Tanya Tishinskaya biography personal life. The group "Carolina" and its short creative path

Tatyana Tishinskaya is a native of the Moscow region, born in March 1967 in the family of a military man and a doctor. Popular Soviet and Russian singer. Until 1999, she performed pop music and was known under the pseudonym Carolina. And then her repertoire completely changed, she began to perform Russian chanson.

Biography of Tatyana Tishinskaya

When Tanya Korneva (her real name) was two years old, her parents divorced, and her stepfather took her father’s place. He raised her and treated the girl very well. Tatiana developed a passion for the stage as a child. She attended a music school, took ballroom dancing classes, and constantly took part in a reading competition. However, after graduating from school, she continued her education at law school. It was the will of the parents. But she never worked a day in her specialty.

As for Tatyana’s personal life, she married a certain Mikhail quite early, who had a certain weight in narrow circles and was nine years older than the girl. But, unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived; the man died in his Mercedes. Although some sources claim that he was killed in a street fight. From the three-year union there was a son, Artem, an exact copy of his father. It was he who became the meaning of Tatyana’s life. The woman was married two more times, but nothing worked out.

Tatyana's creative path

Tatyana's debut took place in 1989 under the pseudonym Carolina; Stepan Razin took her under his wing. In the spring of 1990, they created the pop group "Carolina", but the singer performed to someone else's soundtracks. A total of three albums were released, with which Tatyana successfully toured. In 1994, the singer began performing solo again, and the songs for the album “Mom, Everything is Okay” were written entirely by Sergei Trofimov. Subsequently, this album became the most successful in the singer’s career.

After Tatyana had an accident, a reevaluation of her whole life took place in her head. According to the singer, God gave her a second chance. And in 2000, she took the pseudonym Tatyana Tishinskaya (she lived on Tishinka) and began performing in the Russian chanson genre. She was suggested to take such a pseudonym by Mikhail Krug, who was the author of several songs from her first album. Tatyana successfully collaborated with such stars as Elena Vaenga, Trofim, Klimenkov and others. The most hit song from her chanson work is “Treat the Lady with a Cigarette.”

Tatyana Tishinskaya is a native of the Moscow region, born in March 1967 in the family of a military man and a doctor. Popular Soviet and Russian singer. Until 1999, she performed pop music and was known under the pseudonym Carolina. And then her repertoire completely changed, she began to perform Russian chanson.

Biography of Tatyana Tishinskaya

When Tanya Korneva (her real name) was two years old, her parents divorced, and her stepfather took her father’s place. He raised her and treated the girl very well. Tatiana developed a passion for the stage as a child. She attended a music school, took ballroom dancing classes, and constantly took part in a reading competition. However, after graduating from school, she continued her education at law school. It was the will of the parents. But she never worked a day in her specialty.

As for Tatyana’s personal life, she married a certain Mikhail quite early, who had a certain weight in narrow circles and was nine years older than the girl. But, unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived; the man died in his Mercedes. Although some sources claim that he was killed in a street fight. From the three-year union there was a son, Artem, an exact copy of his father. It was he who became the meaning of Tatyana’s life. The woman was married two more times, but nothing worked out.

Tatyana's creative path

Tatyana's debut took place in 1989 under the pseudonym Carolina; Stepan Razin took her under his wing. In the spring of 1990, they created the pop group "Carolina", but the singer performed to someone else's soundtracks. A total of three albums were released, with which Tatyana successfully toured. In 1994, the singer began performing solo again, and the songs for the album “Mom, Everything is Okay” were written entirely by Sergei Trofimov. Subsequently, this album became the most successful in the singer’s career.

After Tatyana had an accident, a reevaluation of her whole life took place in her head. According to the singer, God gave her a second chance. And in 2000, she took the pseudonym Tatyana Tishinskaya (she lived on Tishinka) and began performing in the Russian chanson genre. She was suggested to take such a pseudonym by Mikhail Krug, who was the author of several songs from her first album. Tatyana successfully collaborated with such stars as Elena Vaenga, Trofim, Klimenkov and others. The most hit song from her chanson work is “Treat the Lady with a Cigarette.”

