Volumetric buildings in pencil. Learn to draw buildings, interior

Drawing tutorial architectural details is a continuation of mastering drawing and a transition to the study of more complex forms - the human body, head and its details. Drawing exercises architectural details pursue not only specific educational objectives, but also educational goals. So, for example, by studying and drawing elements of architectural plastic forms, you acquire a whole range of necessary qualities for improvement in the field of drawing. You will learn the logic of the constructive and artistic essence of these forms, acquire and improve technical and visual skills, develop spatial imagination and artistic taste.

Drawing plaster ornaments and capitals from life not only introduces you to the variety of forms and purity of architectural style, but also poses more complex visual tasks and requires further improvement of the drawing.

Drawing shapes architectural details is an important and necessary educational and methodological material, where the main task is the need to master and consolidate the basic principles and methods of constructive and structural drawing. You need to fully master all the tasks of the educational drawing, starting from the constructive logic of construction, then methodically, consistently work on the drawing until it reaches a certain completeness with the help of chiaroscuro, taking into account the transfer of the character of the depicted model, proportions, perspective, three-dimensional form. Without this, it is impossible to sufficiently understand the compositional and artistic patterns, the constructive and artistic logic of constructing parts, details and the entire architectural unity.

Drawing architectural elements and their details allows students to gradually, as they acquire certain knowledge and skills, move on to depicting from life small architectural forms, individual fragments and structures and entire architectural complexes, including interiors, exteriors and the architectural environment. In this regard, it is necessary to move on to the consideration of the forms of architectural elements, namely capitals and plaster ornaments.

In the educational task on drawing ornaments, various elements of architectural ornamentation are widely used, which are found on capitals, cornices, friezes, entablatures, and bases. Ornaments are intended to decorate architectural structures, applied arts, and household items. Nowadays, ornaments are intended, as a rule, for decoration in applied art: on household items, furniture, in weapons art, and sometimes for restoration work to restore architectural monuments. The basis of the ornament is a straight flat or curved volumetric slab, onto which an ornamental pattern of geometric shapes or elements of the plant world is applied. Ornaments typically consist of the same rhythmically repeating elements, which may resemble teeth, beads, leaves, flowers, or other objects. In other words, the ornament is a system of individual elements connected to each other in a certain order. All elements of the ornament, the shapes of leaves and flowers, are in one way or another subject to stylization, thanks to which its structure is clearly visible. Along with simple ones, rhythmically complex patterns are used, in which wave-like movements with spiral curls can be traced. Such ornaments are often found on capitals, entablatures, bases and plaster rosettes.

Drawing ornaments from life not only gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the variety of their forms, but also poses more and more complex tasks for you, requiring further improvement of your drawing skills.

Thanks to the stylization, clear structure and relief of the shapes of the leaves and flowers of the ornament, the gypsum rosettes of the capitals and various details of architectural fragments represent a good educational model for studying and drawing from life.

For the initial exercises, it is necessary to reproduce the simplest and clearest patterns. This makes it easier to understand their structure. You should remember that any ornament in a gypsum rosette or its placement on any object (furniture, dishes, weapons) determines its overall composition, size and relationship of elements. Therefore, before moving on to the image of the rosette, you need to study it from all sides, analyzing the height of the relief in individual areas. Particular attention should be paid to the illumination of the ornament. The surface should be illuminated in such a way that the main structure is most clearly revealed.

When choosing a drawing location (point of view) for a long drawing, it is not necessary to start from a frontal position, as is usually customary. It is enough to first make a linear-constructive sketch from life in such a position in order to understand the main divisions and nodal points of the image, or during the construction process, from time to time study the full-scale model from a frontal position. It is impossible to give an unambiguous recommendation here, since everything will depend on the level of ability of the draftsman himself. It is best to sit in a three-quarter position on the right or left, a little closer to the front, depending on the nature of the ornament and its illumination. This choice of location allows you to more expressively convey the form as a whole.

Drawing an ornament requires precise drawing of the axes of symmetry, which are the most important part of the construction, since the basis of any ornament or groups of its elements are axial symmetries. This can be easily seen in the examples of a simple ornament, where the same elements are located symmetrically with respect to the axis at an equal distance, that is, they are repeated.

