What talents did Griboyed have? Eight striking facts from the life of Alexander Griboyedov

A word about Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov.

You are starting to study the biography of A.S. Griboedova. The resources below will help you answer the following questions:

  1. In what era did A.S. live? Griboyedov?
  2. What kind of education and upbringing did A.S. receive? Griboyedov?
  3. In what historical events of that era did A.S. take part? Griboyedov?
  4. What events, people and things are connected with the death of Griboyedov?

To prepare for the test, I advise you to complete the following tasks:

  • compile for yourself a chronological certificate of A.S.’s education. Griboedova:
Event date
  • draw up a certificate of military and civil service of A.S. Griboedova
Event date

What struck you most about the personality and life path of A.S. Griboedova? Write an essay on this topic (complete the task below).

A.S. Griboyedov is a universal genius.

A.S. Griboyedov is called a universal genius. When you read the materials below, you will understand why.
Answer the questions:

  • What other talents, besides literary ones, did A.S. have? Griboyedov?
  • What is A.S. famous for? Griboyedov as a diplomat?

You can learn more about A.S. Griboyedov

Zriddle "Woe from Wit". Features of a dramatic work

The new work, “Woe from Wit,” was unlike previous dramatic works. How it was different and how the writer’s contemporaries reacted to it, you will learn from this lesson.

Lesson Plan

    The idea of ​​a comedy.

    The canons of classicism and the comedy “Woe from Wit.” Reviews from contemporaries and critics.

    Famous directors about "Woe from Wit".

    Control testing.

    You will learn about what caused the birth of the famous comedy “Woe from Wit” from the information below. Think about the question, what prompted A.S. Griboyedov the plot of the comedy: fantasy, stories of contemporaries, personal experience. Try to argue your point of view. You may need materials from the previous lesson for this.

The canons of classicism and the comedy "Woe from Wit". Reviews from contemporaries and critics

Woe from Wit" with its appearance called into question the need to adhere to the canons of classicism.
Below are materials on this topic. Read carefully the article by I.A. Goncharov “A Million Torments.”

It is there that you will find answers to the following questions.

  1. Classicism is characterized by the following canons: unity of place, unity of time, unity of action (if a comedy begins with a love affair, then only this line should develop and find its outcome in the end), unity of style (only high or only low), a clear division of heroes into positive and negative, idealization of positive characters, long monologues of the main character. What canons are observed by A.S. Griboyedov in comedy, and which ones are violated?
  2. What reaction did the writer’s violation of the norms of classicism cause?
  3. What role did it play, according to I.A. Goncharova, the writer’s violation of the norms of classicism?

Famous directors about "Woe from Wit"

“Woe from Wit,” banned during the author’s lifetime, found its stage life later. The play was not perceived by either the directors or the audience as archaic.

Famous directors V.E. Meyerhold and K.S. Stanislavsky is the leader of two completely different directions in theatrical art in their approaches. Each of them had their own special considerations regarding the production of the comedy "Woe from Wit". Whose opinion is closer to you, and what instructions would you give to a modern director for staging a comedy??

Control testing

Russian criticism about A.S. Griboyedov. Ideas of Decembrism in comedy

With this topic we complete the study of the work of A.S. Griboedova. His comedy “Woe from Wit” was interesting to Russian critics not only because of the conflict, which is unlikely to ever lose its relevance, but also as a historical work that reflected the era of the Decembrists.

Lesson Plan

    The era of A.S. Griboyedov - the era of the Decembrists

There is still much that is unclear in the biography of A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). It is not known exactly when Griboyedov was born - in 1790 or 1795. Now the year of birth is accepted as 1795, other documents give a different, earlier date. For understanding the life and work of Griboyedov, these discrepancies are significant: we cannot say with certainty who Griboyedov is a child prodigy, who graduated from Moscow University at the age of 13 with a candidate’s degree, or a normally developed person who, at a fairly mature age for those times, completed his only work. There is just as much vagueness in the coverage of other places in the playwright’s biography.

Origin and early talent. A. S. Griboedov was born into an old noble family of retired Second Major Sergei Ivanovich Griboyedov, who married his namesake Nastasya Fedorovna Griboedova. The future playwright received his initial education at home under the guidance of teachers from Moscow University. In 1803 he entered the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, in 1806 he became a student in the literature department of Moscow University, from which he graduated with a candidate's degree in 1808. By this time, Griboyedov had mastered the main European languages ​​and knew ancient languages.

Later he studied oriental languages. In addition to his ability for languages, Griboedov had numerous talents: he successfully studied philosophy, archeology, politics (he attended lectures at the ethical and political department of the university), composed music (two of his waltzes are known) and improvised on the piano.

Circle of acquaintances. The gift of writing manifested itself early in him. At the university, he wrote the comedy “Dmitry Dryanskoy” (not preserved), which portrayed the struggle between Russian and German professors in a funny light. Brilliantly educated, sparkling wit, Griboyedov attracted the then freedom-loving officer and civilian youth. He met many future Decembrists (I.D. Yakushkin, N.I. Turgenev, S.P. Trubetskoy, V.F. Raevsky) on the Smolensk estate of his maternal uncle. Subsequently, after leaving the university, he became close to P. Ya. Chaadaev, P. I. Pestel, P. A. Katenin, P. A. Vyazemsky, A. A. Shakhovsky, A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kuchelbecker , A.S. Pushkin, V.F. Odoevsky, F.V. Bulgarin and other famous people, became friends with many of them.