Tatiana Tishinskaya(real name - Tatyana Borisovna Korneva, genus. March 25, Lyubertsy, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer performing Russian chanson, who until 1999 was known under the pseudonym Caroline.


In her new field, Tatyana fruitfully collaborated with Trofim, Elena Vaenga, Mikhail Sheleg, Isetsky and Klimenkov. Stepan Razin ceased to be Tatyana's producer. Tishinskaya’s main chanson hit was the song “Treat the Lady with a Cigarette,” for which a video was shot by director Maxim Papernik.

Over 10 years, Tishinskaya recorded 12 albums.

In 2013, a documentary film “Nudity” was shot about Tanya. From Carolina to Tishinskaya,” which the singer plans to show at her creative meetings.

Had big problems with alcohol. Now she is constantly forced to undergo outpatient treatment at a drug treatment center every year.



  • - "Come back to me"
  • - “Mom, everything is okay”
  • - "Queen"
  • - "The best"
  • - "Avangaranga"

Tatiana Tishinskaya

  • - "Handsome"
  • - "Girlfriend"
  • - "She-Wolf"
  • - "May"
  • - “Purchase”
  • - “Treat the lady with a cigarette”
  • - “Adult Cinema”
  • - “Women's Destiny” (DVD)
  • - "Siberia"
  • - "Institute"
  • - "White wine"

Video clips


  • "Toy", dir. O. Gusev (1994)
  • "I'm Free", dir. Tatiana Korneva (Carolina) (1994)
  • “Mom, everything is ok!”, dir. V. Spirin (1996)
  • "Rich Grandpa" (1996)
  • "Queen", dir. O. Gusev (1997)
  • "Queen - 2", dir. O. Gusev (1997)
  • "You Can Only La-La" (1999)

Tanya Tishinskaya:

  • "May", dir. Yulian Nurguatov (2002)
  • “Treat the Lady with a Cigarette”, dir. M. Papernik (2004)


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Excerpt characterizing Tishinskaya, Tatyana

“Forgive me,” said Prince Andrei, “but you are so young, and I have already experienced so much of life.” I'm scared for you. You don't know yourself.
Natasha listened with concentrated attention, trying to understand the meaning of his words and did not understand.
“No matter how difficult this year will be for me, delaying my happiness,” continued Prince Andrei, “in this period you will believe in yourself.” I ask you to make my happiness in a year; but you are free: our engagement will remain a secret, and if you were convinced that you do not love me, or would love me ... - said Prince Andrei with an unnatural smile.
- Why are you saying this? – Natasha interrupted him. “You know that from the very day you first arrived in Otradnoye, I fell in love with you,” she said, firmly convinced that she was telling the truth.
- In a year you will recognize yourself...
- A whole year! – Natasha suddenly said, now only realizing that the wedding had been postponed for a year. - Why a year? Why a year?...” Prince Andrei began to explain to her the reasons for this delay. Natasha didn't listen to him.
– Can’t it be otherwise? – she asked. Prince Andrei did not answer, but his face expressed the impossibility of changing this decision.
- It's horrible! No, this is terrible, terrible! – Natasha suddenly spoke and began to sob again. - I will die waiting a year: this is impossible, this is terrible. “She looked into the face of her fiancé and saw on him an expression of compassion and bewilderment.
“No, no, I’ll do everything,” she said, suddenly stopping her tears, “I’m so happy!” – Father and mother entered the room and blessed the bride and groom.
From that day on, Prince Andrei began to go to the Rostovs as a groom.

