What is the meaning of the fairy tale The Fox and the Hare. The fairy tale "The Hare and the Fox" - a work for the little ones

The Fox and the Hare is a Russian folk tale. This is a fairy tale about an evil and cunning forest. And also that even the smallest Cockerel in the forest can be the bravest, while a dog, a bull and even a bear can be a coward. That is, courage does not depend on growth and strength, but depends on perseverance and patience.

Younger schoolchildren can read this fairy tale themselves, and preschoolers will have it read and analyzed by their teachers or parents.

Fox and Hare

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut made of soft linden bark. Spring came. The fox's hut has melted, but the hare's hut is still there. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut.

A bunny is walking along the road, crying. A dog meets him:

— Tuff, tuff, tuff! What, bunny, are you crying?

- Don't cry, bunny! I will help you.

They went to the hut. The dog barked:

- Woof woof woof! Go, fox, get out!

And the fox says to them from the stove:

The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny walks along the road again, crying. A bear meets him:

-What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Her hut melted. She asked me to spend the night with me, but she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, I'll help you.

- No, you won’t help. The dog wanted to help me, but he didn’t drive the fox out, and you can’t drive him out either.

- No, I’ll kick you out!

They approached the hut. The bear will scream:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox answers them from the stove:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, it won’t be good for you!

The bear got scared and ran away.

The bunny is coming again. A bull meets him:

- What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Her hut melted. She asked me to spend the night with me, but she kicked me out.

- Let's go, I'll help you.

- No, bull, you can’t help. The dog wanted to help me, but he didn’t drive the fox out, and the bear didn’t drive him out, and you won’t drive him out.

- No, I’ll kick you out!

They approached the hut. The bull roared:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox answers them from the stove:

- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, it won’t be good for you!

The bull got scared and ran away.

The bunny walks along the road again, crying even more. And a rooster with a scythe meets him:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Her hut melted. She asked me to spend the night with me, but she kicked me out.

- Let's go, I'll help you.

- No, rooster, you can’t help. The dog wanted to help me, but he didn’t kick out the fox, and the bear didn’t kick him out, and the bull didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out.

- No, I'll kick you out.

They approached the hut. The rooster stomped and beat his wings:

Get out of the house, fox!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- I’m putting on my shoes...

The rooster stomped again and beat his wings:

Ku-ka-re-ku! My braid is sharp.

Get out of the house, fox!

Lisa says again:

- I'm getting dressed...

The rooster stomped for the third time and beat his wings:

Ku-ka-re-ku! My braid is sharp.

Get out of the house, fox!

Then the fox ran out of the hut and ran away. The rooster and the bunny began to live and live in a bast hut.

Do Russian fairy tales have a secret meaning?
Maybe they contain secret knowledge that we have yet to understand...

From the early childhood they tell us fairy tales. The child lives in a world of magic, fantasy, trying to understand where is good and where is evil. Do we even need fairy tales? Do we understand and interpret them correctly? Maybe fairy tales contain some knowledge that we have yet to learn?

The teacher talks about this highest category, teacher of “History of Russian Culture” at school No. 195 Svetlana Kuryachaya.

Unfortunately, we have a situation traditional approach to listening to fairy tales, as to watching television program: I listened, had some fun, left and forgot. In fact, fairy tales were formed so that they were thought about, comprehended and certain conclusions were drawn. No wonder Pushkin said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

From this point of view we need to approach the Russian folk tale. And also take into account folk traditions- when these tales took shape, consider them from the point of view of rituals, rites, people’s ideas about life, that is, read them in the language in which they were written.

We read the fairy tale from our positions. But some fairy tales are seven to ten thousand years old! Fairy tales are all filled with metaphors and images. You also need to be able to understand these metaphors. More often than not, we don’t know what is behind each image. Probably thanks to this, fairy tales preserve what was originally inherent in them. Not understanding, people did not make their own interpretations, but conveyed everything as it was.

In Zayushkina's Hut, children are unobtrusively told about the change of seasons. The fox is winter, the hare is summer. The bunny turns to various animals for help, which in life could easily defeat the fox. But the cockerel wins - the sun, which the fox - winter - is very afraid of.

We read a fairy tale.

However, when searching for the truth, the most important thing is to go to the source. Well, it is impossible, relying on the modern alphabet, to understand the full depth of meaning of even the alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet). The same is true with any text. This is the first thing. Secondly, when searching for meaning, it is equally important to pay attention to details. After all, it is known that “ the devil is in the details" One of the levels of understanding of this instruction is that in any interaction with both external and internal space, it is necessary to take into account ALL the little things and nuances that can be noticed and grasped by consciousness. Sometimes a detail means much more in finding the answer to a question than everything else taken together...

Anyway, about the fairy tale. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the original source (I hope so far), but coming to terms with the proposed interpretations of this tale is beyond my strength. Therefore, I will try to give my understanding of the meaning of this tale, based on the sources available to me.

I’ll start by observing how the name of the fairy tale changed and led further and further away from the original meaning: “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, “The Fox and the Hare” and “Zayushkina’s Hut”. But the point here is not even entirely that “ whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail" Here the problem is more serious - the one that Confucius formulated: “ If the name is given incorrectly, then speech is not obeyed, then the matter cannot be formed. If the name is given correctly, if speech obeys, then the matter will be formed." In other words, Name- it's not only pointer directions search for meaning is also a kind of level limiter, on which this search is carried out, and, accordingly, search depth.

So, the fairy tale has three names: “ Fox, Hare and Rooster», « Fox and Hare " And " Zayushkin's hut " In the latter case, attention is focused on the hut. And, of course, the search hidden meanings will focus on the role of the hut and its significance. This is some kind of vulgar materialism in action. Classic division of material assets. Other meanings at this level are simply not visible. A sort of search in shallow water without the possibility of swimming to depth. Hence the idea that this tale is about social justice. And the fact that the Hare in the latest versions of the fairy tale has become a whining whiner works precisely to develop the image of an unjustly offended person, turning to everyone he meets for help, until he is finally lucky enough to find an intercessor.

