A theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” in a new way in the senior group of the kindergarten. Scenario of the fairy tale dramatization “Zayushkina’s hut” (an old fairy tale in a new way) methodological development on fiction (senior group) n

Dashutina Irina Olegovna, teacher, MBDOU No. 142, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

A Russian folk song is played on the gusli, children in Russian folk costumes (a girl and a boy) come out.

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them
A fairy tale is knocking on our door
Let's tell a fairy tale - come in! (together)
(to music)

The storyteller comes out, greets the audience, sits down and slowly begins to tell the tale, the fox and the hare are already sitting in their houses.

At the edge of the forest
In your bast hut
The hare lived peacefully with his scythe
Next to the red fox.
And the lazy fox
I didn't want to bother...
Build a house using bast
And moved into the ice one.
Spring has come here
It's a great time!

Spring comes out:
I am spring - red
I wake the earth from sleep.
I fill my kidneys with juice,
There is a grove of flowers in the meadows,
I drive ice from the rivers,
I make the sunrise bright.
I came to visit you,
Let's sing a song, friends!
(children sing a song, Spring dances with the fox and the hare, after the song he leaves, taking the ice house with him)

Storyteller: With spring the ice melted,
The ice hut is gone.
Became a cunning fox
Ask to go to the hut to go to the hut.
Hare good heart
He let the redhead onto the stove.
Another day has passed,
The fox suddenly started scolding.

Fox (loudly):I don't want to live with you.
Get away with the scythe!

Storyteller:The little bunny sat down at the edge of the forest
And covering my ears in fear,
He began to cry bitterly and bitterly.

Dog: Tyaf, tyaf! What are you crying about?

Hare:How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out

Dog: Don’t cry, bunny, I will help your grief. Come on, fox, get away!


Storyteller: The dog got scared and ran into the forest for help. A The bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a wolf appeared on the forest path.

Wolf:Oooh! What are you crying about, little bunny?



Hare: No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!


Fox : As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.

Storyteller : The wolf got scared and ran into the forest for help. A The bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a bear appeared on the forest path.

Bear:What are you crying about, little bunny?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out.

Bear: Don't cry bunny, I will help your grief.

Hare : No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, the wolf didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!

Bear: Come on, fox, get away into the forest!

Fox : As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.

Storyteller : The bear got scared and ran into the forest for help. A The bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a cockerel appeared on the forest path.
Rooster: What are you crying about, little bunny?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out.

Rooster: Don't cry bunny, I will help your grief.

Hare : No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, the wolf didn’t kick him out, the bear didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!

Rooster: No, I'll kick you out!
I'm going to fight the fox with a scythe
Oh, my braid is sharp
Go fox to the forests!

Storyteller! The fox got scared and ran around the hut. The animals heard the rooster's song and approached the hut that stood at the edge of the forest.

All animals: Come on fox, go to the forests!

Fox:Animals, forgive me!
I will be friends with the bunny,
And I'm a red fox,
I will be like a sister to you all!

Storyteller !The animals forgave the redhead,
They began to live together,
Firmly - firmly be friends,
Lead a forest round dance!
(a cheerful round dance to music with all the characters, children, spectators)
That's the end of the fairy tales
And whoever listened, well done!

In one forest metropolis, a hare and a fox lived in a micro-clearing. The hare was a little hare - a peasant boy: every summer he planted a garden with carrots and cabbage, traded at the forest fair, and fed himself on that. He built himself a bast hut, warm, with a large stove, to survive the cold winters. And nearby an aristocratic fox, a red-haired esthete, built herself a castle: the icy palaces sparkle in the sun, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and there are pure diamonds on the roof. I ordered a piano made of colored snow from abroad, candles the size of pine trees, and organized dances and discos every evening. In general, I rested as best I could. But suddenly spring came, and the fox’s castle melted. She solved her housing problem in a simple way: using the cunning of a stupid little bunny, she smoked the little bunny out of the hut, and she herself remained to live there. “In the summer, a village hut will do for a dacha,” she thought, as she lay on the hare’s stove and ate up his supplies.

