Inspiration and mastery in the artist's art. Beautiful inspiration

About the illustrator Annelie Solis There is almost no information in RuNet, however, her impressive works are quite well known. On the Internet, I found an interview with the artist, I liked it because of how enthusiastically the girl talks about her works and shares the secrets of her inspiration, so I tried to translate her words as accurately as possible. Let's get involved with art and get inspired, gentlemen! =D

What inspired you to create your paintings?

I'm sure they were created by me inner strength, an inner spirit, but what this spirit was is still a mystery to me.

What I depicted in my works applies to me. They all carry spirituality, awakening, awareness and wisdom. This can be understood through the subconscious, with the help of imagination. These are guides that personify my understanding of the world, what I learn along the way.

I can say that everything inspires me: nature, dreams, music and films, my friends, a lot unique cultures that my country lives by. As well as indigenous cultures and religions around the world that my soul resonates with, but that will inspire me to create new job It's always a mystery, and that's great. My paintings are an ode to inspiration.

How does the process go from the initial idea to the actual creation of the painting in reality?

The process is constantly changing. Previously, when a flash of inspiration came to me, I would drop everything and take up paints. But now it has become important for me to first prepare my place before starting, to put things in order, both physical and energetic. I focus on energy to allow myself to be a transmitter of the divine message. When I open my eyes my hand transfers this energy onto the canvas, that's the only way my art can bring blessing to others.

To start drawing, depending on the clarity of my vision, I sometimes used other people's images or models, but in Lately, I find it much more enjoyable to use only my imagination to create my work. Most process I just let it flow. As a rule, at some point I stop liking the result, and then I decide whether to start fixing something or devote myself completely to the process. Sometimes I just let things go and it works!

You are making these up fairy-tale creatures or do they appear to you in images?

In an instant, when I start working on a painting, they just come to me. And as the work is created, they become more and more materialized.

I received many letters from people telling me how much my work inspired them. I was incredibly pleased with this and these letters simply made my heart beat faster. I hope that there are many more people unknown to me who have been influenced by my paintings.

That's not a lot strange story, but it really made me pay attention to the subtle force that can work through people. My good friend owns 200 acres of mountainside rainforest where he plans to build a healing center and establish a spiritual community. This beautiful land, filled with energy and light. One day while I was there, I drew a woman wearing a headdress with a mandala symbol. I did it for a group exhibition there, even though I had very little time to work. I won't lie, I didn't have any high intentions for this painting, I just wanted to paint something beautiful, inspired by the beautiful views around me. But when my friend saw my work, his eyes lit up and he said that I had drawn the Lady of the Mountains, one of the fairy-tale creatures who appeared to him and told him that he needed to develop these places. Then I just got goosebumps all over.

Is drawing your visions like unwrapping a gift?

I know there is still so much unknown for me, but right now I feel like my purpose is to inspire others through beauty. Someone told me recently that they would describe my work as "striking the human spirit." I liked it. An inspired human spirit is the beginning of any great deed. Inspiration is where it all begins. And beautiful things are the supplier of this very inspiration. What motivates me is that my art moves the heart, excites, amuses, excites the imagination, inspires creativity, and evokes feelings of wonder and magic.

What is your truth?

By nature, humanity enjoys infinity creative potential. Life is a race where everything is connected, so why not make the journey as happy as possible for yourself and everyone else.

Do you make promises to yourself to draw more, and then give up? Find out how to stay creative all year long!

If you're an artist, there have probably been times when you haven't felt inspired enough.

Here are some ideas to keep you inspired and creative.

Ideas for inspiration:

13 tips for artists!


It’s easy to draw in a sketchbook as soon as the desire arises, regardless of your location. Try to do this more regularly.

This will not only improve your skills, but will also help you immerse yourself in creativity as much as possible.

Make it your goal to sketch in your sketchbook every week., use it as often as possible, even for small sketches.

More blog articles on sketchbooking:


Many artists get stuck in the daily routine of working in the studio.

Take your drawing or sketch and go out into the world with it.

You can take a walk in the parks, among beautiful buildings, wherever you find inspiration.

When you feel overwhelmed by routine, walking can help you create something new that you haven't done before.

This year, do your best to get out of the studio more often!


A great way to spark creativity is to step outside your comfort zone.

One way you can do this is by changing the format of your paintings, the size of your paper and canvases.

For example, if you usually draw on a small format, use sheets bigger size. This will allow you to think and work differently and create unique work.