Although, by the way, the name “ Fox, Hare and Rooster"in the context of today's tolerance and direction of thought" Why did Lisa run away from Zayushkina's hut?"() - involves a search for meaning within the framework of physiology and the “classical” triangle - he, she and... he. Moreover, no one even thinks that those who composed this fairy tale - and this, of course, Vedic fairy tale - such a level of meaning even in nightmare couldn't imagine! Truly: " It is not possible for us to predict how our word will respond"(F.I. Tyutchev).

So, the key positions indicated in the title are the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster. Please note: in a fairy tale there are usually 5-6 participants in events - in addition to the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster - these are the Goat/Dog(s)/Wolf, Bear and Bull. And there are only three indicators of the search for directions of meaning - the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster. What do they symbolize? What images are conveyed?

To see this, you need to understand that this fairy tale was written in order to show various systems values ​​and approaches to life, mechanism of action Dark Forces And ways to fight the Dark Ones.

Hut in in this case does not symbolize material values, and spiritual: inner space, true “I” and the level of capabilities of the creator (Hare) and consumer (Fox).

The images of the huts represent two directly opposite value systems, two mutually exclusive approaches to life. Fundamentally different.

One is focused on internal comfort and convenience (functionality).

The other is for external shine and prestige (the impression made).

For one, everything is in accordance with the principle of expediency, necessity and sufficiency. No frills. In some versions of the tale hare hut are called hut. That is, a very simple, unremarkable house for living.

And the other has an emphasis precisely on excesses. In Khodataeva’s cartoon, the Fox looks in a large mirror at home and pours water on the hut to make it shine. Norshtein’s cartoon about the Fox’s hut directly says: “ Neither give nor take - crystal palace! ».

The first approach is based on Truth, when the internal and external space is built in all directions, mainly “vertically”, “in depth”. In the hare's "hut" there is a stove - a source of warmth and comfort, which in principle (!) cannot be in the Fox's ice "palace". This approach (and this is the approach of Light entities) together with creative abilities allows you to create something fundamentally new, transforming existing means beyond recognition. Everything about the Hare is thought out to the smallest detail. Look: the Hare’s hut is made of bast. Bast, splint is that part of the wood that is located under the bark. It turns out that the Hare built his house from logs peeled from bark. And the bark, apparently, was suitable for Kosom’s food. So much for waste-free production! And the practicality inherent in the inhabitants of a temperate climate, in which, by the way, our ancestors were formed as an ethnic group and which (the climate) forced them to be inventive, “moderate” and practical. Nature itself pushed towards zealous and careful attitude to everything around you.

The second approach is based on lie, when the internal and external space is built “horizontally”, “in width”. Lying is superficial, " non-existent", as Aristotle wrote, or vain(transitory, temporary), which is mentioned in all religious sources including. The fact is that representatives of the Dark Forces are not capable of creating something fundamentally new; they can only make do with improvised means and “show off.” In this case improvised means- the ice from which Lisa made “ neither give nor take - the crystal palace" On our planet Midgard-earth, consumer attitudes were formed mainly among residents of the subequatorial climate zone, the living conditions in which force a person to be only a consumer of nature and form a specific value system without taking into account the future. By the way, the bearers of the consumer worldview still do not understand “ one simple truth - if you are a consumer and not a creator, sooner or later you will hit a wall».

The creator’s approach requires concentration, depth, is associated with painstaking work and obligatory concern for tomorrow. From this follows respect for one’s own and other people’s work, compassion (sympathy) and a lack of time and desire for gossip, envy and criticism of a neighbor.

The consumer’s approach creates contemplation, passivity and is associated with relatively easy and quick work “top of the line.” Everything is yours free time the consumer can devote himself to “studying the life of his neighbor” and “washing out the bones” of everyone who comes to hand. The “side” effect of the second approach is arrogance, neglect, condemnation, schadenfreude and many other “gift” character traits, which, by the way, are played out in the cartoon by Yu. Norshtein: “ Liska looks through the icy window and laughs at the Hare. Look, black-footed one, what a shack you’ve built! Is it my job to be both pure and bright! It's like a crystal palace!"The Hare simply does not have time for such activities “look out the window and chuckle.” He spends his free time playing the balalaika, and not spying on his neighbors.

A distinctive feature of the Dark Forces and carriers of the worldview of consumption is flexibility in adaptation, opportunism. All their “free time” they carefully study the strengths and weak sides enemy (victim) and at the “appropriate” hour they attack the victim, receiving all its achievements “ without-car-bottom. That is for nothing“, as the Owl said from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. The Dark Ones, as a rule, play on the empathy, humanity, compassion, and pity inherent in the Light Ones; they gradually ingratiate themselves into trust, occupying more and more space and literally squeezing the owners out of this space until the moment they feel they have a preponderance of power. This is “point X”, the point of no return, upon which the Dark Ones go on the attack, either destroying, subduing, or neutralizing the enemy (victim).

I haven’t come across this moment either in cartoons or in literary adaptations of fairy tales, but I remember it well from a fairy tale told to me by my grandmother. In her version of the fairy tale, when spring came and the fox’s “palace” began to actively melt, the Fox asked during this flood to go to the porch of Zayushka’s hut so as not to “get her feet wet.” The bunny, naturally, let it go. Then, when the spring downpour began, Lisa asked to go to the upper room to “dry out a little and refresh herself.” The bunny, naturally, allowed it and, naturally, fed it. After that, while the Bunny was doing housework, the Fox, having refreshed herself, become comfortable and completely insolent, asked to be let on the stove to warm up. After all, while the Hare is busy, the stove is free, and she (the Fox) will just warm up and immediately leave. The bunny, naturally, believed and allowed it. But when Lisa took key position in the house (stove in peasant huts- this is the heart and head of any house and only the owner of the house had the right to lie on it), the Fox declared the Hare “outlaw” and kicked him out of his own house...

