Julia maxim. Yulia Mikhalkova on the set of a culinary program

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. In astronomical measurement, it is never more than 45 degrees away from the Sun.

In astrology, it is responsible for intellectual abilities and nervous system. In a strong position, in a sign favorable to itself and in the absence of negative aspects with other planets, Mercury gives outstanding intellectual abilities in one field or another, good memory and a strong nervous system. Mercury protects trade, so strong Mercury is often found among merchants and businessmen of all stripes. Signs ruled by the planet Mercury: Gemini and Virgo.

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries gives a very energetic thinking and a tendency to be influenced by any strong ideas. Such people become fiery speakers under the influence of their ideas and easily convince others that they are right. Among people with this position of Mercury, there are a lot of lecturers, professional presenters and demagogues.

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus, more strongly than in other signs, senses the materiality of thought and its real embodiment, which forces him to think exclusively in material and practical categories. The thinking of such people is very rational and aimed at specific achievements.

Mercury in Gemini

In the sign of Gemini, Mercury gives development of the mind and physical activity, extraordinary intellectual abilities, easy assimilation of information and the ability to learn languages. Geminis also easily make new acquaintances and can find mutual language with anyone, which makes a representative of such Mercury an excellent mediator.

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer is influenced by the emotional nature of the Moon. Here thinking is very susceptible to current emotions and moods; any emotional impulse can significantly affect thoughts, and even the way of thinking. Also, people with this Mercury are often taciturn and prefer not to demonstrate their ideas too much.

Mercury in Leo

In the sign of Leo, Mercury is “in its fall,” that is, almost devoid of its virtues. Leo is ruled by the Sun, his tendency to “divide and conquer” does not fit well with the principle of Mercury “everyone’s godfather, matchmaker and brother”; here it is difficult for him to prove himself as a mediator and negotiator.

Mercury in Virgo

In the sign of Virgo, Mercury gives the ability to see little things and details in all the diversity of the world, an analytical mind, interest in science and research, detailed memory and good mental potential. A lot of scientists and scientific workers in all fields have such Mercury.

Mercury in Libra

Mercury in Libra, under the influence of Venus, of course, acquires certain aesthetic criteria in thinking. People with such Mercury prefer harmonious expression of thoughts, their beautiful design and euphony. Strong ideas are very difficult for their Mercury, which strives for balance, to perceive and can literally unsettle them.

Mercury gives Taurus a special ease and love for the perception of forms through speech; his own speech, when he wants, is decorated with such images, comparisons, dialectisms that he is perceived very clearly - he seems to create a dense reality, if he curses, then it takes a long time to come to myself. On the other hand, Mercury gives Taurus some uncharacteristic fussiness, which others, however, welcome. This position of Mercury is good for trade professions (especially in art objects) and valuation of material values. With good research and additional favorable aspects, he is an original writer-stylist.

This position imparts to the intellect a heightened perception of beauty and a means for expressing the feeling of beauty. At negative development Shamelessness, an excessive tendency to erotic fantasies, heaviness of thinking and dullness of perception are formed. Such a person is called stubborn and one-sided; he never gives up even erroneous opinions just because they are his own. It is possible to develop excessive stubbornness and stinginess, lack of ability to make informed and serious decisions. With the harmonious development of the intellect, a person is prone to solemn speech decorated with emotional turns, although it is still difficult to call him eloquent. The mind is thorough, self-possessed, intuitive in solving practical issues. The ability to concentrate is high, a person has a great sense of form, has life ingenuity and considerable patience. It is characterized by clear processing of information with slow assimilation of new things, but good memory.

Thinking is based on sensory-close, tangible concepts. The perception of abstract ideas is significantly difficult. Thinking is consistent, reasoning is leisurely, reaction is careful and careful. Enviable patience is manifested both in deeds and in thoughts. Such a person is able to wait in the wings for a long time, without fussing or worrying. The mind is sensitive to the perception of art and landscapes. The jokes of such a person are kind and polite, although sometimes he is quite frivolous and flirtatious. Always has a constant sense of good deals that will bring profit in the distant future. The intellect is characterized by some slowness of perception, but the approach to solving problems is thorough, and the assimilation of new things is strong and stable. In communication, a person is smooth and gently emotional, somewhat inhibited, slow and reasonable. His thoughts are weighty, although sometimes significant difficulties arise in finding verbal formulations. In general, thinking cannot be called flexible and mobile. Contacts and training are difficult. But everything that a person has learned and mastered seems to be imprinted on his brain and remains with him for the rest of his life.

