All KVN girls. Beauty Sitora from "Asia MIX": I was a Bukhara "boy"

Still don't know how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors? A good option is “Auto dialer”. It's like this special program, which is easy to find on the Internet. All you need to do is “enter” the offender’s phone number (both mobile and landline) into it. That's it - then the program will automatically call this number at the most inopportune time of day.

Another of the newfangled methods of revenge is the purchase of a GSM jammer. This is a device that can deprive neighbors mobile communications and the Internet. After a couple of days, leave a note at the door of the troublemakers saying that if the noise does not stop, they will never have Internet, and they will start calling on the next street.

Club of Defenders of Silence

In general, I'm talking about psi-terror. I don’t know what you have. But this topic is very serious. Their capabilities are ahead of their time and they can do, as one insider put it, like in “Disney”. Those. they can do the same thing as aliens. And I’m ready to communicate on this topic just not openly

Good afternoon. I understood the following. All they want is for you to talk to them and discuss your plans openly. They find a heartbreaking topic to talk about, such as a burglary in an apartment. They choose the most malicious words, for example “we will pour gasoline on you” with the sole purpose of making you scream or talk.

How to eavesdrop on your neighbors

The question raised below, from the point of view of human morality, touches on a topic that, before revealing it, it would be worth considering whether it is worth doing. But, as they say, forbidden fruit is sweet. Some residents of high-rise apartments find an interesting pastime in listening to their neighbors. It is quite possible that you could overhear a secret conversation or be caught interesting activity. At the same time, they naively believe that there is no one around except them, and no one hears them...

The essence folk method it comes down to the fact that in order to eavesdrop on neighbors, they choose either a glass, or a half-liter jar, or a plate, or a pan. As a result of numerous experiments, it was possible to come to the conclusion that an aluminum pan gives maximum audibility.” So, having picked up one of the above “devices”, place its neck against the wall and, leaning your ear against its bottom, we begin to listen to what is on the opposite side of the wall. But if you have a stethoscope at home or borrow it from a doctor or nurse friend, then that’s absolutely wonderful. Not a single word or exciting sound will escape your inquisitive ears.

Neighbors are listening to music loudly: what to do?

Try to collect other evidence of disturbance. Nowadays everyone has devices for audio and video recording – at least on smartphones. Without a doubt, it is worth recording a personal conversation with a noisy neighbor. If he admits that he really listens to loud music, this will be the best evidence; if he also directs strong words at you, he will also be held accountable for insult.

The consideration of the case in court lasts 2 weeks. The court knows how to drown out the neighbors' music: if the plaintiff is found to be right, the offender will be required to pay a fine, compensate for moral damages and the victim's expenses for state fees and sanitary and epidemiological inspections. More stringent measures can also be taken: there are cases where the court ordered excessively noisy neighbors to move to less comfortable housing.

21 ways to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for everything

Do your upstairs neighbors love music and you also have to be a music lover, since the equipment screams almost in the ultrasonic range? Maybe they even bought percussion instrument? To all your requests to make it quieter and reminders that there is no night club, no reaction?

The same situation, I live in a one-room apartment on one side, a neighbor, a musician, repairs amplifiers, puts amps on the cars of others, there was a rattling noise after he caught his girlfriend with a crowd of men, her hair was tousled, her frightened, stoned eyes, the table in the corridor, the candles for him, her friends broke him, he moved in with another, she went to to the one who earns more, they say to the Uzbek from the construction site and a miracle has happened
After he left, hell broke out
Across the other wall live a husband and wife, both of whom are sick, the husband is especially mentally ill, she is moderately well-fed, a young pig, 20-25 years old, and he is 30 -33
And what do you think? week after week she whined at home human voice he beat her child, choked her in the bathroom, they just came with a cop, the child was pale, water was running from her lips, tears were whining, and during the day he beat her head against the wall non-stop
Now every Saturday the child is left in the village near Samashka, who is also a drinker and the father is a drunk, and they themselves lead friends and babtis from 22 o’clock
Excuse me, I have daily work, they can do it for the second and third, and at most without spamming, they can drive you for five days, but you can’t sleep on a slave, cameras, fine
They came to them, it’s not us, it’s not me, the neighbors are junkies from the hut on the side, they’re working hard
I warned
In the apartment to the side, the junkies have long since moved out
Then the cop called the district police officer and the neighbors had already received complaints about them three times to no avail in the database.
There's booze again and the Babtists brought in a choir with books, they turned off the TV and the same really fast music you won't have time to understand and the priests are fucking singing
The squad arrived alone with a trunk, escorted out bottles, drunk and drove away
She's at the door for them, I'm not there, there's no one, the cops stepped into the kitchen, turned on the light, and there are drunk butts in cassocks, really, and she's still in the dark and quietly, someone knocks quietly, lie down, well, the cops ran over, glasses started pouring in, then the Saturday Sunday concert, the TV, their wall falls fights right with the service, everything falls apart at 3:30 in the morning, drunken friends from his work get into trouble
She started laughing loudly with him, constantly stomping and yelling at the shit, and the voices seemed to be in my apartment and the floor of the corridor was shaking at 4 in the morning from their mafon
They throw some kind of balls at the wall and across the floor, then they take out a speaker and ask each other into the microphone how the police on the roof have a speaker screaming and chatting.
Here again, the neighbors are not spamming, they are afraid, they are putting up with it, they say, in their car yard, you never know what will happen, and relatives, relatives, convicts, wearing their tattoos, come
Now it’s 4:51 there’s a procession going on, a strong choir as if they’re doing a funeral service
Either they will take me to hell or they will
I’ll try to be at home less, I’ll relax in a tour center or sanatorium and go fishing at barbecues, well, bastards, I’ll really wait for the priest to finish singing at 8 in the morning and go fishing to bed
How did this drunkard in Russia get so depressed?

