Revelations of a retired player: “I had withdrawal symptoms for six months, like a drug addict.” About gambling addiction - can it be stopped? What to do if you are a gambling addict

It is quite natural to experience such a feeling, but if you are in the process of making the right decision, it is better to get rid of such a feeling. Remember, once you learn to make the right decisions and get the necessary support from loved ones, it will be much easier to fight such impulses. The following strategies will help you:

  • Ask for help. Call a close family member or friend and talk to them about it over a cup of coffee. Go to a psychotherapist.
  • Do something else. Distract yourself with other activities, even cleaning the house can help, go to the gym, watch a movie on TV.
  • Put it off until later. If you really want to play a game of chance, tell yourself that you will do it in five minutes, in fifteen minutes, in an hour - put it off for as long as you can. While you wait, the impulse to play may pass or weaken enough for you to resist.
  • Visualize. Imagine what will happen if you give in to impulse. Think about how you will feel without money, how you have again disappointed yourself and your family.
  • Avoid loneliness. If you gamble to be social, try making social connections in a healthier way. Do volunteer work, find old and forgotten friends, make new ones.

If you can't resist the urge to gamble, don't use it as an excuse to give up. Overcoming gambling addiction is a difficult task. You will relapse from time to time, but it is important to learn from your mistakes and continue to work on your recovery.

How to help a family member who is a gambling addict.

If your relative has a gambling problem, he or she may:

  • Become more defensive about gambling. The more a gambler becomes immersed in the process, the more he will want to protect his passion as a way to make money. Your relative may become secretive, and even blame you for his need to play, saying that it is all for your sake and you just need to believe in a “big win” in the future.
  • Suddenly hide the financial state of affairs. A loved one may have a sudden desire to control household expenses, or a sharp lack of money may be discovered in the context of their previous income and spending. Savings may suddenly disappear, or they will be needed to “lend to a friend.”
  • Feeling desperate because of lack of money. Your loved one constantly asks or borrows money from friends or relatives. Decorations are missing from the house.

How to Help with a Gambling Problem

Compulsive and problem gamblers often need the support of their family and friends to help them overcome their unhealthy gambling addiction. But they must make the decision to quit playing on their own. From the outside, you will never be able to get a problem gambler to quit gambling.

If you have a family member with a gambling problem, you may have conflicting feelings. It is quite possible that you will begin to cover up this addiction and spend a lot of time and money trying to keep him from gambling. And at the same time, you will experience anger and irritation for another loss. A gambling addict will borrow or steal your money without returning it, and sell family property to cover huge debts. And when faced with the consequences of his actions, the gambling addict will also experience a collapse of self-esteem. This is one of the reasons for the high suicide rate among problem gamblers.

Guide to action:

  • Start by helping yourself. You have the right to protect yourself emotionally and financially. Don't blame yourself for your problems as a gambler. Support can help you make positive choices for yourself and support your loved one in the right way. Provide assistance without losing yourself in the process.
  • Don't go through this alone. Dealing with a loved one's gambling addiction is very difficult. This can cause overwhelming feelings. Do not rationalize the problem by explaining it with the phrase “that was the last time.” You may feel ashamed, thinking that these problems are only happening to you. But that's not true. In our country, a huge number of families are struggling and have already overcome this scourge. Talk to people. Read the forums. If you are having a particularly difficult time coping, seek help from a therapist. In any case, it is necessary to understand this situation and not let everything take its course. A gambler in the family causes mixed and complex feelings.
  • Set boundaries in financial matters. If your loved one is serious about getting treatment for gambling addiction, it would be best if you took care of the family expenses yourself to make sure that the problem gambler does not have the opportunity to relapse. However, this does not make you responsible for controlling his urges to play. Your first responsibility is to ensure that you are completely financially secure.
  • Think about how you will respond to a request for money. Addicted gamblers are quite successful at begging for money, directly or indirectly. They may use begging, pleading, manipulation, and threats to get what they want. It will take time and practice to learn how to react and respond to his demands correctly, and make sure that you do not stimulate the player with your behavior and do not lose your dignity.