Lyudmila Stepanova
Lesson literary reading“Russian folk tale “The Fox, the Cat and the Rooster”

Target settings lesson:

1. formation of the concept of distinctive features fairy tales;

2. development in schoolchildren through artistic details imagination and figurative perception;

3. expansion of personal emotional experience, development moral qualities and development spiritual world child.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Motivation for educational activities.

Slide No. 1. "A country Literature» .

We continue our journey through amazing country Literatures.

Slide number 2.

How will we build ours? lesson? (Children read from slide: “I do it myself; What I do not know?; I’ll find a way myself!”).

We will first have to understand what we don’t know, and then try to discover new knowledge ourselves.

Our friend Smiley is in a great mood, he came to visit us again lesson gain new knowledge. Show what mood you are in, smile at each other, great, go ahead and get knowledge.

3. Updating knowledge.

Where do we start? (from repetition).

Slide number 3. "Oral folk art » .

Continue the sentence.

Songs, jokes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes, fairy tales, tongue twisters, ditties – this is ( "oral folk art» .)

Slide number 4. "Oral folk art» .

What is another name for it? "Oral folk art» (Folklore).

What do you know about folklore - oral folk art? Why "Oral folk art» ?

Oral means from mouth to mouth;

Popular - that what he created people;

Creativity is the creation of something new.

Today we will dedicate our lesson one of your favorite genres of oral folk art, and you can guess which one yourself.

Slide number 5. "Words".

Read the words and tell me from which genre they are lost?

Beginning, repetitions, ending, proverb, … - This fairy tale.

Absolutely right, this is, of course, fairy tale.

What is it fairy tale? Fairy tale- This is a fictional story.

Name distinctive features fairy tales how does it differ from such genres as story, story? IN fairy tales have morals, magic, wisdom, main idea– good defeats evil, the presence of real and unreal heroes, magic items; triple repetitions of feats, actions, events.

Which ones do you know genre varieties fairy tales?

Slide number 6. « Fairy tales - folk, copyright".

Right, fairy tales divided into copyright and folk. Already from the names it is clear that copyright is fairy tales, which were written by a specific famous writer - storyteller, A folk - those, which do not have one author. Folk tales passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation, and the original author is unknown to anyone. (About animals, everyday, magical)

Name folk tales?

Kolobok, Geese-swans, Pockmarked Hen, Turnip, Masha and the Bear, Morozko, Vasilisa the Beautiful, By pike command, Sivka-burka, Wolf and seven kids, Fox and crane.

Name the most famous storytellers?

The most famous storytellers are A. S. Pushkin, Const. Dmitry Ushinsky, Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and many others.

Setting a learning task.

Well done, you know a lot fairy tales.

Let's listen to one of them fairy tales and name its author.

Slide number 7. Fairy tale"Zayushkina's hut". Listening to an audio recording.

Who remembers what it's called? fairy tale? ("Zayushkina's hut".)

Today we will meet another fairy tale.

Slide number 8. Topic lesson: « Fox, hare and rooster» .

Read the title fairy tales. What shelf do you think you will find this on in the library? fairy tale? (Folk tales or original tales) .

Absolutely, that's right Russian folktale.

Who will it be about? be told in this tale? Can you tell by the name?

Working with the textbook.

Let's open the textbook to page 66 and look at the illustrations.

Who, besides the fox, the hare, rooster, shown in the illustration?

What is possible talk about the heroes of Russian folk tales?

Who in the fairy tale turns out to be cunning, stupid, evil?

Main part lesson.

Slide number 9. "Illustration for fairy tale» .

Let's read fairy tale. Reading a fairy tale in a chain.

Did you like it fairy tale?

Were your assumptions about the characters justified? fairy tales?

Name all the heroes fairy tales. Why are they not all included in the title? fairy tales?

Compare a fairy tale with a fairy tale"Zayushkina's hut", how are they similar and how are they different?

Similarities - plot and composition, language, idea - good defeats evil, the same beginning and end fairy tales.

The difference is the name fairy tales, more heroes.

Why do you think these are so similar? fairy tales? Fairy tales are very similar, because they folk, People told them to each other, passed down from generation to generation, while each author could add something of his own, even change the name fairy tales.

Why do you think people called it that way, maybe it could be called differently, for example, « Fox and Hare» .

Analysis work fairy tales« Fox, hare and rooster»

Selective reading.

Could it be called fairy tale« Fox and Hare» ? Support your answer with text. (Lived once fox and hare.)

The main characters are precisely the ones stated in the title. A conflict develops between them. In addition to these heroes, in fairy tale There are also dogs and a bear - they play a secondary role.

Slide number 10. "Characteristics of heroes fairy tales» . Work on characterization of heroes Russian folk tale.

So, the main and minor characters fairy tales - animals. Moreover, the animals are unusual, they are endowed human qualities, they conduct a dialogue, speak like a person, which means they have character.

Let's work on the characters' characters fairy tales, traits that characterize our heroes.

Slide number 11. "Research work". Work in pairs.

Now let's work in pairs and conduct a research work: Let's complete the task of searching in the text for episodes, words, expressions that characterize this or that hero.

Find in the text episodes, words, expressions that characterize the characters fairy tales.

Selective reading.

Work in pairs. We continue to work in pairs.

Match the qualities and fairy-tale heroes . Support your answer with text.

Slide number 12. "Dictionary of qualities".

"Dictionary of qualities". (handouts on desk).

Fox Hare Dogs Bear Rooster





Confident in her abilities Cunning















Self-confident and cunning





Confident in your abilities

Conclusion. So let's do it conclusion:

Fox is cunning, smart, resourceful, confident in her abilities.

The hare is kind, sympathetic, cowardly, hardworking.

Dogs are brave, sympathetic, cowardly. confident in their abilities.

The bear is responsive, brave, confident in his abilities.

Rooster is cunning, smart, resourceful, confident in his abilities.

Which characters have the same qualities?