How to listen to your upstairs neighbors

Another bill aimed at calming citizens is being considered in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. It will allow those who make noise at home to be arrested for 15 days. The actions of rowdies will fall under the article “petty hooliganism.” Noisy family quarrels that disturb the peace of neighbors will be punishable by a fine of up to two thousand rubles, administrative arrest of up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for up to forty hours. The relevant State Duma committee has already approved the initiative.

Some people are “morning people” and get up before dawn, others prefer to sleep in the morning, since they were awake half the night. Some have small children who need sleep, while others work shifts and want to rest before work. And if the neighbor behind the wall is doing repairs, then you can only dream of a peaceful sleep during the day.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors

  • It should be quiet between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. The noise can be up to 30 dB. The entrance enters a zone where there is also an order;
  • In the period 7.00-19.00 noise can only be due to the reconstruction of the living space, repairs. Such events can only be held on weekdays. The law prohibits noise on holidays and weekends.
  • The “knock on the battery” method: you need to take an object and knock. This usually works;
  • A convenient way to take revenge would be to use a “GSM signal jammer.” It will not allow you to make calls in your area of ​​coverage. You can warn that the Internet may also be disconnected. If the offenders are young, it will be difficult to live without these amenities;
  • To upset your neighbors, you can cut the wire from the telephone, Internet, or intercom. It is difficult for a modern person to live without these amenities;
  • If flooding occurs constantly and no requests bring results, then you can flood your floor. Naturally, those living below will come. Then everyone will complain and the problem will disappear;
  • Wealthy residents can afford to purchase a high-power speaker system. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test. This will teach offenders a lesson.

Social solution

Who is the real culprit that the panel walls of houses transmit sounds so well? What should you do to create a quiet environment in your home without aggravating relations with your upstairs neighbors? Volunteers defending the concept of " noise pollution”, and they could not think that it would be taken as the basis for hostility between neighbors. And the residents below do not want to accept the fact that a panel house will not allow them to live in sound insulation. Similar cases there are quite a few in our country. There are situations that are more confusing.

The next method, which tells you how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for noise, is suitable for those who have a good understanding of what is connected where in the electrical panel. If the neighbors upstairs are listening to deafening music or drilling something at one in the morning, you can solve the problem radically - deprive them of electricity.

Noisy neighbors what to do law 2018

My neighbor is simply terrorizing me,” complains Evgenia Naumenko, a resident of Khabarovsk. - He is constantly disturbed by my children, who are messing with each other, or by the TV working at night. Moreover, he never came to us and said: “What are you doing, gentlemen? You are disturbing me!" No, he writes complaints to various authorities, and I have to go around and explain that we are not breaking the law, that all gatherings and noisy games end at 10 pm or earlier.

more detailed extract from the review of the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation). The plaintiff asked to oblige the defendant to restore the floor structures in his apartment in accordance with building codes and rules in the manner specified by the expert in the conclusion of the forensic construction and technical examination.

How to teach noisy neighbors a lesson

To record the fact of a violation, you should call the Police on duty, which must draw up an appropriate protocol. If neighbors do not receive complaints that their behavior creates noise and thereby inconvenience for neighbors, then this behavior will continue for a long time.

  • make an announcement that will encourage residents of the house to maintain silence and behave decently. Such an ad can be placed on a standard sheet of paper or large Whatman paper can be used;
  • issue an advertisement indicating that the residents of a particular apartment are disturbers of the peace of the house;
  • in case of any violation of peace and requirements for maintaining silence, call representatives of the relevant services who will come and check such residents. Thus, they too will have no peace. The result may be silence;
  • for lovers of loud music, you can arrange obstacles to get into your own apartment when keyhole Broken needles moistened with instant glue are inserted. While the neighbors will change the locks in front door, they won’t have time for music. Such sessions can be repeated periodically until the music becomes quieter;
  • you can try for noise from neighbors backlash in the form of impacts on the heating system. However, you should keep in mind that your response will be heard throughout the heating riser;
  • you can use throwing special substances to your neighbors that emit unpleasant odors. But if you are discovered, then such substances may be planted on you;
  • Advertisements for the sale or exchange of neighbors' apartments work well. You can place advertisements with relevant content not only at the entrance, but also on free resources. See what reaction your neighbors will have.

I once read a funny version of why there are fewer women comedians than men. Allegedly, a man is a seducer by nature, and in order to attract attention, you need to have a sense of humor. A woman must have completely different qualities that do not belong to the sphere of humor...

The stereotype “women can’t tell jokes” is very common. But this is not so, it’s just that women’s humor is different from men’s, well, we look at the world differently. And sometimes a woman is able to see something that a man will never pay attention to.