What you can and cannot do if your loved one is an addicted gambler


  • Seek support among people with the same problems on forums and groups.
  • Tell your children about problem gambling.
  • Notice the positive qualities of a loved one with addiction.
  • Stay calm when talking with an addicted gambler about losses and their consequences.
  • Let the addict know that you also need support because this situation is negatively affecting you and your children.
  • Understand the need for treatment for gambling addiction, despite the large amount of time it will take.
  • Control family finances.

It is forbidden:

  • Instruct, lecture, or allow yourself to lose control of your anger.
  • Threaten, set ultimatums if you do not intend to fulfill them.
  • Isolate the player from family life and activities.
  • Expect immediate recovery or resolution of all problems once gambling stops.
  • Pay the player's debts.
  • Deny or hide the existence of the problem from yourself, family and people around you.

Four years ago, Victor stopped going to casinos and slot machine halls. But liberation was not easy for him. At first, he did not carry with him amounts larger than 5 thousand rubles in small bills, and reluctantly walked past gambling establishments. Three times he almost fell into the trap again, when his consciousness turned off and his legs carried themselves to play. About the terrible power of gambling addiction and methods of combating it with herwill be discussed in our material.

Finding a gambling addict in Minsk who has achieved long-term remission turned out to be difficult. Based on the experience of the founder of several public organizations to combat addiction, Doctor of Psychology Vladimir Ivanov, the passion for the game is no less strong than for drugs or alcohol.

First time at the casino - and immediately win big

The first time Victor found himself in a casino was 12 years ago. At that time he was 36 years old. He separated from his wife, rented an apartment in Minsk and owned his own small wholesale business.

As I remember now, it was a casino in Orbit. I was at a friend's birthday party. I went out late, it was about 12 o’clock, and all the establishments nearby were closed. I decided to go to the casino and have a beer or coffee. I didn't even know how to play then. I bought one chip, I remember it was a red one, I put it on and I was like playing. There they already started explaining to me what and how. I also had to go buy chips, and then, for the first time, I won a lot. I came to the casino at 12 at night, and left there by one or two the next day. You could say I became a player the first time.

According to psychotherapist Vladimir Ivanov, the winning phase is present in almost all stories of gambling addicts. They remember this state of euphoria and then try to repeat it throughout their lives. Not everyone succeeds. Debts can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. A debt of 5-10 thousand dollars is common for such a person.

Escaping reality: “I could sleep in the basement, it doesn’t matter where. The main thing is to play”

Unlike many, Victor is a sensible gambler (he does not talk about his addiction in the past tense, because he considers the disease incurable). For some time he continued to visit the casino from time to time, but after losing a thousand dollars one day, he realized that at this rate he would not have enough money for long. Switched to lower bets in slot machine halls. Very soon he began going there on schedule - every other day.

The effect was the same as from a casino. You escape from reality, from all problems. There are no thoughts about what is going on in your life. He could hang out there for more than a day. Moreover, you avoid problems not only when you play. But even after that, you go and think about how best to beat the machine, how to press this button, maybe faster or slower.

If you saw how I lived... I came in the morning, slept sitting next to the closet, everything was a mess, nothing mattered to me. I was living with an alcoholic at the time, but it didn’t matter to me. She drinks and I play. We had such a tandem, and I didn’t think about anything. I could sleep in the basement, it doesn't matter where. The main thing is to play.

Money is not a goal, but only a means

Victor says that he initially did not go to the slot machine hall for money. This is one of the most common misconceptions regarding gambling addiction. The entrepreneur played sparingly. He gave all financial matters to his sister, who from time to time allocated money for him to play. He took 50-100 thousand with him and played until he lost them.