Fox - smart and cunning, And Rooster - smart and cunning.

Why The rooster wins? The rooster wins because he stands guard over goodness, peace and justice, he protects weak hare, which means he rightfully gets the victory.

Slide number 13. "Physical training minute".

Slide No. 14 "Plot and composition fairy tales» .

Working on plot and composition fairy tales.

Let's analyze how it's built fairy tale, what is its composition.

Tell me what's happening in fairy tale. What is it about? (IN the tale is told, How rooster drove the fox out of the hare's house, in the end fairy tales justice has triumphed.)

Is it possible divide a fairy tale into parts? IN fairy tale Several parts can be distinguished.

Now you can read it again on your own. fairy tale and determine storyline , that is divide into meaningful parts: determine the plot, development of action and denouement.

Independent reading a fairy tale. (Humming reading.) Students reread fairy tale and with a pencil they divide it into semantic parts.

Checking which parts can be divided into fairy tale?

Where does it begin? fairy tale? Begins fairy tale from the beginning - this is the part of the plot that outlines the initial situation: time, place of action, characters of the work, their relationships.

Read what words the first part ends with.

Part 1 -...yes, she kicked him out of the hut.

What event underlies the development of the plot or action?

How is this event presented in fairy tale? The plot development begins almost immediately as soon as fox I asked to stay with the bunny for the night. IN fairy tale A conflict begins to develop between the hare, who was left without his house, and the fox, who kicked the bunny out of her hut.

Read where you left off part two.

Part 2 – The bear got scared and left.

Part 3 - Denouement.

Who helps a bunny in trouble? Who was able to drive out the fox? Why? Other heroes help the bunny fairy tales: a dog and a bear, but none of the representatives of either domestic or wild animals can solve the problem created. Managed to help the noisy bunny rooster. It is he, smart, cunning, who drives the fox out of the house.

Slide number 15. Language research fairy tales.

Now let's continue our research fairy tales and work on her tongue. Research work We will do it in groups.

Work in groups.

One group looks for unclear or unfamiliar words in fairy tale, the second - samples of small folklore genres (chants, sentences, the third - repetitions.


Conclusion: Folk tale with its unique narration, melodiousness characteristic of Russian language, there is a lot of primordial in it Russian words, expressions, nicknames, sentences that I used so often in my speech Russian people.


A lot of native Russian words, expressions

Calls, sentences.

Slide No. 16-25. "Illustrations for fairy tale» . Dramatization of an excerpt from fairy tales.

Slide number 26. Generalization on the topic lesson.

The basis fairy tales there is one event - fox took the house from the hare, because her house, built not to last, melted. To restore justice, it is necessary to return the house to the hare.

Unusual fairy tale and from the point of view of its structure. Tale of Animals, like other types fairy tales, has a special beginning - saying, beginning; it is this beginning that allows say what we read fairy tale. It clearly distinguishes between positive and negative characters, and it ends with the triumph of good over evil. This is what I always believed people.

Is it possible talk about a fairy tale« Fox, hare and rooster» , What “justice reigns in it”?

Let's remember a folk tale. People believes in the victory of good over evil. Does this happen in life?

Fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson».)

What does it teach us fairy tale?

(The fairy tale teaches:“Act justly - and victory will definitely be yours”.)

I can name the heroes fairy tales.

I can name the character qualities of the heroes fairy tales.

I can explain why I won rooster, but not fox.

I can retell a fairy tale.

Russian folk art is very rich and diverse. There are hundreds of different Russian folk tales, parables, omens, songs, etc. The main wealth is our children. This has been known for a long time. That is why Russian folklore contains so many instructive works from which a child can learn Eternal values, correct life principles and priorities. One of the most beloved and popular fairy tales is “Zaykina’s Hut,” which talks about honesty, mutual assistance and true friendship.

Author and original text

The fairy tale "Zaykina's Hut" is considered a Russian folk tale, and its original author is unknown. However, like original text this work. Now it is almost impossible to find. There are already dozens of different interpretations of this tale on the Internet. One option differs from the other not radically, but they are still different. And besides the Internet, when transmitting the text of a Russian folk tale from mouth to mouth, it is quite difficult to preserve the exact verbatim text. Therefore, the work has undergone slight changes both in the composition of the characters and in the plot itself.


The heroes of the fairy tale "Zaikin's Hut" are a variety of animals. The main characters are the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster. Even the name of this Russian folk tale has several variations. This tale can also be found under the title “The Fox and the Hare” or “The Hare, the Fox and the Rooster.” Besides these central characters, the work contains a Wolf, a Bear, a Bull, a Goat and a Dog. It should be noted that the main characters do not change. It is on their image that the narrative is built. The secondary animal characters are interchangeable and do not play a particularly important role. In any of existing versions This Russian folk tale tells about 5-6 characters. Of these, 3 are central and another 2-3 secondary characters.

Fairy tale interpretations

The fairy tale "Zaikin's Hut" is so popular today and is considered instructive that plays have been written based on it for children attending kindergarten And primary school. In 1973, the first cartoon based on the text of the fairy tale was released. The work is called "The Fox and the Hare". Now there are more than a dozen different video variations based on the text of this fairy tale. You can also find one of the versions of the text of the work set to poetry. Which is very good for small children. After all, a verse is much easier and more interesting to remember and learn than an ordinary text.

The fairy tale "Zaikin's Hut" tells instructive story about good and evil. Once upon a time the Hare and the Fox lived next door. Each of the heroes had their own own house, the Fox has a hut made of ice, and the Hare has a bast hut. During winter, the cheat made fun of the oblique, praising her home. But spring came, the sun began to warm, the snow melted, as did the Fox’s house. Using cunning, she lured the Hare out of his hut and occupied it, driving the Hare out forever.

