Engraving of a painting on metal. Chisel engraving

At the end of May 2017, the Yandex Zen service became available to publishers and independent authors. This is Yandex’s personal recommendation service: smart technology creates a feed of posts, adapting to the user’s interests. Anyone can create their own channel on Zen - a representative of a major media outlet, an editor, a blogger and an ordinary person.

How to create a channel

Select a topic and title

Before creating a channel, think about what you will write about. Some publish posts only on certain topics - for example, on the channel “ Colonel » there are records about Russian structures Ministry of Internal Affairs: about corruption, cases from practice, everyday calls. Other authors write about everything, publishing news and hype posts, or covering several topics at once.

We recommend choosing a topic that is interesting to you and at least somewhat understandable. This way you will spend less time preparing the material, and interest in the channel will not fade away after several publications. But keep in mind that narrow-profile publications are most likely not suitable. After all, the service’s audience is very diverse, and those who get a large number of views can earn a lot.

The name of the channel should correspond to the chosen topic or be abstract but attractive if you decide not to stick to one topic. We recommend keeping it in one or two words so as not to burden users with long constructions.

Create a channel

We have prepared step-by-step instructions for creating your own channel on Yandex.Zen.

→ Go to the pagezen.yandex.ru/media . You won't be able to register from the service's main page. They publish only current posts and tell a little about the service itself.

→ Click the “Login” button. If you have a Yandex account (mail on yandex.ru), the account page in the service will automatically open in front of you. If you are not registered in Yandex PS, create an email atyandex.ru.

→ Click on blue button"I" in the top left corner of the screen. Add a description, a link to your website and contact information. You can do this later, but it’s better to set up a channel in advance to make it easier to attract subscribers.

→ Accept the terms of the user agreement. Without this, you will not be able to fully publish posts. You can read the agreementon a separate page Yandex.

How to create content

To create content on your channel, click the green "+" sign in the top left corner of the screen. Select the desired format in the pop-up window and explore all the editor's features to create a beautiful publication.

Articles. Articles are the most simple form publication, which was available to publishers and authors from the first days of the service’s opening. It appears in the feed along with publications on media websites. The editor's capabilities are minimal, but they are quite enough for high-quality visual design. The title must be entered in a separate field. You can add h2 and h3 headings to the body of the article, as well as various visual elements: for example, a picture or external code. The text can be formatted as quotes, bolded, italicized, and underlined. You can also add hyperlinks. To add a picture or code, you need to press “Enter” and click on the pop-up icon. To beautifully design the text, you need to select it and select the appropriate icon in the small window that appears.

Narrative. Narrative - new form publications in Yandex.Zen. Essentially this is a small slide show. It is published in the general service feed in the same way as articles and links to third-party publications in the media. According to the service itself, “a narrative is a short, meaningful story, complemented by pictures, videos or gifs.” You can add an image, GIF or video, as well as a title to the first slide. You can choose the background color and header color. On the next slides you can add gifs, pictures, videos, as well as links and text. Text can be made bold, underlined, strikethrough, and positioned to the right, left, and center. Just first you need to write the text, and then “decorate” it. By the way: the most beautiful narratives end up in the premium feed.

Video. This format is not yet operational, but it will soon be made available to all authors and publishers. Apparently, it will be possible to add one or more videos, as well as add captions, titles, and links to them.

All types of created content are automatically saved in a draft - if you leave the service without finishing your work, you can easily complete it later. Created posts can be published immediately or later, from a draft.

How to promote a channel

To start making money from publications in Yandex.Zen, you need to promote your channel. On the very first day you can get away from the number of 0 subscribers. Here are some ways to promote your new channel:

  1. Tell your audience about it. If you have your own website or group on a social network, tell readers that you have your own channel on the service. Depending on the activity on your site or in a group, you can get 1-2 subscribers or 1000-2000 new readers.
  2. Ask your friends to subscribe to the channel. This will give you a small number of followers and will have little impact on your engagement rate if your friends don't read your posts. However, it will help to collect the minimum necessary for further advancement.
  3. Publish new materials. All new materials appear in the feed. The more interesting you write, the more subscribers will come naturally after reading the publications.

It was possible to promote your channel in a few days earlier, when there was almost no competition. Now the feed is literally flooded with publications, and new authors find themselves in a vicious circle: users more often see content from channels with subscribers, and the only way to get subscribers without cheating is with new publications. Many authors note that to get traffic and first subscriptions you need to publish 10-50 articles or narratives.

How your publications will be displayed in Yandex.Zen

The service feed is located atzen.yandex.ru . Everyone has their own, because smart technology adapts to the interests of the user. New users or those who are not subscribed to any channel see all publications that appeared on the service in the last few minutes. To see interesting notes, the feed needs to be configured.

