A very simple definition of art. The concept of "art"


I. in in a broad sense words denoting a high level of skill in any field of activity, non-artistic and artistic, i.e. the perfect execution of this work thereby acquires a direct aesthetic. meaning, because skillful activity, wherever and however it manifests itself, becomes beautiful, aesthetically significant. This also applies to the activities of the artist-poet, painter, musician, whose creations are beautiful to the extent that they capture high craftsmanship their creator and evoke aesthetics in us. admiration. However Ch. distinctive artistic creativity consists not in the creation of beauty for the sake of arousing aesthetic pleasure, but in the figurative mastery of reality, i.e. in the development of specific spiritual content and in specific. social functioning.

Trying to determine the meaning of the existence of art as a special sphere of activity, fundamentally different from art in the broad sense of the word, theorists throughout the history of aesthetics. thoughts went in two ways: some were convinced that the “secret” of I. lies in one of his abilities, one calling and purpose - or in knowledge real world, either in the creation of a fictional, ideal world, or in the expression internal the world of the artist, either in organizing communication between people, or in self-directed, purely playful activity; etc. Scientists, discovering that each of these definitions absolutizes some of the inherent qualities of information, but ignores others, affirmed the multidimensionality and versatility of information and tried to describe it as a set of different qualities and functions. But at the same time, information was inevitably lost, and appeared in the form of a sum of heterogeneous properties and functions, the method of combining which into a qualitatively unique one remained incomprehensible.

Marxist-Leninist aesthetics considers I. as one of the main. forms of spiritual mastery of reality. Based on cognition. abilities of societies. human, I. stands alongside such forms of societies. consciousness, as a science, although it differs from it in its subject, in the form of reflection and spiritual development of reality, in its social function. Common in both science and art. consciousness – the ability to objectively reflect the world, to cognize reality in its essence. In this, religion is the opposite of religion (although at certain stages of historical development they were closely related), since religion. consciousness reflects reality incorrectly and is unable to penetrate into the objective essence of things.

Unlike science, which theoretically masters the world, I. masters reality aesthetically, embracing the world holistically, in all the richness of living manifestations of essence, in all feelings. the brightness of the singular, the unique. But, at the same time, in its best works it is a revelation of the truth, a deep penetration into the essence of societies. life. Aesthetic a person’s relationship to the world is manifested in society in the most different forms and, in particular, in any objective activity in which creativity is more or less freely revealed. nature of work. This, in particular, explains the presence of arts. element in certain products of material production. However, I. is historically formed as a special, specific. an area of ​​spiritual production designed to master reality aesthetically: it generalizes, identifies and develops aesthetics. society's relationship to the real world.

Arts consciousness does not have the goal of giving any special knowledge; it is cognizant. is not associated with any private sectors of material production. or societies. practice and does not aim to highlight any special chain of patterns in phenomena, for example. physical, technological or, on the other hand, specifically economic, psychological. etc. The subject of I. is “everything that is interesting for a person in life” (Chernyshevsky N.G., Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 2, 1949, p. 91), it masters the world in all the richness of its manifestations, since they turn out to be the object of practically concrete interest of people. Hence the holistic and comprehensive nature of the arts. consciousness, facilitating the individual in realizing his “tribal essence” (Marx), in the development of his social self-awareness as a member of society, defined. class. I. is called upon to expand and enrich the practical-spiritual experience of a person; it expands the boundaries of the “direct experience” of individuals, being a powerful tool for the formation of people. personality. Specific the social function of information is that it, being a form of awareness of reality, condenses in itself the endless diversity accumulated by humanity spiritual experience, taken not in its universal and final results, but in the very process of living relationships between societies. a person in peace. I.’s work embodies not only the result of knowledge, but also its path, a complex and flexible process of comprehension and aesthetics. processing the objective world. This is the most important difference. the peculiarity of the “artistic... exploration... of the world” (see K. Marx, in the book: K. Marx and F. Engels, Works, 2nd ed., vol. 12, p. 728). Since in I. the world appears mastered, meaningful, aesthetically processed, the picture of reality in the grand scheme of things is truly classical. I.'s work has orderliness, harmonious logic, and beauty, even if it involves the reproduction of base or ugly phenomena of life. This is not included in objective world arbitrariness of the subject, but is revealed by the artist in the process of spiritual mastery of reality (man creates “according to the laws of beauty” - see K. Marx, From early works, 1956, p. 566). Perceiving I.’s work, a person, as it were, performs creativity anew. mastering a subject becomes involved in the practical-spiritual experience enshrined in I., which evokes a special feeling of joy in the spiritual possession of the world, aesthetic. , without which neither the creation nor the perception of art is unthinkable. works.

The awareness of societies also has a long history. the role of I. The understanding of I. as a means of social education was outlined already in antiquity (Plato, Aristotle) ​​and in classical. aesthetics of the East (for example, in China - Confucius). According to ancient thinkers, I. has the ability to adjust the definition. image of the human psyche, making him a full member of civil society, a useful servant of the state. Middle-century philosophy interpreted this role in a false theological way. sense; The Renaissance opposed it to the idea of ​​​​the meaning of history in free and comprehensive development personality (Campanella). Enlightenment aesthetics clearly revealed the meaning of the arts. consciousness in practice social struggle, emphasizing the moral-educational (Shaftesbury) and social-mobilizing function of I. (Diderot). The most important role for understanding India as an active society. Representatives of Germany played a force in the struggle for human liberation. classic aesthetics (Goethe, Schiller, Hegel), who understood freedom as “freedom.” However, she posed this problem idealistically, which led to the opposition of “fettered life” to free art (Kant). On the contradictions thereof. idealism indicated Russian. revolutionary democrats who saw in I. a “textbook of life” and saw its function in the “sentence” of its phenomena (Chernyshevsky).

