Ilyin Alexander Channel One. Alexander Ilyin passed away

May 20 this year in Bolshoi concert hall The "Academic" Russian Academy of Sciences will host a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the National Television Award "Victory".

Today our guest is Alexander Ilyin, TV journalist, director of the “Army Store” and “Shock Force” programs, one of the inspirers and organizers national award With beautiful name, which is in question.

- The celebration of May 9 is fading into history, and as often happens with us, we are beginning to slowly forget about the people who were honored, their deeds and exploits. I would like to think that this will not be the case this time, that the national “declaration of love” to these people will continue. And the Pobeda Award can be considered one of these manifestations. Who is it intended for?

ILYIN: First of all, this is a highly social project, which, it seems to me, is long overdue in our society. In fact, this is the first attempt to say public thanks on behalf of the entire society to the people who worked all their lives for the defense shield of our country and, in fact, gave us the opportunity to be called an independent state today. Nobody ever knew these people by sight; they listened last decades There are a lot of absolutely unfounded reproaches addressed to us - we all remember the cliches about “the defense industry, a backwater industry that spends the lion’s share of the national budget.”

Now, finally, the defense consciousness of our society is beginning to take shape little by little, which I am very happy about; and this is the first time we have received one good opportunity publicly thank these wonderful people. After all, if you ask any of us who is behind this or that type of weapons, besides Kalashnikov, Tupolev, Mikoyan, maybe they will name a couple of other names. And if you ask, who is behind the most powerful strategic bomber in the world, the Tu-160, the analogues of which the Americans have never been able to create, despite the fact that it was created more than twenty years ago and has been ensuring our sovereignty all this time? Bliznyuk Valentin Ivanovich, the most intelligent, kindest soul a very humble person at the same time...

- There is such a moment here: when we're talking about about people who work on projects defense industry, an element of state secret arises; we remember that in Soviet years there were secret physicists and designers. In this way, state interests were ensured, and yet society should know about such people.

ILYIN: I want to emphasize: when our country had a clear policy related to a specific program for strengthening the defense capability of the state, in that situation such people, perhaps, did not lack the attention of the state. But let’s not forget that we went through the most difficult stage of the collapse of statehood, the collapse of the defense industry, the departure - I’m not afraid to name the number, it was called specialists - literally a few years after the collapse of the Union, more than half of the highly qualified specialists from the defense industry. And many of them moved to the West - the United States established a NATO special program for processing huge amount our latest developments. They systematized this information and made a huge leap forward.

During this most difficult period for our defense industry, many people survived, preserved their enterprises, production facilities, design bureaus, but today they are on the verge of retirement - they are persuaded, begged to work at least a little more and pass on their experience to the young - I myself I have witnessed such a conversation more than once. A gap has formed between generations: there is no experienced middle-aged team, freshly-minted young designers who have no experience come in...

Ilyin Alexander Vitalievich

Author and presenter of the programs “Army Store” and “Strike Force”. Born on April 15, 1962 in Irkutsk.
1979 - enters the Novosibirsk Higher Military School.
1983 - begins service as a lieutenant in the position of deputy. company commander in the Far Eastern Military District.
1985 - serves at the headquarters of the Second Tank Army Group Soviet troops in Germany, after three years of service he is appointed to the position of officer for special assignments to the secretariat of the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Direction Troops.
1989 – takes part in the preparation of stories for the program “Serving the Fatherland” (Channel 1 “Ostankino”)
1990 - special correspondent for the department of military editors-consultants of the USSR State Television and Radio.
1993 - participates in the creation of the Central Television Studio of the Ministry of Defense ("Voen TV"), works as a special correspondent and prepares news stories for "Novosti", "Vesti".
December 1994 - prepares the first episode of "Army Store", since January 1995 this program has been broadcast on Channel One.
1998 - discharged from the armed forces with the rank of lieutenant colonel. According to him, it is illegal.
2001 - Deputy General Director for Promotion of the RTS television company (now Ostankino).
Married, two children.

(Full version program "In First Person" with Alexander Ilyin - in audio recording).

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Alexander Vitalievich Ilyin(born April 15, 1962, Irkutsk) - author, producer and presenter of the programs “Army Store”, “Shock Force”.


Plays football and tennis.

Married, two children.