There was no engagement and Bolkonsky’s engagement to Natasha was not announced to anyone; Prince Andrei insisted on this. He said that since he was the cause of the delay, he must bear the entire burden of it. He said that he was forever bound by his word, but that he did not want to bind Natasha and gave her complete freedom. If after six months she feels that she does not love him, she will be within her right if she refuses him. It goes without saying that neither the parents nor Natasha wanted to hear about it; but Prince Andrei insisted on his own. Prince Andrei visited the Rostovs every day, but did not treat Natasha like a groom: he told her you and only kissed her hand. After the day of the proposal, a completely different, close, simple relationship was established between Prince Andrei and Natasha. It was as if they didn't know each other until now. Both he and she loved to remember how they looked at each other when they were still nothing; now both of them felt like completely different creatures: then feigned, now simple and sincere. At first, the family felt awkward in dealing with Prince Andrei; he seemed like a man from an alien world, and Natasha spent a long time accustoming her family to Prince Andrei and proudly assured everyone that he only seemed so special, and that he was the same as everyone else, and that she was not afraid of him and that no one should be afraid his. After several days, the family got used to him and, without hesitation, continued with him the same way of life in which he took part. He knew how to talk about the household with the Count, and about outfits with the Countess and Natasha, and about albums and canvas with Sonya. Sometimes the Rostov family, among themselves and under Prince Andrei, were surprised at how all this happened and how obvious the omens of this were: the arrival of Prince Andrei in Otradnoye, and their arrival in St. Petersburg, and the similarity between Natasha and Prince Andrei, which the nanny noticed on their first visit Prince Andrei, and the clash in 1805 between Andrei and Nikolai, and many other omens of what happened were noticed by those at home.
The house was filled with that poetic boredom and silence that always accompanies the presence of the bride and groom. Often sitting together, everyone was silent. Sometimes they got up and left, and the bride and groom, remaining alone, were still silent. Rarely did they talk about their future lives. Prince Andrei was scared and ashamed to talk about it. Natasha shared this feeling, like all his feelings, which she constantly guessed. Once Natasha began asking about his son. Prince Andrei blushed, which often happened to him now and which Natasha especially loved, and said that his son would not live with them.
- From what? – Natasha said in fear.
- I can’t take him away from my grandfather and then...
- How I would love him! - Natasha said, immediately guessing his thought; but I know you want there to be no excuses to blame you and me.
The old count sometimes approached Prince Andrei, kissed him, and asked him for advice on the upbringing of Petya or the service of Nicholas. The old countess sighed as she looked at them. Sonya was afraid at every moment of being superfluous and tried to find excuses to leave them alone when they didn’t need it. When Prince Andrei spoke (he spoke very well), Natasha listened to him with pride; when she spoke, she noticed with fear and joy that he was looking at her carefully and searchingly. She asked herself in bewilderment: “What is he looking for in me? He's trying to achieve something with his gaze! What if I don’t have what he’s looking for with that look?” Sometimes she entered into her characteristic insanely cheerful mood, and then she especially loved to listen and watch how Prince Andrei laughed. He rarely laughed, but when he laughed, he gave himself entirely to his laughter, and every time after this laugh she felt closer to him. Natasha would have been completely happy if the thought of the impending and approaching separation did not frighten her, since he too turned pale and cold at the mere thought of it.
On the eve of his departure from St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei brought with him Pierre, who had never been to the Rostovs since the ball. Pierre seemed confused and embarrassed. He was talking to his mother. Natasha sat down with Sonya at the chess table, thereby inviting Prince Andrey to her. He approached them.
– You’ve known Bezukhoy for a long time, haven’t you? - he asked. - Do you love him?
- Yes, he is nice, but very funny.
And she, as always speaking about Pierre, began to tell jokes about his absent-mindedness, jokes that were even made up about him.
“You know, I trusted him with our secret,” said Prince Andrei. – I have known him since childhood. This is a heart of gold. “I beg you, Natalie,” he said suddenly seriously; – I’ll leave, God knows what might happen. You might spill... Well, I know I shouldn't talk about it. One thing - no matter what happens to you when I’m gone...
- What will happen?...
“Whatever the grief,” continued Prince Andrei, “I ask you, m lle Sophie, no matter what happens, turn to him alone for advice and help.” This is the most absent-minded and funny person, but the most golden heart.
Neither father and mother, nor Sonya, nor Prince Andrei himself could foresee how parting with her fiancé would affect Natasha. Red and excited, with dry eyes, she walked around the house that day, doing the most insignificant things, as if not understanding what awaited her. She did not cry even at that moment when, saying goodbye, he kissed her hand for the last time. - Don't leave! - she just said to him in a voice that made him think about whether he really needed to stay and which he remembered for a long time after that. When he left, she didn't cry either; but for several days she sat in her room without crying, was not interested in anything and only sometimes said: “Oh, why did he leave!”