You can easily set up your feed: subscribe to interesting channels and “dislike” posts that are not interesting to you. Then you will see content from the authors you like. New posts from other authors will still appear in the feed, but there will be fewer of them compared to the feeds of users who do not subscribe to any channel.

It is impossible to customize your publications so that they are seen by as many users as possible. Your posts will appear in the general feed of those who subscribe to your channel.

"Yandex.Zen" for authors - how to make money

Immediately after the service was opened, it was easy for authors to earn money: money was awarded for almost every view. Now monetization is available only to authors with a large number of views. Monetization will open to you if you collect at least 7,000 reads in 7 days, and the minimum time for viewing posts should be more than 40 seconds. Views under 40 seconds are not taken into account in the statistics. And statistics for each entry can be viewed in publications, in the editor: the number of impressions of content in the general feed, the number of views, likes and dislikes is indicated there.

After reaching the minimum number of reads, the author can choose one of two monetization methods:

Simple income.In this case, advertisements will be automatically placed in your publications, and you will receive money for viewing them. Even Yandex does not publish exact income figures, so it is very difficult to give a forecast of income.

If necessary, you can always disable, enable or change the monetization method. In any case, to receive money, you will need to fill out an agreement and upload documents into the system - for example, TIN and SNILS - because the service pays taxes for the authors. Therefore, many inventive authors popular channels They also monetize them through direct advertising: they place links to advertisers in publications and receive money for it.

Do you think Yandex.Zen has the prospect of becoming the largest blogging platform? And is it possible for a simple author to make money from publications? Share your opinion in the comments.

To create your own channel in Zen, all you need to do is log in. To log in to Zen, you can use your Yandex or social network account.

Is it possible to link the Zen channel to a personal account on Yandex?

This is appropriate if you run a personal channel and post only your own publications in it.

If you are an employee of a publishing house or company, register a separate account for Zen on Yandex and share it with your colleagues. Be sure to link your phone to your account. This will be useful when restoring access to your account.

Is it possible to register a legal entity on Zen?

No, currently an account on Zen can only be created for an individual.

Is it possible to link several Yandex accounts to one Zen account?

Currently, only one Yandex account can be linked to one Zen account.

How to change channel owner?

We will move old posts to new account, if we receive a written statement from the person whose name was indicated in the questionnaire when registering the channel. Send your application to Zen support:

Form feedback

How do I change my channel URL?

Note. Currently, only domain name owners can change URLs. This is a temporary situation, soon Various types authors will be able to assign a short URL to the channel.

Upon registration, each channel automatically receives a unique URL, which consists of a random set of characters. If you want to change it to a simpler and more beautiful one, write to Zen support.


The new URL should match the domain URL as closely as possible. It can only contain:

  • letters of the Latin alphabet;
  • numbers;
  • underscore.

Write to support service

Where are the channel settings?

You can access the channel settings by clicking the settings button in the upper left corner of the Editor.

In the settings, you can change the channel name, description, logo and email address to which notifications about events related to the channel will be sent.

Logo requirements:

  • PNG, JPG, BMP or SVG format;
  • aspect ratio 1:1 (square);
  • width from 156 pixels, height from 156 pixels;
  • lack of animation.

It is desirable (but not required) that the logo:

  • had an opaque background (otherwise the background will be selected automatically, which may distort appearance logo);
  • did not contain inscriptions, since when scaled they may become unreadable.

Yandex.Zen is, as everyone already knows, a new, or rather, relatively new service from the Yandex company. One of the many innovations introduced by the company for the convenience and pleasure of users. IN in this case The service is designed to brighten up the public's leisure time. The publication feed adapts to their needs and shows only articles that are interesting to them.

It is known that since the first half of last year, readers of the Zen recommendations feed have had the opportunity to also become authors of the service. Around the same time, information was revealed that especially popular authors of Zen articles would be paid for publications. And it was precisely this moment that perhaps attracted greatest number. And it should be noted that Zen really pays, as shown by numerous screenshots and the continued influx of young authors on the service.

How to start your first channel on Yandex Zen

So let's get started. How to start a channel on the Zen service? First you need to log in (for this you definitely need a Yandex account). If it is not there, register it. If there is, great. The official Zen website contains informational text and several buttons, including “ ” right in front of your eyes and “ ” at the top of the page. You can click on any of these two buttons. One way or another you will end up in your Zen blog. Congratulations on creating your first channel! As you can see, everything is quite simple.

