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children what we are going to draw today. I know from experience that they find it more interesting. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and this brings them a lot of joy. And everyone’s drawings are different.

Master class on drawing for children “Snail”

Prepare: A4 landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, a jar for water and a napkin.

Before we start painting, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and need to be woken up by gently stroking them with a brush. Let’s wake up the yellow paint first and start painting.
Draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

We draw the horns and paint them over.

Decorating the snail's house.

We draw the eyes and mouth of the snail. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's works:

Master class on drawing for children “Turtle”.

Draw a “bun” in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, and draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size; we paint over all the loops.

We draw circle eyes, first with white paint, then with black.

Decorate the turtle shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Master class on drawing for children “Fish”

We draw a “bun” with yellow paint, draw arcs: top and bottom, it looks like an eye.

Draw a triangle tail for the fish. Then we decorate the fish with red paint. draw with a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales and decorate the tail.

We “print” with a brush: we draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

Draw the eye of the fish with black paint. Black paint likes to play around, so we are especially careful with it.

"Winter meadow".

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. We paint the koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw snowdrifts.

Using brown paint we paint the trunk and branches of the trees, hands, eyes, mouth and broom of the snowman.

Decorate the drawing with snowflakes. Decorate the snowman: draw a bucket on his head and a scarf. Children complete the drawing and decorate it.

Using the same principle, you can draw an autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, we draw by applying a brush, and print. Children's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Hedgehog”.

We draw the “bun” with brown paint.

Draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for the hedgehog, the children fantasize.

Child's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Frog”.

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. Draw a “bun” in the center with green paint.

We draw another “bun”, and on top there are two “bridges”.

We draw the frog's legs, draw the children's attention to the fact that the frog's legs differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and stay on even the most slippery surface.

We draw the frog's mouth and eyes. We decorate the picture after talking with the children: where does the frog live?

Master class on drawing for children “Cockerel”.

We draw a large bun - the body, a smaller bun - the head. We connect them with smooth lines, we get a neck.

We draw the cockerel's legs-triangles and tail, lines-arcs.

Use red paint to paint the cockerel's comb (bridges), beak and beard, and apply a brush.

I am glad to welcome you again to my blog. Why are different methods for developing creative abilities in children so popular now? What do they give and how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old? How to teach a child to draw without pushing him? Let's talk about it? Then let's go!

Until the age of 3, my little one used a brush to paint sheets of paper the way he wanted. I chose mostly dark colors. By the way, don’t be alarmed if your baby prefers dark tones. Black color is the strongest of all, so it attracts the attention of children. Finger paints are a great place to start. When purchasing, be sure to look at the ingredients, this is important. I was guided by price and composition, fortunately I was familiar with the list of natural dyes. For initial training, you can use an unnecessary piece of wallpaper or whatman paper. Don't forget to cover the floor with oilcloth if you will be painting on the floor. I pinned a piece of whatman paper to the wall, and we created in free form. The main thing is to arouse the baby’s interest. Some ideas from the Internet will help you come up with a plot for the drawing. Click on the picture for a detailed view

We draw the simplest designs with our fingers: a circle, a square, then a flower or a tree as many times as the child asks. Believe me, very little time will pass and he will repeat everything exactly after you, it will look very decent and beautiful. Moreover, drawing shapes and figures with your fingers is a kind of corrective activity; this is the best way to introduce your baby to shapes.

Let's move on

When the baby has mastered the basics with the help of paints, hand him a simple pencil with a soft lead. Your task is to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

  • show him how to draw regular lines (long and short);
  • repeat what you have learned, try to draw simple geometric shapes together.

When my child mastered these skills on his own, we moved on to various aids, which, by the way, are very helpful to modern mothers. You can purchase ready-made magazines or find and print ready-made drawings from the Internet. My little one loved to connect straight and smooth lines with dots, and then see what happened in the end.