Life itself offered her to connect her fate with an authoritative bandit - and she, the girl, agreed. The romance was crazy, but it didn’t last long. In the fall, a large raid took place in Moscow. A targeted explosion in his Mercedes, right in front of Tanya, interrupted both life and love forever.

It seemed that everything had ended, and now there was no need to live anymore, but her little son Artem was a copy of his father, and she gave all her love to him. Many turned away, but the most devoted friends remained.

With their help, Tanya records her first, debut Album. These are not just songs, these are episodes of her difficult female fate...
Tatiana Tishinskaya (Tatiana Korneva, former pop singer Carolina) studied ballroom dancing as a child, studied at a music school, and took part in a reading competition. The talented girl was invited to play the role of Zhenya in the film “Timur and His Team,” but she never played this role because her parents were against their daughter’s participation in the filming.

Tatyana's first performance as a singer took place in 1989 in Khabarovsk. She took part in the national concert, performing under the pseudonym "Carolina". The young singer was noticed by the leader of the group “Farewell, Youth” Andrei Yakushin, who invited Stepan Razin, who had previously worked in the groups “Mirage”, “Marshall” and “Ladybug”, to become her producer. In the spring of 1990, in Moscow, Stepan Razin organized a new group "Carolina". The group records their first album "Discobar" (second name "Summer Discobar"), with which they go on tour around the country. The second disc, entitled “My Abandoned Boy,” was recorded in 1992. And again - numerous tours throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

In 1993, the singer left for Germany, where she auditioned for a cameo role in the German television series "Top". After a successful audition, she refuses to participate in the filming, as she was not satisfied with the fee offered by the German side. However, she remains in Germany and works there as a fashion model for some time.

Returning to Russia in 1994, she recorded her third album, “The Secret of My Success.” Director Oleg Gusev shot a video clip for the song "Toy".

In 1994, Carolina OJSC was organized and issued its shares. “Karolina” promised all its shareholders not only payment of money for securities, but also attendance at the singer’s concerts, cassettes with her recordings, posters, photographs, etc. At one of the group concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, the concert host Nikolai Fomenko announced Karolina as "the only shareholder singer". German television made a 45-minute film, which, using the example of Carolina JSC, told about the process of corporatization in Russia. After a short sabbatical, Carolina recorded in 1995 and in 1996 released her fourth album, “Mom, Everything’s Okay” at the Soyuz studio. Valery Spirin shot a video for the title track. All songs for this album were written by Sergei Trofimov, who is also the godfather of the singer’s son.

In subsequent years, taking the pseudonym " Tatiana Tishinskaya", the singer began to work and successfully record in the genre" Russian chanson"The singer successfully and fruitfully works with famous chanson authors and musicians: E. Khruleva, M. Sheleg, V. Isetsky, V. Klimenkov. The singer's producer is still Stepan Razin. Tatyana Tishinskaya has recorded albums " Episode -1 Women's Destiny" (2001 Zodiac Records company), " Women's Destiny Episode - 2" (2000 Zodiac Records company), " Episode -3 She-Wolf"(2002, Zodiac Records company), "Prikup" ("Classic Company" - 2003), " Adult cinema"("Classic Company" -2004), " Treat the lady to a cigarette"("Classic of the Company" -2004), a collection of the best songs in the series" Legends of the genre"("Classic Company" -2005).