Marxism-Leninism set about educating. roles of I. on history. soil. Being a tool for understanding reality, information is an active force in societies. self-awareness, in a class society - class. Knowledge of the world in I. is inextricably linked with its aesthetics. assessment, being social in nature, necessarily includes the entire system of views of societies. person; arts a work is capable of organically expressing its aesthetic. content of philosophy morals, society and political ideas. I. advanced, responding to arriving. development of humanity, plays progressive role V spiritual development people, in their comprehensive ideological and emotional. growth. A measure of freedom in the exercise of this will educate him. roles are determined by specific social conditions. The exploitation of man by man inevitably leads to a one-sided and sometimes ugly manifestation of ideological education. functions I. Only socialist. provides I. with the opportunity to freely shape each member of society in all the richness of his life relationships and subjective abilities.

The syncretic and predominantly ritual-magical nature of the “works” of primitive art of the era Late Paleolithic(30-20 thousand years BC), despite the lack of manifestation of the actual aesthetic principles, nevertheless allows them to be classified as facts of art. Ancient sculptures, figurines of animals and people, drawings on clay, rock “frescos” are distinguished by their vividness, spontaneity and authenticity of the image, testifying to knowledge and mastery of the language and means of conventional reflection on a plane, and the ability to work with volumes. The definition of primitive art as “realistic”, “naturalistic” or “impressionistic” essentially fixes the “consanguineous” connection between the distant initial and subsequent stages of the development of art, its modern forms and typological characteristics.

Various interpretations of the concept of art reflect various aspects of its social nature and species specificity. Thus, ancient aesthetics emphasized the mimetic, “imitative” moment, emphasizing the cognitive significance and moral value art. In the Middle Ages, art was seen as a way and means of communion with the “infinite”, “divine” principle: it is seen as a bearer, albeit imperfect, of the image of spiritual, “incorporeal” beauty. The Renaissance returns and develops the ancient idea of ​​art as a “mirror,” “imitation of beautiful nature,” joining Aristotle rather than Plato. German classical aesthetics (Kant, Schiller, Hegel, etc.) considers art as “a purposeful activity without a goal,” “the kingdom of appearance,” “a game creative forces”, the manifestation and expression of the existence of the “Absolute Spirit”, makes significant adjustments to the understanding of the relationship of art with empirical reality, science, morality and religion. Russian aesthetics of realism insists on the idea of ​​an organic connection between art and reality, considering it the main subject of “everything that is interesting for a person in life” (Chernyshevsky N.G. Complete collection of works, vol. 2. M., 1947, p. 91). Modern “postmodern aesthetics,” questioning and denying the traditions and values ​​of the “old,” humanistic culture, tries, in the spirit of “new mimesis” (J. Derrida), to reinterpret the relationship of works of art with what lies beyond the edges of the “text” and is classified as “ reality".

Identifying the relationship between art and reality does not exhaust the problem of determining its essence. The specifically universal nature of art is covered and revealed by a number of approaches that presuppose and complement each other; among them it is customary to distinguish the theoretical-cognitive (epistemological), value (axiological), aesthetic-sociological (functional). Considering art from an epistemological perspective, which Plato emphasized, or within the framework of the function it performs, with which Aristotle began his analysis of the Greek tragedy, the theorist in one way or another determines the value value artistic knowledge and activities. In turn, the value approach cannot neglect the sociological characteristics of the essence and function of art. To understand the specifics of art, the cognitive-theoretical and value aspects are of particular importance, and the place and role of art in social life is adequately grasped and identified through aesthetic and sociological analysis. Kant, having analyzed “judgments of taste,” convincingly showed the independence (albeit relative) of the epistemological aspect. The question of the social essence of art arises only within the framework of a discussion of its communicative capabilities and functions. After all, art in the proper sense of the word itself creates an audience that understands it and is able to enjoy beauty.

Historically, art arises when a person goes beyond the satisfaction of his immediate physical needs, practical-utilitarian interests and goals and gains the opportunity to create universally, freely, producing things and objects that give him pleasure in the very process of activity. The emergence of art is associated with the satisfaction of the need, first anticipated and then realized, for the production and reproduction of the strictly human character of one’s life activity, and oneself as a universal and universal being. Art reveals, exposes and presents illusively, in “appearance”, that which is hidden - as a goal and mode of action - contained in the objective-social content of human activity, which is the objective source of the individual’s activity. At the same time, art affirms the potential possibility of the universal development of the social individual explicitly - as a real possibility and actual force, without losing sight of the fact that it is realized under the dominance of the “kingdom of necessity.”