- If I won, it was even worse. You are happy about this, but you yourself understand that you still have to lose this money. Sometimes I even managed to leave money for tomorrow. But there were also moments of shortage, when you came and the money immediately ran out. I started calling my debtors or borrowed money myself. Then my sister returned this money from my cash register. Sometimes I “stole” money from myself. I knew where my sister kept the cash register and could carefully steal the required amount from it.

Gamblers often explain their addiction by the need to repay debts: “I have to pay back the money, but where can I get it? So I have to go and try to recoup it.” Victor believes that this is self-deception. He rarely owed money to people, but just like everyone else, he felt an irresistible desire to play. At that time, he had all the symptoms of gambling addiction, but the man did not even know about the existence of one. One day he went to an alcoholics forum with his common-law wife, and only there did he first hear about gambling addiction. It took another three years to realize the problem.

I even quit several times and didn’t play for about a month. I concluded that everything was fine with me, I couldn’t play for a month! And he started again.

The first step is to recognize the problem

One day, again thanks to a woman suffering from alcoholism, Victor learned about the therapeutic community "Ark". Mostly alcoholics gathered at self-help groups. But the main principles of combating addiction were also applicable to gambling addiction. Our hero went to self-help groups every evening for a year. During this time he missed only 2 days.

The most important thing in the fight against addiction is awareness of the problem. And then - a long study and compliance with “safety precautions”. For example, for a whole year I tried not to be near gambling establishments. I did not carry money with me except for travel. I asked my sister to give me 5 thousand rubles a day - in thousandth bills, because the machine did not accept thousands. I lived like this for a whole year, then gradually added more. Now I already freely carry money with me. I didn’t drink alcohol for a year so as not to crash at the game. By the way, this was very easy for me - I am not dependent on alcohol. I communicated daily in the group and read a lot of literature on the topic. I took the same 12 steps to combat alcohol and substituted a game instead.

On the brink of collapse: “My legs carried me to play”

For the first year, Victor experienced real withdrawal, like drug addicts. The desire to play was so strong that it did not even reach a conscious level. Our hero learned to track it only after two years of remission. At first, my legs carried me to the slot machines. Three times Victor was on the verge of a breakdown.

“One day I walked past Orbit and couldn’t control myself. I argued with myself, talked and somehow miraculously managed to overcome the desire and go home. Another time a phone call helped me. I practically passed out, realized that I needed to go play right now, but decided that I would hold out for at least an hour (that’s what we were taught in the group), then 20 minutes, and then they called me. And I regained consciousness. The third time I was pushed, I instantly thought, “Where am I going?” And I went to play. The withdrawal was severe: I felt sick and turned inside out.

It's impossible to cope alone

Self-analysis helped Victor to hold on. He associated fear, anxiety, and ailments with the desire to play. And everything went by itself. Now he is trying to analyze his feelings. If your soul is anxious, it means it is connected with some problem. It must either be resolved or let go if nothing can be done. Today, the man says, he has replaced the game with real life. Over the past 4 years, many events have happened to him, many of which are not the most pleasant, but this is real life, the hero believes. He broke up with the drinking woman because there was nothing connecting them. And over time, he learned to pass by gambling establishments calmly, but tries not to forget about that lost time.

There is indifference, but I don’t want to forget about all this, otherwise I might get caught again. I compressed those 7 years into one day. I “lost” them and became terribly degraded. It will take me a long time to recover. The main conclusion that I made for myself: I cannot cope with this problem alone. Saying “no” to yourself in such cases is simply unrealistic.

Over the years of rehabilitation, Victor has seen many gambling addicts. Most of them lasted for a couple of months. The man could not name the names of other players in remission. “If we take them somewhere to the countryside, then maybe. There are gaming establishments everywhere in the city.”

The main problem is not in the casinos, but in the slot machine halls

Psychotherapist Vladimir Ivanov is convinced that gambling addiction is an introduced, artificially imposed addiction on our people.