It's worth taking a closer look and finding out what's what. Pay attention to the “Me” button, which gives you access to your channel’s settings panel. Before you start publishing your work on the channel, it would be advisable to formalize it. To do this, you just need to indicate the name and description of the channel, which will tell your readers what topic your channel belongs to. Be sure to also include your email and number mobile phone so that you can contact Zena if any problems arise. And don't forget to agree to the terms of the user agreement.

Let's move on. There are already three preview drafts on your channel. They contain information about working with the service. The plus icon will help you article. At your choice, this can be an article or . More videos are expected to be added soon. By the way, a video can be inserted into an article or narrative using special encoding.

It is noteworthy that not only maintaining a channel will help you make money on this service. In addition, you can also use a special adapted one to connect your website to Zen. If, of course, you have one. This way you can attract more unique visitors to your portal.

How to create a second channel on Yandex.Zen

Of course, in the service Zen is a relative concept. Some take a couple of weeks, others several months. And for some, nothing works out at all, and he simply gives up on this business. And the main reason for the failures was that I couldn’t guess the subject of the articles. If you didn’t come to Zen for the money, then nothing prevents you from continuing to publish your work.

But it is worth noting that many of those who have learned to make money on Yandex.Zen sooner or later want even more earnings. And for this, the most obvious option would be to create another channel. But if there is already one, how can you create another one? Isn't this prohibited by the rules?

Strictly speaking, there is nothing particularly illegal in creating another channel. But whether you will be able to create it is the question. Since one Yandex account allows the creation of only one Zen channel. Besides, this is still half the “trouble”. If you are lucky and your second channel is also offered to enable monetization, you will have to submit scans of your passport and other personal data for review. And it is unknown whether they will be missed by moderation. However, there is also the option that the name in the passport simply must match the account name.

Good day, my Dear friends and readers! Do you know what Yandex.Zen is? Do you know about the possibility of earning money on this channel? If not, then I will tell you about how to create a Zen channel, how to set it up, and in the following articles about how to write for it, how to create narratives, how to monetize.

What is Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen is a personal recommendation service built into the Yandex browser. What is hidden behind the phrase “personal recommendation service”? This is a selection of news and other publications that may be of interest to readers. The selection of what to show to you personally is made by artificial intelligence.

This is a relatively new platform that is rapidly gaining momentum. Just look at the place in the ranking according to liveinternet.ru statistics.

Why do you need a channel on Yandex.Zen

Your own channel on Yandex Zen is a great opportunity to make money on the Internet. The beauty of it is that the requirements are not as stringent as for blogs. The volume of articles is much smaller; it is possible to create narratives that are initially designed for viewing on a mobile phone.

Blog owners also benefit from creating their own channel. In Zen, it is possible to link your blog to a channel if certain conditions are met:

  1. You need to have the required number of views over a certain period of time.
  2. The note viewing time indicator should correspond to the Zen parameters.

The popularity of a channel is determined by likes and the number of subscribers.

How to create a Zen channel - step-by-step instructions with photos

Yandex account

Register an account in Yandex. It is not difficult:

  • Create a username and password
  • Link your phone number
  • Confirm registration

If you already have one, just skip this step.

Create your own channel

It will open for you new page. This is your future workplace.

Read all the rules. Cards are clickable. Everything is stated quite clearly. I'll give you little tips on how best to set up the channel.

Here is the link where you will find useful information: TOP Yandex.Zen channels. Check out the TOP channels. Useful when determining the theme of your channel.

“Editor” panel – what and how to fill in?

By clicking on the icon with the letter “I”, you will be taken to the Yandex.Zen or “Editor” settings panel.

Don’t rush to name your channel right away. Call it by your name. You can change the name, avatar and description at any time and more than once. But you need to configure everything correctly right away.

Dream about how money will flow to you like a river. And let's continue setting up the channel.

How to get a Yandex.Metrica counter and link it to a channel?

Click on the blue Yandex letters. Metrics. or add it through the Yandex.Webmaster panel if you are creating a channel for the account where you have already registered a counter for the site.

Those who are familiar with the meter binding procedure can relax. For the rest, read carefully.

  • Fill in the “counter name” column.

For now we have a conditional name - your name.

  • Fill in the “Site Address” column

To do this, copy the long abracadabra into the editor's address bar. This is what we put in the “Site Address” field.

  • Select “turn on” the web viewer and the company.

They will monitor your channel visitors. We'll talk about how to track statistics later.

  • We accept the terms of the User Agreement.
  • Click create counter.

A new field will open on the page. Here it is, black. Not

Pay attention to the options offered.

We only need the meter number.

Click on “Counters” in the top line. And we get to a new page.