Try working with different sizes and see how your work changes.


At least once this year, treat yourself to materials you wouldn't normally buy.

These can be expensive brushes good quality, new types of paint or paper.

With a clear conscience I can recommend you the online store Jackson’s Art. I buy watercolor paper and imported paints there. It turns out 1.5-2 times cheaper. How to use their site?


If one of your goals is to use your sketchbook as much as possible, then sooner or later it will become filled with great ideas.

To keep these ideas from getting lost in your sketchbook, set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour a week to develop them.

Not enough ideas for drawing? Check it out here:


It's important to be able to make time for things that spark your creativity.

This could be a walk, a vacation, reading a book, or collaborating with other artists.

All of this can give you a creative boost throughout the year.


Every artist wants to be recognized.

Of course it's great to try new techniques and materials, but overall you still want to maintain your style so that people recognize your work.


Try at least one new thing this year (and we're talking about not just about canvas size).

Explore other ways to create art, be it drawing, embossing, zentangle, watercolor, sculpture, or even baking art.

This will help you grow as an artist and maybe you will find another passion!


Unless you're a full-time artist, you'd probably like to have more time to paint.

No matter how busy you are, you can always find some time to do what you truly love.

Find time to draw a couple of days a week., having planned classes in advance in the organizer, sign up for a seminar, or attend a master class together with other artists.


A great way to get inspired is to look at the work of old masters.

Choose an artist whose work you are particularly fascinated by and study their techniques and techniques.

Set aside an hour a week to bring along a sketchbook and art journals with a selection of your work to practice old techniques.

This will give you great ideas for projects in the future.


If you don't yet have a portfolio, start working on one.

You can take photos of your work, digitize or print them, create a website, or anything else you want (remember to be creative).

Portfolios are created not only for professional artists. This is a great way to show friends and family what you're working on.

Any inspiration is inspiration of beauty. Anything, any object or phenomenon can inspire a person to be creative, provided that they have harmony, symmetry and proportion.

Here Sunbeam breaks through the foliage of a tree standing by the window and, entering the room, penetrates a glass of hot tea and everything suddenly becomes magical: the steam from the tea, the glass of the glass and a ray of sun that refracts and draws a rainbow on the table. It's simple, beautiful picture. But what could be more beautiful? nature, natural, simple things?

You need to more often switch your thoughts from eternal thoughts about daily matters and notice the beauty around you! How a cobweb on a tree trembles and glows golden, how a yellow leaf slowly falls from it, how still green leaves rustle - any little thing can give birth in the mind to what is called inspiration.

Beautiful too human creations, but not all kinds, but those that were created for the benefit of people, that is, belonging to the category of art, craft and science. A plate, a children's toy, a bottle of perfume, and also a painting, a novel, can be beautiful. musical opera, a discovery or technical invention made.

Several factors distinguish the beautiful from the ugly:

  • beauty gives birth to mass positive emotions and a feeling of pleasure
  • it represents limitless space and completeness creativity man or nature,
  • embodies the idea of ​​perfection, ideal and good.

Beauty is not only something beautiful, but also Kind. Therefore, despite the fact that the words “beauty” and “beautiful” have the same root, beautiful does not yet mean beautiful. Explosion nuclear bomb impressive and looks beautiful, but it is not beautiful, but terrible.

– highest aesthetic value and the main positive form of being, which has its own laws:

  • harmony,
  • symmetry,
  • measures.

What is beautiful is what is harmonious, correct, what is not too much and not too little, what is pleasing to the eye and heart.

However, the idea of ​​beauty may vary depending on:

  • conditions, image, lifestyle of a person, his aesthetic preferences;
  • features national culture and the level of individual culture of the individual.

Inspiration- this is a rise mental strength and mental energy observed in the process creative work. Not only representatives can’t do without it creative professions(writers, artists, musicians, actors, singers and others), but also scientists, simple workers, housewives.

Why is everyone looking for inspiration? Why sometimes even exercise and cleaning cannot be done without inspiration? The whole point is that it seems to charge you energetically and speed up the time it takes to complete a task. The state of inspiration is to some extent similar to trance, hypnosis, it can be called an altered state of consciousness.

Inspiration is characterized:

  • full concentration on the creative process;
  • persistently high concentration of attention;
  • the vividness of the images of memory and imagination;
  • increased interest, enthusiasm,
  • self-confidence and successful results,
  • activation of cognitive and creative abilities, skills, knowledge.
    Inspiration makes any work productive:
  • new plans, ideas, plans, goals are born;
  • a solution to the problem is found or at least its essence is clarified;
  • arise general models, basic images, “framework” for the upcoming work;
  • new or completely unique creative products appear.