There has never been a game in Belarus, they drank, yes, but there was no game. My sincere conviction is that today the main problem is not even in the casinos, where mostly rich people have fun, but in the slot machine halls. After all, everyone goes there: schoolchildren, pensioners. In the regions, as soon as pension day, there is a line of pensioners at the slot machine halls. It's affordable, and it's sucking ordinary people out of their hard-earned money. As the players told me: “I want to quit gambling, but I can’t even walk home, because there are these slot machines on every corner, illuminated signs everywhere.” This is the main problem, but it is not yet possible to solve it.

2 Symptoms of Addiction: Pathological Craving and Loss of Control

Gambling addiction itself, according to Vladimir Ivanov, is not much different from other addictions. The irritants may be different, but the body's reaction will always be the same. The specialist identifies two main symptoms of all addictions: pathological attraction and loss of control. The pathology lies in the fact that a person, faced with great difficulties, still cannot stop.

A young man and his wife wanted to buy an apartment. He lost a thousand dollars. After this, a normal person will no longer go to play. After all, everyone knows that gaming establishments do not operate at a loss. But the player has a completely different reaction: he assumes that all the bad things are in the past, and only good things are ahead. And he goes on to lose even larger sums. Just like alcoholics, gambling addicts lose control over their “dose.” The player will play as long as he has money. It could be a day or two or three. Therefore, last year gaming establishments were obliged to feed players. At the time of the game they are in a special state. They don't eat, don't sleep and don't need it. A healthy person is simply not physically capable of this. If he is interested, he can play for a few hours, but then he will get tired. He will want to have a snack or a change of scenery.

The problem of gambling addicts, Vladimir Ivanov believes, is biochemical weakness. We are talking about neurotransmitters: adrenaline, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, etc. There is a certain constitution that is conducive to this kind of addiction. A completely mentally healthy person, if he goes to a casino, is unlikely to become a gambler.

There is no magic pill

As for recovery, here, as in the case of other addictions, there is no “magic pill”.

Any addiction is incurable, because a person experiences a special state that he remembers for the rest of his life. Memories of pleasure persist. In the 70s, addictions were treated with the help of so-called “psychosurgery,” when the skull was opened and certain areas of the brain were burned out with a hot iron, which, from the doctor’s point of view, were responsible for this pleasure. But this method has not proven its effectiveness.

A person must change his thinking, his way of life, look at the world correctly and, of course, learn “safety precautions”, how to behave correctly in different situations, how to survive them and how to learn to solve your problems.

Unfortunately, in the case of gambling addiction, only a few manage to go this route.

Briefly the essence of the problem:
My son is 22 years old, a student, does not have a regular income, but he has an “unhealthy hobby” - slot machines. We, parents, know this for sure. He himself admitted this to us. The money we give for travel or small purchases up to 1 thousand; gifts from relatives in cash; if someone asks to transfer money; he can take it from his grandmother without asking, everything is played on the machines. Then he starts lying that he lent it to someone. Borrows from friends rather than giving. They call us, we have to pay. Conversations with him give small results, for 2-3 months. He is trying to work temporarily, but we haven’t seen any money earned, he doesn’t buy anything for himself. He swore to us more than once that there would be no more. We convince you that there are more interesting things to do in life, you need to get a profession, get a job, be independent and not depend on your parents. We give examples that all his friends study, take life seriously and do not deceive their parents, and most importantly, themselves. This has already been going on for 2 years. He swore to us that he would not play again, but, alas... Is it possible to free a person from gambling addiction? And how should we behave so as not to worsen the situation?

Answers from psychologists:

    Hello, Sergey!
    It is impossible to remain indifferent while reading your letter. I hear the worries, and perhaps the pain, of parents who are trying to help their child.

    Your son really has a serious problem. Experts treat gambling addiction the same way as other addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction. Game addiction (gambling, gambling addiction, gambling addiction) was identified as an independent disease quite recently.