Take KVN, for example - if before the girls were just a “decoration” or “voice” of the team, now they joke and even write jokes for others. By the way, the club has sparked and continues to spark many stars; it has become a real source of talent for film and television.

Elena Hanga

The famous Russian journalist and TV presenter played for the world team at the KVN festival in Israel. When I lived in America with former players the first composition of the KVN team, opened a Russian comedy club in New York.

Seemingly serious, but very funny, Elena admits that she is an admirer and supporter of the KVN of yesterday, when teams that came on the basis of stems played then. In her opinion, before there was more improvisation, and in general the humor was “much more elegant.”

There were many interesting and sometimes funny facts in Hanga’s life: her parents came to the USSR purely from idealistic ideas - to build communism (Elena was even born on the “red” day of the calendar - May 1). Elena's father, the first Prime Minister of Zanzibar Abdullah Kasim Hanga, fell in love with the daughter of a New York rabbi, Leah Oliverovna Golden. Hiding from racism, they came to the Land of the Soviets in the late 60s.

By the way, Hanga’s mother’s Soviet passport listed her nationality as “Negress.”

When my father was no longer alive, my grandmother decided to make his will public and solemnly brought out the chest. Elena was already imagining gold and diamonds (after all, the Prime Minister African country). When the grandmother finally opened the chest, there were full meetings works of Marx, Engels and Lenin. “Daddy asked me to give you the most precious thing he had,” she said.

Elena graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and was the first Soviet journalist invited to work in America as an exchange student. Then there was work in the newly opened Vzglyad. In the 80s, Elena went to the States and entered New York University to study as a psychotherapist. Leonid Parfenov found her and invited her to broadcast on NTV first talk show on a sexual theme "About This".

Elena became incredibly popular. According to her, she couldn’t even ride in a taxi: several times the drivers locked the door, stopped the car and talked about their sexual problems.

Tatiana Lazareva

She grew up in an intelligent family: her father taught at a physics and mathematics school, her mother was a literature teacher. The girl dreamed of becoming an artist, but failed the exams and the Moscow theater universities, yes and in School of Music Novosibirsk, she was not accepted. And then Tatyana entered Novosibirsk pedagogical institute to the French-German department of the faculty foreign languages. After studying for two years, she realized that the stage was closer to her than pedagogy, and switched to distance learning at the variety department of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture. But the girl didn’t stay there for long either - she was carried away by KVN.

At first, Lazareva was part of the Novosibirsk KVN team state university, and then performed with the NSU women's team "Only Girls in Jazz". She was even named “Miss KVN” twice. By the way, in different time The team included Alexander Pushnoy, Andrey Bocharov, Konstantin Naumochkin, Pelageya Khanova, Mikhail Zuev.

In Moscow, she, together with Vasily Antonov, Sergei Belogolovtsev, Mikhail Shats and other former Kaveen players, came up with the legendary “O.S.P.-Studio”. The show aired from December 1996 to 2001. At the same time, Tatyana led culinary program"Real jam". Together with Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushny, Tatyana Lazareva led “humorous battles” in the rating program “Good Jokes.”

Married to Mikhail Shats, three children. My husband and I accept Active participation in the activities of the "Creation" charitable foundation, became members of the foundation's board of trustees. Also, the family of TV presenters is actively involved in opposition activities; Tatyana Lazareva was elected to the Coordination Council of the Opposition.

Team jokes:

“And yesterday I looked out the window, and there were men walking. I thought: oh, well, the men are coming!”

“Despite all the differences between a man and a woman, they have many common points!”

Natalia Gromushkina

Actress Natalya Gromushkina played in KVN in the mid-90s as part of the Hussar Squadron team. Natalya was a 3rd year student at GITIS when she was invited to join the team, where she sang and danced a lot. It was very funny. “The father of my classmate, who was associated with this game, suggested: “Natasha, why don’t you try it?” “Squadron of Hussars” of the Lvov Military Institute of Culture - that’s what it sounds like! And in general, it turned out funny then. My classmate and I Vika Tolstoganova left the institute together that day, said goodbye and... exactly an hour later both came to meet the leaders of “Hussars...” Valery Zakutsky and Andrei Krivoruchko “What are you doing here?” we both exclaimed at the same time. Hussars..." chose me - simply because I sing.

She was even going to marry Valery Zakutsky, but after leaving the team she began actively acting in films, there she met her first husband Alexander Domogarov, with whom they lived for several years (there is joint child, son of Gordey).

Now Natalya Gromushkina is a sought-after actress, she has starred in more than thirty films and TV series, including “Turkish March”, “Who’s the Boss?”, “Doomed to Be a Star”, “Wild-2” and others. Acting activity combines with the work of a director, tries herself as an art producer of new projects, the actress also participates in various popular television projects (Dancing with the Stars, Stardust). Five years ago, Gromushkina decided to try herself in politics: she became a member of the Central Council of the party "A Just Russia".

According to Natalya, she remembers KVN with special gratitude. He is also thinking about letting his seven-year-old son Gordey try his hand at this game too. “I don’t even know where to give it - to KVN or straight to” Comedy Club“?! I appreciate humor in men, and my son has it, which makes me very happy,” Gromushkina noted in an interview with 7 Days magazine.