  • Copy the meter number, select the inscription in the editor of your Zen channel “Connect metric”.
  • Paste the meter number into the window that opens and click “link”.
  • The counter binding procedure is completed.

How to fill out the remaining fields?

I think that there will be no difficulties with the other fields.

Indicate the phone number to which this Yandex mail is linked, and indicate it in the “mail” field. Then you won't have to wait for a confirmation code.

We agree with everything and confirm everything. Registration is completely completed. Congratulations!

How to name the channel and what to write in the channel description

Themes for channels may be different. Think about what is closer to you. The narrower the topic, the easier it is to reach the target audience. Based on the topic, come up with a name for the channel. In my example, I have “Old Records”. It’s immediately clear that the channel is about music. I will write this down in the description, adding triggers to hook the reader.

The description can be either brief or more detailed. You can write a few words about yourself and introduce yourself to your readers.

How to create a second Zen channel

The channel is linked to an account, therefore, only one channel can be created per account.

If you want more, register a new mail on Yandex and repeat the entire procedure of connecting the Zen channel again.

How many Zen channels can you create?

How much strength do you have? This is not just a toy. For a webmaster, this is a place of work. How much volume can you perform without compromising quality and your health?

What else do you want to know about how to create your own Zen channel?

Perhaps I did not take into account all the points when writing the article. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will answer with pleasure.

Follow my blog posts. There will be other articles about Yandex.Zen: about how to make money on the channel, how to collect a subscriber base, how to format an article or narrative...

I created Zen channel a few days ago. I would be grateful if you stop by, read the notes, like and subscribe to the channel.

Subscribe to the blog to always stay up to date with news!
Good luck to all of us!

You will learn how to become an author on Yandex.Zen. We will tell you how to register an account and create own channel, what content is best to publish and how to promote it correctly. You will also find out how many channels you can create in Yandex.Zen.

12.06.2018 Sergey Glushkov

Creating your own channel in Yandex.Zen is a trend today. The new service of the Yandex brand is still an experiment, but it already gives independent authors access to a multimillion-dollar audience.

Even the largest Russian media outlets organize the broadcast of their news messages on this platform. Whether you should follow their example and, if so, how to do it correctly, you will find out from our new article.

Why create a channel in Yandex.Zen

Zen is an online publishing platform of a new format. First of all, it is of interest to those who seek to convey information to the widest and, most importantly, interested audience. With its help, it is possible to solve quite commercial problems: make money by displaying advertisements that the service automatically inserts into publications.

But who said that self-realization and earnings are incompatible?

How to do it correctly - instructions for authors

If you want to follow the example of the hero of our story in order to tell the world about the rules of training male cats, the secrets of skin care in winter period or ways to cook rabbit meat (and make money at the same time), you will find our advice useful.

Read the instructions and put them into practice.

How to register an account in Yandex

Any user registered in Yandex has the right to become an author in Zen. The account provides access to all Yandex services - from Mail to Money. If you don't have a Yandex.Mail account yet, it's time to register. It’s as easy as pie to do this: open the main page of the Yandex.ru website and click on the “Create mail” button in the upper right corner.

Fill out the registration form that opens, indicating your first and last name, your username and password, and your phone number. Click the “Register” button – and your account is ready! Now only one step separates you from creating a new resource.

How to create your own channel

Go to the website Zen.yandex.ru. You will see a feed of publications from other authors selected for you.

But you want to be not a reader, but a writer? Feel free to click on the inscription “Become an author” in the upper right corner of the page - and without unnecessary “dancing with tambourines” you will see Personal Area manage your personal channel!

How to fill out the Editor panel

Intuitive interface, several buttons - you definitely won’t get lost here! In addition, the platform developers have carefully prepared three educational articles for you.

Your hand is reaching out to the green button with the plus sign to post your first material... But don’t rush! First, we recommend pressing another button - the leftmost one (blue, with the letter Z). The “Editor” panel will open in front of you. Enter here basic information about the future project: give it a name, upload a logo, add a description, indicate your phone number and email.

And this is what the “Editor” panel began to look like after our friend Leva put his hand to it:

Please note: the channel address is set automatically, it cannot be changed, or rather, not yet: when your resource gains popularity, the platform administration will give you this opportunity.

How to get a Yandex.Metrica counter and link it to a channel

If you are determined to approach the development of your project like a real professional, you will need to monitor user behavior: how many people read your materials, how long do they stay, what exactly do they read, what do they click on, and so on.

This means that your resource needs a statistics service. Fortunately, Yandex already has such a service - Yandex.Metrica. All that remains is to create your own counter and “attach” it to your channel.

