Causes and influence of environmental noise pollution. Noise pollution

"Noise pollution of the atmosphere"

Introduction An environmental problem is a problem of the relationship between society and nature, conservation of the environment. Over the course of thousands of years, man has constantly increased his technical capabilities, increased his interference in nature, forgetting about the need to maintain biological balance in it. The load on the environment increased especially sharply in the second half of the 20th century. There was a qualitative leap in the relationship between society and nature when, as a result of a sharp increase in population, intensive industrialization and urbanization of our planet, economic pressures began to everywhere exceed the ability of ecological systems to self-purify and regenerate. As a result, the natural cycle of substances in the biosphere was disrupted, and the health of the current and future generations of people was under threat. The environmental problem of the modern world is not only acute, but also multifaceted. It appears in almost all sectors of material production and is relevant to all regions of the planet. Stop and listen: multi-ton MAZs and ZILs are noisily rushing along the street. The front doors on powerful steel springs slam, the screams of children come from the yard, and guitars strum until late at night. Tape recorders and televisions are deafening, factory floors greet us with the roar of machine tools and other machines... The picture seems ordinary. But is this normal? Our century has become the noisiest. It is now difficult to name an area of ​​technology, production and everyday life where noise would not be present in the sound spectrum, that is, a mixture of sounds that bothers us and irritates us. For a certain comfort, convenience of communication and transportation, improvement of life and improvement of production, modern man no longer has to listen to the creaking of carts and the swearing of drivers, but to the howl of cars, the grind of trams, the rattling of motorcycles and helicopters, the roar of jet aircraft. Over the past decade, the problem of combating noise in many countries has become one of the most important. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound. For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works. Noise pollution is the sound scourge of our time, apparently the most intolerable of all types of environmental pollution. Along with the problems of air, soil and water pollution, humanity is faced with the problem of dealing with noise. Such concepts as “acoustic ecology”, “noise pollution of the environment”, etc. have appeared and are becoming widespread. All this is due to the fact that the harmful effects of noise on the human body, on the human body, on the animal and plant world are undoubtedly established by science. Man and nature are increasingly suffering from its harmful effects. According to I. I. Dedy (1990), noise pollution is a form of physical pollution, manifested in an increase in the level of noise above natural and causing anxiety in the short term, and in the long term - damage to the organs that perceive it or the death of organisms. Normal noise in the human environment varies between 35-60 dB. But new decibels are added to this background, with the result that the noise level often exceeds 100 dB. A decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of noise that expresses the degree of sound pressure. 1dB is the lowest noise level that a person can barely detect. Nature has never been silent, it is not silent, but silent. Sound is one of its most ancient manifestations, as ancient as the Earth itself. There were always sounds and even monstrous strength and power. But still, in the natural environment, the sounds of the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf, which are always pleasant to humans, prevailed. They calm him down and relieve stress. Man created, and more and more new sounds appeared. After the invention of the wheel, according to the fair remark of the famous English acoustician R. Tylor, without realizing it, sowed the first link in the modern noise problem. With the birth of the wheel, it began to tire and irritate people more and more often. The natural sounds of Nature's voices have become increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noises. The noise of trams, the roar of jet planes, the screams of loudspeakers and the like are the scourge of humanity. Airplane and noise. All airplanes make noise, and jets make more noise than most. As a result, noise levels, especially around airports, are constantly increasing as more and more jet aircraft fly on airlines and their power increases. At the same time, public dissatisfaction is growing, so aircraft designers have to work hard on how to make jet aircraft less noisy. The roar of a jet engine is caused mainly by the rapid mixing of exhaust gases with the outside air. Its volume directly depends on the speed of collision of gases with air. It is greatest when the engines are at full power before the aircraft takes off. One way to reduce noise is to use turbofan engines, in which most of the intake air bypasses the combustion chamber, resulting in a reduced rate of exhaust gas emission. Turbofan engines are now used on most modern passenger airliners. Typically, the noise level of jet engines is measured in decibels (dB) of actual perceived noise, which takes into account, in addition to the loudness of the sound, its pitch and duration. Inside the ear. When a jet plane flies above you, it spreads sound waves around itself in the form of fluctuations in air pressure levels. These waves create vibrations in your eardrum, which transmits them through three small bones - the malleus, incus and stapes - into the air-filled middle ear. From there, the vibrations travel into the fluid-filled inner ear, passing through the semicircular canals, which control your balance, and the cochlea. The auditory nerve responds to fluid vibrations in the cochlea, converting them into coded impulses. The impulses enter the brain, where they are deciphered, and as a result we hear sound. The effect of noise on organisms Researchers have found that noise can destroy plant cells. For example, experiments have shown that plants exposed to sound bombardment dry out and die. The cause of death is excessive release of moisture through the leaves: when the noise level exceeds a certain limit, the flowers literally burst into tears. If you place a carnation next to a radio playing at full volume, the flower will wither. Trees in the city die much earlier than in the natural environment. The bee loses its ability to navigate and stops working when exposed to the noise of a jet plane. A specific example of the impact of noise on living organisms can be considered the following event two years ago. Thousands of unhatched chicks died on the Ptichya spit near the Bystroe branch (Danube delta) as a result of dredging work carried out by the German company Mobius by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. The noise from the operating equipment spread over 5-7 km, having a negative impact on the adjacent territories of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. Representatives of the Danube Biosphere Reserve and 3 other organizations were forced to painfully acknowledge the death of the entire colony of spotted tern and common tern, which were located on Ptichya Spit. From the Survey Report of the Ptichya Spit dated July 16, 2004: “As a result of the actual examination of the Ptichya Spit (near the Bystroe branch) at the location of large colonies of the spotted-billed tern (950 nests and 430 nests - according to the results of the census on June 28, 2004) and common tern (120 nests - according to the same records) on an area of ​​approximately 120x130 meters and an area of ​​approximately 30x20 meters, the remains of many hundreds of eggs of the indicated species were found. The nature of their damage clearly indicates that the chicks did not hatch from them. The estimated time for the chicks of this colony to begin hatching was July 20th. The most likely reason for the disappearance of the colony (there are currently no adult birds in its place) is excessive disturbance caused by the dredging equipment operating nearby, as well as the boats serving it.” After this, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has the audacity to declare that “The construction of the Danube-Black Sea Canal does not violate the ecological balance of the Danube Delta.” This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Konstantin Grishchenko, in response to calls from representatives of the EU and a number of international environmental organizations to stop the construction of the canal until an environmental assessment is carried out (according to the newspaper “Voice of Ukraine”). Taking advantage of this position of the Government of Ukraine, the Ministry of Transport, the companies Delta - Pilot and Mobius are absolutely not going to make any efforts to minimize the damage from the construction of the canal. On the contrary, on July 17, a representative of Delta-Lotsman announced the imminent start of demolition of trees and the berth of the reserve in the area of ​​​​the Bystroe cordon - that is, in an area that is not deprived of protected status. Thus, while the President of Ukraine, without a shadow of embarrassment, in negotiations with the European Union speaks about the harmlessness of the canal for the unique nature of the Danube Delta, the Ministry of Transport, Mobius and Delta Pilot are doing everything to ensure that there is nothing to protect in the Ukrainian part of the delta. To date, about 8,000 letters from all over the world have been sent to various authorities in defense of the Danube Nature Reserve. Noise pollution One of the types of air pollution in cities is noise. Noise is one of the atmospheric pollutants harmful to humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range of 3000-5000 Hz. Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies drops sharply, and hearing deterioration begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. At a noise intensity of 145-140 dB, vibrations occur in the soft tissues of the nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, then the chest, arm and leg muscles begin to vibrate, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; At noise levels above 160 dB, eardrums may rupture. However, noise has a detrimental effect not only on the hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the functioning of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones. Given the high requirements for accuracy and reliability of control of a modern aircraft that are placed on the crew of the aircraft, increased noise levels have a negative impact on the performance and speed of information acceptance by the crew. The noise created by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents of populated areas over which airplanes fly. The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of operation, the total number of overflights per day and the background noise level. The intensity of noise and the area of ​​distribution are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions: wind speed, its distribution and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation. The noise problem has become especially acute in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards. The introduction of new technological processes into industry, an increase in the power and speed of technological equipment, and the mechanization of production processes have led to the fact that people in production and at home are constantly exposed to high levels of noise. The fight against noise is a complex problem. In article 12 of the law “on the protection of atmospheric air” adopted in 1980. it is noted that “in order to combat industrial and other noise, the following should be carried out, in particular: the introduction of low-noise technological processes, improvement of the planning and development of cities and other populated areas, organizational measures to prevent and reduce household noise.” Noise is any sound that is unwanted by humans. Under normal atmospheric conditions, the speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. A sound field is a region of space in which sound waves propagate. When a sound wave propagates, energy transfer occurs. The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels (dB). This pressure is not perceived infinitely. Noise of 20–30 dB is practically harmless to humans and constitutes a natural background sound, without which life is impossible. As for “loud sounds,” here the permissible limit rises to approximately 80 dB. A noise of 130 dB already causes pain in a person, and when it reaches 150 dB it becomes unbearable for him. It was not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution - “to the bell”; the ringing of a bell killed a man. If in the 60s and 70s of the last century the noise on the streets did not exceed 80 dB, now it reaches 100 dB or more. On many busy highways, even at night, the noise does not drop below 70 dB, while according to sanitary standards it should not exceed 40 dB. According to experts, noise in large cities increases annually by approximately 1 dB. Considering the level already achieved, it is easy to imagine the very sad consequences of this noise “invasion”. More and more new super-powerful sound sources are appearing, for example: the noise of a jet plane, a space rocket. The level of industrial noise is very high. In many industries it reaches 80 - 100 dB or more, contributing to an increase in the number of errors in work, reducing labor productivity by about 10 - 15% and at the same time significantly deteriorating its quality. Depending on the level and nature of the noise, its duration, as well as the individual characteristics of a person, noise can have various effects on him. Noise, even when it is small, creates a significant load on the human nervous system, having a psychological effect on him. This is especially common in people engaged in mental activity. Low noise affects people differently. The reason for this may be: age, health status, type of work. The impact of noise also depends on the individual's attitude towards it. Thus, the noise produced by the person himself does not bother him, while small extraneous noise can cause a strong irritating effect. Lack of necessary silence, especially at night, leads to premature fatigue. High-level noises can be good soil for the development of persistent insomnia, neuroses and atherosclerosis. Under the influence of noise from 85 – 90 dB, hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases. A person complains of feeling unwell for a long time. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions. The effect of noise on humans has not been the subject of special research until some time ago. Nowadays, the effect of sound and noise on the functions of the body is studied by a whole branch of science - audology. It was found that noises of natural origin (the sound of the sea surf, foliage, rain, the murmur of a stream and others) have a beneficial effect on the human body, calm it, and induce healing sleep. Among the senses, hearing is one of the most important. Thanks to it, we are able to analyze the whole variety of sounds and the external environment around us. Hearing is always awake, to a certain extent even at night, in sleep. It is constantly exposed to irritation because it does not have any protective devices similar, for example, to eyelids that protect the eyes from light. The ear is one of the most complex and delicate organs; it perceives both very weak and very strong sounds. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing. At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1–2 years; at medium levels, it is detected much later, after 5–10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, and the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf. Acoustic irritations gradually, like poison, accumulate in the body, increasingly depressing the nervous system. The strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes change - all the more so the more intense the noise. The reaction to noise is often expressed in increased excitability and irritability, covering the entire sphere of sensory perceptions. People exposed to constant noise often find it difficult to communicate. So, noise has a destructive effect on the entire human body. Its disastrous work is also facilitated by the fact that we are practically defenseless against noise. A blindingly bright light makes us instinctively close our eyes. The same instinct of self-preservation saves us from being burned by moving our hand away from the fire or from a hot surface. But humans do not have a protective reaction to the effects of noise. Many countries have seriously thought about the problem of noise “invasion”, and some have taken certain measures. Due to the increase in noise, one can imagine the state of people in 10 years. Therefore, this problem must be addressed, otherwise the consequences may be catastrophic. Conclusion Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. Time and again we hear about the dangers threatening the environment, but many of us still consider them an unpleasant but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. However, human impact on the environment has reached alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to Nature by Man. The time is already coming when the world may suffocate if Man does not come to the aid of Nature. Only Man has the ecological talent to keep the world around him clean.