After a simple pencil comes the next stage - multi-colored felt-tip pens. I'll make a correction on my own behalf. Take those that are easy to wash off with water (this information is written on the packaging). Children often like to draw where they shouldn't. You can save furniture and washable wallpaper if you notice the cave art in time. In the first 15-20 minutes, it is very easy to remove and wash off the bright felt-tip pen with a regular damp cloth (from the face, by the way, too).
We really like drawing with oil pastels - it doesn’t stain your hands, it’s easy for even the smallest to draw, and the drawings are no less bright than with a felt-tip pen. But there are different types of pastels, there are hard wax crayons and it will be difficult for kids to apply effort, and there are oil pencils, they are soft and do not need to be pressed.

Complex drawings

Complex drawings: a dog, a butterfly, were quite difficult for us. My child took failures hard if something didn’t work out for him. Therefore, again, I turned to professionals for help. Ready-made notebooks, albums with blanks. I really liked the methodology of the Eureka Research Institute

A notebook-simulator in which educational drawings of animals are presented step by step, step by step. In just a couple of weeks, my little one successfully mastered complex drawings. I began to simply depict about 50 animals. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. You will definitely like it. At first we sat together over a notebook, but then the baby began to show independent interest, and I had a free minute. Notepad on ozon

You can easily teach your baby to depict:

  • Sun;
  • person;
  • transport (using geometric shapes);
  • butterfly (one oval in the center and 2 circles on each side);
  • some animals that are easy to perform.

There is nothing better than colorful gouache. Draw together, learn together with your child.

Unusual techniques and drawings

Drawing and learning numbers

While studying the issue thoroughly, I came across interesting offers on the Internet. Drawing by numbers turned out to be quite feasible for 3-year-old children. We not only mastered the basics of mathematics, got acquainted with numbers, and taught them. But they (the numbers) were amusingly overgrown with whole stories.

  • from one you can make a ship;
  • a deuce easily turns into a swan or a duck (ours turned out to be a duck);
  • 3 or 8 can be transformed into a bunny;
  • A friendly snail emerged from the 9.

Everything is limited only by your imagination. Using numbers you can draw almost all animals on Earth. But to do this, you need to think in advance what each number can turn into.

Drawing by points

The pictures are clickable, we printed them and drew them:

A simple and at the same time useful way for your child to learn how to draw. The child draws lines connecting the dots. This is how he learns to control his hand in order to draw a straight line and prepare for writing in the future. Secondly, when the child draws along the lines, he remembers how to depict objects, what details need to be drawn in order to depict the object. That is, which lines are enough to get a duck, for example.

Painting by numbers

We connect the numbers in order. You can’t do without mom’s help if the baby doesn’t yet know the numbers. But this method should not be discarded. Suddenly the child will like it, and a big bonus from such drawing is the easy learning of numbers.

What should a 3 year old child be able to draw?

You probably know that upon admission to kindergarten, children can be tested by a psychologist and/or speech therapist. A drawing test, as a rule, is always included in the general list of questions. By this age, a child should be able to draw certain figures; this is a kind of indicator of the baby’s development. What should he be able to do, and if he can’t, 6 be sure to teach:

  1. Draw round objects.
  2. Draw clear straight lines: short and long (we learned by drawing grass, rain, a long road).
  3. Cross straight lines.
  4. Draw the simplest objects (a balloon, a cloud and rain from it, grass, a flower, a diagram of a man).

I repeat once again, he doesn’t know how, he doesn’t want to - learn in the game, the main thing is not to cause negative emotions, not to force, otherwise you can discourage interest for life

Another simple option is drawing with kitchen sponges; even 2-year-old kids will like this, and the drawing can turn out very impressive.

A little about the unwilling

If your baby doesn’t want to draw, and everything is fine with his development, leave the poor child alone for a while with developmental methods and his own complexes. True, not for long, a month is enough, try to arouse the baby’s interest in the game. Well, he doesn’t want to draw, it means it’s not interesting, it’s boring. This means you need to change your approach if you dreamed of raising an artist. In any case, there should be no negativity from mom or dad in the process, otherwise the desire may disappear for life.

Not every mother knows how to draw beautifully, but she will still have to teach her child. In order to help your child learn this difficult task, you should pay attention to the step-by-step educational images. Some children develop talent from childhood. They can draw whenever and wherever they want. Other kids need to be nudged to help them learn something new. Before you begin the learning process, prepare all the necessary materials - pencils, eraser, paper.