Art, by its very nature, is ahead of the norms and ideas of its time, in in a certain sense capable of setting a goal. In the world of artistic imagination, a person seems to soar above the necessities, not fitting into the framework of mandatory compliance with “existence”. In this sense, art creates “possible “dynamic” being” (Aristotle), a world of “expediency beyond any purpose” (Kant). External circumstances do not have absolute power over the internal norms of human attitude towards reality, which art develops “ideally”. Therefore, a work of art is a projection of spiritual aspiration, search for feelings, fantasy of desires, for it is born from a person’s need to transform his sensory attitude to reality, which supplies this need with all required material. Art does not disdainfully turn away from the fullness of life’s manifestations (and in this sense there is nothing “forbidden” for it), but at the same time it does not demand, as L. Feuerbach noted, that its works be recognized as reality. The power of art is manifested in its certain freedom from the factual side of life. It was precisely this feature that Hegel had in mind, who represented the history of art as the “self-movement” of the aesthetic ideal embodied in images, and Belinsky, who saw in “longing for the ideal” an illusory form of expression of urgent needs peculiar to art. public person. The ideal as a given and a possible reality receives its objectively true embodiment and justification in art. Reflecting and expressing reality from the standpoint of the highest needs of a developing person, art shows how the present enters the future, what in the present belongs to the future

In principle, art is created by the individual and speaks to the individual. No area creative activity man cannot compete with him in the completeness of reflection of the entire diversity of human sensations. This also applies to the artist, the author of the work in which he “expresses himself,” often confiding to the reader, viewer the most intimate secrets of his heart, mind, soul (cf. Flaubert’s words about the heroine of his novel: “Emma is me”). The possibilities of art in revealing the motives of human behavior, action, and experience are unprecedented. By removing already known, fixed meanings of facts, phenomena, events, the artist exposes and reproduces them inner meaning in an individually unique appearance and form, which significantly and obviously differs from a theoretical scientist (for more details, see: Leontyev A. N. Problems of mental development. M., 1965, pp. 286-290). Being a creative and partial act, art expects an adequate response. In the process of perceiving a work of art, as a rule, a deeply individual, uniquely personal act, the fullness of the universal, universal nature of the reader, viewer, and listener is revealed. All kinds of deviations due to differences in the level of development of taste, imagination, general and emotional culture of recipients do not cancel this norm of truly artistic perception.

“Imaginary existence”, “possible reality” of art is no less (often more) valid than what served as the starting point for contemplation and presentation objectively existing world; and in form it is an image of the whole in the “shape” of an artistic representation, where a generalization is built through the transition from one specificity to another, and in such a way that image-making necessarily acts as meaning-making (see Artistic image. Typical). So, through art - a special type of spiritual and practical mastery of reality - the formation and development of the ability of a social person to creatively perceive and transform takes place. the world and yourself according to the laws of beauty. Unlike other spheres and forms public consciousness and activities (science, morality, religion, politics), art satisfies the most important human need - perception, knowledge of real reality in developed forms of human sensibility, that is, with the help of the specifically human ability of sensory (“aesthetic”, visual-expressive) perception of a phenomenon, objects and events of the objective world as a “living concrete whole”, embodied in works of art through creative, “productive” imagination. Since art includes, as if filmed, all forms of social activity, its impact on life and people is truly limitless. This, on the one hand, deprives all meaning of art’s claim to some kind of exclusivity, other than that dictated by its species essence. On the other hand, while having a transformative effect on many public spheres and institutions, art retains its inherent characteristics and relative independence. Historically, art develops as a certain system of specific types. These are literature, music, architecture, painting, sculpture, decorative and applied arts, etc. Their diversity and differences are recorded and classified according to criteria developed aesthetic theory and art history: according to the way of reflecting reality (epistemological criterion) - visual, expressive; according to the way of being of an artistic image (ontological criterion) - spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal; according to the method of perception (psychological criterion) - auditory, visual and visual-auditory. However, this is relative. A work that is primarily “fine” is at the same time “expressive” (for example, a pictorial portrait or landscape, acting, etc.), and “expressive” also includes a “figurative” element (such as, for example, “Pictures” from the exhibition” by M. Mussorgsky, dance or architectural image). A classification based on the principle of a dominant feature does not take into account the fact that each type of art uses and represents (in different proportions) all forms and means of artistic “language” - figurativeness, expressiveness, symbolization, temporal and spatial characteristics. Literature occupies a special place in this system of art forms, as the most “synthetic” form of artistic imagery. Types of art are a dynamically developing system: in one era or another, one of the types prevails and becomes dominant (epic and tragedy - in Ancient Greece, architecture and icon painting - in the Middle Ages, cinema and television - in the 20th century). With the development of science and technology, the improvement of communication means, new types of art arise; so, in the beginning 20th century cinema appears, and at the end of it - artistic photography, using the principle of “collage” (a technique developed by Braque and Picasso) and claiming the status of a new visual art.

The question “what is art?” acquires relevance and urgency with the advent of postmodernism, which puts many “old”, classical ideas under, including about the aesthetic, about the artistic, and therefore about art. For postmodernists, they retain their significance only as “transcultural, transtemporal values.” Ancient ideas about realism are being revised. The idea of ​​priority of the so-called is defended. tangible, rather than illusionistic, objects that represent an original means of interaction between artistic expression and the experience of everyday life. Corresponding to this principle, “postmodernist” artistic practice are considered (more precisely, they are presented) as a new and unpredictable step in the rapprochement of art and life, supposedly merging into a “one-time experience.” This approach to art is completely in tune with and adequate to the modernist rejection of a holistic picture of the world, which is in reality discrete and incomplete. However, such a decisive break with the past, the classical heritage is unlikely to be more powerful than the spiritual and practical power of art itself, which continues to amaze and give pleasure to new generations of people.


The concepts of "art" and "culture" are identical for modern man. But still, the concept of “culture” is much broader than the concept of “art”. It includes the entire entire system of arts and each of its types separately, the entire process of formation of works of art over many centuries, the process of perception of art, specialized cultural institutions (theaters, museums, concert halls) that carry out storage and broadcasting artistic values. All this complex system existence of art in artistic culture They study special disciplines - art history and aesthetics, which provide material for cultural analysis.

