How to remember traffic signs easier. Use mobile applications and web services

Road signs are very useful for regulating the situation on the road. Just imagine what kind of chaos would occur on the roads if there were no road markings, signs and traffic lights. Some drivers allow themselves to ignore the signs, and very often this is fraught with consequences. Sooner or later, such a driver, having driven through a prohibiting traffic light sign or disregarded the “give way” sign, will find himself in a very unpleasant, or even life-threatening, situation. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of knowing all road signs. Since there are quite a lot of them, you need to take certain steps in order to systematize information about them and remember them better.

Carefully study the traffic rules, as well as the explanatory instructions to them. Memorizing the signs occurs automatically in the same way when you learn tickets for passing the theoretical exam at the traffic police. Remember that all types of road signs vary in color and shape. For example, prohibition signs, with rare exceptions, are always round and on a white background with a red or black border. Mandatory signs are also round in shape, but on a blue background. These are the two most important groups of signs. Try to diligently attend all classes at the driving school. A professional instructor and teacher talk well about certain signs, giving excellent life examples. Driving lessons will allow you to put your knowledge into practice, which is always the best way to remember. On the Internet you can find various games, simulators and tests aimed at testing knowledge about road signs. Make sure that the tools are recent and that the sign information is up to date. As you go through games and tests, there will be fewer and fewer errors over and over again, and information about them will accumulate day by day. As you know, it is always better to turn something boring and tedious into something more exciting, then learning the signs will not be difficult.

Don't remain indifferent to what's happening on the road when you're driving next to someone. Pay attention to signs and driver actions. But this does not mean that it is always worth distracting the driver with the requirement to remind him of the purpose of the sign. Act on your own.

As you complete these steps, you will realize that learning all the road signs is not that difficult. As it seemed at first glance. And having learned them completely, you will easily pass the driving test and will feel more confident on the road.

Anyone who has had to take a driving course knows that before being allowed to take the driving test, cadets are required to pass tests on their knowledge of the rules of the road (traffic rules). This is logical and correct. After all, without a confident knowledge of the rules, you cannot go on the road - this is dangerous for the life and health of not only the life of the unfortunate driver. So those who managed to get a license to drive a vehicle in a not entirely honest way, in an accelerated, so to speak, method, are at great risk themselves and pose a potential threat to others.

But how do you learn all these countless rules? And not just memorize, but understand and learn to apply them in practice.
So, an easy way to learn traffic rules.
First of all, forget about any cramming and quickly memorizing a large amount of information.
The rules are designed in such a way that they form a single integral system. If you skip or are inattentive to any of the sections, the entire system will lose its integrity. In addition, our memory is designed in such a way that quickly memorizing a large amount of information leads to the same rapid removal of it from the head. If you decide that it is not worth remembering all the rules and signs, but only the most important and frequently encountered ones, you may be met with a tragic accident when something irreparable happens due to ignorance of a seemingly trivial matter.
An easy way to learn traffic rules 2017.
Experienced teachers claim that in order to master the rules well and successfully pass the exam, you need to read the rules at least three times. Moreover, it’s not easy to read. The first time the rules are analyzed and we try to understand all the relationships as much as possible. Then, for the second time, they read the already disassembled and more understandable rules, trying to remember as much as possible. The third time is a repetition of what has been covered and understood.
To easily learn PPD, it is necessary to include the following mechanisms of our consciousness:
We strain our attention and memory as much as possible, and turn on our intelligence.
We build logical chains.
At the same time, we connect associative thinking and mentally work through situations.
Information is easier to remember when it is structured.
We divide rules and signs into groups according to the following criteria: prohibitory, warning, informational.
We separate them by shape and color. Round - prohibiting and prescriptive. If there is a red color - prohibitive, warning, blue - prescriptive. Triangular - warning or regulating the order of travel. Square and rectangular ones inform and establish the order of movement.
We try to translate complex legal concepts into simple and accessible human language.
The rules are better remembered if they are presented in the form of rhymes, counting rhymes, or well-known abbreviations.
Set your priorities.
It is important to remember the following priority hierarchy:
the traffic controller's instructions cancel all road signs, rules, as well as traffic lights;
temporary signs cancel the effect of permanent signs;
if there is no traffic light or does not work, follow the instructions of permanent road signs;
If all of the above is absent, move according to the markings on the road.
Some rules and signs are not found so often. These include the postures and gestures of the traffic controller. They are usually not so easy to remember. And in practice, traffic controllers use more understandable intuitive gestures. Therefore, you will have to navigate the situation.
And we should not forget that even well-learned information must sometimes be refreshed in memory.