Kosoy was very upset and, walking through the forest, on his way he meets a Wolf, a Bear and a Bull in turn. Each of the animals sympathizes with the Hare and volunteers to help bring his home back. But no one succeeds. The fox turns out to be smarter than them. After three unsuccessful attempts to return his home, the Hare meets the Rooster on his way, who also decides to help him. What came of this? No matter how the Hare tried to dissuade the Rooster from helping him, he was more stubborn, and turned out to be absolutely right. He managed to lure the Fox out of the hut and scare her with his scythe. She ran away and never came back. And the Hare and the Rooster became friends and began to live together in a bast hut.

It is not difficult to figure out which characters are good and which are evil. Kids love this fairy tale very much. She teaches them not to envy, to help a friend in need and to appreciate those around them. And as always happens in good children's fairy tales, good defeated evil.

Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Hare” and also “Zayushkina’s Hut” and “Hare’s Tears”

Brief summary of the tale

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox has an ice hut, and the hare has a bast hut. Here is a fox teasing a hare: “My hut is light, and yours is dark.”

Summer has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asks the hare to let her into the yard. The hare answered no, because she was teasing. But the fox persuaded him.

The next day she asked to go to the porch, on the third - to the hut, on the fourth - to the stove. A day or two passed and the fox completely drove the hare out of the hut - I don’t want to live with you!

The hare sits and cries, grieves, wiping away his tears with his paws. Dogs are running past: what are you crying about, little bunny? The hare explained.

“Don’t cry, bunny,” the dogs say, “We’ll kick her out.” - No, don’t kick me out! - No, we'll kick you out! We approached the hut: - Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Get out, fox! And she said to them from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!” The dogs got scared and ran away.

The bunny sits again and cries. A wolf walks by. I asked the hare about his grief, the hare told him. The wolf volunteered to help. He came to the hut and howled in a terrible voice, but the fox was not afraid, she repeated her threat to send the scraps through the back streets. And the wolf ran away.

Here again the hare sits and cries. An old bear is coming. And the hare told him his misfortune. The bear resolutely promised the hare to drive out the fox.

He approached the hut, growled at the fox, but the fox was not afraid, she repeated her threat about scraps along the back streets, the bear got scared and ran away.

Again the hare sits crying and crying and there is no end in sight to his grief. A rooster is walking, carrying a braid. The hare, once again, told about his misfortune. “Don’t worry, little bunny, I’ll drive the fox out for you,” the rooster assured the hare. The hare didn’t believe it: look at all the animals they chased, but they didn’t drive him out, and you certainly won’t drive him out, and in his heart, of course, the hare really wanted someone to defeat the fox and drive him out of his house.

The rooster went to the hut. -Ku-ka-river! I’m walking on my feet, in red boots, carrying a scythe on my shoulders: I want to whip a fox. Get out of the oven, fox! The fox heard it, got scared and said: “I’m getting dressed.” The rooster repeated the warning. The fox says: “I’m putting on a fur coat.” The rooster crowed louder than before for the third time. The fox got scared, jumped off the stove - and ran! And the bunny and the rooster began to live and get along.


Fox in Russian folk tales characterized by cunning, resourceful, flattering, selfish, mastering the art of deception, using her charm and eloquence. And many animals, even those superior to her in strength, give in to her. There is a saying: “A fox can fool seven wolves.”

Let's see how interesting the bunny behaved: at first he was offended: I was teasing, I won't let him in! But the fox did not back down, she persuaded him. This continued several times: first into the courtyard, then onto the porch, the third time into the hut, and the fourth time she climbed onto the stove. And then she completely kicked the bunny out of his own house. There was resentment inside the bunny, and it attracted sly fox to him. Which of our feelings we emotionally generate here and now will be attracted to us. Through our inner negativity, we allow someone else's will to be imposed on us. The bunny allowed resentment to take root in his heart. Thoughts can be beautiful, but if they are not supported by the energy of high feelings, then nothing good can be expected according to the law of magnetic attraction. Our five senses: smell, touch, hearing, sight and taste are conductors of human consciousness in the physical world. Through them we receive information about this world. One can only guess what great amount Our ancestors passed on sensory information about the physical world to us with genes. We have a lot of feelings, and we show emotions in specific situations. This manifestation shapes our character. Our offense is that fox who first showed cunning and resourcefulness - she did not give up, but persuaded the hare.

Then deceit and selfishness manifested themselves. Each of our sensual energies is a character quality that manifests itself in all spheres of human existence. The spirit creates the world. Emotions are the main tools for creating the physical world, in which the Spirit can check the results of its creativity. How do emotions behave in a person? How does he manage them? Man is a form for learning consciousness. Emotions are a fundamental part of consciousness.

We are all made up of cells. And it is at the cellular level that the opposition between good and evil in us begins. The energy of cells is controlled by mitochondria, and the protein mitofusin lives in them. This protein seems to feed on negative energies: resentment, condemnation, irritation, and it also provokes them. Here it is, our inner fox, which drove out the bunny - the protein oxytocin - the hormone of joy.

The sky, the plane, the girl, or once again about love

The main character of the film “Sky, Plane, Girl,” Lara, was distinguished by her ability to sympathize and empathize. I felt sorry for people. This feeling of hers literally filled all the space around her and everyone around her loved her, especially men. Everyone wanted her attention, her tenderness, her sympathy. She wanted to help everyone, but she did not accept the surrogate of love.

A friend reproached her for not using the attention of men for selfish purposes, but if men had favored her so much, she would not have missed the opportunity, but... Here it is, a projection of the inner fox from the inside to the outside. It is said that what you release into the world is what you receive from it. This is the Mobius strip. Lara fell in love. It would seem chance meeting in the cafe. But is it random? Lara complained to the bartender that their whole company had broken up: there was no one to even go to the cafe with. Her gaze fell on the lonely man sitting at the table. She said hello. When we look at someone, our souls begin to communicate invisibly. The girl felt cold and asked the bartender to close the window. Bartender Vanya replied that everything was closed, there was no wind from anywhere. The young man sat down next to her at the table.