We find the first aesthetic thoughts about art, about what beauty is, in the most ancient eastern treatises “Veda”, “Avesta”, among ancient philosophers, in religious medieval works. For German philosopher I. Kant's aesthetics is “the science of sensuality in general.” Another understanding of aesthetics as a philosophy of art is presented in the most vivid form in German classical philosophy by G. G. Hegel.

In the 20th century, problems of art were dealt with by such modern sciences like sociology and psychology. The psychology of art studies the psychology of artistic creativity and the psychology of a certain perception of art. The sociology of art studies the patterns of interaction between art and society, their reflection in artistic creativity and performance.

The purpose of this work: to study the place and role of art in the cultural system, to consider the main issues related to the concept of art, its interaction with other spheres of culture.

Concept of art

The definition of art, its essence.

At the moment, there are many definitions of art. Basic definitions of art:

1. It’s called art specific type spiritual reflection and mastery of reality. For many years, art researchers further added: “aimed at the formation and development of a person’s ability to creatively transform the world around him and himself according to the laws of beauty.” The very fact that art has a purpose is controversial. The concept of beauty is relative. In this regard, the standard of beauty can vary greatly in different cultural traditions.

2. Art is one of the elements of culture in which artistic and aesthetic values ​​are accumulated.

3. Art is a form of sensory knowledge of the world. There are three methods of human cognition: rational (based on thinking); sensual (based on emotions); irrational (based on intuition). In the main manifestations of spiritual cultural activities human, denoting the symbolic appearance of culture (science, art, religion), all three are present. Each of these spheres has its own predominant areas: science - rational, art - sensual, religion - intuitive.

4. Art is a field of manifestation creativity person.

5. Art is the process of a person’s mastery of artistic values, which gives him a certain pleasure and enjoyment.

Art is very multifaceted, as is the human soul. Art is a rich world of beautiful images, the desire to understand the meaning of life and human existence, concentration of human creative powers.

Art is the perfection of ancient statues, the grandeur medieval gothic, beautiful images of Renaissance Madonnas, these are the riddles that surrealism asks us. Art is greatest creations Dante and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Pushkin, paintings by Leonardo and Rubens, Picasso and Matisse, brilliant music of Bach and Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, sculptures of Phidias and Polycletus, Rodin and Maillol, performances by Stanislavski and Meyerhold, Brecht and Brook, films Fellini, Bergman, Tarkovsky.

Art is everything that surrounds us in everyday life, everything that comes into our home from TV and video screens, everything that sounds on the stage, in audio recordings.

Artistic images reflect not only reality, but also attitude and worldview cultural eras, the originality of the culture of the people at different times. All these interpretations reflect the accumulated knowledge about art and open up the diverse facets of culture.

The concept of “art” is known to everyone. It surrounds us throughout our lives. Art plays a big role in the development of humanity. It appeared long before the creation of writing. From our article you can learn about the role and tasks.

What is art? general information

The concept of “art” is quite multifaceted. Usually it refers to a branch of human activity that can satisfy one spiritual need, namely the love of beauty. Art is special shape public consciousness. It is precisely this that represents the artistic reflection of human life. Thanks to it, you can find out how people lived in a different time period.

The very first author who revealed the concept of “art” was Charles Bateau. He created a whole treatise in which he classified this branch of human activity. His book " Fine arts"Reduced to One Principle" was published in 1746. Charles Bateau believes that they can be defined according to several criteria. The author is sure that art brings pleasure, and it is also of a spiritual, not physical nature.

The concept of “art” includes painting, music, poetry, architecture and much more that we encounter every day. Any type of artistic activity has certain positive qualities. Every field of art has special way reproduction of reality and artistic tasks. All types of artistic activity are divided into types and genres.
Art is usually divided into three groups:

  • tonic (music and poetry);
  • figurative (architecture, painting and sculpture);
  • mixed (choreography, acting, oratory and others).

There are various types of art:

  • spatial, in which, thanks to construction, a visible image is revealed (sculpture, architecture);
  • temporary, in which the composition unfolding in real time (poetry, music) acquires significance;
  • spatio-temporal - spectacular art ( circus show, cinema, choreography).

Graphic arts

Graphic art is a type that includes drawing and printed graphics of images (engraving, minotopy, etc.). Her means of expression- outline, stroke, background and spot. It is known that this is the most popular form of fine art. In its content and form, graphics have much in common with painting.

Engraving is a type of graphics in which the drawing is a printed impression. It is applied with a special engraver. The engraving can be depicted on metal, wood and linoleum.

Another popular type of graphics is a special method of flat printing, in which printed form serves as the surface of the stone. This type invented in 1798. The image is applied to the stone using a special ink or pencil.

The art of graphics is the most ancient of all existing ones. The first images exist from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Our ancestors scratched designs on cave walls and rocks. After some time, the images were applied to weapons and household items. After writing appeared, graphics were used in the design of letters, books and charters.

Methods for copying designs were unknown for many years. That is why all images were created in a single copy. It's no secret that today graphic drawings in demand among collectors.

In the mid-20th century, specialists began to develop black and white graphics techniques. More than 20 graphic texture options were created. Training manuals were published. Today graphics occupies a leading place in art.


Bento is an unusual art for children and adults. It's no secret that many parents don't know how to teach their child to healthy eating. Today, there is a large selection of unhealthy and even dangerous foods on store shelves. Can come to the rescue the new kind art - bento. It appeared in China. This is the term the Chinese use to describe food that they pack in special boxes and take with them to school or work. A bento is a work of art that you can eat. Talented housewives and chefs create figures from food and small paintings. The main difference between such food is balance and the presence of a large amount of vitamins. The Chinese create edible works of art only from healthy food.