The greatest patience is manifested in the effort to search for something without difficulty. Thinking is characterized by pragmatism, limited vision of horizons, pedantry and conservatism. In the search for arguments and arguments, unjustified caution is often shown. And simple and obvious things are not perceived by some secret, hidden reasons. Such a person is prone to dogmatism and orthodoxy, although he is not devoid of diplomacy. His speech is somewhat slow and clumsy, his views are noticeably one-sided, and his ingenuity is low. Decisions are made with difficulty and not immediately, but they are implemented with enviable persistence. There may be some laziness of the mind and excessive concentration on the problem of material well-being. A man can be called a sensible practitioner, true to his own positions, hidden and persistent in likes and dislikes. Most often, intellectual energy is directed to solving financial, property and career issues. Such a person is polite, inclined to literary creativity and discussion of art objects. If any goal is chosen, it is achieved with special zeal. In defending one's own views and opinions, an enviable inflexibility is manifested.

At the same time, this position gives a person the opportunity to achieve a high internal culture. Solidity and concentration, consistency and efficiency are clearly expressed, which especially contributes to success in everyday earthly affairs. Such a person - true friend and a reliable like-minded person. But in relations with enemies, he shows rare inflexibility and perseverance. This - business man with organizational skills. He does not quickly form his opinion, but having formed it, he does not like to change it, therefore he does not tolerate disputes and disagreements and fights with the opposing point of view only to protect his social and material well-being. He always sees the practical side in everything, and the possibility of obtaining benefits gives him such strength of concentration that he simply does not notice any obstacles or obstacles: he simply does not take into account anything that could interfere with his path to the goal. Negative aspects of intelligence include bias and increased interest in issues of material security. Such a mind usually reveals itself only in a comfortable, reliable, harmonious environment.

Het Monster:
Mercury in Taurus
Just give me time
Think the matter through to the end.
If the matter is to your liking,
I will say this boldly.

Your child with Mercury in Taurus thinks carefully and slowly. He won't talk much or quickly, but what he says will likely be carefully thought out. This child may say the first sentence when you are almost desperate to hear it. He can get stuck in his thoughts because he is quite stubborn and does not like to change his mind, so learn to be patient. On the other hand, if you need his attention, you will be glad that he is able to hold it much longer than most children.
Your child may love to listen to the same bedtime story an infinite number of times, but he will remember it well, so you will not be able to get through this task quickly by skipping any parts of the story. His memory will be strong, and although it will take a little longer to learn something, he will remember it longer than many other people.

At school, your child will do better with a calm, structured routine than in a very hectic environment, but it is important to recognize that he will work best at his own pace. He may not respond very quickly in class, but he has the ability to stay on task until it is completed, is thorough in his preparation, and retains what he has learned well.
This child will probably enjoy singing lessons and may have a beautiful voice.

Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition)