The hare walked through the forest wherever his eyes looked, crying. And towards him is a bear-businessman. The fur coat is warm, thick, heavy gold chains hang around the neck, millions of dollars rustle in the pockets. The short tail is covered in diamonds.

Why are you crying, hare?

How can I not cry! I, a peasant bunny boy, was kicked out of my hut by an aristocratic fox, a red-haired esthete. And I have a sowing season! It's time for me to sow cabbage and peas.

Well, are you really crying, you little hare? You see what a cool businessman I am! I have the whole forest in my paws. I will promise the fox a million dollars, and she will vacate your living space.

They went to the hare's hut.

Hey fox! Get out on the line! We will solve the bunny housing problem! - says the bear - a cool businessman. – Do you agree to free a thin bast hut for a million dollars?

What? A million dollars for this warm, spacious mansion? Are you crazy, bear? Yes, I will bargain more than 5 million dollars from the wolf for it! And I’ll tear you into a thousand little cubs!

The bear felt sorry for the money, and his fur coat was expensive. He threw the hare and ran away.

The hare walks through the forest again, crying. He sees two dogs drinking Tuborg beer and smoking Marlboro cigarettes under an aspen tree. Drunk people are always brave! We saw a hare.

Well, you s-s-a-hat, come here! Turn out your pockets, take off your p-p-down sweater, we're going to beat you now, otherwise your fists will itch. We're a b-b-gang! And no one can s-cope with us.

Are you dogs? I already have misfortune - the fox took the house, lives there itself, eats my supplies. Help me drive the fox out of my living space.

And what! Let's go, with a scythe, we'll hit the fox with an arrow and challenge him to a fight. We're a gang! And who can deal with the gang?

They went to the hare's hut.

Well, you fox, the gang has come to you! Come out and fight!

Now as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets. And I’ll also tell the wolf, your chieftain. He has been my godfather for a long time.

Oh, the wolf himself? – the dogs pressed their tails, shortened their tongues, and immediately sobered up. - Hare, we’ll gather the whole gang now, we’ll call all our comrades. “And they quickly ran away into the forest.”

A hare walks through the forest and cries again. And towards him is a hedgehog: all in a fog, his head in nirvana - a drug addict. He walks and smiles to himself, waving his fiery swords in the astral plane. He tripped over a hare, stretched out on the grass, only the needles were sticking out in different directions.

Are you crying, hare? Come on, syringe, inject yourself, you'll have fun!

Have you gone crazy, hedgehog? Even without your drugs, the shaking takes over me. The fox kicked me out of the house, but it’s time for me to plant poppies. What do you think, opium is made from last year's radishes?

Oh, hare, you know what to buy me with! Come on, I'll help you.

They come to the hare's hut.

Hey, fox, says the hedgehog, give the hare his living space! Otherwise I’ll shorten your aura in the astral plane, you’ll immediately calm down!

What? As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, a hole immediately forms in your astral plane. - says the fox from the window.

Oh! I can't fight in this state! I’ll run and mend the hole in the astral plane. - And the hedgehog curled up into a ball and cowardly rolled off into the forest.

Again the hare comes and cries. And towards him is an athlete rooster: full of vitamins. In the morning he eats semolina porridge, douses himself with cold water, goes to the pool during the day, and fencing in the evening. The Rooster is walking after class, carrying a sharp braid on his shoulders.

Are you crying, hare?

How can I not cry? The fox solved her housing problem and kicked me out of the hut. And it’s high time for me to collect winter crops.

Let's go to! I will help you.

We approached the hare's hut. The rooster immediately began to deftly fence with his scythe, flashing his sharp blade near the window.

Hey fox, come out!

The fox saw the weapon and got scared. Shouts:

I'm getting dressed!

The rooster again began to swing his sharp scythe, knocking off the heads of dandelions with a sharp blade.