    Conventionally, all methods of memorizing rules are divided into 5 main groups:

    1. Memory and attention. The motto of this method is: “understanding leads to memorization.” If you thoroughly understand all aspects of traffic rules, then learning the rules will not be difficult. Among the disadvantages of this method, it should be noted that it is not given to everyone and not immediately, therefore it takes time;

    2. Associations. The basis of the method is linking new knowledge to existing knowledge. This is where visual memory and structuring come into play. All information is clearly divided into groups and subgroups. Among the disadvantages: the method also takes time; in order for it to work effectively, it will require attention and perseverance;

    3. Replacing boring and complex terms with simpler and more understandable words or rhymes. The first two methods are partially included here. Replacing complex concepts allows you to better understand the material and build associations;

The first and easiest stage of passing the driving test is theory. This includes testing knowledge of the basics of movement, first aid rules, vehicle structure and many others.

Preparation technique

How to quickly learn traffic tickets? Many people have some difficulties remembering traffic rules. Not everyone remembers the rules learned in the evening the next morning. What do you need to do in order to quickly learn traffic rules?

    How to remember traffic rules and signs? First, you should pay attention to the hierarchy of road signs:
    1. Traffic controller. Has a complete advantage over everyone;
    2. The traffic light regulates the movement order of all participants. Has an advantage over all signs;
    3. Temporary signs. They have priority over permanent ones, since they are installed on a certain section of the road and, as a rule, only when necessary;
    4. Permanent signs. They only take precedence over markings;

    5. Markings, as well as road signs, temporary have an advantage over permanent ones;

After the sequence has been learned, a difficult moment comes: learning road signs. They are best remembered if you already have practice driving a car. It is worth trying to remember the pictures that are given in the collection or traffic tickets, and try to learn what they mean. After admission, before starting practical driving lessons, get used to looking at signs and recognizing their outlines with peripheral vision.

    By definition, all signs can be divided:
    1. By shape;
    2. By color;
    3. In terms of information content;

The shape of the sign can be square, rectangular or round. Round, most of them are of a prohibitive nature (they have a red border with a line through them). Triangular, usually have a warning and regulatory nature. And square and rectangular ones are informational; they do not allow, but they do not prohibit either.

Next you should pay attention to the markings. It comes in 2 types, horizontal and vertical. The first one determines the order of traffic on the roads, and the second one is applied only to dangerous objects and is of a warning nature. Its main purpose is to inform road users about a dangerous area on the road.

Now, after the signs and markings have been learned, you can begin to study the rules. The most appropriate method here is a detailed analysis or at least a simple reading of the text of the rules. Despite the fact that the rules are written in abstruse and dry language, when you read them carefully they become simple and understandable. And if the signs and markings are properly stored in your head, then there are no difficulties with the rules.

Passing the driving test is not easy. This is painstaking and hard work. The “maybe” rule never applies here. Every year the government complicates the exam so that those who want to drive a car understand the full responsibility of their actions, therefore they should take the study of all the rules extremely seriously and responsibly!

Even in childhood, the ability to drive a car becomes the cherished dream of the vast majority of pedestrians. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, many of them immediately go to a driving school and prepare for the MREO exam, spending their days studying traffic rules that seem complex at first glance. Fortunately, there are some simple tips and tricks on how to quickly learn the rules of the road and successfully pass the test.

Guaranteed memorization of the rules comes as a consequence:

Taking the importance of traffic rules seriously;

Mastering the basic points on which most of the rules are based;

Regular attendance at driving school;

Independent work with tickets;

Application of theoretical knowledge in practice.

The Motorist's Bible: a book that will save your life

First you need to realize how important traffic rules are in everyday driving on public roads. They were not invented by stupid people. Therefore, this is not just a set of terms and points that need to be told for assessment.

In the real world, a person risks paying very dearly for not knowing the rules. You should sit down to study this rather boring book with a deep understanding that this knowledge will probably save your life more than once.

Learn the basics

At first it seems as if traffic rules have a structure that is difficult to remember, consisting of many separate theses. But upon closer acquaintance with the texts of the regulations, it becomes obvious that they are literally teeming with analogies and duplication of fundamental points.

First of all, remember the “rule of interference on the right”. This is exactly what the instructors at the driving school so zealously focus on. The advantage always has the driver whose right is clear and who is the same obstacle on the right for another participant in the movement.

“He who is on the right is right”- this statement should be firmly imprinted in your memory and pop up in your mind every time you cross an intersection, drive through a turn, and even drive through a parking lot.

If three cars come together at the same time at an intersection, then the vehicle with the right flank without interference begins to move (turn). Then the new lucky one with the free right side takes over the baton. The right-hand rule does not work exclusively in the case of a traffic light at an intersection, the signs of which always take precedence over other principles for passing oncoming traffic.