Pelageya Khanova

The “national treasure of Russia” (as the media once dubbed the singer Pelageya) is only 27 years old, 23 of which have been on stage. She first appeared in public when she was only four years old. At the age of 8, she was accepted without exams into a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. At the age of 9 she took first place in the competition " morning Star"and became the owner of an honorary title" Best Performer folk song in Russia in 1996." She graduated from GITIS with honors.

Thanks to his unique voice and performance style folk songs and romances in the style of folk rock, the singer won respect and recognition in the musical circles of the high level. For example, at the invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, she participated in a music festival in Switzerland along with Leo Marcus, Evgeny Kissin, and B.B. King. And Galina Vishnevskaya, in an interview with the French press, then called Pelageya “the future of the world opera stage". Kusturica and Jose Carreras admired her.

Pelageya performed before Patriarch Alexy II, Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Jacques Chirac and Helmut Kohl at the official summit of the three states. Her identity, Russians folk costumes and the unique timbre of his voice shocked the public. The singer took part in popular television projects"Two stars", "Property of the Republic". Now Pelageya participates as a coach-mentor in the First Channel project “The Voice”.

When the girl was 11 years old, she was invited by the Kaveen team. So Pelageya became a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk State University and the youngest KVN participant in its entire history. “I was like the daughter of a regiment, they loved me very much,” recalls Pelageya. She took part in music competition, went to Jurmala.

By the way, at the club Pelageya met her future husband, Dmitry Efimovich (now a director Comedy Woman). At the time of their acquaintance, Pelageya was 11 years old, and her future husband was 22 years old. True, Dmitry’s first wife was fellow Kaveen singer Polina Sibagatullina (Madame Polina from Comedy Woman). Dmitry and Pelageya lived together for two years.


“Why in the “Field of Miracles” do they give Yakubovich cucumbers, eggs, butter, but not us? - Pelageya! Our program is not so poor...”

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova admits that she would hardly have achieved today’s popularity if not for KVN. She was born into an ordinary Perm family: her father was an electric locomotive driver, and her mother was an accountant. Sveta constantly joked as a child, so no one was surprised when the girl, after graduating from school, entered Perm state institute arts and culture. During her studies, Svetlana finally acquired the role of a comic actress.

After graduation, the actress worked in Lysvensky drama theater(played in the plays “Murlin-Murlo”, “Zoyka’s Apartment”, “In a Lively Place”, “Farewell of a Slavyanka” and others).

In 2000 she began playing in the KVN team "Parma". Business card The team was a duet of eccentric "pete girls" Svetka (Svetlana Permyakova) in a white hat with blue tassels and with a lollipop in her mouth and Zhanka (Zhanna Kadnikova). The history of this duet began in the Perm Youth Theater, however, at first they were fans of the actors, they became performers already in KVN.

After KVN, Permyakova began to be offered to act in films, she played in the popular TV series “Soldiers”, “Happy Together”, “Petrovka, 38”, “Interns” (the latter brought her all-Russian popularity, as well as prestigious award"Golden Rhinoceros").

At the end of 2012, the actress gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Varvara. Three months after the birth of her daughter, Permyakova returned to the set of “Interns.” At the time of the birth of the child, Permyakova was already almost forty years old.

Jokes from "Svetka and Zhanka":

“It seems like something is burning! - Oh, it’s a salad.”

"We cannot expect mercy from men. Taking them by force is our main task!"

“When I was leaving home, my boy told me: “If you cheat, I’ll kill you!” - So what? - When I come home, I’ll die.”

Ekaterina Varnava

Ekaterina was born into a military family and lived in Germany until she was seven years old. I studied seriously ballroom dancing. The parents were sure that their daughter had a great future as a dancer; she gave big hopes. But in adolescence Barnabas begins to grow rapidly and outgrows all her dance partners (the artist is now 181 centimeters tall). Problems began with finding a suitable candidate, and during one of the training sessions, a 14-year-old girl fell and injured her back, with professional dancing I had to break up.

At the insistence of her father, she entered the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy to major in jurisprudence. But KVN burst into life, at different times Ekaterina played for the KVN teams “My Secrets” and “Team of Small Nations”, so Varnava did not work a single day in her specialty.

Today, 30-year-old Ekaterina is one of the brightest participants in Comedy Woman; she appears on stage as a sex symbol. She is also the director of the numbers and the main choreographer of the project. As Ekaterina admits, she and her stage colleagues are trying to break the stereotype that women have no or a meager sense of humor. She tries herself as an actress (she played in the sitcom “Univer” and in the film “8 First Dates”).

Natalya Yeprikyan

The future star of comedy programs was born in sunny Georgia, although he has Armenian roots. She lived in Tbilisi until she was 14 years old, then the family moved to Moscow. In the capital, Natasha graduated from the Plekhanov Academy with a degree in mathematician-economist. Very soon she got bored with complex mathematical problems and wanted to be creative. KVN became an outlet and favorite hobby for the young girl.

She played as part of the KVN team "MEGApolis". Her Natalya Andreevna (according to her passport she is Araikovna) was loved by millions of viewers. Such a small, awkward woman with a boa around her neck, who considers herself a “terrible beauty.” Success in KVN inspired Natalia to create own project- Made in Woman, later Comedy Woman. She prepares scripts, stages stage performances, and also produces shows and performs on stage as a presenter and one of the participants. On the Comedy Woman stage, the girl plays the role of a kind of “hostess of the show”, who considers herself beautiful woman, but also his producer.