Noise (acoustic) pollution(English) Noisepollution, German Lärm) - irritating noise of anthropogenic origin that disrupts the life of living organisms and humans. Annoying noises also exist in nature (abiotic and biotic), but it is incorrect to consider them pollution, since living organisms have adapted to them in the process of evolution.

The main source of noise pollution is vehicles - cars, railway trains and airplanes.

In cities, the level of noise pollution in residential areas can be greatly increased due to poor urban planning (for example, the location of an airport within the city).

Besides transport (60÷80% of noise pollution), other important sources of noise pollution in cities are industrial enterprises, construction and repair work, car alarms, barking dogs, noisy people, etc.

With the advent of the post-industrial era, more and more sources of noise pollution (as well as electromagnetic) appear inside the human home. The source of this noise is household and office equipment.

More than half of the population of Western Europe lives in areas where the noise level is 55÷70 dB.

Impact on human health

Noise in certain conditions can have a significant impact on human health and behavior. Noise can cause irritation and aggression, arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and hearing loss.

The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range 3000÷5000 Hz.

Chronic exposure to noise levels greater than 90 dB can cause hearing loss.

When noise levels exceed 110 dB, a person experiences noise intoxication, which is subjectively similar to alcohol or drug intoxication.

At a noise level of 145 dB, a person's eardrums rupture.

Women are less tolerant of loud noise than men. In addition, sensitivity to noise also depends on age, temperament, health, environmental conditions, etc.

Discomfort is caused not only by noise pollution, but also by the complete absence of noise. Moreover, sounds of a certain strength increase performance and stimulate the thinking process (especially the counting process), and, conversely, in the complete absence of noise, a person loses performance and experiences stress.

The harmful effects of noise have been known since ancient times. For example, in the Middle Ages there was execution “under the bell”. The ringing of the bell was slowly killing the man.

[edit] Impact on the environment

Noise pollution causes disruption of the natural balance in ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to disruption of orientation in space, communication, search for food, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to make louder sounds, which is why they themselves will become secondary sound pollutants, further disturbing the balance in ecosystem.

One of the most well-known cases of environmental damage caused by noise pollution is the numerous cases in which dolphins and whales have become stranded on shore, becoming disorientated due to the loud sounds of military sonars (sonars).

[edit] Noise reduction and control

Currently, many techniques have been developed to reduce or eliminate some noise.

Noise pollution from any object can be reduced to some extent if, at the design stage of this object, the nature of the noise that will arise is modeled, taking into account various external conditions (for example, topology and weather conditions), and then ways of eliminating them are found, or at least decrease. Currently, this method has become much simpler and more accessible due to the development of electronic computing technology. This is the cheapest and most rational way to reduce noise, used, for example, in the construction of railways in urban areas.

In some cases, it is more rational at the moment to fight not with the cause, but with the effect. For example, the problem of noise pollution in residential premises can be significantly reduced by soundproofing them (installing soundproof windows, etc.). In the US, soundproofing of residential buildings is sponsored by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

In the United States, the main organization advocating for the reduction of noise pollution is Noise Free America.

[edit] Regulation of noise pollution

In the Russian Federation, there are GOSTs and sanitary standards (SN) that regulate the maximum permissible level (MAL) of noise for workplaces, residential premises, public buildings and residential areas.

At night, the noise level for cars on city roads is 40 dB, while on many highways in Moscow and other large Russian cities the noise level is at least 70 dB.


Noise pollution

Another type of air pollution in cities is noise.

Noise is one of the atmospheric pollutants harmful to humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the Hz frequency range.

Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies drops sharply, and hearing deterioration begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. At a noise intensity of 145-140 dB, vibrations occur in the soft tissues of the nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, then the chest, arm and leg muscles begin to vibrate, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; At noise levels above 160 dB, eardrums may rupture.

However, noise has a detrimental effect not only on the hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the functioning of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones.

Given the high requirements for accuracy and reliability of control of a modern aircraft that are placed on the crew of the aircraft, increased noise levels have a negative impact on the performance and speed of information acceptance by the crew. The noise created by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents of populated areas over which airplanes fly. The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of operation, the total number of overflights per day and the background noise level. The intensity of noise and the area of ​​distribution are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions: wind speed, its distribution and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation.

The noise problem has become especially acute in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards.

Noise is enemy number one.

He is a physical drug.

It cripples body and soul.

The world needs silence .