Hey fox, come out! I am a rooster in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip a fox, go, fox, from the stove!

I'm putting on my shoes! - the fox screams in fear.

The third time the rooster didn’t even have to crow. Only a red lump flashed in the forest.

The hare and the rooster went into the hut and began to live together. The hare began to plow and sow, and the athlete rooster became his friend and bodyguard.

Like this: when you choose friends, you need to think about which direction your life will take.

Russian folktale
A small script (sketch) for a kindergarten where the children themselves will play.



STORYTELLER: Once upon a time there lived a Fox and a Hare. The Fox had an ice hut, and the Hare had a bast hut. The red spring has come - the Fox's hut has melted, but the Hare's hut is still standing. So the Fox asked the Hare to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. Dear Bunny walks and cries. A Dog meets him.

(Music. The curtain opens. The backdrop is a forest. On the stage is the Hare's hut (the hut can be drawn and fixed to something, or you can put a screen, and the drawn hut can be attached to its walls) The Hare walks along the stage, he is crying. From behind the stage The Dog appears).

DOG: Aw-aw! Why are you crying, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?

DOG: Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief!

STORYTELLER: They went to Zaika’s hut...

(The Dog and the Hare approach the hut.)

DOG: Aw-aw! Get out, Lisa!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The dog got scared and ran away...

(The dog runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: Dear Bunny comes again, crying. Wolf meets him.

(The Bunny walks across the stage, crying. The Wolf comes out from behind the stage.)

WOLF: What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. Then she asked me to spend the night and kicked me out.

WOLF: Don't cry, I will help your grief!

HARE: No, you can’t help!
The dog chased him, but he didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out!

WOLF: No, I'll kick you out!

STORYTELLER: They went to the hut. The wolf will cry...

(The Wolf and the Hare approach the hut.)

WOLF: Go, Fox, get out!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The wolf got scared and ran away...

(The wolf runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: The Bunny comes again, crying. A Bear meets him.

(The Hare walks across the stage, crying. The Bear appears from behind the stage.)

BEAR: Why are you crying, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. That-
when she asked me to spend the night, she kicked me out.

BEAR: Let's go to the Fox, I will help your grief!

HARE: No, Bear, you can’t help!
The dog chased but didn’t drive him out, the Wolf chased him but didn’t drive him out, and you can’t drive him out!

BEAR: And I'll kick you out!

STORYTELLER: They approached the hut. The bear howls...

(The Bear and the Hare approach the hut.)

BEAR: Get out, Fox!

STORYTELLER: And they got the Fox from the stove...

STORYTELLER: The bear got scared and ran away...

(The bear runs off stage.)

STORYTELLER: The dear Bunny comes again, crying more than ever. A Rooster with a scythe meets him.

(The Hare walks across the stage, crying. A Rooster appears from behind the stage with a braid on his shoulders (a braid can be made).)

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted. Then she asked me to spend the night and kicked me out.

ROOSTER: Let's go, I'll help your grief!

HARE: No, Rooster, you can’t help!
The dog chased - he didn’t kick him out, the Wolf chased - he didn’t kick him out, the Bear chased - he didn’t kick him out, and you can’t kick him out!

ROOSTER: No, I'll kick you out! Let's go to Lisa!

STORYTELLER: They went to the hut. The rooster stomped his paws and flapped his wings...

(The Hare and the Rooster approach the hut. The Rooster stomps his feet and flaps his wings and arms.)

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

STORYTELLER: The Fox heard it, got scared and said...

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

ROOSTER: Cuckoo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry the scythe on my shoulders!
I want to whip the Fox!
Get off the stove Fox!

(The rooster stomps his feet, flaps his wing arms and waves his scythe.)

STORYTELLER: The rooster stomps its paws, flaps its wings, waves its scythe... The Fox got scared, jumped out of the hut and ran away.

(The Fox leaves the hut (you can leave from behind the hut) and runs off stage. The Hare and the Rooster enter the hut.)