Natalya Yeprikyan took part in the creation of the series “Univer” as the author of dialogues, and in one of the episodes she appeared as the director and participant of the Comedy Woman show.

To the question “what do women laugh at?” Natalya Yeprikyan answers: “Women laugh first of all at other women, and only then at men. Who is dressed how, who lives with whom, who fell in love with whom, who divorced. We don’t joke about politics, we don’t joke below the belt... "

Yeprikyan's jokes:

“Natalya Andreevna, why are you so upset - it’s not the month of March! And why did you put on these shiny beads again! - What, do they make me look fat? - But what does it have to do with making me look fat, the magpie will carry you away again, then climb the trees, take them off You!"

"Where is Natalya Andreevna? Where are these elite one and a half meters?"

“Natalya Andreevna, come here, move your beads! What is this good tradition of going to the jury and begging for something? - You cannot forbid me to communicate with my friends.”

Elena Borscheva

Elena's father is Panamanian Julio Santa Maria Guerra (her mother met him while studying at the Moscow Peoples' Friendship University). After graduating, he left and now lives in the Netherlands, has a family, and holds a doctorate in agriculture.

After graduating from school, Lena, without hesitation, entered the faculty Spanish at the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (the genes are calling!). According to her admission, she got into KVN by accident - the team captain saw her in the dormitory. Very soon she became one of the most bright characters in the "Pyatigorsk Team". Soon the girl began performing not only as an artist, but also as an author and director of stage miniatures.

Having finished performing on the KVN stage, the team for a long time toured Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus with comedy concerts. However, some time later, the leaders of the “Pyatigorsk Team” began to actively work on other projects. Elena, for example, was invited to Comedy Woman on TNT. The actress herself calls her heroine, Elena Khulyevna Santa Maria Guerra, “the embodiment of anti-sexual absurdity.” A year ago, Elena refused to renew her contract with the TNT channel and started talking about a solo project.

One day, Valery Yushkevich, also a KVN player from Belarus, approached her to express his admiration for her performance. The first date took place in a billiard room, after which Valery drove the girl around the city in a limousine all night. An amazing meeting developed into a romance and ended in a wedding; in March 2007, the couple had a daughter, Martha. Husband Valery is a master of sports in strength all-around and a fitness trainer. Under the guidance of her husband, Elena lost 7 kg in six months!

From the jokes of the "Pyatigorsk Team"

"The Wizard of Oz":

Scarecrow: As a person without a brain, I don’t understand why you have to drive with your headlights on during the day.

Ellie: As an American girl, I agree that after 22 you don’t sell alcohol, but as Elena Borscheva, I am deeply offended and deprived of my privacy!”

Marina Gritsuk

Marina Gritsuk is still associated with catchphrase“Boys from the South-West...”, which the girl said with a charming smile.

13 years have passed since then, during which time Marina got married and gave birth to three sons. In 2001 she was a member star team KVN BSU, which then thundered throughout the post-Soviet space. The lineup included Vadim Galygin, Vitaly Kolomiets, Vitaly Shlyappo, Viktor Tolkach, Kirill Papakul and others.

After KVN, most of the guys from this “golden” lineup went to Moscow and successfully began to build a career. There was an attempt to stay in the capital and near Marina. “But at that time I made a choice in favor of getting an education and returned to graduate from university (Marina is an economist in construction by education). Moscow is a metropolis that sucks into itself, which takes all the strength and energy, the main goal of which is making money. Then I’ll take care of my career, would I have three children now? I doubt it...” the former KVN member admits in an interview.

After the collapse of the BSU team, Marina played for the USSR National Team and also tried herself in various television projects. Vela on BT music program“Tochka”, then, having won the casting, worked as a presenter in the Russian-language reality show “Villa of Brides” in Holland, then there was “Silver Gramophone” on ONT. Together with Vadim Galygin she led on STS transmission"Very Russian TV."

Today Marina Gritsuk hosts the morning talk show “Our Morning” on ONT, and the rest of the time she devotes herself to her family - her musician husband Akim Tyshko, the soloist of the Belarusian band vocal group"Clear Voice" and three sons.

Joke from Marina Gritsuk:

“The boys from the South-West yesterday, in an unequal fight, five on five, Kolyan from Solntsevo broke his jaw. And on this holiday they send him a big greeting! And all of Kolyan’s buddies wish him a speedy recovery:
When you asked for a cigarette,
They gave you eight grand.
You made cutlets out of your enemies,
He worked tirelessly.
Now you're bedridden
The eyes do not see white light.
And to those goats from the South-West,
We will take revenge very strongly!"

Recently joined famous team KVN "Asia MIX" has undergone a personnel change. A native of Uzbekistan, singer and actress Sitora Farmonova, joined the cheerful and resourceful Bishkek residents. Sputnik Kyrgyzstan learned how a simple girl from Bukhara became a superstar throughout the post-Soviet space.

— You are a very multifaceted person: singer, actress and KVN star. Which of these three activities is your priority right now?

- It means everything to me great importance. I can’t say that for me the career of a singer is more important than the career of a band member. I started as an actress, now I continue to act in films and at the same time sing and perform in Uzbekistan and the CIS countries. And KVN is very good game, I loved her very much. And there are a lot of friends among the Kaveen players.