Bento is an art for children and adults, thanks to which the child will be happy to eat healthy foods. In our country it is not yet so popular, but several masters are already known who have mastered this technique.

The influence of art on the consciousness and life of a child. How to explain modern works of art to a child?

Art plays important role in the life of a child and the development of his personality. Today, absolutely every person should have at least basic knowledge about this or that field of activity. Society is developing rapidly, and therefore each personality must be multifaceted. Many modern parents try to instill in their child a love of art as early as possible. For this purpose, a considerable number of parenting methods have been developed that can be used from the first months of a child’s life.

The child receives an understanding of the types of art at school. Typically, parents, teachers and educators pay a lot of attention to writing, reading, counting and other subjects for which the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible. To develop the right, you will need to engage in music, dancing and other types of arts. It is important to develop both hemispheres of the brain in order to later become a fully formed personality.

Thanks to mastering art in a child:

  • personality is formed;
  • the level of intellectual potential increases;
  • moral guidelines are formed;
  • the ability of creative thinking develops;
  • self-confidence appears and self-esteem increases;
  • memory and attention develops;
  • horizons expand.

In order to introduce a child to art, it is important first of all to organize an area in which all the materials necessary for creative activity will be stored. You will need to have several books about art at home. WITH early childhood the child needs to read them. It is important to discuss everything you have learned. To get acquainted with art, you will need to visit museums, galleries, theaters and exhibitions with your child at least once a month. Under no circumstances should you throw away drawings, applications and crafts created by children. Thanks to them you can see creative growth child. It is also important to enroll him in a thematic club as early as possible, activities in which he will like.

Some works of modern art cause bewilderment not only from children, but also from adults. It is not uncommon for one child or another to not understand the architecture that was designed by the modernists. It is important to explain to the student that any work of art is an important stage in the development of humanity.

Children raise many questions abstract paintings. There are a considerable number of special publications, thanks to which parents can show their child how difficult it is to create such a work of art. One of them is “Kandinsky to himself.”

Children are often interested in whether modern and primitive art can be compared. You can find out this and much more in our article.

Art. The history of its development in Russia

Known a large number of various types of arts. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Almost everyone knows what fine art is. Children are introduced to it at an early age.

This is a type of artistic activity, thanks to which a master can, using special means, reproduce the world around him. Its history in Russia is divided into two periods, the border of which was marked by Peter's reforms. B was closely connected with icon veneration. The icons had their own peculiar art style. The purpose of such works of art is to show prayerful composure and peace in communication with God. This is precisely what explains the presence in icons of some artistic means. Over time, the masters mastered and schools of icon painting opened. Most famous work“Trinity” by A. Rublev is considered. Icons from the 15th and 16th centuries are distinguished by their harmony of colors.

In the 17th century, icons of the “Fryazh script” were popular. They are characterized by elements of Western European painting, namely oil paints, a semblance of light and shadow modeling, and accurate depictions of people and nature. Interest in the icon as a work of art arose only in the 19th century.

Old Russian sculpture existed in the form of stone and wood carvings. Most often, masters depicted images of saints. Particular attention was paid to the face. In the 18th and 19th centuries, sculptors and painters from other countries were in demand. After some time they became popular domestic masters.

In the 18th century, it became most popular. It is characterized by the rigor of the design, the convention of color and the use of scenes from the Bible and mythology. Thus, national art gradually emerged.

In 1860-1880, the first galleries opened, and domestic masters became famous throughout the world. New directions are gradually emerging. Each of them occupied an important place in the formation of cultural heritage. In the 18th and 19th centuries, humanity not only knew what fine art was, but also actively used it.

Themes explored in art

Surprisingly, all the themes and problems that the masters reveal in their works of art have been relevant for many centuries. The ancient Romans argued that art, unlike human life, is eternal. This is no coincidence. Themes in art highlight social issues that are often encountered today. That is why they are of great value to humanity. Masters often reveal the theme of love, nature and friendship in their works.

Over time, trends in art change and new masters appear, but the themes and images remain unchanged. That is why any work remains relevant for many years.

Art and its role

The role of art in the life of society is invaluable. It is based on an artistic and figurative reflection of reality. Art shapes the spiritual appearance of people, their feelings, thoughts and worldview. The figurative recreation of reality creates our personality. Art helps you develop and improve yourself. And also to get to know the world around you and yourself.

Art is cultural heritage. Thanks to works of art, you can find out how people lived at one time or another. IN Lately Various art techniques are especially popular. Through art you can learn to control yourself. By creating an artistic object, you can forget about problems and get rid of depression.

Art and its tasks

Maxim Gorky believed that the tasks of art lie in the moral and aesthetic assessment of all significant phenomena. The writer said that thanks to this you can learn to understand yourself, fight vulgarity, be able to understand people and find something good in them. Today three functions of artistic activity are known. The objectives of art are research, journalism and education. Masters believe that the function of artistic activity is to bring beauty into the souls and hearts of people. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol argued that the task of art is to depict reality.

Modern and primitive art

Many people are interested in, At first glance, this is impossible. However, it is not. If we perceive art as a way of personal expression, then both the modern and the primitive are on the same plane. By comparing them, you can understand how a person’s perception has changed.

Human thinking has become more abstract. This indicates the active development of intelligence. Over time, man has changed his priorities and today perceives life differently than his primitive ancestors. Previously, masters were interested in the appearance of the object and its shape, but now main role Emotions are central to the works. This distinction has existed since the end of the 19th century.