This sign is friendly to Mercury, which is usually expressed in beautiful appearance person, strong body and pleasant voice. Such people have sexual attractiveness and have many connections. They are generous, courteous, have a talent for poetry, spiritual inclinations and are good in business related to the arts. They can be persistent, persistent, and have a great passion for making money.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here Mercury is in an earth sign, visiting Venus. As a rule, you don't make quick decisions. Apparently, you have a reasonable, but somewhat slow mind, even slightly inhibited, for example, sometimes you lack flexibility. Perhaps it is difficult for you to think on the fly, you think about everything slowly and carefully, and when you start speaking, it will be a speech where all the words and formulations are carefully selected, which will sound solid and weighty. Since Venus is responsible for form, your speech will be built in a certain sequence, not necessarily gracefully, but certainly without chaos of words. Perhaps, usually learning is given to you with some difficulty, you absorb information slowly and gradually. But once you have learned something, it is learned forever, so your knowledge is always very strong. Taurus is an earth sign, so your thinking will probably be focused on specific things. You are always distinguished by practicality and conservatism, often great patience in the quest to seek and comprehend. Apparently you don’t really like invention, because... anything new and untested may be unreliable. Therefore, you use ideas, theories, knowledge that already exist, and see what is most proven, solid and solid in them. If necessary, you can somehow change or combine them, but the resulting structure should be very stable and comfortable. If you have to collect some information due to your line of work, you will carefully select and check it. You rarely give out unverified information, not out of a sense of duty or good faith, but precisely because it must be reliable. “Evil” Mercury in Taurus can give rise to narrowness and unjustified caution of thinking, pedantry, often stubbornness or misunderstanding of simple and obvious things. In communication, you will be emotional, but somewhat inhibited, because you usually take a passive position. Sometimes you may have difficulty because when it comes to making contacts, you prefer to be approached rather than approached yourself. For example, if you find yourself in a circle of interlocutors, you will be silent for a long time, find your bearings, collect information, and take a closer look. Usually, your relationships with people develop slowly, and before building intellectual contacts, emotionally charged, pleasant relationships must be established. You usually avoid unpleasant people and contacts. But if contacts are established, they will be strong. You love to consider your affections and emotions. If it allows social situation and level of culture, you can discuss them in your circle. This position of Mercury is very favorable for work and management.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Thinking is directed towards the practical, material side. There is not enough brilliance and originality, but there is a lot common sense. Organizational skills. They don’t form an opinion quickly, but once they do, they don’t like to change it. Therefore, they do not like quarrels and quarrel only for the sake of their monetary interests. They are very focused, they see only what is important to them, practically not noticing interference. Stubborn as oxen. Abilities in art. With strong aspects - ability in mathematics and physics. With bad aspects - bias, greed.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Slow, practical, thorough mind; desire to check everything. Judgments are realistic, specific, and based on experience. Knowledge is acquired slowly but firmly: a good memory for facts. Such people are not very resourceful, they are strong in hindsight, and a well-aimed answer or objection comes to their mind very late. Sanity; judgments are confident and well thought out. The critical mind is not expressed. At negative impact planetary aspects - a limited mind, refusal to recognize what cannot be immediately checked and felt.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Mercury gives Taurus a special ease and love for the perception of forms through speech; his own speech, when he wants, is decorated with such images, comparisons, dialectisms that it is perceived very prominently - it is as if he is creating a dense reality; If he curses, then it takes a long time to come to his senses. On the other hand, Mercury gives Taurus some uncharacteristic fussiness, which others, however, welcome. This position of Mercury is good for trade professions (especially in art objects) and valuation of material values. With good research and additional favorable aspects, he is an original writer-stylist. In case of defeat, greed for money is emphasized, which becomes a fetish - (the embodiment of the idea of ​​form).

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

A practical mind, you are a business person with organizational skills. Your thinking is characterized by caution and methodicality; you do not like to be rushed, demanding to express your opinion. First, you need to carefully think about the idea being discussed, chew everything thoroughly and assimilate it. If you have already made a decision, it is difficult to change it. You don’t like disputes and disagreements; conflict is possible only to protect your financial interests. Good abilities in exact sciences. As far as quick learning new ideas, mastering new skills, you are slower than others. But you are patient and persistent. Strange as it may seem, you often become a great expert in everything that you put your hands to. You achieve success not so much because you have a great head, but also because of your ability to concentrate your attention and not be distracted until the work is completely completed. You have the ability to sing and draw. With colds and throat diseases, hoarseness.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

The intellect is characterized by some slowness of perception, but a thorough approach and strength of assimilation. Thoughts do not diverge from action.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun solar system. Mercury is quite difficult to see with the naked eye, but from time to time you can see a bright white point near the Sun. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun. Mercury is morning and evening - the morning one is visible at dawn just before sunrise, the evening one is visible after sunset.