The Griboedov House on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow (far left).
Lithograph from the beginning of the 19th century.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboyedov voluntarily enlisted in the Moscow Hussar Regiment (cornet), but did not participate in battles. After the war, he served as an adjutant under General A.S. Kologrivov, whose nephews D.N. and S.N. Begichev became his friends.

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich is one of the most educated, talented and noble men of the 19th century. An experienced politician, a descendant of an ancient noble family. The scope of his creative activity is extensive. He was not only an excellent playwright and poet, the author of the famous “Woe from Wit,” but also a talented composer, a polyglot who spoke ten languages.

Alexander Sergeevich was born on January 15, 1795 in Moscow. His parents gave him an excellent education at home. Since 1803, a student at a boarding school at Moscow University. At the age of 11, a student at the same university. The most educated man of his era, while still a student, mastered nine languages, six European and three Eastern. As a true patriot of his homeland, he volunteered to fight Napoleon. From 1815, he served in the reserve cavalry regiment with the rank of cornet. This is the time when he begins to write articles, his first play “The Young Spouses”. After retiring in the winter of 1816, he lived in St. Petersburg, where he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here a circle of theatergoers and writers enters, gets acquainted with Pushkin and other poets.


His first attempts at writing in literary work date back to 1817. These are co-authored plays “Student” (co-author P.A. Katenin) and “Own Family” (wrote the beginning of the second act), joint work with A.A. Shakhovsky and N.I. Khmelnitsky. The comedy “Feigned Infidelity,” created in collaboration with A.A. Gendre, was staged on the theater stage in Moscow and St. Petersburg throughout 1818. At the same time, he was appointed secretary of the Tsar’s attorney for the Russian mission in Tehran. This event changed a lot in his life. Friends considered the appointment a punishment for participating as a second in a duel between officer V.N. Sheremetev and Count A.P. Zavadovsky because of the ballerina A.I. Istomina. The winter of 1822 was marked by an appointment to a new duty station and the position of secretary for the diplomatic department under the command of General A.P. Ermolov. Here, in Georgia, the first two acts of “Woe from Wit” were born.

In the spring of 1823, Alexander Sergeevich received leave and went to Russia, where he stayed until the end of 1825. The time spent in Russia for Griboyedov was a time of active participation in literary life. Thanks to collaboration with P.A. Vyazemsky, the vaudeville “Who is brother, who is sister, or deception after deception” was created. In 1824, in St. Petersburg, work on the comedy “Woe from Wit” was completed. However, her path turned out to be difficult. The censors did not let the play pass and it was sold in manuscript. Some parts of the comedy were published. But the work of A.S. has already been highly appreciated. Pushkin. A trip to Europe planned in 1825 was postponed due to a call to Tiflis. And at the beginning of the winter of 1826, he was detained in connection with the uprising on Senate Square. The reason was friendship with K.F. Ryleev and A.A. Bestuzhev, publishers of the Polar Star almanac. However, his guilt was not proven; he was released and began service in the fall of 1826.

Last appointment and love

In 1828, he took part in the signing of the beneficial Turkmanchay Peace Treaty. The merits of the talented diplomat were noted by his appointment as Russian Ambassador to Persia. However, he himself was inclined to view this appointment as an exile. Moreover, with this assignment, many creative plans simply collapsed. However, in June 1828 he had to leave St. Petersburg. On the way to Persia, he lived for several months in Tiflis, where he married the 16-year-old Georgian princess Nina Chavchavadze. Their relationship, full of romanticism and love, was imprinted for centuries in her words, engraved on the tombstone of Alexander Sergeevich: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did she outlive you, my love?” They lived only a few months in marriage, but this woman carried loyalty to her husband throughout the rest of her life.


In Persia, British diplomacy, which was against strengthening Russia's position in the East, in every possible way provoked hostility towards Russia. On January 30, 1829, the Russian embassy in Tehran was attacked by a brutal crowd of religious fanatics. A dozen Cossacks, led by Griboedov, who defended the embassy, ​​were brutally killed. But this death once again showed the nobility and courage of this man. The formal reason for the crowd attack on the embassy was the following event. The day before, two captured Armenian Christian girls escaped from the Sultan's harem; they sought salvation at the Russian embassy and were accepted. A crowd of Muslims demanded that they be handed over for execution. Griboedov, as the head of the mission, refused to hand them over and with a dozen Cossacks took on an unequal battle, defending the sisters in faith. All defenders of the mission died, including Griboedov. The coffin with the body was taken to Tiflis, where it was buried in a grotto at the Church of St. David.

A.S. lived only 34 years. Griboyedov. He managed to create only one literary work and two waltzes. But they glorified his name throughout the civilized world.