Let's sum it up

Important with early age develop not only the left, but also right hemisphere brain To do this you need to practice art. It is especially important to pay due attention to the creative development of the child. We strongly recommend doing this from the first years of his life. Not everyone understands the role, tasks and types of art. The briefly described information in our article allows you to gain basic knowledge about various artistic fields activities.

Art - the sphere of human activity, covering the creative work of creating aesthetically significant objects - works of art, methods of storing them and bringing them to the public by including them in the process of public communication.

Currently, there are many definitions of the concept of “art”. Here are some of them:

"Art- a special form of social consciousness, which is an artistic (figurative) reflection of life. By depicting the world, the artist embodies his thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and ideals in a work of art. He reproduces the phenomena of life and at the same time gives them his assessment, explains their essence and meaning, expresses his understanding of the world." /Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary/

"Art(lat. ars) was the name for any ability to produce skillful work that requires talent, knowledge and experience."

"Art- the totality of all possible types of artistic creativity, including literature"

Art is recognized and defined as a set of types of art, attempts to classify which can be considered only relatively successful.

From the point of view of the material conditions used, it is customary to divide art into three groups:

1) spatial (plastic)

Sculpture, painting, graphics and artistic photography constitute a special group of fine arts.

2) temporary

    music (composing art)


3) spatio-temporal

    acting art (as well as the so-called synthetic art: choreography, theater, cinema, television and video art, variety art, circus)

    computer art

In each of these three groups of art, artistic and creative activity can be used

    signs of a figurative type, i.e. suggesting the similarity of images with sensory-perceived reality (painting, sculpture, graphics - the so-called fine arts; literature; acting)

    signs of a non-figurative type, i.e. not allowing recognition in images of any real objects, phenomena, actions (architecture, music, dance)

    signs of a mixed figurative and non-figurative nature, characteristic of synthetic forms of creativity (synthesis of architecture or decorative and applied arts with fine art, etc.)

It should be taken into account that the list of types of art is not constant in time and space - in different cultures and societies we are dealing with different configurations, moreover, in some cases it can be difficult to draw a rigid line separating artistic activity from non-fiction ( different kinds applied arts, as well as design).

Art reflects the world holistically. The main subject of art is man, social life. The range of phenomena of reality depicted by the artist is usually called the theme of the work,

the inner world of the person depicted is called idea the artist’s emotionally expressed attitude towards the depicted - assessment . The theme, idea and assessment, being inseparable, constitute the content of a work of art.

Modern works of art we call those where complete unity of content and form, design and implementation, and craftsmanship has been achieved. This unity is the basis of the beauty of art. Embodying the artist's ideal, works of art are created according to the laws of beauty, becoming the embodiment and personification of beauty.

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The concept of "art"

What is "art"? This term does not have a simple or intuitive meaning. Most people understand this word to have completely different, contradictory meanings. And at the same time, it is a very important entity that surrounds us from all sides.

Let's try to figure it out. First, let's look at the meaning of this word in the most popular source of information - in the computer encyclopedia Wikipedia: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art

Art(from “the arts of creation”) - the process or result of expressing the inner world in an (artistic) image, a creative combination of elements in a way that reflects feelings or emotions.

For a long time art was considered a form cultural activities that satisfy a person’s love for beauty. Along with the evolution of social aesthetic norms and assessments, any activity aimed at creating expressive forms in accordance with aesthetic ideals has the right to be called art.

On the scale of the entire society, art is a special way of knowing and reflecting reality, one of the forms of social consciousness and part of the spiritual culture both man and all humanity, a diverse result of the creative activity of all generations.

The concept of art is extremely broad - it can manifest itself as extremely developed skill in a particular area.

Agree, it is quite difficult to understand. It’s as if they specially encrypted and hid the meaning from all the uninitiated. Now let’s try to interpret this term in a human way: simpler and more concise.

Art is a tool of culture

It skips in the description keyword, but it is buried in a mass of nonsense. This important word- “culture”. Art - main tool culture. It is through culture that the term “art” is easiest to understand.

Culture is what distinguishes a person from an animal; it is all the accumulated information of humanity, passed on from generation to generation. Animals are in constant development, passing changes to their descendants through genes. Humanity, in addition to genetic development, uses information development. People are born and die, but the information they record remains forever in the culture, and is constantly available to new generations. Art is specific intellectual or physical objects through which culture is transmitted.

There is no need to understand culture only as something lyrical, opposed to the scientific and technical. Official science is only one of the sections of culture. In science, information about the outside world is carefully sorted, sorted, put into shelves, and turned into formulas. Culture contains not only formulas, but also poorly structured information that has not yet been amenable to scientific analysis. People have already grabbed hold of this information, but have not yet fully realized it, so they do not use exact words to describe it, but numerous examples, situations, actions, and similar images.

Doesn't remind you of anything? This poorly structured information is what art is based on.

Art is the transmission of unstructured information.

Filtering art

Does the stingy scientific formulation not suit you? Not surprising. For most people, the word “art” is clearly associated with words such as “beautiful”, “creativity”, “skill”, “skill”, “masterpiece”, but not with the term “unstructured information”. All this can be explained in a little more detail by understanding the process of creating works of art.

Modern authors sometimes create things that are terrible in quality and content, but are nevertheless considered part of art. For real connoisseurs, these facts do not fit in their heads. Art critics even came up with special categories “ modern Art" and "high art" to separate one from the other. The good, the kind, the eternal should not be on the same level as the bad, the evil and the momentary.