At what point or time period in the creative process is inspiration born? Many geniuses did not hide from the public the fact that their discoveries were the result of sudden insight. It was as if someone had put words or pictures into their minds, which all they had to do was write them down on paper.

The mystery and incomprehensibility of insight was associated (and in our time this point of view also exists) with the presence of a higher, divine source of inspiration until the American psychologist G. Wallace nor developed a diagram of the creative process.

Wallace drew conclusions about creativity based on the analysis of data obtained from introspection diaries famous geniuses and scientists.

So, according to Wallace creative process consists of four stages:

Thus, it becomes clear that inspiration and insight are not simple luck, but the result of labor, trial and error, and perseverance in solving a problem.

Inspiration doesn't come to those who do nothing, it loves active people. Sometimes, in order to be inspired by an activity, it is enough just to start doing it, to take the first step.

Where to look for beautiful inspiration

To be inspired by beauty, you need to be able to notice it, and sources there are many beautiful things:

  1. Nature. Any manifestation of it is wonderful! The earth's landscapes and elements fascinate and inspire. Modern man has the opportunity to be inspired by the beauty of nature without even leaving home. Photographers around the world capture on camera and post photos and videos of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, high waves, mountains, mighty snows, oceans, northern lights and much more. Of course, direct contact with nature is also important: walking, relaxing, just observing it.
  2. Traveling and being on the road. Of course, while traveling you can see and learn a lot of new and beautiful things, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel as far as often as they would like, but every person moves around the area where he lives during the day. If you look out the window of a tram not just for the sake of it, but with the purpose of observing the world, you can see beauty in the familiar.
  3. Children. All little children are open, sincere, spontaneous, active and, in the end, just very beautiful, sweet, pure. Looking at how a child enjoys life and listening to what he says, you can find a lot of ideas for creativity.
  4. Beautiful people. Man is also a part of nature. Beautiful at heart and body, a successful, wise, experienced or simply loving and loved person can inspire to conquer any, even unrealistic, peaks.
  5. Poetry. It contains harmony, harmony of thoughts and melodiousness.
  6. Books. Not only inspire, but also motivate and stimulate creative thinking, develop intelligence and imagination.
  7. Dancing. A way to find inspiration in the beauty of the body and its freedom, lightness, expressiveness, instinctiveness, which are as natural as any other natural phenomenon.
  8. Music and sounds. Music can change your mood, set you in the right mood, “switch” to feelings and intuition.
  9. Movies. A good film can inspire just as well as a book, teach, suggest, guide, and give self-confidence.
  10. Theater. About the impact it has on viewers live game actors were well known back in Ancient Greece. The very word “catharsis”, denoting the cleansing, ennobling effect of a work of art, appeared in Ancient Greece to designate the audience’s experience of the highest harmony of theatrical tragedy.
  11. Painting. The brightness of the colors and the play of the artist’s imagination delight and make you look at the world differently.
  12. Humor. You can be inspired by someone else's positivity and ability to take life lightly.
  13. Overcoming difficulties. By overcoming difficulties, you can discover the harmony, beauty and perfection of your own soul! Any victory, achievement, or work on yourself inspires you to develop further and become better. It is important to notice and celebrate your own achievements and how they improve your life.
  14. Target. When there is something to strive for, meaning, motive, desire, love for what you need to achieve excellence in, inspiration will not keep you waiting.
  15. Love(V in a broad sense this word). Perhaps the most beautiful of the inspiring and the most inspiring of the beautiful that can be found in the external and one’s own, inner world! Love inspires and is itself a creative process.

For information on where else you can find inspiration and how to keep it, read the article

Inspiration - so abstract concept that for some it is a daily condition, and for others it is an extremely rare occurrence. However, I personally am sure that every brilliant song, picture or poem does not appear out of thin air. No creativity developed thinking or ideas won’t help unless it suddenly hits you in the head. You can choke on it, smear yourself with it, or, conversely, try to suck it out of your finger. You can wallow in creative stagnation, waiting for a new muse, but this is completely different. Do you think, let’s say, Shishkin sat and waited until it dawned on him and he wanted to write another masterpiece? Aw, the hell with it. In fact, the secret of the inspiration of artists hides such a banality that it even becomes somehow absurd from the inability to realize it. So, actually, what kind of banality is this?