We will divide the entire drawing process into several stages. First, we will learn to draw an oval, which will act as a head.

Then we draw a rectangle, which we connect to the oval. Thus, we have a body.

We begin to work on the overall picture - draw all the elements.

Now let’s “put” pants on the character.

Don't forget your ears! Add two semicircles on both sides of the head.

Now let's get to the hairstyle. You can draw ordinary hair, or you can come up with something intricate.

Let's start with the face - eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips. If you haven't worked on your neck yet, now is the time.

In addition, you can add a shirt or other clothes you like.

We work on the palm and fingers - on each one separately.

For realism, add pleats on the panties, since the knees are convex. Don't forget your shoes.

Now you can get rid of the auxiliary lines and add bright colors to the illustration.

Ready! Any kid can handle this drawing. You can complicate the task and add dynamics to the picture by depicting the hero in motion.

Along with this they search and read:

Video: Learning to draw a human face

Drawing a girl's face step by step

This lesson is intended for older children who can already boldly depict a human figure. Study several pictures to decide what style you will work in. It is best to start with cartoon characters, as it will be easy and interesting for the little one. Let your child dream - let him go beyond the usual lines and come up with something of his own.

Stage 1. Draw an oval, which we divide into two halves with a horizontal line - the upper part should be larger than the lower. Using a vertical line we divide the face into equal halves. We draw another horizontal line, as in the example. The lines represent the girl's nose, eyes and mouth. At the end we'll just erase them.

Stage 2. Now we mark the nose, mouth area, lips. Please note that the lower lip should be larger than the upper lip.

Stage 3. Mark the place for the eyes. We depict the inner part of the eye focusing on the edges of the nose - these parameters should be parallel. Pay attention to the distance between the eyes - it should not be less than the length of the eye itself. Draw neat eyebrows.

Stage 4. Working on the mouth and lips. In order to determine the length of the mouth, draw two lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

Stage 5. Erase the auxiliary lines, you can add shadows to give the image volume.

Stage 6. Add realism - cheekbones, shadows, darken the wings of the nose and chin. Paint over the pupil of the eye and add highlights. Don't forget about eyelashes! Ready.

Such a drawing will not be difficult for schoolchildren to repeat, especially if their talent is clearly visible. Experiment with characters and drawing materials. First, study the proportions, direction of lines, shadows, and then feel free to break the rules and come up with something of your own.

Today, with the help of a detailed step-by-step lesson, we will learn draw a child with a pencil. The article describes the stages of construction and the creation of a shadow. The portrait of a baby differs from an adult in its parameters. The eyes and cheeks will be more expressive, and the nose and lips less so. So, let's start drawing and find out how how to draw a child Right.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Simple pencils (hard and soft);
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. At the first stage, use a simple pencil to sketch a rectangle without using a ruler. Making a drawing by hand:

Photo 2. Let's calculate the dimensions of our form. The height of the rectangle should fit one and a half times the width, which means one and half the height. If everything agrees in size, you can move on to the next point. But you should take the sizes responsibly, because if they are not calculated correctly, then the drawing will not turn out correct and beautiful. So let's double check:

Photo 3. We will use our rectangle as the basis for the face. Let's draw a slightly rounded upward line at the top. The right side will be lower than the left:

Photo 4. Using an eraser, remove the top horizontal line of the rectangle. We round the bottom corners:

Photo 5. Let's draw a similar curved line on top. Let's make serifs for the cheeks:

Photo 6. Now let's create the eyes. We retreat half a centimeter from the edge on the left and right and divide the segment into equal three parts. From the middle segment we lower two lines down, which will diverge slightly towards the bottom. Below we will define the chin and make it rounded. The nose will be located in the middle of the face, and from the nose to the chin we will make a notch for the mouth:

Photo 7. Add large oval eyes. Toward the edge they will be more pointed. Let's add holes on the nose. We can make the cheeks more “loose” and round them:

Photo 8. Add a header image. It will have a drawing of a bear cub and his ear on the right. The cap will show curves and small folds. Let's check the vertical line on the left. We slightly detail the lines of the collar of the sweaters. There will be several of them. Don't spend too much attention on clothes. The main task for a portrait is the face:

Photo 9. We determine the darkest places and shade them. Take the eyes, the openings of the nose, the lines of the mouth and the left background. We slightly outline the outlines of the face. It is worth remembering that a baby’s face is distinguished by its smooth lines. Draw the eyelids above the eyes with a thin line:

Photo 10. Let's determine the main direction and location of the shadow. The light will fall from the top right, which means the shadow will be located on the left. Let's grab the forehead, neck, left side of the nose, cheeks and chin:

Photo 11. Now using the shadow we create the shape of the face. It is important to remember that the direction of the strokes helps create volume. Add shadows around the eyes, forehead and nose. But you shouldn’t put too much shadow on your cheeks, because they stick out a little and receive a lot of light:

Photo 12. Add touches to the hat and ear. At the same time, we work on the facial features and the shadow on it:

Photo 13. We continue to work on volume. At this stage, we can lightly describe the clothes, identifying folds on them:

Pugachevskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna
How to teach a child to draw.

Consultation for parents.

How teach a child to draw.

Educator: T. M. Pugachevskaya

MBDOU No. 139 kindergarten "Antoshka" Bryansk.

Your child I’m already familiar with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, I already see and understand how to leave marks on paper, lines, scribbles. What's next? How to achieve child consciously depicted familiar objects, even the simplest and most elementary phenomena?

How teach a child to draw


IMPORTANT- teach the child to see and understand that in nature there is very little white color, practically none. Therefore, from the first lessons I teach the children how to apply a background, or give them already tinted paper. Well, it doesn’t happen that a chicken walks in white snow! Can a fish swim in a milky white river? Therefore, we draw grass, sea, sky. yeah whatever. I show the children how a brush “walks” across the paper (from one edge to the other, runs back, makes a smooth long path, and runs back again - something like this is what I say. Show everyone, take your hand baby together with your brush and paint)

Be sure to play with everything (“pour jam into a jar” - cut out a sheet in the shape of a jar, decorate a rug for the dog, pussy, etc. Then, when the work is dry, be sure to show this rug to the pussy, let her sit on it, if there is no toy cat, dogs, then stick a paper figure onto the finished background

Try a variety of game techniques, here's a HOMEMADE EXERCISE:

Together with look for it as a child who hid or what was hidden (to do this, first draw on a sheet of paper with a candle a simple image of any object, phenomenon or animal - the sun, a cloud and rain, a butterfly, fish, etc. and paint over the sheet of paper with watercolors). - display

You need to start with one color.

To make your work beautiful, bright, and neat, it is better to use not just albums for drawing, and watercolor paper. It is dense and the paint adheres to it perfectly due to the rough surface.

Child and drawing.

All children love paint. Sometimes they start doing this before they speak. And it is very important to support baby at the very beginning of his creative path and pronounce the first formula education: "YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING!"

Many parents mistakenly believe that child really starting paint only from the moment when he can convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the object - draw similar. In fact, this happens much earlier - during the Karakul period. Karakulnoe drawing has three phases:

1. Chaotic scribbles (random, unorganized)

Period from 1 year to 1.5 years.

2. Stages of circular scribbles. Graphic movements have a repetitive nature.

3. Stage of developed scribbles. The period is about 2 years. Child begins to react to the edge of the sheet - the line goes around the edge of the sheet or ends at the edge. At this time the children enjoy paint with different colors. And also, the graphic language is being formed very actively. There are 16 types of graphic movements in total and the larger the type of scribble, the higher the intelligence baby.

Draw with children from a very early age using the following reasons: - let it develop;

Let him work;

Let him rejoice;

Let him create!

Often from as early as three years old the baby can be heard: "I can't paint» . Involuntarily arise questions: "How did you know that? Who told you this? And have you tried? Let's try it together. A sheet for you, a sheet for me, a pencil for you and a pencil for me. Let's draw the Sun, big, on the entire sheet, round, kind, warm. It smiles like a mother. Look, it stretches out its hands to us - rays. Isn't this a miracle? Just now the sheet was white, clean, and suddenly... The Sun was born, real, alive, it was not born on its own - we helped it. Our Sunshine."