But both are art. And you don’t need to think that “modern” is a designation only for what has appeared in our 21st century. Obscene paintings, books, and statues have been sold in markets since time immemorial. Perhaps even in the Stone Age there were cave drawings this kind. Only all these creations, aimed at satisfying current needs, have not survived to this day. When the foam of modernity settles, everything temporary evaporates, leaving only the dry residue of the best masterpieces.

This is how art works: creators create works of various styles, trends, and qualities, but only the best examples—masterpieces—get into the treasury of culture. Masters of their craft are initially aimed at this result - to leave a mark on culture, therefore they consider in their works eternal themes, which will be relevant to both contemporaries and descendants. In people's memory, unpleasant and insignificant events are quickly forgotten, for purely psychophysiological reasons; only pleasant or vivid memories are remembered for a long time, giving emotional strength with each memory. This is why all classical works seem so wonderful to us, and for the same reason we associate the words “art” and “beautiful” together. The input filters of culture are designed in such a way that only that which corresponds to universal human values ​​and contributes to the further development of mankind enters it.

From this point of view, the entire dispute among art critics comes down to what part of art should be considered art: the whole variety of unstructured information, or only what has already passed through the filters of universal human values.

The pace of our lives accelerates every year. The period by which one can determine whether a work has become a classic has been reduced to literally 10-20 years. It is definitely necessary to separate the eternal from the momentary, but for this it is necessary to study both sides of art, and not isolate yourself from modern trends. After all, we, as a whole human community, decide what descendants will watch and what will dissolve in the abyss of time. Every year more and more information appears, and less and less time is given to sort it. Because of this, strange and awkward works suddenly receive the high title of classics. The structure and appreciation of the arts needs to be cleaned up so that more people can participate in the process, and so that cultural filters can do their job as well as they did before the digital age.

Art is the ability to create beauty

Let's consider that very “filtered art” that will ultimately remain in the memory of mankind. To designate it, you can come up with a more elegant and concise formulation:

Art is the ability to create beauty Source of art - Creation(creation).
Medium of art - skill(craft).
The purpose of art is beautiful(spiritual pleasure).

Only three words were needed for the definition, but at the same time the whole meaning fits in them: the source, the means, and the goal.

There are also three actions that are important for art: comprehension new (to motivate creativity), expression thoughts and feelings (to use skills, mastery), belief(to reach the consciousness of connoisseurs). The first three components - the very essence of art, these other three components - do not relate to art, but are necessary for it. In pure, disinterested art, special attention is never paid to these actions. If an emphasis is placed on some element (comprehension, expression, belief), then art becomes a tool for some other action, and ceases to be itself.

Focus on comprehension. The goal is the fame of the author, or notification of the event described, the delivery of information (science, news, PR campaigns, advertising).
Focus on expression. The goal is the trusting relationship necessary for beliefs(deception, exploitation of human weaknesses).
Focus on conviction. The goal is to impose one’s values, one’s point of view, change one’s worldview (authority, religion).

The figure shows a diagram of the art in the form of a regular hexagon. In this diagram, one similarity can be seen, if you move counterclockwise: comprehension, creativity, expression, craft, belief, enjoyment. This is reminiscent of the cycle of any product: study, modeling, design, production, distribution, consumption. It turns out:

Art - the cycle of production of goods for the soul

A hexagon is a closed figure; there is tension inside it. Each face is opposed to its opposite face.

Expression is the opposite of pleasure.

Pleasure is a need, a craving for the beautiful and spiritual. Expression is a possibility, something a person can do. Often there are not enough opportunities to meet needs. To obtain new needs you need to change opportunities.

Craft is opposed to comprehension.

Production is focused on creating ready-made ideas, they are honed to perfection, a lot of effort is put into the finished production. Therefore, the emergence of new knowledge is not beneficial to production: everything will have to be rebuilt to accommodate new ideas, resources will have to be spent on it, and the ideal will have to be achieved again. Changes in production never occur voluntarily, only under the pressure of external circumstances (example: the successful role of an actor closes all other roles for him, he is forced to play what he does best). To comprehend the new you need to distract yourself from the old.

Persuasion is the opposite of creativity.

With the help of persuasion, production products are distributed and consolidated. “Belief” is the same ossified structure as “craft”. It opposes new creations and does not allow them to reach the consumer. (example: true fans of a series of computer games are always met with hostility new game series, no matter how good it is). To create something new, you need to be disappointed in the old.

This internal tension causes the entire system to almost always stand still. Only when one of the three elements of movement (enjoyment, comprehension, creativity) becomes stronger than its opposite (elements of inertia: conviction, craft, expression), only then changes occur in the entire cycle. Changes occur, and immediately the elements of inertia begin to ossify again, until the next change.

Art goods

Now let’s look at what kind of “goods for the soul” art produces.

All art products are sensations with the help of which a person perceives the world around him, namely: smells, tastes, touches, colors, movements, sounds, thoughts. In general, all our sensations about the world can be divided into two groups: sensations of form and sensations of movement. The sensation of color, which is at the junction of these two groups, gives us the most full information about the world.

As can be seen from the diagram, movement and form are two opposites from which the whole world consists. Perhaps consciousness is the third full-fledged component of the world, then the diagram can again be presented in the form of a regular hexagon, but so far this cannot be achieved, there are not enough facts. Try it, maybe you will be able to prove this theory.

Let's consider each sensation separately.

Smell - analysis of the chemical composition of a form at a distance (using gas analysis (individual atoms detached from the analyzed object)).