— You just recently came to “Asia MIX”?

- Last year - at the Sochi festival. Previously, we worked with team captain Eldiyar Kenensarov on the Kyrgyz TV series “Dorm”. Four years ago I starred in one of his main roles.

Sergey Andrianov

And then we became family friends. And one day Eldiyar saw what acting skills I had, how cheerful and a positive person, called and invited me to join the team. He and team director Kamila Abdil.

— Is it true that you are not at all afraid of the public?

- Yes. Every performance in front of an audience charges me, invigorates me, gives me energy.

- That is, it’s even better than working for film set?

- Certainly. I see people's eyes, joy, love. This great pleasure, very energizing. You stand on stage, look at the burning eyes of the audience, who are expecting something good from you, rooting for you. It's so nice that I can't put it into words.

— Is it hard to come up with jokes?

“It was hard at first. But when you live and communicate with Kaveen players, you see how they joke at every step, you wonder: will I succeed? And now every sentence I make turns into a joke.

© Photo / Sergey Andrianov

Sitora Farmonova with the players of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX"

— So you were influenced by the special Kaveen atmosphere?

- Yes. Our guys write their own jokes. And I see this whole process, promotion and everything else. I'm already used to this.

— Tell me some funny behind-the-scenes incident.

- There are a lot of them. One day the Saratov team invited me to perform. I prepared thoroughly and learned the text. But when the moment came to go on stage, I realized that half the team was not warned. And I just don’t know where to go, what to do. It's a funny situation and I'm offended. These guys later apologized. But this is KVN and these are friends. So everything is fine.

And when we lost in the Moscow Mayor’s Cup game, I was depressed for three days. I cried so much! I felt so bad that I wouldn’t see the team for several months until the Sochi festival arrived. It was terrible for me.

— What about “Asia MIX”?

— Our first performance took place at the Sochi festival. I had to perform an Uzbek song. Eldiyar asked: “Come on, you’ll also say something.” When I joked in Uzbek, no one laughed. The whole team was surprised: “What did she say?” It was funny, but only to me.

© Photo / Mirtohir Gulyamov

Player of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX" Sitora Farmonova

— After the KVN games, did you receive any new offers? Any career prospects?

- This is a secret for now, but I’ll lift the veil a little. The name is TNT. Now I don’t want to talk about this in detail. There are also a lot of orders and other projects - new films, new shootings. I literally flew to Tashkent yesterday and didn’t even have time to rest from yesterday’s event.

— What role do they offer you on TNT?

- For now, a girl ( laughs). Also funny. Main role. I hope that if I get into this project, I will reveal myself in a different role. On stage I have very little text ( in a whisper). I think because they cut it out ( laughs).

— Was it easy to “get on TV”?

- My first international work is a Kyrgyz television series "Dorm". It was funny how I got there. The casting took place here, in Tashkent.

When I was on my way to the audition, my friend kept calling and complaining about her boyfriend. Well, you understand. And her boyfriend called too. I arrived all on nerves and emotions.

And when they asked me to show something, I fell into a stupor - I just didn’t know what to play. An actress was needed to play the role of a calm girl who always suffers from a hard life. And I... I was nervous, although I was prepared for a different image, I found myself in a completely different role.

© Photo / Sergey Andrianov

Team "Asia MIX" during a performance at the Sochi festival

Thanks to me, the second heroine was revealed, whom the directors had not even imagined. Purely by chance I hit the bull's eye. They consulted for about five minutes, and then said: “Sitorochka, we came for a different look, but now we see in you what we need. Do you agree?”

- What about your friend and her boyfriend?

- Ooo! Everything, thank God, is good - the couple made peace. They still root for me and support me.

— When did you realize that you were a person of art?

— It was in 2000. My dad’s friend, the director, was then filming a video for a singer and asked me to take part. I was only 16 years old then. And although my father was away, I agreed. After the video in 2001, they invited me to shoot a film, where I played in episodes. The next role in another film was full-fledged. In total, she starred in 29 films, and not only in Uzbek ones. “Dorm” gave me experience working in television series, then there was “Baikonur” - it was filmed by the Germans together with Kazakhstan and France. This film participated in many festivals and, it seems, even in Cannes. But I couldn't fly there.

Mirtokhir Gulyamov

Player of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX" Sitora Farmonova

- How do parents feel about this?

- They are very supportive. Every victory of mine, every film, every song is accepted with great love. They root for me and advise me. Sometimes they even scold: “We should have done it this way, not that way!”

— Where did you spend your childhood?

— I was 13 years old when we moved to Tashkent. My sweet childhood was spent in Bukhara, and I still remember that time with a smile.

from family archive Sitora Farmonova

— When you come to your native Bukhara, you are probably greeted there with flowers, cakes and orchestras?

— There have been no orchestras yet, but flowers, yes. I have relatives and friends there. This is my city.

By the way, I was not a girl - I was a “boy”. As a child, I asked my father to buy not dolls, but pistols, machine guns and bicycles. I only had one friend then. She was mostly friends with boys - she ran races and played shooting games. Sometimes after school, our housekeeper did not have time to change my clothes - I ran off to play. IN school uniform jumped into puddles, into every irrigation ditch, even into the pool ( laughs). I've never had girly habits. And dad said: “Daughter! You will grow up and be feminine and beautiful.” The beautiful Sitora woke up only at the age of seventeen, when no one was waiting.