The harmful effects of noise on humans have been known for a long time. Two thousand years ago, in the name of peace and tranquility, Julius Caesar forbade carts from driving through the streets of Ancient Rome at night. In France, during the reign of the Sun King Louis XIV, there was a strict ban on making noise in the city after Paris and its king went to bed. More than 100 years ago, the German scientist Robert Koch wrote that the time would come when noise control would become just as relevant, like the fight against cholera or plague. However, a huge portion of people are still unaware of the dangers of noise pollution. This is due to the fact that the problems of noise pollution in the urban environment were recognized at a scientific level relatively recently and became acutely relevant only in recent decades.

Let's consider the impact of noise on the Warsaw Highway.

Noise has a great impact on residents of houses located along the highway.

Firstly, it is a continuous noise, to which people cannot get used to for a long time, and once they get used to it, they cannot remain in silence for a long time.

Secondly, due to the movement of transport (including railways and subways), houses vibrate, as a result of which they are destroyed, and there is constant dust in the premises.

Thirdly, as a result of all this, people's nerves are frayed.

To determine hazardous noise levels, noise exposure is measured in decibels (dB) using a special device. Noise is also characterized by pitch (frequency), and high-frequency noises seem louder and more annoying to the ear than low-frequency noises of the same strength. Exposure to noise, typically high-frequency sounds to which people are more sensitive, is rated on the decibel A scale (dBA), in units of dBA.

The effects of noise become dangerous at approximately 75 dBA, painful at 120 dBA, and fatal at 180 dBA. Due to the fact that the scale for assessing the influence of noise in dB and dBA is logarithmic, a tenfold increase in noise pressure is noted for each increase in noise by 1 dB. Thus, an increase from 30 dBA (quiet countryside) to 60 dBA (normal conversation in a restaurant) means a thousandfold increase in noise pressure on the ears.

Excessive noise pollution sharply reduces performance, reduces the effectiveness of rest, and leads to chronic fatigue and deafness. Noise can also lead to physiological changes: to various disorders of the cardiovascular system, to diseases of the endocrine glands and respiratory tract, resulting from general nervous tension. Noise has the ability to “accumulate” in the body and cause various diseases and negative health problems. But above all, excessive noise leads to dullness of hearing or its complete loss over time. However, this is far from a complete list. Excessive noise reduces the immune barrier and sharply increases the incidence of diseases; irritability increases. Observations indicate that in noisy urban areas the overall morbidity rate of the population is 3 times higher than in quiet ones.

Impact of noise on humans

Examples of noise impact







Jet engine during takeoff (at a distance of 25 m)

Rupture of eardrums

Thunder Clap, Loom, Rock Music, Siren (Close Range), Chainsaw

Human pain threshold

Steel mill, car horn (distance 1 m), stereo speaker close to ear

Subway, outboard motor, lawn mower, motorcycle (distance 8 m), tractor, printing company, jackhammer, garbage truck

Serious hearing hazard (exposure time 8 hours)

Busy city street, diesel truck, mixer, cotton gin machine

Hearing hazard (exposure time 8 hours) poor hearing

Garbage collection, washing machine, typical factory, freight train (distance 15 m), dishwasher, mixer

Possible hearing hazard

Expressway (distance 15 m), vacuum cleaner, noisy office, party, TV

Irritant effect

Conversation in a restaurant, ordinary office, background music, birds chirping

Intense Impact

Quiet suburb (daytime), conversation in living room

Low impact on hearing

Library, quiet background music

Calm countryside (at night)

Whisper, rustle of leaves

Very weak impact



Critical level

Many young people like to listen to loud music for a long time and often visit discos, but this, at best, leads to dulling of hearing. This problem has already been encountered in Sweden, the USA, and Japan, where there are alarming results from examinations of high school students and students.

Noise distracts a person’s attention and significantly affects his ability to work and productivity. Thus, with a noise background of 70 dB (this is a small noise level), a person performing operations of average complexity makes 2 times more errors than in the absence of this noise background. Noise has a particularly strong effect on the performance of people engaged in mental work. Perceptible noise reduces the performance of people engaged in mental work by more than 1.5 times, and for those engaged in physical labor - by almost 1/3. At the same time, information received during noticeable noise pollution cannot be stored in a person’s memory for a long time or is stored only in a passive (recognizable in the text) and not in an active version. Noise distracts a person’s attention, prevents him from concentrating on the main thing, and complicates making the necessary decisions.

That is why it is absolutely unacceptable to do homework while listening to music, to abuse listening to music through a mini-player or tape recorder during lessons, lectures, or to use them uncontrollably on the street and in transport.

The first sanitary standards in our country for permissible noise load were developed by the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene named after and approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in 2002. Sanitary standards for permissible noise levels in production, in residential and public buildings, in microdistricts are regulated by building codes and regulations. In addition, there is a State Standard for vehicles, engineering equipment, and household appliances, which establishes hygienic requirements for ensuring acoustic comfort.

It should be noted that complete silence is also unfavorable for human health. Acceptable standards for sound intensity in residential premises are considered to be 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night. On average, 55 dB is considered normal noise for a city. During the day, on the central streets of the capital the noise level is 80 dB, on the main radial highways of urban significance - on average 75 - 82 dB, on district highways - approximately 75 dB, and in new residential areas in intra-block areas, remote from the streets, the noise level is up to 55 dB during the day and up to 45 dB at night. The urban noise level in Moscow, as in other largest cities in the world, has been increasing by about 1 dB per year over the past 10 - 15 years.

IN Currently in Moscow, a third of its area is experiencing excessive noise pollution. Noise pollution in the urban environment is experienced by about 3.2 million people (36% of the population), of which 1.6 million (18%) suffer from excessively high noise levels. Industrial noise bothers more than 200 thousand Muscovites; noise from railway transport complicates the lives of over 440 thousand people; car noise disturbs more than 2 million residents.