Mercury in astrology is responsible for thinking, speech, information flows, trade, theft. This clear mind without emotional overtones. It is also a symbol of travel, cars, schooling, and the media.

In medical astrology, Mercury corresponds to the lungs, arms, hands, as well as the nervous and digestive systems (intestines). Damaged Mercury can cause diseases of these organs.

Mercury's professions: writer, journalist, office worker, postman, courier, merchant, entrepreneur, agent, researcher, translator, driver, sales managers and marketing and PR managers.

Mercury in natal chart man shows man younger age, or a smart person.

Combust Mercury (in conjunction with the Sun with an orb of 1 degree) can cause speech defects, which will be extremely difficult to correct. It also shows that a person is fixated on himself, a kind of narcissism - a person does not see his own shortcomings.

Mercury itself is a neutral planet, and it can only emphasize positive or negative qualities other planets. If he is in aspect with a favorable planet, then he enhances its positive properties. In aspect with an evil planet, it emphasizes its negative qualities.

Mercury in the zodiac signs

Mercury in the signs of the zodiac shows what kind of thinking a person has, what his mental abilities are, how he thinks, reasons, and which sciences will be easiest for him.

Mercury in Aries

Passionate, addictive mind. New interests constantly appear, but the fervor quickly fades away. They don’t like to delve into the essence for a long time; they need to know everything at once. Speech is fast and loud. When they prove something, they do it, forgetting about everything in the world, to the point of self-oblivion.

Mercury in Taurus

A slow mind that can take a long time to get to the bottom of things. In order to decide something, they need to think carefully and, most importantly, for a long time. A complete inability to think on speed. When he is required to immediately make a decision or solve a problem quickly, the brain is blocked. He writes everything down all the time so as not to forget. They are not distinguished by wit, but they have a good memory and common sense.

Mercury in Gemini

(Harmonious. In possession)

Excellent memory, sharp mind, quick understanding. Lively mind, rich imagination, curiosity. They are interested in everything around them, but their interests are fickle and their knowledge is shallow. They do not have the patience to study the subject to the end. Cunning, sarcasm, tendency to criticize. They can lie without blinking an eye.

Mercury in Cancer

He is afraid to say too much and prefers to listen rather than talk. Often has his head in the clouds, can build sand castles and deceive people. Memory is good for emotions. A friendly atmosphere can make such a person talk. In a hostile environment they become isolated, rudeness towards them completely blocks their brain. Often does not understand other people's jokes and takes everything personally. Touchiness.

Mercury in Leo

They love to give heated speeches in front of others. They like it when they know more than the other person. I like to impress others with my speech. They pretend that they know more than everyone else, even if this is actually not the case. Thinking prone to synthesis. Tendency to simplify. When taking an exam, it is better to pass it orally than in writing. They speak confidently. They love to study. They have the gift of persuasion.

Mercury in Virgo

(Harmonious. In exaltation)

Tendency to analyze, excessive attention to detail. These are the biggest critics of the entire Zodiac. They like to speculate. Excellent memory. All actions are subject to logic and common sense; they do not accept what cannot be touched and seen. They do not give in to emotions, rationality prevails in everything. There is no intuition. It is difficult to get along with such a person, because... He will be nagging and nagging all the time. Neat, pedantic idealists.

Mercury in Libra

This person knows what, when and to whom to speak. Born diplomats. They know how to find compromises and reconcile opposition parties. They do not like extremes; they look for balance in everything. Tolerant. They believe that any idea has the right to exist, even if they completely disagree with it.

Mercury in Scorpio

The mind is sharpened to uncover secrets and solve riddles. They love to solve crosswords and discover other people's secrets. Very insightful. Developed intuition. Among them, mediums are the most common. Tendency to say sarcastic things to close people. They like to pretend to be cynics. Very curious, they always get to the bottom of the truth. He doesn't know how to admit he's wrong.

Mercury in Sagittarius

(Disharmonious. In captivity)

They are interested in everything happening in the world. Excellent abilities in foreign languages. It is good to teach children in such Mercury several foreign languages ​​at once. An independent mind, it makes all conclusions only on the basis of its own reflections (with positive aspects). Doesn't listen to the opinions of others. Naivety, straightforwardness, inability to lie. Strongest abstract thinking. There is not enough specificity.