A chain of some kind began to unfold significant events: the bartender suddenly buttoned all the buttons on his shirt and put on a tie - this emphasized the significance of some events, then her friend suddenly began to cry, Georgy gave Lara flowers in a pot.

She simply did not know how to love half-heartedly; all that was left in her life was flights and love. She couldn't even sleep in this state. She did not demand anything from the man, she simply loved. Love is selfless. She just is and that's all.

“You are nearby, and everything is fine: both the rain and cold wind. Thank you, my clear one, for being in the world. Thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands. Thank you, my dear, for being in the world.”

Her lover could not understand this, he did not believe that it was possible to love like that. I thought she was playing. For him, love is simply physical possession of a person. She did not subordinate herself to anyone, only to Love - to God in her heart. Two opposites met: Love and Pride. Lara said to Georgiy: “You probably have such a defect - being cold.”

Georgiy's co-worker, Lara's housemate, warned him to keep his distance from her: no stability. And men need to “stake out” a relationship with the woman they like. They need confidence. Remember: behind every successful man is the love of a woman. Men need a reliable back.
But in her heart he lived sunny bunny, and he illuminated - warmed - opened the heart of this stern, strong, courageous man. Georgy fell in love, apparently for the first time in his life.

“Now they don’t die of love, a mocking, sober era, only hemoglobin in the blood drops, only for no reason does a person feel bad. It's just something that keeps my heart going at night. But don’t call the ambulance, mom, the doctors will helplessly shrug their shoulders: now they don’t die of love.”

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

“Christ reminds us of two basic commandments: to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our strength (that is, with all the power and ability to love that we have been given) and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The commandment means God's testament to us, when, having created us, He gave us freedom, the ability to stand on our own feet, gave us the power of choice and the power to follow our calling or turn away from it. I would have a desire to be able to love God with my mind, my heart, and with all the power of love that can be found in me!.. But I know that I don’t even strive to love Him with such perfection, with such completeness of self-giving. How strange and how sad it is to be loved the way God loves us, and to respond with a double heart... He loves us so much that He calls us into being, and takes the risk because He gives us His love, knowing that it can be rejected. And we all know what it means to open your heart to a person - and to be rejected: I don’t need you; maybe you love me, what do I care?! I want to be free, I want to be myself, why do I need your love...

And then we are given a word, a warning from St. John the Theologian in one of his Epistles: “If anyone says: “I love God,” but does not love his neighbor, he is lying. How can he speak of love for an invisible, intangible God, when he is even incapable of loving his neighbor, who is concrete, tangible, whose need cries out to him, whose love is offered, sometimes so generously, sometimes so timidly?

And here is the second commandment of Christ, the second word of life that He offers us: if you want to learn how to love God, at least in embryo, learn to love your neighbor. But how? Immediately, in our arrogance, we think how we can love our neighbor generously, heroically, sacrificially: Christ says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What does this mean?

First of all, on the simplest material level, this means that whatever you have, whatever you get from life, make sure that at least one person, one single person, receives from you as much as you take from life … And this can take us very, very far, because we don’t do anything like that.

If you think about how much we take, and take, and take, and demand, and demand again, and then say: Okay! Every demand of mine is a demand of my neighbor; everything that I take must be given in the same measure to my neighbor, at least one person! - how generous life would be! And if we learn this, then it is very possible that we will learn to love God.

Love your neighbor. What prevents me (and each of us) from loving generously even the dearest of our neighbors with all my heart is concentration on ourselves. There is no other way to learn to love anyone except to detach yourself. And this is exactly what Christ says: turn away from yourself! “Turn away from yourself” means exactly this: instead of living for yourself, without looking at anything else, without focusing on anything else - turn away, see how wide life is, how deep, how rich! Turn away from yourself and look; take a closer look at human faces, look into human circumstances, look into human needs, look into human joy! Look and see!

And then you will be able to see others as they are, see their need, see their hunger, their joy, their poverty. And when we learn to turn away from ourselves to give to others, we will see that our heart has become able to turn to God, openly, lovingly, gratefully, joyfully!

This commandment of Christ to “love your neighbor as yourself” is given to the weakest among us, because each of us, in the end, loves no one better than himself. So here is the simplest measure. We know what to do! We know how, how much, with what completeness - let’s do it!

And then, freed from enslavement, from slavery to ourselves, we will see how wide our heart is, how much and how many we can love, and how we can begin to love God truly, with all our mind, with all our heart, with all our power of love in our fragility. Because it is not strength that constitutes the essence of love, but the fragility, the vulnerability of the one who gives himself generously, shyly, joyfully.”

"I remember early spring With a few tears, my mother saw me off on the road.

Come back home! And the wind brought me: don’t love me more than God!

About favorite lands on native language I sang songs of my native people.

The water in the blue spring whispered to me: do not love him more than God!

I was looking for myself in noisy big cities, in a strict monastery,

But one day a novice monk told me: don’t love yourself more than God!

And the sky scattered with garlands of stars, shocked time froze,

A motherland shuddered from tears, from the sobs of her son who had regained his sight.

Like a wounded bird I lay breathless on the edge of an unearthly threshold,

The soul that shook off the ashes whispered to me, don’t love me more than God!

A messenger sent from heaven carried the soul out of the fiery battle on wings and arms,

And I sing the resurrected song in all languages ​​as a holy prayer.”

Lara, in response to George’s story that his mother ate fried potatoes and hated them, simply asked him why he didn’t treat her to something tasty. She understood that his mother had no money for anything else. He honestly said that he realized this only when his mother left. I was too busy with myself.

"A person needs to experience strong feelings so that noble qualities develop in him that would expand the circle of his life.” O. Balzac.

Lara fell in love with George with all the strength of her open heart. "I'm defeated, I love you." Her phrase: “I now agree to die, I’m so happy” was apparently sincere. She repeated her declaration of love to George several times, asking him if he loved her. Georgy answered “yes” in monosyllables. Lara did not feel reciprocal love. Her heart burned from this fiery, unrequited feeling, which, naturally, manifested itself on the physical plane. “I will definitely leave him, he doesn’t love me.” Probably, Lara went to Heaven to the One in whose name her soul came to Earth, having voluntarily decided to warm and fill the heart of a strong, courageous, but smug and self-confident man with love. We on earth know very well what games of the cold mind are. This cold mind must be combined with a hot one with a loving heart, then Heaven will come closer to Earth.