Sources of noise in the city are extremely varied, but the main one is transport, which causes 60 - 80% of all noise.

To curb noise pollution, car horns have been banned in Moscow; since 2003, freight traffic has been limited, primarily in the central part, which has changed the situation of noise pollution in residential areas within the Garden Ring. In general, freight traffic is prohibited on 38 streets throughout the city at night. . Tram service has been suspended in the central part of the city and in a number of densely populated areas. Airplanes are prohibited from flying over Moscow. In the suburbs, the directions of aircraft landing and takeoff lines have been changed.

In new residential areas, urban planning measures are being carried out aimed at limiting noise: residential buildings are located mainly away from the roadway, shops and public utility enterprises, as a rule, are built in the form of separate buildings, landscaping is widely carried out, work has begun to create traffic-free or pedestrian zones, along the head sections of railways within the city, development appears - screens that reduce noise levels (garages, warehouses, etc.).

To reduce the noise impact from airplanes and helicopters flying in the near Moscow region, new flight modes have been established for landing and taking off from airfields near Moscow, the noise from which disturbs almost 1.5 million people.

In conditions of cramped urban development and a shortage of space, the most effective means of protection from traffic noise is the use of noise-proof houses-screens. Noise-proof houses perform two functions: they provide acoustically favorable conditions for those living in the house and protect the buildings located behind them from traffic noise. There are two types of noise-proof houses: some of them have a special architectural and planning structure and volumetric-spatial solution, others are simply buildings with a regular planning structure, but with special noise-proof windows, provided that normal air exchange is ensured. In noise-proof houses of the first type, all living and sleeping premises have windows facing the courtyard spaces, that is, their windows are oriented in the direction opposite to the noise source. The common room of the apartment, where there are no sleeping places, the kitchen, the staircase-elevator unit have windows facing the highway, Noise-proof houses of this type type built on Dmitrovskoe highway, st., Milashenkova, st. Nizhny Novgorod, in the 70th quarter of Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov and some other areas of Moscow.

In the practice of Moscow construction, the structures of the external walls of residential buildings are quite massive and, as a rule, have high sound insulation, so the problem of noise protection in houses of the second type comes down to the need to significantly increase the sound insulation of windows. Window designs are known with an increase in glass thickness and air gap, the number of glasses with high tightness of the vestibules. In Moscow, for the first time in domestic practice, sealed windows were introduced into residential construction using window ventilation valves with noise mufflers, providing natural ventilation of the premises. The first noise dampers were installed in a residential building on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street and in a residential brick building on Krasnoproletarskaya Street. Residential buildings with valves - noise silencers, combined with a noise-proof window unit, can be seen in mass development in blocks 58 - 58v along Khoroshevskoye Shosse and in some other areas of Moscow.

Noise transmitted not through the air, but through building structures, is called vibration. The sources of vibrations are shallow subway lines, tram lines, railways and highways. To prevent vibrations, residential buildings should be located 25 - 30 m from tram tracks and 45 - 50 m from railway tracks.

NOISE, a (y), m.

1. only units Sound from someone. movements, from voices, etc., dull sounds merged into a monotonous sound. The sound of rain could be heard. Chekhov. A vague noise was heard in the next room. Turgenev. Distant noise of footsteps. Nekrasov. He jumped carefully, without noise, from the couch. Goncharov. A sudden noise arose in the street. Turgenev. A muffled noise and dust flew through the windows from the street. M. Gorky. Sh. waterfall. Raise w. 2. portable, units only Screaming, loud conversation, swearing (colloquial). What a fuss you would all make here, friends, if I did this. Krylov. What the hell, but no fight? Remove sh.|| Publicity, bringing something out into the open. unpleasant, hidden. Be calm, I will admonish your father in private, without noise. Pushkin. 3. portable, units only Movement, animation, bustle. The daily noise in the cities has calmed down. Pushkin. Child! I'm bored by social noise. Nekrasov. There is noise in the capitals, the ornate thunders. Nekrasov. Life quickly rushed by, quickly and without noise. Turgenev. 4. portable, units only Talk, a lively discussion, excited by increased interest in someone or something. His works were bought, and one even made a splash. Nekrasov. 5. The sound of speech formed in the oral cavity without the participation of the voice (linguistic). Sounds and noises. 6. Sound with an unclear tonality (physical, musical). Heart murmurs(honey.). ◊ Noise in my head- the same thing that makes noise in the head (see make noise). Noise in ears- the same thing as noise in the ears (see make noise). I felt a strange noise in my ears. L. Tolstoy.

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Noise- random oscillations of various physical natures, characterized by the complexity of their temporal and spectral structure.

[edit] Noise classification

Noise- A set of aperiodic sounds of varying intensity and frequency. From a physiological point of view, noise is any unfavorable perceived sound.

[edit] By spectrum

Based on statistical characteristics, noise is divided into stationary and non-stationary.

[edit] By the nature of the spectrum

Based on the nature of the spectrum, noise is divided into:
- broadband noise with a continuous spectrum more than 1 octave wide;
- tonal noise, in the spectrum of which there are pronounced tones. A pronounced tone is considered if one of the third-class frequency bands exceeds the others by at least 10 dB.

[edit] By frequency (Hz)

According to the frequency response, noise is divided into:
- low frequency
- mid-frequency
- high frequency

[edit] According to time characteristics

- unstable, which in turn is divided into oscillating, intermittent and impulsive.

[edit] By nature of occurrence

- Aerodynamic
- Hydraulic
- Electromagnetic

[edit] Noise measurement

To quantify noise, averaged parameters determined on the basis of statistical laws are used. Sound level meters, frequency analyzers, correlometers, etc. are used to measure noise characteristics.

Noise levels are most often measured in decibels.