STORYTELLER: Then the Rooster and the Hare went into the hut and began to live and live there ever since, and the Fox never appeared in those places again.

(Music. The curtain closes.)

Did you like script for the fairy tale Zaikin's hut and for children? No? Read remade fairy tales in a new way, for adults.

FGT involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

Theatrical activity is a game that promotes the development of expressive speech, dialogical, monological, sound culture of speech in preschoolers, as well as the activation of vocabulary. Through theatrical activities, the child gets acquainted with children's literature, music, and visual arts. Theatrical activities in kindergarten are an opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child and nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Collective theatrical activities are aimed at a holistic impact on the child’s personality, his emancipation, and the development of leading mental processes; promotes self-knowledge and personal self-expression; creates conditions for socialization, corrects communication deviations; helps to realize a feeling of satisfaction, joy, success.

A special place in theatrical activities is occupied by folk tales - a storehouse of wisdom. A folk tale accompanies a child from early childhood. It helps shape the moral character of a preschooler. Teaches the child to distinguish between good and evil, to empathize with other people's joy and sadness, and to actively fight evil.

“The Old Tale of the Main Thing” was created on the basis of the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” in the arr. O. Kapitsa, and was shown at the matinee dedicated to March 8th.

Equipment for a fairy tale.

Masks: dog, wolf, fox, bear, rooster, hare. Storyteller costume. Models of trees, bushes, hare and fox huts.

D actors and performers.



Children:fox, hare, dogs, wolf, bear, rooster.

(The main musical theme “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays)

Storyteller: On the edge of the forest, in a bast hut,

Once upon a time there was a Bunny with long ears.

And on another edge in an icy hut,

Once upon a time there lived a Little Fox, the whole forest was beautiful.

(Hare and Fox appear)

Storyteller: But spring has come - it’s red,

The forest woke up from sleep,

The birds sang merrily

And the icicles began to ring.

(sound effect “Drips, spring”)

Fox : Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble,

The snow has melted, there is water all around,

From the ice hut,

Only puddles remained. (grabs his head)

Storyteller: (musical theme "Fox")

And the Fox walked through the forest

Look for a new home.

And suddenly he sees at the edge of the forest

There is some kind of hut,

And the hut is not simple,

There was a bast hut.

I approached the hut,

She pricked up her ears.

Fox: Oh, please let me in,

Dry off and warm up by the fire!

Let's drink tea with raspberries,

Let's sing a funny song together!

Hare: Come in, Foxy! Come in Sister!

I love songs very much

I'll be happy to sing.

The Hare and the Fox sing a song:

It's not ducks that quack, it's not frogs that croak,

It's the Bunny and I gnawing on a carrot.

Carrots, carrots

We nibble with Chanterelle deftly.

The night is short today,

We only ate half the bag.

Storyteller :

The Fox dried off, warmed up,

I drank tea and ate something sweet.

And she began to oppress Bunny,

She began to kick Bunny out of the hut.

Fox: Get out of here, Bunny,

I am now the mistress of the hut!


The Hare jumped out of the hut, sobbing,

He doesn't know where to go.

He walks, wanders, sheds tears...

(theme song "Dogs")

And towards him there are Dogs.

They run, bark, and play happily.

Dog 1

Bunny, who offended you?

Why are you crying?

Spring has come to the forest - it's red,

Are you jumping sadly?


How, Doggies, can I not cry?

I was left without a hut,

Lisa kicked me out.

Dog 2:

Bunny, we will help you,

Let's drive away the sly Fox,

In the meantime, for the mood,

We will remember the fun game.

Outdoor game “Homeless Hare”


We played on the lawn

Let's go help Bunny,

Dogs : Woof! Woof! Woof!

Let's go, Lisa, get out!

Free the Bunnies' house!

Fox : I'll jump out! I'll jump out!

Pieces will go down the back streets!

Go away, Dogs!

Otherwise I’ll quickly show you where the crayfish spend the winter!


The dogs got scared and ran away.

There is only one left, Bunny.