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Excerpt characterizing Ilyin, Alexander Vitalievich

Having tuned in, I saw the same room again. About ten people gathered around Esclarmonde's bed. They stood in a circle, all dressed identically in dark, and from their outstretched hands a golden glow gently flowed directly into the woman in labor. The flow became thicker, as if the people around her were pouring all their remaining Life Power into her...
– These are the Cathars, aren’t they? – I asked quietly.
– Yes, Isidora, these are the Perfect Ones. They helped her survive, helped her baby be born.
Suddenly Esclarmonde screamed wildly... and at the same moment, in unison, the heart-rending cry of a baby was heard! On those around her haggard faces bright joy appeared. People laughed and cried, as if a long-awaited miracle had suddenly appeared to them! Although, probably, it was so?.. After all, a descendant of Magdalene, their beloved and revered guiding Star, was born into the world!.. A bright descendant of Radomir! It seemed that the people filling the hall had completely forgotten that at sunrise they would all go to the bonfire. Their joy was sincere and proud, like a stream fresh air in the vast expanses of Occitania scorched by fires! Taking turns welcoming the newborn, they, smiling happily, left the hall until only Esclarmonde’s parents and her husband, the person she loved most in the world, remained around.
With happy, sparkling eyes, the young mother looked at the boy, unable to utter a word. She understood perfectly well that these moments would be very short, since, wanting to protect his newborn son, his father would have to immediately pick him up in order to try to escape from the fortress before morning. Before his unfortunate mother goes to the stake with the others....
- Thank you!.. Thank you for your son! – Svetozar whispered without hiding the tears rolling down his tired face. - My bright-eyed joy... come with me! We will all help you! I can't lose you! He doesn’t know you yet!.. Your son doesn’t know how kind and beautiful his mother is! Come with me, Esclarmonde!..
He begged her, knowing in advance what the answer would be. He simply couldn't leave her to die. After all, everything was calculated so perfectly!.. Monsegur surrendered, but asked for two weeks, supposedly to prepare for death. In reality, they were waiting for the appearance of the descendant of Magdalena and Radomir. And they calculated that after his appearance, Esclarmonde would have enough time to get stronger. But, apparently, they say correctly: “we assume, but fate disposes”... So she made cruel decisions... allowing the newborn to be born only on the last night. Esclarmonde did not have the strength to go with them. And now she was going to end her short, not yet lived life at the terrible bonfire of the “heretics”...
The Pereyls hugged each other and sobbed. They so wanted to save their beloved, bright girl!.. They so wanted her to live!
My throat tightened - how familiar this story was!.. They had to see how their daughter would die in the flames of the fire. Just as I will apparently have to watch the death of my beloved Anna...
The Perfect Ones appeared in the stone hall again - it was time to say goodbye. Esclarmonde screamed and tried to get out of bed. Her legs gave way, not wanting to hold her... Her husband grabbed her, not letting her fall, squeezing her tightly in the last hug.

Alexander Vitalievich Ilyin born on April 15, 1962 in Irkutsk. In 1979, Ilyin became a cadet at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. Alexander received his first experiences in video filming during his studies; he filmed with an amateur film camera and published wall newspapers.

After finishing studies Alexander Ilyin served in the Far Eastern Military District with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1985, Alexander Ilyin was transferred to the headquarters of the Second Tank Army of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Ilyin was involved in the inspection of troops in the Baltic states, the Carpathian region, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany, Belarus, and Ukraine.

By that time, his passion for videography did not go away; Ilyin participated in the preparation of stories for the program “ Serving the Fatherland", and in 1990 he became a special correspondent for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. For several years he prepared stories for Novosti and Vesti.

When, after the collapse of the Union, the army transmission ceased to exist " I serve Soviet Union! ", Ilyin began to think about creating new program dedicated to the army. In 1993, he participated in the creation of Military TV, a television studio for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1994, Ilyin released the first “Army Store” on channel TV-6. In 1995, the program moved to Channel One. Ilyin hosts the program together with Dana Borisova. The format of the new show differs from previous military programs: a combination of information and entertainment. The trademark of the “Army Store” is the invitation of show business stars who talk in interviews about their years in the army.

The program featured a section in which army-themed jokes were filmed with the participation of guest actors. Mandatory element of the program - popular music from DJ Patron.

The program received full support from Channel One, whose presenters and managers took part in the action “ First in the army"and came together with Ilyin and Borisova to the unit to present gifts to military personnel and members of their families.