[edit] Sound intensity in decibels

    Conversation: 40-45 Office: 45-55 Street: 70-80 Factory (heavy industry): 70-110 Jet launch: 120

[edit] Sources of noise

Sources acoustic noise any vibrations in solid, liquid and gaseous media can serve; In technology, the main sources of noise are various engines and mechanisms. Increased noise of machines and mechanisms is often a sign of malfunctions or irrational designs. Sources of noise in production include transport, technological equipment, ventilation systems, pneumatic and hydraulic units, as well as sources that cause vibration.

[edit] Non-acoustic noises

Electronic noise- random fluctuations of currents and voltages in radio-electronic devices arise as a result of uneven emission of electrons in electric vacuum devices (shot noise, flicker noise), uneven processes of generation and recombination of charge carriers (conduction electrons and holes) in semiconductor devices, thermal movement of current carriers in conductors (thermal noise), thermal radiation of the Earth and the Earth's atmosphere, as well as planets, the Sun, stars, the interstellar medium, etc. (space noise).

[edit] Impact of noise on humans

Noise in the audio range leads to decreased attention and increased errors when performing various types of work. Noise slows down a person's reaction to signals coming from technical devices. Noise depresses the central nervous system (CNS), causes changes in breathing rate and heart rate, contributes to metabolic disorders, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, and hypertension.

[edit] Hygienic noise regulation

To determine the permissible noise level in workplaces, residential premises, public buildings and residential areas, SN 2.2.4/ is used.
Normalization of noise in the audio range is carried out using two methods: according to the maximum noise level spectrum and according to dBA. The first method sets maximum permissible levels (MAL) in nine octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz. The second method is used to normalize non-constant noise and in cases where the spectrum of real noise is not known. The normalized indicator in this case is the equivalent sound level of broadband constant noise, which has the same impact on a person as real non-constant noise, measured on the A scale of a sound level meter.

[edit] Underwater noises

Recently, evidence has emerged that powerful engines of ships and submarines, and especially sonars and sonars, greatly interfere with underwater inhabitants who use sonar to communicate and search for prey.

Some species of whales and dolphins are particularly affected.

Some previously inexplicable cases of mass death of whales and their “strandings” have now found an explanation. In some cases, the phenomenon may be associated with military exercises, during which mammals become deaf and lose the ability to navigate.

[edit] Separate categories of noise

    White noise " pink noise"(in building acoustics) noise in which the sound pressure level varies in an octave frequency band. Designation: WITH; « traffic noise"(in building acoustics) - the usual noise of a busy highway, designation: Ctrl

Noise pollution can be defined as intrusive noise that disrupts, distracts, or interferes with a person's normal functioning. And while many people think that noise pollution is a problem in big cities, don't forget that we also face it in suburban areas, as well as in offices and at home.

Causes of Noise Pollution

There are many sources of noise pollution today. Here are the main ones:

1. Airplanes. Research shows that noise pollution from airplanes has a strong negative impact on the health and well-being of people who live near airports. They suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure and chronic stress.

2. Cars. Many people who live in big cities or near busy streets complain about traffic noise. What's interesting is that even low levels of traffic noise can harm people.

3. Noise in the workplace. Most of us may think of loud assembly lines or construction sites when we talk about noise pollution at work. But this also applies to ordinary offices. Employees who talk and bang on their desks distract their colleagues and reduce their productivity without realizing it.

4. House noise. Many people think that their homes are not “noisy.” But at home we move a lot, the TV and other household appliances are constantly on, and all this together creates a noise level that can cause stress. In fact, children who live in noisier homes have increased anxiety, speech problems, and other health conditions.

Negative effects of noise pollution

Many studies have been conducted to study the effects of noise pollution on human health. And this is how it affects us:

1. Productivity. We all know that noise can be distracting. A recent study was conducted on children who were exposed to airport noise. Scientists found that their reading ability and long-term memory were impaired. It has also been found that people who work in noisy offices are less cognitively motivated. They are more susceptible to stress.

2. Health. Noise pollution has a very bad effect on our health. It can cause a stress response in our body, resulting in heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Research conducted by Cornell University shows that noise pollution also causes musculoskeletal problems. Noise has a bad effect on the quality of sleep. And perhaps most importantly, chronic stress weakens our immunity, which is why noise pollution is a serious threat to our health and well-being.

Elizabeth Scott,
Translation: Tatyana Gorban

Several years ago, the concept of “noise pollution” and after it “noise disease” appeared in medicine. The disease can be triggered by noise from household appliances, traffic outside the window, constant sounds of music and mobile phones, etc. The more often you come under sound attack, the more two important functions of the body suffer - sleep and digestion. The fact is that overstraining the auditory analyzer leads to an increase in inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, and this changes the reflex activity of a person. Possible results include hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, hypertension, headaches, nervousness and depression. Even metabolic disruptions can occur due to excessive background noise. So before you unsuccessfully treat a weak stomach, fight intracranial pressure or try to lose weight, analyze the situation: what if you are in a zone of constant activity of sound waves.

The word "permanent" is key here. It is no secret that big cities never sleep, which means that noise phenomena have moved from periodic to continuous (residents of houses located along key highways or railways know this especially well). For normal functioning, the brain must have several hours of complete rest, that is, silence. It is under such conditions that the body is restored, not only psychological, but also physiological functions.

The ear is one of the most complex and delicate organs; it perceives both very weak and very strong sounds. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing. At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1 - 2 years, at medium levels it is detected much later, after 5 - 10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf.