Daddy still got me" ugly duckling“He calls and says: “As a child, no one knew that you would be like this. And now she has opened her wings and become a beautiful white swan.”

— So, the Kyrgyz guys have a chance?

- If it’s destined by fate, then what can I say? The main thing is to love, appreciate, respect and make you happy.

- How many children would you like to have?

— My dream is five children, no less.

— If your husband forbids you to perform on stage, what will you do?

“I turned down a lot of suitors because they wanted me to put my career on hold. I've been in show business for 15 years now, and this is my life. That's why I want future spouse understood and supported me in my work.

— Where were you in Kyrgyzstan?

— In Issyk-Kul, and I really liked it there. But I would love to see other places.

— I am on almost all popular social networks. They provide an opportunity to communicate with people - with fans and admirers and find out their opinion about themselves. This really helps not to get starstruck ( laughs). By the way, your agency’s application is on my smartphone. I always follow your news.

— What are your wishes to the readers?

“I want to thank everyone for loving, appreciating, and supporting me.” I am glad that in our people there is a desire for good, for good. I would like to wish that there is a smile and warmth in every home. And great, great luck!

In the history of KVN there was and is great amount endlessly funny teams. In addition to successful jokes, the participants in each of them are distinguished by general style. The Raisa (KVN) team is no exception. The team composition, photos and biography are described below.

History of creation

The end of 2009 - during this period the KVN team “Raisy” was formed. The composition at that time was somewhat different. Founders new team became wonderful KVN players:

  • Stanislav Agafonov, who migrated to “Rais” from “Baikal”;
  • Alexander Ivanov - head of the KVN league of the Baikal district;
  • Alexandra Chubykina is the former captain of the KVN team "Raisa".

The composition (you will find out the names below) has undergone some changes over time. But the level of play did not suffer at all from this.

How the KVN team “Raisa” developed

The lineup (photo below), which represented the team in 2010, became truly significant for Rais. During this period, the team was lucky enough to become a member of the KVN Asia league. But they didn’t just take part, they “blew up” the audience and received from the jury maximum amount points. With confident steps they entered the final that season. IN final game"Raisy" took the second place of honor and received the proud title of vice-champions of the league. In December of the same year, “Rais” by invitation participated in the MS KVN Champions Cup. Here they claimed a landslide victory, but were still beaten again.

In 2011, the KVN team “Raisy” was sent to Sochi to conquer new heights. The line-up of excellent KVN performers simply tears up the audience and creates a sensation in the first round of the Voting KiViN festival. They fail to make it through the second round. But participation in this project allows you to prove yourself well and receive an invitation to Minsk to participate in the First League.

The KVN team "Raisy", whose composition is strategically changing in 2012, sets off to conquer the "Voting KiViN" festival. Here, the team's new frontwoman Elena Khokhonenko states that it does not matter to them which Premier League they play in. By decision of Alexander Maslyakov, “Raises” receive an invitation to the Major League. In the first game - first place, in the quarterfinals - second, but this also confirms that the KVN team "Raisa" is qualifying for the finals. The lineup with the team's new frontwoman has proven itself to be excellent. So already in July of this year, “Raises” received their first award from the festival “Voting KiViN” - “Small KiViN in Light”. In the final of the Major League, "Raisy" takes last place and receive a bronze medal for the season.

KVN team "Raisy": composition and photos from performances

Speaking about the KVN team “Raisa”, it is necessary to name the names of twelve beautiful girls. They are the decoration of the KVN team "Raisa". The team composition, photos and names are listed below:

  1. Vera Gasaranova is the team captain. Born in 1986 in Buryatia.
  2. Elena Khokhonenko - frontwoman. Originally from Angarsk.
  3. Ksyusha Korneva - participant in the show " Ural dumplings" Born in 1988.
  4. Irina Khaltanova is originally from Ulan-Ude.
  5. Anna Beklemisheva.
  6. Anastasia Pertseva.
  7. Anastasia Zhukova - born in 1990, July 29.
  8. Lyubov Grebenshchikova.
  9. Natalya Grishina.
  10. Lyubov Astrakhantseva - originally from Chunsky (1991).
  11. Valeria Gresko.
  12. Alexandra Chubykina - left the team in 2012.

Speaking about the Raisa team, we must not forget about one very important man - Stanislav Agafonov. It is to him that the “Raises” owe their creation and existence. To this day Stanislav is artistic director teams.

Team style

What is it like, the KVN team “Raisa”? The composition is purely female, and her style is definitely unconventional. All girls' performances must include a large number of all kinds of props. Also, “Rais” does not skimp on physical tricks and at the same time limits the number of text jokes. The image of the girls consists of outfits from the forties or fifties of the last century. This stylistic decision perfectly emphasizes their humor. Usually girls joke about films, performers, TV shows, toys and other attributes of that era that were characteristic of the nineties. The team decided to take this name because of a common popular expression about women who can’t do anything - “Well, you Raisa!” In addition, the KVN team "Raisa" also has an appropriate composition. All images of girls are somewhat awkward and at the same time often found among the common population. The team also has an anthem, the chorus of which begins with the words: “Dance while you’re young, girl of Paradise.”