TV channel support came in handy Alexander Ilyin in 1997, when, after a change in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense television studio, there were attempts to close the program. As a result of the conflict in 1998, Alexander Ilyin was dismissed from the army with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

In 2001, Alexander Ilyin became deputy General Director to promote the television company RTS (Ostankino), which continued to broadcast the program.

In 2002, Alexander Ilyin began broadcasting a series of programs about Russian weapons and its manufacturers - " Impact force" The author decided to tell viewers about the latest developments and weapons testing, about the fate of designers and engineers, about the developments of other countries.

The program aired until April 2010; over five years, 176 40-minute programs were filmed. In addition to Channel One, the program was shown by the Zvezda TV channel.

In 2005, Ilyin, with the participation of the Directorate of Popular Science Programs of Channel One, established the National television award"Victory" for achievements in the field innovative technologies and the military-industrial complex.

In 2005, the host was replaced in the “Army Store” program, and Alexander Ilyin began broadcasting together with the ex-soloist of the pop group “Girls” Tatiana Gerasimova.

The presenter is married and has two children.

His hobbies are football and tennis.

The team of the Irkutsk Academic drama theater them. N.P. Okhlopkova reports with regret: on November 24, 2016, at the age of 58, the Honored Artist of Russia died Alexander Vitalievich Ilyin.

Alexander Vitalievich - was a leading stage master who gave over thirty-seven years of his life to the Okhlopkovsky Theater creative life. After school he entered Irkutsk drama school. After graduating from college in 1979 young Alexander accepted into the troupe of the Irkutsk Drama Theater, where bright talent The actor manifested himself in heroic and dramatic roles.

The works of Alexander Vitalievich have always aroused genuine interest among the public and theater critics. He is a professional who masterfully masters the art of impersonation and knows how to accurately structure and convey to the viewer the meaning of the role. Plasticity, strong stage temperament, charm, organicity - all these are the colors of the creative palette of the artist’s talent.

One of the first roles of Alexander Vitalievich, remembered by the audience, was Romeo in the play “Romeo and Juliet” by W. Shakespeare. The artist shone in the image of a brave aristocrat, capable of feats in the name of the wonderful feeling of love. IN last years Alexander Ilyin was involved in many drama theater productions. One of the attractive images of the play “Dreams of Ermolai Lopakhin” (“ The Cherry Orchard» A.P. Chekhov) became Gaev performed by Ilyin. The character of Chekhov's hero is contradictory and unattractive, but the audience sympathizes with Gaev because the artist was able to emphasize in him the features of a tragically lonely, helpless person, not devoid of tenderness and kindness. Alexander Vitalievich managed to “read” the role of Claudius in the play “Hamlet” according to play of the same name W. Shakespeare, that for many, something completely new was discovered in this character, hidden in the depths of the text. Alexander Ilyin’s skill was clearly demonstrated in cameo roles: even in small excerpts of performances, he reflected the entire life story of his characters, be it the Neighbor in “The Elder Son” by A. Vampilov or the Professor in “Nightingale Night” by V. Yezhov.

During his years of service at the Irkutsk Academic Theater, Alexander Ilyin was repeatedly awarded various creative awards. As part of a group of actors, Alexander Vitalievich received the Jury Prize of the Siberian Transit festival 2002 “For creating an acting ensemble” in the play “Exodus”. In 2000, the artist was awarded the Governor's Certificate of Honor Irkutsk region. Alexander Ilyin was also awarded a Certificate of Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation. For his high efficiency, creative determination, and interest in the successful implementation of a common cause, Alexander Ilyin was repeatedly awarded with thanks from the theater administration. For participation in events dedicated to Victory Day and honoring stage veterans, he was encouraged by the board of the Irkutsk branch of the Union theatrical figures Russia. In 2011 for conscientious work, excellent professional achievements and his great contribution to the culture of the city and region, Alexander Vitalievich was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Russia.”

His passing was an irreparable loss for theater world our city. His selfless devotion acting profession, willingness to cope with complex tasks, thoughtfulness and bright dramatic talent inspired colleagues in the theater workshop. He will go down in the history of Irkutsk academic theater and will be remembered by the audience as a wonderful artist. Bright memory...

The theater staff mourns and offers condolences to the family and friends of Alexander Vitalievich Ilyin.