    While there are serious developments and proven methods of correction in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, gambling addiction is just developing its arsenal of help.

    Why the disease? Experts see the disease in those who cannot stop, even when losing. What do you do if the goal is not achieved? You recognize this fact, draw conclusions, and begin to look for other ways to solve the problem. And the player continues to play. He doesn't have the strength to stop, he loses what little he has. The excitement experienced in the game is too powerful a force; it requires constant, ever-increasing sacrifices. If the excitement is not “fed” with more and more risk, greater bets, the game ceases to bring that excitement and satisfaction, and an emotional emptiness arises.

    Independent attempts to quit addiction can increase the feeling of anxiety and tension, which maintains an irresistible craving and passes when the person returns to his usual activity - playing. A vicious circle arises.
    The main symptoms of gambling addiction are:

    • absorption, preoccupation with the game (memories of past games, planning future bets, thoughts about how to find money for the next game);
    • nervousness and excitement during the game, increasing bets to increase excitement;
    • inability to interrupt the game as long as there is cash;
    • experiencing anxiety or irritation when it is necessary to limit bets or stop the game;
    • using games as a means to get rid of unpleasant experiences;
    • attempts to win back the day after a loss;
    • lies and attempts to rationally justify one’s behavior in order to hide the true degree of one’s involvement in the game;
    • using illegal methods of obtaining money (forgery, deception, theft or embezzlement) to continue the game;
    • deterioration of relationships at work, in the family, with friends;
    • borrowing money from others to pay off existing debts caused by gambling.

    Sergey, in your situation you need to contact a specialist, a psychologist-psychotherapist. If we talk about professional help, it has its own nuances. This is not drug therapy (injections, pills, etc.). The treatment itself is multi-stage, from 5 to 12 steps. When treating other forms of addiction, the 12 step model is used.

    At the first stage of treatment for gaming addiction, it is necessary for all interested parties (relatives, relatives, friends) to clearly understand that gaming addiction is a disease. During the recovery period, the client needs certain restrictions, in this case, primarily financial (not to give or borrow money, not to pay off debts, not to provoke a frivolous attitude towards money and valuables).

    At the second stage of treatment for gambling addiction, a contract is concluded between the addict himself and a specialist who is ready to help him. On the part of the player, this means recognition of the fact that he himself is not able to cope with this problem (this recognition is always accompanied by numerous unsuccessful attempts to cope) and his willingness to follow the recommendations of professionals. On the part of the specialist, the contract means the presence of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in working with addiction and the willingness to use them to treat the gambling addiction of this particular person.

    At the third stage of treatment for gambling addiction, the player, under the guidance of a specialist, works through his experience, realizes and accepts all the destructive consequences that the addiction has led to, thereby strengthening the desire not to return to the past. At this stage, the needs that are satisfied by the game are explored. At the same time, he masters new ways of behavior in situations that were previously clearly associated with the game. Also, the client, together with a specialist, works to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, and also develop the ability to rely on their internal resources.

    At the fourth stage of treatment for gambling addiction, problems that arose in the family, with friends, and colleagues as a result of gambling addiction are worked through. Much needs to be restored or recreated. It is also necessary to develop a social rehabilitation plan.

    And at the end of the process of treating gambling addiction, at the fifth stage, the player, with the help of specialists, draws up and subsequently implements a post-treatment recovery plan, relying on his own, as well as all possible external resources.

    I hope I somehow helped answer your questions. In my understanding, the only way to make the situation worse is to avoid professional help. It will be most useful to convince your son to see a specialist. To talk with your son, you will have to prepare, understand what you want from this conversation, what are you afraid of? You've already tried a lot, and it's bearing fruit. Your son leaves the game for 2-3 months, i.e. he has the resources to stop playing. In a conversation, it is important to rely on resources; reproaches can provoke resistance. If you know that the conversation is going to be difficult, then take care of yourself, find something that will support you in difficult moments.