He goes and suffers. Crying bitterly.

And the Wolf meets him.

(music theme "Wolf")

Wolf : Why are you crying, Little Bunny?

Why are you sad?

Look, spring has come

Flowers are blooming.

Hare: Wolf, how can I not cry?

I was left without a hut,

Lisa kicked me out.

Wolf : How dare she offend those who are smaller?

Don't be sad, Bunny, we'll do it simply.

We'll go now and kick the Fox out!

Hare : Thank you, Wolf! But you won't succeed.

They chased the dogs, but they didn’t drive them out. And you won't get kicked out!

Wolf: And then I’ll kick you out! Went!


And the Wolf went to help the Hare,

Drive the cunning Fox out of the hut.

Wolf : Woo-hoo! Let's go, Lisa, get out!

Free the Bunnies' house!

Fox :

Get out of here, Wolf!

Otherwise I’ll bite your gray side!

Storyteller :

The Wolf got scared and ran away.

Again, Bunny was left alone.

He walks, suffers, weeps bitterly.

And towards him is a Bear.

(music theme "Bear")

Bear : O-O-What are you crying about, Bunny? O- O - What are you shedding tears about?

Listen to the noise of the streams,

How the drops ring,

Even the small birds began to sing songs.

Hare: How can I, Bear, not cry?

How can I not shed tears?

Fox kicked me out of the house

There is nowhere for me to live.

Bear: Come on, Bunny, give me your paw,

And lead me to your hut,

Even though I'm clumsy

I will help you in trouble.

Hare: Thank you, Misha. You won't succeed.

The dogs were chased, but they were not kicked out. The wolf chased, but did not drive out.

And you won't get kicked out.

Bear : To be strong and brave,

Everyone needs to do exercises.

Hey! Guys! In order

Get ready to exercise!

Musical game "Zverobika"

Bear : We did some exercise,

The little ones have gained strength.


And the two of them went,

Liberate the bunnies' house.

Bear: A-A-A! Let's go, Lisa, get out!

Fox : I'll jump out! I'll jump out! Pieces will go down the back streets!

Get out of here, Bear,

Otherwise it will be very bad!


The Bear got scared and ran away.

And again our bunny was left alone,

He goes and sobs. She sheds bitter tears.

And towards him is the Golden Scallop Cockerel.

(musical theme "Cockerel")

Rooster : Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you suffering about, Zainka?

Why are you crying so loudly?

Hare: How can I, Cockerel, not cry?

How can I not shed tears?

Fox kicked me out of the house

There is nowhere for me to live.

Everyone in the forest helped me,

They drove the Fox out of the hut.

But she snaps

He's not going to leave.

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

So why was it necessary to drive?

I should have congratulated you!

All : With what?

Rooster: Eh. You!

Today is a holiday, today is a holiday,

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring!

What do we all call Chanterelle?

We call her little sister.

This means that Spring is red for her too,

I brought it as a holiday gift.


Come on guys, let's all call Lisa together.

All : Come out, Little Chanterelle, to us,

Let's celebrate the holiday of grandmothers and mothers together.

Polka dance

Song "On the Road of Goodness" ( performed by the Storyteller and a group of parents)


1. Migunova E.V. Theater pedagogy in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera,2009.- 128 p. – (Library of the magazine “Preschool Educator”) (11)

2. Musical theme "Visiting a fairy tale" music. IN. Dashkevich - get-tune.net/2

3. Musical theme "Wolf" music. A. Rybnikova - get - tune . net /2

4. Musical theme "Fox" music. A.Dvoskin- get - tune . net /2

5. Musical theme "Bear" music. V. Bogatyrev – get - tune . net /2

6. Musical theme "Dogs" music. V.Komarov- get - tune . net /2

7. Song "Seeds" music. V. Temnov- get - tune . net /2

8. Song "On the road of goodness" music. M. Minkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin

9. Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s hut” in arr. O. Kapitsa

10. Sound effect “Drips, spring” get - tune . net /2