Have you heard the expression: “Everything ingenious is simple”? Pam-pub. Here's your answer. Simplicity in everyday life is the main inspiration for artists of absolutely any era. It would seem that inspiration is great and lofty, coming to us from somewhere above... in fact, it is not. And to prove this, I will give several examples of how great artists were inspired by seemingly hackneyed everyday things.

From architectural masterpieces totypical Khrushchev buildings

When we go out for a walk down the street, we all peer at shop signs, the columns of some theater or opera building, the landscape, and so on. Have any of you ever noticed the beauty of ordinary multi-storey residential buildings? Actually, I think, why look at them? Grey, casual, chunky and moody. But it was not there. So, for example, a modern artist, walking around his own city, lifts his head up, hoping to see inspiration for his new masterpieces. Old houses or new buildings – it doesn’t matter. The facade itself, small windows, ideal evenness of lines and, most importantly, the simplicity of everyday life, inspire the artist to create bright designs of his own houses on canvas.

So how can you see colorful fairy tale houses in a gray high-rise building? Here your imagination, emotions and, of course, complete originality of thinking will help you. So, in Once again When walking through boring places, look up and immerse yourself in the simplicity that is accessible to everyone. A stream of sadness or bright emotions will definitely overwhelm you. And most importantly, catch him by the tail, take pencils out of your briefcase and draw, draw, draw!

Night, street, lantern, headphones

But the Russian artist Leonid Afremov walked exclusively in the evenings, which was what inspired him to paint his paintings. If you love rain, then the wet evening asphalt of the city is exactly what you need. Forget about the umbrella, grab your favorite jazz player (recommended) and head for a dose of aesthetic pleasure. Wandering through parks, narrow streets and pavements on long evenings, Afremov learned to find in them that banal charm that later poured out onto his sheets. Evening, Low light lamppost, music and people passing by - isn't this the simplest and most The best way getting inspiration? I don’t know about you, but in this method Leonid Afremov and I are completely like-minded. If it’s dark outside and the asphalt is covered with snow, don’t finish reading the article (but it’s better, of course, finish reading it) and go outside.

Serialomaniaor “sofa” inspiration

Do you like foreign TV series? Are you looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones or American history horror"? Then the following example of inspiration will definitely please you. How about a dose of The Big Bang Theory? The Paramount Comedy TV channel managed to collect the most best paintings contemporary artists, inspired by the series, and combine them into one large exhibition. Caricatures, a unique vision of characters and conveying character through drawing are the best way to combine work with your favorite pastime.

If you don’t like TV series (and I don’t like them at all), then, as you already guessed, there is cinema for you. An example can be given French artist Marcel Duchamp, whose work is completely intertwined with television. Inspired by the films of his favorite director Rene Clair, Duchamp took up his brush and created images that popped up in his head after watching the next movie.

A similar example would be American artist and a designer who is literally addicted to television. His eternal inspiration was the actress Edie Sedgwick - impressed by the performance of this lady, Warhol was captivated by inspiration and later expressed it not only in his paintings, but also in his own cinema. So if you are still scolding yourself for not being able to tear yourself away from TV series or films in order to devote time to creativity, then combine them! Be inspired by your favorite actors, atmosphere, and most importantly - just watch good films, which can motivate you and inspire you to new creations.

Cherchez la femme

The last simplest source of inspiration for today can be titled with my favorite French expression “Cherchez la femme”, which translated means “look for a woman”. In this case, it is stupid to give examples, because the number of artists, writers, musicians and poets who were inspired by women cannot be counted. Although, if we make a special emphasis on artists, then of the world famous I will cite only one main example a man whose work was entirely inspired by women - Pablo Picasso.

Although, you know, don’t get hung up on young ladies, get hung up on people. People are the most important, simple and powerful source of inspiration. While sitting on the subway, try not to get lost in your thoughts as usual, but look around, peer into the face of the person sitting opposite. There's nothing more inspiring than new shapes, A New Look or movement. Everyone has their own story, so try to imagine it, even if you are seeing this person for the first time. Among such sleepy, gloomy faces you can draw inspiration for life ahead, just take a closer look and you will understand everything yourself.

Learn to notice the beautiful features in everyday things, admire simplicity and catch inspiration in wet asphalt, at your leisure or strangers. Be guided by the expression “everything ingenious is simple” and inspiration will go hand in hand with you throughout your life.