Farewell to Alexander Ilyin and a civil funeral service will take place on Monday, December 5, 2016, from 13:00 to 14:00 at ritual hall"Gagarinsky" at the address: Gagarina Boulevard, 4 (stop "Trud Stadium").

Ilyin Alexander Vitalievich - actor of the Irkutsk Academic Drama Theater, jury prize of the Siberian Transit festival, awarded Certificate of honor Governor of the Irkutsk region, a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was declared.

Biography of Ilyin

Graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School in 1979.

The repertoire includes dramatic roles: Romeo ("Romeo and Juliet"), Volodya ("Dear Elena Sergeevna"), Fyodor Kostomarov ("Anfisa"), Fabiano ("Mary Tudor"), Hercules ("Hercules and the Augean Stables") , Tavern Servant (“The Inspector General”), Household Member (“Oedipus the King”), Jacob (“Father”), Pustol (“The Trick of the Great Deadviarch”).

As part of a group of actors, he received the Jury Prize of the Siberian Transit festival - 2002 "For creating an acting ensemble" in the play "Exodus" directed by Arthur Ofenheim.

Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Governor of the Irkutsk Region (2000), and a Certificate of Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Irkutsk Region.

Played roles in the plays: “The Snow Queen”, “The Imaginary Ill”, “Killer Whale”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, “Funeral Prayer”, “Exodus”, “Uncle Vanya”, “Our Mister Chichikov”, “Suicide”, “ The Eldest Son", "Dreams of Ermolai Lopakhin", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Twilight of the Gods", "Unusual Rats of Unnatural Size", "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Nightingale Night".

In 2000, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Governor of the Irkutsk Region, and a Certificate of Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was declared.

Creative activity

Alexander Ilyin is a versatile and deep actor. And if you remember his Advisor from “ Snow Queen"by G.H. Andersen, Mephistopheles, the Blind Violinist and Gide - from "Twilight of the Gods" according to Pushkin's little tragedies, Gaev from "The Dreams of Ermolai Lopakhin" according to Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", a neighbor from Vampilov's "The Elder Son" and brother Lorenzo from "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare, Scanlon from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by D. Wasserman, Gorodnichy from the play "Unusual Rats of Unnatural Size" based on Gogol's "The Inspector General", where the actor wonderfully conveys all the shades of the tragicomic, then we can say that the actor Alexander Ilyin he always manages to find his own keys for each of his characters, despite the fact that these heroes are very different, but only he knows where these keys lie.

His Gaev is incredibly interesting to watch in every scene. By his absent-minded movements, looking into nowhere and talking about nothing, you understand what a trail of different, difficult, lived lives behind his back, how much fun, joy, how many fairy-tale illusions have melted away in the bustle of his hero’s life. Ilyin managed to invest in the role both the subtle irony and tragicomism of a true dramatic artist.

The presence of Ilyin’s character on stage always colors what is happening in noble tones. This, for example, happens in the play “The Eldest Son” by A. Vampilov. According to the director's idea, additional elements were introduced into the fabric of the performance. characters- Sarafanov's neighbors. One of them was the character of Alexander Ilyin - a lonely, aging, irritated man, but behind these external manifestations one can clearly see the pain of a person, his difficult fate with scars on his heart. Alexander has almost no words in this role, but he composed a biography of his character and lives it on stage in these few minutes, and the audience “reads” it through his amazingly speaking eyes. The actor knows how to accurately construct and convey to the viewer the meaning of the role, has a strong stage temperament, skillfully masters the skill of transforming the external and internal, as evidenced, for example, by his four roles in all four of Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies” of the play “Twilight of the Gods.”

Lightness, grace, softness, plasticity, shrillness, some kind of understatement and hiddenness in the nature of this actor, so the audience always has the opportunity for their own thoughts about the character.

The actor is surprisingly organic in the role of Scanlon from the play “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” His character is taciturn, secretive, weak-willed. His absent-minded movements, restless and tired eyes evoke sympathy. You follow them relentlessly, they contain the fate of a person - a victim, crushed by the ruthless machine of life, unable to resist its soulless laws, but still having his own inner values, his own secrets, which no one can take away from him. Today Alexander Ilyin is a very popular actor, he is in excellent creative shape. The audience, as before, goes to see him, they love him and are waiting for his new roles.