Mercury in Capricorn

They stand firmly on their feet, are neat, pedantic, and do not forget anything. These are the best secretaries. They also have the talent of a researcher and coder. They are able to concentrate to the utmost on the subject of research, and will do this until they get the result. Does not give in to other people's influence. He thinks only with his own mind. With negative aspects - snobbery, arrogance, intolerance to the ideas of others, sarcasm.

Mercury in Aquarius

A person who always comes up with something new. Inventor. Self-assured. He likes to philosophize, but often things don’t go further than reasoning. Tendency to improve, improve, craving for everything new. Extravagance of thinking extraordinary ideas. Rejects customs that have developed over centuries. Confidently moves forward, mercilessly leaving behind everything familiar and conservative.

Mercury in Pisces

(Disharmonious. In fall)

Excellent abilities in foreign languages ​​and exact sciences. Despite this, they have well-developed intuition, and they think more with emotions than with reason. They don’t know how to benefit, they are absolutely not adapted to everyday life. Excellent memory, especially visual. These are pleasant, gentle interlocutors, capable of accepting the opponent’s point of view. They do not like quarrels and conflicts. Often these people have the gift of clairvoyance and premonition.

Mercury in the houses of the horoscope

Mercury in 1st house

Mobile nature. An inquisitive mind, a penchant for intellectual pursuits And logical thinking. Such people usually love to read and know a lot. Until old age they will study, travel and learn everything new, which means they will not grow old for a long time. A good application for a career in the field of literature, science, medicine, and will also be happy to do office work. Sociability, desire to enter into an argument to find the truth. Such a person is not averse to chatting and can bother others with his excessive talkativeness.

Mercury in the 2nd house

Much of this man's thinking is devoted to material assets. Constantly thinking about how to earn money, save up and increase it. Practical mind, focus on making a profit and creating a comfortable life for yourself and loved ones. Business acumen is focused on areas where communication is required. Can work in a publishing house, teach in schools, colleges, institutes, work in the media, in the field of literature. Here he can earn a good income. Entrepreneurial acumen, business ideas are constantly floating in my head. Not a bad position for working in the economic and commercial sphere. They are able to benefit from any business.

Mercury in the 3rd house

School gives a lot to such a person. It is interesting to communicate with him, he is an easy and pleasant conversationalist, witty, intelligent, and interesting. Listening to them is a pleasure. Speech flows like a stream. Excellent abilities in journalism and literature. In the life of such a person there will be many trips that can bring pleasant changes to his life. The native's brother or sister is younger than him, or is engaged in the Mercury profession (writing, journalism, trade, office worker). A person with Mercury in the 3rd house loves to communicate by phone, on the Internet, and maintains connections with people by any means. Relations with neighbors are good. Curiosity, but interest in things quickly fades. It's difficult to concentrate on one thing.

Mercury in the 4th house

As a child, a person grows up in intellectual family. His parents teach him to be smart and instill the right values. The native is interested in the history of his family, ancestors. They often work from home. have a large home library. In adult life They travel a lot, move from place to place. They like to record their emotional experiences in a diary and study human psychology. They read a lot.

Mercury in the 5th house

Children born to such a person are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. The native must be helped to manifest themselves, to develop their intellectual abilities. A person with Mercury in the 5th house loves intellectual art that makes you think - cinema, theatrical performances, paintings with deep meaning. Among the sports they prefer are intellectual ones - chess, backgammon. They love solving puzzles and solving problems. There are abilities in art that are somehow connected with information, communication - this is writing, acting. Sometimes they fall in love with people younger than them.

Mercury in the 6th house

A good position helps in work, gives a desire to improve and gain new experience in the profession. Hardworking and diligent. They can achieve high results as doctors, engineers, and scientists. Tendency to improve and systematize. They maintain order at home and demand this from loved ones. The same attitude towards health and hygiene issues. They take care of themselves and force their family members to take care of themselves. Professions that require organizational skills, teaching others and sharing experience are easily achieved.