Taste is a direct analysis of the chemical composition of the form.

Touch is the sensation of encountering form. But the form itself cannot be directly felt.

Acceleration is the sensation of changing speed. If we move at a uniform constant speed, then there is simply nothing to feel it. The sensation of movement itself is inaccessible to consciousness.

Sound is the sensation of waves of air density emitted by the movement of a form. In this case, sound itself is a movement (wave). The hearing that perceives sounds, as it were, analyzes the movements that have occurred around.

Thought - long-term analysis of movements. Represents assumptions about what movements may occur after some time. Assumptions are made on the basis of movements that have already occurred (experience). The more experience, the more complex and closer to the truth the thoughts. It's like a sense of smell, but not for objects and their atoms, but for events and their consequences.

The movement of form is light. As stated above, we cannot directly sense shape and movement. Also, we cannot fully feel their fusion - light. Only a small part of it (called color) is accessible to perception.

All sensations of movement and the sensation of color are simulated by a person using a computer. A new one is practically being created virtual world, for the completeness of which only the sensations of taste, smell, and touch are missing. And people are constantly trying to make virtuality more and more like the real world.

God, who created the world, created man in his own image and likeness. Man’s desire to create and create is that piece of God that he endowed us with, possessing which we become like gods. Art is a manifestation of the desire to create and create your own own world like God. Previously, creators created only separate parts of the world they conceived, now well-coordinated teams of creators create entire imagined worlds.

There is a universal rule: “90% of everything created in the world is complete nonsense and is not worth your attention.” This rule applies to art and all its types separately. In every form: in music, in films, and in computer games - only about 10% of all works created are real masterpieces, everything else is slag, making up 90%. There's nothing good in it, but it's necessary, it's trash dark background on which they shine bright light the remaining 10% of the works.

Classification, types and forms of art

Let us analyze all the forms of art created by mankind according to their composition of sensations.

Let's start looking at the diagram from bottom to top. We look at a person and highlight all his senses: nose (smell), tongue (taste), skin (touch), eyes (vision), ears (hearing). There is also something with which it evokes feelings: the whole body and mouth ( vocal cords). Well, what ultimately processes all the received feelings is the brain.

Encoding. All senses can be encoded: thought can be encoded into text, sound, movement, color and shape; sound can be encoded into text or image; shape is encoded as color; and in general, everything that does not have a form, everything that consists only of waves - color (as well as form encoded into color), movement, sound, thought - everything can be encoded as a sequence of “0” and “1”.

The nose perceives smells, and the only form of human activity that works on these senses is perfumery. It is very controversial to call perfumery art, but calling it low art (as opposed to the expression “high art”) is quite possible. Smells in the physical sense are the recognition of chemical elements in a gaseous state.

The tongue perceives tastes, and again there is only one form of human activity that works on these feelings - cooking. But cooking is more complex, it includes the creation of smells, tastes, and shapes. The same applies to lower art. Taste in the physical sense is the recognition of chemical elements that are in any state, unlike odors, but only in close proximity.

The skin perceives the touch of other physical objects. Shape sensations are used in design of all varieties, in fine arts, V sports(the art of sports includes cybersport , military art). The form is directly felt only in the immediate vicinity, so most often its sensations are perceived at a distance using color coding.

The eyes perceive color that carries most information about the surrounding world. As already mentioned, form and movement are encoded in it, and all types of art related to them also apply to color. But the main thing for the eyes is fine art, which, with the advent of special devices, was continued in the form photographic art And animations.

At the intersection of movements and sounds is theater. Sounds themselves are used in more complex types arts, and are also divided according to their form into music , singing, speech. Speech is sounds that carry thought, and includes calligraphy. But the main thing is what thoughts are contained in this text. A special type of thought is humor. The controversial point is whether it is art at all? But in our country this is true special kind art. Includes such forms as jokes, parodies, gags. The text is used in more complex forms: in literature(books) and press(newspapers, magazines), while additionally using images in the form of photographs.

The higher up on the diagram, the newer the storage media storing works of art.

With the advent of video recording, the old arts were transformed. The theater was transformed into movie. Musical compositions V video clips. Other types of art of movement and sound: animation, sports, dance, concerts - have not changed, but have become available in the form of recordings.

With the advent of computers and the binary storage system, most previous storage media (such as image, video, audio, text) can be encoded and stored in this binary system without modification. Some old forms of art have been transformed into new ones on the computer: design + animation in modeling, text + movement in programming. And on the basis of these new arts even more complex ones appeared - computer and video games(modeling(design, image, animation), theater(movement, sound, music, speech), programming(movement, text)) and sites(programming (motion, text), press, animation).

At the very top of the diagram are information intermediaries.

Designs, images and photographs can be found at exhibitions.

Animations and films are created and reproduced in film studios.

Musical compositions are replicated in music studios.

Literature and press are published in book publishing houses.

Computer games are created and published in computer studios and publishing houses.

Television distributes everything that can be encoded in video.

Radio distributes everything that can be encoded into audio.

The Internet distributes everything that can be encoded into a binary system.

A more correct, but also more difficult to understand, diagram of the arts

To enlarge the image, click on it


Thus, computer games are a composite art form, consisting of many previous art forms. And the Internet is a huge public museum of almost everyone known species creativity.

The only difference from classical art is that this is new and not yet filtered information. Masterpieces on the Internet are placed on the same shelves next to low-grade works that will be forgotten in a week. So far, only individual specialists can understand the information diversity of the oversaturated market. We, on this site, will help you navigate the turbulent flow of the modern look art.

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