Drawing a capital. The most valuable educational models for drawing are details of architecture - classical orders. An “order” is an architectural element of a post-and-beam system, brought into a certain structural and artistic order. Literally translated, this term means “order.”

Order systems, which arose in ancient times and were widely developed throughout world architectural practice, still attract the close attention of contemporaries to this day. Thanks to their proportionality, artistic and constructive perfection, richness and variety of architectural forms, classical orders are the best models for studying and drawing, which allow you to study the logic of the constructive and artistic essence of these forms and improve your visual skills.

Every year the construction industry improves, offering people more and more comfortable and beautiful houses and apartments for living. If you just think about how houses have changed in one century, you can close your eyes and visually imagine how much things can change after some more time. One can discuss this topic ad infinitum. However, not everyone can express their thoughts on paper. Therefore, in today’s article we decided to push our readers to creativity, demonstrating how a pencil drawing of a house of the future can be original and unique. The photo below offers ideas that can be used in creating your dream home, or as a sample for sketching.

How to draw a house of the future in pencil?

To draw a house of the future with a pencil, you need to prepare in advance all the tools for depicting the drawing. In addition to a simple pencil with a hard lead, you need to have on hand several white A4 sheets, an eraser, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens for coloring the finished work. The artists also recommend thinking through your own understanding of the house of the future in advance. For example, will it look like a royal castle, a spaceship, a geometric figure or a flower.

Don't forget about the facade of the house. It can have a panoramic view, unusual windows in the shape of geometric polygonal shapes, and even the absence of doors.

House of the future - pencil drawing on photo

Below are more than 20 options for houses that differ in appearance and internal content in the cut. Each model is unique and inimitable, has its own characteristics and unusual details.

If you compare each home with each other, you cannot help but notice the discrepancy in shape, material, parameters and even details necessary for a comfortable life. We are talking about windows, the front door, the foundation of the house and even the external facade. After all, the decision about the landscape of the adjacent territory is up to the owner alone.

Think through all the details of the house of the future, visually representing each detail. This will help to depict a home in a short time, without resorting to help.

Make sure that all drawing supplies are at hand.

Use your idea of ​​a dream home without copying from a finished layout.

Any paints, pencils and felt-tip pens will do.

Without artistic skills, it is better not to take on complex work. It is better to opt for one-story, simple living spaces, painted in one color.

Houses of the future drawn by children, pencil drawings in the photo:

Depicting architecture requires a lot of effort. For beginners, this is not as difficult as portraits, for example. This is because painted buildings are perceived differently from people we know, and here mistakes are less visible. I will show you how to draw the Assumption Cathedral step by step. I prohibit using a ruler or any other tools that make it easier to draw straight lines! Learn to draw by hand. When your hand gains experience and confidence, you can use any techniques. Now draw the cathedral on your own!

Step one. We will show on paper the place where the cathedral and trees will be located.
Step two. We draw the main components of the building.
Step three. Let's detail each of these parts. Take your time, carefully work out every detail: crosses, domes, windows and even trees.
Step four. To make the landscape realistic, we will add a background and shadows.
Check out my other tutorials on drawing buildings, they are even better:

Master class on drawing an architectural monument in graphics.

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, fine arts teacher of MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
Purpose: for drawing lessons, for participation in competitions, exhibitions, interior decoration or as a gift.
Target: Drawing of an architectural monument in graphics.
- introduce you to an outstanding architectural structure;
- teach how to consistently draw a building structure without a ruler;
- develop the ability to work with a simple pencil;
- promote the development of accuracy, attention, and hard work.
Materials: white sheet for drawing and a simple pencil (it is better to have a hard and soft one)

Today we will get acquainted with the pearl of Muslim art in India and one of the masterpieces of the world heritage, arousing universal admiration.
The Taj Mahal is the most outstanding example of Mughal architecture, combining elements of Persian, Islamic and Indian architectural styles.
It is an architectural complex whose central and iconic component is the white domed marble mausoleum. Construction began in 1632 and was completed in 1653, and thousands of artisans and craftsmen worked day and night to create this miracle. A council of architects headed by Ustad Ahmad Lakhauri worked on the construction.