Tatyana Tishinskaya is the stage name of Tatyana Korneva, a singer performing Russian chanson,
which until 1999 was known as Caroline.

Tatyana was born on March 25, 1968, in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. The singer's father is a military man, her mother is a doctor.
When the future singer was two years old, her parents divorced
and the girl was raised by her stepfather, the deputy head physician of the Kremlin.

Tatyana showed interest in the stage from early childhood.
In addition to the fact that the girl studied at a music school,
she studied ballroom dancing, and thanks to her good diction, she took part in reading competitions.
Tatyana was invited to act in a movie, in the role of Zhenya, in the film
“Timur and his team,” however, the child’s parents did not give their permission to this, judging that filming would be to the detriment of their studies.

After school, at the insistence of my parents, I entered and successfully
I graduated from the law department of a university with a degree in Law and Accounting in the Social Security System, however, I never worked a day in my specialty.

Tatyana got married early, at the age of 18, against the will of her parents, to a man named Mikhail, who was 9 years older than her.
Their parents rented them a room in a communal apartment and categorically refused
for further assistance. Three years later, Mikhail died
in a street fight in front of Artyom’s wife and son.

Some time later, quite by accident, on the street, Tatyana meets Stepan Razin, and one day she asked for it
on tour with him. Tatyana Korneva's debut as a singer took place
in 1989 in the administrative center of the Khabarovsk Territory,
when she first performed under the stage name "Carolina"
in a group concert. The performance of the young debutante attracted the attention of the leader of the musical group “Farewell to Youth” Andrei Yakushin, who recommended it to Stepan Razin
(brother of Svetlana Razina) who previously worked with groups
“Ladybug”, “Mirage” and “Marshall”, become Tatiana’s producer.

In Moscow, in the spring of 1990, Stepan Razin and Tatyana Korneva organized a new pop group “Karolina”.
During its existence, the Carolina group manages to
release several albums:
“Summer Disco Bar” (solo. Lyubov Orlova) (1990),
“My Abandoned Boy” (solo. Svetlana Litvinenko) (1991),
“The Secret of My Success” (1992) (Collection "90/"91) (Vinyl plastic).

In 1994, the group "Carolina" turned into a singer with the name Carolina. Discography (solo. Tatyana Korneva):
“Come back to me” (1994), “Mom, everything is okay” (1996),
"Queen" (1997), "The best" (1997) and "Awangaranga" (1999).

The album “Mom, everything is okay,” released in 1996, differed from the others primarily in that all the songs for it were written by Sergei Trofimov, who was the godfather of Tatyana’s son from Artyom’s first marriage. “Mom, everything is okay” became Carolina’s most commercially successful album.
In 1997, the album “Queen” was released, also containing Trofimov’s songs.

In the spring, the singer gets into a car accident. She describes what happened next as follows: “And after this accident, something happened in me. You can, of course, call this a revaluation of values.
But I realized that God exists! He gave me - through this accident - a chance to understand myself, my life. Some kind of veil fell from my eyes - I thought: “Lord, what am I doing?!” You have to do what you want to do! I have something to say!”

In 1999, the singer changed her creative pseudonym to Tanya Tishinskaya
and begins to perform Russian chanson.
The first song in this genre was written for her by Mikhail Krug.

In her new field, Tatyana fruitfully collaborates with Trofim, Elena Khruleva (Elena Vaenga), Mikhail Sheleg, Isetsky and Klimenkov. Stepan Razin is no longer producing Tatyana.
Tishinskaya's main chanson hit was the song
“Treat the Lady with a Cigarette,” for which a video was released.


-You came