Proceed like this:

  1. Go to https://metrika.yandex.ru/add.
  2. In the form that opens, specify the name of the counter and its address (copy from the “Editor” panel).
  3. Please enter your time zone.
  4. Turn on the toggle switch in the line “Webvisor, scroll map, form analytics” - this will give you access to advanced tools for analyzing visitor behavior.
  5. Check the “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” checkbox.

The setup is complete!

Click the “Create counter” button - and it is created! All that remains is to link it to your resource. The service offers three methods of such binding. Select the second one - “CMS and website builders”.

In the text below the select button, find the unique number of your meter and copy it.

Now go back to the Editor panel. At the very bottom you will find the “Metrics” item. Click on the “Connect Metric” button, paste the copied meter number into the field that opens and click the “Link” button. Now your project has its own counter!

How to create a second channel

Before Lev had time to publish his first entry, the idea came to him to launch another project, devoting it to his hobby - fishing. But no matter how hard he tried to find a button to start another stream of messages, he could not find it.

The platform is built on the principle of “one account – one channel”. Therefore, if you want to create a second resource, you will have to register another Yandex account (read: another Yandex.Mail mailbox).

How many channels can you create?

From the above it follows that the answer to next question- “How many projects in Yandex.Zen can one author manage?” Answer: the same number as Yandex.Mail mailboxes. That is, an unlimited number. Just don’t forget all your logins and passwords!

What content can you publish?

Zen publishes three types of content – ​​articles, “narratives” and videos.

True, since this platform is still young and experimental in nature, only individual authors have so far received the real opportunity to publish videos. Everyone else has to be content with only articles and “narratives.”


Articles in Zen are publications that contain text, pictures and - lo and behold! - ...videos! That is, although videos as independent publications are not yet available to you, no one forbids you to post them inside your articles, borrowing from Youtube, VKontakte and other social networks.

To create an article, click the familiar green button with a white plus sign and select “Article” from the pop-up menu. In the editor that opens, type text, insert videos, images and links to posts into in social networks. When everything is ready, click the "Publish" button in the upper right corner of the editor.

By the way, Lev Levchenko is already writing his first article.


“Narrative” – what kind of animal is this? This is a special format for smartphones: something like a slide show of several frames, on each of which you can place small text(maximum 300 characters), image, video.

To create a “narrative”, click on the green button again and select the menu item of the same name.

Here is the first slide of the “narrative”, which Lev Levchenko sat down to prepare.


This option is not yet available, but will soon be available to all authors.

There is no mechanism for monetizing videos on the platform (at least for now). So even when video posting becomes available to all authors, you still won’t be able to make money from publishing viral videos.

But the videos can bring new subscribers to your resource! It is expected that the platform will support the publication of videos up to two minutes long and up to a thousand megabytes in size.

Whatever your purpose for publishing your posts, it is obvious that the more readers you have, the better.

And although the platform can attract traffic without any special effort on your part, there are still some things you can do.

Lev Levchenko already had his own official website as a financial advisor, as well as his own Facebook page. Therefore, he did not fail to inform visitors of both resources about the appearance of his own Zen project and invited them to become one of his first subscribers.

The next day, having come to a friend’s birthday party, Leva proudly notified his friends about the appearance of his personal channel and, of course, urged them to subscribe. And when friends said that they were not interested in finance, one of Levi’s phrases, “Well, do you feel sorry for supporting my project?” It was enough for his brainchild to acquire three more subscribers.

But main way promoting projects on a new platform - a lot of content, good and... very good. That is why Lev Levchenko promised himself to publish at least one valuable article or “narrative” every day.

Is it worth bothering with maintaining a channel - the authors’ opinion

If you are creating a channel with the noble goal of promoting advanced ideas, it’s definitely worth the trouble. Let's say you want to convince humanity to take the path of total vegetarianism. Let your many years of work save the life of just one animal, the game is worth the candle, isn’t it? But if your main goal is money, then everything is not so simple.

Here is a video about Wiki's success:

But there are also dissatisfied reviews. The skeptics are understandable.

Monetization on the platform is available only for projects that can boast at least seven thousand readers per week, and only those who read the publication to the end and spent at least 40 seconds on it are taken into account. As the competition in Zen becomes more and more intense, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach this level, much less reach the top.

Thus, a certain Artem complains online that neither of his two projects has reached the level of monetization.

But another user, Ramil, believes that the project will pay for itself many times over, even if you order articles for it on a paid basis.


Although Yandex.Zen is unlikely to make you a mega-popular author and, in addition, make you rich, for now it is the only platform that allows you to attract free traffic to your resource and even make money on it without investing a penny in promotion. So don’t hesitate – the competition is growing, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to conquer this peak!