Reason gains value only when it serves love.
A. de Saint-Exupéry

Chemistry of love

Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Strasbourg, Director of the Laboratory of Therapeutic Innovation, Marcel Ibert.

What is love from a scientific point of view? We know that the word “love” has many meanings - love can be maternal, brotherly, it can be a need, or it can be a gift. Sometimes love is a pure drug, a severe addiction. Passion, tenderness, dependence - the most various phenomena called love.

Even the ancient Greeks divided love into types. They identified seven types of love, let's consider three: eros, philia and agape. Eros is love-passion, it is lust, the need to possess another person. Eros is never happy - yes, lust can be satisfied now, but then it arises again. Philia is a completely different type of love, such love is happiness. You are happy when you see another person, you like to drink tea with him or do something together. Agape is closer to mercy, it is love without passion, it is sympathy, compassion, the need to help another. A person’s behavior, of course, differs greatly depending on the type of love.

So, let’s assume that the fairy-tale bunny in our cell is the joy hormone oxytocin.

Sunny bunny - oxytocin

Disturbances in the functioning of oxytocin in modern society have a wide variety of manifestations: from decay social groups, communities and families with increasing aggression and alienation to the avoidance of social contacts. A lack of oxytocin encourages people to join various types of closed but close-knit communities that often engage in sectarian-radical activities.

Oxytocin plays important role in various states, for example - during orgasm, in public recognition, pair bonding, anxiety and maternal behavior. In this regard, this hormone is often called the “love hormone”. The inability to produce oxytocin and a person’s inability to empathize are associated with concepts such as sociopathy, psychopathy, and narcissism.

The main function of oxytocin is to unite and connect people into communities: couple, family, group, nation, etc. and maintain a stable connection within this group. Therefore, oxytocin is also called the “high moral molecule” or the “bonding hormone.”

Oxytocin breaks down quickly inside our bodies (three minute half-life), so its action depends on a constant flow of certain stimuli. The ability to put yourself in another person’s place directly depends on the level of oxytocin in the blood. This hormone takes an active part in the regulation social behavior in mammals, not excluding humans.

It is involved in recognizing familiar individuals, forms trusting relationships, regulates the reliability of marital relationships, etc. Oxytocin enhances the feeling of “we are family” next to people close to us. An increase in the level of oxytocin in the blood causes a person to feel a sense of satisfaction, a decrease in fears and anxieties, and a feeling of trust and calm around a partner. In addition to improving our psychological state Oxytocin improves our health.

Stimuli for the release of oxytocin

Physical contact. Sex, hugs, stroking - whatever. Massage also contributes to an increase in oxytocin, and the level of this hormone also increases in the person performing this massage.

Eye contact. When we meet our eyes, we actually establish “brain to brain” contact: both participants know for sure that the interaction between them nervous systems V this moment two-way. Such reciprocity is the essence of any communication. It is well known that increased levels of oxytocin in the blood increase our tendency to look people in the eyes, which in turn improves “mind reading” and understanding of their emotions. Just as positive Feedback also participates in the formation of mutual attachment between mother and child.

Verbal contact. A “heart-to-heart conversation” causes no less release of oxytocin than touching. Compliments especially stimulate oxytocin.

Imaginary contact. This could be correspondence, prayer, or meditation.

Collective actions. Dancing, clearing snow together, choral singing, joint hike, church services, etc. – you will get a lot positive emotions. During collective actions, people release oxytocin into the blood.

Caring for someone. Caring stimulates the release of oxytocin. A simple and effective remedy is to cultivate the habit of thinking well of people and showing concern for people, especially loved ones. Good people They live longer and feel better, which is clearly confirmed by a lot of studies that pay attention to third-party factors like overall quality life. Oxytocin allows us to maintain strangers civilized relationships, it helps us predict the reactions of other people, putting ourselves mentally in their place.

Like this: what is in the small - inside the cell, is also in the large - in human society, and on planet Earth, and in the Universe. The entire universe was created by the Creator according to a single principle.

This is the kind of fox and bunny that live in our cage. There are very few people in society with open hearts who know how to love, that is, at the level of consciousness they were able to keep their sunbeam within themselves.

Where is the way out?

Note that every time the bunny was offered help to drive out the fox, he responded with disbelief. We have lived for a very long time under the yoke of the forces of darkness. We stopped hoping that there might be something good ahead, that there might be ordinary human happiness. Remember the words main character film “Envy of the Gods”: “The ancient Romans were afraid to admit to themselves that they were happy. They were afraid of making the gods jealous. The gods do not forgive and punish people who want to compare with them in some way.” This probably means that in our destructive world, love cannot last long, it fades away. Remember, the protein oxytocin does not live long.

But today it’s 2017, and in the calendar there is a symbol of the year: the golden comb cockerel or the Fire Cockerel. Esotericists also called it the year of the Phoenix bird. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unsurpassed vital energy, helping to find harmony in all matters. This is the color of Love. Esotericists prophesy that this year from the center of our Galaxy Milky Way a powerful stream of high-frequency energy or a beam of photons or a photon belt is already being sent to our Earth and will be periodically sent throughout the year. This is the same Fire Cockerel who will burn through everything dark and unnecessary in the higher worlds in our cells, in our bodies, in our consciousness and on our planet. He will burn through everything that interferes with our ascent to the mountain Abode, and ultimately rise from the dead. Our Savior Jesus Christ set this task for us 2000 years ago. The time for transition has come. Exactly when it will end depends on us.