The fifth Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan left behind many remarkable architectural monuments that are associated with the image of India in the eyes of the modern world.
Shah Jahan had several wives. In 1612, he married Mumtaz Mahal (translated as "Jewel of the Palace"). Poets praised her beauty, harmony and mercy. Mumtaz became a support, love and consolation for the emperor, an inseparable companion of her husband. Over 19 years of marriage, Mumtaz gave birth to 14 children, but the last, fourteenth birth became fatal for her. Mumtaz dies.

The emperor was inconsolable in his grief. In December 1631, Shah Jahan began building a mausoleum that would match the beauty of his beloved wife. The Taj Mahal stands as a clear testament to the extreme wealth and excess of its creator. 20,000 workers toiled for 22 years to make Shah Jahan's fantasy come true. Sculptors arrived from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, inlay was done by craftsmen from southern India, and stonemasons came from Balochistan. Materials were brought from all over India and Central Asia.

The tomb is the architectural center of the Taj Mahal complex. This huge white marble structure stands on a square pedestal and consists of a symmetrical building with an arched doorway, topped by a large dome. The height of the structure is 74 meters including the platform, and there are 4 minarets in the corners. Decorative elements were created using various paints, plaster, stone inlays and carvings. Twenty-eight types of precious and semi-precious stones were inlaid into white marble.

And the magnificent garden adjacent to the architectural complex stretches 300 meters in length. The architects came up with raised paths that divide each of the 4 parts of the garden into 16 sunken beds. The water channel in the center of the park is lined with marble, with a reflecting pond located in the middle, between the tomb and the gate. It reflects the image of the tomb. Early sources describe a garden with an abundance of vegetation, including exquisite varieties of roses, daffodils, and hundreds of fruit trees. But over time, the Mughal empire weakened, and there was no one to guard the gardens. During the reign of the British Empire, the garden's landscaping was modified.

Practical part.

Let's draw the drawing with a simple pencil. Let's start with the horizon line, which will run through the middle of the sheet.

Let's add a parallel line; this will be the platform on which the building itself will be located. We depict the front facade in the form of a rectangle.

Let's select the central part of the facade. Let's draw two vertical lines with the same distance from the edges.

Let's add a drum and a semicircular dome.

The side facades are not completely visible; we depict them with distortion.

In the central part of the facade we draw straight lines in the form of a rectangle - this is the place for beautiful patterned decorations. Inside we draw an arch - a sick niche in front of the entrance.

At the base of the dome we will draw a stripe - a place for beautiful carved patterns. At the top of the dome is a triangular crown, which ends with a beautiful Persian-style figurine.

Let's add small turrets at the corners of the building. They are identical and symmetrical.

Let's repeat the semicircular shape of the main dome.

Let's draw identical rectangles on the wall of the front facade.

Let's draw arched openings inside. Windows are visible in these niches; let's depict them as small rectangles.

The same arch appears in the central part. Add a window and door.

Now we need to draw arched openings on the side facades. The main architectural elements of the building are depicted.

We will definitely depict the minarets - from them they called the Islamic believer to prayer. We draw two identical columns on the sides of the main building.

The minarets also display perfect symmetry. We divide each tower into three equal parts.

We draw balconies. We complete the minarets with domes.

The time has come to depict part of the garden in front of the mausoleum. Let's start with the "magic" vanishing point, which helps artists cope with the depiction of space. From the point we draw the first two lines going down the picture (water channel).

Let's draw two more lines very close to the first ones. The distance between the lines increases slightly towards the bottom (We depicted the height of the marble banks). Another pair of lines along the outside is drawn from the point (We represent paths and lawns).

To draw the trees growing along the water channel, we will draw auxiliary lines from the vanishing point.

The height of the trees in our drawing is different, since we depict those trees that grow closer to us large, and we depict those trees that grow far from us as small. We draw trees in an oval shape.

The building is reflected in the water and we have to depict the reflection. Now we can say that the line drawing is complete!

Let's proceed to the second part of working on the drawing. We tint with a hard pencil. For the sky, select horizontal shading.

Both the Taj Mahal and the minarets are made of white marble, which means that the structures should remain the lightest in the picture. Having chosen which side the sun shines from, we can add a light shadow on the other side of the buildings.

We show the shadow on the towers with vertical strokes, and make the balconies darker. On all domes we show a shadow that smoothly turns into lighter colors.