    I wish you patience and good luck!

Problem area:

Addiction and codependency

Not so long ago, such a phenomenon in Russian psychiatry was considered exotic and was regarded more as a bad habit than a disease. When slot machines and casinos became commonplace in our country, the situation changed. With the advent of a new powerful temptation, hundreds of unfortunate gamblers and their affected relatives flocked to psychological centers and clinics.

Experts' forecasts are full of pessimism: if in the near future the government does not take real control over the growth of gambling establishments and betting in our country, the ranks of domestic gamblers will steadily grow.

Gambling addiction may include cards, roulette, slot machines, or racing. It manifests itself as excessive dedication of one's time to these entertainments, spending a significant amount of money, neglecting work, family and other aspects of normal life. Over time, for greater emotional satisfaction, a person begins to take more and more risks, puts huge sums on the line, sacrifices universal human values, and breaks the law.

In order to stop and stop playing, an ordinary person only needs to lose once. A person with a pathological attraction to gambling does not have such inhibitions. The motives of a gambler defy ordinary logic. Neither a large loss nor dizzying debts stop him.

On the contrary, the larger these debts, the more strongly he is drawn to recoup. At any cost. Love, food, sleep - everything fades into the background.

At the same time, for the possessed, what is important is not so much the result or even the winning as such, but the process of the game itself, the opportunity to feel that sharp taste of risk, which is inaccessible to him in everyday life. And to satisfy this passion, the player is ready to do anything.

Listening to the confessions of your patients, you come to the conclusion that a pathological passion for gaming is often the lot of emotionally immature, psychologically dependent people, those who were either unloved or overprotected in childhood. The desire to play for them is a way to escape from boring everyday life, to get some kind of drive in the everyday life. Some consider it just a bad habit, some consider it a weakness of character and will, some consider it a real disease.

As a psychotherapist, I believe that gambling addiction is certainly a chronic and progressive mental illness. To my statement about this, they may object to me: “If you call it a disease, then this removes all responsibility from the pathological player. I am a sick person, what kind of demand can there be from me?”

It is clear what people mean when they talk about removing responsibility, but for me the concept of gambling addiction as a disease is quite consistent with the player taking responsibility for recovery. This can be compared, for example, with any other somatic disease. Of course, you can blame a person for getting sick, or he can blame himself for this. But this doesn’t make much sense. I agree that responsibility for treatment (but not for the fact of the disease itself) lies entirely with the person who finds himself in the web of gambling addiction. And there is no one but himself to take this responsibility.

But the concept of gaming addiction as a disease often helps loved ones and relatives of the gamer accept their powerlessness in this situation, which allows them to feel relief and free themselves from trying to force the person to do something about it. And then you can think about what can really be done in this situation, and what cannot be done.

And yet, gaming addiction, pathological addiction to gambling (gambling) is a disease that can and should be treated.

But it should be remembered that if a person has become a pathological gambler, then he will never, even after treatment, be able to return to where he started: playing “a little bit,” “sometimes,” “for his own pleasure.” He will never be able to control his game, he will not be able to play in a way that does not cause any problems for him and his current environment.

ICD-10 defines Pathological Gambling (F63.0) as:

  • Repeated episodes of gambling within one year;
  • The resumption of these episodes, despite the lack of material gain, disruption of social and professional adaptation;
  • Inability to control the intense attraction to the game, to interrupt it with volitional effort;
  • Constant fixation of thoughts on gambling and everything connected with it.
And the question follows, how to “treat” an incurable disease? The answer may not sound easy. It is almost impossible to return to the original pre-game state. But it is very possible to suspend or completely stop the development of this pathological addiction. And the only cure for gambling addiction is a categorical refusal of any gambling.