Eduard SINKOV, otorhinolaryngologist, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the department of Moscow State Medical University: “Noise can cause persistent hearing loss - hearing loss. Medicine distinguishes two types of this disease: conductive hearing loss (occurs when there is a violation of the conduction of sounds to the inner ear) and neurosensory - a violation the perception of sounds by damaged hair cells of the inner ear. Conductive hearing loss is usually corrected surgically, and sensorineural hearing loss is an indication for conservative treatment or the selection of a hearing aid."

Noise is one of those factors that you cannot get used to. It only seems to a person that he is accustomed to noise, but acoustic pollution, acting constantly, destroys human health. Noise, as a harmful production factor, is responsible for 15% of all occupational diseases. Acoustic pollution has an adverse effect on all body systems. There is a relationship between the incidence and duration of living in conditions of acoustic pollution. An increase in diseases is observed after living for 8-10 years when exposed to noise with an intensity above 70 dB. City noise can be attributed to the causes of hypertension and coronary heart disease. Under the influence of noise, attention is weakened, physical and mental performance decreases. Constant exposure to noise (more than 80 dB) leads to gastritis and gastric ulcers. As we see, noise provokes the emergence of all the most striking diseases of industrial society.

A person complains of feeling unwell for a long time. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions. The effect of noise on humans has not been the subject of special research until some time ago. Nowadays, the effect of sound and noise on the functions of the body is studied by an entire branch of science - audeology.

Olga ZAYTSEVA, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Vestibulology and Otoneurology of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinology: “Damage to hair cells most often occurs due to a constant sound stimulus of a certain frequency. Hair cells become so accustomed to the sound stimulus that they are in tension even in complete silence "Treatment in this case should be aimed at restoring blood circulation through massage, acupuncture, and in some cases, medication is prescribed."

The impact of noise also depends on the individual's attitude towards it. Thus, the noise produced by the person himself does not bother him, while small extraneous noise can cause a strong irritating effect. Lack of necessary silence, especially at night, leads to premature fatigue. High-level noises can be good soil for the development of persistent insomnia, neuroses and atherosclerosis. Under the influence of noise from 85 - 90 dB, hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases.

Numerous studies confirm that noise pollution (this is the term experts increasingly use when characterizing living conditions in a modern metropolis) is a catalyst (and in 10% of cases the main cause) of myocardial infarction, hypertension, and depressive states. The statistics are also not encouraging. It is believed that noise reduces the life expectancy of residents of large cities by 10-12 years (for comparison, smoking takes up to eight years from our life).

Noise pollution also quickly disrupts the natural balance of ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to disruption of orientation in space, communication, search for food, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to make louder sounds, which is why they themselves will become secondary sound pollutants, further disturbing the balance in ecosystem.

One of the most well-known cases of environmental damage caused by noise pollution is the numerous cases in which dolphins and whales have become stranded on shore, becoming disorientated due to the loud sounds of military sonars (sonars).

So, noise has a destructive effect on the entire human body and on the natural communities living in the city. Its disastrous work is also facilitated by the fact that we are practically defenseless against noise. A blindingly bright light makes us instinctively close our eyes. The same instinct of self-preservation saves us from being burned by moving our hand away from the fire or from a hot surface. But humans do not have a protective reaction to the effects of noise.

Artificial light sources. Noise (acoustic) pollution


Acoustic environmental pollution - impact, prevention and protection. Measures to protect residential areas from industrial noise

Noise (acoustic) pollution (English: Noise pollution, German: Lдrm) is irritating noise of anthropogenic origin that disrupts the life of living organisms and humans. Annoying noises also exist in nature (abiotic and biotic), but it is incorrect to consider them pollution, since living organisms have adapted to them in the process of evolution.

The main source of noise pollution is vehicles - cars, railway trains and airplanes.

In cities, the level of noise pollution in residential areas can be greatly increased due to poor urban planning (for example, the location of an airport within the city).

Apart from transport (60-80% of noise pollution), other important sources of noise pollution in cities are industrial enterprises, construction and repair work, car alarms, barking dogs, noisy people, etc.

With the advent of the post-industrial era, more and more sources of noise pollution (as well as electromagnetic) appear inside the human home. The source of this noise is household and office equipment. noise acoustic pollution light

More than half of the population of Western Europe lives in areas where the noise level is 55-70 dB.

Acoustic pollution of the environment, intense noise or unwanted sound resulting from human activity. Although sound does not chemically or physically alter or damage the environment as does normal air or water pollution, it can reach levels of intensity that cause psychological stress or physiological impairment in people. In this case, we can talk about acoustic pollution of the environment.

Like any environmental pollution, noise most often occurs where there is a high concentration of population. Car traffic is the main source of noise on city streets. Equipment used in the construction and repair of houses and road surfaces, industrial enterprises, sound advertising, car horns and many other sound sources increase the noise level on the streets.

In the homes themselves, electrical devices, air conditioners, televisions, radios, players and tape recorders are often sources of increased noise.

Noise in certain conditions can have a significant impact on human health and behavior. Noise can cause irritation and aggression, arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and hearing loss.

The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range 3000-5000 Hz.

Chronic exposure to noise levels greater than 90 dB can cause hearing loss.

When noise levels exceed 110 dB, a person experiences sound intoxication,

subjective sensations similar to alcohol or drugs.

At a noise level of 145 dB, a person's eardrums rupture.

Women are less tolerant of loud noise than men. In addition, sensitivity to noise also depends on age, temperament, health, environmental conditions, etc.

Discomfort is caused not only by noise pollution, but also by the complete absence of noise. Moreover, sounds of a certain strength increase performance and stimulate the thinking process (especially the counting process), and, conversely, in the complete absence of noise, a person loses performance and experiences stress. The most optimal sounds for the human ear are natural noises: the rustling of leaves, the murmur of water, the singing of birds. Industrial noise of any intensity does not contribute to improving well-being. Noise from traffic can cause headaches.