The central part of the building is tinted differently. The large rectangle is the lightest; we put almost no pressure on the pencil. We make the arch-niche a little darker. And we paint the window and door in a darker tone. We paint the side parts of the center of the building in the same way.

Once the side arches are tinted, you can begin painting the reflection. The difficulty is that everything needs to be repeated exactly with the selected tones of the building itself.

We shade the surface of the pool in a horizontal direction, the tone is slightly darker than the sky.

When shading the marble “shores” it is important to show volume. We paint the upper surface of the bank with light horizontal shading, and the depth is tinted with darker shading. Let's add vertical bright strokes to indicate volume and height.

All that remains is to work with the vegetation. We do the grass with intermittent strokes, varying the pressure on the pencil.

Learn to draw your dream home with step-by-step instructions.

Every person has his dream home - that ideal place where he and his family would feel warm and comfortable. Many people try for many years to find one. They say that a wish will come true faster if you put it in some kind of material form. Draw the house of your dreams and, perhaps, very soon you will actually live in it.

How to draw a beautiful house of your dreams with a pencil step by step?

Your dream home can be completely different:

  • like a castle
  • small and cozy, in a rustic or Provencal style
  • high-tech, “stuffed” with modern smart technology
  • futuristic

But, definitely, he must be beautiful and well-groomed.

To begin with, let's try to draw a small and cozy one-story house. Like actual architectural construction, it must begin with planning.

The construction plan is drawn up carefully, using a ruler, so before starting the sketch, you need to stock up on:

  • ruler
  • pencil
  • rubber band
  • compass (possibly)
  • any other drawing supplies
  1. Make an initial sketch - an ordinary rectangle, to which you can then add what you need - another floor, or several floors, a veranda, exterior details, etc.
  2. A house must have a foundation!
  3. Using straight lines, you can plan where there will be walls for rooms, attic spaces, doors, windows, fireplace or chimney.
  4. When it comes to drawing the roof, make the rectangle into some other shape, such as making the roof lines slightly trimmed. A beautifully designed roof will give almost 50% of the success to the beauty of your dream home.
    When you design the roof, draw it as if it were covered with tiles. Tile roofs look very, very beautiful. And how many songs and romantic stories are associated with the roofs of houses!!! The attic or attic of a house can be highlighted by drawing it as if it were made of boards.
  5. The next stage is the details of the house elements. You will need to draw windows, doors, door handles.
  6. Design the foundation as if it were laid with good masonry. Such houses look very attractive.
  7. Now move on to drawing the finer details of the house, shading, shading, etc.
  8. Place trees, flowers, shrubs around the house, let the cat rest in the sun, and let the dog live in the kennel; if anyone loves animals, he will not refuse such an idyll near his dream house.

Dream house in pencil: step 1

Dream house in pencil: step 2.

Dream house in pencil: step 3.

Dream house in pencil: step 4.

Dream house in pencil: step 5.

Striving for more? Draw a two-story house - a townhouse, in which your large family can live under one roof!

  1. The house is built, and built, and painted from the bottom up. Sketch the first floor. Think about what the roof will be like. In this case, it is gable.
  2. Next, sketch out the second floor. For beauty, it should not completely duplicate the first one.
  3. Draw the architectural elements - cornices and columns, a canopy over the porch, as well as windows.
  4. Detail the drawing - draw window frames, shutters on the windows. Add volume to the roof with several smooth, symmetrical lines.
    Draw the front door. Don't forget the door handle.
  5. To the right of the porch, draw a veranda with columns.
  6. Design a “garden plot” - draw several neat bushes and trees near the house.

Two-story house in pencil: step 1.

Two-story house in pencil: step 2.

Two-story house in pencil: step 3.

Two-story house in pencil: step 4.

Two-story house in pencil: step 5.

Two-story house in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a house?

My dream house, the house of the future: drawing

If you decide to draw a futuristic house, you can forget about symmetry. The most daring ideas are welcome:

  • multi-level
  • windows of different shapes
  • unusual roofs

Dream house from the future pencil drawing.

Futuristic house.

Modern dream house.

Pencil drawings of beautiful houses VIDEO: Drawing lessons. Learn to draw a House