Yes, a gambling addict can abstain from gambling throughout his life and still feel comfortable and confident. Proof of this are tens of thousands of people recovering from gambling addiction in Russia and around the world (and in our rehabilitation center in particular). And how can this be achieved? And what is the reason for gamblers’ failures when trying to stop on their own? The fact is that gaming addiction is a progressive disease that fundamentally changes a person’s entire personality. And he does it in such a way that the addict himself practically does not notice it.

This can only be compared with the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus) - that harmful genetic program that is integrated into the activity of the genome of the cells of the human immune system and makes it work as it needs. And lymphocytes obediently carry out her commands and do not see deadly viruses, because... cannot distinguish these viruses from healthy cells of the body.

Something similar happens in the case of this disease. Gambling addiction is, as it were, “built” into a person’s personality, forcing him to think, act and feel, since it is beneficial to it, and not to the healthy part of the personality. Moreover, it can be difficult for the person himself from the inside to distinguish where the illness is in him, and where he is, the real one. He begins to act because it is beneficial to the disease, thinking at the same time that he is acting in his own interests. Even when a person stops gambling, the traps set by the disease remain within him for many decades, and ignorance of this, unfortunately, can lead to a relapse of addiction.

And there is another reason that complicates the cessation of addictive behavior, which is that during the development of addiction, a person practically ceases to be able to rejoice and enjoy life, without the emotions caused by the game. It is not easy for him to live without gambling. And the very refusal of addiction, no matter how desired it may be, is perceived with fear, often unconsciously. Days without playing seem gray and empty. And this depressive period can last quite a long time, especially if nothing is done about it. Many people can’t stand it and return to the game.

But this is a vicious circle that can be broken! Treatment of gambling addiction is the same necessity as getting rid of drug addiction and alcoholism, and it turns out to be no less difficult. Even if a person believes that he still has a chance to return to normal life, in practice this may not be possible. Gambling addiction cannot be overcome at home: threats, requests, blackmail do not help. This will require going through a complex multi-step process, including drug therapy and psychotherapeutic assistance.

And for this it is necessary, firstly, the sincere desire of the gambler himself to free himself from addiction. Moreover, the desire is expressed not only in words, but also in the readiness to take specific active actions for this.

How to get rid of gambling addiction?

On first stage To get rid of gambling addiction, it is necessary for the patient’s relatives and friends to understand that addiction to gambling is a disease. And during her therapy, the patient needs a number of restrictions, in particular financial ones.

After this, during second stage treatment, a person must establish contact with a specialist who will help him in the fight against a disease such as gambling addiction. He must realize his addiction and understand that this problem requires a solution, and the psychotherapist, in turn, is called upon to make all his efforts, knowledge and experience to help the patient get rid of gambling addictions.

And to do this, you need to seek help from specialists and be ready to accept this help. And don’t tell yourself once again: “I can handle this on my own. This time I have enough willpower.” The reason for breakdowns is not that there is not enough willpower, but that the traps set by the disease are located inside the person. And to see them, you need outside help! But seeing the pitfalls and learning to cope with cravings is just the beginning of the journey.

Third stage therapy includes analysis and elaboration of one’s experience and current situation under the supervision of a professional. Methods of Ericksonian hypnosis, Gestalt therapy and psychosynthesis, group psychotherapy, and trainings are used. In this case, the task is to realize the negative consequences of one’s unhealthy hobbies, as well as to develop new models of behavior for situations that are in one way or another connected with the game.

With the help of gestalt and psychosynthesis, the player’s subpersonality is eliminated, a deep restructuring of the patient’s personality is underway, with the goal of developing real motivation for a healthy and sober life, and an awareness of achievable goals. Ways are being found for psychological compensation of the individual in case of loss of the player’s pattern; against this background, medicinal support is also possible. Here patients relearn how to enjoy a healthy, doping-free life.