The energy flows, but you also need to accept it. The bunny in the fairy tale did not believe that the Cockerel would drive the fox out, but he did not resist his help either. And esotericists warn us that our conscious participation in this Universal process of transition is necessary. And now, when the greatest experiment in the Universe is coming to an end - the entry into the Fifth Dimension of an entire planet along with its inhabitants, Hour X has come for each of us. Only each of us individually can make a decision and be responsible for it.

“...Now there’s a rockfall, now there’s a biting wind, now there’s an avalanche, but the person at the crossroads is always alone”...

“Having set the goal of the path of transformation, you strive to revive not only the soul: do not forget about cellular consciousness! The Earth will be transformed through you when the Great Transition for the entire planet begins at the moment of truth. Remember, conquering the peaks, that the flesh of the Earth and the human body will not, like an empty case, be thrown into oblivion when the deadlines are fulfilled: the soul will not be able to master the new world without the mind that was reborn in the cells, without atoms that opened new orbits in itself, flesh Changing the lands."

Ascension not only of the spirit, but also of the body! Transferring the entire gene pool to higher dimensions is important for all people and for the Universe. It all started with a change in the spin rotation of the electron of the hydrogen atom: from minus to plus. Hydrogen “pulled” all matter with it.

We need not only to know this, but to live in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, which exist in order to make us happy and protect us from grief and suffering.

We ask Higher power, ascended Teachers help us fill ourselves and everything around with Light and Love - these energies of the highest vibrations. Call on them, and you will feel how they fill us, calm us, and how everything around changes, “calming down” with us.

We changed the world with our negative qualities. Now we are given the opportunity to change ourselves and the world around us, to create miracles with our thoughts and emotions in the plus: to fill ourselves and those around us with kindness, compassion, friendly support, love.

Those people who have not lost their heartfelt connection with the vibrations of Light can be called “sons of light”, the rest – “sons of darkness”, and the latter were immeasurably more numerous than the former, which at this stage of evolution is a natural phenomenon. The coexistence of two evolutionary poles (conditional “good” and conditional “evil” or “light” and “darkness”) is an indispensable condition for maintaining a relatively stable evolutionary balance on the planet at almost all stages evolutionary process(both during the fall of consciousness into inert materiality, and during the enlightenment of inert matter).

Almost all nervous - mental and somatic disorders and diseases that occur in people are the result of a person’s unconscious (or conscious) resistance to the evolutionary pressure of descending evolutionary energy - the energy of love. Do you know that absolutely all diseases of the physical body begin from the subtle plane? For example, the cause of cancer is the energy of resentment that we accumulate in ourselves, then it is transformed into the energy of irritation, aggression, anger, vampirism arises - a lack vital energy, dictatorship, despotism. Here he is, a bunny who, seemingly reluctantly, let a fox into his house. She kicked him out of his own house.

Also in student years I read somewhere in the media how a girl at one of the Moscow universities fell ill with brain oncology. Her classmate cured her. They sat around her and sent her the energy of their love as best they could. It was not stated how long the one-time session lasted and how many days or months the treatment lasted. But there was a fact of recovery! Here is the “sunny spot” for you - oxytocin. The love of our neighbors “expels” all “foxes” from our cells. When the negative energy that gives rise to oncology does not interfere, red blood cells cope and cleanse the human body of “strangers.”

Conclusion: the chanterelle mitochondrion completes its work as the energy station of the cell. A new energy station of the cell has turned on - the centrosome - the fairy-tale “golden cockerel”. And the hormone of joy - oxytocin, our “sunny bunny”, depends on our mood.

Subtle, invisible laws permeate the entire universe. Each item is connected at a subtle level with all other items. However, many people live in this world and have no idea how it works. But then how can they expect to achieve success and happiness? They will always make some mistakes that will lead to suffering for both themselves and their loved ones.

Any event that comes into our lives is a consequence of the actions that we performed before. Life is what it is. And ignorance of its laws does not exempt us from responsibility. Fear, which previously ruled this World, is quickly and irrevocably, thanks to enlightened souls, replaced unconditional love, in which everything else instantly dissolves.
Life from endless unbearable suffering begins to transform into a light-filled Being, fragrant with the divine aroma of Truth.
Since 2012, the Earth has come out of dark night low vibrations, entering into New Era, which all the Avatars predicted. In this regard, people began to become enlightened through the darkness, and these awakenings are like an avalanche. The transformation of the body has already begun, and it is happening internally. OUR PLANET BEGAN TO LIVE IN ANOTHER DIMENSION. There is a cellular reconfiguration in progress, when with some thought you can activate materialization instantly, or you can do it with a delay or without any result at all.

This happens because 3 lines of correspondence are turned on: the first - with your destiny (I Am) for this incarnation, the second - with the laws of the Universe (through the centrosome), the third - with your intention. When all 3 match, the result is instant. When only your thought - the result is zero... A high level, supported by positivity and joy of life, allows you to undergo transformation easily and comfortably. New world vibrates on the wave of Happiness!

This is the Fire Cockerel, who drove out the fox. The fox did not immediately give in; the cockerel repeated the “invitation to go out” three times. She really hoped that this time, having frightened the next savior - the deliverer, she would be able to further extend her time on the stove. But the Cockerel is relentless: “I’m going to whip the fox, get the fox off the stove!”

“Life is boring without a moral purpose, it’s not worth living just to eat, the worker knows this; therefore, life requires moral activity. The best people are known by the highest moral development and the highest moral influence." (F.M. Dostoevsky) " If your luck has changed, if you are unhappy in love

Remember if it could have been different, remember all your mistakes.

If there are two roads in front of you, one of them is more difficult to follow.

Be strict with your desire and follow it.

If you are happy for someone else's happiness, this will count towards you in future

And love will come to you as a reward to burn with an eternal flame.

So be happy my friends, may all your days be clear.

Let your feelings be strong
Deeds are beautiful, hearts worthy of love!

This is such an interesting, in my opinion, fairy tale about a fox, a bunny and a cockerel. But this is my vision of the semantic content of the fairy tale, and you may have a completely different opinion.