Facts from the life of girls

At Anna Beklimisheva's favorite hobby- play computer game"Sims". The girl devoted six years to dancing. Has a certificate of completion music school. He can play the guitar and piano.

Ira Khaltanova has been playing in KVN since the sixth grade. At one of her performances, she was entrusted with saying one word, and she forgot it. For the girl Ira this was a big shock, and she quit KVN. I only resumed playing in my first year at university, and by accident.

Lena Khokhonenko is a family girl. Works as an administrator in a nightclub.

Lyuba Grebenshchikova is a provincial. I went swimming. Loves to read and take care of her sisters' children. Dreams of finding a job in his profession.

Vera Gasaranova plays KVN despite her parents' dissatisfaction. Besides this, he doesn’t have time to do anything else.

Nastya Zhukova plans to combine work as a railway worker and play in KVN.

Games in which the KVN team "Raisa" participated

The composition of the girls in the Raisa team is very unique. Having seen them once, you want to watch them again and again. Over the entire period of playing in KVN, the girls took part in many projects. The latest of them were:

  • 2017 - Major League of KVN (1/8 finals) and international festival"Voting KiViN";
  • 2016 - Major League of KVN (reached the quarterfinals);
  • 2013 - Azerbaijan President's Cup, Moscow Mayor's Cup, Major League KVN (reached the semi-finals).

The main award is “Small KiViN in Light”, which the girls were awarded in 2012 in Jurmala.

Despite the very long break in games, the Rais have not lost their former positivity and characteristic sense of humor. Their jokes are still remembered and parsed into quotes. Probably everyone remembers the famous statement “Rais” that using gel and a pen from Vishnevsky’s ointment, Vlad Stashevsky created Stashevsky’s ointment. Videos of their performances from past years receive hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular is the performance "Little Red Riding Hood". The fairy tale turned out to be not quite classic, since for its execution the girls chose a style characteristic of the film “Boomer”. In 2017, the girls again showed aerobatics on the big stage of KVN. Or else there will be more.

Today we will talk about KVN. We will describe the best women's teams in detail below. You can remember the beautiful half of humanity not only on the eve of March 8th. Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all such groups, so we will focus on a few.

"Team of blondes of Ukraine"

It is no exaggeration to say that our ranking begins with some of the most extraordinary representatives of KVN. Women's teams usually include many participants. IN in this case it's about exclusion. After all, the “SBU” includes only two actresses: Daria Kobyakova and Kristina Ponunaeva. The team is familiar thanks to numbers that funny illustrate or parody the stereotypical life of blondes. This approach speaks of the irony of the participants. We recognize their outfit - pink blouses, leather boots, short shorts. In their miniatures, the participants try to look casual.


This group is used to bursting the KVN festival halls with laughter. Women's teams often make it to the gala. This team also gets it. Its leader was Maxim Shapovalov. However, the team still remained female. The signature attributes of the group are energetic songs and characteristic acting numbers. The participants are distinguished by pressure and movement.

"Girls from Zhitomir"

We continue to discuss KVN women's teams. The Major League, in particular, is represented by the “Girls from Zhitomir” association. The team is a two-time champion of the KVN Association of Ukraine. Girls - participants anniversary concerts masters of the club. The KVN women's team from Zhitomir has two KiViNs. Representatives of the team are frequent guests of television programs. In addition, they proved themselves as actresses popular TV series. Today you can enjoy the performance of the group in the humorous project “Diesel Show”, as well as in the sketch comedy called “For Three”.

Other commands

Let's continue our conversation about KVN. It is impossible to describe the women's teams without passing by the representatives of Novosibirsk, who called themselves “Bust of Lenin”. A girl named Ksenia is the main one in the team. In the game it is she who acts as the leader. At the same time, he opposes himself to the entire team - he intrigues, framed by a stunning lace of text. To her main ones distinctive features can be attributed to flirting with the presenter. The girl is not afraid to seem ridiculous or rejected. However, it is worth noting that the team is not just Ksenia’s app, but a whole funny team. Suffice it to recall the images of two teenage girls. Each participant has her own unique character, which is realized through excellent acting.

The next women's team worth talking about is called Beads on the Neck. She represents Moscow. It's about about an explosive, nervous, noisy and active team. Essential attribute- beads on the neck. The team has a leader - Dima. It perfectly contrasts the feminine essence of the team. This hero is an outpost of skepticism and courage in the country of young ladies. The result is a harmless but interesting literary conflict.

Next, let's talk about the Raisa team from Irkutsk. The team consists of five girls in dresses. Before us is a sharp-tempered team in which 5 uncontrollable natures came together. Their performances are woven from illogical, unexpected breakdowns and absurdities. The main place in the team is occupied by Sasha Chubykina. She always tries to calm down and reason with the other participants. Her rich experience in KVN is clearly visible. Women's teams often demonstrate excellent creative potential. And “Raisy” was no exception. Here one can see the mise-en-scène, which, although it has the character of an uncontrollable typhoon, is always carefully constructed. The team easily manages acting and dance works, as well as songs.

We should also discuss the “SorryMama” team from Dnepropetrovsk. Its participants created images modern girls who study, make peace with their parents, cry, watch their figure. All these topics are actively discussed by the team. The girls look incredibly organic in the images they created. In the skits, the team conveys life with amazing accuracy.