Many people who have freed themselves from active gambling know that the only incentive for living without addiction can be the joy that a person relearns to receive from seemingly simple things: communication with friends, family, work, hobbies, sports and much more. And in order for a person to do this again, serious personal changes are needed in the process of long-term psychotherapy.

Fourth stage treatment of gambling addiction includes an analysis of problems in relationships with others caused by gambling. There is a creation or renewal of relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

I would also like to emphasize that this is all just a superficial template of therapy. Each gambler's personality is individual. The report with the patient and his trust in the personality of the psychotherapist are primary in the overall therapeutic process. But still, as a real and effective technique, I use in this scheme a combination of psychosynthesis and Gestalt therapy and the Ericksonian approach. Based on these techniques and group psychotherapeutic dynamics, the treatment results are quite acceptable. Patients not only get rid of addiction, they find their true self, find motivation, goals and meaning of their fleeting, empty early life.

In general, treatment for gambling addiction ends with the joint drawing up of a post-treatment recovery plan by the patient and the doctor supervising him. A person who has undergone therapy must follow all its points and recommendations.

So, the goal of treatment and psychotherapy is to help people suffering from gambling addiction learn to be free from games and at the same time enjoy life. Learn to cope with cravings and avoid the traps set by the disease. Find new meanings in life and strive for them.

gaming addiction,

Gadget addiction (addiction to gadgets).

Treatment of gambling addiction in Kaluga

All these forms of gambling addiction require treatment and the sooner the better.

In general, or getting rid of gambling addiction (let's call this process getting rid of it, since gambling addiction is not treated with medications) -

this is a process aimed at getting a person out of the virtual world, out of his “box”.

into the world of reality, thereby defeating gambling addiction.

We ourselves don’t notice how we are inventing a world for ourselves in which we are comfortable, where it is pleasant to be, and which meets our needs.

Treatment of gaming addiction of the first group - treatment of computer addiction, the process is complex.

Taking a person out of his “box” may not be difficult, but teaching him to live fully in the real world is a difficult task.

The lack of live communication and friends in the process of treating gambling addiction is more than compensated for. A new circle of communication, a new way of life and aspirations help the patient overcome addiction.

A person’s life focus shifts in favor of live communication and the desire to help people around him.

The treatment process for addiction to gambling (betting, slot machines, casinos, poker, cards) is largely similar.

The first step is your recognition of the fact that you will never cope with gambling addiction on your own!

The second step is to limit a person’s ability to play.

An addiction rehab center is great for a place where you simply won't be able to play.

The third step is filling the void that is created after getting rid of gambling addiction (gaming addiction).

As well as people suffering from computer and other addictions, she successfully works, helping people from Moscow, Moscow region, Tula, Voronezh, Obninsk, Kaluga in treatment for gaming addiction. Treatment or assistance in getting rid of gambling addiction is carried out according to a specially developed program in a rehabilitation center. The stage of rehabilitation is adaptation to society, which is aimed precisely at ensuring that after completing the course people become healthy, physically strong, and striving to achieve victories in life. A strong and complete family should be the basis of the future.

Do not put off solving your problem until tomorrow - it will never be solved on its own.

A psychological help line for relatives of addicted people, as well as gambling addicts and people suffering from computer addiction. You can also contact specialists at a rehabilitation center for gambling addicts addicted to computers, alcohol, and drugs.

8-910-914-06-49, 8-953-333-44-47

Any person who wants to get rid of this prison can get free treatment for gambling addiction in a rehabilitation center for gambling addicts (people suffering from gambling addiction) in Kaluga. People from the nearest regions are accepted for rehabilitation for the treatment of gambling addiction (or rather, getting rid of this addiction): from Bryansk, Tula and the Tula region (Novomoskovsk, Suvorov and other cities), from Ryazan, Moscow, the Moscow region (Moscow region), Orel, Tver, St. -Petersburg, Voronezh, and of course we help residents of the Kaluga region - Kaluga, Obninsk and other cities get rid of gaming and computer addiction.