The harmful effects of noise have been known since ancient times. For example, in the Middle Ages there was execution “under the bell”. The ringing of the bell was slowly killing the man.

Gradations of acoustic pollution can be determined by a special device - a sound level meter, which in general terms imitates the structure of the human ear. The device detects sound by the vibration of its microphone membrane under the influence of sound waves, in the same way as the eardrum in the ear. Since sound travels as a wave, which is a periodic compression and rarefaction of air (or other elastic medium that is encountered along the way), this causes corresponding changes in air pressure near the membrane. As a result, vibration of the membrane itself occurs, which is transformed into oscillations of the electric current in the device. The strength of these vibrations is recorded by the device in units called decibels (dB). The hearing threshold for the human ear is approximately 0 dB, which is equivalent to a sound pressure of 0.0002 dynes per square centimeter. The discomfort threshold is approximately 120 dB, and the pain threshold is 130 dB. Usually, when studying a person’s reaction to noise, it is not the scale described above that is used, but its modification, the so-called. scale A. The unit of measurement in this scale is dBA.

To protect people from the adverse effects of noise, it is necessary to regulate its intensity, spectral composition, and exposure time. This goal is pursued by sanitary and hygienic regulation.

Standardization of permissible noise levels is carried out for various places of residence of the population (industry, home, recreation areas) and is based on a number of documents:

GOST 12.1.003?83 SSBT. Noise. General safety requirements,

GOST 12.1.036?81 SSBT. Noise. Permissible levels in residential and public buildings.

Sanitary standards for permissible noise levels at industrial enterprises and in residential buildings are significantly different, because in the workshop, workers are exposed to noise during one shift - 8 hours, and the population of large cities - almost around the clock. In addition, in the second case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the most vulnerable part of the population - children, the elderly, and the sick. An acceptable level of noise is considered to be one that does not have a direct or indirect harmful and unpleasant effect on a person, does not reduce his performance, and does not affect his well-being and mood.

The easiest way to protect workers from the painful effects of noise is to use earplugs and special headphones. This method is used, for example, by airport employees. Another method is to use sound-absorbing or sound-insulating materials in areas where there are strong noise sources.

There are other ways to combat noise that target its source. Such solutions include changing the design of engines to make them quieter, installing mufflers on motors and mechanical devices, changing the design of tire treads, and installing shock-absorbing bands on the metal wheels of railway and subway cars.

Measures to reduce human exposure to any harmful production factor, including noise, can be divided into four groups.

1. Legislative measures include: noise regulation; establishing age limits for hiring work performed in conditions of increased noise; organizing preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees; reducing the time spent working with noisy machines and equipment, etc.

2. Preventing the formation and spread of noise is carried out in the following directions:

introduction of automatic and remote control of equipment;

rational planning of premises;

changing technology with replacing equipment with less noisy ones (for example, replacing riveting with welding, pressing stamping);

increasing the accuracy of manufacturing parts (a reduction in sound level by 5...10 dBA is achieved) and balancing of rotating parts, replacing chain drives with belt drives, rolling bearings with plain bearings (resulting in a reduction in sound level by 10...15 dBA), cylindrical wheels with straight cylindrical helical teeth; changing the design of fan blades; reducing turbulence and the speed at which liquids and gases pass through inlet and outlet openings (for example, by installing noise mufflers); converting reciprocating motion into rotational motion; installation of damping elements in places of contact between machines and enclosing structures of premises, etc.;

shielding or the use of soundproofing casings (hoods), in which part of the sound energy is absorbed, part is reflected, and part passes unimpeded;

changing the direction of noise, for example, by orienting the air intake and exhaust openings of mechanical ventilation systems and compressor units away from workplaces;

finishing walls with sound-absorbing materials (felt, mineral wool, perforated cardboard, etc.), in which sound energy is converted into thermal energy due to viscous friction in narrow pores. In this case, the frequency characteristics of the noise should be taken into account, since the sound absorption coefficient of such materials at different frequencies is not the same.

3. The use of personal protective equipment in cases where the listed measures fail to reduce the noise level to standard values. Depending on the noise characteristics and the type of means used, a reduction in the sound intensity level by 5...45 dB is achieved.

4. Biological prevention measures are aimed at reducing the effects of harmful effects (noise) on the body and increasing its resistance. These include the rationalization of the work and rest regime, the appointment of special nutrition and therapeutic and preventive procedures.

Calculation of total noise level

Determine the total noise level from units with sound pressure levels L1=65 dB, L2=72 dB, L3=70 dB, L4=60 dB. Geometric frequency in the noise spectrum is f=4000 Hz. Compare with the permissible sound level at a given frequency Ladd = 71 dB and explain the practical need for this calculation when designing an industrial enterprise.

The solution of the problem

The total noise level from several sources is not equal to the arithmetic sum of the sound pressure levels of each source, but is determined in a logarithmic relationship.

Usually there are several noise sources with different intensity levels installed in the premises. In this case, the total sound pressure level (L, dB) in frequency bands or the average sound level (Lc, dBA) at a point equidistant from the sources is determined by the formula

where L1, L2,...,Ln are sound pressure levels in the frequency band, dB, or sound levels, dBA, developed by each of the noise sources at the point in space under study.

Conclusion: according to the conditions of this problem, the permissible sound level at a given frequency is permanent workplaces in industrial premises and on the territory of enterprises and the predominant noise frequency is f = 4000 Hz.

The permissible sound level at this frequency, equal to 4000 Hz, will be 71 dB. In our example, L = 75 dB, which exceeds the permissible sound level at a given frequency.

The practical necessity of this calculation when designing an industrial enterprise is to, knowing the total noise level of the units, determine the type of work activity in a given room where noise interference will not affect the quality of work.

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