The role of parents and teachers is not only to give to kid certain skills and abilities. The main thing is to help child to see the world, experience beauty with him, instill in him confidence in his abilities and ignite the flame of the joy of creativity. Remember, a lot depends on you, on whoever is next to you. child at the entrance to the complex and diverse world of beauty. Hurry to make your children happy, because a happy childhood is a smart childhood.

Rules pencil drawing

1. The pencil should be held with three fingers (between the thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with the index finger, without squeezing tightly, not close to the sharpened end.

2. When you draw a line from top to bottom, your hand with a pencil goes to the side of the line, and when you draw a line from left to right, your hand goes to the bottom of the line.

You need to move your hand this way in order to see how you draw, then you will get a straight line.

3. Line needed draw right away, without stopping, without lifting the pencil from the paper, otherwise it may turn out uneven. There is no need to draw the same line several times.

4. Triangular and square shaped items are needed paint with stops at corners so you can think about how draw further.

5. Round-shaped objects must draw in one motion, endless.

6. You need to paint over the drawing with a pencil by continuously moving your hand back and forth.

7. When painting a drawing, the strokes must be applied in one direction: top to bottom, left to right, or oblique.

8. When painting a drawing, you must not go beyond the outline. drawn object.

9. You need to paint over the drawing without gaps.

10. When painting a picture, you need to press evenly pencil: Press harder if you want to paint brighter, and lightly if you want to paint lighter.

Rules brush painting

1. The brush should be held with three fingers (between the thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with the index finger, behind the iron tip, squeezing lightly with your fingers.

2. When drawing For different lines, the brush must be drawn along the pile, so the hand with the brush moves in front of the line.

3. When drawing wide lines should be based on the entire bristle of the brush, holding the stick at an angle to the paper.

4. To draw a thin line, the brush should be held with the stick up and the end of the brush touching the paper.

5. When painting drawings with a brush, the lines must be placed side by side, drawn in one direction and only in one direction, each time starting from the top or left.

6. Each line at drawing and when painting, it only needs to be done once.

7. You need to draw lines immediately, without stopping.

Consultation for parents.

Games with drawing.

In the process of visual arts, a child not only learns to draw lines, roll balls and cut paper - he develops as a person. Creativity at an early age promotes mental development baby. After all, in order to depict any object, the baby must first highlight the main thing in this object: round wheels on the car, mom’s face, and so on. Drawing helps a child express his attitude to the world, he learns to convey his emotions with the help of color, lines and shapes. By achieving results, albeit small, but still, the baby becomes more confident in his abilities. And a positive assessment of these results by adults gives the child a sense of significance and value.

You can develop your creativity baby, if from a very early age you introduce him to a variety of materials and teach them how to handle them. Show your baby how to do it draw and sculpt. Use paper of different colors and types for drawings and applications.

Help to kid choose subjects for creative work. Together, remember a familiar fairy tale, sing your favorite song, or refer to the baby’s personal experience, to what interested him ( "Masha collects mushrooms", "Elephant at the Zoo", "Dad is driving a car", "An excavator digs sand"). Drawing It’s also great because it’s easy to move from it to other types of learning activities, and vice versa: the drawing can be inscribed and read, the parts of the drawing can be counted, and if the plot of the work is fairy-tale, you can act out the fairy tale. Visual activities make the activity interesting and exciting for the baby. Before each lesson, the child must be interested in what he will be paint. For this Can:

Observe natural phenomena in advance (rain, snow, rainbow);

Dance and clap ( "like bunnies");

Sing a song (about the rain, about the geese, about the car);

Play a role-playing game ( "Locomotive", "Cat and Mice").

Examples of activities:

“Drawing the rain”

WHAT WE'RE LEARNING: ability to use paints and brushes; paint the technique of dipping; depict familiar natural phenomena.

WILL BE NEEDED: sheets of white paper, saucer with water, brush, watercolor paints.