The ability to drive a car in the modern world is a necessity that not only simplifies life, but also expands horizons and provides additional opportunities. But how to master this skill and how to quickly learn traffic rules?

  • pedestrians and cyclists;
  • cars and trucks;
  • motorcyclists and horse-drawn vehicles.

All of them must be guided by them while on the roadway or sidewalk. It is important to know and understand traffic rules everywhere. The traffic rules include all the important and vital knowledge, terms and concepts that have been collected, tested, and systematized over many years. They are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, protect them from accidents, breakdowns, conflict situations and unpleasant encounters with representatives of the traffic police.

Is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day?

In order to obtain the coveted driver's license, you must pass an exam, which consists of a practical and theoretical part. While the first can still be dealt with somehow, the second evokes a feeling of fear in both experienced drivers and most driving school students.

Search engines often ask the question: is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day and, in general, how long does it take to learn a theoretical course for a young driver? You can learn it in order to simply pass it and forget it in a day, overnight, or even in 3 hours, as some online resources suggest. But will it be effective? Will such a driver be able to behave correctly on the road in a difficult or critical situation? Does he have enough experience and knowledge? It's up to you to decide whether to choose an easy and fast or an effective way to learn all 120 new traffic rules.

A simple and quick way is to memorize the rules, memorize them without delving into the essence, without understanding. In no case should we forget that the health and lives of many people and their safety depend on the behavior of all participants on the road and their knowledge.

You can learn traffic rules in 1 day, but in this case they will be of very little use and benefit (unless, of course, you have the ability to remember and digest large amounts of information in a minimum amount of time).

How to effectively learn traffic rules?

You can effectively learn the rules of the road using a combination of several methods:

  • understanding the importance of the information contained in the textbook;
  • constantly attending lectures at a driving school;
  • independent study of theoretical foundations;
  • application of theory in practice.

It is the observance of all these points that can guarantee that you will successfully pass the exams in 2017 and master all 120 tickets.


As for practical exercises, this is an integral part of studying the road regulations. You will do your first skills together with an instructor. This is the easiest way to feel confident on the road, analyze your actions and find the best solution in difficult situations. Important point: don't be afraid to ask. Even if the situation seems as simple as shelling pears to you, ask again, test your skills, make sure your judgment is correct.

Passive practice - observing the actions of an experienced driver - will also be useful for you. If you are still using public transport, then try to take a place from which the actions of the bus driver will be clearly visible. Don't be afraid to go for a ride with some of your family or friends, observe their actions and think about the different situations that may be in the new 2017 exam papers. Even when traveling by taxi, do not be afraid to ask the driver about the points that interest you. It is he who will be able to explain even the most complex and lengthy theory in an abbreviated form in an accessible and simple manner.

How to quickly learn traffic tickets?

It is still possible to learn traffic tickets quickly and easily. The main thing is understanding the process, motivation and the ability to apply theory to practice.

Driving school teachers often hear questions: “I can’t learn all 120 tickets, what should I do?” “Is it difficult to remember such a volume of information?”, “How to easily and quickly cope with traffic rules?”, “What is the easiest way to pass a category B, C driver’s license?” To help in such situations, experienced teachers and drivers give some advice to beginners.

First of all, you need to understand the general provisions of the traffic rules and learn the main participants and objects on the road. This:

  • traffic inspector and driver;
  • traffic lights and road signs (there are permanent and temporary);
  • road markings;
  • pedestrians.

You can easily learn road signs in a playful way. To do this, you should buy special toy signs or make them yourself and place them around the house. Constantly stumbling upon them, you can easily remember the necessary information and simulate many different situations.

No less effective are computer programs that you can download for free or use online. They offer to answer many questions that are similar to those in the exam papers, resolve a traffic situation or find the culprit of an accident. Equally popular are simulators where you can try yourself as a driver and improve your practical skills. The advantages of such programs are that they are free and have several difficulty levels, which is perfect for an inexperienced driver.

Mnemonics or method of associations

Many people use this method of quickly and easily remembering information without even realizing what they are doing. The essence of the method is that in order to assimilate data, we need to build associative series, come up with abbreviations or rhymes that will lead us to the correct answer.


When studying the rules of the road to pass the exam, you can use the above methods and techniques and come up with your own approach to mastering knowledge. But you must remember one thing - not only your life and health or the condition of the car, but also the lives of other road users depend on the quality and effectiveness of what you have learned, so take this task very seriously. And even if it won’t be as fast as we would like, it will be safe and correct.