Mercury in the 7th house

Gives the native a young spouse or an intelligent one. Such a person likes to work in tandem with a partner. Suitable professions in trade, legal, social sphere. They know how to speak in public and feel comfortable doing so. They also like to enter into discussions, discuss topics of interest, give advice, and at the same time they like to listen beautiful speeches and good advice from others. They need a partner who can teach them something new throughout their lives.

Mercury in the 8th house

A person is interested in big money, tax, insurance, banking issues, inheritance of real estate and large sums money. They are vindictive, touchy. A mind prone to creating its own secrets, but at the same time will not rest until it reveals someone else's secret or intrigue. They read a lot of detective literature. They also show interest in mysticism, esotericism, issues of life and death. Such a person needs to listen more to his intuition, because... basically his mind is drowned out inner voice. Possible careers in economics, politics, banking, insurance and tax companies- wherever big money is circulating.

Mercury in the 9th house

Actively interested in legal issues and cultures different countries, travel. Such a person usually has more than one higher education. Loves to study. He tends to think broadly and philosophize. High moral values, can be priests, university teachers, mentors for others. They study until old age, search for the meaning of life and learn life wisdom through my own experience. They often travel to expand their horizons.

Mercury in the 10th house

An excellent application for a career in the media, publishing, or as a teacher. A person receives higher education not for the sake of learning new things, but in order to achieve more great success in the profession and public recognition. It is very important that others respect his achievements. The native's boss is often younger than himself.

Mercury in the 11th house

A person likes to be in a large team, exchange information and experience with like-minded people. Original thinking, which attracts others. A sincere person who does not tolerate cunning and deceit in others. Interested in science and astrology. Likes to philosophize. Judgments are impartial. The native does not care what a person’s origin is, his place in society, his belonging to political parties and religions - he chooses friends not according to these characteristics, but according to personal sympathies. Works well in a team, where the result depends on the community of the team, and not on each person individually.

Mercury in the 12th house

Such a person has many secrets in his head. Secretive, timid, mysterious. They do not reveal their true thoughts and emotions. Often their actions and thoughts are guided by the subconscious, feelings, and intuition, which is unusually developed for them. They are not talkative; they like to listen more than talk. Dry facts and information are difficult for them to perceive without emotional coloring and games of imagination.

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// Mercury in Taurus in the natal chart

Mercury in the zodiac signs. Mercury in Taurus in the natal chart. Mercury in the zodiac sign Taurus in astrology.

A person with Mercury in Taurus in the natal chart has a good memory, he can concentrate on the subject being studied. The information received is stored in his head for a long time. If a person decides to figure something out, then he will be able to do it through an effort of will.

Mercury in Taurus seeks to express itself through its ruler - Venus. A person's mind can be directed towards the material side of life, and a person with Mercury in Taurus also has creative abilities.

Mercury in Taurus helps a person find application for his ideas in the material world. If an idea does not have a clear prospect of being realized, then a person with Mercury in Taurus will discard it and move on to more practical matters.

It is difficult to convince a person with Mercury in Taurus; he has his own opinion on everything, and he will defend it. Mercury in Taurus brings stubbornness, integrity and perseverance to the character. Sometimes, stubborn in his views, a person’s thinking becomes skeletal and he does not notice the utopian nature of his ideas.

When making any decisions, a person with Mercury in Taurus seeks benefit for himself; he will not take risks if he is not sure of his victory. And the work of a person with Mercury in Taurus should be primarily monetary and necessarily creative.

In terms of communication, a person with Mercury in Taurus will prefer educated people, or those who have authority in society, those with whom there will be interesting and varied communication. Mercury in Taurus will also encourage you to make profitable acquaintances with the right people.

Everything said in to a greater extent inherent in Taurus (Sun in the zodiac sign Taurus). Gemini and Aries will be more impulsive and have a harder time concentrating on one thing at a time. The Sun in Gemini or Aries with Mercury in Taurus reduces the ability for a long time make efforts in one direction.