HOW TO PLAY. Place a sheet of white paper in front of the baby and place a saucer of water. Offer him draw rain with water. Using your hand, show how to dip the brush into water and draw rain. Apply the brush to the leaf using leisurely, soft movements. Having filled the sheet with such rain, rejoice result: “What a rain! Lots of drops!”.Give to kid another sheet and place the paints in front of it. Help him put the right amount of paint on the brush and fill the sheet with strokes. Let there not be very many of them. There is no need to place the drops in a row - it will not look like real rain. Drawing rain can be combined with singing. Then the brush can be applied to the paper in time with the singing.

Rain, rain,

Drip and drip

Don't drip

It's been like this for a long time.

It's raining, it's raining,

It’s not given into your hands,


OPTIONS. Play with the finished drawing. Look at it with your baby and sing the song. While singing, you can tap the leaf with your fingers, imitating the sound of rain. You can knock with only two fingers, or you can knock with all of them at once.

“Drawing berries in the grass”

WHAT WE'RE LEARNING: skills painting with paints; different techniques drawing.

WILL BE NEEDED: sheets of white paper, a saucer with water, a brush, watercolor paints, 2-3 felt-tip pens.

HOW TO PLAY. Before draw berries for real, draw them first in the air and then on a sheet without using paint. Place the brush in the baby’s hands and, guiding his movements, draw a circle in the air, speaking: “This is such a round berry!” Let him try to repeat this movement on the sheet, after dipping the brush in water.

Help the baby draw on a blade of grass, a few straight or curved lines are enough. Then ask child draw berries on their own. If he fails, guide his hand by commenting on each movement: “This is how we draw a line, connect here!” You can paint over the berry, or you can leave only the outline.

Enough draw 3-4 berries. After the drawing has dried, offer to kid outline the berries with a contrasting colored felt-tip pen. At the same time with drawing It’s good to sing a song about berries. For example:

Let's go to the garden through the raspberries,

Let's go to the garden, let's go to the garden.

We'll pick raspberries

Let's dial, let's dial...

Secure the circular drawing movement is possible, drawing berries not in the grass, and on a plate. Demonstrate to kid How this is done is by drawing a large circle on a sheet of paper with a brush dipped in water. Have your child draw a plate directly on top of this line. Paint 3-4 berries inside the plate with paints. Place them far apart from each other, otherwise the paint will mix. You can go with berries draw tails and rounded leaves. Place a green marker in your hand child and show how they are drawn.

Material for a sliding folder.

Commandments for parents drawing with children.

1. Remember: child takes his first steps in art. This is a very important moment. Therefore, you should always be nearby - after all, many surprises can arise when a senior’s advice is important. Otherwise, in case of failure, child will lose all interest in visual arts for a long time. Moreover, together "to create" more fun.

2. Organize art exhibitions more often baby. But never criticize the drawings. Affirm everyone's right to individuality.

3. Child should feel joy from every lesson drawing. Therefore, the tasks that you set for him must be accessible to him, and they can only be made more difficult gradually.

4. Remember that failures can lead to development baby feelings of self-doubt, and this is undesirable. Praise more often child for his diligence, do not ignore any of his work. Do not forget, child Looking forward to your approval! He wants everyone to like his work. Enjoy it

successes and under no circumstances ridicule the young artist in case of failure. It doesn't matter that it didn't work out. It'll work out next time.

5. Provide an opportunity child to work"yourself". If you suggest every time that paint what paints to take, child in the future he will not be able to act independently. He will wait for a hint every time.

6. What if child quits work halfway, explaining that he doesn’t want to anymore? Maybe he doesn’t understand, it’s difficult or he’s tired? Think about it. Most likely, he just can’t do it, help him finish the drawing he started. Start your next lesson with what didn’t work last time. Today it will definitely work. It's bad if child will get used to not finishing the work he starts. This may later become a character trait. A joint drawing will and should bring joy to both you and to kid. Therefore - patience!

7. Collect drawings baby. Home drawing collection baby may play an archaeological role. If there are a lot of drawings at home and you need to make room, then deciding which drawings can be thrown away must be made together with child. Be friends with your children, because childhood passes so quickly! Go ahead and create! Let creativity bring joy to you and your children!